HINTS FOR HOUSEWIVES Weights and measurements Many housewives find it a nuisance when recipes call for use of ingredients by weights when they customarily use other units of meas- urement, In such cases, the following table provides equivalents of weights and helps eliminate guesswork in cooking: STRAWBERRY SWIRL KAPe cg ON Re SEY eae THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Auowet 30, 1966. 3TA 1 cup graham wafers 1 tbisp, sugar % cup butter melted 2 cup sliced fresh berries (or | W # of. pkg. frozen strawberries) #.. wder 1 cup boiling water lb. marshamallows to make one cup. Add to jelly.) 4 veel wy (partly) set. Mean-/9 qt. boiling water oz, pkg. strawberry jelly | rin lb. white sugar bine mayermalions 1 -oz. citric acid Squeeze orange and lemons, | then strain, Pour boiling water over rind with citric acid, Let stand until cool % Ib lb, of butter or fat eeeeeeeeeeereeeeeeeeernenees fees cup milk % Ib. butter or fat .. . Wb. granulated suger asceaeeewcesss eee besceceeeeee 1 Method: Wi. ANE BIRO FS eas 8 cece Coe iieea les Get Ge Us 5 casks nec aa « Ca as be 12 to 14 jelly cup egg whites tee OO OOD BOAO Oe eer ewe neneee to 10 lb, all-purpose flour ..... eee ee ee ee ee ee eup (whinned) cream ; crumbs, sugar Gi. BOW MIGOP ak da cc eS oes 2 to 2% 'cups firmly Soched and huttar -- So firmly po sel 3¥2 cups (sifted) | hottom of 9 x ® pan. Dissolve in the (Drain frezen strawberries re- 4 cups (sifted) | corving juice plus) cold not LEMONADE cold water West Courtice H and & Assoc, Saueeze the rinds. Aug sugar t uid. MX OF gather a 7 Fa Png ty Dilute ote with water af needed, Mrs. K. ---- West Courtice H and S. 42 cups 3% cups 4/2 to 5 cups 3 tbls, juice . 6 to 8 tbls, juice 4 to 5 cups (grated) 2 cups whipped Ib, coke flour PG ear Rage Wren ae i. white wheat flour cesccsvanevwewesiicese 1 Ib. rye flour ... 1 medium lemon ,... 1 medium orange eee we fe Pree 1. Gieddat cheede 35 50s cca seats ¥Y pint whipping cream ...eccecsceves Temperature, time chart Water simmers 180. deg. Water boils vee Bia wea: F. MO LA LS Ck ees eae eke aecee 200 deg. F. to 300. deg. Moderate 'ici ckv nee wes 300 deg. F. to 350 deg. ROE nisig'y by boa CO be 8 EE ry Oh « 350 deg. F. to 400 deg. Very Hot . 450 deg. F. to 500 deg. For boilin 450 deg. SIZE AND CONTENTS OF CANNED VEGETABLES, FRUITS NG: 2 CON ce ane ee - 2 1/5 cups ING: 0 BO oii s ca .aeeo ae 1% cups No. 242 con ... . 3°3/5 cups INO. FO ba bv ha 0 ieee 4 cups NE Gas ob oo Sas bes 0s) ba eae es - 134% cups Timetable for ~a Bread (loaf) according to size ...sees min, 375 deg. Yeast Rolls and biscuits ca' + it min. 375 deg. Baking powder biscuits to 10 min. 400 deg. Muffins ... to 25 min. 350 deg. Cookies ... ig 7 to min. 350 deg. Gingerbread ... to min. 350 deg. Lover Cake i vise sss to min. 300 deg. Loaf Cake 'ee eee ee to min. 350 deg. Fruit Cake (low oven) ... 2-3 hurs. 350 -deg. Estimating proportions Use 4 egg yolks to 1 quart milk for boiled custards. Use 2 cup conrstarch to 1 quart milk for blanc mange. Use 6 teaspoons baking powder to 2 cups (1 pint) flour. Use 1 teaspoon vinegar to each cup milk to substitute for sour milk. Use 2 cup uncooked rice to yield 2 cups cooked rice. Use ¥2 'cup flour to 1} quart liquid for white sauces, gravies, etc. Sa ee Oe ee ee ee ee ee ee ee | PB Ps Bd DL Ib. cake flour, 1 Ib. postry flour .....-.e.0+++- 344 cups (sifted) Ib. Graham. HOU aiascs ceceetccveoekee on Weechevwns 4% cups ---- We iN DRYCLEANIN PICKWICK CLEANERS & SHIRT LAUNDERERS 434 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH I'd Rather Fight Than Switch! "Why? Because my Shirts have never look- ed better! | sent my DIRTY SHIRTS to PICKWICK CLEANERS and they came back as fresh and white as new." TRY PICKWICK CLEANERS EXPERT SHIRT LAUNDERING. YOU'LL FIND THAT YOU'D RATHER FIGHT THAN SWITCH TOO ! é . 728-5133 Use 1 teaspoon te 1} quart water for boiling vegetables. EATON"S Hostess Shop -- featuring staples and delicacies from all around the world , . . domestic and imported party foods, pantry shelf items, hostess gifts ! @ FROM ENGLAND Sutherlend Spreads . . . delicious top- pings for conapes, party snacks; spread 'em on crackers or toast fing- ers, garnish with olives, parsely, chop- ped egg! Flavours include salmon, turkey, chicken, sardine, beef, TVG-ORs vs Gosh o Ue eeekes ee Idris Drinks . . . refreshing fruit-flav- oured essences that go equally well aione or in company, as mixers. Choose lemon squash, orange squash or lime-juice cordial. 26-oz, bottle .99 FRANCE @ FROM IRELAND Alanna Steak Sauce . . . a mouth- watering addition to steaks, chops, fish, cold meats; adds a fillip to soups, stews, casseroles. 9-oz, bottle .33 @ FROM HOLLAND Cheese Treats make good eating any- time | Cheese crisps, cheese hearts, cheese cheese - almond Besquies, sticks. To be enjoyed "as is", or with your favourite dips. §-62. tin 5 cs os SWEDEN @ FROM U.S.A. Hoffmen House Shrimp and Seafood Sauce . 2. tangy hofseradish in a smooth tomato sauce. »-great with seafood cocktails, 8-oz,. bottle . .69 SWITZERLAND EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 579 @ FROM DENMARK Garlic Vineger . . . perk up salads, Winter or Summer, with aged Danish Vinegar tightly spiced with garlic. Son: bottle och igen isk ae Miniature Fish Belle . . . tiny fish dumplings, ready to fry in butter... serve hot or cold, as hors d'oeuvres and cocktail snacks. Tin .... .49 FROM ONTARIO ' we ek Pure Liquid Honey . . . nutritious, well-liked by everyone in the family. Complete with enclosed honeycomb. Tels JOP aa waeassaeee coer ee FROM WEST GERMANY Filleted Herring . . . in a choice of souces. Canned in oil, tomato sauce or mustard sauce. 6¥2-0z. tin .45 FROM SCOTLAND Maconochies' Smoked Kippered Here ring . . . excellent addition to the hors d'oeuvres tray or on 'toast ot snack time: 12-0z. tin ..eee.. 59 FROM SWITZERLAND Swiss Gruyere Cheese . . , 12 Indivi- vidual foil-wrapped portions in a cir- cular box, Mild-flavoured, high-pro- tein snack for weight-watchers! 8-oz. pkg. eet eraneeonecere 49 Swiss Gruyere Assortment . .., 12 ine dividual portions in six different fla- voure, '8-02, DRG. ia cvacecadte eet GERMANY WEST INDIES HOLLAND ITALY ISRAEL PHONE 725-7373 Store Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m, Monday to Saturday. Open Thursday and Friday Nights until 9