Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Aug 1966, p. 17

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CKEY MOUSE /, | MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES \ DION'T I KNOW EXACTLY HOW LATE Pam I WAS GULP! !--WeE'LL BE ANGELS SOON, HONEST ABE 2? YOUR POGO STICK CAME! HERE IT 19/ )) (ou, eoopie/ THANKS, MR. TAYLOR! - i -- SWREADY, Parry Dean'? \( LEVITATION? , EARS EVI 'Ag WE IS FLYIN' IN TH'AIR, _//' pert: WIF TH GREATEST OF EASE /! 1 GUESS You'LL HAVE TO WALK THE REST OF YOUR TRIP, WON'T YOU? FORTUNATELY, BODIE JOHNSON i SOME \f ROLLER SKATES! 7 Re as : 4; y oy LZ OUTSIDE, FRIEND.,.,.LETS HAVE A LOOK AT 'You © King | matures Syndicate, Ine. 1966. World rights reserved. LOOK TO STARBOARD, SKIPPER. NOT THE ONLY ONES GRINDING (CE TEARS AT - a 0. THE OSHAWA: ANYWAY, WE'RE Seturdey, August 27, ae ay GONNA LAND I ' Ra 4 P THe-DRINKS . a By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' LORD, IF A WHALE CANT SURVIVE we ¢ IOW. CAN, "i ay This is a double-dummy prob- lem. The contract is Six No- trump played by South, | West leads the jack of The goal is to make tricks, assuming the best sible defense by East-West, As usual in double-dummy prob- lems, you are permitted to look at all four hands. i THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 i WELL, TONTO, THATS PROBABLY) AS MUCH AS WELL EVER LEARN OF THE MANS pays MEANWHILE ++ 7&N> FOURTEEN, MR. Xf THE EASTBOUNOS ON SCHEOULE/ _- Qarday and Torchy Closer, blazing auiay at point-blank range... THE CAR i COMPARTMENTS 13° THE THIRD Cash the A-K of spades' and A-K of hearts, then. cash the of clubs. ne If East plays the four on' ace, lead the eight, f Bast to win the club with | queen. If East now returns a spade or a heart, discard the K-10 of clubs on suit queens, thus unblocking the club suit so that gon can cash the 7-6-5 of clubs, At the end of the hand you take a dia- mond finésse to produce' the twelfth trick. * If East returns a low. mond at trick seven, ins a spade or a heart, you low from your hand, the trick in dummy, and make the contract by unblocking the clubs as before. j If East plays the queen. of clubs on the ace (at trick five), you must use fferent measures to make the contract. You lead the jack of diamonds at trick six, If East takes, the jack with the king, the queen of diamonds becomes an entry to dummy and you easily make twelve tricks, But. suppose East refuses te take the jack of diamonds when you play it. In that case, West (E DOWN, FIND ASHLEY'S COM- PARTMENT/ HERE 18 WHERE HE OFF WITHOUT move - TELEVISION LOG Channe} 11--Hamilten } Action | T--Movie Channel %~Toronte | i dh '66 | 6--Spread of the Eagle 4--Du Cote de Quebec | t Channel G---Rochester =| 4 Pattern For Living | $--Virginion ae Channel 7--Buftale | 2--Falth For To-Day | Channel 6--Toronto 12:00 NOON i ae Channel 4--Buffale \}i--Traveliers Preview | 12:30 P.M Channel 3--Barrie 9--Italian Album News . cig Channs: 2~Buttale mi narenwres in Para- i retire 7-Dialogue | 6--Music rial SATURDAY EVE. 4----News, Weather 5.00 PAM, 3--Hymn Book | 2--Sum and Substance 12:15 P.M, 4--Congress 5.90 P.M, 12:30 P.M, N--Johnny Quest |.U--Spectrum | | | MONDAY 8.00 A.M. 6---Captain Kangaroo 8.30 A.M, | 9=T.V, University 8:55 A.M. 7--Dialing For Dollars, irl Talk Wy 11 lipper 7+-ABC's Wide World of Sport 4~Movie 6 9.00 A.M. --Morning Musicale 9--Romper Room 8--Quest for Adventure 7--Navy Film 6:00 P.M, | 4-Face The Nation 1--Sports Special |' 3----Herald of Truth 9--Voyage 4--News, Weather, Sports | bine 24d 4--Mike's Carnival 1:00 P.M, | 2--Bozo's Big Top Vi--Continental Miniature | 9--Spectrum 8--Meet the Press 7---ABC Scope 6:30 P.M, 7--Ozzie and Harriet 4--News 7:00 P.M, 9.30 A.M, 9--Uncle Bobby | &-Smile Time 4--Love Of Life LET'S GO GEE WHY GRANDMA KEEPS RAIGING Th,.t GAME AND THEN SLAMMING IT DOWN / id tang Nese teed ns ee Cone ghee t CAN'T FIND MY HAMMER, KIDS... GONNA BAKE T AFTERNOON ." ...AND I NEED SOME NUTS CRACKED FOR A CAKE IM HIS LAST FALL...C HAD A BAD-KNEE,.. A... LATER, I HAD MY TONSILS OUT! IVE COST MY DAD A LOT OF MONEY! «se THEY D CALL YOU IN AND CORRECT YouR DEFECTS FREE! PAVANE ! BIFF ACTS LIKE... WELL, HE'S AFRAID.OF CROSSING Ti--Polka Party 6--Mr. Magoo 4--Amateur Hour | 3--News ews 2--Jack Lalanne %--Jackie Gieason 7--Movie 4--Round Tabie 6--12 for Summer 2--News 7:30 P.M, | 10,00 A.M. | 1:30 P.M. 1--Ed Allen Time | 1--This Space Age 9--Summer Fun | 9-Face to Face &2--Eye Guess 8--Movie | 4-1 Love Lucy 7--tssues and Answers 1i--Dance Party 6--Tennessee Tuxedo 8-2--Flipper 4--Cameo Theatre 6--Danger Man | 3--Spectrum 4--Continental Showcase | 3--McHales Navy 2:00 P.M. | 11--Dance Party 4--The McCoys 8:00 P.M, | 9--Sports Special 3--Time Out 9--Academy Pertormance | 7--First Name Only 7--Pro Football 3-6--C.N.E. ' Sports | 11.00 A.M. er gga ee j }-11--Long. John Silver ng | 7--Movie 9--Mr. and Mrs. ! | 8-2--Chain Letter een aye oer, secre i 7--Supermarket Sweep | 10.30 A.M, | ll--Mark Sabre 9--T.V. Bingo | 8-2--Conceniration 7--Donna Reed 2:30 P.M, iti 3--Ed Allen Time 3-6--Beverly Hillbillies + Secret Agent 4--Andy Griffith 9:00 P.M, 2--Movie 8--Movie 3-6--Movie 9:30 P.M, 9--Movie Great Music }8---See the U.S.A. 4--Face Is Familiar | ?--Extrasensory Percept. | 7--Pro Football ' 10:00 P.M, 9--T.B.A 4--Gunsmoke 10:30 P.M, vi--Moyie 11:00 P.M, 9-7-2-4-8--News, Weather, Sports 3-6--Pro Football | 3:00 P.M, | 2--Doctors at Work | 3:30 P.M, 8--Biography 2--Movie 4:00 P.M, 11:30 A.M, 11--Buccaneers 9--Abracadabra 7--Dating Game 8-2--Showdewn_ SeBleke Vaw- Byhw 3~Ernie Lindell 12.00 NOON 1--Bonnie Prudden { 9~Toronto Summertime 8-2---deopardy 7--Money Movie 36--Luncheon Date 4--News and Weather " | 63--Time for Adventure 4--Movie 4:30 P.M. Tiny felent Twne 24--Rro Football 5.00 P.M, 1--Movie | 7--Donna Reed Show 63--Country Calendar | 12.15 P.M. | 5.90 P.M, 4--Speaker of the House 12.0 P.M. lINoon Time 3-9--News, Weather, Sports le ; K | 8-2--Swingin' Country 4--Movie | 2-8--Sportsman's Holiday 4.4--search for j : Tomorrow 11:30 P.M, | 6100 PAA, &~Movie | Spectrum 12.40 P.M | %Walt Disney Presents 9M " ern " N40 Pi. 6--Perry Mason | ave 3--Movie 4~--Twentieth Century | SUNDAY 7:00 A.M, li--En France | 9---Milton the Monster | 7--Movie 6--Documentary 3--Movi j 12:45 P.M, 6:30 P.M, 64--Guiding Light li--Lost in Space | 4--Hazel | 1.00 PLM. | 7:00 P.M. | 11--Theatre- 9~Viet Nam Report | @ Dialing For Dollars 7--Voyage To The Girl Bottom of the Sea 7--Ben Casey 1--oral Roberts | 63--Cine Club 3-6--Luncheon Date 8--SHHH! Children | 4--Lassie | 4---Meet The Millers 7--Christopher Program 1:30 PM. ime enighbasitid <--Word of Life lisiaiis | 2--Agriculture U.S.A, | 9~Avengers 8.30 A.M, | #3--Disney's World of Vi--Sacred Heart Color 7--Beany and Cecil | &3--Hazel | 4--Comedy Capers | 4--My Favorite Marten a--Felix | 8:0 P.M. 8:45 A.M, 7--Preview Tonight Living, World | @43--Ed Sullivan Show 9:00 A.M, 8:30 P.M, li-- Cathedral Chimes 9--Peyton Place 7--Porky Pig 6-2--Branded Chien Caps 9:00 PM PHT A.M, | T--Movie Ni--italian Journal | 8-6-3-2--Bonanza 7--Peter Potamus | 4Perry Mason 4--Uncle Jerry's Club 130 P. 2--The Answer 10:00 A.M. 7:30 A.M, 1i--Camera On Canada 7--Herald of Truth 8:00 A.M. | 1,30 P.M. &--Let's Make A Deal 64--As The World Turns 3--Movie 2.00 P.M. 8-2--Days of Our Lives | 7--Newlywed Game 6--Cuisine 4--Password The Cat | 2.300 P.M. 9--People in Conflict 8-2--The Doctors 7--A Time For Us 6--Coronation Street 4--Linkletter's Party 9:30 PLM, ll--Mystery Tehatre 3.00 P.M. ERG tesla Ld P.M. | $-Fractured Phrases -- -2--Another World &--Faith For To-Day | 9--Sports Hot Seat 7--Genera! Hospital 7--Rocketship 7 |8--Wackiest Ship 64-3--To Tell The Truth 4--Lamp Unto My Feet /9--Something Special 3.25 P.M. 3--Powy's Horse Show | 4--Candid Camera SCaurcn: avneten |6-3--Bantf Conference, 10.15 A.M. 10:30 P.M. 2--Church Service 10:30 A.M, %--Report 8--This Is The Life 3--This ts The Lite 4---Look Up and Live 11:00 A.M, N--Bible Stories o--Meta &--Christopher Program 7--Bullwinkle Show 4--Camera Three 6--Recital 3-6--Bonnie Prudden 4--News 3.00 PLM. 1i--Funny Company 9--It's Your Move 8-2--You Don't Say 7--Super Club 4--Edge of Night | %-Talent Showcase 4--What's My Line 36--Take 30 11:00 PLM, | 2,3, 6 4, 8, 11, 9~News, | Weather, Sports ns P.M. 1--Open Mind T--provie 2--Johnny Carson 14:28 PLM, 4--Movie 4:00 P.M, 9--! Love Lucy &--Match Game 4--Secret Storm 3-6--Sunshine Semester 2---Mike Douglas 4:30 P.M. l--Alvin 11--Discussion 9--Movie 9--Pierre Berton 8--Huck, ryy Hound 8~--Socia! Security in r on 4--Mov &--Johnny Carson Jcongenital defect or can it CROSSWORD ACROSS DOWN . Just . Litter of 5. Sacred bull pigs : . Egyptian 2, Wing-like dancing part girl 3. Deceiver . Jargon . Adjust . Snares again . High card . Areca . Entices 2. Fairies . Conjunction 5. Poetic contraction « Gentle . Russian river 2. Babe Ruth's kingdom. 23, Lurched suddenly becomes your You first cash the ace ve aie: monds, runhing West out of diamonds. You then lead the 19. PIAIS eight of clubs, c West is forced to win the club with the jack and must then put you in dummy by returning a spade or a heart. This varia- .|tion works out the same way °) fas when East was thrust inte the lead with the queen, ' river igi You discard the K-10 of clubs . Honey~ on the major suit queens, make Yesterday's Answer jthen cash the last three "Fake 32. Repulses with the 7-6-5 of clubs, e 9, Polish- 33, Employs All roads lead to Rome. ... ing 36. Stop SALLY'S SALLIES in thin sheets 20. Sweet potato 4, Of the bank ofa naterial 38. Flock Man's name . Performed 25. Crowd 27. Wire & measure 28. Steeples . Land of the Incas . Vandal 5, Encloses . Oriental nurse 9, Your, rural style . Protestant denomina- tion: abbr, . Bishop's hat 43, Hospital employees 45, W. Ind, fish 46, Cruise stroke and that a stroke works 47, Founder of lin many different ways. Please Christian Science 44 j\reply. If she needs a t VA lattention, I will encoufage her 45. Finisnes ef, jto do go.--Mrs. D. HB. hay | There is no reason to think YOUR HEALTH | By JOSEPH G, MOLNE Dear Dr. Molner: My brother died as a result of an aneurysm at the base of the skull, It was an inoperable location. Is an aneurysm: caused by brought on by pressure and tension? He led a very strenu- ous life, He had complained of. head- aches, backache and a stiff neck. He had been to a doctor jonly a few days before and his 'trouble was diagnosed as mus- cular aches. I realize this ail- ment is hard to detect ahead of time.--Mrs. R. G, There are times when resig- nation and a philosophical ac- jceptance are more helpful than jmedical advice, and I think this is one 'of them. An aneruysm is a_ bulging and weakening of a blood ves- | | 1 sel. It may be dangerous or un- important depending on its size and location. It may be readily aparent or may be most diffi- cult to detect. It may be cor- rected surgically or may be in an impossible position and all that can be done is to hope that it will not rupture. It may be a congenital defect, or the result of injury, or it may develop: because of infec- tion or some other disease process. In your brother's case, due to its location, we can say it probably was of congenital ori- gin, enlarging and finally rup-; Techniques. Avoid Danger To Arteries | this was a stroke, a stroke be- ing either a blockage of circu- lation or a rupture of a blood vessel in the brain. ve This sustained nosebleed and her weight, though, raise the suspicion of high blood pressure which, if excessively. high , continued, certainly adds to- risk of a stroke in the For that reason, it is most important to have a doctor ex- amine her. If her blood pres- sure is high, medication along turing spontaneously, The defect! with diet to control her weight at that point is difficult to}would be of considerable ; 1 it might haye|For severe nosebleed, it. is a special|better to sit up, lean forward the nose R, MD diagnose = but n detected by an arteriogram--|and put pressure on study~ called > introduction. of a dye into the|Tather than to lie down, bloodstream, followed by x-ray. But there is a complex hint fi Dear Dr. Molner: Does drink- of arteries at the base of the|ing five or six bottles of pop brain and it is most doubtful|a day cause gallstones?-- - that anything could have been| Mrs. B. E. . done even if such a test had| This is a lot of pop, but al- been made, ithough we do not Sod he There are afflictions about|causes . gallstones, ere is which little can be done and|no indication that carbonated we must accept as well as pos-|drinks have anything to do with sible what Fate ordains. lacs Aneurysms in strategically lo- ' cated arteries are a serious | Note to "24 Years Old": Yes, matter. But to relieve anxicty| thyroid pills are a form of ° od people who may have.anue-|mones, rysms, it is only fair to peint|~ ~ out that some may not be ex- ® | F tensive and hence. pose Aro California Gets threat, and that others, with} newer techniques being devel-| Pete Conacher oped, can' be corrected with considerable success. | SAN FRANCISCO (AP)--Call- : fornia Seals of the Western Dear Dr. Molner: My mother| Hockey League acquired winger had a nosebleed the other day|Pete Conacher Wednesday. _ and it lasted from morning until} Conacher, a native of Toronto, late in the evening, She would) Played for Hershey of the Am lie down and it would stop; |ican League last season and«is then she would. get up and it|signed with Boston Bruins of the would start again, | National League. She is 52 and overweight (240 pounds), She has to be aw- (RGWD TOGETTER © fully sick before she will go] Singapot@ts,the world's most to a doctor and I am very wor-|crowded cit}; h-29 per cent ried jof the population livigg five or Friends say. it sounds like amore to a room, = / i

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