THE OSHAWA TIMES, 1 ednesday, August 24, 1966 Enjoy Extra Savings Today 1 7.7 rood vaiues. All Merchandise 100% Guaranteed oe oe eres | Scotian Gold - Fancy, Twins Ready ae A | 48 02. = Vacuum Packed GOVERNMENT AIDE . Yves Pratie, 41, a Que- pe City lawyer, has been at Unsweetened - Tins Predressed For School _ ee Vitaminized For Ontario Grown HAMILTON (CP) ~-- Hamil- ton's thalidomide twins will be placed in a local nursery. school this fall. | Vanguard - The Ontario department of Ice Castle Assorted Colours public welfare has been asked Fancy e@ to find a nursery school for the Pint children, said Miss Elsie Staple- ford, director of the province's , Cont. day nursery branch. | 4 0 e ef She said Tuesday she had ap- : proached several nursery schools and all were. delighted A to take the children, who were Th 07. born with deformed arms and a Tin legs after their mother took the 3 drug thalidomide. j . * The twins are Peter and Paul ! Festive Flock or. Swift Settle, sons of Mr. and Mrs. : Fes ge ad were born in| |= Four Season's 16-02, Tin Evaporated BUTTER " ¢ anuary, F ' : Miss Stapleford said she was| CARNATION C 6-9 Lb. size 4, also finding nursery school) --~ i places for six other Ontario) ©: : thalidomide victims. : il i ' me children a La : cal handicaps could 'also de- : i it ' ee aes handicaps by) & 3 Top quality Imporled Spring Lamb C school age. 12 01. Ti . % " F > Im 5 G de 3 But if we put these children} Meat pith iden Churn -- Canada's First Gra in nurseries we will find them Gol | 7 0 alll Whole or Bult Half more like other children than ei hb. different, if they have the op- " -- & portunity to mix at a very early e C : i '* - 1 LB. 2 | Top quality-imported Spring Lamb Tasty shoulder chons = - ane This care of handicapped chil- ' ' sty: ' diven is one of the new ways in) © 5 Ih, bag . . -- a os ah Rs ae ee Lamb in the Basket". ting the community, Miss Sta- 4 pleford told members of the] »: welfare section of the Ontario) |. Granulated Fresh - Tray Packed ny sa cneongaemamen semen Small Ink & ¢ Pork Sausages imenm new needs. -- Association, meeting) % Peak Frean ; "el : 8-OZ. Miss Stapleford said Hamilton| © . J PKG FOR was pioneering in using the pri- iscul s ° vate nurseries to meet these : : Que. Liberal! ' Bathroom ma.. Cartoon of 6 -- 10-02, tins ' ha, Wie Diet Rite =e ) ¢ rp met | Tissue ar, OE soft Drinks | Sportsman Smelts 29 services will be held Saturday for Gerard Levesque, 54, found- ing president of the Quebec Lib- i . : aa . i eral Federation. " : si ealaaiaeeaeeeeataaaaeiatinaieaiaieaninaen varies ae Steinberg's Freshly Baked lina Pkg Made from Mr. Levesque died suddenly CaN) stir fome abe Guases Cy| fame iain ---- eS inced Beef Pies "w " O minds pote Teaser "| | 1 G de a "emia lores Ms. tol | ey Ontario Grown - Canada No. 1 Grade vesque and former Georges Emile Lapalme, then leader of the provincial Liberals, collabo- iy a : rated in sparking establishment - Z En. of the federation in 1955. Mr. j n 4 OT. Levesque was president of the omaha: ae | Freestone BSKT. © stierg features - 2K Gold Rimmed - Safety Eig during an era of Union Na-| ; ; nee il bee sie Veen ' Ed tionale power in Queher toate! t SESE! ' " . : my the two men five years of or-| | = ® ¢ ae effort. i i . ¢ Only For i Levesque was born in Ste.| Ae 2. Anne We la Pocatiere, Que., and| ' ; & began his-education in a school| . = there. He took his degree in law| - 11.02. Water Glass = Laval University in Quebec ' 'ity. : 8 £ F AR WITH CHEESE ROU § y COUPON BxPiRES AUG. 31/66 COUPON =e Aue. 31/ us COUPON. RxPIRES AUG. 31/66 » eral government, which lost the ' , election of June 5 after almost} Crisp [ Grade _ Six years in power. E . Large. Si * TORONTO (CP) -- Seventy-| rail ult Extra ae ies Do --_ d i eS three children, belonging to 13) Children up to the age of five dren there are 22 adults ee red ogies for the situation. Reynold's Cheer Maxwell House save 1 Corn Flakes Th city welfare department| (¢ : le with this coupon ond the , 50 Xie encsaae . 25 2.100: Feet, OF ROYAL AMET, 0 'A 6002. SIZE EZE POR began putting families in the| 25 50 & een 'Hand Lotion Instant. wed a _ , 2 rer ; families, are living in barracks- | * live in cubicles with their moth-| c) yen purchase Margaret Campbell, control- > at rap belo tad { "We are doing all we can, if \ Foil Wrap ix. o \ Dotengent ae om $1.52 Instant Coffee $1.19 owen ar June -when the 200| "Pac a ' _ He was not related to Gerard! California's Finest D. Levesque, minister of indus-| Green Local Grown C De: ett § try and commerce in the Lib-| - Fresh, Canada No. 1 . she » | : ' Ee es 4 UPON UO. 91/86 : Families Live | Produce of S. A. - Sweet - Juicy Imported - Canada No. 1 Grade - Zt.) ! ui ee In'Men's Hostel 9) -- ae : | | ns Hostel) ¢ like. cubicles in a downtown men's hostel. 'WITH THIS COUPON 'THIS COUPON ers and older boys and men live a Feiss comment was ore (a Aion Tm OF FOAMY in separate quarters at one end (6 with thie Instant Shave of the corridor. Besides the chil-| 25 ps os aon ea -- Pizza Pie ler in charge of housing for the| ¢ : SE "00K: OF TBE stames BOD Wite "ws courON AND PURCHASE OF city, said she is making no apol-| A10 OZ. BOX OF GENERAL MILLE ASCE Sas she said Tuesday during a tour COUPOM EXPIRES AUG. 27/66 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 27/66 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 27/66 \ 6.3 ) COUPON 3%... wud COUPON EXPIRES AUG. wu) of the quarters. 'WITH THIS COUPON WSS u " AIR Puddings unemployed transients who usu- EXTRA : ; F eSoldl onus in y 2ron35¢ ally occupy the quarters left to! stamps aad i 2 : a et take summer jobs. Re | 'iio ronehase Gr : ae . 5 ag pe 'ee ae Gans Cocca Clark's vt Solo save 1x i at Coupons Aintes eae oF eae 25 aatOe tr or noes sane 5 M15 OZ. 2 a OCA OMOWN nor welfare department officials Tomato Juke 3 Mar rine on Ground a ro have any idea where the famil- \ CouPOn ExPIRES AUG. 27/46 \ pion AUG. 27/86 ies will go when the men begin} : S returning for the winter.