(STEINBERG 2 TO 3 LB. AVG. GRADE A" PLUMP'N TENDER FRYING, ROASTING OR BROILING CHICKENS : A A Steinberg Ready-toEat Cooked Ham~ one Me ae 9 | 4 of the very best meat values you can buy! Cohoe Salmon --s Wik wr Hat 29 ¢ alginate Ne aS : Cor = Se Su Sid secaces| | ii Smoked =" Smoked Comed Bat a 4m] young musicians to Scotland, , \ iy < Cooked Hams = WoL | Pork ( Hocks '4 WR | The 53: young men and 0 Steinberg's - Freshly Baked Chicken Pies SAVE 37¢ [ ON COMPARABLE BRANDS} ORCHARD KING FANCY 48 02. Tomato. Juice m™ SAVE 38¢ SAVE JOC TWIN BAR ve ueaue! iB Margarine = ™ SAVE 10¢ Nabot a ae ===:| Ground Coffee " Andrew, will travel from Nova Scotia to British Columbia dur- ing his tour of 17 dioceses of the church in Canada. i ' PINK Highlight of the Mg ae ' sey's second to Canada in three ea nea AVE 296 cashmere ware or the national executive council of the Canadian Anglican YELLOW Church in Fredericton Wednes- day. Other engagements include a sss: | Bath Ti Sue | = 2 =| Bathroom lissue ao Model, 21, Seeks SAVE de Camation % OL SAVE 10¢-Union Carbide Local Grown - Conada No. 1 Grade Fresh Gielen | | Coho Suiwe | Poly Garbage Bags Cucumbers tsmaen 2 * 19° LONDON (Reuters) -- Lloyd's a ge Bn Mang Mh. Bn SAVE 18 Wham SAVE 10¢ - Steinberg Local Grown + Canada No. 4 Grade = Crisp, Fresh 1 Qe 5 Luncheon Meat =w Honey Gla Glazed Donuts Celery Stalks nse size teas coming pregnant in the next five eats SAVE 5¢ Steinberg ELBOW MACARONI OR bp SPECIAL - Reatemon Frozen : California's Finest - Canada No, 1 Grade 7 Miss Baker, ear - old . . - : tence Snare met Spaghetti KG. *] Fruit Punches Bartlett Pears 3 ie 9° week that she, had applied for SAVE 6¢ - Black Di Reg: "SAVE 6¢ Orchard King Frozen Local Grown - Fresh such a policy and that there was amond 8 1. Cc : 2 29° nothing silly" about it. at ft act oa . oe Slices ; Orange Juice Green Pepper Squash 7 i aaa I would be out A Uoyd's spokesman said to- day: Clip and redeem "The application could come 'with this coupon and the | , err of A PKG. OF2 to us through any of 220 firms BONUS COUPONS : 25 25 iv Fea Fe. ea EXTRA aS x eosertl rer} PINK PINK ' 'PINKY' Iacroe of Londin brokers. The prem- | tums for sucha policy would WE RESERVE THE RIGHT 10 LIMIT automatically be high, and the QUANTITIES « NO DEALERS PLEASE © policy would probably lapse if ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE Miss Baker e@ to get mar- ried." en AUG. 30th to SEPT. 3ed, 1966 }