4 MARKET TODAY HES BEA OE 1 AE a HP A a aE a SD A AR Ro es 3 TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS lot, prev € jou Cdn Keely Cassiar Cent Pat Chester Chimo Chrom Coch Will ¢ Rambier Copreorp Cop Fields Cop Man Coulee In cents unless marked $. fot See dividend, xrEx- xw--Ex-warrants, Net change is ious board-lot closing sale. 700 430 came Bs ' 100 6: 500-73 eae 3 630) 30 $% 1% li*-- n nm 420 420 25 135 120 =-% + Vl $4) ? 7 7 $15% 15% 15% 159 «4159 159 ee ee 82 77 130 130 375 «375 0. 30 7% 7 71 77 130 275 30 7 3 2 2B 28 202 . 202 202 215 215 «215 62 62 62 120 #119 «1 Wve 19% 13% ews ng hoe ++ 4+t1 444 $441 11% 11% 14 12 12% 1212 -- V4} 70 70 7 6 475 34 68 475 34 186 «(186 190 7 00 800 800 $21% 21% 21% -- 73V4 ray % 220 220 220 +10 197. V9? SE 2 27a 264 27a + 1 42 42 2 --1 92 9' 299 = 18% 18% 182 $73¥2- 73 -1 160 155 160 8% 8% th-- i - , Shell Can BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT 477 $36 --- ated uw ar LA aii 923 8 2 100 100 100 100 400 $36 34M + 40 a i Ue 50 135 130 135 --S5 7 7 7-3 Cominco Symone Columbi Con Bidg Con Paper Cons Gas Coronatn By DAVID DAVIDSON DOUGLAS POINT, Ont. (CP) Canada's first commercial-size nuclear power station, soon to be operational on the eastern shore of Lake Huron, will profit Ontario Hydro by increasing its capacity to produce electricity by 200,000 kilowatts. The station, situated on a 2,300-acre site between the tour- ist communities of Kincardine and Port Elgin, now is expected to "go critical'--in layman's language start producing elec- tricity--before the end of the year and reach capacity one to three months later. is ais 415 00 255 255 255 + 1825 $212 2114 at iome 8 1540 $22 21% 21% -- Husky Oi! 100 $122 12¥4 12% Husky © pr H Bay Co Inglis Inland Gas IBM Int Nickel int Util Int Uti pr Intor Pipe Inter Steel Nuclear Power Plant Starts Producing Soon Originally it was anticipated the plant, being built by the crown-owned Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. in co - operation with Hydro, would be completed late in 1964 or early last year, "But there have been lots of unanticipated delays," an AECL spokesman says. "We can't pin it down to a single cause." He said some delays resulted from design changes incorporat- ing ideas that weren't discov- ered in the earlier Nuclear Power Demonstrator exper i- ments. at Rolphton, about 40 miles northwest of Pembroke on the Ottawa River and not far inv Group Inv Grp A James Stl Jefferson Jeffersn w 470 WM 9 0 470 «6470 $17% 17% $9 9 | SOMBRA, Ont. (CP) -- A |pretty songstress who heads a |company called Positive Mental Attitude--PMA for short -- is getting some negative reactions from a local member of the leg- islature. Toni Carroll, of St. Clair, 4\Mich., a featured singer at a local inn, says her firm, PMA Oil Explorations Ltd., has put $5,000 into drilling for natural gas on Fawn Island in the St. Clair 'River about 25 miles south of Sarnia, with' plans to spend $20,000 more to bring in a gas- ser, But Ralph Knox, of Sarnia, Progressive Conservative mem- ber for Lambton West, an- nounced Tuesday that Miss Car- roll's permit to drill had been suspended "'in the public inter- est." Mr. Knox claims the permit suspension is to "prevent pol- lution." Met Stores Mon Food Montex Montex w Moore Morse A Morse B Nat Trust Neon Noranda Nor Ctl @ Ogilvie Oshawa A Pac Pete Pow Corp 400 150 125 100 100 100 710 553 780 255 1725 1380 350 400 3 400 $12¥2 12% 12% 1800 385 370 ge --20 $28%4. 20% 527 $67 67 Ce 250 $10% 10% 10% 300 370 370 370 278 $2) 2 2 eG Shell Inv p 265 bag Mg 25% + Va Shell Inv w 1500 +10 Sis% ion 27 Z35 $15¥e 15Ve 146 $26%4 26% 275 $16% 16% 100 $11% 11% 100 $17 WV 150 $11 VW 2031) VW 1125 $22% 22 22% + Z10 $20 «19% 19% Royal Bnk = Salada Sayvette Silverwd A Silverwd 6 Simpsons Simpson $ Slater Sti Slat Steel p Sogemine St Paving A MPP Calls Drilling Halt By Songstress's Company In Toronto, Dennis Sharp, su-| pervisor of drilling for the de- partment of énergy resources management, said Mr. Knox's announcement was '"prema- ture." PERMIT IS GAL He said the' permit to drill, issued to Miss Carroll July. 12, was perfectly legal, and before being cancelled it would have to be reviewed by Energy and Resources Minister John R. Si- monett. The driting site on Fawn Is- land is owned by a London, Ont., law firm. Miss Carroll said the site was chosen by a friend, Marion Klein, of New York, a geologist and practi- tioner of extra-sensory percep- tion. Miss Carroll's partner, Chat- ham driller Frank Rawlings, said that if the drilling permit is suspended, losses will amoun to. $250 a day. 25 $25 Thom N P 2175 $17 Tor Dm Bk 160 $56%4 Tor tron W a 333% Traders A $106 Tr Can PL PB bre 3% Tr Can Pip 395 Tr Can Pw 275 ito. Demonstration Staged By 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 24, 1966 2 By SAM DAWSON NEW YORK (AP) -- The from AECL's research layout at)' Cahlk River. Other delays, he said, came) when manufacturers couldn't| ° adjust to new requirements as quickly as expected. NO CHANGE IN COST But the $81,500,000 estimated cost of the plant made in 1959 still stands, although the ex- tended completion date, the 11- 034-cent federal sales tax on construction materials and equipment and some other un- expectedly higher costs have af- fected the original estimate, AECL says. "These and other additional costs have been to a large ex- tent offset by lower costs in other areas, such as the cost of heavy water. "The net result is that the fi- nal cost is expected to be rea- sonably close to the original es- timate." There is one reactor on the site, about 130 miles west of Toronto. It operates. with ura- nium fuel using heavy. water as a moderator and cooling agent, THEN COMES HEAT The splitting of atoms within the reactor and then the slow- ing down of their particles in the denser-than-ordinary heavy water produces heat. The heat turns ordinary water in another area into steam which moves generators that produce electric- ity. The power will be carried into Hydro's southern Ontario sys- tem by lines to Hanover, 30 miles to the east. The AECL spokesman said heavy water for use in the Douglas Point reactor now is being borrowed from the United States Atomic Energy Agency, but will be replaced by heavy water to be produced in a plant under construction near Glace Bay, N.S. When the Douglas Point sta- tion has been established as a dependable generation unit will be bought by Ontario Hydro. K. H. STAFFORD The Royal Bank of Canada recently announced the appoint- ment of K. H. Stafford as man- ager of their King and Wilson branch, Oshawa. Mr. Stafford replaces J, M. Waddell who is being transferred to Ajax on Aug. 30. Mr. Waddell has been manager at King and Wilson branch since 1962. Mr. Stafford joined the bank in Owen Sound in 1955 and has since held posi- tions with the Royal in Clinton, Toronto and Sault Ste. Marie, STOCK MARKET TORONTO (CP) -- An at- tempted late rally fizzled on the Toronto Stock Exchange Tues- day sending prices into their seventh consecutive day of de- cline. The industrial index closed down .35 to 148.46. It had been as low as 148.07 at noon, lowest since April 8, 1964, and recov- ered to 148.59 before sliding back at the close, A total of 121 issues fell to 1966 lows. Declines outnum- bered gains 329 to 118 with 217 issues unchanged. Although volume was higher than Monday's turnover brokers say there appears to be no panic selling. Only 2,896,000 shares changed hands compared with 2,487,000 Monday, Among industrials that top- pled to lows were General Mo- tors off 24% to 77%, Avco 2% to 23%, Bank of Nova Scotia 1 to 65 and Royal Bank % to 6714. B ained % to ada 2% to 140% and Stelco % to 22% de- i jection by steelwork- ers of the company's latest con- tract offer. The western oil index dropped .71 to a low of 99.35. Scurry plunge of the stock market has been called a crisis in investor confidence. The drop' of the Dow Jones industrial average below the 800 mark could:be a psy- chological setback. That's cause stock. market watchers (whether share-owners or not) put f in thase neat round numbers, > It does little good to tell the public that Monday's drop of BUSINESS BRIEFS By THE CANADIAN PRESS MAKES PROFIT The Alberta government net- ted $1,167,808 Tuesday from a sale of petroleum and natural gas permits on land in east cen- tral and a Alberta. The sale brings to $67,786,443 the amount received by. the govern- ment from such sales to date this year. MORE STEEL MADE The steel industry, with Jabor disputes in abeyance and vaca- tions over, brought its produc- tion of steel ingots to. 203,081 tons during the week ended Aug. 20, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics reported Tuesday. Production had been only 130,- 215 the week before. Output a year ago was 194,404 tons. SALES UP Commercial sales of standard, special and two per cent milk in June totalled 125,862,000 quarts, an increase of one per cent over a year earlier, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics reported Tuesday. January-June production was 764,349,000 quarts, two per cent higher than last year. 3 : : WON'T PAY British American Construc- tion and Materials Ltd. said Tuesday it will not pay a divi- dend for the quarter ending Aug. 31, because of the tight money market and a need to -- working capital. CEPTED BY TSE areal Pitt, president of New Imperial Mines Ltd., said Tues- day that shares of the company have been accepted for listing by the Toronto Stock Exchange and will be posted for trading Aug. 24. EARNINGS DOWN 12.59 points in the index of 30 Heading industrial stocks is not an average drop of .$12.59 a share by an than hae r will the public turn to other indexes tailored to} ie -- to actual -- be-| values tecording upswings and 'downturns. What the public fotes is that just six months ago the Dow in; dustrial was close to @ fantastic figure of 1,000 and now points -- somewhat mysteri- ously, since business statistics continue to climb. The long flir- tation of the Dow industrials with the 800 mark--first on the uppick in the earlier years, and now on the downswing -- cap- tured public fancy. BEARS hn gh OVER It was Feb. 28, 1964, that the closed above the 800 mark for the first time, 'after repeated neat-misses. And from then un- til this spring the bulls had things pretty much their way, But they couldn't push the Dow to the mystic 1,000 point, despite general public expectation. And the bears have finally shoved i' below 800, What the public will note about the behavior of the Dow that the 12.59 point plunge wasn't just a tilt caused by one or two weak sisters, Of the 30 stocks on the index, 20 hit low prices for the year. And the ee 10 were well below their How the small investor and the public reacts will be watched closely. PROs WATCH The market professionals also watch the Dow's performance, but with a difference. Many now are saying that technical?y the market seems oversold, And the big drop, along with heavier rma may be setting a base from which at least a tempor- ary recovery can be expected. Investor confidence has been shaken since spring by the Tight Money Policy a May Be Slump Cause futtire 'trend of the U.S. 'he omy. But of late the peng eagle eee means, but less/This building malian. Sevy ts onto sales, and clouds prospects future corporate profits. With interest rates at 'the has dropped more than 200\stocks, And tive. The upward surge in labor's wage demands casts a cent on the future of corporate proven iy fear of tax he adda tothe Seas aelet Dow industrial | index finally |ing poin' And now there's the. new pAbown ag wig ine ae many uncertainties clouding the dropping be! after its appointing to reach 1 » hk ALCAN SIDING Gueranteed 100% _ By Alcan Of Conade @ Permanent Decor Finish @ Maintenance Fi f . Chipping @ Free One Year Supply of Alcan Foil Price with no obligation, Discount Aluminum Products, Registered deal for ALCAN SIDING OF CANADA Call Anytime 728-8606 -------- Safety Gas Tank Inventor The cost will be determined by Rainbow slid 2% to | Traders Group Ltd. had net relating its production with the| Facine Pettoless 40 to amen P 810 81 ino $16% 16% 16% Pacific Petroleum % to 9%. earnings for the first six months 100 $1614 16% 16% $23%4 23% 23% Trans Mt UNAS Inv Un Carbid 250 $13% 13% 13% 300 $106% 106 106 1700 57. S556 + bag Trin Chib Tundra U Asbestos U Buffadn Un Keno Upp Cen Urban Vespar West Mine White Star Wiico Willroy Wr Har, 'Yukon Tenmae OILS, GAS Alminex Gt COilsds int Helium Mill_ City N Davies N_ Americn NC Oils Numac Okaita Permo Petrol Place G Provo Gas Scurry Rn Spooner Triad Ol! Union Olt U Canso Vandeo W Decalta INDUSTRIALS Abitibi Alta Gas T Algoma $t Alcan Argus C pr Ash Temp Ashdwn B Bank Mii Perk NS Bell Phne str BA Ol Br intl Fin CAE ind Calgary P Can Bread Can Cem Can Cem CO Suger Can tron Can Malt Can Perm CSL Cdn Brew p C Petrotin CWN Gas ¢ W Prop Chemcel! chem 175 Irtene 1000 1000 $2883 400 200 2500 isou 750 800 2000 1300 5000 1000... 300 1200 2.83 388 525 $13.13 op Dp B 100 Mb ig bay 4 + 5s zee 000 600 1310 250 235 ae js 250 225 257 15 496 40a 40V9 40V2 -- V2 2° a2 9 9 2 182 42 +1 31 12 --7 io TORONTO (CP) -- Inventor Joseph Szego Tuesday demon- strated how a gasoline tank Un Gas Walk GW West Ind A Weste'st W Brdcast W Pacific 1 i) 330 $28% 28% 28% + Ve 100 420 420 420 200 $25 nd 25% 500 $12% 200 cost of producing power using a coal-fired station of similar size. BOND MARKET lined with a special aluminum mesh he had invented would not explode, but his demonstration almost flopped when he couldn't get a regular tank to explode t In base metals Cominco re-|of 1966 of $2,679,692 or 52 cents reated % to a low of 35% while|a share compared with $3,482,- Noranda gained % to 49 and/857 or 77 cents for _ same Inco % to 88%. period last year. R. M. Will- Campbell Red Lake was down|mott, president, said in Toronto ROYNer OF FINANCING provides term loans for almost any type of industrial or business project. Weston A 275 West Awt 730 885 885 685 Zellers 1530 $244 24a Ui + Ve Seies fo Ti a.m: 498,000. FOREIGN TRADING 170 10 --s sey © U5 4S 145 145 16% 16V2 16'a-- 2 700 380 s au Utd Keno 1285 860 ~ $35 55 $2440 624 2 10% 10% GREENWOOD RESULTS piney RACE -- 1 Mile (Trot). Purse $900 7.0 450 3.2 10 0 675 675 «675 --25 250 250 250 97 «88 4 +4 130 190 $232 23% Doe + wl $96¥2 962 96\4 313% ad Mg +%* és hg $ ss ITOaxle. 'Bars, Walker |7-Miss Easter Van, Holmes 10.70 7.70 5-Promised Frost, Archdekin 10.20 Also Started: Secret Mir, as ay Minnow, and Gal Hunter. ... Scratched, Cunny's Senator. SECOND RACE -- 1 Purse $800 (8). |7-Silk Scott, Demers }4-Mr Joe, Waples | -- |'-Bonnie Jo Express, detest Also Started: Rose Oveilmo, Hava | Julep, Shadydale Editor, Johnnie R, and | Titan Song € -- 5 |DAILY DOUBLE 1 AND 7, PAID $240.20 -- | Mop RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). Purse | $1,000 +,1. |S-Jimmie Atom; Truckle 43,10 9.70 4.00 +1%/1-midnight A Grattan, Coke |&Moorelands Dan, Moore, | Also Started: Great Duke, Success Curl, ord Sout Neck, mS 2 | Scratched, Nick Herbert. + | pourt RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). |3-Guy Attorney, Feagan 450 3.00 2.40 5.2 3.10 2.90 Mile (Trot). 52.80 16.90 6.70 2.90 2.80 Cal Gal, --1 |6Sugar Blaze, Coke &Perfect Dream, McFadden +1 m7 ai - By Also Started: Baron Dale, Moorelands = ie re 19 + + "4 Dusty, Dawn Delight, Swift Cavalier and 2 220 220 | Burton Hi Le. 385. 385 «(385 $192 19% 19% $10% 10 si 300 unre RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). Purse ie ssite's Hope, G'mill 21.20 10,00 4,50 + 5 |8-Glendale Joe, Geisel Jr 480 2.80 dEclipse C, Hayes 2.60 Also Started: Yankee's Pride, Tom's Trailer, Silver's Bullet, and Star John- -- 1 | ston. | Scratched, Loyal Briton, al SIXTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). Purse -- 2 | $1,800 (7). --14|7-Creed Stone, Crowe 10.90 3.30 3.00 6-Adam Hanover, Curran 2.50 2.40 + 1 |4-Champ Tass, Davies 49 te Also. Started: Lochinver Duke, Rendez- pay (Yous Boy, Silver Ronnie, and Away Kid. 3 SEVENTH "ota -- 1 Mile (Pace). = |Purse $1,100 (8). 5-Ginger P*hee, McF'en 4.20 en 2.50 re) 8-Count Fleet, Fleet W.00 se +72 | 6-Mister Win, Hicks +S |" Also Started: Pat Philbrick, Marvelous Solo Water, 5} i Pick, Miss Dean Grattan, and Irish Ensign: $10% 10% 1014 | SIGHTH RACH ~ 1 Mile (Pace). $31% 31% 31% Purse' $1,500 (8). $7 oD 4Starlite, Feagaen 3.50 3.20 2.60 $31% 20% 31% + %\I-Larry Dillard, Murphy 10.0 ed $10% 10% 10% -- Ve|\3-Wally B Byrd, Miller "Es Sd 4 Also Started: Here's. How, Ivincibie Pick, King Herbert, Opeongo, and Rob- si sh Pa ert McGregor. $65 65 65 185 «(185 | NINTH RACE-- one $50 $1,500 r go 38% 5-Early Return, Robird oe he re $7 4Abbes Intruder, Hanna 4.80 2.90 $29% rs + Vel &Armbro Flame Ca Hie 2.70 21% Also Started; Leland Hanover, Thea 26% + Y2\Toby, Happy MacDuff, and Mr.. Kellar. le hi 185 50 + % i mile trot purse 5.70 3.30 2.50 2.80/oratories at Murray Hill, NRC Plans Celebration OTTAWA (CP)--The 50th an- niversary of the National Re- --« |seafch Council, Canada's crown- owned research centre of inter- national fame, will be marked by a three-day meeting Sept. 21-23 of 300 scientists from Can- ada, France, Britain and the U.S. The NRC announced Tuesday Governor-General Vanier will officially launch the anniver- sary ceremonies. Prime Minis- ter Pearson will address the scientists at the close of the conference. Highlights of the meeting will be lectures by six scientists of international repute. They are Dr. F. H. 0. Crick of the Cambridge | University, England, post-graduate medical school; Dr. Roger Gaudry, rec- tor of the University of Mont- real; Dr. M. L. Barr of the Uni- versity. of Western Ontario's anatomy department; Dr: W. 0. Baker, vice-president for re- search with Bell Telephone lab- N.J., Dr. A. Marechal of the Scien- tific and Technical Research In- stitute in Paris, _and Dr. fornia' 8 cei department. Minister Backs Flexible Courses PORT ARTHUR (CP)--More flexible study courses to meet individual high school students requirements were advocated Tuesday at the Ontario Second- ary School Principals' Confer- ence by J. R. McCarthy, On- sity affairs. Teaching methods should be| modified to favor a greater ex- change of views, to allow stu- dents to study independently, 339|and to follow subjects that in- terest them most, he said. This might encourage students to continue to university after their high school graduation. He said universities now are more willing to work closely with high school teachers to help determine which students can enrol, even before final exam results are available. Uni- versities are also relying more on students' over-all high school records than simply on Grade 13 results, tario deputy minister of univer-| either. ventor hired a rifleman to fire tracer bullets at four regular gasoline tanks, but the man couldn't hit the tanks even at 50 yards. Mr. Szego finally had to settle for a minor explosion in a small can made of thin material im- mersed in a bath of gasoline. The demonstration took place before an audience of auto ex- ecutives, firemen, airmen, and airplane manufacturers in a suburban. North York field. One of Mr. Szego's assistant's used a welder's torch on one of the mesh-lined tanks for ten minutes without causing an ex- plosion. Mr. Szego said he hopes to sell the mesh-lined tanks to the aircraft industry and to auto manufacturers. He said it would cost $2.50 to install the mesh in new auto tanks and about $4 in existing tanks. The 62-year-old Toronto in-| 4; Minimum Rent Drop Planned TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario Housing Corp. said Tuesday that minimum rents for tenants in housing administered by the OHC. will be reduced from $10 to $40 a month ifthe Central Mortgage and Housing Corp. approves an OHC rent revision. H. W. Suters, OHC vice-chair- man and managing director, said the proposal calls for re- ductions throughout the rent scale, but particularly for ten- ants earning $5,000 to $6,000 an- nually. He said the revised scale was submitted several months ago to the CMHC, a federal agency that bears 75 per cent of the subsidy. "'We were supposed to get an answer on our proposals by the end of last month, CMHC was waiting for additional data on living costs based on the census this summer. However, we un- derstand a decision is immi- nent." The OHC owns or manages about 8,700 housing units in the province, about half of them in Metropolitan Toronto. 3 to 25 in golds. On index, golds were off 2.65 to 174.29, base metals .65 to 87.38 and the TSE .42 to 141.55. PRODUCE TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale to retail carton eggs average weighted prices quoted by the department of agriculture as of Tuesday: A large 66.4; A me dium 61.3; A small 41.9, Eggs: Wholesale price to country stations fibre cases quoted by the Toronto Board of Trade from wholesale egg deal- ers: extra-large 56.57; large 55- 56; medium 53; small 33; B 39; C 34. Butter prices: TORONTO (CP) -- The Cana- ian bend market was down % to % a point on the day in ac- tive trading Tuesday. Short-term Government of Canada bonds closed with the 4¥%-per-cent April 15, 1967, issue closing at $99.05 bid and $99.15 asked, Long-term Canada, and pro- vincial issues were off %to% a point.with the Government of Canada 4%-per-cent Sept. 1, 1983, issue quoted at 84 bid and 844% asked. In provincials, the Ontario: Hydro 6-per-cent issue due July 5, 1988, closed at 97 bid and 97% asked. j Day-to-day money traded at 5 per cent, Treasury bills were at 5.10 per cent: for 91-day bills and 5.30 for 182-day bills. Agricultural carlots: buying 40 score 59; buying 39 score 58; selling 59, stabilization board tenderable |14. the lower earnings resulted from 9 "planned reduction fn volume of business in order to generate funds to replace use of short un ie NORTH. * A AT TLE FORD, Sask. (CP) -- The provincial baseball association planned a Stop Smoking Week for Aug. 7 WRITE...PHONE...OR VISIT...any District Office of RoyNat' 2 HALIFAX, MONTREAL, TORONTO, WINNIPEw, REGINA, CALGARY, VANCOUVER. at i on dono any branch of a 4, 2 to 13 throughout Saskatchewan. Chairman Dave Shury asked smokers to donate the money they save on tobacco to promote baseball. DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Ontario Steel Products Ltd., common 20 cents; 1%-per-cent pref. $1.75, Noy. 15, record Oct. Imperial Oil Ltd., 45 cents, Sept. 30, record Aug. $1. Wrong Body Inquiry Soon VANCOUVER (CP) -- ner Glen McDonald said tues. day night it was a "'tragic mis- fortune" that an Ontario family was told their son had died and were shipped the body of an- other man. The city coroner said he will conduct an inquiry into the whole affair. Meanwhile, the family of Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Blais of Blind River, Ont., has learned that their son Lionel Blais, 38, is alive and staying at a Salvation Army hostel in Calgary. The family had been informed last week by the Vancouver General Hospital that their son had died of injuries received in a fal! dewn a flight of stairs. They arranged to have the body shipped to Blind River. Saturday they gathered for the funeral and when. the coffin was opened for the family and rela- tives, they discovered the body of an older man. The body was identified as that of Leo Blais, 55, of no fixed address. Mr. McDonald said that with the help of Vancouver and Tor- onto police he had located Peter Blais, the brother of the' dead man, in Toronto. caketon? st 590. 525 525 4-25 $562 $62 564 --~ '| $17» 996%4 16% $54 5% 54 $56% 56 56% 310% %% % $18 17% 17% % 6 6 $13) 13% 13% po] 34 CG ~ Ve +% $n ¥ 1+ session or 30 days. Cash HOUSES BUY or RENT LARGE FIRM TRANSFERRING PERSONNEL FROM QUEBEC AND NORTHERN ONTARIO. Desire 3 and 4 bedroom homes in this area; immediate pos- payment arranged. H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR 723-7463 124 PARK ROAD THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING! Underground and Level Ge@ORGIaN mansions Adult Building Central Location Prestige Address (0 Debentures CANADA PERMANENT DEBEN & GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES for any term from 1 to 5 years Issued in amounts from $500 to $100,000 larger amounts subject to negotiation Established 1855 -- Federally incorporated and supervised: --E=}--_ Please send me an application form and folder for (} Guaranteed Investment Certificates AVOID NTURES August 19th to ADULTS $3.05 % 7:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:30. a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. X 3:30.p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. X -- Set. & Lebor Day only ning into the grounds. Distinction Beyond Compare Parking By Appointment Only 723-1712 -- 728-2911 NORTH: OSHAWA Oshawa Shopping Centre, 728-9482 J. W. Froud, MANAGER GANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION DRIVING PARKING LONG WORRIES" PROBLEMS WALKS GO BY BUS DIRECT INTO THE GROUNDS September Sth REDUCED FARES STUDENTS $2.55 Round Trip Includes Admission CHILDREN. $1.00 (Bus Fare Only) LEAVE OSHAWA 12:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. X 5:15 p.m. 6:15 p.m. Buses leave Whitby 9 minutes leter LEAVE EXHIBITION 6:30 p. 7:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. m. 9:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m, Y 11:00 p.m. Y -- After Grandstand Show DAYLIGHT TIME Exhibition passengers travelling on regular buses will transfer at Toronto Bus Terminal to buses run- TICKETS AND \NFORMATION AT Oshawa Bus Terminal, 18 Prince Street--723-2241 Whitby -- Harry Donald Ltd, 200 Dundas St. East Phone 668-3675