i THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 31, 1966 A CANADIAN ee BY FRENCH DESIGNERS -- RIBBED DOUBLE KNIT is used by de Barentzen for this jacket over a seamed dress, Both the dress and jacket have elevated col- lars and the panel pockets on the dress are part of the de Barentzen signature, as seen in the Canadian Collec- tion, this fall. India's Women In All Phases Of Party Politics By RAM SUNDAR Canadian Press Correspondent BOMBAY (CP) -- India's women have been apparently emboldened by the fact that the country's premiership is in the hands of one of their own sex. During the last few weeks there has been a spate of femi- nine demonstrations against the government. The ocation has been pro- vided by rising prices of essen- tial commodities like rice, cook- ing oil and kerosene. All the major opposition po- litical parties including the Communists, , Free- dom Party Conservatives and the Hindu Jana Sangh (Peo- ples' League) have strength- ened their women's wings. The Jana Sangh, a right- wing party with a = following in the northern central prov- inces, is making a special ef- fort to mobilize support among housewives. Recently, the Sangh branch in i city organized what the ress called "a chain hunger virile" to focus attention on the high prices of consumer goods. WOMEN FAST Some 500 housewives took part in the demonstration which went on for 72 hours, Batches of women fasted for 24 hours, to be replaced by others. Some women were permitted by the party to fast only for 16 hours. This was to enable them to attend to their domestic du- ties and avoid the displeasure of their husbands who were ap- parently more interested in a good lunch than in unnerving the government of Prime Min- ister Indira Gandhi. Become Active Mrs. Nirmala Valekar, one of the anti - government women leaders, said that the chain hunger strike was a "great moral success." "The prime minister should now realize that unless she is able to bring down prices, she will find it difficult to get femi- nine votes in the next elec- tions," she said. In Ahmedabad, capital of Gu- jarat state, the Communist party has been pressing women volunteers into a demonstra- tion against United States oil companies. Hundreds of women demon- strated before petrol pumps to protest high prices of kero- sene, The Jana Sangh and the Com- munists also are busy organiz- sting women's demonstrations in New Delhi, the capital. Shouting housewives recently held a two-hour demonstration in front of the prime minister's official residence. A mother of| six carried a hand-written plac-| ard which read: "Respected | prime minister, do not ied your suffering sisters." TAKES CHALLENGE 'The ruling Congress party has | taken up the opposition chal-| lenge. It organized a rally of 200,000 housewives in Calcutta to show that Indian women are still by and large with the party of In- dian independence. Kumaraswami Kamaraj, chairman of the Congress party, plans to utilize the serv- ices of women to take the) party's message to the remot: | | est hamlets. With elections scheduled to| 2nd Floor Phone: 728-1261 Hours: 9 A.M, to 5 P.M. Daily CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY SINGLE VISION 12% pleted c NOTHING ADDITIONAL FOR Astigmatic corrections Finest Quality Lense: s Simulated Diamond Trim @ Vinylite Optica ri Case We fill off PSI, oculists and optomistrists pres- (77 f+ lg at same low os. OPTICIANS -- OVER 3,000,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS 17 BOND ST. E, BIFOCALS $18 Complete with Frames Lenses and Case Branches in mony principe! cities of Ceneda & U.S. Founded 1904 A LITTLE THEATRE suit of satin gabardine designed by. Patrick de Barentzen bears his signature in its alert collar and panel pock- 2ts. It is part of the Cana- dian Collection, shown at Montreal, recently. take 'place next February, the ruling party estimates that it will need some 500,000 women workers. Though the number sounds impressive, it means at best one worker a village in a land of more than 500,000 vil- lages. Ruling party 'circles concede that some opposition groups like the Communists are far ahead in the matter of women workers. In th state of Kerala alone the Communists have perhaps more than 100,000 women prop- agandists working for the party on a part-time basis. They in- clude school teachers, office workers and peasant women. With its revivalist Hindu ide- ology, the Jana Sangh also is making a sizable impact on 'women voters. Indian government leaders say that feminine votes num- bering some 100,000,000 could prove eéecisive in the next elec- tions. They admit that it can no longer be taken for granted that Indian women are submis- sive and will stay out of politi- cal agitations. Nor can they be trusted to vote according to their husbands' wishes. RETAKE OWN NAMES REGINA (CP)--Members of the order of Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception in Regina have given up their religious names in favor of their civil ones. Thus, Sister Mary becomes Sister Brown. The or- der took this step because of increasing. involvement in pub- lic activities outside the clois- PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. (CP)--A city-bred farm wile says she has the best of both worlds and wouldn't change places with her urban cousins, "You get to the point where you can't stand crowds any- more," says Mrs, 8; R. Chris- tenson, whose husband operates a Dig. dairy fe farm near here, pm "daily t but insists she still has a better life than the side- walk-pounding city woman with half the chores. Her well-equipped house has ail the facilities of a city home and she has the added advan- tage of cheap food raised on the farm, : Mrs. Christenson says she's amazed at the amount of money city housewives leave in the su- penne. Her farm provides er family of six with all the eggs, meat, milk and vegetables they need. "When I go into Prince George and look at the price of steak! But we have it here BEAUTY NEEDS STAFF WINNIPEG (CP) -- Cana- dian women spent $320,000,000 in beauty shops last year, says R. G. Fitzpatrick, manager of a Toronto beauty firm, and beauty schools cannot keep up the demand for staff. Every girl finishing training in Winnipeg may be offered five jobs pay- ing from $50 to $150 a week. Life On Dairy Farm Appeals _ To City - Bred Farmer's Wife maybe three times a week and think nothing of. it," Even the children have the best of both worlds, she says. They take on responsibilities for chores at an early age, some- thing city children seldom get. They attend a well-equipped «/school and live in a home with telephone, television and a wealth of reading material, in- cluding two sets of encyclope- dias and a 400 - book library which serves as a lending li- brary for the area. ; Mrs. Christenson says she has an adequate social life and the family can visit Prince George for entertainment. But the semi - isolated life never breeds loneliness, There is al- ways lots of visiting. URGENTLY REQUIRED Female cannery workers for various Onterio centres. Apply in person tg the National oe Service 314 Simcoe St, South, Oshewe call 728-4631 | lit {i I i il | } ej vi i 'aul | Da ig i OSHAWA PHONE ter. LOCKER STORAGE 81 William St. West Low Rental 'Rates by the Month or Year Expert Meat processing and Custom Cutting Save on Wholesale Meat Buy in Quantity and Save Complete Locker Service FUR AND 723-3012 MONTGOMERY'S Ladies' Wear Everything Must Be Sol LEASE EXPIRING Do Your Christmas Shopping Early ! After many years of Service and Value, we are selling our complete stock at ' tremendous savings. SHOP NOW AND SAVE! All Our Regular Lines of BRASSIERES GIRDLES All the wanted styles and makes. 20% OFF REGULAR PRICE FIRST QUALITY MICRO MESH SEAMLESS NYLONS REGULAR 1.50 3 2.50 Name Brand PULLOVERS CARDIGANS Lonsea Botany Wool 20% OFF Harvey Woods Luxite . . Kaiser LINGERIE 20% orr COATS - DRESSES - SUITS ALL DRASTICALLY REDUCED FAMOUS MAKE Costume Jewellery %, PRICE EARRINGS 4 for 1.00 Coloured GLOVES %, PRICE HAND BAGS BIG REDUCTIONS LICA@TWEIGHT ATS % PRICE WOOL SKIRTS % PRICE MONTGOMERY'S 26 KING EAST ~ OSHAWA (Next. Door to Karn's Drug Store) LADIES' WEAR BACK-TO-SCHOOL FABRIC EVENT! Get ready, set sew! Fabulous fabrics for back-to-school wardrobes at great savings. Shop early for best selection in Watker's fabric department. JOB WOOLENS reg. 2.98 ya. Save 51¢ « yard on these plain, plaid and checked fall woolens. Assorted end of lines from well-known English and Canadian mills, Dark and light shades. 54" widths, "ROMAN RIB "CORDUROY Reg. 2.25 yd. Ultra soft kitten ear finish wide- wale corduroy in imported 100% eotton, Washable. Rich, vivid new all shades, ouch as, McIntosh, Norwegian Pine, Swiss Chocolate and Rogue Red. 45" widths, WOVEN COTTON MADRAS GINGHAM 'Reg. Weyd. 67e yd. Non-bleeding, sanforised and mercerized. Washable. Ideal for 'bi es, de. } a. and sportewedr, Brown, Red. Green, Gold, Blue, 36° widths, 100% COTTON SUEDE 67 Msg. 1.968 yd. yd. A saving of 31¢ a yard! First quale ity, soft finish, Wine Berry, Nor- wegian Pine, Blucherry, Swiss Chocolate, Corn Cob, Turquoise, Rogue Red. 36" widths. "COHAMA" PLAIN poy Only Ln Straw weave woven of spun and vie- cose. A silk look with textared finish, Hand washable and crease Fall '66's newest fashion shades. 44° widths, CANADIAN PINWALE CORDUROY jt fine cotton. "Can- Tae Beat 7 Washable on colors. rpc si Tek Old asaya Electric Blue, Pine Green, Orange Copper, to mention a = 36° widths. COTTON TWILL BACK ™ 1 98 Only yd. First quality. Washable. In new Fall shades of ockey Red, Rub a je. i, al, Black, Gol 'urquoise. 36° Fong PRINTED MAGIC CREPE ] 79 Only yd, Paisley, geometric and florals im small and medium designs. Hand washable and crease resistant. For classroom fashions and lounging py- ee Green, Red, Blue, Turquoise. 45° widths. SEWING AIDS by "Dritz" "COHAMA" TWILIGHT BOUCLE Reg. 1.98 yd. 'Woven of viscose and acetate, Its " " PP . and z ful draping qualities make it a luxury te work with, to wear and to care for. Hand washable, Latest fashion shades. 45" widths. WOOL FLANNEL Reg. 69 2.98 yd. yd. 10% nylon added for better weare ing qualities, You'll recognize its fine quality by the special selvedge. Latest fashion solid colors and wrixes, 54° widths, ESTRON' ACETATE PRINTS 19 , Bes: 1.98 ya. ad Save 20¢ a yard on these. hand "COHAMA" CO-ORDINATING RAFFINE CHECKS onty La Pager Deyo Bar) Law, Ba or, Parma "COHAMA" ALYSSA HEATHER == yd, A viscose and acetate homespun weave, rye 4 "ih for ute and skirts. Fawn, , Plum, Pewter, Henna, Oat. meal. 45° widths. . RAYON PRINTED CASHMELAINE Only In paisley patterned designs so « lar this fi Tal. ll. Pre-shrunk fast elses: Creaseresistant. Plum, Green, Brown, Blue. 36" widths. "ELAINE" FLANNEL 1 79 Only yd. An acetate and wool blend that will not pill, Wrinkle resistant and hand ma School Grey, Blaze Red, Electric Blue, Navy, 'Heather Teal or Green. 45% widths, 49 Button Kits --- card 39¢; Covered Button Refills -- card 49¢; Sewing Gauge -- each 39¢; Traci Paper -- package 49¢; Tracing Wheel -- each 39¢; Seam in TCrhion a ail 85¢; Sup Glass Tape Measure -- each 49¢. ee bassend erfine Dressmaker Pins -- box 49¢; ihc iene eeaee Oe ---- Sa Sn SEI ape EAE a, 2 a EOD bee SA