" Qq THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 31, 1966 ~wueye vw vvw, BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE 'COUNTY LINES High Quality Exhibits Feature Blackstock Fair BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- The annual fall fair held Aug. 27 was graced by ideal weather. A large crowd attended and anere Was a spicnui ouveing Bias almost every class. Financially the fair was quite suc: 4 The Wat we with a parade led by Mrs. Roy Mc- Holm, of Port Hope, the Dur- ham County Dairy Princess, who also opened the fair. The Cartwright High School won the prize for the best float. The Foresters. of-.Nestleton were second and Mrs. Frank Bailey third, Lorne Lee fourth and R. Swain fifth. Williams won the prize for the best decorated boy's bicycle with Larry Werry second, The prize for the best decorated girl's. bicycle was won by Nancy Wygerde with Cheryl Graham second. John Payne of Oshawa had the best decorated auto. Russell Carnag- han was second, The prize for the best clown was won Debbie McLaughlin with Be Dunsmoor and Joanne Ballingal second. The Christmas in August ex- hibit in the recreation centre drew many favorable comments. The attendance draw was won by Mrs. Stephenson, of Scar- borough. Mrs. J. Forder, 93, won the prize for the oldest person attending. There were several. over 90 attending. H. Hooey received congratulations on his 92nd birthday. William Campbell, Summer- side, Prince Edward Island, won the prize for the person travel- ling the longest distance. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emmerson, who have been married 55 years, won the award for the longest married couple. Eleanor Kelly, nine days old, won the prize for the youngest atten- dant. In the wood chopping contest Tom Horton won the top award. Heat winners in this event were Vernon Malcolm, Roy Werry and Henry Buma. Proposed Road Program Approved ORONO (TC) The Depart- ment of Highways has given its approval to the proposed road program for certain Oro- no streets. The program is ex- petted to cost $108,000. The Township of Clarke has given two readings to a by- law covering the project. Ap- proval is now being sought from the Ontario Municipal The Police trustees are sched- uled to meet the counties road commission to seek approval of the project. The counties are being asked to undertake that part of the curbing, pav- ing and storm sewer work Which comes under their jur- isdiction in the business section. An application for an addit- fonal expenditure of $2,000 for the maintenance of village road has been approved by the de- partment of highways, The trustees gave the ehair- man, E. R. Woodyard, author- ity to publish the reason the trustees. are opposed to the new area bylaw now be- ing processed by Clarke Town- ship. | LIBRARY REQUIREMENTS | A letter was received by the) trustees from the Ontario Fire| Marshal outlining certain re-| quests in the construction of the library in the basement of the township hall. Exit stairs are to be widened and the di-| mensions of all doors are set} and must be equipped with panic hardware. Interior walls and ceilings must be of fire resistant materials and curtains or drapes must be treated with | fire resistant spray. | The chairman was authoriz- ed to secure information regar- | ding a water extensoin to Oro- | no Park 'Fire Chief Ross Mercer was [fi rY requested to meet the trustees Aug. 29 to discuss all aspects) of department. Mr. Woodyard said he had/ secured Don Tennant to make Tepairs to the Mill St. pave- ment which had been damaged | by water installation. He said Gaffney Construction had offer- | ed a $200 cash settlement. ! REQUESTS NEEDED | After discussion the trustees | left the matter of a walk on | Division St. until a written re-| quest is presented. Other side- walk repairs in the centre of the village are to be left until it is known whether proposed road construction is undertak- en, The road program it was) stated, will change road levels in some places, with Church St. being lowered up to 14 inch- es in some areas. The Water Resources' Com- mission, Mr. Woodyard said, is concerned with cellar base- ment drains runfiing into storm sewers. The engineers, he said, are drafting well - type drains which will reduce the water RELAX... With Modern DIAPER SERVICE Twice a week delivery. 72 Diapers a week 4.50 Depend on Us, Cell 668-4671 A large number attended the barbecue supper, served by the United Church members. A dance was held in the evening f-- 4h- sanenatian aontro Music was provided by Roy Godfrey and his orchestra. LIVESTOCK PRIZES Among the first prize win- ners in the heavy horse classes were: Heber Down, Brooklin; Vie Cookson, Bowmanville; Perey Mountjoy, Oshawa; C. Bu and Sons, Lindsay and Ru Cochrane, Burketon. In light horses Garnet Coch- rane, Port Perry; Gordyn Brent, Bowmanville; Wilson Vivian, Tyrone, Bruce Lawson, Janetville, Ivan Cochrane, Ralph Sadler of Nestleton, Lorne Hoskin and Sons, Burketon; Don Brooks, Hampton; Linda Luke, Oshawa; Cheryl McCoy, Lloyd Sedore of Keswick and Keith VanCamp, Blackstock, were among the prominent winners. In the shorthorn section all the prizes were won by Garnet Rickard with the exception of the fat steer class which was Two youths and three men who molested a 17-year-old Whit- by girl July 21 after she was given a drink of rum each pleaded guilty in Oshawa Mag- ah taAe ev siitiinieccamamneeiede-ateitconae general charge of indecent sault. . Charges of rape, attempted rape and having carnal know- ledge were dropped and the five were remanded in custody for sentence Sept. 19. Appearing before Magistrate Harry W. Jermyn were David L. Moore, 17, Logan D. Moore, 25, Leaman P. Langille, 37, all Five Molested Girl, 17 _ Remanded For Sentence of 214 Bloor St. E., where the girl was assaulted, and John Hall Cotton, 25, 156 Ritson Rd. S., and Douglas A. Cotton, 18, 1911 Wardman Cres., Whitby. A statamant ta nalion fram the girls was read as evidence into court by Crown Attorney Bruce. Affleck. Magistrate Jermyn will con- sider pre - sentence reports on each of the two youths and three men before passing jud- gment. JAIL TERM Dennis Michael Mason, 19, $87 Grierson St., was sentenced Bring Terms WHITBY (Staff) -- A 26-year- old. Toronto man was sentenced to a total of four years at Kingston Penitentiary when he was found guilty on three won by Ken Wilson of Janet- ville, | The winners in. the dairy) cattle classes included Hugh Baird, Blackwater; Robert} Batty, Brooklin and Harvey Graham, Nestleton. Russell Dow, Bowmanville, won first prize in all the Lei- cester and Cotswold sheep classes, Winners in the Hamp- shire and Oxford classes includ- charges of break, enter and theft in Whitby Magistrate's Court Tuesday. Gordon L. Aylesworth, alias Ralph Burns, pleaded guilty to breaking into a residence on the 6th Concession of Uxbridge Twp. July 14 and stealing a hi- Toronto for $40. He further pleaded guilty to breaking into a home at RR 1, ed Mr. Dow and Lloyd Skinner of Tyrone. Mr, Skinner showed | the best flock with James) Byers, Burketon, showing the| champion ram, Lloyd Skinner) won the Eaton's of Canada Live- stock special for the best mar- ket lamb. Larmer Brothers, Nestleton, showed 'the champion boar in the swine section. Other win- ners in the swine classes includ- ed Ray Suggitt, Nestleton; Ted) Skinner, Jim Walker, Campbell- croft and Fred Taylor, Burke- ton. level around houses and re-| duce cellar flooding. Payment of a bill from the) Orono Hydro for work with wa- ter and garbage was tabled un-| til a bylaw is passed setting| out the amounts to be paid for! this service. Mr. Dent said Orono Hydro | would have to negotiate a loan.! Money on hand, he said, was| $2,560 less than the accounts! to be paid. He also stated that| payments to Hydro in the. am-| ount of $3,500 were outstand- ing, These accounts were pay- able by the Orono Police Trus- tees and the Orono Artificial Ice Fund. all Unionville, May 18 and stealing LORDS MEMBER NOW PREGNANT LONDON (AP) -- For the first time in history, a mem- ~ber of the House of Lords is pregnant. The 40-year-old Countess of Erroll, who also is hereditary Lord High Constable of Scot- land, announced Tuesday night that her fourth child is due in November. The Upper House of Par- liament was a jealously guarded male preserve until 1958, when life peeresses-- | whose titles die with them-- were allowed in. They are made peeresses for long rec- ords of achievement which usually put them past the age of childbearing. Hereditary peeresses were admitted to the Lords in 1963. Lady Erroll holds one of the few British titles that can pass through the female line. One other peeress, Baron- ess Darcy. de Knayth, 28, has given birth since becoming eligible for the House of Lords. But she hasn't taken her seat yet. fi set which he later' sold in| Break, Enter, Theft Counts In Kingston 'a television set, a radio, silver change, a camera and some luggage as well as six guns from a rifle rack. Aylesworth ~ also niture store in Cobourg on or before May 29 and stealing three tape recorders, three TV sets of a total value of $1,630, none of which has been re- covered. Magistrate Harry Jermyn jnoted that the accused had a jrecord dating from 1957 and sentenced him to three years concurrent on each of the residence break-ins and one year consecutive on the furni- ture store break-in. The accused admitted he was facing further charges in Win- nipeg. MAXIMUM SENTENCES } Two Scarborough men were} given a maximum fine when) they pleaded guilty to a charge of trespassing onto the grounds of the Glen Major Angling Club |property Aug. 14. Crown Attor- jney Bruce Affleck asked for a jmaximum penalty for the | jaccused and advised the court} jthat the owners of the club had told him the trespassing had be- come a concern to the owners. while his licence was under admitted | suspension. He also had a long breaking into a Division st. fur-|Tecord of other offences. vr TOV SOW se to two years less a day with six months indefinite on three counts of theft under $50 and for having liquor as a minor. "You shodid look at this court and the people that are in it and realize that they are not ai fault but you are. I hope you learn something from this,' Magistrate Jermyn said, handing down the sentence. Ma- son was charged Aug. 7 after severai cars at the rear of 887 Simcoe St, N. were ransacked. He had stolen a $34 electric shaver, a .50 cent screwdriver and a $1.50 flashlight from the parked cars. TWO MONTHS William D. Mills, 26, 540 Veteran's Rd. was given two months in common jail for dri- ving while his licence was under suspension. Magistrate Jermyn, who considered a pre- sentence report, noted Mills, charged July 28, had a pre- vious conviction for driving the lot during a break ! work one night and was ap- proached by 'Carl' (who Wii- czek said was also a GM wor- ker). Crown Attorney Afflec contended that 'Carl' was the "usual mythical personality" that crops up in euch cases, Wilczek said the itim~catfié' up and asked-for $50 for the box of tools, which Wilczek said he thought were electric, He offered $20 without even checking the equipment to make = it Aldn't heave OM mart. ings on it, he told court. He said he was in a rush to get back to work by this time and didn't find out until the next day head GM owned the equip- ment, He said when he did get a chance to inspect what he had bought he realize what had happened and was frightened he might be fired from his GM job if he turned the stolen ag over to the security po- ice. CAR INSURANCE William Claperton, 23, Toron- to, pleaded guilty to charges of failing to produce proof of car insurance or a driver's li- cence in Ajax, May 24 and was fined $75 or 15 days on the first count and $10 or three days on the second. INTOXICATION e intoxicated Aug. 19 and was fined $50. PROBATION 'A laborer who didn't méa- sure up to standards of the law when he stole nine tape measurers and a wrench from an automotive store Aug. 12 'was given six months' suspend- 'ed sentence and probation. Wal- ter Boricic, 54, 269 Hen) pleaded guilty to stealing the $38.99. SUSPEND SENTENCE . Thirty - four - year old Mrs, beeaesr Nata R12 Ritenn RA S., contended in court she made a mistake July 14 when she dropped a bottle of roll - on pee gh her handbag at laws, wa Shopping tre branch, and then forgot to pay for it. Magistrage Jermyn agre- ed and put her on six months' suspended sentence for taking the .89 cent refresher lotion. Assistant store manager, Mer- vyn Cook, said he was watch- ing Mrs. Nowick because she looked '"'suspicious" and that she had slipped the article in her handbag "rather quickly oo. looking over her shoul- ler." DISMISSALS The Oshawa Police depart- ment's new breathalizer mach- ine lost out in an impaired driving case against Selime POSSESSION "If there wasn't some barg- ain hunter always around, these things wouldn't happen,"' Mag- istrate Jermyn told Helmuth Wilczek, 28, Toronto, when he fined him $200 and costs or 60 days in jail for possession of $1,500 in stolen power tools, The charge was laid June 23 after Jack Craighead, chief of security police at General Mo- tors of Canada Limited, dis- covered a collection of power equipment (with GM markings on it) in a cardboard box in the trunk of Wilczek's car. Wilczek, a paint sprayer with GM for eight months, told court he had bought the power tools (wien included two spray-guns) Carl Marshall, 20, 594 Simcoe \St. N., pleaded guilty to being Hebert, 24, 237 Graburn Ave. The charge was dismissed on Bn ee ee et te eda ee at tek gl de et ry St./enson R. Ce ee eee ee the grounds that Mr. Hebert passed the department's old in-|] toxication tests involving the "fingers-to - nose'? examination and picking up coins. though he failed the breathalizer test. The charge was laid June 25 after Mr, Hebert's car was stopped after leaving a field (where Hebert testified he had been drin! beer) and travel- ling about feet along Stev- Constable 'John Reardon, who took a special course in opera- Tht USHAWA BUARD oi EVENING CLASSES GRADE 13 1966-1967 enews eee seaS CENTRAL ¢. 1. 240 Simcoe Street South Telephone 723-4678 ENGLISH Monday ond Wednesday evenings DR. F. J. DONEVAN C. I. 250 Harmony Road South Telephone 728-7315 ART BIOLOGY CHEMISTRY GEOGRAPHY HISTORY PHYSICS Mondoy and Wednesdoy evenings O'NEILL C. & V. 1. 301 Simcoe Street North -- Telephone 728-7531 ALGEBRA --- FRENCH -- GEOMETRY -- TRIGONOMETRY Tuesday and Thursday evenings. CLASSES will be held on one or more of four evenings, Monday to Thursday from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. and will continue until Has Your Food Dollar Lost It's Punch? Phone 723-1163 and Stretch Your Dollar Cl» FOOD CLUB Guaranteed To Save You $100.00 Year THE FOOD PLAN THAT HAS PROVEN ITSELF the middle of May. COURSES will be provided if 15 or more people register --- on or before opening night. FEES: $10.00 per course to be paid at time of enrolment. No refunds ot end of term. REGISTER IN PERSON ON TUES., SEPT. 13 or WED., SEPT. 14 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. BOARD OF EDUCATION, OSHAWA G. L. ROBERTS $. &. LOVELL, Cheirman Superindendent of J. R. BACKUS, Business Secondary Schools Administrator IMPROVE YOUR EDUCATION, YOUR EARNING POWER AND YOURSELF The club at RR 4, Uxbridge, is used by Toronto lawyers and business men. Magistrate H. W. Jermyn} ordered each of the accused to! pay a $100 fine. A charge of | jtheft of three trout was with-| |drawn against both accused at) | the request of the Crown. CLAY ARRIVES FRANKFURT, Germany) (AP) -- Cassius Clay arrived) Tuesday for the Sept. 10 defence} of his world heavyweight box-| ling tifle against Karl Milden- | 'burger of Germany. | at BRIDGELAND meat-o-rama Red ond Blue Brand Niagara Steaks Ib. 59° RINDLESS SIDE BACON Ib. 59° Minced STEAK Ib. 59¢ Ready to Serve Ib. 59° id and Blue Brand BEEF HAMBURG 3 lhs. 1.00 PORK STEAKS Ib. 59¢ Color Pak Film Polaroid INT MOUNTER 'With purchase of 2 packs of This handy accessory lets you mount your color "CHARGE IT!" art A Division of the S$. Kresge Company limited POLAROID SWINGER § Polaroid COLOR PAK CAMERA The camera that gives you a black and white picture in 10 seconds, It actually tells you when to shoot (It actually says yes to you, right in the viewfinder). Fast shutter -- a perfect picture indoors of outdoors. Even a built-in flash. Come in and let us. show you this amazing camera ! AT No question about it! A color picture in 60 sec- onds is still the greatest thrill in photography! Kmart features a full line of the Polaroid Color Pak -- at prices to fit your budget! The model 104, teatured, is completely automatic ---- just follow 4. easy steps and get a perfect picture every time! ROUND BONE Steak Ib. 65° WIENERS 3 Ibs. 1.00 Then Rib Roast lb. 59¢ BEEF HEARTS ond KIDNEYS Ib. 39° Sweet MARGARINE 4 LBS. 1.00 WIENER BUNS .... 2 for 49c BREAD 24-oz. Loaves 5 so 1.00 BUTTER WITH MEAT PURCHASE OF $2.00 or MORE ONLY FREEZER SPECIALS SIDES OF | FRONTS of BEEF BEEF lb. 49° | lh HINDS OF BEEF . 4° | ib. 61° Freezer Orders Cut, Wrapped and Delivered FREE SIDES OF PORK lb; 49° SIDES OF VEAL 55¢ Bridgeland meat-o-rama 908 SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT THE CROSSWALK - CALL 728-3361 oP EN 9 TO 9 THURS. & FRI. pictures with ease and speed! limited, so come and get them wh 7 fr D ter Polaroid Swinger Film Special Polaroid -CAMERA GIRLS Will be taking free color pictures while demonstrating the new color eras. Thursday 7 p.m. to 10 day 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.; Saturd 'to 2 p.m, Quantities are ile they last! 3.74 pack cam- p.m.; Fri- jay 12 a.m. Kmart Will Not Knowingly be Undersold ! ! Your Polaroid Color Pack Camera will give you even more fun and ex- citement when you use these acces- sories, Take portraits, close-ups, even your own picture. And see them all just seconds later, Bring your camera in and let us demonstrate them afl for you, 1. Self-timer puts you in the picture. Set the release and walk into the picture, the shutter sneps auto- matically. 2. Portrait Kit makes beautiful por- traits as close as 19 inches. Lens and adapter clip right on. Snap the pie- ture, No measuring or calculating. 3. Close-up Kit is great for hobby- ists. Record your stamps, coins, flowers, pets with this attachment that lets you get as close as 9 inches to your subject. 4. Develapment Timer i proper picture development. Times development accurately so that you know when to peel your pictures. Pays for itself in better pictures. Between Oshawa & Whitby on Highway No.2 - Open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.