Hal Nag i A Na NN NL NE MICKEY MOUSE ee ek Ae ld Ley eR 0d ey ' ER MONI FROM THIS OIN, DEAR? taut Re HES MERELY IN UNTIL. leniexsnsour < Rote ak: LL. GIVE YOU A gt TS Toc, 1906. World rights reserved. G King Fosters Syodicare, S,}] AWAY FROM ALL EYES LIKE THIS.... TWILL BE KILLED, CAKE RIGHT ALONG WITH YOU, GRANDMA / THOUGHT 7 DI> EVERYTHING YOU DIiD/ moses CUAS. 83! uHN- SUT THEY. CURE DION/T COME OUT THE GAME / [ Gosh, I MUST HAVE PUT IN coc PINCH OF SOMETHING WHERE 'YOU PUT IN A ODAGH / TO KILL THE BUGS... OTHERWISE THERE'LL BE NO SPINACH LEFT AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED THE 1]8U6S CAN EAT A t] MUCH AS THEY s ian Ai ln le El i Ne SPOOR OT etme POF OP rg or 28 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 31, 1966 BRIDGE (Top record-holder ta Masters' Individual Championship Play) North dealer, Neither side vulnerable Sheverree K6 AKS863 KT F 9752 © t Wrst [ane eee 71084 O63 3 104 3333 451084 The bidding: Opening lead--four of spades. I rather like this hand which THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 comes from the chapter "Help From Partner" in Marshall Miles' book 'All Fifty-Two Cards', As described by Miles: "West led the four of spades, upon which the K-85 were played. A club was Jed to the ace, and the jack of clubs con- tinued. West went right in with the queen and returned the jack of diamonds. Dum my played |small, but East won with the ace and returned a spade. De- clarer then scored ten tricks. Let's listen to the comments. "WEST: 'Why the panic but- ton? What was that ace-of-dia- monds play for?' "' "EAST: 'I thought they had nine tricks if I ducked--five clubs, two hearts, a spade and a diamond, My only chance to beat the hand was to find you with five spades to the A-J.'" "WEST: 'If my spades were ready to run, and I didn't want you to duck the diamond, I wouldn't have led the jack. I'd have led the eight or something like that.'" "EAST: 'You couldn't be sure the spades would run, even if you had the A-J-x-x-x, since I might have just had two.'" -- | "WEST: 'Yes, but I would |have played you for three if jnecessary to beat the hand. The 1 CANT 175 70 HIS MISTTMERE. GRAB HIS FEET/ THATS THE NET RESULT OF LETTING A GIRL COME Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel %---Toronto 7--Buftale 6---Toronte 4--Buffale Channel 8~--Barrie Channe! 2--Buttalo euneamemmnane ears nah WEDNESDAY 5:00 P.M, 11--Movie &Superman 7--Maverick é--Summer Camp 3--Secre: Squirrel 5:30 P.M. 3--Flipper &--Dobie Gillis 6--Mad Movies 2--Passport Two 6.00 P.M. J--Twilight Theatre 6--World of Wooster 8-4--News, Sports, 6:30 P.M, 4--News; Weather 3-9--News 2-8--Huntley-Brinkley News 6---Film_ Feature 7:00 P.M, N--Mike Douglas 9--Batman 8--Littlest Hobo 2-6--News, Weather, Sports. 4--The Honeymooners 2. e 7--News Weather Sporis 7:30 PLM, 9--Munsters 8-2--Virginian 7--Batman 6~--Award Showcase 4--Lost in Space 7:45 P.M, 6--Courriers 8:00 P.M. N--Soeclal Movie 7--Patty Duke Show 9--F. Troop 7--Bive Light 4--Beverly Hillbillies 36--Bob Hope 9:00 P.M, 9--Pro-Football jMovie 4--Green Acres 2-8Bob Hope 9:30 PLM. 4--Dick Van Dyke 3-6--Home Movies @--Rochester 3--Man from _U.N.C.L.. 2 P.M, 9--My Favorite Martian 10:00 P.M, 2-8--1 Spy Merv Griffin Show 4--John Gary 10:30 P.M. 3-6--inside Quebec 11:00 P. | 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News Weather, Sports 1.15 P.M, 6--Viewpoint 2--Tonight Show 11:28 4--Late Show 6--News, Weather and Sports 11.25 P.M, 11--The Vise 1 1: PLM. 8--Tonight Show 7--Movie 3--Movie t P.M. 6--Charlie Had One 12:00 A.M. Tl--Wild Wild West 12.10 A.M, | 6--News 9---Court Martial 1.00 P.M. ll--News, Weather, Sports THURSDAY 8:00 A.M. 4--Captain Kangaroo 8.30 A.M. 9--T.V. University | 8:55 A.M. 7--Dialing for Dollars Girl Talk 9:00 A.M. 9--Romper Room | }11--Morning Musicale | 8--Adventurous Mission 4--Mike's Carnival | | 2--Bozo's Big Top | | 9:30 A.M, | 4--Love of Life | | &--Smiletime | t--Jack LaLanne 9--Uncle Bobby 10:00 A.M, |11--Ed Allen Time | 9--Summer Fun 8-2--Eye Guess | 4-1 Love Lucy | 10:30 A.M, | \1l--Mark Saber 9--TV Bingo 8-2--Concentration 7--Donna Reed 4--The McCoys |3--Time Out 11:00 A.M. ll--Long John Silver Mr. And Mra. 8-2--Chain Letter 7--Supermarket Sweep 3--Ed Allen Time 4--Andy of Mayberry 11:30 AM. 11--Buccaneers | 3-9--News; |8-2--The D TELEVISION LOG Channe!t 11--Hamiiten 9--Abracadabra 8-2---Showdown | 7--Dating Game 4---Dick Van Dyke Show 3~Ernie Lindell 12:00 NOON 11--Bonnie Prudden 9--Toronto Summertime 8-2--Jeopardy 7--Money Movie 3-6--Luncheon Date 4---Noon News 12:15 P.M. 4--Speaker of the House 12:38 P.M. 11--Noon Time Weather; Sports | 8-2---Swingin' Country 6-4--~Search for Tomorrow 12:40 P.M. darAowvie 12:45 PLM. 44--Guiding Light 1:00 PLM, 1--Theatre 8--Dialing For Dollars, Girt Talk 7--Ben Casey 3-6--Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers 2--Merv Griffin 1:38 P.M, +4---As The World Turns 8--Let's Make a Deal 3--Movie 2:00 P.M. 7--Newiywed Game --| 6--Cuisine 4--Password 6-2--Days of Our Lives 2:30 P.M. 9%--Peopie in Conflict loctors 7--A Time For Us 6--Coronation Street 4--Linkletter's Party 3:08 PLM. 9--Fractured Phrases 7--General Hospital 3-4-6--To Tell The Truth | 8-2--Another World 3.25 P.M, 3-6--Take 30 | 4--News 3.3% PLM. 2-8--You Don't Say 4--Edge of Night 7--Superman Show 9--It's Your Move 1l--Funny Company 4:00 P.M. 9--1 Love Lucy 8--The Match Game 4--Secret Storm 3-6--Sunshine Semester 2--Mike Douglas 4.30 P.M, li--Atom Ant 9--Movie 8--Skipper Sam 4--Movie ACROSS .----- winks . Job Farewell Competitor Current abbrevia- \F THAT'S ALL, I THINK I'LL GO tion 18, McGuffey's 21. Rough lava 23, Half-way 24, Heathen . Golf term . Chinese . Old woman . Fruit of . Across . Contest . Famous . Raised . Live coal . Mellow . Norse god 21, Warp . Cowboy, yarn 22.A wing 25. Note jade of the scale 26. Jap- anese island group for one the rose of speed . Nationwide 27. Permit 29. Bone 30, Ragout 32. Eager fraternal group pirate 37. Hindu month platform 38. Girl's name Baw BBS Bawa (OIO[Zi<j} Yesterday's Answer + 39, Hyde Park stroller 35. Sea eagles 36. Moment 45, Poem 46. Marry 48. Family member 2 43 > Tio 7 31, Foundation. 32. Corroded 33, Pronoun 34, University officer 37. Viper 40, Quarrel jack of diamonds meant I was willing for you to duck with the ace.'."' "As is often the case, both defenders were at fault. West's comment about leading a dia- mond other than the jack if he wanted East to step right up with the ace is logical. However, West could have made things much easier for his '\partner by ducking the second round of clubs. Then East would know that declarer had only (fexe club tricks, and he would have no excuse to hop up with |the ace of diamonds. The prin- ciple is that you should hold off as long as possible if you know that declarer must develop the | suit, in order to give partner a count."" THAT CONCLUDES OURX UTTER \\ NEWS ANALYSIS-AND }] NONSENSE! . NOW THE HOSPITAL REPORT Fifty-four babies were born at the Oshawa General Hos- pital during the week ending Aug. 28. Three hundred and twenty-two patients were ad. mitted and 300 discharged. Ninety-one major, 120 minor and 82 eye, ear, nose and throat operations were per- formed. Three hundred and thirteen treatments and ex- aminations were given and 42 casts applied. The physiother- apy department gave 669 treat- ments and made 520 visits; while the occupational therapy department handled 171 cases. SALLY'S SALLIES © King Features Syndicate. ine: 1966. Wo | YOUR HEALTH Germs Are Cause Of Gland Ailment By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Moiner: My "iius-;emergency; and tie risk 07 tie band is 27 and has acute ag ige ot Ao beg aa = 'i | Sy ms include burning, tatitis. Treatment to date h&S| frequency but paucity of urina. been massage twice a weeK/tion pain, and the appearance plus a drug. jof pus. I would like to know the | . 'i | Dear Dr. Molner: I have arth-| cause of this condition, Proper vitis of the spine, walk stooped) treatment, and what it can lead over, can't straighten up. to if not treated; also what/Please tell me what to do to symptoms go along with this)straighten up some, even if disease.--Mrs. L. E. R. jjust a little. --C, C. Prostatitis, or infection of the; In advanced arthritis of the|to a lesser degree, with older prostate gland, is quite common|spine, the vertebrae become} people. Some get more of these in older men, and much less | fixed (this is 'called '"poker| brown spots than others. common but hardly rare in|spine") and there is no way to, Youngsters can't understand younger ones, jstraighten it. In early cases;why old people are so worried Saying what the cause is be-jappropriate braces may prevent|about these brown spots. What comes as difficult as giving the|some of the stoop, which is one|/harm do they do? cause of an infection anywhere|reason why arthritis should be} Old people often wonder why in the body: Germs have set-|treated even though there is no| youngsters are so fretful about tled in a particular spot and/cure. Treatment can reduce dis-|freckles. What harm do they have set up an infection, It may | comfort and minimize deform-|do? And why can't youngsters be that a focal infection some-|ity. --girls, that is--realize that where else (tonsils, teeth, any-/ '3 'é lin. 2 EO freckles are not unattractive? vhe may have'been respon-; Note to Mrs. R. F.: One egg) nh ad Mor infection exists Coa day certainly is not going to/RESILTS ARE PCOR needs to be treated. jincrease anyone's cholesterol You can fool around to your The proper treatment is (asjharmfully. I think the choles-|heart's desire with lemon juice, in your husband's case) anti-|terol problem sometimes gets/Peroxide or other such things bacterial drugs to subdue the/entirely out of hand. There are/to bleach them. The results are infection, and massage to re-|other factors -- total calories|nothing to brag about. duce the congestion and swol-|chiefly, and also the type of fat; You can use cosmetics and len conditions of the gland. Hot|in the diet. cover them up, if you care that ity ; > prescribed, much. Hollywood has had a Sith: for combs Wad te help! Dear Dr. Molner: What atime of very beautiful ac- reduce the swelling. \the brown spots that come on}tresses who are as speckled as Surgery, quite often neces-|the faces of older people? Can| turkey eggs, The film capital's sary when older men have|anything be done to prevent solution, when the freckles are prostate trouble, ordinarily is|them?--S. T. B. , |eonsidered detrimental, is to not necessary in a young man| From a_ health standpoint,;cover them with make-up. unless some unusual condition | these spots are no more im-| You can't control these spots exists. portant than freckles injwith diet, vitamins, patent Consequences of not treating|younger people. In either case,| medicines or black magic. But acute prostatitis include the se-|pigment or coloring matter injthey aren't creating any trou- rious risk of infection spreading the skin intensifies into a spot,|ble, either. upward 'through the urinary | instead of being evently dis-| Yes, age plays a part in tract and damaging bladder or| tributed thesc spots, and they tend to kidneys, especially the latter;} Some young people have lots}be more pronounced as you the possibility of halting urina-jof freckles and others have| become older, especially if you tion which is a most serione| very few, if anv. It's the same 'are a brunette 41. Bosh! 44, Garment of Pacific islands 46. Alcoholic beverage 47, Sultan's decree 48, Birthplace of Mo- hammed 49. Entitles 50, Revoke legacy NOW, MR, PAVANE, YOUNG, "TALENT MUST BE CULTIVATED, 30 THAT MATURITY WILL COME WITH THE GRADUAL: AWAKENING ALL RIGHT -- PAVANE'S A FAMOUS EDITOR, I'LL TAKE YOUR WORD FOR IT. BUT THIS GAMBIT -- INTERVIEWING EVE ALONE... WHAT'S WITH HIM, BIFF? JULIET JONES THAT ALREADY ARE APPARENT TO DISCERNING EYES. MORE TO SAY, DEAR CHILD! DOWN 1. Destiny