Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Aug 1966, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdoy, August 27, 1966 ; a0 Bere ~~ COUNTY LINES New Family Welcomed To Community | 'tous MAPLE GROVE (TC) -- Sym-,Green Acres,' Trenton, on Sat- y of this community is ex-jurday. On Monday Ronnie. cele- sa to Mrs. Eddie Colliss and| brated his eighth birthday. family, his mother and broth-| Mr. and Mrs, Ron Rogers and ers and sister, in their sudden|family spent the weekend at loss of husband, father, and|Mr. Walter Goode's cottage at aan Ate and Mre Callie ware! Raseflale. Mise Tammv Rogers former residents Maple! who was visiting her cousins at ow Q Sagal has sat agg home. ? 1; Mrs. Allan Snowden who was j ie gel g wept are Se 'staying with her granddaughters Geneva Park. Please ble|in Bowmanville, last week while at the church about 2 p.m,|their parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Transportation will be available|Harry Snowden, were attending for those who need it. a business meeting at Montreal. Mrs. E. Ashton is visiting Mfs. Allan Snowden accom- her daughter and husband, Mr. aie bart gual abi a d Mrs. Stanley May at Sun- . : avidgs Miss' Janet Bragg daughter's and husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Aitcheson and perverse fen, er family a alront on Sunday Mrs, Amy Niddrie, Toronto, « ,Beech. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond ge 'Beech, and' daughter Dale, who has been visiting at her by Brockvilley were Saturday vis- pwr ggg go nc _Htors with their uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. Elmo Anderson, 4 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beech./ pi nincham. Michiga ci *_ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beech ey eee eee Sunday visitors with Mr. and -~ visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ross 4 *'Richards at their cottage at Big ge me rouge Ashton .| _-.Bob Lake. Scarborough, were Monday vis- #-2 We welcome Mr: and Mrs:/itors with Mr. and Mrs. C. P.! Max Nuttall and family who! swallow. a,have moved into the cottage at! Miss Cathy Spry has return-, - the back of Maple Grove Red| ed home after visiting with Miss; Sally Rice at Hawkstone. Mr.) "Wand White Store, to our com- ~ munity. and Mrs. Ray Dubeau and sons Mrs. Pearl Elliott, Lakefield,jare at their cottage at Hawk: | ¢was a Sunday visitor with Mr.| stone. } «and Mrs. S. S. Morton. | Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown! _.. Weekend Sunday and Monday/and son Dave spent Sunday! - visitors with Mrs. L. C. Snow-| with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Calver'! "den and Mr. Bob Snowden were|and family at Waupoose. | ¢7Mrs. Otis Pritchard and sons,|. Mr. and Mrs, H. G. Freeman, Mr. John Pritchard, Master|accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.| , Paul Pritchard, Manotick. They|Leslie Jackson, Bowmanville, _ also visited her sister, Mr. and| visited their nephew and niece, "Mrs. John Huband, Oshawa,)/Mr. and Mrs. Glen Freeman, "Mrs. L. H. Coates, Brantford,|and son David, on Saturday, at <Mr. and Mrs. Dan Coates, and/St. Catharines. «, $ons Byron and Kevin, and! 'Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman, daughter Dana, Paris, Ont.,)attended the combination serv-| Misses Sarah and Martha Cran-|ice of Cedardale and South-/ *°dall, Brampton, Mr. and Mrs.|minster churches when Mr.| 'Hohn Huband, Oshawa, and Mr.| Freeman preached. ,and Mrs. H. C. Freeman, Maple| Sympathy of this community! "Grove. is extended to Mr. and Mrs.! *95°Mr. and Mrs. H. Cooney, Miss} Ron Rogers in the passing of| "Sandra and Master Ronnie| their brother-in-law in London, -@ooney, visited the former's|Mr. Worsley, his widow and fam- - mother, Mrs. Blanche Cooney,|ily, and all other relatives. s of A CNR engineer places a plastic garbage bag on the smoke stack of a diesel locomotive in a Toronto rail yard 'after the start of COMPANY FINED BARRIE (CP)--British Amer- jican Oil Co. Ltd. Friday was fined $1,000 on charges laid fol- Hlowing the explosion of a boiler Missions for financial assistance in Cookstown, Ont. restaurant in the form of a loan of $5,000; |June 20, 1965, that injured nine to make application to presby-|persons, The oil company and jtery for its consent to this; to|the owners of the Argosy Res- sign an agreement to repay the;taurant were jointly charged loan requested or the amount/With permitting the operation of approved by the Board of Home|a boiler without obtaining a cer- Missions, and to conform to tificate of inspection the regulations which govern iviia des Baas mere a ses | the Property or Church Exten- y GETS THREE YEARS sion Funds. ST. CATHARINES (CP) -- The proposed manse is to be Robert Moore, 22, of Hamilton ready for Jan. 1, 1967 when it] who claimed he was addicted to is honed all arrancements for/mariiuana and wanted to stay the formation of 'a seperate| that way, was sentenced Friday charge at Kedron will have'to three years in prison on a been completed. charge of possessing the drug On Sept, 11, following servic- for sale. es, the congregation will be asked to nominate and elect} members to the Pastoral Re- lations Committee. » Kedron: Church Manse To Be Built sa. KEDRON (TC)-- At a special ~ congregational meeting held fol- "Slowing regular Sunday morning teservices at Kedron United ".,Church concerning the impend- ing formation of a_ seperate _ charge for Kedron Church, the following recommendations from ~**the Official Board were accept- ed: tJ. --That.a manse be built , this fall, and work on a Christ- "Yan Education building be def- ferred for-the present time. "That monies in various "\ building funds, e.g. Kedron *«/Manse Fund, Building Fund and Columbus manse fund -- be used for the purpose of build- ""fhg a manse at. Kedron, and that anyone objecting to such use of money they have con- tributed be requested to notify » the treasurer, Mr. Ross Lee by "Oct. 1. Their contributions will «be held to be used as they FILES SUIT NEW YORK (Reuters)--Ac- tress Jane Fonda, charging she ' has been "emotionally rav- SCHOOL ADDITION aged" and the loss of property Construction has begun OM/rights, filed a $19,000,000 civil four - room addition to Kedron|qamage suit Friday. against Public School. Rice Construc-|pjayhoy magazine because of tidesignate. ? . tion of Richmond Hill were aw-\ nude photos published in the Au- '..--That the modifications of| arded this contract recently. gust issue. «the proposed manse be left to| Although no definite complet-)--------__ 'the discretion of the building)ion date has been announced,| «committee, after consultation| it is hoped the classrooms will) *twith the builder. |be completed for the beginning} i» .--That the Trustees of Kedron|of the second term. In the in-| ' oe. «Congregation be authorized and|terim the kindergarten classes V 0 L b 'directed to make application to} will be held in the Lower Halll 1ews n a or «(the Board of Home Missions|of Kedron United Church. Re ' oe *!for financial assistance in the|shift system will be instituted) TORONTO (CP) -- The gen- _iform of a grant of $4,000. 'for grades 4, 5, and 6. eral public, well Parents of children in these) sentatives of management to| grades will be notified as to labor, That the trustees be further 'authorized and directed have make all necessary financial ar-| the shift their child will attend.| ; - rangements in connection with] Barbara Rose, daughter of| Make representations the erection of a manse, and|Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rose has tario's commission that should they deem 'it ad-|successfully completed Grade] quiry into the use of injunc viseable this authority and dir-|13, and will be attending the | 4 ction is to include making ap-| Ontario Teacher's College, To- *" plication to the Board of Homel ronto, this coming year. .,Hand Embroidered Gift Presented BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- St.|discussed. As many members/barts to head the commission SwWohn's WA held its regularjwere away on holiday, final! The commigcic micetiiig oi Aug. is in the par-| decisions on these matters were into the means of enforcement ish hall with Mrs. T.C. Graham|tabled until the Septemberjof employer'"and employee an the chair. The devotional) meeting. The meeting closedirights and obligations period was conducted by Mrs.|with prayer. "= "Seott. The minutés of the July} A short program followed. as as re and invited been to to' On royal ons in labor disputes The invitation jday from Ivan C. Rand, 82, a \former judge of the Supreme | Court of Canadan who last week was appointed by Premier Ro. came Thurs- Wie "qui as ON GOES THE LID jspeaker at Rand lnyitos | well} as the use of strikes, lockouts,! patronize Carnaby Street. the railway strike. The bag will help protect the loco- motive in the event of a long strike. la LB] Asks 'Self-Restraint' From U.S. Business, Labor NEW YORK (AP)--President|wages and profits up that Johnson attempted this week to}much," he said, "we realize infuse new life into his badlyNhere will be some increase in mauled price and wage guides, ces," shattered by the steel price in- crease and the airlines strike settlement, et Johnson appealed at his press conference to U.S. business and r ta avareien "eolf _ ro' straint." i He said it 'may be that the government will have to take other measures but we aren't ready to recommend them at this time." Johnson noted that since 1960 wages have increased 17 per cent and profits 83. per cent, compared with a 10 per cent rise in prices. "As long as we can keep tration wants "as low: interest rates as it possibly can have," GET MORE INCREASES Meanwhile, some more prices ware vaiecad and the enact af (some loans advanced. Paperboard box. makers boosted prices. an average of five per cent--their third in- crease in a year. Owens - Illinois, Inc., raised prices of 60 per cent 'of its glass containers by an average of three per cent, effective Oct. 1. Industry executives said they expected other producers to fol- low. hnson also said his adminis-| Several lending institutions, led by General Motors Accept- ance Corp., increased. the inter- est charged car dealers to fi- nance automobile inventories. GMAC boosted its rate to 6%4 per cent from six per cent. Chase Manhattan Bank, New York City's largest bank, and First National City Bank, the rates to 6% per cent from 6 per cent, LIVING COSTS UP The cost of living continued to rise Sharply in July, the labor idanartmant vanartad 'The san. |sumer price index climbed to 113.3 per cent of the 1957-59 ay- erage, up 0.4 from the previous record of 112.9 per cent reached 'in June. . Machine tool orders, a key economic indicator, slipped in July 15 per cent from the June level to their lowest total for any month this year. Production of 1967 passenger cars climbed this week to PRODUCE. | aun TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale, U.S. Senate passed a bill Friday to retail carton eggs average. night that would raise the $1.25- weighted prices quoted by the #"-hour minimum wage to $1.60 department of agriculture as of |in 1968 and bring an additional Friday: A large 65.8; A medium |?-090,000 workers under" the 60.9; A small 41.6. | Wages and Hours Act. The roll- Eggs: Wholesale price to call vote was 57 to 17, : country stations fibre cases quoted by the Toronto Board of! Trade from wholesale egg deal- | ers; Extra-large 58; large 57; | medium 54-55; small 34-35; We Sell Everything 39: C 34. [El For Assistance In Butter prices: . Agricultural "Buying and Selling Stabilization board tenderable | ' Dial 723-1168 carlots: Buying 40 score 59; | buying 39 score 58; selling 59 | Douglas J, M. Bullied REALTOR We List Anything ! 49,400, more than double last} week's 23,771 and up 33 per] cent from 37,284 a year ago. | Steel output last week) amounted to 2,501,000 tons, off 0.3 per cent from 2,509,000 the previous week, (CP Wirephoto) HITS WORKING MOTHERS LONDON, Ont. (CP) A the opening of the Family Movement Friday night criti- cized_ society's. ready accept- ance of the working mother, Patrick J. Hunt, a social worker} for the Catholic Children's Aid| Society in Toronto, told more than 200 del various } i Quebec 2 interests of| the children community, } mothers should not work. Christian conference from and HEADS TEACHERS TORONTO (CP) Patrick O'Leary, 56, of Brantford Fri- day was elected president of the Ontario Teachers' Federation. | He is an executive member of | the Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association. IT PAYS TORONTO (CP)--The Smoth- NEWS IN BRIEF the |# ers' brothers drew $105,900 dur- ing their five-day. run as head- liners at the Canadian National Exhibition grandstand show, CNE officials announced Fri-l¥ day. MAY WANT MORE - CHATHAM, Ont, (CP)--Yugo- slavia may be in the market |i for more Canadian Holstein cat-| tle if a trial herd continues pro-/| duction at its present high level, | members of a Yugoslavian farm | @ delegation said Friday SUGGEST ROLE LONDON (Reut ing trade azine Friday that Prince Charles, 17- year-old heir the throne, should be a walking advertise- for e colorful Carnaby Street image of male fashion. An editorial in Tailor and Cut- that ac- ceptable for Prince Albert, hus- band of Queen Victoria, to make popular a style of shoe, for Ed- ward VII to launch Homburg iats; for The Duke of Windsor to inaugurate large tie knots} ahd spread colors, Prince| Charles should be allowed to} suggested mag to ment ter says since was ~Aneeting was read and ap-|Mrs. T. C. Graham read, "A "proved. The treasurer's report;Tested Formula for a Useful, was read and accepted. Happier Life -- Just for To- A box of beautifully hand-| day." Mrs. H. McLaughlin read embroidered linens for the Holy ces see Wh as ta Table, the gift of Mrs. H. E-/read some short humorous Ashmore, was gratefully re-| selections. The hostesses were ceived. Further details regard-|Mrs. T. C. Graham and Mrs. ing coming activities were| H. McLaughlin. "Shower Honors Blackstock Couple BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- Ernest,end camping at Darlington Pro- Swain was MC on Friday night | vincial Park for the shower in the Recreation' Mr. and Mrs. Ted McMahon, 725-6553 RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH $8.00 PER DAY 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE 14 ALBERT ST, Oshawa Centre in honor of Mr. and|Mr. and Mrs. Russell Larmer, Mrs. Gerald Ferguson (nee|Mr. Grant Larmer, attended) .sBeth Strong). the wedding of Mr, Lawrence} The couple took seats on the|Larmer of Barrie and Miss} .« platform while Miss Nancy Dor-| Angela Marie Flaherty in Lon-| * rell played the wedding march,/don Saturday. | Following program was given:| Miss Edna Larmer was host-} Reading, 'The Will of St.|ess-Tuesday evening in honor of Keyne," by. Mrs. Lloyd Wright; |her guests, Mr. and Mrs, Har-| piano solo, Cheryl Graham; /old Larmer of California. Eve-| reading, 'A Smile," by Anne/ning guests were Mr. and Mrs.| Marlow; piano solo, "sjudy|Walton Larmer, Toronto; Mr.! Mountjoy; reading, "Whatjand Mrs. Russel Larmer, Cad-| Every Husband Ought to|mus; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lar-| Know," by Mrs. Marwood Mc-!mer, Burketon and Mr. and Kee; piano duet, Leanne and) Mrs, Ernest Larmer, Black- Heather Dorrell. stock. Mr. Swain presented the; Mr. and Mrs. Ed.. Harris, bride and groom with a pole|Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham, jamp, ottoman cushion and mis-|Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mahaffy,| cellaneous gifts. Gerald, on be-/Grant and Neil McLaughlin at- half of Beth and himself, made|tended a Plett family gathering 4am = appropriate speech of in Cannington Sunday appreciation Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wright Music was provided by Norm.|and family, Mr. Carl Dor rell, | Stinson, Enfield; E. Willy and|Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dorrell and| Bob Burton, Maple Grove, with'family, Mr. Roy Ferguson and Mrs. Toombs, Port Perry, ac-|Mrs. C. Hill attended a Fergu- companying on the piano. son family reunion at Little} "Nineteen Cubs and seven|Lake Park, Midland, Sunday egdults spent a pleasant week-| afternoon. | INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 'rs)--A tailor- | One thing about daily newspapers: they give you the whole story ele people interviewed chose daily newspapers as the source of most complete information, Further; 31° regarded tele- vision, and 49 % regarded radio, as media from which "you must be missing a lot when you get things in such a con- densed version." Yes, whether it's news of events in Southeas Chamber of Commerce meetings in your home town ... or Sally Winter's wedding ... you reach for your vision and radio.are fine for immediate news bulletins. But when you want the whole story, you reach for the daily newspaper. And you're in good company, because most people do exactly that. In a recent survey, validated by the Canadian Advertising ResearchFoundation, 55° of the ° who rely on to get all the details. And you get them. The same holds true for advertising. Because they're not time-bound, can read them in your own sweet time. Two good reasons why so many people like newspaper advertising. And people do. 83% in the survey said they use newspaper ads as a shopping guide. And 41% find them reliable, as op- posed to only 16 newspaper ads can tell you more, and you o/ 7» Who find television ads reliable, and 5% radio ads. Most advertisers are aware of these facts. Which is why so t Asia & and services daily paper many use daily newspapers to tell you about their products . Smart move, when you consider it. Using daily newspapers, they can give you the whole story, Published by The Oshawa Times 'a member newspaper of CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION 55 University Avenue, Toronto R.A. Barford, General Manager

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