Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Aug 1966, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tusnday, August 23, 1966. oiarky phe : : EARN SCHOOL CASH WITH "FOR SALE' CLASSIFIED ADS Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. aokae ht to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. i ernie een an ners navy wewiiw Venn vn S [as 'pala te travel srraape pany Telephone. ane wi. ove in my gy Telephone 723-9994. -BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | Stse" -- = ee ae ; rono 252W. . THREE ROOMS furnilure, also tele- MATURE WOMAN Kervhon heey "or 'Frasees, Sreeh] W, Adult Clerk : o Z |Lazy-Boy. Apply rances Street, le require t le Building Trades Gardening and Supplies |TV--Rodio Repairs Se : = == ROUSEROLS toeionngs Civ --amal with optitude fr ee : ms - rnishings. Living ai . "iuje tom ostame sor] Residential '| SMITH'S TREE FARM -- fccaslontl" and 'racker" ens," caer| It is desirable thot the ap- ; oe Commercial : eae se ae T V TOWERS Fe Hw red bookcase typewriter, ple and plicant plans to work for 4 MACHINISTS and . rm men's executive sults, size le e P fant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond tire Industrial | @ Manure (cow, sheep or horse} "BUILT IN OSHAWA" Pc - Teme Ae ats: Sere pmeny A Senet INSPECTORS elephone 713-03. rte 4 Repairs --2 Alterations @ Rough lumber (cut to suit) AT OUR OWN PLANT ' CRAPS. 12" PLYWOOD boat equipped with con-|" an experience. centre 'lathe, turret, mills, * : : Posts and les, trols, Also 18 HP om motor and. trailer, $300. * 4 Complete "i aah Ra 178 sar 'Additions -- Remodelling @ Posts and poles. Wa slay Wee baler Tel 4245, Pec Konciannanit boreing mills, grinders. requires lephone 728-62 For all your Construction -- I-11 collect Newtonville 786-2283} ° tower for Less Money tei ; "i Feit WATER FOR SALE. 62357. cr : P HEINTERAN orig pal Telephone 728-0522 Double shift (rotating work) inane ae ned jeeds ---- 1e CALL babies dy SoD. -- Fst aareery S b nN Terry Roto-tiller, aluminum 8 2 a, oe $. 7, Hopkin, pear e. JAMES ALLEN & SONS |$n?iny tmount Phone' atter'c sssuayes"" 0 HAWA LV. "l uke place screen, sala compres tee ah 4 se aaah Enjoy a long weekend, --. scope, fr chester | chair, r' e tee fo! ne AND CO. Char- 725-6126 TREE TO TRIM? Call Slim, or il cut SUPPLY LTD. : COMES IAS Ad faiiiee Oshawa, Ont, Uv eee el oi gig tad A WAVE 25 FEET How CAN you we ing machine, "gu "mirror, must stand, Second shift is 4 doys, 40 fered accountants. Licensed Trustees HE. Ba snc 'simeoe Street North, ANT EY 'CARPEITRY. Ure TAUNTON RD. E. i HIGH: BEAT THE HEAT AGE. oF 14 was |i bed, mattress, at trailer, h ps sie 8-737, a ¢ GENERAL REPAIRS rs age Bh SANDEE ARNE os Gust East of Ritson) . ei rotcdit - s age rer bg nels, Oe au Hamilton, LAW OFFICE agen. ALS HOSMAR, Chartered Accou dustrial. Expert work, reasonable rates ' Uber Acc hi. RAKSLATE. | Reglan, 985-7160, oi ei j ants 47 Prince Street, ute 4 Oshawa) For all your home improve- | {uinal. Bam . '| 723-8131 - 723-8132 if MOTHER CARRIED Don TALK ABOUT PARIS OF fit. | TYPEWRITERS for students, office mod- : Fringe benefits company paid fario. T ¥ Layne deat ill di HER BABY SWADDLED | YG WEAR LOOSE PNG | BIBLE WCr4 [els and 'portables, 're-conditioned, "one TOquiras ment problems, call us first. GARDEN AND LAWN maintenance. '| = 1% PLOWS + CLOMES, RES(S MouRS| DIFFERENT year guaranteed, $39.00; filing cabinets, =. Roto tilling, landscaping, patios, plough- = y i Barristers 725-8576 Inaand cativating, Cal 6e5-4936, ( Lop | AMIE ano satite | LAMquAGES. [24° We' Win 'non 'be vundersold, Bil SECRETARY TELEPHONE JAMES EO SON ES vetaty pad Then hove ao talk with our |BARLINGTON GARDEN SERVICE free TELEVISION--RADIO . ™ OY en one | 7 % USED AUTO PARTS, batteries, tires, BOB CAMERON Oshawa, Ontario, Client pa king ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete. Gel farters, 6V, 50 ¢; 12V 90c; batteries, ailable, "725-4716 NN ane saiichor Egy et had seca. yer Instruction H OL M E S $1.50, 725-2162. 1175 Nelson Street. Money to loan. Office, 14% King Street G SCHOOL AT HOME sentire Son, sitios Sit, i. ok 942 3100 East,' Oshawa, 728-8232. CARPENTRY -- New ana repairs, block| HIGH en Arti .. cash register, adds t -| to E Sollettor, ing Street East. NEW PLASTERING and irs, st ELECTRONICS aren aac fer Sele og rel i Pade 96 King ' and repairs, stucco, MATTRES : Residence 725-0351. and factory, mechanical repairs io equip: Far. Piotact Teck al RAMBLER TRAILERS NOW! SIX IaAE ones GAR ODINY en rete Soar BOX M40263 He Oshawa; R. D. Hui econ Sac: general construction and wGuaranteed tions. Prepares to achieve Open Sundays 2 - 4 P.M. pe cots complete, $19.88. Wilson's Furni- §, Boychyn, QC, BA, LLB. Oftice workmanship, telephone 668-5621. jons. Prepares you For Auto Service ture, 20 Church Street. 725-4604; Whitby, Ontario Diploma by means BUDDY TRAILERS e caveiga hace aa NEED EXTRA MONEY? MORE THAN USUAL. Hamilton, Raglan, Rerrisier end jestimates, phone 987-4754. Evergreens 7 ¥ me Pomme Spat, t, Ws. ents lic. The Commercial Bullding, 286 King) customers. Sods, patios, teacing, 24 HOUR SERVICE aincas motors. We buy scrap radiators, $4: 9@"8-| Please reply stating mar- ' y ig or MRS. WAUDE Ce me ital status and experience ind | and cement work. Free estimates. 728-7680| : FaES JONES, LLB, Serer tad EW PLASTERING cote oes IN SPARE TIME WNTTRESE ARG 7aseis. Residence | ent. Call' Plekeri ) e 5, BOYCHYN and WILLMAN, ment. Call Pickering 942-6117. _{| Low monthly payments. in- ; ' for bunk beds, $16.88; rell-wa) SOMERS YS Sere 4M FOR ALL YOUR HOME improvements, clude text books and instruc- Whitby baad 668-5679 SALE. RENT SERVICE BAYS a ee Ady Cag roll-away OSHAWA TIMES J F N S F N Fistirrs Residence NHA and|NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco, Lig i i we 728-4326; "ass recrcoms. Free} of Provincial examination. HOT DIPPED PORT HOPE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Wiens: $e. bbe ae ggg devs i $50 -- $100 and more can S F F E other A. €. Wood, 728-3420 or 728- GREER AND aLY carer Salle ani. For FREE information--write, GALVANIZED Lot at 401 and 28 Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- . |washers $15. 16 Bond Street West, 25| easily be earned showing lux- Moin aun map: 4. M. Greer, a CHUMRRYS, ai Types ot} American School, Dept, 8, TV TOWERS ARE BEST | TRAILER HITCHES made and instalied,| mouth, Pontiac, We correct |Bond Street East, Valley Creek, 728-4401. -- ig rypsieyt --_ = Vv Kelly, QC, Eg coment work. Sidewalks, slabs, si00P8./ Bey 784, Oshawa, Ontario also all types of welding done. Portable! wheel alignment -inspect and |VACUUM repairs, all makes, hoses,| and toys to friends and neigh- So Themes He der BA Modan nee al Me gir Benen abe " ' WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! equipment for rent. Telephone 723-6840. | Correct cater and calor brushes, etc, Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213.| bours. No experience needed. 5332; ei fool H, Jermyn, BA, LLB, a ing V. Service, Main Street, 2662. EXPERT PAVING. Free estimate, _in- Se i964, 14 Golden Falcon Travel Trailer, 5 A ives ll apa acta '| Our beautiful catalogue il- cludes grading and fill, two-year guaran- , R | 0 10" awning, both like new. Also Mighty| 99 toe-in and toe-out to . | Pickering. lustrates over 300 Fat in Midget hitch, 'Telephone 723-3029. correct condition . .., 6.88 |FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted free, 300 Paving, 723-5841. a @ Parts, extra jf 'required |Guaranteed trouble-free winter If your pur} full-color, making: it easy to For YOUR LOCAL chimne) " . te Oil Co, 725-1212. " cleaner, Chime j-------- 6--Marine Ron ui ament T chase from Western Oil Co, et plenty of orders, Write to- RESULTS aoe pon repaired, gas tinings poem TUITION In High School subjects. A few TELEVISION te ss 3 . ied bar: adjustment BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture gm et es cards on roofs repaired. Free estimates. 723-2997.liessons may set you right in your} Corner Bond and Division weit and appliances. One location only. Pretty!\ Gooroval and free catalogue. TIMES : Pees Cae CARPENTER on ch does eh Grade. Telephone 668-3866, 728-5143 C | EA R A N ¥ F e Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-2 23-3271, Po in br Card Co Dept 22, l ' ep vanities, jar cal i's * * ' A " ' --_ Classified rooms and trimmings. Tele-Janitor Service Ne BRAKE SPECIAL : CONTINENTAL BEDS, all sités. "MAK | 917 Connon, Hamilton, jassitt peene: NO 99T, Joe Koazk. Reason TEE ost popular cars. First |ijrpedic, Factory outlet. Headboards. ACTION ADS ROOFING, 'of Tar and. gravel, shingles WANT YOUR WALLS washed, windows TV SERVICE Quality 'Royaline, turpedlc. = ° S H. sprtaned or floors cleaned. Cail John's Jes sao . oe. SRRSSEE EET) RE | New 1966 | PAM sw etree] MOTHERS | boc Mortgage 728-5286 WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL |9----Market Basket aniame wae toofing, id Tag CLASSIFIED RATES mic " OSHAWA B @} A T S an d le welants: per -- FRESH ROASTING chickens, #c. pound! Eorn $$ per hour, demonstrat- . * 2 Large capons,/S0c. per pound, Deliver i Por-' , ¥ tt Pee noreeml REESE) MORTGAGE |__ ELECTRONICS wor wins" Ree | steamers ee |LIVISION secutive, weertions "of 24\ wore {rescetninsmarn, M 0 T @) R S FRONT-END WORK AT potatoes, Spanish and cooking onions,| nd gifts. No deliveries or --r~. carrots, peppers, beets, cabbages, beans.| collections. Car necessary. 4; /Ca' ntry O S T.V. TOWERS Bu COMPARABLE PRICES Requires 2 men ege 25 or "aa LOAN ies senna a aan cls |» Callow Mee Hartwig | Cig ccablnge cating A-1 CARPENTRY, new and repairs. COLORED TV DOMINION Hydro Sub-station, west side. storage and shipping. House eye iin carports and so forth.| Moneys available for first " anil n ; Telephone 725-3842. OR BLACK & WHITE Evinrude Motors 10--Farmers' Column YOUNG MARRIED poy Hapa Reis poset seen 'oe bad Fae un mortgages. No bonus. is WOMAN eed. Steady i equipment need- applySiea 3hp.......$ 148} TIRE STORE FFFD * For General Food Store work. | employment. Ship. «+++. $ 185 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH 29 hours weekly. Some exper- 66 Russett Avenue Pane: :...5. $ 290 TELEPHONE 725-6511 ience on cash register. if if » 7 no tee, Eleven years in business. Terra Address tresses half price. Finest quality, Pos- ind second mortgages. and se: rtgag' pve 24-Hour Service PoE ory Sera each word,|mates. Telephone 725-7066. mortgages, second mortgages 723-0065 or 668-5830 ae or counts two! Dentistry ore for sale pur- RAE'S RADIO & T.V. - CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., Dente! eae Spans ae, BIRTHS--DEATHS-- Surgeon, 172 King Street Gast, Oshawa. M. F. SWARTZ COLOR TV. EARN EXTRA MONEY Show "Can: MON Show Can- 33 hp. tl mh NEEO A PLACE : Canning factory sweet corn wre ape gad : oe co PLANNING CLERK AO hip. TO PRACTICE? en silage delivered, 40 h.p. Selectric $ 626 | "CALL 728- 6756 vaio eat service, Jeandron Gresting Card, Ce. by bi successful candidate will @ 60 hp. electric $ 739 WAITRESS, -- Must also be short order to the P ; long shaft PETERBORO cedar sxifts 14 foot vaca] NEWCASTLE 987-4727 [fir Telephone 720-0741. "Lansdowne Foi Devore re -- City, Rural, Vacation -- i 100.00 each. Ol! space heaters, good shape - he w Pi ie oe @ 80h .p. Selectric $ 949 |15.00 each. Oli 'heated hot wien tees or inquire Stokely Von Camp | RELIABLE LADY to lock after three} schedules. This is an interest This & That SECURITIES LIM TED vein @ 100 hp. Selectric $1099 beet "Rest offer will be conslered Apply Whitby Ask for "Moc" Frew. _ | Road: rea, sering Seplemter erin ne Fat el .0. Box 1, Peterbo : lephone Spportunitigs. ; Calcium Chloride Muteber Qntirio Mertcene GREW BOAT Simmands ycthorn asia" ahr 4:06] ERESM, CU, BALED HAY, 3. PCT epaRWARE OEALERE igb_oppertn: : fteni Sal 9 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. p.m, bao ity, part-time or full time. Apply imme-| Applicants should have at PER INCH PER INSERTION. Water Softening Salt Brokers Ibft fibreglass, convertible | mMecucLocH CHAIN SAWS and accer:| cose: RIPPLED farm stock pick:| "ately, Far more Information 1 Mix Canary Seed 112 Simcoe St. N.--725-3568 top 80 horsepower selectric. Sorles, sales, rentals and repairs. We Sean amen Maro Por rer 668-6806 oF 723-0377. "a ing Hotere DEADLINES Budgie Seed FIRST ANG. SRCOND oan = a GY Ey. $2,325. and. coon Wate chore to J, cutboard oll! Tyrone. Telephone Collect Hampton 2 Saar ae ee ca ee eae 8 poo ET institute WORD ADS Purina Dog Feed ar Ta Hennick| Television, Radio Service, Re- Rental and Marine, S55 King Street Weal, Licence: 4046. a re sich i urina Dog Feeds greements purchased and sold. Hennick : io East, |~ Phone as Ryerson is desired, 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS M Doo feed and Hennick, Barristers, 21 King Street] Pairs. T.V. Towers, Antenna, GREW 15 foot LAPSTRAKE | 728-ss6s. ® ACRES of standing oats. Very good WOMAN WHOUHRGDlor-SEheOr heome ti ; Lost AND FOUND aster Dog Feeds East, 723-7232. Rotors installed. Free Esti- with convertible top. TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- @-foot tower|CToP. has been sprayed. Will be ready to -- WN REQUIRED for 2¢hour home| Applicants who have com- i FIRST AND SECOND me tr harvest about August 28. Make offer.;meking, preferably Se, 2 3s 60. Must be} pleted a portion of such @ a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION Purity Dog Meal FIRST AND SECOND mortgages avail-| .mates. All Work Guaranteed. $1,125. Structure, all-channel antenna installed, 263-2150 or 728-1306. fond of children. Baby Sitting and Moth- Master Horse Mect [Sita em wtoy ssesen' "°°. Gol 7286879 or 725-0500. Rand Eat ot entation Roads sr ines, Taam nee jab experience may ch ope " ry 38. ld a ee' s. BABYSITTER REQUIRED for two chil ri y 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 7 days per TRAVELER POLARIS CHESTERFIELD BARGAINS clearance 11--Pets and Livestock BABYSITTER REQUIRED for two chil f a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION Master Meat Stew week. 300 Kitchener Avenue. PREMIER ft floor model: tom i sik, Sano one Master Meat Loaf Optometrist mh of floor models. cs suites with foam) SHETLAND PONY for sale. Three years ameyait ee ene ho woe j * . ' iets|old. Good with children, Telephone 725- 'equi a.m. Spm. BAY PREVIOUS Purina Cat Chow F. RICHARD BLACK, 0D, 134 simcoe| Well Drilling--Diggirg wide fram "Sis Be. sectionals from" sa | ac 1 4 bam, care for hres hilranene| Interested applicants apply in Kitty Litter a ne eT STARCRAFT 18 i abe daca ae BELGIAN SHEEPDOG jes. N : 23-4191. ' WELL DIGGING by machne specializ- foot alumi- 6 puppi lo| p.m. pga bps Bl previous) 2 eot-| RAbbit Pellets Sn ee einen ie We Wace, SM Chet) num-erulser. 1.0 model, Sirollers. "678, mattresses aS 8h Paine Oe saie Sate sores M84] RELIABLE BABYSITTER required, live Mr. L. B. Boswell, umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previovs.| Britannia Malt Extract Plumbing « and Heating : bY da " $2,295. Prone Puree og Se etait $10-88-| seaUTIRUL baby budgies, reedy for| ne ee _ Personnel and Industrial i ALL TYPES of i _-- i anscllSce ing, talki train. Ay Mrs. T, Relati: i cAneeAnon® Ano Garden Supplies SF rene, Seanan "ereeneat 2 --_rereensl STARCRAFT 15 foot Eher- [FUN WER = eam, Might ere, Eth gen. ___|18--Mole_ Help Wented eae ae So fe i irs to all makes. New hose: e ; ae 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION OPEN ALL DAY -- sistas fron Pt Foley! Removal of superfluous hair craft deep V. Jack Lees, 728-6956. ¥ CORY RANCH Kennels, Reg. German| Duplate Canada Limited, vertisement cancelled before pub: Monday -- Friday plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold rg ster) Marie Murduff will be in $1050. FURNITURE -- three rooms, new qual- prov tl std. serve: Ashen SESAME, ave. INDUSTRIAL First Avenue fcanon 'wi be charged on ays inser Saturday--12:30 aid Chumetna, Heating and Engmeering.| Oshawa, August 29, 30, in [bedrooms living foome" kitchen arene | SADDLE PONY, large, for sale, Gentle Sahae, Corer. ton. 255 Simcoe Street South 31. Phone Genosha Hotel on STARCRAFT 14 foot alumin- | bedroom, living room, kitchen ensem bi P jh 3 kh with children. Also one eau and pony BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 DAILY DELIVERY Rug Upholstery Service these days for appointment. um oO 575 values! Barone agg ed ny saddl 728-891 ENGINEERING COMMERCIAL SALES While every endeavor will be made fo i LA é imcoe SIAMESE Sea it kittens. 9 weeks old. forward replies to box numbers Yo the COOPER-SMITH |enastaneietos --re-upnoisrerea ana ELECTROLYSIS FABULOUS A Fralneds Telephore a ae ' 3 as possible, we ac- re-styled. Free estimate. See our me- 723-4641 stick of furninre nwt oe Chestertiett| B PUREBRED Se ORRIMAN Ghupherd ex Shepherd, ex TRAINFFS REPRESENTATIVE = Lod ai in respect lag or a terial for recovering. Slip covers made a wea ee Suites from $99, bedroom suites from|calient watch doo. Year and a» half ald $ « CO. Sire, ebrain. YL ning Ye Maranon, arteime mame] EWNGLITIG OTOLGQC | manr mare -"tromendere savings "O| recente 25M exists in our Come plies, ge of cove "ig og RE-UPHOLSTERY by experis. Establion: his, 8.30 am. Telephone Whitby 268 ied. Y son's Furniture, 20 Church St. TERRIER PUPPY, female, three months We have immediate openings pb ey Bc Deportment, for Be responsible for replies uncalled for 16 CELINA Fee satin one ee. fe tr liso LADY would like ride to Toronto erriv-| | and at YING on SELLING furniture or or ap. cs for two mature Grade 13 a Commercial Sales Repre- in 2 days. 723-2312 723-1139 |rebuiit, furniture retinishod Osteen |ing_at 8:45 a.m. Kindly call 723-8692. ah 4 "hanes tmer, Hampton 2 12--Articles Wanted graduates. To train for posi- sentative to coll on existing REGULATIONS holstering, 287 Dean Avenue, 7250311. | 4__ Motorcycles Supply Limited BIKETIME! Summertime! New, used.|REQUIRE COMPLETE furnishings for) fon peel ves ee. " "7 porarntal \pommmnerchal ae» The Oshawa Times will not be responsible Sales and Service Repairs all makes. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond . home. Must be in new condition, Pri-] our s' ngineering 'ounts. z for errors in advertisements submitted COMPLETE Street East, 725-6344. lephone 725-5136. Department. OS Renae looks ae otherw ise than In writing net for more " @ BSA. TRIUMPH ; THREE Fi ICERS uni. REPRISMRATOR: axi 32 inches insertion of any advertisement SALES AND SERVICE Riceasshas phalh ol Brooklin, Ontario. formas. mae ses pos canon wide with small freezer. Good condition.| One of these openings is must have previous sales ex- nor beyond the price charge for # single) On) GARDENING EQUIPMENT APPLIANCE Me Telephone after 5 p.m, 725-3649. 728-3275, in Hamil Ontario and the fi ; Ew rap-3275. t , perience, preferably with @ Insertion in which error occurs. REPAIR goggles, jackets, gloves, Buco Open daily 8A.M.---9 P.M. |r good condition,| LADY'S LEATHER high riding boots for| other is in St. Laurent, Que- background in the plumbi The Oshawa Times reserves the right to Toro, Lawn Boy and helmets. Repairs and service. bronze. $25. Also large crib $20, Tele. Roan vindh between sizes 7-8. Reason- ; i ould , "G, classify advertising according to its Yardmon Lawnmowers Expert repairs to all makes 114 STEVENSON RD. SOUTH §55-3641 Dina: TRON = eT EO ENS a ving lft tongs watt oon pong aay era bei tig proper classification. Whee! Horse Garden Tractors of washers, dryers, ranges, AB's Motorcycle SHOP 5 MP GASOLINE DRIVEN high pres. S00 5 =" FURNITURE. Whet- have! ino but is not essentiol). or fuel ication field. In tne et deolay "advertisements etc ___ 728- 7780 2 WEEKS VACATION? ure water pump, 200° hore. Dunbarton. you? valley Creek \6 Bond Street West, Micon" Ske Socosiia ak The mes will not be held responsible @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE e -- ----------| Why not moke it the whole The duties of these positions This is a salaried ition, for more space than thai which the actual RUNDLE summer? Forget that costl COMPLETE fer ft Fal de A 5g 13--Articles For Rent will include; the establishing with full fri lh t error The A L '@ A N MOTORCYCLE SALE y yclopedia, set chopedia, ; A inge its, car to reproduce all advertising matter cor- Ussa 'anoan trnil.. bikes 2 weeks and invest in lasting | 8/80 set World Natures Library, hon of production incentive stand- allowance etc. ' sed scooters, trai es, 723-7265, ards; plant machinery ond rectly, but assume no Hiability of adver-/ GARDEN CENTRE LTD. FURNITURE and APPLIAN fun... A BOAT from your Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- 3 i naa one ¢ ei bridge: stone, NSU Jawo, Hon Evinrude & Crestliner Daalér WE BUY, seil and exchange used furni- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee equipment layout; cost feas- Please write giving full 'par- tisement t 45 he are contained 1015 KING ST. E. 2 Simcoe S. Oshawa das Suzuki: . . $99, and up. OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN. LTD. ture or anything you have. The City Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal ability studies relating to the ticulars as to experience, sal Telephone 723-0011 Trading fot. Store, 446 Simcoe Street 17S HASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD 725-6551 desks, chairs, file cabinets. Terms)! SARGEANT'S RENTALS ~ efficiency of plant opera- » D. W. Jones, ions. Up to 100, 30 sq. yd. de- HEINTZMAN months old. Phone after 4 p.m., 942-4606, weekends. Marine. storage and Supply | GUARANTEED USED wringer washers, The selected applicant will yd. delivered. 200 yd. and up Sa ey ie Cae meee Tele! with tanks, all excellent condition, 8° and| Simcoe South, 723-0011 ore See Ree. ae mechanically minded and will Oshawa, Ontario. Tid sincoa 'street. Northe Oshawa, Ontario All work guaranteed eee 723-4697 T.R.I.O. TELEVISION Dressmaking piame gee ® @ * as gy ee a. bam ronan 9 26% Midian St. East Perk ANG Wane : Me fn manual $ 416 GOT A BAND 2? FOR SALE ** 728-0851 PRODUCTION e e e DRESSMAKING -- Sulis, coats, dresses, FIRST and SECOND 728-5143 Specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby," 66b2072. MORTGAGES ; ch : Ail Glebies SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 Gardening and Supplies s hake. Ln pierey AND DEATH: HONDA SHOP Harbor Rd. off Simcoe St. S, | South, 723- Wear Men's Formals, White Purchase of new machinery; '| ry requirements, etc. to Call: Classified Direct Rent A Piano 199 King West, 728-4242 so 9-81 BG PYPEWRITURE.aadersGat-Tegaion, registers,| Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. ta oe ee ee Mr Open Evenirigs "STARCRAFT" crew Traveller boats|trades. New, used, rentals service. Bill i ' , ervisor, 723-3492 NO. 1 NURSERY SOD SEE YAWAMA motor cycle, 100 Twin, three|-vipmude motors. - Open evenings and) Hamilton, Raglan. 463 Riston Rd, S. 725-3338 i ; Industrial, Cohanipe Seles, | d. 100-200, 28 i 43 HONDA, -- aitien' host refrigerator, etc. $34.90 and| CHAIRS, card and panquet tables, church} preferably have had some in- Consumers' Gas Company, INDEX TO ivere ic sq & Company Ltd: excerent condition. Must/$HP, 7.5 HP, and 18 HP ouiboard motors|up, Alcan Furniture and Appilances, 452|aisle runners, Cleve Sa anane" 412) dustrial experience, will be 29 Celina Street, CLASSIFICATIONS ; 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa phone 723-3179 after 6.30 p.m. ___} 13%, used and. 16° fibregias sell. bosts, = WHEE RS, seds, walkers, 26c sq. yd. delivered, Ka Bsa ST aPITFIRE, Mark il" Special. fully' equipped; 10' hydroplane. Dunbar-|PABY'S, CRIB, play-pen, wee Als faavena. 'machines, hee, game soles. be interested in a position i % " Telephone 728-2921 1--Women's Column NO. 1 FIELD SOD be a ieee ea : ENTERTAINING? "Pay tes mee, EXCELLENT 2-Persenas ARC and ACETYLENE Wetiding and cut- i. .CSCCT"" «HEAVY OUTY BOAT trailer, with 13" SRTAINING? 3--Sportsman's Column 200 yd. and up 20¢ sq. yd. SAO one Roea| visi pith sq. ting. Reasonable rates. $09 Bloor East Sal: a . wheels and spare, $125. Telephone. 723- THtsTEs oad SGARRIAGR car hay Leakey NOanews Teaoh HAR ioe, sg 5--Trailers We quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen,| Attractive starting salary, ex- +. ail maintoli @ » complete SEWING <i ' ae: ee chair, play pen. Good condition. ' Phone y ¢-Marine Eauioment peat inatyr oo ad SEWING MACHINES, repairs To al Kamping Unlimited HP ELGIN motor beam py-|7282 parking, 723-2140 mernings. |__| cellent working conditions OPPORTUNI | Y Sea BETHANY LANDSCAPING ice phone 725-3286 and two bicycles. Al 476 'Carvel ScALEXTRIE SLOT-CAR track, 40 feet egg en pho freerer service. sams and - wide range of _ Phone 623-759 GUARANTEED REPAIR to all wringer Townline Rd: North Avenue, Oshawa les. "Talephon sj ah gael ts el am = employee benefits. one ey washers and ranges. Free estimates, Call FOR YEAR-ROUND [DAT and trailer age 14--Busi ie) iti L ion hi Freshly Irrigated 7-742 or 723-001) P Save cash on new and used, storage call oe le 623-3243, raller| BABY CARRIAGE, feed 'and play fable, usiness_ Opportunities PI | : rhe ei gl able oo acu y Irriga ---- earnbicig REBONEL. chairs stroller, good condition. Telephone! STORE FOR RENT, excellent location In ease apply to: standing sales opportunity for BLUE SOD Septic Service 3 new ten trailers -- up to Evinrude, Tee-Nee Sen eden aie e ANI TTRESS, bese wlan wae 4 pth feats Bathurst Containers Pape os ov vind ati th oe ER TERS a * A » high chair, Jolly|shop, variety, branch store for cleaners j SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt service) 25% off Phone 728-5069. Jumper, car seat, sitter, 1. ¥, steriiizer, |plant, Available September 1. 1. 728-0529. 'Ltd pe Pact Pg a . * g 15--Employment wanted lé--Agents Wanted GRASS 17--Female Help Wanted on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street Trail Tent d all te OS Z Z car bed, twin stroller with canopy. 120 T 1 e ip Want Visitors Welcom, West, Whitby, 668-2563. Trailers, lents and. all camp- we VARIETY STORE, located in nice resi- : #--Malw Help Wanted e ee ing -aclamant Lata Ton§ 'ap and Barter Northviéw Road (south of K-Mart). dente! section; {urn over §00008. Must vile. Shia bition and show progress for 19--Maie or Female Help Wanted " "" " i i 20--Reai Estate For Salp ALL GREEN" NURSERY Surveyors for August ahd Sept. rental. |CABINETS with sink or vanity basin $39,|POOL TABLE, $85 Talephone 726-9207, an, tees i ee eee ee 20a--Summer Properties SOU GROWERS Laundry tubs, bath tubs, toilets, pres-;30" KENMORE push-buiton electric ! 668 337] background helpful. 2i--Farms for Sale i. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, , Ontario Land 728-9942 sure systems, flushomatics, sepfic tanks,|range, good condition. Price $75. Tele-/NEAT BUSINESS. Going c 'concern, cen- As 2--Lots for Sale TOWLINE N.. 1% M. N of Surveyors, 112 Elgin Street East. Phone pipe and fittings. boats motors, trallers,|phone 942-1544, tral. For appointment call Lillian Cam- In re sti a 15-6881. ------ 723-4651, Don Stradeski, Realtor. % questing a personal inter: %--Real Estate Wanted Tounton-vill OSHAW ™: -------|garden tractors, H Chinn, corner Hillside in sae eron, * i 1 es ee and Storage vee Rg A DONEVAN and 1 FLEISCHMANN, On- ~ CABIN and TENT and Perk South. 72-7. ie eee a on vin in poE ae ty 'Telephone 1 E I *W ted MACHINIST and peep me gy Biles 5 Aparimans for) Ren TS SPRING CLEANUP --xfprmm tromere remem] TRAILER. RENTALS roe . Let ede ucation and business, exper- for Rent a. LEAN-U N for' Aviat and: Sestember For STEEL DOUBLE BED, complete single LAWNS CUT. Odd jobs; also moving and MILLWRIGHT : 1 : Toes. e pains * Special Fall Rates bed frame, 50-981. aluminum. Pet, wo hauling. Cali 728-2862 or 723-6030. tence to: op @ Seeding @ (408 Switches , , : res complete" (size rame).|WiLL BOARD two iar three years|. Experienced only need appl Payee @ Evergreens @ Groding @ The average man between 20 and 24] Primus Camping Equipment RESULTS Phone after 5.-pim., 7H-O196. or over. Family atmosphere with two. Steady position. 'tind Box '40843 © Marion and Kentucky Blue- {times "Ir nagy mien ie cone will be 9 TU on TIMES -- BASE . sleciric. guitar. Coss Thani vewr-al. | Reteronces, avaliable... Court Call 324 S212 Osh 7 grass @ Complete landscap- |'o a totally new career. Di AJAX #770, YANhItby. rll ths alaa ted ee ral ve aba a - snawa mes it A \ baPM: WOULD LIKE to take care of a child ing @ Fertilizers. is the Hale' Wentor™ pings Re 942 3491 PRISE AE Classified VICTORIAN SOFA. No show-wood, carv-|by week in my heme, situated in north WANT ADS nt at 3-9020 Times' Classified Section. Whether you're DEALING (N SERVICES? An ad in the ACTION ADS ed legs. Apply 117 Pine Street Whitby.|side of town, 723-9541. reach thousands or interest. HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING -- [Unemployed or locking tor @ better Job, Business service f Directory brings gral ' TY TOWERS SPECIAL --o ft siructure,|RELIABLE GIRL wishes "housework or ates Gall ies vad aot WANT- ADS DON'T erate le @ one | ) anne! antenna, . 'ele-j baby si |, mornings. es. le- ad, 723-3492 vision, 728-8143, agen ' phone 723-0794, . ss " '2492. COST ----- 'THEY PAY . Bost _ 170.401 te place your

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