This whclesome acid has the Property of stiffening the beaten egg white, incasing the beaten - in air, which puffs up when baked and makes meringue light. TIP FROM THE CHEF To keep coffee - type cakes fresh and moist up to a week, place them on a piece of card- board covered with textured) plastic wrap; slip into a plastic storage bag; fasten with the quick - twist - tie and store in are Her Grandchildren May Re | Meta, ep Bye oten TOK we 44Viw VICI LOMuY 5 hh Ee | ® g z er woman, She share of my fa- ion and social secur- giy te g ts = fel 4 security. They live much better to- r than either of them e alone. r has always been by her grandchildren shudder to think what ction will be when they about her new way of life. two are a winter in Florida and mother e is prepared to ignore. gossip. She told me yester- » "We enjoy one another and have a good life together. There is nothing immoral about our arrangement. I am 'his un- paid housekeeper. We have sep- arate bedrooms and so long as we are straight with the Lord we feel it is nobody's business." Please advise--Daughter of a Delinquent Mother . Dear Daughter: It may well be that nothing immoral is go- ing on, but the living arrange- ment certainly does give. the gossips a delectable morsel to c on. My advice is to make no judgments, no apologies and no excuses. If your children have questions, suggest that they i ete es y|she Ymay not live more than a talk to your mother. The bur- den of explaining should be on her, not you. Dear Ann' Landers: My has been told by more than doctor that' she must go on a strict diet and stop smoking or few years, The 'woman is only 40, She refuses. to do either and it is driving me crazy. Whenever I say something to her about lighting one cigarette off the other or reaching for a second helping of potatoes she gets angry and snaps, "Will you please stop nagging me?" I know she reads your column faithfully. Can you say some- thing to her that I haven't said? --A Husband Dear Husband: Probably not, but I'd like to say something to you. When people continue to smoke, eat--and yes, drink ex- cessively--after a doctor has warned that it could kill them, it means only one thing. It means they don't care if they live or die, in fact they may subconsciously wish to be dead. So you see it is not a matter of gluttony, or a lack of disci- pline. The real question is how do you get people to want" to go on living? ; Confidential to M.L.A. Sucker: U. Must B. kidding. 'That - Flipper, ~~ FLIPPER FLIPS OVER EEDEE FASHION Ontario award winning fashions flew to Florida on Air Canada's inaugural Toronto to Miami flight. the TV _ porpoise, right, looks over an Eedee fashion award winner at his home in Florida, The plum colored mini-skirt with mondrian patterned sweat- er, hat and socks, and the evening ensemble .in_ blaz- ing pumpkin blossom wor- sted were two Eedee, award winners parade fore .ments were virtually all winners in this year's Eedee Awards Cotapetition. The Eedee awards, which stands for 'excellence in de- sign,' is sponsored by the Ontario Department of Eco- holiday crowds at an all- Canadian fashion. show. in Florida. The collection in- cluded fun furs, evening furs, casusis, co-ordinates, swimwear, sportswear and evening wear. The gar- S FROM CANADA nomics and Development. The competition is held to encourage Ontario clothing manufacturers to improve their styles and to enter' or expand their activities in the export market. the HOUSEHOLD HINT refrigerator. Toast the oatmeal for cookies To and 'lan important part of our business. We pride ourselves in being able to work with and your. airy, add % tartar fro each egg white used. "marry of people in this town! simple or ments for weddings. We'll gladly you with, matching colors, formal or in= formal arrangements, and they'll be extra crunchy ik anna low pan and put in the oven for a short time. have meringue light and tsp. cream of % to met + we say helped because Fresh Flowers in important part of any wedding ... arranging flowers for weddings is our customers whether it is for floral heip flower etiquette, any other details which will moke a ys BRIDES -- Come in and ask for our FREE illustrated Booklet of Wedding Bouquets. REED'S FLORIST 28 SIMCOE NORTH DOWNTOWN OSHAWA PHONE 728-7386 "Over Fifty Years Growing With Oshawa" woman deserves every dime she is getting-and a lot more. Do you realize what is involved in caring for elderly parents who are bedridden? I'll bet you wouldn't do it for all the money in the world. People like you make me sick. m 'CHILD GUIDANCE Looking Forward To School Should Be Pleasant Experience GARRY C. MYERS, PhD tly we talked about get- ting the little child about to en- » respecting the rights of others, having playmates of his own age, being read to daily at home, having his questions that no parent rouble managing wait till you get to have to mind your teacher then." Will he picture the teacher as kind of ogre? Some other children wishing to tease and bully this about-to-enter-school youngster may have been fill- ing him with fears about other there and the teacher. If you discover such has been done, continue ways to set this youngster's mind and heart be able to achieve this by work- ing through a few of the older children of the neighborhood and your own older child, to be erfective in this direction. Some of these older children might build in this child posi- tive pictures of delightful expe- riences at school to look for- ward to. te at home, this child has had am- ple fun in the foregoing direc- tions. If he has not, a bit of these experiences should prove useful to him in the few re- IMAGINE EXPERIENCES school, one or two visits to one before school begins might be desirable. child the first day at -school, who has never had experiences like those he will have with so many children together. him on trips to a bus station, airport, farm or the like. You could make this more meaning- ful if you were to go with him before the first day of school to one or two such places. dren of your immediate neigh- It'would be fortunate if, while aining days before school. If he has not gone to Sunday Imagine the little You can tell this child his acher may sometimes -take It would be fine if a few chil- borhood are among those who will be in his class at school, If not, names and _ whereabouts names of a few of them living .|farther away and go with him to visit some of them. ing a big issue over the mat- ter, but his first day at school is such an important event in his life that you can afford to spend no end of effort to do your very best to help him look forward happily. You would not stop here, but aim to help him con- tinue to find school an enjoy- able place to be. ANSWERING QUESTIONS jhaving the child learn the ABC's in alphabetical order? to use a dictionary. Until then you might ascertain the his learning them without Te-| gard to order may prove use-/| ful. | TRICK OF THE CHEF | Before roasting a leg.of lamb, or a rolled lamb shoulder, of This all may seem to be mak- TABLETS ENDANGER One-third of the total number brown in a hot overn. Then re- move from the oven, douse with ¥% tsp. garlic powder. Return jof poisoning cases in Canada in-itg the 'oven to complete the volve pain-reiieving tablets. "réasting. to it hopefully and Q. Is there any virtue in A. Not until he is old enough Modella Hair Stylists INTERNATIONAL COIFFURES Now at Medella a new Revelation in Hair Colouring "COLOUR XL SPEED PROCESSING" mochine @ Tints in 3 minutes @ Bleaches in 6 minutes. @ European Hair Stylists @ FOR AN APPOINTMENT CALL 71 Celine St. 725-4531 Recall with this child all the| nice and happy things you know | about the teacher he will have. It would be wonderful if he could meet her beforehand and discover what a kind and lovely person she is. Let your child know that at school -- whether in kindergar- ten or Grade I--he will learn to do many things he will like to do. Tell him he will learn many ways of fun on the play- ground and in the classroom. Advise your child how he will learn in the classroom to hear music and to sing;«to hear sto- ries told and read; to learn to draw and paint pictures and to make all sorts of things with his hands from paper, card- board, clay and other things; and learn, as time goes on, to right on this matter. You might read, write, spell and work with | numiers. | Rub Lotion talk, they, too, would sa they receive BAKER'S On Your Back ! ially after an over touch of the sun. . r a sudsy bath. Then you'll say, "It feels so !" If your valued carpets and draperies could . and "It feels so good", when y, Gentle rejuvenating care. ZELLERS OPEN DAILY TO 6 P.M. THURSDAYS & FRIDAYS _ SPORTY CO-ORDINATES V/ FOR BIG&LITTLE SISTER COZY KNIT CO-ORDINATES - A. "Orlon" end "Antron" shell, crochet-trimmed, knit waistband, 2,99 B. "Orlon'" and "Antron" bo- pleated skirt with covered waistband. Both, heather, green, navy, red or royal; sizes 4 to 6x, t | | SYMBOL OF QUALITY filtered solvent. AT LOWER PRICES! Better dry cleaning because your clothes are always cleaned in fresh, clean Lower prices due to elimination of pickup and delivery costs..Our cash and carry prices save you money. One hour service or drop-off and pick-up at your convenience, YOUR CLOTHES ALWAYS CLEANED IN FRESH CLEAN FILTERED SOLVEN1 WALTZ THRU WASHDAY SUITS & DRESSES.......... 1.25 PANTS & SKIRTS... 60 TOP COATS, OVERCOATS.... 1.25 © JACKETS, BLAZERS 72 EXPERTLY DRY CLEANED ond PRESSED CASH AND CARRY eeenees 50 we vor FOR YOU Pounds For Only For only $2.50 we will dry clean about 10 skirts or 12 dresses or 20 sweaters or 10 children's coats or men's slacks, or any combination of clothing weighin, re et ibs. Tremendous savings on drapes a jan We hand spot all your garments -- dry clean them in one of our new, modern, -stainiess steel dry cleaning Seen and return them to you on hangers in plastic ags. » IN OUR ULTRA-MODERN SPEED QUEEN COIN LAUNDRY WASH AND DRY UP TO 6 LOADS IN LESS THAN 1 HUUK Breeze through the biggest wash. Use all the machines you need, You will like our SPEED QUEEN top loading Automatic Washers, our big capacity fluff-dry Dryers and our Extractors which cut drying time in half. Try our big 25 lb, Washers for drapes, blankets and throw 'rugs. Always lots of hot soft water. WASH SINGLE LOAD 25¢ WASH 50g DRY ........ 10¢ EXTRACT ... 10¢ COIN LAUNDRY. is Open 24 Hrs. A DAY, 7 DAYS a WEEK DRY CLEANING HOURS: 9 A.M. TO 5P.M. DAILY COUPON This Coupon is worth 50¢ On any 2.50 Dry Cleaning Order, ee Why not call ROSS MILLS, local agent, and give fast, efficient cleaning service to them today... "It feels so good!" 'GIRLS' SCRUB DENIM CO-ORDINATES . Scrub denim jocket, Western yoke . Scrub denim jacket, Western yoke Coin 90¢ i; -| Za Gay Gay A! 5S ay ay ay . cee ee ee ST EAST MALL COIN "Free Pick-Up and Delivery" --="JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" --, "Over 80 Years Experience" Cleaning Co. effect. Three-quarter sleeves. ' . Scrub denim action skirt with two front patch pockets. GIRLS LOVE THAT WELL-MATCHED LOOK! ., 4,99 STRETCH NYLON CO-ORDINATES 5.99 A. Long-sleeve T-shirt. Pastels, 2 99 nevy, bUrgURO YE 5 cies os ce 1) ha git pe eee 3.99 B. A-line skirt, elastic waist. D. Scrub denim "bell bottoms" with eg \ Ne am 6.99 . : t is" . i reiredy tg ai ata leat NOE eee 4.99 » Scrub denim jumper with Western yoke effect, belted drop waist. Re Ve LAUNDRY CLEANING | CENTRE Next te Steinbergs For "BAKER SERVICE" -- call your local agent ROSS E. 'MILLS Co. Lid. 80 SIMCOE NORTH £. Scrub denim stovepipe slims with wide belt, . Bdiible-knit nvion /eotten stretch jumbo beltloops. . gataa ts A : slims, Burgundy, F y \. All ore machine washable, Blue shade, sizes 8 to 14, ' jana gr a" ZELLER'S DOWNTOWN SIMCOE STREET PHONE 728-6218 SHOPPING CENTRE ~ 4. '