"BURDEN ON AMERICANS In Big War, South Viets Falter By PETER ARNETT SAIGON (AP) -- The bigger wan 8 OH n..4h Wnt Raw sas Ween ask womens Vice sole eee, the more sluggish and retiring the South Vietnamese Army 'seems to become. F In terms of new fighting con- cepts and modern weapunry, the South Vietnamese Army has fallen behind the Viet Cong @ guerrillas. The burden of fight- ing the war has fallen more ard more on American shoulders. One of the aims when major contingents of U.S. forces were sent to South Viet Nam last year was to secure base areas so that the South Vietnamese Army could go out and fight the Viet Cong. The American troop presence was designed to give the South Vietnamese greater freedom of action, lessening their security duty. Now the reverse is true. American troops have taken over much of the real fighting, the South Vietnamese more guard duty. South Vietnamese casualties are taken mainly at the lowest level of the war, at hamlets and villages by the paramilitary forces who have struggled for years to control a village cart track or a water hole. DO NOT SHOW SURGE Casualties at this level have been consistently high for four years. They do not.reflect the great upsurge in the war in the last year. The American cas- ualties reflect this. More South Vietnamese troops EVIDENCE IN casuaLTEs Hostility 'Not As Glaring, CHICAGO (AP)--White spec- tators jeered and threw rocks, bottles and firecrackers as marches in support of open hald in Chicatn and suburbs Sunday despite a driving rain. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., whose Southern Christian Lead- ership Conference is sparking the protests, said, 'the demon- strations will continue." He said the heavy rain kept white hecklers away and "'the hostility was not as glaring as it might have been." However, the 500 marchers led by King were pelted as they walked in to the East Side neighborhood located at the ex- treme southeast of Chicago. A similar reception was given a group of 250 marchers at Ev- ergreen Park, a suburb south- west of Chicago. But a third march, into Chicago Heights, south of the city, drew few spec- tators and no demonstrations. |TWO INJURED Two of the marchers were in- jured at Evergreen Park when they arrived in a car and white youths smashed the windshield with rocks. Police said 20 hecklers were jarrested at the two marches, in- jcluding two white- men who |were clubbed to their knees by |police after refusing to obey or- |ders to clear the sidewalk. ! Also arrested were two men |representing anti - civil rights groups. Charged with attempts ling to speak without a permit |were Evan Lewis of Akron, |Ohio, who said he was a mem- SOAKING WET in a downpour of rain, Dr. Mar- tin Luther King, Jr., leads rights in' an _ all-white group of 500 civil marchers lice with rocks and bottles after a patrol car stopped a car and questioned the Negro driver about previous traffic violations. Officers arrested five persons Says King Of March In Rain southeast side Sunday. Sev- eral hundred policemen escorted the marchers. (AP Wirephoto) in housing." known Negro neighborhood on Chicago's« rights legislation. He added, "the same thing must happen James H. Meredith, the first| to attend the died in the months of February to July, 1965, than died in the corresponding months of 1966 according to the best figures available. The totals for the six months are 4,572 South Vietnamese dead in 1966, against 4,896 in the same months last year. There is no South Vietnamese casualty total available for January of| this year. American casualties are run ning almost one half as many killed, but more Americans are wounded. The lower death total may reflect faster medical aid lets whistle overhead. The First Division infantryman was with company leading helicopter - assault recently YOUNG GI RADIOMAN crouches against rice pad- dy dike as Viet Cong bul- week. This figure has hardly sue a far more aggressive com- iber of the national knights of |the Ku Klux Klan, and Rev Connie Lynvh of Waynoka | Okla., |\tional States Rights party. Earlier, George Jof about 1,500 persons. Meanwhile in Los Angeles in Viet Cong territory: west of Phu Loi about 15 miles *|nightstick and the other with his a member of the Na.| lashlight. Lincoln} |Rockwell, leader of the Amer-| jican Nazi party, spoke to a rally jabout 150 Negroes attacked po- northwest of Saigon. (AP Wirephoto) 'Jakarta Quits little interest in matching the Sunday after two policemen were clubbed--one with his own Negroes. |SIX ON TV In Washington, six Negroes prominent in civil rights affairs appeared on a special 90-min- ute version of the NBC radio- ,|television program Meet The Press. ere to fight in Viet Nam." Dr. King, who participated University of Mississippi, said ALARY i vigilantes should be organized| 5 RANGE--$4,348.00 to $4,943.00 (3614 hour week) to hunt down untried killers of Stokely Carmichael, chairman of the Student Non-Violent Co- ordinating Committee, renewed his attack on Viet Nam war pol- 5:00 p.m. August 26th, 1 icies and said, "I urge every| black man in this country not THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, August 22, 1966 3 RN Presidency For Gregoire VICTORIAVILLE, Que. (CP) Gilles Gregoire, Creditiste MP for Lapointe Sunday was elected president of the Ralliement Na- the firet known member of the House of Commons to support Quebec separatism. His election followed a speech Saturday in which he told dele- gates to the RN's annual meet- his term in the House of Com- mons it was "useless" trying to make English - speaking Cana- dians aware of the problems faced by Quebec. onal end Weeame 2: "I have one goal--to attain the economic and monetary in- dependence of Quebec, and I will work with all my might to get Quebec out of Confederation as soon as possible." With Real Caouette, Mr. Gre- goire is co-leader of the Credi- tiste Party. The RN was formed before the June 5 Quebec elec- tions as an alliance of Quebec Nationalists and provincia! Creditistes. Gregoire said he would not seek re-election to Parliament in the next federal election but would devote himself to leading 0d to -- = Quebec. RESERVE YOUR " Sunday, after his _election,| Mr. Gregoire told delegates he| ser thonee Bose had become convinced during] 723-4641 PLANNING A.*+. © BANQUET © CONVENTION © MEETING First Class Facilities For 20 to 400 Guests Quality Service Experienced Staff ADS COST MILLIONS | H The U.S. soap firm of Proc-| vip ter and Gamble spent $177,600,-| 000 on advertising in 1965, the world's most that year. CITY OF OSHAWA TRAFFIC CLERK No. 2 To set up and maintain street inventory records, process and record results and Traffic studies, assist in obtaining and maintaining Traffic data, pavement width, condition of road surface, structures, street lighting facilities, traffic control devices, accident records, by-laws pertaining to traffic and amendments to by-laws, 'Full High School, Required to have 1966 Chauffeur's Licence in good stonding. Apply in writing only oiving full personal data, education, ete, by | PERSONNEL OFFICER, City Hall, OSHAWA. Onterio, from a Chicago studio, said the Chicago marches have brought into the open "many latent hos- tilities already existing within CALL OR SEE JUST A FEW OF tactics of American units that stay afield as long as three months searching for the Viet) Cong and their supporters from} North Viet Nam. | All this worries varied forl8 months. bat role. American forces are averag-| Many U.S. officers believe ing 15 battalion-sized operations|that for the moment South Viet weekly, but the Americans are|Nam's total fighting force of taking half as many killed asjnearly 600,000 has reached its the South Vietnamese, and more|maximum capacity. They sug- wounded. |gest that these forces, drained|/who hope that U.S. troops can These statistics seem to in-|by years of war and interne-jeventually leave South Viet dicate that the Americans pur-|cine politics, are tired and show| Nam. response by U.S. units. There are few signs that the South Vietnamese army has im- proved to meet the high hopes of the U.S. advisory program that began in 1961. South Vietnamese armed forces launch an average of 80 battalion-sized operations every certain white groups in the north." He acknowledged that some} DIXON'S OR whites oppose having a Negro) F OIL FURNACES for a neighbor but said, '"'this} ' , if SERVING OSHAWA OVER does not mean that wé don't go} 50 YEARS all out to end housing discrim-} ination." 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. King noted that whites in the| 723-4663 'Crush' Project From AP-Reuters JAKARTA (CP) -- Indonesia| i officially disbanded its 'crush Americans | sralaysia command" today in a |new move aimed at securing |peace with its Asian neighbor. | A spokesman said the com- |mand would revert to the su- |preme command as it was be- |fore the confrontation began Threat Made.:2:'= | President Sukarno presided jover a meeting which also took nd od up new measures of seeking Against Life "speedy solutions' to the Ma- laysian issue, the spokesman said. The spokesman said the meet- P enne ling held detailed talks on settle- lment with Malaysia "in the VANCOUVER (CP)--A threat/|framework of the Manila agree- ainst the life of Premi y.|ment and in accordance" with) ry G. Bennett of vicithch sil the Bangkok accord signed here ORRAe Z last week. bia forced cancellation of his} The spokesman said internal | appearance Saturday in the an-|disturbances in Indonesia, such | 'ntial Pacific National Exhibition|@S Tiots between pro- and anti- parade through downtown Sukarno forces in Bandung last! streets. week, would not effect relations| THE FINE LISTINGS OFFERED BY CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST REAL ESTATE DEPT, south had opposed integration of lunch counters and motel s| but such segregation was) barred by passage of civili TROUD! NTI 7 ens st ten st teen TR Giant U.S. Air Bombers Strike From Guam Base SAIGON (AP)--For the sec-jfighting. Only small, scattered ond straight day, giant U.S. Air| patrol actions were reported to- Force B-52 bombers from Guam | day. quarters near the Cambodian struck Communist bases in| In the city of Gia Dinh, near;border 65 miles northwest of South Viet Nam today. |Saigon, a raider threw a gren-|Saigon, and a North Vietnamese One formation bombarded a\ade today at a military jeep,|troop concentration area two Viet Cong base 45 miles east of}and four U.S. servicemen were| miles south of the demilitarized Saigon. Another wave struck an}wounded, none seriously. A|zone between North and South enemy training and resupply | Vietnamese woman passerby; Viet Nam. camp 120 miles southwest of|also was wounded. The raider) FLEW 102 MISSIONS Saigon. | escaped. Other American pilots flew A lull continued in the ground| Sunday, B-52s also hit two|199 missions os North Vict [Viet Nam Sunday, hitting at} The premier; scheduled to| with Malaysia. : : S » C four missile sites around Hanoi,|!ead the parade in an open car,| Meanwhile, Indonesia's big-| triptease Clubs In Soho | = s | Raided In Third Man Hunt six oil storage depots and other|instead watched the parade|gest political party today | LONDON (AP) -- Armed po-|nus. he now lives in the north} enemy target areas -- & SsUS- pected Viet Cong division head- 54 SIMCOE NORTH 1 Don't Pass -- Buy! The outside of this 2 year old lovely 4 bedroom twe storey home just iaidle Beau Valley will take your fancy, Let us show you how attractive and roomy ® is inside. Oh yes, you'll find the price attractive toa, It must sell fost! Owner transferred, -- Tuesday and Wednesday Specials - STEAKS 65: 49: | Pot Roast 3 Ihs, ] 69: lb LEAN MINCED BEEF FRESH CUT, SHANK Boneless BEEF Asking $22,900 -- Near Thickson Road. 4 Bedroom, large split level. Only 3 years old. Spacious rooms. We'll be proud to show you this attractive home --- Priced to sell fast. targets. from the official viewing stand,|Pledged support for Sukarno Flyers reported they dam-| The assassination threat was|and warned it will fight any at- aged three of the four surface-|tclephoned to a newspaper and|tempt to oust him. to-air missile sites attacked. a radio station about one hour Navy pilots from the carrier|before the parade was due to} TOOK THE HINT Franklin D. Roosevelt struck vd je anonymous male! PLYMOUTH, England (CP)-- : ) , | rail yard just outside the city|caller said Bennett would be|}A sparrow which flew into a -- pong gn pe ag reege of Soho. detec-|°f Thanh Hoa in North Viet/shot as the parade was moving| Devon movie house evaded cap-| Yard's untiring search for! tives raided the apartments of Nami aed reported the ares. was, slong Hastings Breet. happen dig ery te aby pe Gace hebsce, te ey aanleanl cine Git dade Ar such| engulfed in flames and a thick] The premier later laughed off|a cartoon about Lucifer the cat aaa te ee inytis a ingenled © Aeaaar wath I grec s;column of black smoke rose to|the threat, saying he doesn't}was shown. The bird then left j o slay : avaliable upstairs. |8 000 feet as they departed worry about such things. lof its own accord. letectives. Again they drew a blank. | "They destroyed 10 railway |sccssssscseeee He Nude and near - nude girls) HAS THREE GUNS tank cars and two storage build.' scampered to dressing rooms as| Roberts, described by the) ings and cut rail lines in three! plainclothes policemen with re-|yard as "vicious and danger-| places a spokesman said HOUSES volvers in their belts Swept/ous," is known to have three! Air force planes hit a 'supply | through four basement clubs in) guns and plenty of ammunition.| area at Dong Hoi on the coast! in the vice - ridden Soho dis-|Members of the public havel about 50 miles north of the de-| trict. | been warned repeatedly against! militarized zone. Pilots said Y or RENT Scotland Yard--now in the/tangling with him. they saw four large secondary 10th day of a massive manhunt) Two other men -- John Duddy explosions, an indication that|| LARGE FIRM TRANSFERRING PERSONNEL FROM for the scar-faced Roberts--or-|and John Edward Witney--al-| ammunition or fuel stores had i dered the raids after a girl tele-\ready are behind bars charged) been hit. QUEBEC AND NORTHERN ONTARIO. Desire 3 phoned this tip: _ {with murdering the three detec-| Weekend raids on the north} 99d 4 bedroom homes in this area; immediate pos- "Roberts is hiding out in/tives who were shot down in|cost one U.S, plane. An air force|] SeSSion or 30 days. Cash payment arranged. rooms in Soho and is mingling| mid-afternoon in a quiet subur-/RF-4C Phantom photographic! with audiences at the late night) ban street. reconnaissance plane was. shot Call 723-7463 H. KEITH LTD. strip shows." The cold - blooded crime hor- k i y g Hundreds of men watching rified the nation and: brought i Syeda! Bex s the shows were checked and/ swelling demands for the return) rescued by a navy helicopter pacer earner questioned, but no trace was of capital punishment, at least/but the other was listed as found of the 30 - year - old fu-|for police murders. Britain's| missing. ' : gitive. The identity of the girl) bobbies are normally unarmed.) It was the 343rd U.S. plane re- caller was kept secret by Scot-/ More than 400 alarm calls| ported lost over North Viet Nam land Yard, but a spokesman) were received by police Sunday| since the air war over the north | said her information was taken|from people who thought they) began two years ago . very seriouslyg."" had seen Roberts in various |------H------ Roberts' estranged wife is aj parts of the country. | } professional stripper who per-| Every lead was checked,| BUSINESS MEN'S forms as Mitzi the Pocket Ve- without result. One fruitless tip LUNCHEONS Pee sent detectives swarming over Ras RELY SS ear a STUDENTS STUDY ON the Norwegian freighter Ta- VANCOUVER (CP)--Qne Ca-| "anger, which was about to nadian university student in 19|!eave London docks with 400 becomes a professor, found automobiles for Canada. V.L.A. Opportunity Attractively landscaped home, implement shed with office, pump system from 2 acre pond on 10 acres of new dwarf orchard land. this is a rare opportunity for fine living and extra income from orchard. LAMBS' TALES BY MURRAY JOHNSTON A "BAHAMAS ROOM" INSTALLATION by Nash Aluminum -- Oshawa Like most lambs' tails, this tale is very short and to the point. We just want to invite you to see our lovely window display of FINE FALL 9Se -- 1.35 SWEATERS - - very tasteful arranged with a Good Food DOWNTOWN . LOCATION Prof. Reginald A. H. Robson of the University of British Colum- bia in a sociology study. He said future professors tend to FULLY LICENSED PARKING REAR OF HOTEL HOTEL LANCASTER 27 KING ST. W. Passengers at all airports and harbors were under -constant watch by policemen determined to stop Roberts getting out of few lovely old antiques - - just to let you know that we love the old things as well as the new. Bungalow Bargain You wouldn't believe you can buy a NEW 6 room ° home 7with gorgeous kitchen, corlon in kitchen and i Ringe ath, Seal the. country. bath and attached garage built by Walter Schieiss -- -- for only $18,500. Truly a bargain in attractive new Bowmanville Subdivision. Only one so act fast. FOR DETAILS--CALL be the cream of the academic crop but 60 per cent of all stu- dents consider entering the teaching profession at one time or another. Continental French Buffet y die eon» Priced from 16.95 to 40.00 Deo AL ALL CHARLES CHAYTOR .. 723-7996 Hsu RECOMMENDED Mi ur ray John st on RALPH SCHOFIELD 728-3376 The Rik Room yh «ss osHaway Limited CENTRAL ONTARIO' TRUST EIGHT "NORTH Will Be Closed Sundays For The Summer pepe rue Served Daily 11:30 - 2 p.m. -- 5 to 8 p.m. RALPH SCHOFIELD 729-4917 GENOSHA HOTEL Good Names To Remember When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker -- President Bill McFeeters -- Vice Pres. SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 For more details come in or phone and our representative will call on you Al als ow ) ALUMINUM |) Sirs OSHAWA FREE PARKING PHONE 728-1633 Supervisor -- Real Estate Dept. 19 Simcoe N. Oshawa 723-5221 95 ATHOL ST. EAST