BU,! SAWYER Ol, GEE, COMMANDER! NOT FAIR! MY ENLISTMENTS UPI 14 "TO BE MARRIED THE MINUTE 1 GET HOME! HAVE A HUMDINGER, OF A HEADACHE--- "THIS TIME I'M GOIN' To F FIND HIM! oe p OH, SHE WANTS TO GO TO THE BIG SALE AT THE SHOPPING CENTER THIS AFTERNOON... A aa oat Dae © Keng Festeres Sredienin, an, 1966. World sity reerved «AND HER PENGION CHECK, WHICH 16 ABOUT DUE DIDN'T THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 Syndicate, lan, 1966. Would shite venerved NO, NOT A WARD OF THAT On AS A PUZZLED LONE RANGER TURNS SILVER TO RIDE OFF, A HIDDEN PERISCOPE FOCUSES ON HIM::> TELEVISION LOG Channe! 1i--Hamiltes 10:08 Channel %--Torento Channel 8--Rochester Channel 7--Buffale 4---CBS Channel 6--Toronte Channel 4--Buffalo Channel 3--Barrie Shanna: 2--Buiiaio enermrneeenn eprom 9--Spotlight TUESDAY v8. 5:00 P.M. li--Family Theatre 6--Viewpoint 7--Highway Patrol 4--Late Show mp 3--Armchair Traveller 6--Night Metro 11.25P. 3:30 P.M. 8--Dobie Gillis 7--Movie 3--Wrestling 3--Movie 2--Passport Two 6:00 P.M. 9--1 Spy 7--Movie 6--Movie $--Reach for the Top .~ @-4--News, Sports with * Check Healy Weather; @--Huntley-Brinkiey 6-Expo "67 7:00 P.M, li--Mike Douglas 9--My Mother The Cer &--Men In Crisis Girl Talk 4--News; Weather; 9:00 Sports 4--Car 54, Where Are 9--Romper You? 3-Gilligan's Island 2--Huntley + Brinkley Report 8--Ladies' Day 7.20 P.M. |i--Uncle Bobby 7--News, Weather, Sports| &--Smile Time 7.30 P.M, | 4--Love of Li 9--Musical Showcase $8 3--My Mother The Car 7--The Fugitive News Special 10:38 *.M. 6-3--News Magazine 11:20 PLM, N--The Vise 1.30 PM, | fe |2--Jack LaLanne 10:08 A.M. | h-the Merv "Ortifin Show 1:00 P.M, 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News Weather and Sports V:15 PLM. 2--Tonight Show 8--Tonight Show 11:48 PLM, 12:08 A.M. 11--Untouchables 1:00 A.M. 11--News, Weather, Sports WEDNESDAY 8:00 A.M. 4--Captain Kangaroo 6.30 A.M, 9--T.V. University 6:55 A.M. 7--Dialing for Dollars 00 A.M. ii--Morning Musicale Room 4--Mike's Carnival 2--Boz0's Big Top | 9:30 A.M. 1l--Ed Allen Time é--McHales Navy |8-2--Eye Guess 4--Daktari | 4-1 Love Lucy 3--Hogan's Heroes | 8:00 P.M. |1]--Mark Saber 9--Summer Fun $-2--Concentratjon | 't Gat The | 7--Donna Reed 2 | Tne Mocevs |3--Time Out 10:38 A.M. | 11:00 A.M. |8-2--Chain Letter 4~Hippodrome 9:00 P.M. 9--Movie 04--Movie $3--Dick Van Dyke 7--F Troop 9:30 PLM, 3--Peyton Place 63--Gideon's Way 4--Petticoat Junction | | 11--Buccaneers | 9--Abracadabra t--Ernie Lindell 2-8--Showdown | ly |3--~Ed Allen Time | 7--Supermarket Sweep 11:38 A.M, 11--Long John Silver $--Mr. And Mrs. 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 12:08 1--Bonnie Prudden 9--Toronto +-2--Jeopardy 7--Money Movie 3-6Luncheon Date 4--News and Weather Summertime 12:15 P.M. 4--Speaker of the House 12:3 P.M. %--News; Weather; Sports 11--Noontime 8-2----Swingin' Country 6-4--Search for Tomorrow 3--Noon-day Report 12:40 PLM, 9--Movie | "aa PM, +4-Oviding Light 1:00 P.M. 1-- Theatre 8--Dialing For Doliars Girl talk 2--Merv Griffin | 1:30 P.M. | 64--As The World Turns 8--Let's Make A Deal Movie 2:00 P.M. 7--Newlywed Game 4--Password 6--Cuisine $-2--Days of Our Lives 2:30 P.M. %People in Conflict 8-4--The Doctors 7--A Time For Us 6--Coronation Street 4--Linkletter's Party 3:00 PLM. 9--Practured Phrases 8-2--Another World 7--General_ Hospital 643--To Tell The Truth 3.25PM. 3-6~--Bonnie Prudden ir Move 2-8--You Don't Say 7--Superman Show / 4--Edge of Night --_" 4:00 P.M. 9--1 Love Lucy &--The Match Game 2--Mike Douglas 4:30 P.M, 1}--Secret Squirrel 9--Movie 8--Woody Woodpecker 4--Movie CROSSWORD ACROSS 1, Game played fro: 3, Members ofa Las Vegas majority 4. Single unit 5. Thin 6.Tomake beloved m horseback 5. Jump 9. Nobleman 10, Come in 12, Rub out 13, Girl's name 14, Carry 15. Single unit 16. Music note 17. Warns of attack 19, Intimidated PI [OTe BASTHIAIC! ZEGue Som - 1, By word of mouth: law 2. Harenguo 1966. World roghte toverved ] King Festeres Syeducers. tne, 1900 "ARE YOU IN YOUR SECONP CHILDHOOD? YOUR HEALTH iA By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: I have been taking birth control pills for 144 years but would very much like to become pregnant now. How- ever some women say that the hormones in the pills last a long time in the bloodstream and I could have a retarded child. Is this true? -- Mrs. G. N. Y. No, it's not true. For years I've tried to combat some of the old wives' tales that have been passed down from gener- Glu} jation to generation, hoping to clear. the air. Now it seems that ~some brand new groundless scare stories are being invented. Pay no attention to these rumor- mongers. Dear. Doctor: There have been quite a few arguments over whether "the pill' causes blood clots, cancer, ete., but now one has come up that I cannot answer, My doctor says "don't worry. about it," but I would like a further answer. A friend says her doctor told her that women who continue taking the pills will continue to be fertile until the age of 70. Is this possible?--Mrs. M. B. The theory was advanced several years ago that it might happen. The argument was that since the pills prevent ovula- tion, maybe the supply of ova thus would be stored up and appear later in life. At. first there was no way to say that this couldn't happen. The pills by now have been in use for quite a few years, and we can say that it hasn't hap- pened. The medication, you know, was tested abroad for years before it was used in this o Pill Hormones Last In System? By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD quite strong -- and becomes stronger each passing year-- that users will not remain fer- tile past the normal age. Dear Doctor: I have been three years and read that after four years they won't work. Are they harmful?--Mrs. §. 8. There is no sign that the pills lose their potency, no matter how long they are used. As for stopping them after any specified number of years, much uncertainty has deyel- oped simply because in the be- ginning the government recom- mended them for a limited time. This was not because any harm was known to occur, but rather because the food and drug administration thought it peter to be safe than sorry. So iF As extended use continues to show no harmful results, the length of time over which they are known to be safe becomes greater. If there is any maximum time-for using them, we haven't yet reached it. Probably they are safe to use as long as one wishes--but we can't say that definitely until we have had them in use that long.. You can be certain that if there ever is any evidence that a time limit should be imposed, the government will say so promptly and explicitly. So far there is no such evidence. Dear Dr. Molner: A_ friend told me you can get diabetes comment.--V. X. Shock doesn't cause diabetes, but severe shock can make a latent case evident. This has been noted in countries stricken country, so the evidence is by war and bombing raids. taking birth control pills for|. Tuesda, August 23, 1906 BRIDGE | By B. JAY BECKER 4 record-holder in Masters' ) Tndieta: ch fanchin Wiaur East dealer. North-South vulnerable. All general rules have their exceptions. A general principle is formulated and followed be- ||}cause experience shows that it 'lean be applied successfully in most instances, But whenever adhering to the general princi- pie in a particular hand ap- ||pears harmful, it is certainly reasonable to say that the gen- eral principle should be aban- doned on that occasion. East had to make an unor- thodox play in today's deal to defeat three notrump. The game was duly reached, though South's notrump bid without a spade stopper was slightly unusual, The bid was correct, however, since South had the high card values for a free bid and had no satisfactory alternatives available. West made the normal lead of a low spade from three to an honor in. response to East's spade bid. Dummy played low, and the outcome of the hand now hinged on East's play to this trick. Had East made the mechani- 'Jeal play of the queen, in line with the general rule of "third hand high," South would have made the contract. But East, after considering the matter fully, played the , and had ne chance to make the contract without leading clubs. When he did, West took the ace, played the ace and another spade, and South went down one. play of either the ten or the queen would not matter. If jack, the ten would effective as the Of course, p would have resul point of the hand. Defeating the contract was the primary cone sideration.. Winning the open- Cleat Gana People Aim ACCRA (Reuters)--Ghanaian army and police chiefs whe helped to overthrow former president Kwame Nkrumah are losing no opportunity of empha- sizing that their big enemy in the fight to rehabilitate Ghana is corruption. They have asked the eivil servants in the ministries for which they now are responsible to do their utmost to stamp out this evil, and other evils too. Tough, sparsely--built Maj.- Gen. E. K. Kotoka, who played a leading part in Ghana's Feb- ruary coup while Nkrumah. was in Peking, has told defence, health and other officials now under his control that the gov- ernment administration has drifted into 'immeasurable in- efficiency" with its, attendant evils of bribery and corruption. He said that he will pay sur- prise visits and will not sit idly by if he sées lack of discipline. "If it comes to a crisis, I would not hesitate to put offend- ers in the guardroom," he said. The deputy commissioner of police, B. A. Yakubu, a big friendly officer, has told senior staff at the ministries of indus- tries, lands, and mineral re- sources that instances of. "sicke ening dishonesty" are preva- ent. Note to Mrs. W.. W. L.: No, there is no basis for believing that top frequent sexual inter- course "shortens a man's life," unless, of course, he already has some serious physical weakness. } St ie a eh RE RRA. msc FE tn ht