THE OSIIAWA TIMES, Agriculture To Coi.imercial Saturdey, August 20, 1966 § ment lucidly outlines certain aspects, that from Consolidated Sand and Gravel the township receives quite a bit in taxes, and yet there are places af- 'Civic Reception WHITBY -- AJAX } For Beverly Township By BEVERLEY BOYS Pickering Township Council is preparing a civic reception and presentation to honor Bev- erley Boys, winner of the bronze medal for diving at the British Empire games, "as ex- peditiously as possible." Reeve C. W. Laycox, Deputy Reeve Mrs. J. McPherson, and Ward 2 Councillor Donald Beer were named as _ committee members at a council meeting on Tuesday night. The reeve said that he "irked when they pulled sandy on Beverley after had already won." (It was agreed at the B.E. Games that the first competition in diving be called off because of the wind.) The committee has yet to decide what the presentation will be but "medals are out." "She has a basement full of them now," said the Reeve. Staff Increase was that she _ Reeve C. W. Laycox made a plea to council on Tuesday night on this behalf, stating that he had requested a pro- ject from the department but that under heavy duties, it would take a month to be com- pleted. Mr. Laycox cited figures on increased applications, meet- ings, and reports. He said that the personnel of the depart- ment who are not paid for overtime worked a total of 21 days overtime this year, and 136 staff reports were pre- pared. The senior. secretary in the) department, Mrs. Cheryl Pearse, will be transferred into technician duties. | Bridge Fence The Canadian National Rail- way will build a fence along its| property at the Rouge River Bridge, as far to the east and to the west as deemed neces- sary, with the exception of the Rosebank crossing. | The recent death of a child] who fell from the bridge| created a storm of controver-| sies, Reeve Laycox said at a} Tuesday night Council meeting, | and that, together with protests from the West Rouge rate-| payers,, has incited action in an attempt to keep children off the bridge. Hole To Go The Rouge River swimming hole at Graham's Park where several drownings have oc- curred will be filled in by the Department of Highways. The Coroner, Ontario Water Resources Commission, | Con- servation Authority, and Pickering Police Department, | met with the Department ofj|Councillor John Williams Highways, with the result that|corded his protest against One of the prime objec- tives of Club Caribbean of Oshawa -- recently organ- ized by the city's West Indian population--is to give assistance to community a CARIBBEAN CLUB projects, such as the cam- paign to raise funds for the Civic Auditorium Cen- tennial complex. President Fred Upshaw of the club (seated) presents a cheque Councilior Quits Meeting Protesting Subdivision Plan | After Pickering Township|by council last year, and ap-| Councillor Donald Beer said) ctudieq further by the Public re-|proval has been received by|it was just filling in on vacant|Utilities Committee. lthe Minister of Municipal' Af- lfdirs. The hold-up is an agree- BOLSTERS CENTENNIAL FUN Eric Michelin, treasurer; and Harold Norville, secre- tary. The Caribbean Club will play Ajax Sunday after- noon in a cricket match on the latter's home ground. --Oshawa Times Photo for $125 to Chairman Ter- ence V. Kelly of the Cen- tennial fund committee while three other club ex- ecutives look on, They are, left to right: Don Pringle, chairman of social events; Pickering Township Planning Board will recommend a change in zoning irom Agti- cultural to Commercial on the south-east corner of Brock Rd. and Highway 2 -- across the highway from the new munici- pal building. K. H. J. Clarke, of Port Manor on the north-west cor- ner, owner of the subject prop- erty and former owner of the municipal building site, said this application was for a change in zoning in keeping with the area, He said that the parcel would likely be used for a service station and res- taurant. Present buildings on the sub- ject property are destined for removal because of the new widening and _ realignment along the east side of the Brock Rd. by the Department of Highways. CONDITIONS C. W. Laycox said that the proposed commercial use would compliment the corner, and that the new municipal building would ultimately be on one of four good corners. Conditions of approval in- clude no outside storage, that future development be subject to site plan approval, and that land not occupied by buildings be seeded or sodded and maintained. PLANNING County Assessment Commis- sioner Gordon Hepditch ex- plained the system of assess- ing gravel pits to the Pickering Township Planning Board last week, but said that he did not think assessment should be a weapon for planning. "The "s function is Both Mrs. McPherson and Councillor Spang said that they had not approved the Bay Ridges development originally in 1959, but since this was in- filling, to approve this plan was the only thing they could do. Mr. Williams thought that a 'proposed agreement should be land -- that there was nothing! "If this is the way you are to measure the worth of the community," said the Com- missioner. 'The Assessment Act requires that you assess according to present use. It doesn't matter what the zoning may be." This was in reply to a ques- tion by C. W. Laycox that if operators own a lot of land under Agricultural zoning would there be an increase in assessment because of the "A" zoning. Change In Zoning Advised decision set by the late Judge Pritchard to assess gravel pit operaiors according io vaiue is not equitable. "TI believe the law should be changed s0 we can assess on the amount of material taken out," he said, "I think this would give a better taxing structure. When Mr. Laycox said that he believed the board had in- vited Mr. Hepditch to come on a wild goose chase, Chairman John Irwin said this: "It is very important that your planning board be intelli- gent when dealing with prop- erties. We have an application before us which, according to reports, is an operational pit, and will cause considerable annoyance to householders." Hepditch said that assess- fected by the nuisance factor. LACK OF PLAN "T feel that assessment should not be used in place of planning," he said, "I feel that Pickering Township 4s. suffsr. ing from lack of planning af- fecting some areas." Mrs. Jean McPherson re- ported that the township had just lost a desirable homeowner becaiise of a gravel pit, and asked if gravel pit operators would ever give sufficient re- turn to justify the destruction of roads. 'We have enough of them now," she said. "The economy of the south part of Ontario would grind to a halt without gravel pits;" commented Mr. Laycox. INVENTED GUNS Experts believe the earliest guns were constructed by the German Berthold Schwarz in 1313. WH 11:00 Other Services SUNDAY SERVICES 314 DOVEDALE DRIVE, WHITBY Sunday School -- Classes for all ages. For more information phone: 725-9243 or 668-4576 A.M. As Announced SAVE $ $ ON AUTO INSURANCE If you are an Abstainer you save up to $22.00 on your auto insurance. "JOHN RIEGER The planning technician re-| this nagging problem of whose| resolution to approve a quired at the beginning of the|Tesponsibility it was to repair year did not materialize, but|the dangerous condition was | sub-|ment between the township and division plan in Bay Ridges by/the developer. Consolidated Building Corpera-| "The Public Utilities Com- Pickering Township Council has agreed to engage another clerk- typist for the planning depart- ment. \finally solved. | There will be no cost to |Pickering Township nor to the} 'owner of Graham's Park. tion, he walked out of a coun- cil meeting on Tuesday night. "I may as well pack up and |leave now," he said. BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE | The plan of subdivision for |50 single-family dwellings and jfour semi-detached houses (8 Driving, Assault Charges Net Seven-Month Term | An Ajax man was sentenced in Oshawa court Friday to a total of seven months on char- ges of driving under suspenstion and common assault. Richard McInnes, 23, last| week pleaded not guilty to as- sault and guilty to driving while suspended. He spent the intervening time in jail await- ing sentence. Assistant crown attorney Ed- lunits) has been before planning board and council for three and one-half months, and S. Rumm, of Consolidated Building Cor- poration said that the delay in a decision had cost the com- pany from fifty to sixty thou- P {sand dollars. face and struck and kicked) 'This is the last subdivision -- as bm was being taken | plan of C.B.C., except pro- nto custody. \posed apartments, and will CHARGE DISMISSED }complete the 3,100 units in the A charge of being impaired|Bay Ridges area provided for in the care and control of his |in the original agreement. vehicle was dismissed against) Clifford Hopkins, 41, RR 2 Osh-| - : -- - awa. {McInroy's for six months be- Hopkins pleaded not guilty, |cause he had caused damage Police testified they found|t0 another car. Draft plans were approved'liams replied. | Judge Fred W. mittee has not had time in 3% |months to go into this matter," said Mr. Rumm, "It isn't fair. Any more delay and I feel we have no alternative but to ask \for some redress," "I don't need Mr, Rumm jcoming up here every other |council meeting telling me how to run the business of this township," said Councillor Wil- liams, "I am not going to sup- port any agreement that is pushed through here tonight." "Can you give me any ex- planation why it is being held jup by the Public Utilities Com- jmittee?" asked Deputy Reeve | Mrs. McPherson. "IT don't have to give you any explanation at all," Mr. Wil- DUKE SLATER DIES CHICAGO (AP) Circuit (Duke) Slater, Hopkins asleep slumped over yard piggion' told oe the wheel of his car with the eInnes had a substantial, /motor running. most serious' driving record. He said in three years Mc-|and went to sleep because he Innes had been convicted of/was tired from having driven armongge #1 eine. -- pied) his truck-driving job all day. ving, failing to remain at the|He said he had only drunk serge: : an accident and driv-'two-beers that eveninc. ng under suspenion. Hopkins was also fined $50 Magistrate Harry Jermyn sen-jor 10 days for having liquor. tenced McInnes to six months|«;ong RECORD' for driving under suspension) james Henry oj , - ' y, 47, 74 King d 0 jai - pl gs ig ly days|st W. Oshawa was jailed a to- s cgi : jtal of 60 days after pleading say bonnsssgendl cael guilty to wg gy in a pub- ! shaw ' lic place and to having wine. ced to 12 months definite and| Henry was unable to Say the six months indefinite after plea-| alternative. $100 fine. ding guilty to leaving a trial) Assistant crown attorney told pele dg a bag Fagd aboe ol Henry had a "long if gley, 3 1ren-| record'. fell St. was convicted on nine} Remarked the magistrate as Ore ee kn von lingglogah "You're s s no stranger here. vet awa while a pre - sentence report| and dry yourself out." . was prepared for the magistrate FIGHTING The sentence included a rec-| Two Oshawa men were con- ommendation that Badgley seek) victed for fighting in the street. psychiatric help. Arthur Madill, 495 Emerald CARELESS DRIVING Ave. was fined $25 or five days ve "ck wots ager. gg pay ny Donald Wilcox was fined m.p.h. }$50 or 14 days. chase through city streets was! Both pleaded guilty fined $100 or 15 days and bar-| Wilfred McDonald, 118 Div- a Poche es ay ae ision St. Oshawa was fined $100 é rey, amp-jor 30 days for buying a bottle vo ig guilty to careless) of liquor from an Oshawa ying bootlegger a a during the : McDonald pleaded guilty to fron. at 10 eam pace tigen hen af a rt a ol iia cea F gh ig _four| In separate cases of impaired v2 hts, an two stop signs. |driving, Roland Marceau, 310 " re Page also fined $25 or Richmond St. E. Oshawa and ays for having beer in his|Harold McInroy, 200 King St car W., Oshawa were fined $100 or Jacques Lecoste, 19, 639 How-|15 days. Both e ard St. Oshawa was given a al oo 12-month suspended sentence after pleading theft. Marceau's licence was sus- guilty to auto|pended for three months and Charges of failing to comply|§7, a member of the National with the Unemployment Act) Football Hall of Fame, died |were dismissed against Norman|sunday night of stomach can- Hopkins said he pulled over|0'Leary, 17 Bond St. E. Osh- | cer, An outstanding tackle dur-| jawa. _. ling his college days at Iowa, O'Leary pleaded not guiltv.! slater played pro ball from 1922 The magistrate said though/tg 19329 with Rock Island, TIl., the charges were "technically|{ndependents before being correct" he wasn't "'impressed"' | traded to Chicago Cardinals. with them. MEN Ce Ca Se ERNE is caaie A charge of assault causing |days in absentia on three counts bodily harm against Morris|of failing to pay sales tax. lnew to be considered, and he|80ing to develop subdivisions," would like to see it concluded. Reeve Laycox read a petition signed by an estimated 75 Bay |Riages residents. objecting to the housing. | Mr. Rumm said the petition }was utter nonsense. The lowest |\priced house would be nineteen |to twenty thousand dollars. "To say this would be a detriment to the area is carry- ing things to an extreme," he said. LONDON PRESENTS Ree A Flavoured Wine "SERVE COLD ON THE ROCKS OR WITH YOUR FAVOURITE MIX" LONDON WINERY LTD LONDON, ONTARIO. CANADA Garner, 501 Colborne St. E. | pleaded guilty to the i charge. | Two Oshawa brothers, Dur- |ward Tompkins, 17 and Vaugh- jan Tompkins, 18, both of 3344) Simcoe St, N. were remanded until September 23 for sentence after pleading guilty to con- suming liquor as minors. REV. DeLOSS M SUNDAY FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 Brock Street N . SCOTT, Minister SERVICES The. magistrate remanded them for sentence after hear- ling a plea from their employer. Both have previous liquor rec- ords. Martin Cannon, 20, 74 Byng Ave., Oshawa was fined $50 or 10 days after pleading guilty to minor consuming. | Ross Latimer of Oshawa was jfined a total of $30 or nine Created To /@TR\ Individual ES, Requirements 9:15 A.M. 1350 ON 11:00 A.M. MORNING THE PASTOR | | 7:00 P.M. THE PASTOR WEDNESDAY PRAYER, PRAISE "Tnere's Always a "FAITH TIDINGS" EVENING GOSPEL SERVICE Radio Broadcast YOUR DIAL 9:45 A.M. OUR BIBLE SCHOOL TEACHING THE BIBLE AS "'THE INSPIRED WORD OF GOD" WORSHIP and PRAISE WILL PREACH WILL PREACH EVE., 8:00 P.M. and BIBLE STUDY Welcome at Faith" WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West ot Centre) Rev. John. McLeod Orgonist Mrs. W. E, Summers, A.T.C.M, STAFFORD BROS, LTD. MONUMENTS 668-3552 318 DUNDAS EAST Minister: -- ae 11:00 A.M.--Morning Worship Magistrate Jermyn said the 'erms of the sentence were} to include returning to his home | in Lachine, Quebec. Two other charges -- of dan- gerous driving and of driving under suspension -- were with- drawn by the crown. POLICE ATTACKED A Rama, Ont. youth was re- manded two weeks in custody | for sentence after pleading| guilty to assaulting a police) Officer. | Police testified Gregory Shil-| ling struck an officer on the} FOR RENT Main Street -- Downtown Whitby. Large Storage Shed 30 ft. x 21 ft. with lights and water. Suitable for Business or Storage. REASONABLE RENT. PHONE 725-8961 WHITBY Last Com Begins 6:55 "ROAR OF T BROCK Evening Programs at 6 & 8:45 GakNeR POITIER as, Also -- Second Feature Attraction In Color BEGINS 8: STARRING HOWARD DUFF, 7:00 P.M. Gospel Service Guest Preacher . . Rev, Walter Fleischer, Uxbridge, Ont 9:45 A.M.--Bible School Bible Study and Prayer Wed. at 7:30 P.M. | plete Show at... 8:45 JaMeS_ -- SiDNeY UNITED CHURCH Centre & Colborne Sts. Rev. J. M. Smith, B.A., B.D. Miss tla Newton, Deaconess Mrs, J. L. Beaton, A.R.C.T, 11:00 A.M, -- MORNING WORSHIP Children six years and under cared for during service. Older children worship with parents ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron at St. John Whitby Rev. W. J. S. McClure, B.A, Mrs. P. N. Spratt, Organist tm RALPH NELSON'S Due. Ar. DiaBLo UNITED ARTISTS and 9:50 11:00 AM.-- DIVINE WORSHIP EVERYONE WELCOME HE CROWD" EMMANUEL REFORMED 403 Rossland Road West Rev. Harold Hesselink 10:30 A.M. ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL Every 2nd and 4th Sundays DUTCH SERVICE at 2. P.M, 50 HELENE STANLEY Junior Congregation c Nursery Care | 7 P.M ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED §/ the said, "You have no need for a public utilities committee GRAVEL PIT Member Ross Deakin was of 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA lat all." | Councillors John Campbell jand Ronald Chatten are still on vacation. The meeting car- ried on with only four mem- |bers present, the opinion that if an operator owned 100 acres, even if a small portion was in operation, that the whole parcel should be zoned "Quarry." Mr. Hepditch believes that a DIAL lig 728-7567 Guestimating an audience for your advertising 2 Not if your adis ina daily newspaper / uesswork just isn't good enough when your advertising must build sales, Whether yours is a budget in hundreds or thousands of dollars, it's important to you and it should be thoughtfully and efficiently spent, No one would think of taking just anybody's word for the condition of a bank's books. No sir! Special examiners must audit the books and detail the condition to a mathematical certainty. It's the same with a daily newspaper's audience of readers. The advertiser-con- trolled A.B.C. audits our books every year so that advertisers may know exactly the size of: the audience, where it is, and a lot more. If you agree that facts about your advertis- ing medium should be exchanged for your dollars, then ask for a copy of our latest A.B.C. report. It'll be an eye-opener, he Oshawa Zimes A MEMBER OF ABC