Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Aug 1966, p. 10

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_ WEDDING ALBUM | A fecord Oshawa Times for your Wedding Album is provided by The Wortien's Pagé. Fortns afe available at The Times office, Barly publi¢ation of this wedding is facilitated by submitting the completed form and of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as after the of out-of-town eiiscs other . Chopik - 'In a doubleting céremony in St. "George's Greek Catholic Chureh, Franka, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Angelo. Pugliese, was united in marriage to Alex son of Mr. and Mrs. Chopik, all of Oshawa. The Reverend John Pereyma officiated and the soloist was ow Booth, self-accom- panied. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was wearing a formal gown in-ligoda satin with an empire waistline and an 'A-line skirt. It featured a 8 neckline encrusted with peatis, long sleeves and a lace bordered train falling softly from the shoulders, A cluster of self roses held her stoulder- length veil of bouffant tulle and she carried a bouquet of ceremony. guests 4 thataun Ae the do serene SF You are asked to submit the attending the wedding to the y after the wedding. sae SS, Pugliese Miss Brenda Power was the maid of honor and the brides- maids were Miss Sonia Cros- maz, Miss Marilyn Stolaryk, afd Miss Diane Pugliese. The flower girls were Miss Sana Starr and Miss Eda Pug- liése with' master Emilio Pug- liese as the ring bearer. Mr. Lioyd Tindall was the bést man and those ushering were Mr. Tony Pugliese, Mr. | Ed Kartisch and Mr. Peter Vasko, all of Oshawa. j After the reception held in the church hall, the couple left for a honeymoon with the bride § donning for travelling, a pink ensemble with a ranch mink collar, matching hat, pink and white accessories and a pink and white corsage. Mr. and Mrs, Chopik are residing at 516 Dieppe street, pink sweetheart roses. Bolton - The Reverend George Smith officiated at the marriage of Shirley Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Albert Fred- erick Stinson, to David Charles Bolton, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Bolton, all of Oshawa. The ceremony took place in Simcoe Street Pentecostal Church. The soloist was Mr. George Wright accompanied by Mrs. George Smith. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was wearing a formal gown of silk organza designed with a full skirt and @ bodice of French lace having a round neckline and three- quarter length sleeves. A chapel train of similar lace was caught at the shoulders with two bows. Her crown of pearls and crystals held her "shoulder - length bouffant veil) 'and she carried a bouquet ot | "petal pink roses. donning for travelling a pink grosgrain matching full length coat, white accessories and a white orchid corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Bolton will reside in. Oshawa. Oshawa. Stinson Mrs. John Berry was the matron of honor and the brides- maids were Miss Lorraine Elliott, Miss Sharron Bowler) and Miss Donna Bolton, all of MR. AND MRS. | Whitby Bride-Elect Entertained | At Many Showers, Presentations | ALEX CHOPIK Mary's Studio Oshawa. The flower girls were Miss Judy. Eizenga and Miss Brenda Eizenga, both of Belleville and the ring bearer was Master Paul Berry; Oshawa. The best man was 'Mr. Roger Sauve, Oshawa. Those usher- ing were Mr. Lloyd Wagg, Mr. Latry Bell and Mr. Garry Head, all of Oshawa. Following the reception held in the church hall the couple left for a honeymoon in Miami Beach, Florida, with the bride Mr. taffeta dress and Mr, Street, Showers, Tea, Dinner Party -Fete Bride-Elect Bonnie Hart | * Miss Bonnie Hart, whose mar- riage takes place tomorrow to Mr. James §S. Humber, has been honored at showers, a tea and a dinner pariy. Miss Dawn Shepherd and Miss Sharon Corbett, brides- maids, were co-hostesses at a kitchen shower attended by friends and former classmates at Donevan Collegiate. Mrs. J.. W. Trimble, grand- mother of the future bride- groom, opened her home at Belle River, Ontario, to friends and relatives. Hostesses were his aunts, Mrs. Wilfred Ingalls and Mrs. Roland Richer, both of Windsor. The First Oshawa Air Ranger Flight, of which the bride-elect is the Lieutenant, held a party at the home of Miss Margaret Bull, Nassau street, where Miss Hart was presented with an aluminum tray and matching coasters. Mrs. Bruce Scriver and Mrs. Carl Scriver, aunts of the bride- to-be held a miscellaneous show- er at the former's home at Keene, Ontario. ing, Lansdowne drive, pleasurably surprised last Sat-| urday evening when they were/ igs Peggy White of Wood the honored guests of Mr. and|Green, North London, and Ro- |Mrs. Garnet Reynolds, Welling-|land Fleming, a native of Ma- ton street west, at a party cele-|doc, Ontario, were married in brating their anniversary. Friends Hold Party For Pai Wed In England 25 Years Ago and Mrs. Roland Flem-| were! silver wedding! Hele, Gibb the couple Thomas presented with a gift of money from the assembled friends and other presentations included a lazy-| boy . chair, plate ware. -- A social evening of singing and dancing with a buffet sup- per including the traditional an- flowers and silver |while he was serving overseas Oshawa for 16 years, and have Mrs. Floyd Foreman opened her home on Chadburn street to friends and neighbors of the future bride for a kitchen show- er and @ presentation of money. Mrs. Joseph W. Hart enter- tained in her daughter's honor at a trousseau tea, assisted by Mrs. Floyd Foreman and Mrs. Ross Steed. Grandmothers of the bride- elect, Mrs. L. A. Hart and Mrs. A. Otter Scriver poured tea. The maid of honor, Miss Dianne Hart, sister of the bride- to-be and the bridesmaids, Miss Carol Humber, Windsor, a sister of the prospective bridegroom; Miss Sharon Corbett and Miss Dawn Shepherd, both of Osh- awa, assisted. Miss Lynn Foreman and Miss Sherryl Richer, both of Wind- niversary cake was enjoyéd by the guests, members to the Ser- geant's Mess of the Ontario) Regiment, the Ontario Regi-| I ment Association and the Ca- nadian Corps Association, Unit 42, and their wives. Mrs, Fleming, the former Reigate, Surrey in August 1941 as a staff sergeant in the Has- tings and Prince Edward Re- giment of the 1st Canadian Di- vision. In 1943 Mrs. Fleming came to Canada and her husband fol- lowed~at the end of hostilities in 1945. They have resided in one daughter, Janice, who. was also at the celebration. Mrs. Fleming is a past presi- dent of Harmony Home and School Association. SOCIAL NOTICES | AT HOME | Mr. and Mrs. Smythe McCul- j\lough, 71 Highland avenue, will be at home to their relatives, friends and neighbors on Tues- day, August 30, 1966 from 3.00) to 5.00 p.m. and from 7.00 to} 9.00 p.m., on the occasion of} their 25th wedding anniversary. | RECEPTION Mrs, J. E. (Eva) Campbell, } Whitby, will be pleased to re-| ceive her relatives, friends and J. granddaughter, Mrs. W.! French,. 464 Rosmere sor, served. png te bt rehearsal rat night, the wedding party will be) entertained at the Club 401, hag Sage Bloor street, with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald S. Humber, Windsor, par- ents of the bridegroom, as the) hosts. Street, Oshawa, on Friday, Sep- tember 9, 1966 from 2.00 p.m. on the occasion of her 90th birthday. ORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wladyka,/|plunged 35 feet to the road be-|son, Oshawa, wish to announce the|low, suffering serious head in-|future bride neighbors at the home of her|says she's o her way now as| Calgary Girl Appreciates Second Chance CALGARY (CP) -- Blonde Judy Deschamps, 18, thinks it's time she learned to live. "I've been dead long enough," says Miss Deschamps. "It's hard to learn living after you've been hit by a train." Brown-eyed Miss Deschamps | she can walk again, often with-| street, | out crutches. 'And they say I'm|ton, bridesmaid, held miscel- through with hospitals." Four years ago she was struck by a train while riding on horseback across a railway) bridge to join a parade. Her} horse was killed and she \forthcoming marriage of their juries: |Matthews, attended by 150 gue- MR. AND MRS. DAVID C. BOLTON Women 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, August 26, 1966 Miss Keitha Mosier, Whitby, formerly of Oshawa, whose marriage takes place tomorrow in All Saints' Anglican Church, to Mr. Stanley Joseph Seneco, has been entertained at several showers and parties. School class mates of the bride - elect, who attended Mac- donaid Institute at the Uni- versity of Guelph held a mis- cellaneous shower at the Guelph apartment of Miss Janet Scott and Miss Nancy Nix, Willow- dale, Miss Pat Smith, Oakville, and Miss Ann Taylor, Toronto. A miscctianeous shower was given at St. Mary's Hall, Bloor street, by Mrs. Paul Plishka, Mrs. Harry Hercia, Mrs. Vern- on Brooks, and Mrs. Walter sts. The bride - to - be was presented with a TV set, a mix- master, vacuum cleaner, floor polisher and many other large gifts. A salad luncheon was served. Miss Mosier, who worked part time in. General Motors for the summer was entertain- ed by her co-workers at a din- ner held in the Rib Room of ine Hotel Genostim, wiiere the bride - elect was presented with a silver chafing dish. | Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Brooks entertained friends and relati- ves of the future bride and bridegroom at the Brooks' home on Harris avenue, where the couple was presented with a matching set of tray, wine glas- ses and a basket of wine. A pantry shower was held at the home of Mrs. Jerry Ma- nilla, Welland avenue, where the hostess was assisted by her sister, Mrs. Brian Simpson, Burlington, formerly of Oshawa and their mother, Mrs. Gordon Holbrook, Oshawa. 'The birde- to-be was presented with pan- try shelf items by the many school friends who attended. Mrs. Myles Smith, Adelaide avenue, assisted by Mrs. Robert Knox, Bader avenue held a lin- en shower at the former's home, attended by neighbors of the bride - elect. A dessert supper was served. Mrs. Gary Pringle and Mrs. John Black held a miscellan- eous shower attended by former Girl. Guide friends of the bride- to-be. Following the rehearsal to- night, the bridal party will be entertained at the home of Mr aid Mrs. Vernon Brooks, bro- ther - in - law and sister of the prospective bridegroom. Telephone 723-3474 for Miss Ann Davies of Bridgend, Wales, and Colonel and Mrs. Alex Fox of New York City were among the guests at the McComb - Collins wedding last Saturday. , Mr. and Mrs, William Pollock of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, have been visiting Mrs. Pol- lock's mother, Mrs. Elsie Mur- phy, Hortop street, and have now returned home with their daughter, Deborah, who spent her summer holidays with her grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Elford, Park road north, have returned from Florida where they visited the Spaceport at the Kennedy Space Centre. They towed' the 52-storey vehicle assembly build- ing anid saw the first rocket to be launched by the United States which is on display. Mr. and Mrs. Elford were in Miami when they learned that the ade was open to the pub- ic. Parents of the bride, the Rev- erend and Mrs. Egbert Wilkins of Elmira, New York, formerly of Oshawa, will be attending the Jubb - Wilkins wedding in St. George's Memorial Church, to- morrow afternoon. Others from out-of-town include Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Wilkins, Bow- manville; the Reverend and Mrs. Ezra Heeley, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wilkins, Bothwell; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilkins, Caesarea; Mr. David Wilkins, Miss Shirley Wilkins, Elmira, New York; Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Wilkins, Mr. Donald War- burton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warburton, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Rogers, Weston; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Robin- son, Toronto; Miss Isobel Mc- Dougall, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elders, Willowdale; Miss Jane Failes, St. Catharines; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carlson, Mrs. Fred Carlson, Scarborough; Miss Donna Duncan, Toronto. Many guests from out-of-town will be attending the Humber- Hart wedding in St. Andrew's United Church, as follows: Mrs. Roland Richer, Charles and Sherry! of Emeryville; Mr. and Mrs. William Ingalls, Larry and enneth, Mr. Peter Man- SOCIAL & PERSO 46 Aldwinckie, Women's Editor NAL Women's Department ° Miss Ruby Wilkins, whose marriage to Mr. David Edward Jubb takes place tomorrow in St. George's Memorial Church, has been entertained at sever- al showers and parties. Mrs, Conrad Regimbal, Roxborough avenue, entertained at a mise- éllaneous shower that was given at the home of Mrs. Harold Rotighley, Mary Street attend- ed by friends and relatives of the prospective bridegroom's parents. The bridesmaids, Miss Ann Jubb, Miss Sally Gutsole and Miss Irene Thaczuk enter- tained at a shower at Miss Thaczuk's home on Kaiser cres- cent, Former high school friends of the bride - elect's gradua- tion class of Oshawa General Hospital School' of Nursing, class of '66 were present. The future bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jubb, La- Salle avenue, will entertain the bridal party following the re- hearsal tonight. Officers of the Royal Ca- nadian School of Signals, King- ston, will form an honor guard following the marriage of Lie- utenant Keith Hooey and Miss Rosamond Hooker in Northmi- nster United Church tomor- row. Forming the guard will be Lieutenant James Bender, Lieutenant John Watson, Lieu- tenant Barry Mogan, Lieute- nant John Todd Lieutenant Sa- muel Lipin and Lieutenant Bri- an Campbell Miss Margaret Ewart who will become the bride of Mr. Frank Swinburne in St. George's Memorial Church to- morrow afternoon has been fe- ted at the following showers a bathroom shower given by Miss May Conway; a miscel- laneous shower given by Miss Grace Wilson with co-hostesses Miss Eleanor MacDonald Miss Beryl Price; and Mrs. William Gliddon; a -miscellan- eous shower given by Mrs. Le- on Connors of Bowmanville as- sisted by Mrs. Russel Hayes and Mrs. William Mairs and a shower given by co-workers in the telephone department of General Motors. Coming from Kingsion Ontario, to attend the Hooey- Hooker military wedding will Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rosamond Hooker, Bride - Elect 'Entertained At Many Showers Miss Rosamond Marie Hooker whose marriage to Mr. Keith Edward Hooey will take place tomorrow in _ North- minster United Church has been feted on several occa- sions. Miss Hally Wesling, Kings- laneous showers which class- mates of the bride-elect at-| tended, Miss Wesling was as-| sisted by Miss Gayle Lindsay, | organist at the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne John- Whitby, cousins of the held a_ dinner partyin her honor. Later that tending were relatives, neigh- bors and friends of the prospec- tive bridegroom. Mrs. Ray Parfitt, matron of honor, held a dinner party at the Sheraton Inn, Kingston, followed by a theatre party. Attending the party were class- mates and escorts of Miss Hooker. The trousseau tea was given by the bride-elect's mother, Mrs. Erwin Pretty at her home at Westdale Street. Pouring tea were Mrs. William Anderson, grandmother of the. prospective bridegroom and Mrs. Thomas Wesling; Kingston. -- Assisting Meloche,.Mr. and Mrs. David Workman, Mr. David Quelette, Mr. Ronald Bergoine, Miss Nancy Schneider and Mr. R. J. Purdy, all of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Humber, Loris and Janis of Leamington; Mr. and Mrs. Otter Scriver, Mr. and Mrs. William Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Berridge, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scriver, Mr. and Carl Seriver, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Scriver, Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Scriver, all of Keene; Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Knight, Mr. and Mrs. George Dadson and Shar- be Miss Gayle Lindsay, Miss Sandra Brennan, Mr. and Mrs. James Hueglin, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Scagnetti, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wesling, Miss Holly Wesling, Miss Barbara Warden and Mr, John Watson; from Toronto: Mr. and Mts. Thomas Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Long, Mr. Lloyd Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hooey, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Tunnicliffe; Pickering: Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Pretty; from Whitby: Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johnson; from Ash- on, all of Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Richer of Trenton; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Trimble, and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Trimble of Belle River; Mr. and Mrs. F: J. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bennett, Mr. Thomas Bennett, all of Ajax; Mrs. Don- ald Orton of Ruthven; Mrs. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR REMOVED By Electrolysis with the KREE IMPERIAL De- Luxe short- wave, revealing || your true self, GRADUATES Miss Carol Anne. Stezik, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Stezik, Albert street, and a graduate of Central Collegiate, was among this year's graduates of Tor- onto Teachers' College. She has accepted a position on the teaching staff of Vin- cent Massey Public School. MEXICALI RELISH: 1 (12 02.) can vacuum + pack golden whole kernel corn with diced red and green sweet pep- pers, drained, 4% c. chopped sweet pickle relish; % c. chili sauce; 2 tbsp. fine chopped peeled onion; 2 thsp. sweet pi- ckle juice; 1 tsp sugar. Combine all ingredients in a 1-pt. glass jar. Cover; Chill sev- eral hrs.; stir occasionally Makes 1% ¢. relish, PRIZES FOR SIZES TORONTO (CP)--There were prizes for the tallest and short- est people attending the 25th anniversary convention of the Canadian Women's: Army Corps. The tallest was six feet two inches and the shortest measured four foot eight. ton, Quebec: Mr. James Watt; from Barrie: Mrs. Anna Hooey, Janet, Earl, Robert and Francis Hooey; from Brooklin: has ll hot Elmer Johnson rom ralia: Flying Officer Douglas Lambert; from Dun- barton: Mr, Edward Gates Jr.; from Georgetown: Mr. and Mrs, Robert Quigley; from Gimli, Manitoba: Flying Offic. er Ronald Stewart; from Lan- ard, Ontario;Mr. and Mrs, Har- ry Stead, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Munroe, Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Paul; from London, Ontario Mr. and Mrs. O. Stewart and Miss Janet McCall; from Port Perry: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thomas and Mr. Albert Arm- Mrs. John Rene, Mr. and| from | our. Save 15% LAST 2 DAYS! Fairweather's Preview °67 Coat Event ends August 27th. Save 15% on any girls' coat priced 20.00 upwards. CHARGE IT NOW. I@w prev free of worry PAY IN NOVEMBER. and embarrass~ ment -- Mrs. Pretty were Mrs. Ray Parfitt, Miss Bonnie Hooker, ning a miscellaneous shower Frank O'Neil of Oldcastle; Mrs. jwas held by Mrs. Johnson, as- ~ daughter, Marie Elizabeth, to Margaret Tillier and family of ' ' She came out of a coma after|&Ve Kirk Hamilton Godfrey, son of P. Perry Bride-T Honored Guest A row, Miss Patricia Margaret} Holtby, has been the guest of|Grant Beacock and a reading|~-- honor on many occasions. | Mrs. George H. Vick and her daughter, Mrs. Herbert. Wright, o-Be Pat Holtby t Nuptial Events Patrick Thompson and Mr. was given bv Mre Teclia Peo cock. Refreshments were serv-| ed. | Mr. Ernest Godfrey, Weston, jand the late Mrs. Godfrey. The|o» jegs, Since then, after nearly|Edward Thompso' lceremony is to take place on \Saturday, October 8, | byterian Church, Oshawa. | | Refinish Grandma's old pic-| jture frames and use for mir-) 99 days--but she couldn't speak and had no control of her arms a dozen operations, she has} 1966 'atiy... Ps P alk, | friends . 2 ; earned how to talk d walk. |?! , i | A Port Perry bride of tomor-|wedding was presented by Mr.|4.00 p.m. in the Ukranian Pres-|/arm Oink et he |tives of the bride-elect, | Pp y | "I'm going to live it up. Ij can finally see and do things. 1} |want to travel and see how|Anderson. aunt of the nrosnec- peopie jive in aitterent pla wan sisted by her daughter, Mrs. n. Those en- former school and rela- tertained were neighbors In Oshawa, Mrs. F. Gordon| tive bridegroom, held a mis- cellaneous shower assisted by SWEET PROBLEM ,|her daugher Arlene. Those at- Miss Pat Parfitt of Oshawa; Miss Sheila Shoniker of Belle- ville and Miss Hally Wesling, Kingston. Following rehearsal tonight, the wedding party will be en- tarteimerd «+ +h he iS Gr aval's and = Mrs. 'William Hooey, Brock Street, Oshawa, parents Peterborough; AC2 James Sum- mers of RCAF Base, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Ross ,Stud of Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Trimble, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Trimble, Jeff and John, Mir-ana Mxs; William "irimpie, all of Woodslea; Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Summers and Lynda of of the prospective bridegroom. Ottawa. -wet FREE CONSULTATION MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshowe at the Genosha Hotel Aug. 29, 30 and 31 PHONE 723-4641 for appointment on these dotes. entertained at a personal show- er and buffet luncheon at the| former's home in Brooklin. The bride-elect's aunt, Mrs. C. M. MyLean und Miss oudy McLean, Hortop avenue, Osh- awa, entertained at a cup and Baucer shower. Mrs. Everett Kerr, RR 2, Port Perry, gave a linen shower With our hot dry weather, ~lare you having trouble keeping iguest. book: Pouring tea were|your brown sugar moist? Food donor: 'Mrs, C. M. McLean, Oshawa specialists at Macdonald Instit- foe ; land Mrs, Dyle Thompson, New-|ute, University of Guelph, sug: Miss Holtby received her/market, both aunts of the gest keeping the sugar in an} guests wearing a two-piece to-|future bride, Serving were Miss|airtight container such as a} mato and. chartreuse chiffon|gusan Roach and another aunt,|Pliofilm bag. Restore fresh-| dress, chartreuse accessories | yrs. Jeffrey Bailey and two/ness by placing a slice of apple and a corsage of yellow rose-jyounger girls. assisted, Miss| or orange on wax paper on top at her home, attended by|buds and baby white carnations.|yary Lou Malcolm and Miss|of hard sugar. Replace frequ- friends of the bride-elect. |Mrs. Holtby was wearing alfLinda Bailey. 'ently to prevent mold forming. | Miss Barbara Holtby and Miss|cornflower blue chiffon dress, sae een Mary Lynn Holtby, cousins of|with a corsage of white baby | the future bride, held a miscel-|Carnations. | hi attended by for-| The table was centered with| mer school mates of Missj|an arrangement of yellow and | Holtby. bronze chrysanthemums with Mrs, Neil Malcolm and her | orange colored candles. daughter, Miss Mary Lou Mal-| Assisting in the trousseau colm, entertained friends of the}room were Miss Marilyn Holt- families at a bathroom shower.| by, Miss Norma Jakeman, Miss _A miscellaneous shower was/Susan Lambert and Miss Mar- given by the Community of|garet Craighead. | Prince Albert where a mock! Mrs. Charles Willis kept the THE HOUSE OF FLAIRE COIFFEURS Offers Oshawe and Vicinity Personal Services In . . . @ Mani @ Pedi (Foot Care) @ Facials @ Make-up Consulting @ Eyebrow Arching @ Eyebrow and eyelash Tinting By Jane Poulson For Your Personal Appointment Phone 723-6901 (Ultimate in Hair Styling and Shaping) 14 ONTARIO ST. The bride-elect's mother, Mrs.|rors, modern art. | Holtby, Sprucedale Farms,) -------- ti | Port Perry, entertained at a trousseau tea in her daughter's Enjoy Your Private SAUNA AND HEALTH CLUB Any Time You Wish --~_ 3 ety YEAR Choose from fashionable winter coats for girls, 4-12. Borgs! Hooded Royal Pile Coats! Suedines, corduroys, wool tweeds with pile linings! From 20.00 to 35.00 SAVE 15% Falun Fashions since 1807 Low Rental Rates by the Month or Year i a Mil i Hii ul Expert Meat processing and Custom Cutting Keep Trim! Have Fun! Enjoy a Life of Leisure When You Move To GRENFELL SQUARE APARTMENTS 380 to 385 GIBB ST. at GRENFELL ST. Convenient To Oshawa Shopping Centre Facilities ONE and 2-BEDROOM FURNISHED APARTMENTS NOW AVAILABLE 3 FLOORS RESERVED. FOR ADULTS ONLY RESERVE YOUR SUITE NOW -- FOR RENTAL INFORMATION Phone Rental Office at 723-511] +. 'o« 9 P.M. DAILY i | | Save on Wholesale Meat Buy in Quantity and Save eather annual coat vw } fairw Complete Locker Service Double Sinks Night Drapes Throughout One or Two-Baicony Suites Available Second Washroom Suites Available shawa's Largest Suites Rental Includes JV Antenna Service, Parking Space and Addiffona!l Locker Space Private Sauna/ and Health Club Facilities; Swimming Poot and Sunning Patio. Free Hydro High Speed Elevotors Softly Carpeted Corridor Floors Seuutifully Landscaped Entrance Ultra-modern Kitchens include 30 inch Electric Range and New Refrigerator. Intercom Connected to Lobby Bathrooms Equipped with Lorge Mirrors and Built-in Vanities. LOCKER STORAGE 81 William St. West PHONE 723-3012 22 Stores in Ontario al

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