FIVE DAYS| WEEKLY FOR ZZ WEERS MONDAY THRU FRIDAY ype gs CFTO Eha: BUSINESSMAN Robert Muir, 46, is Pro- gressive Conservative mem- ber of parliament for Cape Breton North and Victoria. He is a Sydney Mines, N.S., businessman. (CP Photo) Canadian Importance Stressed TORONTO (CP) -- A United States geography professor who spent half his life in Canada said Monday that Canadians have unusual depth and breadth of world view. But they are also "one of the most persistently and gloomily introspective people on the face of the earth", said Prof. Andrew H. Clark of the University of Wisconsin. Prof. Clark, first demonstra- tor in geography at the Univer- sity of Toronto, was speaking te the Association of American Geographers. He said Canadians are con- stantly debating the "'iffs, hows and whys of their corporate identity, as if doubtful that they really do exist as a separate or distinct nationality or culture." He said he suspects Cana- dians have had a greater effect on U.S. foreign policy in recent Years than they ever had on British policy. And he main- tained that it is important to World peace for Canada to take @ strong and independent posi- tion in international affairs. Prof. Clark said Canada is be- ¢oming more, not less impor- tant to the U.S. in international relations, commerce and other 'ways and geographers should make it one of their major con- cerns to persuade fellow citizens that they cannot afford to go on ignoring Canada. Bribery Charge Under Scrutin DETROIT (AP)--A_ second @ne-man grand jury is to begin this week investigating charges of horse doping and bribery of public officials in Wayne County, Michigan. The investigation follows by @nly five days the conclusion of one grand juror Edward Pig- gins, a circuit judge, which led to 71 indictments and four peti- tions for removal of public of- ficials. Charges of improper medica- tion of horses at suburban Hazel Park race track have resulted in approval of a similar grand jury in Oakland County, immed- lately north of Wayne County. State Attorney-General Frank Kelley petitioned circuit judges in the two counties to approve both investigations. Since then, Kelley said, his life, family and political career have been| threatened. AG KELLEY THREATENED A bomb threat was telephoned Friday to the state legislature in Lansing by a man who men- tioned Kelley's name. No bomb was found. Judge Piggins aso reported | being threatened, and said he} has started carrying a gun. On Aug. 18, three days after Kelley made the horse-doping charges in seeking the new Wayne County jury, the licence of a 23-year-old groom at De- troit-race course was revoked. The groom, Ronald D. Brown of Laurel, Md., was quoted by stewards as admitting he drugged a horse on which he had bet $100. The horse won. Quakers Scorn 37 MTV ii Get your TV Bingo cards from Loblaw cashiers--watch TV show for playing rules SPECIAL! LUNCHEON MEAT ---SWIFT'S GREEN STAMPS WHETHER YOU PLAY BINGO OR NOT DEPOSIT YOUR BINGO CARDS AT YOUR LOBLAW STORE FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A 1967 PONTIAC OR TV * e LOBLAWS PROTEN* RED BRAND BEEF 12-02. ROUND secosccigpio-aiihimnticcoaiiins Par SPECIAL! VANITY STEAKS «. = ROASTS. TOILET TISSUE--299' 33 BONELESS NIAGARA BROIL SPECIAL! LOBLAWS PROTEN* 1-LB. JAR 1-LB. PKG, feeb ece cmeeee ee VAC PAC UTTER -- 228 -OZ 80- Bis. PKG. 1-LB. 15 FL. PKGS. 02 TINS GROWN! ens Weinwe reas LARGE BUNCHES 24-0Z. LARGE SIZE BONELESS HEINZ K So -- roma 5Q¢ SPECIAL! JACK & JILL STEAKS ..... T ROASTS» SPECIAL! SPECIAL! HOSTESS BISCUITS sitrenm * BANANAS 7 MARGARINE AVE SPECIAL! TOP CHOICE BURGERS 2 POUNDS +4 GAINES DOG FOOD ee eee Le ub Por. SWEET, JUICY, EASY TO PEEL! JUST DELICIOUS! LARGE SIZE! SPECIAL! HOSTESS CANDIES SPECIAL! FANCY FROZEN BUNCH CARROTS. 3 SPECIAL! LOBLAWS KITCHEN PRIDE Labour Day Mon., Sept. 5 to 6 P.M. BROIL PEANUT SWIFT'S PREMIUM WIENERS 59: me ASSORTMENT SPECIAL! AYLMER CHOICE HALVES CALIFORNIA'S VERY BEST! A TREAT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! 39. 2- LB. WF Oz. 75: SPECIAL! STOKELY HONEY POD SPECIAL! LOBLAWS SEEDLESS 2D 2% 29 ORANGES ---- ~ PE. oy McCAIN PEAS ...2 ~~ 69 @ STORE HOURS @ # Downtown Store Closed SPECIAL! SHIRRIFF LUSHUS SPECIAL THIS WEEK! LUSCIOUS TROPICAL FRUIT! TIME ! 1 POUND 2 € SPECIAL! SOLO COLOURED PARCHMENT en oe 2 SEEDLESS GRAPES FANCY PEAS .......... MADEIRA CAKE NAVEL Pp, TENDER, NEW CROP! Si, NE FLUETS ~:~ atvire Qa a Shopping Centre Store Open Monday, September 5th US. Aid Bars TORONTO (CP)--A Canadian Quaker official says a U.S. ban on New York Quaker aid to North and South Viet Nam will not halt a 300-year old Quaker practice of giving aid to the suf- } fering. Murray Thomson, peace edu- cation secretary for the Cana- dian Friends Service Commit- tee, said Monday night New York Quakers will not be stopped in their efforts to send medical and other aid to all suf- fering parties in North and South Viet Nam. He said in an interview that the U.S. treasury department has blocked the flow of cheques and supplies from Quakers in New York to the Canadian Friends Services Committee in Toronto. Part of the supplies were in- tended for the North. Vietna- mese Red Cross and the Na- tiénal Liberation Front Wie] Cong) Red Cross. WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE }-GALLON CARTON TASTY TREAT ICE CREAM © COUPON ExPines Serr. 7 l50 al EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS dj di WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'ONE 387. OZ. BOTTLE CRISCO OIL © COUPON Expines SEPT. 7 i) 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 107. OZ. TINS WENT TOMATO SOUP ©19 COUPON ExriRis SET, 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE 11-07. PKG. 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ROBIN HOOD PRE-COOKED OATS ©-3 COUPON EXPIRES stPT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONT LARGE 28's ROLL BOX STUART HOUSE SAVE-IT BAGS 0.11 COUPON EXPIRES Sart. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 24 FL.O7, JAR CORONATION BABY DILL PIOKLES 0.21 COUPON Expines SaPT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 8}-07. PKG. BETTY CRocKER CREAM PUFF MIX ©.31 COUPON HXPIRES SEPT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OME 15cc, PLAS. BOTTLE MASAL MIST DRISTAN @41 COUPON ExPiReS SEPT. 7 af 2) EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS di WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OWE GIANT TUDE FLUORIDE TOOTHPASTE STRIPE ©4 COUPON EXPIRES SePT. 7 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'ONE 7-07. TIN CARNATION FANCY SOLID WHITE TUNA 12 COUPON EXPIRES SePT.7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 24 FL. OZ. JAR CORONATION SWEET MIXED PICKLES ©.22 COUPON Exrines SEPT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE CF OME 1-18.-7-OZ. PKG, BETTY CROCKER BROWNIE MIX 0.22 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 19 FL. OZ. TINS SEACLIFFE FANCY SMALL WHOLE POTATOES ©.42 COUPON MxPiNES SEPT. 7 al EXTRA STAMPS dh I EXTRA STAMPS 1) EXTRA STAMPS dy EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE 14.07, PLAIN or 12-01, RIPPLE PKG. -- LOBLAWS POTATO CHIPS ©5 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 100's PKG. LION SNAP-OFF POLY SANDWICH BAGS 0.19 "COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 13-07, PKG. HOSTESS SCOTCH MINTS 0.23 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE RONSON PRODUCT 0.23 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 15 FL. OZ. TINS MITCHELL'S FANCY APPLESAUCE 0.43 COUPON EXPIRES HPT. 7 al EXTRA STAMPS ks EXTRA STAMPS 1 EXTRA STAMPS rk EXTRA STAMPS 25 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 20 FL. OF. JAR MeLAREN'S CORN RELISH 0-6 © COUPON EXPIRES SePT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12-07, PKG. SHIRRIFF'S INSTANT. MASHED POTATOES 0.14, COUPON EXPIRES suFT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 10-OZ. PKG, WESTON'S GRAHAM WAFERS 0.24 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE 9-07, -- 25 PKG, DIXIE COLD OUPS or OnE 7.0Z .-- 15's PRG. HOT CUPS 0.34 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT: 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 48 FL. OZ. TIN HEINZ PANCY TOMATO JUICE 0.44 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 7 al EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) 2) 2) WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 2-18. TIN BEEHIVE CORN SYRUP ©7 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'THREE BATH SIZE BARS BANDED LIFEBUOY SOAP ©.15 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 7 (WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 1-18. PKG, WESTON'S DIGESTIVE BISCUITS ©-25 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 7 WITH COUPON © PURCHASE OF ONE 6-07. PKG. MADHATTER CORN STICKS ©.38 COUPON EXPIRES SaPT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 15-02. TIN DINER WITH MEAT SAUCE CLARK'S SPAGHETTI 45 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT, 7 al EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6}-OZ. AERO TIN SIMONIZ TONE SPRAY FURWITURE WAX 8 COUPON EXPIRES SUPT, 7 WITH COUPON '& PURCHASE OF 'Two 8" PKGS. nex DRINKING STRAWS ©-16 COUPON EXPIRES SUPT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 16 FL. OZ. JAR MELLMANN'S REAL MAYONNAISE ©26 COUPON EXPIRES Serr. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO 8.07. TINS CROSSE & BLACKWELL DATE & NUT LOAF or FRUIT NUT LOAF 36 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE * QUART BASKET ONTARIO PEACHES 46 COUPON EXPiRES SUPT. 7 PRICES EFFECTIVE AUG, 31, SEPT. 1, 2, 3 di EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS 05 EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS Shopping Centre Store Open Wed., Thurs. and Fri. till 9:30 - Downtown Store Open Thurs. and Fri. till 9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TWO 400's BOXES POPUP FACIAL TISSUES ASSORTED COLOURS KLEENEX ©-17 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 9" = 15's PKG, DUCHESS WHITE PAPER PLATES 0.27 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO 6 FL. OZ. TINS FROZEN WHITE or PINK LEMONADE REALEMON ©.37 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 10-LB, PKG. ONTARIO POTATOES 0.47 COUPON EXpineS SEPT. 7 SEASONED SALT 0.28 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. > 'TWO 33-02, TINS KING OSCAR 0.38 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE ©: ONE 6 QUART BASKET ONTARIO TOMATOES TTT Late O48 COUPON exrines Serr, 7