THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wethistes, August 24, nage 20--Real Estate for Sole |20---Real Estate for Sele SCHOFIELD-AKER| © OLIVE 1D HOWE 723-2265 REAL ESTATE LTD. a Over A er Century : ; ch 515 Brock St. South, of Servi LOW DOWN PAYMENTS OP DAILY WHITBY 9 AM, to 9 P.M. 668-5853 GOOD VALUE -- i EAST END WHY LOSE MONEY * Attrective 5 room bungalow ON RENT ? with carport, in excellent res- Hes na pie eich idential area, close to schools home, situated on large land: and churches. Has finished scoped fot, sti ond acter, rec room with bar, This home including: a ati Fiore is on a good sized lot, beauti- balk fe - ity Kitchen, fully landscaped and is only being one? tar ten eS five years old, Call now and payment: balahee in beri "a terms, for further information ~~ arrenged to inspect, contact Audrey Moore 668- " $2,000 DOWN 4088 or 668-5853, 1ET ST. hi ] Gost AREA ||| HOME OF DISTINCTION : . ; The rich qualities are'many in -..¢ 3 bedroom aluminum siding this: faseinoting: 2 eds: <3 bungalow with extra large Ry ac pits dining room,' "2 ree TOO and tng eres | huge living room, breakfost mortgage at $85. monthl room ' with: natural" fireptgcs, 999 Ys recreation room, 4 pc. and.3., pc. bathroom, paved drive, Sik peice garage, large wens lot, close tein t jt itby. Excellent value for someone see sels pic ha 0 who is looking for a well built to inspect, 6 room brick bungalow in the SURROUNDED. North Eost area. Spotlessly clean inside and well Jand- BY TALL SHADE TREE: Mi scaped exterior. Hollywood Long low Ranch bungalow kitchen,. finished recreation with breezeway, attached gor- . 20--Real Estate for Sole |20---Real Estate for Sale GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 7IR-59R1 COTTAGE 1 @ Winterized lake-front cot- tage on Lake Scugog is com- pletely furnished ond ready for occupancy while the summer lasts, Lot is completely grossed! and well shaded. Dock, smal boot, lawn furniture, are some : of the extras. Call for more in- .. formation. UNDER CONSTRUCTION I! @ Three bedroom, electrically heated split level home, with attached: garage. Family room on 'lower level. with fireplace. Four piece and two piece bath- rooms, seven rooms in all, Give uso call, we will be happy to supply more detoils, NORTH WEST LOCAL lil @ We have just listed a love- ly three bedroom brick bungalow in a preferred area of the city. This spacious home has many extras ---- broadioomed living room and halls, T.V. tower, paved drive, large garage and well landscaped lot. Call us to- night for an appointment to in- spect, DIG THIS KRAZY PRICE !V @ $13,900, for this comfort- able 2 bedroom home in a quiet area of Oshawa. Economical gas heating, living reom, dining 18--Male Help Wanted YOUNG MAN WANTED for duties within our Soles Department. | 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale Experience in Soles Office work an asset but appliconts sszere| GORDON a minimum of Grade 13 ed- , ucation and the ability to = ere eee ef C R 'ee By iN | bs ie A Fiiguodla WO JET GZ ENE AG REALTOR --2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU-- 218 Dundas St. E., Whitby Dial 668-8826 48 Simcoe St.S., Oshawa Dial 728-5157 THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED CLIENTS OVER THE-- YEARS -- WHY NOT YOU?, LOTS: OF LOVELY SPACE Many young families ore getting crowded with the small 3 bedroom bungaloy and need that extra space for real living. Thic can be what you have been looking for with four large bedrooms. 12' x 11' dining room and a kitchen that the fam- ily can use. Not only this but you have a finished recreation room with a dinstinctive fireplace. 1/2 baths and a neat car- port.. Extras include built-in radio and record player. Norge dryer, T.V. tower arid others, Not too much lawn to look after, just right: for the busy father. As iow as $4,000. down may take this fine family Oshawa East End home. WHITBY CORNER AT PORT WHITBY Brock St. and base line. 162' x 209' with large frame building. This: could be an important business corner with new develop- ments taking shape in this area, Buy now and be assured of fine business location; Asking price $45,000. NORTH WEST OSHAWA -- REDUCED Good taste is evident both inside ond outside this well-decorated 3 bedroom bungalow. Professional landscaping, enclased patio, fenced and hedged backyard indicate the owners pride in their 18--Male Help Wanted YOUNG MEN For Retail Store Management Well-established, world-wide shoe company with stores coast to coast, has immediate openings for young men to 18--Male Help Wanted Dowty AJAX "KMACHINISTS ond INSPECTORS centre lothe, turret, boreing- mills, grinders. Courtesy, Integrity, Service H. Mi len weware torn ~i _ ee eee ere At nenry were has © definite future for the: individual capable of assum- ing additional responsibilities. Good storting salary with usualyfringe benefits. Phone for appointment: J. T. Kellington The Pedlor People Limited, Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, Ontario Phone 723-4613 MIDDLE-AGED MAN -For soles wark in one of Oshawa's most progressive Men's Clothing Stores. agement, : Applicants should have good basic educction, preferably some selling experience, be willing to-relocate. Position will involve a short term of paid on-the-job train- ing after which assignment will be made to-store manage- ment. Apply to: . BATA SHOE STORES Oshawa Shopping Centre or 15 Simcoe St, N. EXCELLENT - OPPORTUNITY Large corporation has out- standing sales opportunity for @ man aged 25-40. Individ- ual must be a local resident With managerial ability, am- bition and show progress for his age. Business or soles background helpful. vl $ 950 DOWN Brand new homes on Waverly St. south of King. Completely dec- erated. Sodded "front and rear, Call 728- 1656, DOWN 10 acre lots' just 5 miles from Oshawa. Full. price $6,000,.00. Level ground, Paved road, Call 728-1656. DOWN 4 room bungalow with 1 acre of land on. Bloor St. W. Neat and clean inside. Call 728-1656. DOWN 2 bedroom bungalow neor the Oshawa Shop- ping Centre. Fireploce: in living room. Private drive, Spotlessly clean throughout. Call. 728- 1656. DOWN Double shift (rotating work) MA Enjoy @ long weekend, Second: shift Is 4 doys; 40 hr. Week. Le aiaise ie me Fringe benefits company paid wa < TELEPHONE BOB CAMERON or MRS. WAUDE ,» 942-3100 > © Vel Must have some soles ex- perience, preferably in the clothing business. bare JENSEN Attractive salory plus com- mission, Apply Box 40696 Oshawa Times we Saami In requesting a personal inter- view please submit a resume stating "personal history, ed- ucation and business, exper- ience to: 4 ASSOCIATE WANTED 4 bed- mae eee LTD. Box 40843 Oshawa Times FOR a permanent position and offers one of the highest annual incomes of any field. We area well-known organi- zation specializing in the sav- ings and investment field. home, Finished rec room. 2 pc. basement washroom, attached garage, proximity to schools, $90. monthly payments including taxes, 542% interest rate on mortgage make this a 'best buy'. Executive owner moving, reduced price to $20,900. COLBORNE STREET EAST--OSHAWA INCOME Home with 2 apartments and rental income from parking lot. room, modern kitchen, sun porch, large garden plot. A per- fect retirement home, or the idéal inexpensive home for a young couple. What a bargain, call us now QUIET DISTRICT 1% storey. rooms. Oil heat. Large kitchen, Living room. Priced at $12,900. Pri- vate drive, Call 728- 1656. DOWN room, List price $18,900, "CLOSE TO HOSPITAL Within walking distance of town and in a good residen- tial area we have a two bed- room home on a lot 157 ft. deep, with rec room facilit- age, Huge living room, with. natural fireplace, full dining room, oil heating, 14' kitchen - with ample cupboards and built-in' breokfast nook, im- mediate possession. Call Aud- rey Moore 668-4088 or 668- 5853. Aa OSE HE Show V @ Call us to-night on this' nicely decorated, 3 bedroom brick bungalow in the city's pre- ferred North West area, Good financing and eosy terms like rent, make this spacious home! © bargain on to-day's market. FAMILY HOME Vi @ Here's a 3% year old, neat, brick bungalow on Car- tier Ave., Oshawa. A roomy, well designed home, adapted to} family living. The kitchen is a wife saver with walls of cup boards, 4 piece bathroom with oe, vanity, three bedrooms, living sor extra bedroom in the sement. Close to Oshawa e Shopping Centre, both separ- Pris esi pais) ate and public schools and the 3 bedrooms. Large 3 EDR Arena. bright living room. OOM BUNGALOW Modern kitchen. Oil Vil @ This home, just listed, is heat. Call 728-1656. in the southeast area of the city, close to Ritson Rood Public DOWN School. Features large kitchen Absolutely immaculate with ample cupboards, nice back describes this - lovely yard and garage. $2,000. down 1% storey home. 6 Payment to one mortgage. You rooms. Wide paved can't beat this for value any- privote drive. Oversize where, so phone now to inspect. geroge. Big lot. See NORTH WEST this home tonight. Call Vill @ Lovely three bedroom 728-1656, bungalow with attached garage| and breezeway. Very large and DOWN unusually fine designed kitchen. You'll never find o Good sized living and dining better home for the room. Kitchen has many extras money. $17,900 is the for the little woman who has full price. Detached wanted something a little dif- brick bungalow -with ferent. Landscaped to perfec- private drive and gar- tion, with large garden area in age. 3 big bedrooms. the back yard. Phone now ond Bright --'iving _ room, let us show you this home, P.S. Large Hollywood style We would be pleased to pick kitchen. Call 728- 1656. DOWN you up. BRAND NEW HOMES IX @ We have exclusive list- ; ings on two attractive modern New 4 bedroom: split homes, featuring well designed level on @ quiet street just east of Harmony Road. 614% N.H.A. kitchens, 3 and 4 good sized nara: Call 728- 1678. bedrooms, dens, extra washroom in -divided basement and gar- GRANDVIEW AREA We would like to show age. All wiring is underground in these electrically heated, quality controlled homes. Our sales staff will enj showin, id . you @ brick bungalow, three bedrooms, large kitchen.and living room, close to all them to you, 4 BEDROOM BRICK schools. $17,000. with $2,500. down. Carries X @-A real family home, close to schools, in a desirable neigh- paggea large recreation room 'or entertaining or for the kids to play during the cold winter bale AS PT. months, a good sized yard and e i 4 space to spare for some garden- WAIT! ing. $2,500. down payment will Three bed brick handle. Priced at $16,900. Call burl canes cu now to inspect before its gone. old, 'Close te shopping DELIGHTFUL LIVING diettectne geet Alt @ Call us to-night on this condition. Call us. to- charming eight year old brick doy 728-1678 bungalow. This home as o } Hollywood kitchen, living room,| ANXIOUS ! three good sized bedrooms and This home is o beauty. attached garage with paved Close to Seventh Day drive. Beautifully . landscaped Day College. Beautiful view of city and in ex- cellent condition. 'Has 3 or 4 bedrooms, at- tached garage plus extras. Priced ight. PREVIOUS investment or sales experinece not necessary os complete training with con- tinued assistance provided. GENEROUS advances and commission. ' MANAGERIAL ability recog- nized by early advancement. WRITE BOX NO. M-40704 OSHAWA TIMES OR TELE- PHONE COLLECT: MR. HOLT, TORONTO 927-3511 MACHINIST and MILLWRIGHT Experienced only need opply. Steady position. Lindsay. Call 324-5212 _ BUSES & CARS have 100 ready-to-go! oll western cities Gas Allowance AUTO DRIVEAWAY CO. 137 Yonge St., Toronto 1, Ont. 362-1391 Owner retiring to England wishes quick sale in this 8 room 2 storey home near downtown G.M. Some extras include: stove, rotor T.V. aerial, etc. You can live here and let apartments and parking income pay the bills. Not much to do here with clean decorating to greet you. Asking $24,000. with reasonable down payment, GREENWOOD CRESCENT, WHITBY -- $15,000. Like a quiet street with nice yard near schools. If so, why not let us show you this 3 bedroom brick home with partially ftin- ished recreation room, all clean decoration end a fine 6% mortgage, monthly payments only $109. includes taxes. CENTRE ST., WHITBY -- $14,750. Need a three bedroom home? this could be yours with broad- loom in living room, ceramic tile bath, enough material to finish recreation room and a 6% interest mortgage. School handy here 'too, Try $3,000. down OSHAWA ON JAMES ST.--ONLY $12,900. 2 storey brick with low taxes has 2 apartments renting for $115. monthly, Looks like good income for wide owake landlord or if you wont a family home and rent one apartment for income. Less than $2,000. down may buy this sleeper if you can see the possibilities. ACREAGE WITH CREEK & BUSH NEAR WHITBY Out of town owner must sell this 28 acre bush and creek pro- perty. Plan to build your retreat home on this fine parcel of real estate and commute to Whitby or Oshawa daily. Try offer. 2 STOREY EXECUTIVE IN WHITBY--$27,000. 8 rooms in all in this spacious 1% car garage home on: populor Cochrane St., Whitby. A large family will enjoy the 214 baths and the sensibie ij x 1412 kitchen space. Hos built-in stove ond oven, separate dining room, fireplace and a cozy den. You must see this beauty ond appreciate its setting on 133' frontage lot. Taxes are something to write home about here so don't miss. 3 BEDROOM, STEVENSON RD, BEAUTY--$26,500. Yes to appreciate it you must see it but just to whet your appetite we will mention the hot water oil heating, open fireploce, plus extra fireplace facility in recreation room. Brick and stone ex- terior, landscaping and beautiful decoration. Not too far from Oshawa Shopping Centre ond modern schools. COMMERCIAL IN WHITBY--$32,000. Brick home in first class condition with extra lot could be your home. ond business on busy Brock St., Whitby, All 7 rooms are neat and clean and basement houses fine new oil furnace. Not. many like this in the limited Commercial area of Whitby. Speculate and profit here. HENRY ST., WHITBY -- $10,800. Small insul brick home on good street with electric heating, completely remodelled interior. Make good home for pensioner with low taxes and small lot to look after. 3 BEDROOM. TWIN FOR $13,250. In Whitby. Owner had worked hadt to make this home most attractive with sharp decoration, extra nice kitchen cupboards. Armstrong kitchen flooring and partial recreation room. Some wood panelling, and other extras. Flowers, shrubbery and trim hedges plus fencing on this conveniently located property neor Shopping. Try $1,500. down here, 4 BEDROOM BRICK IN WHITBY--$18,700. This propety is in North end.of Whitby on medium size lot built for the owner about 6 years ago with attached garage. All in top repair with clean decoration. 4 piece vanity bath, T.V. tower, etc. Owner purclased business needs auick sale EYE-CATCHING 2 STOREY MUST SELL Nothing like it in Whitby or Oshawa is what you will soy ofter inspection of this 6 room, 2 storey brick with 73' x 143' lot, Builder hos reduced his price by 20% to sell this distinctly dif- ferent fomily home on Byron St., Whitby. Includes 1% baths, three large bedrooms, family room, open fireplace, modern kitch-. en, with pantry, walk-out balcony from. upstairs living room and all completely decorated and landscaped. Take advantage of the reduced price of $19,900. 3 BEDROOM BRICK FOR $12,700. tasergeic 3 bedroom detached frame bungalow, Par- tially finished rec room Private drive. Call 728- 656. ies, garage and private drive. Taxes under $200. List price $10,500. NORTH WEST Large split level bungalow -- must be seen to be oppreciat- ed, Some of the features are: intercom throughout, broad- loom in living room and stair-- ways, valances, built - in shelves in dining room, a Study room, recreation room with bar, Landscaping is ex: cellent, fenced-in for privacy, attached garage. Quick poss- session. INCOME HOME $16,900 Older type home which has been duplexed and showing a good return, One bedroom partments with separate kit- chens, bathroom, etc. Try your down payment on this one, OSHAWA EXECUTIVE. HOME . Immaculate 3 bedroom ranch bungalow in o prestige North West location in Oshawa. This lovely home has a ravine set- ting, some of the features are ---- two-way stone fire- place in a large living-room, nicely finished hollywood kit- chen with built-in stove and oven and refrigerator. A slate entrance hall, cathedral ceil« ings, mahogony panelling, at- tached garage -- walk-out b and i room, many ather features ~ not mentioned. Call Armst for information 723-1884 or 668-5853, BROOKLIN 3 bedroom brick ranch type bungalow on large lot 75 x 110'. Home in excel- lent condition, Close te schools. For further informe ation call and ask for Poul» ine Hobbs at 668-5853. or 668-8725. COZY AND CUTE 2 bediosin bungaiow, | d on treed lot, nicely decorated, 4 pc. tile bathroom, oil heats © ing, garage. Ideal fora retires ed couple. Coll Elspeth Hilts: at' 668-5017 oF 668-5853, "ae REDUCED: "| iw FOR QUICK SALE .« 8 year older frame a, 32 large rh a wie and > a ing area, drooms, decorated, For further Peril ned 'ation call and ask for Marie ait pe 668-5853 or 728%) ; Ja 6 PLEX ie 5 year old brick building in excellent condition. Includes: ~w dryer, garbage disposal unit, balconies, terrazo floors lass halls, and many other excite ing features. Fully leased. For ss | information on income and expenses call and ask for. Pauline Hobbs at 668-5853 . or 668-8725. STOCK Ware- CONTROLLER . ' , man to supervise the control of jinventory. Sufficient: time for |V | S | O i) |familiarization can be arranged if the successful applicant lacks j e 25 or jexperience in this field, This pony 5 itr cutting opening leads to buying as storage and shipping. rapidly os circumstances Only married men experienc- permit, ed in the use of steel cutting equipment need apply. Steady employment. 66 Russett Avenue PRODUCTION PLANNING CLERK The successful condidote will be assigned to the Production Planning Deportment where he will develop production schedules, This is an interest- ing position. which. offers growth opportunities. Applicants shouid have a demonstrated _ aptitude. for mathematics. Graduation from -technical institute such as Ryerson is. desired. Applicants who have com- pleted @ portion of such o course and possess related fob experience may also ap- ply. DOWN Brand new 3 bedroom bungalows in the east end of the city. Com- pletely detached. Plas- tered walls. Oil heat. Immediote possession. Call 728-1656. DOWN Maple Grove. Detach- Supply complete particulars as to education, age, experience, and marital status to; BOX M40531, OSHAWA TIMES by We Steinberg's Ltd. GROCERY CLERK Excellent opportunity for e bright. mature young mdi, with some grocery experienc: for our Ajax store. First class wages and com- pany benefits. OPEN HOUSE. IN BEAU VALLEY EXP retailer. Har clerk for full time or haif days. Apply Ajax Hardware, Ajax Shopping Centre. EXPERIENCED waiter want Queen's Hotel, 67° Simcoe 3: BARN WRECKING CREW required to demolish and take away debris. For tur- ther infarmation telephone 728-7563. LICENCED mechanic required. Canadian Tire Corp. Ltd... 311 Street North Whitby. TWO LICENCED body men and ex- perienced car painter, Good wages and working conditions. Telephone -655-3621. WE URGENTLY REQUIRE two ex- perienced "hard working Real Esfate Sdlesmen, for ovr, Oshawa or Whitby office, 30 new homes for fall building to be started In three weeks pius many re- sales. Only those with @ proven sales record need apply. For a confidential interview call Ernie Wilson, Sales Mana- jer 725-3557 or 725-9750. J. B. McMullan, Reat Estate Broker. SBCe Peake ave Te TEE a DAILY DAILY 6:00-9:00 P.M, SATURDAY and SUNDAY - 2:00 - 5:30 P.M. See Apply : Brock For full particulars . Coll 723-2265 Bill Johnston 728-1066 Mel Dale 623-5638 Marg Hall 723-1358 Irene Brown 725-3867 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 Mike Belmonte 725-8300 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Member of the Oshawa and District Real Estate. Board WE LIST EXCLUSIVE AND M.L.S, MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360 King Street West Free, easy, safe parking Apply i to | sTORE MANAGER, 190 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax or to STORE. MANAGER, King St. E., Oshawa PLANT MANAGER for Interested applicants apply in Writing to: Mr. L..B. Boswell, Personnel and Industri! Relations Supervisor, Duplate Canada Limited, "+ First Avenue < __ Oshowa, Ontario. FOREMAN CAR WASH In Toronto Capable of handling men, mechanical know how. Will train, Age 25-35. $5,000 to stort. WANTED IMMEDIATELY experienced eavestroughers, roofers and insulators. Call Goreski Roofing and Lathing Ltd., PLUMBER -- Experienced only need apply. Telephone Newcastle, 98 4223, EXPERIENCED UPHOLSTERER wani- ed, 'either full or part-time. Apply Dal- ten Upholstering, 75 Charles Street, Oshawa. Sy See TRUCK HELPER, experience preferred. Nest appearance. Apply in person Rutherford's Furniture, 156 Simcoe Street South. we Food Processing ie Plant Must be experienced in fac- tory operation ond farming. Good salary ond fringe bene- fits; Pension plon and insur- once aveilable. Write BOX M40657 OSHAWA TIMES TOUCH UP % and REFINISH Part time man, experienced in touch-ups to do small re- poirs to furniture stock in large furniture store. Must supply. won kit and know how iz KEITH 2 PETERS. REALTY LIMITED 728-7328 Hai 103 KING ST, EAST = Realtor JUST LISTED -- immaculate three bedroom brick bunga- low in the north west section. This beautiful home is tastes fully decorated throughout. » The kitohen and x SIMPLE MONEY TALK: Classified Ads sell things you don't need for SPOT CASH. Dial -723-3492 for an ad-writer now! 19--Mele and Female Help Wanted CENTRAL ITADI ONTARIO TRUST RALPH SCHOFIELD SUPERVISOR REAL ESTATE DEPT. ALSO SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT required NOTICE TO ALL COMMISSION SALESMEN Rewarding busines need sin- cere sales personnel with en- thusiasm and interest to keep pace with increasing demand in real estate. Real drive a oust.' Full instruction and ex- pert guidance, Any selling ex- sezi2d 282 2¢t 2 2 azez mechanical know how, Capable. of handling shift. SHELL grounds. Hardwood and tile floors throughout. We are sure you will love it on sight. Make @n appointment to-day, NORTH EAST AREA WHITBY--EAST END Limited $4,000 to start. Age 25-40. Benefits --- References. Apply BOX 40592 The Oshawa Times COMMERCIAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE | A Vocony exists in our Com- mercial Sales Deportment, for @ Commercic! Soles Repre- sentative to call on existing and potential commercial ac- counts. The mon we ore looking for must hove previous sales ex- perience, preferably with a background in the plumbing, heating and equipment field or fuel application field Must have late model. cor. This is a salaried position, with full fringe benefits, cor allowance etc Please write giving full. por- ticulars os to experience, sal- Gry requirements,. etc. to Mr. D. W. Jones, Supervisor, Industrial, Commercial 'Sales, Consumers' Gas Company, 29 Celina Street, i Oshowa, Ontario WOOD PATTERN MAKERS Telephone 668-4981 Evenings 668-5222 ACCOUNTANTS OFFICE to work with fine woods. Apply to Mr. House, CHERNEY'S FURNITURE WORLD 80 King St.. Eost perience an asset. number of openings. If you are thinking of a move or are not happy with your present income. then contact the sales manager for a confid- ential interview ot GUIDE REALTY LTD. 723-5281 Local CHARTERED REQUIRES Ambitious young man inter- ested iri becoming a Chartered Accountant. This position af- fords on excellent opportunity to further your education and obtain. a Professional Stotus. Prospective student must have Grade 13, with a minimum average of 64%. : CALL HOPKINS, BEADLE & COMPANY 725-3509 ENERGETIC. | YOUNG MAN For Sales In Men's Clothing Store @ Here is an opporfunity for @ young mon over 18 to get ahead. Must be willing to work ond" accept responsibilty in return for attractive salary and commission, Apply Box 40697 TEACHER WANTED Reach Township. requires a qualified teacher for inter- mediate grades, at Reoch Central School, Prince Al- bert, Ontario, -- beginning September 6. This village is about 18 miles north of Osh- awa ---- good roads to school. Salary schedule. in affect. Basic minimum $3,800. Ap- ply giving qualifications, name: of last inspector, to: MRS, P LOVE, Secretary, Reach Township School Boord 'R. No, 2 Port Perry. 985-2307 DAILY NEWSPAPER READERS pies Of 8,000 dally newspapers are sold throughout the world on any given weekday. pecple look for your offer before 23,000 subscriber-readers at! Oshawe Times TAXI DRIVERS Part or full time. Minimum age 25. MERCURY TAX! 725-4771 ACCORDION TEACHER or good accor- ian player. Write Box 41203, Oshawa Times. Anaverage 300 million That's why it's smart busiriess to ad: vertise in The Times' Classified Section it's so popular. It's the one place ad. To get your low cost, just dial 723-3492, Located in newer area of Whitby with shopping and schools near. Need about $2,600. down payment here but don't hesitate to try less as the owner wants to sell quickly. This modern twin home could be the solution to the,high cost of living for you. OSHAWA--6 ROOMS ON FRENCH ST.--$9,500. Three bedroom Johhs Manville home in centro! Oshawa location with neat landscaping and fenced yard. Forced air oil heating, four piece bath, nearly new roof, Inspect to-day and make your offer. CABOT ST., OSHAWA--$14,500. Two storey brick twin home with dining room, three bedrooms and family sized kithcen. Clean decoration modest heating cost and low taxes. Neat fencing surrounds the play orea of this 8 year old property. Monthly payments only $88.00 includes toxes. 6 ROOMS ON MARY ST., WHITBY--$8,900. This 6 room house. with 66' frontage lot can be economical living for you with low taxes and small mortgage, Light manufactufing zone make for greater value for mechanical owner, so live here ond have the buying public beat their way to your door. 4 BEDROOMS FOR $14,700. In convenient Whitby location near schools and shopping.' This immaculate twin home on paved street would be difficult to duplicate to-day for this kind of money. Interest, principal and toxes only $104, monthly make this a better buy, so act quickly, KAWARTHA ST., OSHAWA--$15,700. 3 bedroom brick on desitable' clean street with finished recrea- tion room and other built-in features. See this property before making your future home decision. Cash will talk here BELL DRIVE, WHITBY FOR $18,900. Immaculate 3 bedroom brick with car port on quiet street in West Whitby. You can't go wrong here with all the extras including drapes, firepalce accessories, extra nice landscaping with young trees planted and low interest on mortgage. Need about $4,000. down, MacKENZIE AVE., OSHAWA NEAR ADVENTIST CHURCH This irnmaculate 3 bedroom bungalow is just os nice inside os outside with sharp, clean decoration ond fine workmanship. A new owner will appreciate the thoughtfullness of the present American owner in planting trees for future shade and comfort. Fiinshed recreation. room gives that extra living space for the entire family, Why not drive by this neat property and make appointment to see, Owner transferred says sell for $20,300, 11 @ Don't miss this eye catch- ing three bedroom brick bun- golow with" attached garage. Completely finished recreation room, Hollywood type kitchen with hood and exhaust fan. Carries for $112. interest, prin- cipal and taxes. Many extras included, Homes like this sell fast, so call today for an 'ap- pointment to inspect. CUTE 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW XII] @ Located in Bowmanville, close to schools and' playground. Featuring a bright living room, hollywood kitchen, 3 piece bathroom with vanity, rec room, laundry room' and a very good garden. Call us to-inght and get all the information of extras that go with this home, such as © two year old Cold Spot Freez- er, Bamboo curtains, etc. SUB-DIVIDERS' SPECIAL XIV @ Are you interested in purchasing 200 acres, situated midway between Oshawa and Port Perry, overlooking Lake Scugog and Lake Ontario? This property has on existing basen barn and 'driving shed. 10% down and 10% per annum at o reasonable interest rate, Call for further information. TRI-PLE XV @ Here: is an opportunity to be your own landlord, Locat- ed in-a good area with nice siz- ed: bedrooms and attractive kit- chens, Washers, dryer, stoves and fridges included. A good return on your investment, Call 723-5281 for full particulars. Open daily trom 9 am. to 9 p.m. GUIDE REALTY LTD, Realtors Cali 728-1678 and ask for John Kitchen. H. KEHH 723-7463 CUTE AS A BUTTON 5 bedroom brick bungalow. North east section of Oshawa next to park. Many extras, apartment and basement, to take care of your payments. Possession immediately, Small down' payment. Call Carmichael 723-7463. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 3 bedroom brick in North west Whitby, includes broad- loom, drapes. Situated on lovely large enclosed land- scaped lot. Unrivaled: acces- sibility to every interest. Low, low, low down payment. Call Carmichael 723-7463. BEAUTIFUL ORCHIRD Situated 12 miles west of Oshawa, 10 acres, good building site, priced to sell immediately. Call idso Wier- sma 728-5683. 90 ACRES _ Take broiler and beef farm | on highway, red painted barns, two beautiful. houses. All modern conveniences, town water in all buildings. Owner anxious to sell, Only | $32,800 with terms. Call | en Wiersme 728-5683. Asking $18,200. A beautiful- ly built, spacious 3 bungalow on a larger lot 200 ft. deep. See this lovely home ot once. Near high school and public school. WILSON RD.--NEAR KING (OSHAWA) Very neat brick bungalow with garage, 2 bedrooms, large living room and bright spacious kitchen. This is an exceptionally clean bungolow in excellent condition. Very private, begutifully landscap- ed, back-yard, Asking only $14,700.00. : $3,000. DOWN Near Hospital. -- Grooms Ave. Very clean older home in excellent condition, New oil furnace. Hardwood floors large bright rooms -- lovely back yard with apple tree ond rock garden, In- spect at once, NO IMMEDIATE NEIGHBOURS ! Very attractive 3 bedroom bungalow on Cedar. Open land all round the property. 6% mortgage, asking $16, 200. Really good buy! THE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE OF CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST WILL HELP YOU SELL! OR BUY ' LIST. WITH CENTRAL TRUST PHONE 723-5221 AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL Tom Houston 668-4416 Charles Chaytor 723-7996 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Ralph Schofield , 725-5067 | | | __yacant land with this office. walls are tiled, shining hard- wood and tile 'floors, paved *!* drive, .awnings, fenced yard "* and nicely landscaped, Ask- ing $17,900, Be the first to inspect by calling 728-7328, $18,900 -- 4 bedrooms west end location for fomily home about 6 years old. Broadioam in the living room, built in stove and oven in the kitchen. $111 per month for principal, interest and taxes. $21,000 -- Yes this is the full price for this ranch bun. galow with an attached gar- age, bedrooms, living room, large suburban fot with patio and nicely Jand= scaped, ANOTHER NEW LISTING -- $8,500. FULL CASH. PRICE for this smalt home close to Wilson Rd. with garage and private, drive. $10,900 -- Country proper- ty, 4 bedroom home, newly = plastered, on V4 acte lot with trees, t Gee Anew t & dats» ge AY ie oat On Mi ay aia nq at at bad ame gt 109 ose os toby oe 2 ACRES -- $2,800 ond ©.» highway location, $600 DOWN -- Lot 140 x. 215 ft. List your home, farm' or POSSESSION IMMEDIATE 3 bedroom brick bungalow, newly decorated, close to-high and public schools:. 4 ¢ Call 723-984] bechatooscabakashasa