'asi "THe OSHAWA TIMES, August 24, 1966 UNION OFFICIAL John Morgan is president of Local 1005, United Steel- workers of America, at Hamilton, Ont., a local that held a. wildcat strike at the Hamilton Steel Company of Canada plant, The workers finally decided to go back to the negotiation Famines Ravages Island JAKARTA (Reuters) --Some 20,000 persons are reported victims of a famine gripping the Indonesian island of Lom- bak, east of Bali. The island's health officer, Mohammed Jusof, appealed to the Jakarta government for emergency food and aid to help the stricken islanders. Unless help comes soon, he warned, hun of thousands will be. victims of malnutrition. Interviewed by the official news agency Antara today, Ju- sof said villages along the south- ern coast were worst hit, but he feared the whole island would need help soon. The 4,000,000 inhabitants of Lombok, mainly fishermen, have suffered the collective evils of drought, famine, smail- pox and malaria this year. High Shipment Rise Recorded OTTAWA (CP)--A 10-per-cent growth over 1965 in shipments by manufacturers was reported teday by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics in a survey cover- ing the first six months of this year. The first-half estimate of $18,- 198,800,000 compared: with $16,- 537,100,000 for the same period last year. June shipments valued at $3,- 227,300,000 were 6.9 per cent higher than June, 1965, on a seasonally-adjusted basis. But on the same basis the June esti- mate fell two-tenths of a point below May shipments valued at $3,027,200,000. Unfilled orders during the month at $3,488,700,000 were four-tenths of a point lower than the revised May estimate of $3,502,000,000, but 16.7 per cent higher than June, 1965. All provinces except New- foundland, where shipments were down 9.4 per cent, turned in higher values during June than a year ago. Nova. Scotia and Manitoba were both ahead more than 12 per cent to lead the gains. Qualifications Upgrade Urged TORONTO {CP} ~~ Quali fies. tions for elementary school teachers - should be stiffened now, Mrs. Florence Irvine, president of the Ontario Teach- ers' Federation, says. "This is the time to require one additional year of academic university education before teachers' college," she told the OTF board of governors Mon- day night. Education Minister Davis an- nounced this year that teachers will eventually require univer- sity degrees, but set no dead- line. Donald Carmichael, director of the Kingston community project, told the governors high schools are producing persons out of touch with the world. It is up to principals to ehange the teaching process so that graduates can meet the needs of the world, he. said, Medicare Called ry * 48 ' Conscription OWEN SOUND (CP) -- A member of the Ontario Medical Association secretarait says federal government proposals to have 95 per cent of Canada enrolled in a medicare plan are a form of conscription. Dr. F. T. Porter, speaking to a service club Monday night, said most doctors are opposed to compulsory medicare be- cause they want to be free to practise in or out of the sys- tem and charge what they con- sider a fair price for their services. He said the medicare picture is constantly changing as com- 'missions report and govern- ments dicker over financina. 60 KING ST. EAST DOWNTOWN OSHAWA First quality fa make Bxauisite NYLONS These first quality seamless famous brand nylons come in up to the minute fashion colors. Micro mesh, 400 needles, Sizes; 84 to 11. BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL | 25 Ladies' Quitted ' $a DUSTERS . ae Quilt and cosy dusters, { With lavish embroidery front , panel. 1 pocket. Sizes: S-M-L Colors: Pink and bive BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL $5.99 335 VALUE TEEN BRAS AND GARTER BELTS Teen cotton --, brassiere -- Lape el ~ Elastic batk, aoe aC ia oh bape. Also Teen garter belt - Embrol- ea iea te, ie @ oy SML m. Back to School Special REG.. 1.00 GIRL'S SCHOOL BLOUSES Popular basic tailored school blouses, Both short and long sleeves, Sizes: 7 to 14, joo White only -- Desk to Schéol Special GIRLS AND BOYS FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS Back to School Special Colourful cotton flannel patterns to choose from. pr. Sizes: 3 to 6X GIRLS BULKY CARDIGANS Full fashion 100% Acrylic Bulky Knit Cardigens. Colors: White-Aque-Powder bive and red. Sizes 3 to 6X 233 AND BACK ; Sizes 7 to 14 39 9 TO scHoOo ry SPECIAL | BACK TO SCHOOL m GIRLS CORDUROY JUMPERS Front waist belt with two inverted pleats in skirt. Zipper back. Colors: Red - Royal and Aqua, Sizes: 7 to 14, SPECIAL Girls and Teens "PEA" JACKETS The letest craze in feshion. The Sallor jacket ts quitt lined. Navy only, Girls sizes : 7-14, Yeon sizes: 87-16T_ BACK TO SCHOOL © GIRLS GIRLS BELL BOTTOMS Girls playcord Bell Bottom Pants, Sizes: 7 to 14. Colors: Navy - Black - Beige - Blue - Turquoise and pink; Back te School Speclat aati SPECIAL 99 $12.99 10 + Girls' Corduroy JUMPERS Assorted sizes, Regular . y 2.99 Value. SPECIAL a LADIES' STRETCH SLIMS wey -- ag with detachable 9 ry side ag Ay fastener. euibe Black -- Red -- Antelope -- Olive, Sizes e 1 to <a te Schoo! - 2.99 Special LADIES' MOHAIR CARDIGANS Ladies wool mohair and Ce --A99 ee ae shadte Sm og Aga ~ j Rely le gag LADIES' AND MISSES FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS : All cotton flanne! tailored style with pining trim. Front Pocket. Assorted prints end floral patterns to choose from. Sizes: 32 to 40 ladles, Misses 7 to 14, -- YOUTHS SPORT SHIRTS Comes in flannel or cotton. Long sleeves, Assorted IF j Cotton prints or flannel plaids. Sizes: 6 to 16 -- Back to Schoo! Special' 1.38 value MEN'S TWILL PANTS Comes in Dak style, cotton twill -- sem! combed cotton. oe 30 to 38, Colors: Black, Blue and Sein Spel hipster pocket or -- ---- and acetate flannel in popular dak style _ charcoal, grey and wheat, -- 4 - Back to Schoo! Special With self collar or club style, 2 front pockets, satin lined. Colorse Royal Checked Chino or cotton twill, Fully lined -- Boxer walst -- 2 pockets, Sizes: YOUTHS JEANS AND PANTS Youths Laminated Jackets Rotter, 5) 3.99.value. 3 to 6X pane E 47 Three fabrics to choose from. -- Semi combed cotton Sizes: 8 to 16. ( Colors: Black, "Light but Warm' Stylish nylon laminate jackets, BOYS LINED PANTS Special Boys Flannel Sport Shirts Flantiel long sleeve sport shirts. With regular collar and 1 breast pocket Assorted colored checks. Size: 3 to 6X -- Back C @ =o= 88° i 1.00 value BOYS SPORT SOCKS Boys cushion foot nylon and cotton stretchy ribbed sport socks, Comes in two styles -- Piain white or white with colored stripes on cuff. Fits sizes 8 to 10% Back to School Special SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED METROPOLITAN STORES OF CANADA LIMITED 100 | oe "FANTASTIC RECORD RIOT | ) MORE MUSIC. FOR LESS . |MAJOR LABEL L.P. RECORDS Capitol « Columbia « Decca e London *All original artists "Popular - country Easy listening tock and roll. *All records are factory -- sealed and guaranteed "d WIZARD CELLO TAPE Dag: PAPER-MATE PENS HI-FI AND STEREO Values to en HAIR and DESK SET | lust what the Sivelle desk eat Shas anna wif box deep rea ia , mp Fern coe ime 12x 10x97 -- Tub ar frame seat and back. Natural finish. \4 'BAoK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL by ELECTRA GUITAR: h 'Two tone, toy Electra Guitar, Nylon ¢ Back to Scnool strings © $1.25 value Special complete with pick.-- REG. $1.98 't4t Back te Schoo! Special ~ FILLED OPEN VINYL BINDERS 5 LADY PATRICIA HAIR SPRAY a Comes in Firm and soft style control, 188 ee Wht 11 oz, can-- Back te Seheal Seth Ye gore Le LOOSE LEAF REFILLS fi} BRUSH HAIR ROLLERS | m0 Special brush hair rollers. 8 to - a pkg. with comb and curl pins, fe 97° Buy a few at this low price, NO-BEARD STAINLESS STEEL BACK TO SCHOOL Stainiess steel razor blades. 5 blades to @ MISSES SPECIAL pkg. -- Back te Schoo! Special SNEAKERS REG, 476 58 VALUE Misses assorted canvas and LADIES' CORDUROY SNEAKERS color, Stet: to 3--taek te Schoo! Special Assorted colors of: white, blue, green Rog. .87¢ pr. and gold, Sizes: 4 to 10--~ Back te. School Special LADIES' SUEDINE Reg. $1.28 SLIPPERETTES Ladies suedine slipperettes comes LADIES' SHAGGY in 2 styles, Assorted colors, Sizes: BOOTIES $-M-L-- Ladies shaggy acrilan bedroom ; Beck te School Special booties. Assorted colors. Sizest each OPEN VINYL BINDERS S-M-LXL-- $1.98 Value Baok te School Special {29