August 24, 1966 . THE OSHAWA TIMES, Share Exchange Moves |" Go On Despite Opposition The Bell spokesman said cop- ies of his firm's offer to share- holders of New Brunswick Tele- MONTREAL (CP)--The Bell|to relinquish any shares ac-|phone Co. Ltd. also were being Telephone Co. of Canada said} quired." r mailed Tuesday, Tuesday it is going ahead with the mailing of a share exchange offer to stockholders of the Mar- itime Telegraph and Telephone' Co. Ltd. | Tilco Strike Blamed On Lawyers Blunder John Sopikna, also counsel for Tilco, told the board Tuesday that the offer of Tilco to take back five strikers was a con- -- ATTENTION FARMERS ! Y PAY TORONTO (CP) -- A mis-| 'The following Monday when understanding by T. A. Arm-he received the draft Mr. Skur- strong, a lawyer for the 'Textile | jat' said the contract was..not Workers Union of America ceptable because there was sulica in ihe Suisse vy oo U members at Tilco Plastics Ltd. Peterharaush, 2 company iaw-inet remember whether or noi) yer told a labor relations board|he -had mentioned the signing Tuesday. |bonus to Mr, Skurjat. The board is hearing an appli-| 'I do not for one minute doubt cation by the union for permis-|that it was a misunderstanding sion to prosecute the company|and I am sure there was noth-|not be fired for engaging in a for failure to bargain in goodjing but good faith on Mr. Arm-|jawful strike, once acts of vi- hh pase) faith. The hearing concluded, strong's part." olence were committed, the ment "disapproves strongly' of} Tuesday without a date for a) Mr. Skurjat earlier told the| strike was no longer lawful, (Bell Telephone's attempt to) ruling being set. jhearing that the company had) "Up until the time of the|gain control of the Maritime Richard Shirriff, a lawyer for|reneged on an agreement to pay) size the co % Teg Tilco, said Harold Pammett, co-/$25 to each worker in lieu offeine, (he Company Wee. SIR: /Voung stock, - 2 cerely trying to effect an agree-| 4 poly spokesman at the com- pany's headquarters in Mont-| owner of Tileo, and Mr. Avm-| retroactive pay. iment," he said. 'They weren't real, said Tuesday the firm is} over Mr. Stan-} Fitiucs Rowe 5 Nova Scotia said M the Nev egisl sibly in a special sessien,, may block any Bell takeover of the' maritime company." BR Mr, Stanfield said. his Pro-| gressive Conservative govern-| |strong later told me he could|was under no obligation to take any hack on ihe navraii_ QUALITY Gasoline - Diesel and Motor Oils Farm Tanks And Pumps Available' Out of Oshawa; Whitby ond District CALL at OK OIL 668-3341 eres He said the company had bar- gained in good faith, had made several substantial concessions and that while employees could strong were negotiating a con- After further negotiation, the havin aildhose meelines ail tract last November when Mr. | company otfered a $15 signing | siting lawyers just for the fun Pammett said he would agree | bonus and the strike was called. | 5+ i, ° Higgueaeieal to a union condition that tool-! The strike by about 30 work-| makers be part of the bargain- | ers began at the Tilco plant last ing unit if the union agreed to| December. The company later his monetary and bonus pro-|obtained a court injunction lim- posals. liting pickets at the plant to 12.) Mr. Shirriff said Mr, Arm-,| In February this year mass| He said the company had) hired new employees and was) under no obligation to discharge them. It would not have been bargaining in bad faith if the company had come to the bar- field's opposition. But Bell) would have no further immedi- | ate comment. Mr. Stanfield said the Nova! Scotia legislature "might very First Year Technology SOMETIMES REFERRED TO AS well compel the Bell company \strong conferred with Victor|demonstrations were held at the|f0™I Skurjat, a union representative, |Tilco site with up to 400 persons |8aining table and said eating and then told Mr. Pammett:| protesting tie injunction. would be taken back. But t | "You've got a deal." Attorney - General Arthur|company agreed to take five) SLEPT IT OFF "{'had no doubt at that time|Wishart ordered charges laid Strikers back, he added. BERLIN (AP) -- A. squirrel that the contract was agreed|and 26 demonstrators were later' Anything the union got was! broke into a house in the East) and there would be no signing) jailed for their part in the pro- windfall, {German city of Eisenach and bonus,"' said Mr, Shirriff. \test. iTHERE'S EVIDENCE | discovered a box of cognac- ui | He said there was ample evi-| filled candy. After raiding the) Metro Reeve Suggests -- 'sin, <r "earn cain Education Tax Strike | "FIRST YEAR RYERSON" | This is a Grade 13 Program in Engine- ering Technology. It offers the oppor- tunity for students to work off the first year of the Institute of Technology while living at home. Students living in neighboring districts are eligible to attend with the ap- proval of their own school board, Interested persons should apply im- mediately for the remaining places in the 'class. passenger service was to be curtailed pending settle- ment of the dispute. (CP. Wirephoto) whether they would reach their destination before the threatened rail strike on Friday. After Tuesday, THE SEEMING question of Vancouver-bound train passengers at Union Sta- tion in Toronto Tuesday is Other Transport Sought obscenity, damage to the plant| and did not come to for a) and anonymous telephone calls |"U"S- | to workers at all hours of the} night were reasons justifying! Helps You Overcome Before Rail Strike Hits. HAMILTON (CP)--A sugges-, strike suggestion into the shape! tion that municipalities strike|of a formal motion, it was ruled | and stop collecting school taxes out of order by the resolution | dismissal, pgp said the sot FALSE TEETH | sition adopted by Tilco last May | 13, when the two sides met, fell Looseness and Worry" THE McLAUGHLIN COLLEGIATE AND No longer be annoyed or fee! ill-at- ease because of loose, wobbly false teeth. FASTEETH, an improved alka- line (non-acid) powder, sprinkled on your plates holds them firmersothey | feel more comfortable. Avoid embar- rassment caused by loose plates. Get | FASTEETH at any drug counter, e Super VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE Telephone: Oshawe 728-9407 Address: 570 Stevenson Road North Cc. L. ROBERTS. &. & LOVELL intendent of $ Cheirmen Schools. Oshewe Board ef Eduestion, cnet A total of 300 men who had;sekvices will also be main- if the government doesn't ac-|committee chairman, Mayor) jo of the obligation of the been on strike over the weekend| tained. cept all education costs was|J. A. Heenan of Cobourg. compary to bargain in good| at Sydney, N.S., and London,) Premier Alex Campbell of made Tuesday at the conven-/SEE CONTROL CHANGE faith to settle a strike which he| Sarnia and Brampton, Ont.,|Prince Edward Island saidition of the Ontario Municipal; Opponents to the suggestion | .3i4 was characterized by un-| were reported back to work/ Tuesday night his government' Association. were not against asking the| 491 bitterness. employees, the country began|Tuesday. About 175 men were|is prepared to declare an emer-| The suggestion was made by|province for more money but} Th i : 11 of | to gear for the possible effects| reported still on strike in Wind-| gency in the province if the Fast York Reeve True David-|felt that if Ontario paid all the) |" e key -_ ---- es of such a walkout. |sor, Chatham and Oakville, Ont.|strike results in cancellation of|son, who said, 'If we don't get|bills the proviace would take strikers to gpd dl ug <a 4 Some officials have said the| Besides the giants--CNR and the island's ferry service. our demands met this year, we|control of the schools from the|the company took a fixed an effects of a nation - wide rail|CPR--several smaller railways) CNR and CPR hotels across/g0 on strike next year." municipalities. junalterable position, Mr. Arm- strike could be "disastrous" to| were also planning to stop oper-|the country will not be affected) She said if every municipal-) The OMA passed a motion strong said: The company of- the economy, but other types of MONTREAL (CP)--While rail and union leaders began meet- ings in Ottawa aimed at head- ing off. a threatened strike of 120,000 non - operating railway 4 al) |fered to take back five employ- freight carriers were looking ees but refused to name them forward to capacity business. Truck companies began a search for additional vehicles to handle the expected crush and Air @anada; already flooded with mountains of orders, issued a hasty embargo on all air freight and air express between Canada and United States points. Rail shipments from the United States would be halted at the international border and will have to make the final leg of the journey to Canadian centres by truck. George Gouin, president of the Canadian Trucking Association, said in Toronto Tuesday his or- ganization's 7,000-member firms were setting up co-ordination centres across the country in anticipation of a "gigantic emer- gency transportation effort." Joseph Goodman, general- manager of the Automotive Transport Association of On- tario, predicted that the prov- ince's 50,000 trucks would be able to handle the situation there. STOCKS LIMITED Both General Motors at Osh- awa, Ont., and Proctor and Gamble Lid., at Hamilton say they can maintain production for only a week before their stocks run out. Eric Gracey of Toronto, gen- eral-manager of the Canadian Industrial Traffic League said the strike would be disastrous. He estimated that it will take 200,000 additional trucks to re- place trains--pointing out that trucks now carry nine per cent of everything moved in Canada and trains 42 per cent. | He also said trucking compan-| fes will be hampered because it} will be impossible to provide a great deal more storage space. The CNR and CPR Tuesday applied emhargnes on all nerish able goods and livestock ship-| ments across the country as well as on express and freight of less than carload size origin- ating or terminating in metro- politan Toronto. i No other large centres were} transfer to Toronto. The Tor-| onto embargoes were a result of a wildcat strike among some) non-op workers that tied up) freight yard facilities for sevy-! eral days, About 600 men were involved. END WALKOUT | In Sarnia, Ont., about 400) members of the Canadian) Brotherhood of Railway Trans- port and General Workers (CLC) ended a four-day wild- cat walkout Tuesday and agreed to stay at work until the} general strike date Friday. | All men were back to work) in Montreal Tuesday after a} 1,400-man wildcat walkout con-/| tinued Monday. More than 3,000 men were out in Montreal ear- lier in the week. OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS Availeble At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. £., Oshawe 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each 5x7 -- 1.25 each 20% Discount on Orders package freight a day to Fort William, but there aren't enough trucks to move the ations Friday if the men walk] by the strike but all public tele-\ity in Ontario refused to collect asking the province to pay out. Included are the Cumber-| graph service will cease at the education tax "the courts|capital costs for hospital con-| land Railway and Dominion At-|noon Friday if the strike takes|would be clogged with attempts |struction and asked for income lantic Railway, both in Nova) Scotia. place on schedule. A spokesman for the railways to make us collect." |tax reductions for mortgage in- But when Ald. Horace Brown terest and residential property Albert J. Pye, manager of| Said, however, that private wire |of Toronto put Reeve Davidson's taxes. the Toronto office of Furness) Withy and Co. Ltd. said Tues-} day some ocean cargo will be} delivered to Toronto from Mont- real because Toronto facilities are better equipped for truck movement. An official of Canada Steam- ships Lines Ltd. at Port Credit, Ont., said western communities beyond the Lakehead that de- pend on goods brought to Fort William, Ont., by ship for rail movement will be shut out. NOT ENOUGH TRUCKS "We take about 4,000 tons of goods out," he said. The post office announced Tuesday it would expand its use of air and truck services during the strike and that this would mean "minimal disruption" of services and the cross-country micro - wave system will be maintained as they are almost completely automatic and need only monthly checks which will e carried out by supervisory personnel if necessary. In Montreal, R. H. Keefler, president of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, sent a telegram to Prime Minister Pearson Tuesday night urging "decisive government interven- tion" in the strike situation. Rail and union officials also agreed Tuesday to provide emergency train services during any fires or floods and for other, particularly in the first few hours after the strike begins. Announcement of Friday's strike was made in Montreal Monday by officials represent- ing the four union groups in- volved--the 22,000-member as- the service. However, Postmaster-General| Cote said in a statement that an embargo will be placed on) mailing of perishable items ex-! cept those prepaid for air de-|of Railroad Trainmen, an oper-|€Tal charges of unlawful flight) livery. Embargoes would also! sociated shop craft unions, the 54,000 - member residual union group and the 22,000 - man CBRT, all non-operating unions, and the 20,000-man Brotherhood ating union. Con. William Archer of Tor-| jonto suggested the deduction }would be from gross income, Charges Against jwith a $500-a-year ceiling. | | or to say when they would be recalled. He said the company's atti- tude frustrated any meaningful collective bargaining and he de- scribed Tilco's position on sen- iroity -- new emnvloyeés would have equal seniority with those taken back--as objectionable. Lemays Mount | In another motion, Brantford | city council asked for a change) LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP)--Alin the road-subsidies set-up, state fugitive charge has been|noting cities get one-third grants added to federal charges and|while Metropolitan Toronto, lan immigration hold against a|towns and villages get a 50-per- lman identified by the FBI. as|cent subsidy. | Canada's most-wanted fugitive.) T. E. Adams, Toronto man-) Georges Lemay, 41, and his|/ agement consultant, and Ewart) wife, Lise, 29, were booked on|Biggar, cierk - ireasuruer for) the state charge Monday by) Brantford Township, said in ad- James Brennan, Las Vegas jus- dresses that re gional units tice of the peace. |should be formed to replace Lemay was being sought on|local government in its present charges of masterminding the |form. | 1961 looting of the Montreal) Ite of stocks, bonds and cesn' SHORT STROLL | GIVES HOTFOOT | worth an estimated $528,000 to $4,000,000. ¥ He was arrested by FBI x ce . lagents last Friday in a West-| FREDERICKSBURG, Va. ern-atmosphere casino in down-| (AP)--Charles Hart Jr., 19, town Las Vegas. His wife was) tried to walk barefooted apprehended at the Lemay's re-| 4CT0SS the street Monday. }cently rented suburban home.} He said he parked his car about 4 p.m. and got out to cross the street without tak- ing time to put on shoes. Both were being held on fed-| Temperatures in the 90s had to avoid prosecution on conspir- BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCHEONS 95< -- 1.35 Good Food DOWNTOWN LOCATION FULLY LICENSED PARKING REAR OF HOTEL HOTEL. LANCASTER 27 KING ST. W. THE HEINTZMAN PIANO RENTAL PLAN Heze's a novel pian for parents who wish to test their children's miltical ability before purchas- ing a piano, Heintzman will rent you an attractive, new. small piano for 6 months--if you de- cide to purchase it, the six month's rent and cartage will be allowed on the purchase. price. The balance on Heintzman's Own Budget Terms. 79 SIMCOE ST. N. 728-2921 CALL OR SEE DIXON'S OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS *%24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 be placed on parcel post, news-| Aji four er ve rejected' acy to bribe. Bail was set on papers and third class mailings| reports submitted ety the fea |those charges at $100,000 each. in some areas, lerally-appointed conciliation of-| Bail on the state charges also The railways reached agree-|ficers and all have conducted|WaS set at $100,000 each, but the ment with the unions Tuesday|strike votes that showed about|/immigration hold precludes the for maintaining all East Coast|95 per cent of their members|Possibility of posting any bond ferry services with the excep-| favored the walkout. | money. tion of the Saint John, N.B.-| All are seeking increases in| The federal charge originated Digby, N.S., service which will| wages. The non-ops, who now\in Miami where the sheriff's of- melted the asphalt and be- fore he was half way across, Hart was stuck. Two teen-agers cdfne to his rescue and carried him toahospiial emergency room, where a doctor found Hart had lost all the skin off the soles of both feet. be halted and the Cape Tormen-|make an average $2.22 an hour|fice has accused Lemay of buy- tine, N.B.-Borden, P.E.I., ferry,|are seeking 55 cents to $1.23 an|ing his way out of Dade County | whose Status during the strike| hour compared to the 45 cents|jail for $35,000, slidi down a) was still being discussed in Ot-\an hour recommended by the| hose from the seventh floor and) tawa early today. conciliation boards. NEED A NEW FURNACE? fleeing Sept. 25, 1965. | "jand the Patrick Morris, be-| Newfoundland was assured of, The non-operating employees continuation of operation by the|are those who are not actually}on the bank burglary charges| two ferries, the William Carson| involved in the operation of the|after a Fort Lauderdale man/ train. They fill such Positions | reported recognizing his picture | las clerks, office employees and/as transmitted by Early Bird tween North Sydney, N.S., and) He was apprehended in Miami | Ne Down Payment--First Peyment PERRY Gecember--Caii { Port aux Basques, Nfld. Coastal ticket agents. | satellite, | Day or Night... 723-3443 | ; 394 SIMCOE ST. NORTH HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS Ch Rolled, Boneless Beef POT ROAST GRADE A" FRESH KILLED -- 2 to 3 LBS. ickens 49s emcees ee Fresh Cut Por! ROAST Boneless, Rolled Beef SHOULDER ROAST 69 39 SHOULDER GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS 29° fh. C Ib J Fresh Cut Pork Buit ROAS C Ib CLUB HOUSE PEANUT 16-027. JAR T i Economy Beef Roast PRIME ROAST 6th & 7th Rib Pork Tenderloin, 3-lb. « LOIN END 39° BUTTER Mary Miles Ne, 1 ve. Lean Tender Beet of 5 or More Pictures BLADE ROAST 69 39i Lean Tender RIB STEAKS C, LB, PKG Wieners The 4 C's of Saving CONFIDENCE ! CONVENIENCE ! COMFORT ! CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST CONFIDENCE -- knowing that you ere pe 3 or receiving the best rate paid more often. . ak F wmMerest -- CONVENIENCE -- longer saving hours daily and all day Saturday. COMFORT -- dealing with friendly people -- with e community pany, SAVE WITH... Central Ontario Trust Com- Trust & Savings Corporation "weal 19 Simcoe St N. Oshewe, 723-221 23 St. Ww. Be 623-2527 Beau OPEN HOUS In "Beau Valley" You'll Enjoy @ The Convenience of the high quality products and workmanship which goes into Kassinger Construc- tion Homes. The Convenience of @ well planned, picturesque community, including the. new "Beau valley Publie ; School" right in Beau Valley. Everyone is Invited To Visit "VERBENA COURT" A new, quiet Court in Beau Valley with homes ready for immediate occupancy. OPEN HOUSE HOURS At the "ANNA MARIA" Mode! Home, you will see a completely new concept in Electrical Heating ond Air Conditioning, 'Set it' ond "Forget it". An Electrical heating and Air-conditioning system which you just set the-temperoture you desire and leave it and it will stay fonstont all year around, giving you all year around comfort. ? SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. © 360 King Street"West 723-2265 % p.m. Mondey te Fridey 2 to 5:30 p.m. Set. end Suni, ta ee 'np Uns 8 Li ¥)