Apricot Meringue Is Borrowed To Tempt Canadian Appetites ' Borrowed from Australia, 'Apricot Meringue, sweetened with honey, makes a delicious dessert, : APRICOT MERINGUE I -15-0z, can canned apricot halves 2 teaspoons clear honey 1-3 cup walnuts, chopped 2 eggs whites Y% cup sugar Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Drain the apricot halves and arrange, hollow side up, in a PINEAPPLE NUT BREAD 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour % cup sugar 1 tsp. baking powder ¥% tsp. salt 1 cup raisins % cup chopped nuts ese tsp. vanilla tblsp. melted shortening or corn oil tsp. baking soda cup or 10 ounce can pine- apple, not drained Sift flour, sugar; salt and bak- ing powder in to large bowl. Add raisins and nuts. Beat in short- ening, vanilla and egg. Dissolve soda in pineapple and add to mixture. Mix well. Turn into ioaf nan and hake at 350 Ge- grees. Mrs. D. Mcintyre. CHERRY JUNK 2. cups graham wafer crumbs 1-3 cup melted butter 4 cups _ miniature' mallows ¥% pint whipping cream 1. tin cherry pie filling. Mix together butter and crumbs. Pat half of crumb mixture in 8 x 12 pan. Whip cream and fold in marshmallows. Put half cream mixture on crumbs and cover with pie filling. 'Add remainder of cream mix- ture and top with the crumbs. Mrs. B. Hanewich West Courtice H and § Assoc. marsh- For All Your "Bridal Shoes" (Tinted Free) CHOOSE DANCEY'S DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 5% DISCOUNT IF YOU BRING THIS AD ne" APRICOTS, HONEY AND EGGS FOR DESSERT SEARS cet ne entender ence ti stipe ME DOE RTS it at oR ah aoa Bread RAISIN BREAD 414-5 cups flour ¥% cup warin, not hot water pkgs. fast-rising dry yeast % cup lukewarm milk % cup sugar tsp. salt ¥4 cup shortening eggs ss cups raisins Measure flour on to square of waxed paper. Soak yeast in warm water for 5 minutes. Com- baking dish or 8" pie plate. Mix the honey with the walnuts and spoon a little of the mix-| 2 ture into each apricot half. Beat the egg whites until very stiff and fold in the sugar ail |? at once. Spread meringue over the fruit. Bake, in the centre |? of the pre-heated oven, about | 2 20 minutes or until meringue is golden. Serves four to six. bine lukewarm milk, sugar and salt in large bowl. Stir to dis- solye. Beat in shortening, eggs, yeast mixture and 2 cups of flour with rotary beater until smooth, Stir in raisins. Add remaining flour, Mix un- til dough leaves sides of bowl. Knead dough on lightly flour- ed board until no longer sitcky (5-10 Min.), Place in lightly greased bowl, grease top and cover with waxed paper. Let rise in warm place . until doubled. (1 - 1% hours), Punch down. Divide dough in half. Shape into loaves. Place ia greased / 9 x. 5 inch loaf pans. Let rise in warm place until dough reaches a of pan and corners are filled, (144-2 h i Bake at 400 degrees for 38 to 40 minutes, M, C, ORANGE BREAD €ut rinds of two or three oranges in thin slices. Cover soda and simmer for 30 min- utes, Drain, cover" wis iscon through chopper. 2 cups bread flour. 3 tsp. baking powder | vinet-of aking 408 Coa aon - } a P a Y% cup shortening -- 1 cup brown sugar 1 egg 1. cup sweet milk~ - Sift flour, baking powder, salt and baking soda. Cream shortening. and make a fairly stiff batter. moderate oven for 1 hour or slightly {8nger. FRENCH SCONES 3 cups flour 2% tsp. baking powder 1 cup granulated sugar 1 cup raisins oi Mix together and add: 1 egg white 1 cup butter 1. tsp. vanilla Salt Sweet milk to mix. in scones, DIAPER SERVICE Pick-up and Delivery Twice Weekly with water, add pinch of baking water, cook until soft and put, brown ° sugar gradually, Add well beat= en egg. Add dry. ingredients | alternately With sweet milk to: Stir in prepared peel and. pour into well greaséd loaf pan, . Let stand 20 minutes. Bake in. ~ MRS, <C). Symons, | Put egg yolk on top and white ' Mrs, Loyd Potter. h: 668-4671 : cienial Everything Wrapped Up In One Neat Package! : : in offering satisfaction, Ray Holland at Holland Lumber Ltd. believes that home building and home remodelling is a family affair, too! That's why, when he is consulted regarding your Home building or modernization pro- ject he also pays special attention to your present and future family needs. This special attention is FREE! It's al a port of his effort 4 s * ~ li \ bf. il. = Ma.) a a te 7 ? i . a) ' | Ray Holland also pays special attention to the quality of lumber and building materials you buy, Because here, too, he endeavours to provide a satisfactory product in complete selection, To avoid misunderstending, the Holland Lumber itd. is NOT in the home building or modemization business, They are in the Lumber ond building supply business. But, if you wish, Ray will gladly recom . mend a reputable firm to do your building project for you. Why not consult him nent time hubby is tempted to use a nail ond ty Free Home Delivery R.R. No..1, Oshawaat 5 Points et ee ite CeO it le inte Rett OR Mil at } | aiid : | ial i RRR i} RPOTRRCA, i \}) esa ull | nesta LLL i onl aT | rom ti \y ze fie HOLLAND LUMBE & is Mama Aan yA hy Anant cl lt a al Ri i OO Me A A RE Ri EN AE OR a C0. Phone 725-4709 ee ee Ee all ee ee Te