Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Aug 1966, p. 17

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32--Trucks for Sale '38----Coming Events Nicols Email Road, ety on proses weet id wi inten ne Pease ee many. [sae sie saree "doors. dors. Apply 9 enue, lasee 3108. aed 33--Automobiles Wanted + FORD ie He, 32175. 2- door pacer steer! dod v8 jeering, Must Weel Thlckaon's eed, HIgh 2. 668-3331. matching NO Thekeon's Wag pF Highway No. wei PAID Sen ae a a ei [be ee ge motor, Cana Sere ee bes iT f ete a car to we Talk "Cash" to -- Ga' and" CAMPIN: 4494 Res, Jan-o874 DEATHS OBITUARIES TO-NIGHT: Holy Cross BINGO 7:45 P.M, at "St. Gertrude's Auditorium 690 King E. Snowball Jackpor $160 .in 56 nos, Reg, Jackpot $200 In 56 nos. for bom tele, 162, please, Call Jos, er recking. Tire Ly oe Telephone |34---Automobile Repair 'elephone rust, condition 'ach. 'odio ond repr 5 ana new tien, Apply 137 armeny Wad 9 io) PORTIA "F door Geet hareian, I ja. Seles Cie, Just wes tickers "ieee. Highway No. a USED CAR to make trailers, also Used tires. 9 "Bloor Street | East, atter 4, 723-2281, ea INTIA' ee 2-door hard- 5 tinder automat clean pad best' onter, tf. $lsehane' Hampton 263- 2353. FRED 'STONE Brooklin Phone 655-3653 @ Motor Rebuilding @ Cylinder Reboring @ Pinfitting @ Resleeving @ Automatic Transmission @ Cronkshaft and Valve Service TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS.) Trane.) bargin are our only business. 1038 S| coe North, Phone 728-7339, 35---Lost and Found. 7) PONTIAS wi weesn. % cylinder auto matic, radio. A: ion. Nicols Motor Sales Ltd. Ser pet Thickson's Road, Highway No. 2. 2 eee cas: COMET, lic, 199377. 7 A Must be seen to be ap-| 668-8475. Sreciated, Like oom Nicols Motors Sales way No, 2, 668 pe Bs fig transmission, Excel four decor, ri ri lent motor needs body work, $150 or best offer, 725-3274 cylinder, automatic, Jd. Just west Thickson's Road, High- kitten 668-3331, FOUND, A monkey In the westend dis- trict. Owner call 723-1640, LOST -- Lacy's glasses, brown frame with lighter trim at top. Oshawa Shop- ping Centre area, Finder please call LOST -- Sliver grey, part Persian male three months old, called "Dusty", vicinity of Dunlop Street West ant Sy Centre Street South. Reward, Telephone 668-8186. LOST-- Bivepoint Siamese kitten answe to ig nH Reg gine Ro ward, 799 PONTIAC Convertible, tie. Just like newt | $37 anna 4 Nicols sales vig ut Bos i son's Road, Highway N % iN, tic, aaa Soar ncaa. An ideal 2nd car! Nicols pra Sales Lag Just west Thickson's Road, Highway No. 2. ecnBt ind to we a Tathe 7 725-1085. E oe jeally, $1,150, Also." gor. 4! rae, aie 668-2309. aNTiave ANTIQUE ORIGINAL 192 model 150 jan, Oshawa Blue, showroom Condition "throughout, Safety' glase all condition around Including owner's manual. Drive it home! Asking price $1,500 or make offer. Phone 640-3313. good condi- Stouffville power steer- ele- og ig Ne gL af » power brakes, floor Tiree Taleo, ond oul. Best offer. phone: 723-8998. %2 PONTIAC Laur3ntian sedan, one 1 own- er, 725-7580. i NTH trato-Chiet, two door oer rs, Tene gone condition, Tele phone 7132 atter 6 p.m. Wer CONTIAC gg two-door hard- extras, Bal ee Md new car warranty. Phone 723- 5710. ne lymouth, sedan, PRIVATE -- 1956 Pee et ee motor, le ol '4 licence, About $s, T we i) aT Shan Oldsmobile, steer! and brakes, radio, alr cana Poke 'over payments. Tele- PRON Ter es 1999 VOLKEWAGEN bus A-1 condition. Call 668-4875 after 5. 1942 CURVROLET two door six ove der, After 4.30 rd-| Executrix, on BLER sedan stendard shift bod reasonable pehene 798-1386 | tier % or call 605 Somerville Avene: door hardtop, ene recon sare. or best offer. Tele: phone 668-5224. %% MUSTANG 29 225 HP, 4 barrel engine. Yellow, black, deluxe, interior. Wood steering wheel, discs, white wails, console, radio, 800 miles. Wil! accept trade and arrange terms. 723-5241 or 725-8837 after 5. VROLET Impala, 4 cli automatic, fully cares. will accept trade and ----, terms. 723-524) or, 725-8837 after 5, 31--Compect Cars for Sale ZOLTAN AND NICK'S| Your Authorized Datsun and Fiot Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair ond Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. Volkswagen Sales and Service New and. Used 'Cors *% VOLVO & PEUGOT # MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd., South Oshawa 728-0921 Tele- 36--Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of CLAR- ENCE EARL DAYNARD (also known as CLARE E. DAYNARD). All persons having claims against. the estote of CLAR- ENCE EARL DAYNARD (also known as CLARE E. DAY- NARD) late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, Deceas- ed, who died on or about the 15th day of July, 1966, ore hereby notified to send in to the undersigned. on or before the 2nd day of September, 1966, full porticulars of their claims. Immediately after the scid dote the assets of the soid deceased will be distri- buted having régard only to claims of which she shall then have notice. DATED at aeve., ag 9th doy of August, 1966. ta in JEAN ie Children Under *16 Not Admitted BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, AUG. '27 7:30 P.M. 20 GAMES $8. Share The Wealth 4 -- $40 Jackpots to go 1 -- $150 Jackpot to go MONSTER BINGO Over $500 in Prizes SAT., AUG. 27 AT 8 P.M. ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE' ST. NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS All Prizes Doubled on Admission Ticket Children Under 16 Not Admitted WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO Nos. 52 ond 56 TONIGHT-8 P.M. RED BARN EXTRA BUSES ST. JOHN'S PARISH BINGO EVERY FRIDAY AT 7:45 P.M. Corner. Bloor and Simcoe Jackpot 52 nos. and $120 20 Games $10 and $15 Two extra games at $25 Jackpot and Snore the Weaith BIRTHS by her slice 'MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD L. SWARTZ, 26% King Street East, Oshawa,. Ontario. 37--Auctions Auction Sale SAT., AUG. 27 pueuay = Jack all Chris orrival o ey aught Pe a r ighing 7 pounds, % 6 Anderson and (nee nnounce the Dianna oan gu! Hospital. 4h. floor to Or, HOLLIDAY Ricky wishes to ounce the arrival of his baby 'sister ing 7 Ibs, 8 ozs. on 1966 at the Oshawa 'Joan f Ww Many nee Warren. Many thanks te Or. Stock and fourth floor staff. 'Household Furniture, _ , Property of MR. JOSEPH COWX 408 Dundas St. W., Whitby Piano, chesterfield suite, din- ing room: suite, rocking chairs, china cabinet, studio couch, beds, 'dressers, 2 rugs, television, refrigerator, stove, washing machine, dishes. Many other articles. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms Cash. Auctioneer, Loyal Pogue 1965 Massey - Ferguson In- dustrial troctor equipped with heavy duty front end loader, landscroper and blade; rato- tiller; modern household fur- niture and appliances, nearly new; the property Mr, Andy Kloos, Lot 6, East Whit- by Township, 2 miles south of Taunton, Kilmaurs Ave,, sell- ing Saturday, August 27, at 1 p.m. Terms cash 47 FORD Prefect. Good phone 623-5058 after 4 p.m. '0aa AUSTIN HEALEY 3,000 MK 11, Low mi wire wheels, 5 Pirelii tres, BM. 'adio, new paint job, sveree ve good 'condition. Telephone 725-121 ye "CONVERTIBLE, Chevy | i, we tine der automatic, tike = condition. offer. Telephone 7%- " 42 SPRITE Mark i cai condi- tion, radio, rbargh exhaust system. Best offer over $600, Richard Mahler GM extension . 1963 CHEVY I! Nova two door hardtop, automatic transmission, radio. Very good Apply 12 Avenue, apt. 2. 1989 _M.G.A., nol running. good engine, $50. Will @iso sel! parts cheap. Frank, 1464 Bala Drive or call. 725-2068. 1948 CORVETTE convertible, excellent pitt | still, under waretty. meer, Seeny 508 Madison Avenue. 32--Trucks for Sale TRUCKS FOR SALE One 1964 GMC. combin- ation dump 18,000 Ib. reor axle 7,000 Ib. | beam front axle. Like new. One 1963: INTERNATIONAL €1700 series cabin chassis long wheel base suitable for 18 foot body. New V-8 en- gine good tires and new paint. One 1964 GMC. curb-side ven one ton on dual . rear tires. New paint and in first class condition. TELEPHONE WHITBY 668-4458 €. J. POMERY, auctioneer, 66 Steven- son's R North. No sale too small or too large. Call 728-6810 or 725-8968 38--Coming Events "INJUNCTIONS IN -LABOUR DISPUTES" GIANT RALLY WEDNESDAY, AUG. 31 O'NEILL COLLEGIATE Simeoe St. N., Oshowa 8:00 P.M, GUEST SPEAKERS: DAVID ARCHER--President, Ontario Federation of Labour, ALBERT WALKER -- M.P.P, Oshawa Riding, Conservotive Party. DONALD MacDONALD -- M.P.P., Leader New Democra- tic Party. LEONARD BRATHWAITE -- M:P.P. -- Etobicoke -- Riding, Liberal Party. THE PUBLIC. ARE CORD. IALLY INVITED TO AT- TEND TO HEAR TOP LEVEL DISCUSSION ON THIS IM- PORTANT ISSUE A question period will follow the speakers. See you at the O'NEILL COLLEGIATE, WED- NESDAY, AUGUST 31 at 8:00 p.m OSHAWA & DISTRICT LABOUR COUNCIL any- | Cometery. pital on #riday, Oshawa. Minister the Rev, 2 view Lodge, Whitby. on Friday, Ai DEATHS CARLTON, Mary (Minnie) Entered into rest at Alex R..J Pickerin General Hospital on Wednesday, 'August 24, 1966, Mary (Minnie) Fuller beloved wite of G. Walter Cariton of ering, Dear mother of Elieen (Mrs. Lorne White); Ross; Thelma (Mrs, Bud Crew. (Mrs. Wm. AicLean) of Toronto. Also surviving are seven grandchildren, And Gear sister of Charles and Reg Fuller of Pickering. Mrs. Cariton will rest at McEachnie Funeral Home, 28 Kingston Rd. W., Pickering after 7? p.m. Thursday. Piva o sos Pigs chapel " Satur- , Augus' , at 4 p.m. Interment Solem Cemetery. CLARKE, Eric Willlam at the hospital, Toronto 'e 25, 1966. Eric Wil- tiem Clarke of 201 Frances Street, Whit- Whitby Brass Dais: Windmill dear father Robert R. Ajax, dear brother of Mrs. W. Brown (Dorothy) Jack and Robert of Whitby, Joshau of Bigwin inn, Frank of Toronto and Bernard " Orillia In_his 61st year, Resting at the W. C, Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby for service in Ali Saints Anglican Church, Whitby on Saturday, August 27 at 2 p.m. Interment St. John's Cemetery, Port Whitby. Branch No, 112, the Royal Canadian Legion, Whitby will hold @ brief side service. Minister Rev. J. MeKibbon, M, of HYNES, Reta, Beatrice Entered into rest in the family residence 602 Minto Street, Oshawa, on Thursday, August 25, 1966. Reta Beatrice Bown, widow of the late Thomas Hynes, mother | jy, of Mrs. A. Watton (Clarice) Oshawa, Mrs. 1. B. Saunders (Muriel) Ottawa, and Gordon, St. John's Nfld. in her 72nd ae Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, Friday, August 26. Fu- neral service in Gander Nfid, Interment}; St. Martin's Cemetery, Gander, Nfid. KIMBLE, (baby) Sheri Lynn Entered Into rest in Toronie Hospita, for Sick Children on Thursday, August 25, 1966. Baby Sheri Lynn Kimbie, beloved ea vind of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne. Kimble, ae reed of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent leath, Peterboro, Mr: and Mrs, Kimble, Little Britain, aged } year. Rest- Ing at the Armstrong Funerat 'Home, with funeral service Saturday, August. 27 at 10 a.m. Interment Oshawa Union LIDGETT, Alice May At trwin's Nursing ene, Little Britain, on Friday, August 26, 1966, Alice May Lidgett, in her 84th year. Dear sister of Mrs. Andle. Shaw, of 'Lindsay, Resting at] A the Gerrow Funeral Chapel, 390 King Street West, for service in the chapel on Monday, August 29 at 11 a.m, Interment Salem Cemetery. ab atiy will com- mence Saturday afternoon.) McKAY,, Janet L. Peacetully at the Crhawe, agg hy 1966 pte L. McKay- (of 'a sect "Street South, Whitby, member of. Viscount Greenwood Chapter, bi ane ota ae Whitby, for service ¥ the reset os Monday, August 29 at 2 p.m. Interment Union ers 4. Visiters. commencing Pm. serurdey. SMITH, 'Susan' Lucetta In tailing health for some time, at Fair- ust 26, -1966, Susan Lucelta Smith, dear daughter of the late John and Sereh Smith, of Bayside, Whitby, Dear sister of William. Mark, of beg dear aunt of Smith Rev. C Willlam F. P. a Prange Swan, in hegpath en, Resti ul ineral Chapel, Whi hy Ho service in the. chapel on August 29, ine W. C. Tow at 3.30 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery, Oshawa, Minister, the Rev. J. Smith, your Fae A hal pane" in findiig the need. imes* _Cheasitied Aas. Keith Ross, Secretary-Treasurer Cliff Pilkey, President. (Visitors commencing 7 p.m, Satur- day.) --Sadly missed by BC) -| Steel Leader, Mexwelt 122 ford) all of Pickering Township, Doreen| TOP D./ Anita Lea, No Boy 117 08} Judge Mike, No' Boy Prince Book, Ne Boy 8-122 Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 Ne ee ee IN WIGINUNLAM Pr dy =~ In loving memory of nd and Halen Al ge Bi Ever whe. pasued away His 'nour rs and gins of pain, His fights are passed, And in aching hearts we know Lovingly "remembered oy "wife and ae y r ry wi family. PERGUSON -- In loving memory of inet who passed away £ has Poa poncetul slewp + meme will weve keep = In loving memory of @ Bimer Ferguson who pass Hen, on earth you are no more, in memory you are with us you ys were before. a fealy minsed and ever remembered by bye ee @nd brother-in-law Bert, PRARN -- In lovi vas Pearn who pa memory' of Wil- away August 26, Gone is the face we ioved so detr, Hlent ne voice we loved to hear, yd sight or arg thougiis to reach, Sweet to remer him wno once was here. Who, tho' abseft, is just as dear. ~-Ever remembered by Doreen, Ted end Teddy. PEARN -- In loving memory of Wil liam Sydney Pearn who died August 26, 951 1956, Sadly, dear Bill, amid fast falling tears, We recall happy memories of glad wares on your presence so dear, Yaur bright shining smile, Were blessings, unfold, mak'ng lite worthwhile. alas, thet sed, too soon came Ma r of Beas youth, God « lag way. 'aver "ores in, while lonely years fly, ee a Si meet you in the sweet sadly pe Batty by Mom and Gad. TYRRELL -- In_loving memory of mother, Catherine Rachel, passed away August 31, 1961 and father, Edward Henry, passed away August 26, 1963. Your presence is ever near us, Your love remains with us yet, You were the kind of parents Your loved ones will never forget. --Lovingly remembered by thelr family. WOOLOCOTT -- In memory of our beloved daughter Helen Wonlocott (Honey) who left us one year 'ago today. ye morning dawns or night returns jut what | think of you Those left behind are very good But none replaces you Many a2 silent tear is shed When |! am all alone The one | love so very much The one | called my own sons and. daughter, brethors and sister' @ and wen and bee. ~~ LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements ond floral arrangements for all occasions. cua -® * bog CEN 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-655 A LASTING. a For Permanence and dianity we suggest. MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the. Park Office. 723-2633 PLAN NEW HOSPITALS Romania plans to build. a health '"'polyclinic' for every 25,000 inhabitants of rural MuS, RETA B. HYNES A Newfoundland woman vi- siting her ,daughter, and son- in-law. in Oshawa for the past two. months, died suddenly of a heart attack at their hous ursday, Mrs. Reta Beatrice Hynes, Gander, the former Reta Bea- trice Bown and the davighter af the Inte Me end Myre es Bown, was borh at Change- 1 Newfoundland Sept. 6, Mrs. predeceased by her the late Thomas Hynes, Mrs, Hynes had also been vi- siting in 'Ottawa previous her death in Oshawa. She was a member of St.) Martin's Aiglican Church in Gander, Newfoundland. se daughters, Mrs. I. B, Saun ers, Mrs. A, Watton, Clarice), 602 Minto St.,. Oshawa and a son Gordon of St. John's Newfound. 28 grandchildren, She is ror & at the Arm: strong Funeral Home today but funeral services will be con- ducted ': Gander, as well as interment at St. Martin's Ceme- tery, FUNERAL OF JESSIE HARPER The funeral of Jessie L,. Harper, 311 Athol St. E., who died Thursday, Aug. 18, at the Oshawa General Hospital at the age of 94, was held at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Monday, Aug.. 22. Rev. Walter Jackson of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church conducted the service and in- terment was at the Oshawa Union Cemetery, Honorary pallbearers were James Holland and Charles Fry. FUNERAL OF SHAWN. HIRSCHSELD The funeral of 18-m ont h- old Shawn Hirscheld, who died at the Oshawa General Hospital, Tuesday, Aug. 23, was held at the Armstrong Funeral Home: Thursday, Aug. 25, Bur- jal was at Mount Lawn ceme- tery. Pallbearers were: Rollo Ber- nier, Fred Harrison, Jim Har- rison, and Tim Hirschseld, FUNERAL OF EDMUND C. C, SOUTHEY The funeral took place Wed- nesday of Edmund C. C, Southey who died at the Osh- awa General Hospital on Aug. 22. In his 70th year, he had lived at 776 Bessborough Dr. Funeral was from the Mcintosh Anderson Funeral Chapel with service at. St. George's Anglican Church, The service was conducted "hy the Rev. R. G. Brooks, Burial was in Brooklin Cemetery. Active pallbearers were: Pat Waddell,. George Sheills, Gren- ville. Williams; G. E. -B. Daniel, R. W.. Stevens and Eric Mc- Ilveen. Honorary pallbearers were: John Kent, Norman Millman, George Steadman, Dr. C. 0. Millen, R. G, Mills, Reg Bell, areas, and Mark Roenigk. FORT ERIE ENTRIES SATURDAY, AUT. 27 FIRST RACE - Purse $2,000, Claiming (3000). Three- and four-yearolds. 6¥' Fur- longs (18). : Shy Jet, No 12 Penadee, Kelly XXX107 Canadian Flash, Ried 0 ay Lb] Fort Rouge, No B Condora, Barroby Valley Royal, No Boy 112 Fifth Street, No Boy 102 Cadet, No Boy. 114 Peterry, No. Boy 107 Rebby Jr, Gomer y z Windy iMahan, Kelly XXX102 Also El Twilight Lady Alexina, Griffo X104 Paraguayo, Turcotte 117 Grecian Slipper, Fitzsimmons 107 Royal Embassy, Turcotte 114 Bive Chimes, No Boy 105 SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,200. Claim- sol McComb 109 3000), Three-year-olds and up, 1 116}. umber Broom, Kornblum X102 Mr, T. F., Kelly A-XXX102 Robdix, Gordon 115 Vedas, Coombs X117 Haunt, Guyton Ys Con-Jo, Barroby 112 Mighty Patrol, Kelly A-XXX112 Bell Metal, Gomez 115 A--W Moidowan and M Kane entry THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,000, Claim- ing (3000). Three-year-olds and up. 6 Four. tongs (11). Roman Harold, Kornblum X117 Peaches Reward, Werry X114 Moss Park, No Boy 119 Mount Market, Poirier XXX112 Virginia Queen, Hale 114 Well Now, Kelly XXX107 Take Notice, Gordon A-119 Stoned, Griffo A-X112 Mad Charge, Harris 117 House Boy, Goldberg XXX10? Gay Van, Fitzsimmons 107 A--D J Foster and Mrs P © FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,300. Ciaim- ing (5000), Two-year-olds, RI Furiongs (18) Royal Beginner, Gordon [pe ig bs Star, Barraby Re nw Ready. Freddy, Gome: Yumka, Griffo Xion Capt'n Roo, Walsh 117 Melbourne Sale, No Boy 10? Wee Bunty, Turcotte C-114 Exotic Red, Kornblum 114 farke entry Sea Salt, No Boy 117 Thunder Jay, No. Boy 114 Prpgcees Veriene Ne Boy 1/9 My Sailor Boy, "pitttach a Famous Tour, Hale 117 Vicinity, Dittfach 114 Crow's Mile, No Boy A-10% Fur Trader, Gomez 8-112 pee 's ges vo Turcotte C-10? W Cohen entry B--Bill Bessley entry C--W Marko and W F 'Edmiston entry FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,500, Claiming (6000), Three-year-olds and up: 1 1-16 Miles on turf (7). Master Malt Hy No Boy 112 New Herod, Fitzsimmons 115 7 * Li" Eddy, Griffo XX108 Bull Market, Guyfon 117 Baranof, Walsh. 116 te | 2PtCY Favour, Kelly XX109 SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,600. Allow- ances. Three- and four-year-olds, 6. Fur- tongs (7). Ne Passez Pas, McComb 117 L'Arriviste, Gorner 112 Blue China,' Turcotte A-112 Jolly Monarch, Fitzsimmons 107 Northern Miner, Dittfach 107 Fortunatus, No Boy 10? Merry Arctic, Harrison A-104 Mrs J & McDougald and Viscount Nore (EXACTOR WAGERING) SEVENTH RACE Purse $15,000 tiadded "Summer Stakes." Two-year-pids. 1 Mile on turf (12). Blenheim Park, Fitzsimmons A-117 Fleur, Fitzsimmons A-114 Coo! Reception, Gemez 117 Swamp Rabbit, No Boy 8-122 i 5-Worthy Flemington, CLEAR AND FAST More of Mort, Walsh 117 omen Judge, Turcotte 122 ing Alpha, McComb 122 Fiest imp, Hale 117 Mr, Sweet Lah iy 8 Dorreey WwW Orange Soda Kid, Griffo 1 Pine Point, No Boy. WwW A--Windfields Farm entry B--D M Davis and G M Hottsinger BiontH RACE -- Purse $3,200, Allow- ances, Three-year-olds and up, 1 1-16 Miles _on turf (7), Bive Sol, Turcotte 121 Top Victory, Kelly XXX106 Tamersiip, McComb 123 Native Victor, Dittfach 120 Orbiter, Gomez 126 Cambridge, Fitzsimmons 117 Canadillis, Barrob X--5 Ibs AAC; 10 Ibs AAC, POST TIME 2 PM GREENWOOD RESULTS FIRST RACE -- 1 mile (Pace) Purse $900 7 GO 1-Kim North, McFadden .8.60 $.00 3.00 8-Argyel Alex, Campbell 6.40 3.80 4-Vanessa Wick, Holmes 3.20 Time 215 4-5 Also Started, Stormy Grattan, Duke Bee Dilton, Queenie Blossom and Sam's Sam. Scratched, Jet Adios a RACE -- 1 mile (Pace) Pi re ms ruce ick Campbell 10.00 4. 6Roda, Wellwood me $3 3 3% +30 2-Gallant i pres McKinley Time 210 Also Started: Top Notch Pick, DH-Adlo- mary, DH-Colonel Cole, and Pepper ipscn, Scratched, Queen Reine, DD Nos, 1- Kim North and 4Bruce Pick, paid $37.40 THIRD RACE -- 1 mile (Trot) Purse § G0 $1,000 1-Ottawa Duke, Stirton 13.20 7.10 5,00 8-Willow Brook Weepy, Pacey 13.10 re 6-Maureens, Habkiri m2 X--7 Ibs AAC? XXX-- i: Just Mike, Kintutica, Cherry 'Freeze, March Van, 'and Phyllis Maire. FOURTH RACE -- 1 4 mile (Pace) by ted $1,000 8 GO 2-Globes Birthday, Archdekin 4 3.90 3.50 Gilmourl3.80 8.40 1-Pat sie Hicks 4.80 Time 210 3 Also 'tated: Might -- Stein, Ruth's Daisey, Bourbon, Jan's Magic, and Bal- lerina Wick. FIFTH RACE -- 1 mile (Trot) Purse 1 } 8 7-Lochinver > Bimbo, a i: 4,60 11.60 Miss Moray Comet, 70 2-Witlow Brook Sadie, Pacey Time 212 Also Started: Eadie Mon, Bucky Sere Kits Kid, Maitland, and Mary Lovise. SIXTH RACE -- 1 mile (Pace) Purse $1,300 § GO Ambrose Abbe, Corbett 9.80 4.80 2.90 4Colone! C Volo, Curran 3.4 . 2,40 3-Shayne Wayne, Pelletier "2.30 Time 210 45 Also Started, Lil's Adios, Grattan's. Late Scratch, Rader Exactor Nos. 6 and 4 paid SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $900 8 GO Castle. Direct, Galbraithé.30 2 br 3Floyd's Honur, Hawke 2.60 7-Wit Lor. Kim, Cahie 3.70 Time 212 25 Also Started: Syms Best, Steady Flash, Macky Direct, Little Etse, and Lady Bird ¢ SIGHTH RACE = 1 mile § shines 10. 5 3 and Dapper T- mile (Pace) (Pace) Hynes was to}. Mrs, Hynes is survived by} (Muriel) of Ottawa andl land, The late Mrs, Hynes had] This Second World War Swordfish biplane (top) ap- pears to be in mint condi- tion after a six-month re- Charlie Cattran,, Munroe Neal | storation job at. Shearwater naval air station at Dart- RESTORED, BUT mouth, N,S., but an unserv- iceable engine and cor- rosion - weakened super- structure make it unsafe in the air. The plane was de- livered to Ottawa's Cana- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, August 26, 1966 IT DOESN'T FLY dian War Museum by an RCAF Hercules transport plane. In the bottom pic- ture, the biplane stands be- side a Navy Tracker air- craft, Wings on both planes are folded back as they would be when st aboard an aircraft carrier, --CP Photo from National Defence SPORTS BRIEFS ACES REPORT -QUEBEC (CP)--The manage- ment.of Quebec, Aces of the American Hockey League an- nounced Thursday that 34 play- ers have been asked to report to the training.camp here, open- ing Sept. 27, They will report to coach Phil Watson, former National Hockey League player who coached Buffalo Bisons of the AHL last season. SETS RECORD UTRECHT, The Netherlands (AP)--Frank Wiegand of East Germany bettered the world record in. the 400-metre free- style swim held by Don Schol- lander of Lake Oswego, Ore., Thursday night, He finished in 4:11.1, below Schollander's offi- cial record .of 4:12, and better- ing the pending record of 4:11.6 which the Yale student set last Thursday at the AAU champi- onships. FORT ERIE RESULTS FORT ERIE, Ont. Fort Erie Race2ay T. .ursday. First--$2,000, claiming, maiden two- year-olds, foaleti in Canada, 6 furlongs. (Gomez) 4,00 3.10 2.40 (Maxwell) 3,60 is (CP)--Results at | HANNOVER, West Germany (AP)--You get a glimpse of what the Iron Curtain means when yoo watch the trains from East Germany roll in, It's always easy to tell» the platform at which such trains are expected. It's the-one -with nurses in starched. uniforms and volunteer: workers leaning | (Turvotte) Time: 1:02 Ve+ Oliphant,. Gauch?.. Dancer, Churchill Bill, Roman Roup, :len's Churchill Bill, Roman Roup, Glen's Vitesse, was | Sun Wrack, Brother Montreal, gelected @ so ran, | | SECND -- $2,000,. .alden three and| nea yy ~olds, turf course abSut seven MINDY' FLASH (DitSfach) 4.90 ros ae: Ablegate (Kornblum) Jaive Mister Hernandez 290 129 35, Time: Kingdo. Delight, Atoute om, aCcrafty : also Claire's Whir ing Typ Rice, Maebest ran, | a--Mrs, Smith entry. | The daily doule (6) Lina PA:E AND (MC Windy Flash..paid 10,00, %. .ird--$2,000, claiming maiden two year-9ids, foaled in Canada, 6 furlongs. AMERLANE (Gomez) 4.20, 3,70 .2.90 Smoke The Grass (Barroby) 6.40 4,40) Col. Saxon (Robinson) 4,00) Time: 1:14 45. alton Lad, Morny, Missy's Selected Knight, Redirect, Haven, Jiveastar, Ho, Sammy also ran. . .Pourth--$2,100, claiming olds and up 6% Sones. Machavoine = (Gomé Ocean Pearl (Turcotte) ~ mgs ets (Kelly) 'ime: 35. Haws lek. Top Musketeer, Zenith, Perugino 2nd, Chinese also ran. Gem, Queen's Bantu Sicilian three-year- 6.70 4,00 2.70 5.90 3.40 3.90 Bonnie Sabre Fifth---$2,200, claiming and up, foaled in Canada, 'one léth miles. Drifted § (Dittfach) 12,10 5.50 2.70) Briefsin (Turcotte) 6.10 3.10 Ro) ae. a (Gomez) 2.20 three-year-olds one and Miss Blackhawk, Neros Hero, Roman Tribune, Gum Swamp also ran, Sixth--$3,000, Melody Fair purse, 3 eee old filles, 6 furlongs. Margabetla harrony) 14.30" 5,30 1. Prize Jive (Gomez) 3.00 Schwester. ¥riede (Turcotte) 330 Time; 1:1 Pretty Wie. Mink Flyer, Icy Reply alsd° ran. ' Me -Exactor ar Margabella and (4) 44.98. Prize Jive paid Seventh--$2,600, Fails "View claiming three-year-olds and up 6 furlongs. Hempeter 19.50 8.10 5.70 Little Red $10 3.20 Sirlus* 2nd 5. Time: -1:10_ 4 Land. of Canaan, Grandiosco, Cana- dian Statute, Mornins' Mornin, Scythe, Distix, Warriors Day, File Lake also tan. oErtech) Eighth--$2,200, three four-year- Rhann sty, aS Disembark (Guyt: Direct -Action Time: 1:44 45. Copper Fire, Mary Tell, Wabush, Doc Nan also ran. 5,871, Handle: and Me ttesimmons) 358,696. CAREER DIPLOMAT Margaret Meagher, 55, a Halifax native, has been appointed high 'commis- sioner to Kenya. Canada's only woman ambassador, she has also served as am- bassador in Israel and Aus- tria. (CP Photo) Tennis Club Posts Win Oshawa Tennis Club scored a 7-5 victory over Central Park Tennis Club Tuesday in an Intercounty 'A' Mixed league match played at the Central Park courts, In men's doubles, Oshawa and Central Park split the six sets played. Results are. as follows: Sid Dodsworth and Ray Petre' over John Allport and Steve Butler of. Central Park, 6-4, 6-4, Ralph McKen- dry and Lorne. Mcintyre split matches "with Paul McIntosh and Brent Robinson of. Central Park, 6-0 and 63; Peter Brill and Ron Robinson over Keith Alderton and Ron Guiltinan of Oshawa, 7-5 and 6-2.: In the Iadies' doubles match, Oshawa and.Central Park div- ided the two sets played, as' the Oshawa team of Jeanette Zam- bonelli and Carol » Dodsworth came back to win their second set 6-3 after dropping the first set 6-1 to Emily Robisnon and Dale Recchia of Central Park. Mixed doubles play proved to be the decisive matches for Oshawa as the mixed teams gained three out of a possible four points.-The results of the mixed matches are as" follows: Bryce Brown and Susan Smith won their second set 6-4 after Attendance; - hem | | Purse $1,800 7 GO 7anee United, Waddell j4-Chatham Chip, Findley 410 2.60 caian peeenen®, Pelletier 2.40 Time 208 4-5 | Also Started: Kahta Kat, Duc Drum-| mond, Rocky Len, and Clandeboye My slap RACE -- 1 mile (Pace) Purse ee ' w : cs] 6.50 so 8.90 4.40 2.60 1,200. 8 Va+Fariwell Light, 7-Brown Ned, Moor $-Arleen, Time 210 Also Started: Babe, Narciss, y . Wellwood Chief Widower, Kawartha Lochinver Tony, and Sen- Alt. 5,449 'Total Pool $311,572, losing the opener 63 to Carl Heer and Marlene Turner of Central Park, Dave Ozmond Susan Smith over Jiny Me- jCleary and Marlene Turner of |Central Park 7-5 and 6-3. Next matches inthe Inter- qjcounty "A" Mixed Tennis League for» Oshawa 'will be played Tuesday, élub East Germans Oldsters To Go Free on wheelchairs. Here in Hannover you can witness the scene daily at 2:28 p.m., when train D136 from Leipzig, East Germany, arrives. Behind the softly humming electric locomotive a long string of green painted cars comes to a slow, screeching halt, Pas- sengers crowd the windows. Most are old and withered, They are pensioners from Bast Germany. For many years after the end of the Second World War the Communist authorities of East Germany allowed only a privi- leged few to leave the country legally. Meanwhile, millions fled to West Germany and into West Berlin, To stop this exodus of manpower the Communists in August, 1961, threw up the Berlin wall. ALLOWED VISITS Three years later pensioners 8 were allowed to visit relatives 'in West Germany for four Allow sioners chose to remain in the West they were no loss to the working force. With few exceptions the pen- sioners come into West Ger- many by rail, dnd scenes like the one in Hanhover are re- peated Wherever trains from East Germany stop. The smartly. dressed Germans on. the platform 'crane their necks as the cars roll by, seek out faces and wave frantically when they recognize someone, geod women break into tears, The doors open and. the old- sters begin their dow Gas: The men with the wheelchairs pick up an oldster here and there and push him toward the concourse past knots of embrac- ing people, » Ot a six-minuté stop train D186 glides out, bound 'for Co- logne. Most long-distance. trains in this country stop for otily one minute at stations but the man- agement seems to have made an exception in the case of the 'oldster expresses." weeks each year, If the pen-!* BEAUTY IN TRIO By ALICE BROOKS Three doilies--luxurious but practical. This lacy trio adds beauty to a home. Make single doilies, lunch- eon set, scarfs. The pineapple design lends great beauty, Pat- tern-7399: directions doilies 15x 18"; 16x24"; 5x9" in No. 30, THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for each pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The. Oshawa Times, Needle- craft Dept. 60. Front Street West, Toronto 1, Ont. Ontario Tesidents add 2c. sales tax. Print plainly PATTERN NUM- BER, NAME, ADDRESS. 210 MOST BEAUTIFUL NEEDLECRAFT DESIGNS in new 1967 Needlecraft Catalog! Knit, crochet fashions, afghans, quilts, embroidery, toys, gifts. Two free Patterns, Send 2ic, today. 12-remarkable heirloom quilts) when Oshawa) ing motifs. Send 60c. plays host to Pine Point Tennis/| {16 complete patterns. 60c. -- complete patterns in color| in Museum Quilt Book 2, Quilt- SIZES 2 4845 _ » By ANNE ADAMS Fall's a hop; skip and JUMP- ER away! Sew this darling design *and -balloon ~ sleeved blouse in bouncy cottons, Jump- er worn as dress. Printed © Pattern lew Chil- dren's Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8 Size 6 jumper' 134 yards 33-inch nap; blouse 1% yards $5.irich.. FIFTY CENTS (50c,).in coins (no stamps, please) for each pattern. Ontario residents add 3c. sales . tax. Print -- plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER, Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., 60 Front Street West, Toronto 1, Oat, FALL'S 130 BEST DESIGNS -~ lovely school, sport, .career, glamor styles, all sizes, extra |features in new Fall: Winter |Pattern Catalog. Clip coupon in Send also for Quilt Book 1 --/Catalog -- choose one free pat- |tern, Send 50c, '

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