'-- ee Gh Let ae Aa ae haere cn me 8 BOA THE OSHAWA TIMES, 'Tucsdey, August 30, 1966 Fish Canned Salmon Is Best Supplier Of Inexpensive Protein on Market Planning the family dinner around a can of salmon can help stretch your food dollars. Canned Salmon prices vary depending on the type of sal- mon you are buying -- Sockeye, Cohoe, Pink and so forth. Even so, canned salmon is one of the best ounce-for-ounce protein food buys on the supermarket shelves today. Canned Salmon dishes are quick - to + prepare, nourishing and can be made eye-appeal- ingly attractive. Many of these are almost a meal-in-one, needing only the addition of one of the fresh green vegetables Coming on the market now, or a nice crisp tossed green salad. Here, for good food-dollar value are main dish dinner and family supper suggestions. SALMON LOAF AU GRATIN 1 cup soft bread crumbs % cup milk can (1544-0z.) salmon eggs, slightly beaten wee SALMON CASSEROLE tbsp. butter - Jb. tin salmon 20-0z. tin of peas tbsp. chopped onion cup bread crumbs tbsp. flour : cups liquid from peas plus milk. (Take liquid from peas plus enough milk to make 1% cups). Method: Drain the salmon and peas, melt the butter in a skillet, add the flour then the liquid from the peas stir: when the liquid boils add the salmon, peas and seasonings, heat 2 to 3 minutes. stir into a buttered casserole. Dot with crumbs. Bake in a 450 degree F. oven of 10 minutes. Mrs. Harvey Silliphant . Ye Ya bt 0 et et be Pet iat AIRY SALMON DELIGHT 1 can cream of mushroom soup 1-3 cup grated mild Cheddar cheese 3 eggs, separated 2 cups soft bread crumbs 1 (15%-0z.) can Salmon, flaked Salt and pepper to taste Heat soup. in saucepan and add cheese, stirring until cheese melts. Add egg yolks, one at a time, stirring well. Remove from heat and add_ bread yerumbs and salmon. Cool. When cool, fold in stiffly beaten egg white. Pour into casserole. Bake in moderate oven, 350 degree Fahrenheit, for 50 to 60 minutes or until done. EASY LOBSTER NEWBURG | 2 cups lobster meat or 2 five ounce cans Y% cup butter ¥% cup flour % tsp. salt % tsp. pepper 1% cups milk 2 tbisp. dry white wine or lemon juice Toast or patty shells Cut lobster in bite + size chunks. Melt butter in top of double boiler. Blend in flour and seasonings. Gradually add milk and cook, stirring con- stantly until thickened. Add lobster meat and heat thorough- ly. Just before serving add wine or lemon' juice. Serve on toast or in patty shells. Makes 5 servings. Hilda Ramsay For All Your "Bridal Shoes" (Tinted Free) CHOOSE DANCEY'S DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 5% DISCOUNT IF YOU BRING THIS AD 1 teaspoon salt % teaspoon black pepper 1 tablespoon minced onion 2 teaspoons chopped pimiento Soak bread crumbs in milk. Add salmon and eggs. Mix in remaining ingredients, Turn in- to well-greased loaf pan. Bake Fahrenheit, for 40 minutes or until done. Turn out on platter and top with cheese sauce. CHEESE SAUCE 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 tablespoons flour 1. cup milk % teaspoon salt few grains pepper % cup grated Cheddar cheese Melt butter.. Remove from heat; add flour and mix until smooth. Add milk and cook until thickened, stirring con- stantly. Remove from heat; add cheese and seasonings, stirring until cheese melts. Makes 1% cups, BAKED HALIBUT 2 = kbs. halibut 1 'cup milk Butter, salt and pepper Rub fish with butter and seasonings place in baking dish and pour milk over. Baste often while cooking until all milk is used. About 35 to 40 minutes at 375 degree. Rita Mann sieves searen eae ee Eig rp Se Sepa erseniine Seon Satan TUNA TOWERS can (6 or 7 ounces) tuna tbsp. diced celery tbsp. mayonnaise cups shredded lettuce large thick slices tomato mayonnaise stuffed olives Drain and flake tuna. Com- bine with eS and 2 tbsp. 1 aun aft ~w Nh Nh he season lay Viitiaisc. shredded iettuce in "a round on each of two serving plates, Top each round witn a thick slice from a large tomato. Divide the tuna mixture into two equal portions and mould each portion by pressing it into a measuring cup (4% cup size) or a tea cup. Unmould on tomato slice, Gar- nish each "tower" with a dab/|? of mayonnaise and stuffed olive. Hilda Ramsay SALMON PUFF eups cooked, flaked salmon cups mashed potatoes egg yolks % tsp. salt ¥% cup finely minced parsley 2 egg whites Flake salmon, and mix with mashed potatoes, beaten egg yolks, salt, onion and parsley. Fold in beaten egg whites. Pour into a greased casserole. Bake in moderate oven, $50 degree F. for 30 minutes. Yield 6 servings. Mabel MacLellan Y% 3 2 SALMON LOAF 1% cup scalded. milk 2 cups bread. crumbs 1 can salmon (1 Wb.) 2 thbisp. vinegar \% tsp. mustard (scant) 2 tbsp. melted butter 2 eggs beaten salt and pepper to taste Mix in order given. Put in buttered baking dish. Bake 1 hour in moderate oven, Mrs. Stirling Birt. 8 CLAMBURGERS pint of clams, chopped fine egg, well beaten cup cracker crumbs tsp. salt % tsp. pepper Combine ingredients in the order given, mix well. Form in- round cakes and fry in hot fat about 4 inch deep. Drain and ==s ve ~ inine hat. ' Baltic Lot 18 W._I. Prot fake font DOWN EAST CLAM CHOWDER 2. tbsp. finely diced fat salt pork or bacon cup chopped onion cup diced raw potato cups water -- 1 pint clams and liquid or canned. clams 1 can (16 ounces) evaporated milk tbsp. butter 1. .tsp. salt % tsp. white pepper Pan fry diced pork or bacon over low heat until crisp and brown. Remove scoops from pan and reserve for use later as a garnish. Add chopped onion to hot pork fat and pan fry until tender but now brown. Combine cooked onion and diced potatoes in a deep saucepan. Sad Add water, bring to sagen. | temperature and simmer a 15 minutes, Stir in clams, cl liquid, milk and butter an@. seasonings. Heat until pi hot, but do not allow to Serve garnished with crisp , scraps. Makes 6 servings. Hilda Ramsay TUNA CASSEROLE 2 cup white sauce 1. cup potatoes 1 tin tuna 1 cup carrots 1 cup peas. Put into greased She an cover with buttered crumbs brown in hot oven. Mrs, Elaine. Cousins a "SLIP cov Howard's DRAPERIES 926 Simcoe St, N, 725-3144 Peano is Your Winter Fuel. SAVE Now Is The Time To Order see eaewee PHONE 668-3341 DX FUEL OIL Serving Oshawa - Whitby - Ajax and District _ 16: On Premium Qu lity FUEL OIL appliances that Mom's work load and ens her life. Provincial, ond weodarain tops, Bathroom vanities units. Over 13 different designs in Custom - Built Kitchens choose from -- such as French Italian Provincial, (knotty pine), Modern, etc. In different patterns, colors, marble with a choice of Arborite or Formica Post Form -- (rolled counter tops) There is also 5 different-designs in Prices to suit your budget. Dealers of Moffet built-in oven ond surface Adso Suppliers of general contractors throughout the gree. down bright- to BROCK ST. Lor Loy CHARLES ST. Victoria W. xX R. H. CABINET HENRY ST. A NEW KITCHEN Can be Yours, Quickly, Easily Remodel that old - fashioned kitchen with new beouty, new cut See Our New !! VINYL COVERED KITCHENS In 4 Different Colors! THE R. H. CABINET co. LTD. 1614 CHARLES ST., WHITBY Open Mon. to Thurs., 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. -- Sat., 9 a.m. till Noon Open Friday Till 9 P.M, PHONE 668-6911