2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, August 20, 1966 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Hellyers Man Denies ory LD ve i OTTAWA (CP)--Bill Lee, ex ecutive assistant to Defenc Minister Hellyer, denied .in a interview Friday night a clain by former Conservative defence minister Douglas Harkness that the defence department plans to use service pay revisions to sneak a major step in unifica- cc _ e tes 2 CLEE™D Tells Of Agreement BONN (AP)--Defence Minis- ter Kai Uwe von Hassel of West Germany returned home froma five-day visit to Canada today CLloiive tabbing death of her husband, ;ealthy Houston millionaire acques Mossler. '4 tion of the services past Par- | liament. In a letter to Prime Minister | Pearson dated Aug. 11 and re- leased Friday; Mr. Harkness said he has learned Canadian ; Forces Headquarters sent a message mands outlining the introduc- tion of a unified trades strug ture for the three services. This would be done, the letter said, when the normal pay re- vision is made in the fall. It recently | to all com- | added that Mr. Hellyer likely , would argue that the new struc- ture for trades employees must be put into effect to enable the pay. raises to be made. Mr. Lee said the number of trades in the services will be reduced considerably as part of the integration of the forces-- already approved by Parlia- ment--not as part of the unifi- cation process which still must be approved. Radio Pioneer Dies COBOURG, Ont. (CP)--Fun- eral services 'will be held today for Sutherland Williamson, 80, a pioneer in radio development, who died Thursday. Born in Glasgow, Mr. Wil- liamson came to Canada in 1911 and spent most of his life in Montreal. He was known for his work on the coherer, an early) form of radio apparatus. | He was the father of Donald} B. Williamson, owner of Co-| bourg radio station CHUC. Replaces Garland | MEXICO CITY (AP)--A case) of laryngitis has forced Judy! Garland to cancel the remainder of a two-week nightclub singing engagement in Mexico City. A spokesman for the nightclub said Betty Hutton would replace Miss Garland, who was being paid $25,000 a week. Kills 11] BOGOTA (Reuters) -- Eleven members of an army patrol were killed and 13 were wounded Friday when it was ambushed by bandits in south- west Colombia. Star Faces Trial LUCCA, Italy (Reuters) -- Movie star William Holden will go on trial here in January on charges of manslaughter follow- ing a fatal car accident near here last month, legal sources said Saturday. An Italian busi- nessman, Giorgio Novelli, was killed when his small Fiat and Holden's Ferrari collided July} 26. It Was Lethal BRISBANE, Australia (Reut- ers) --A farmer in North Queensland drove 10 miles to an |pends on a "positive approach and told reporters he and his Canadian colleague, Paui Heli- yer, had reached agreement on all points concerning the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. DOUGLAS HARKNESS Crash Kills Four BRAMPTON (CP)--Four per- sons were killed and two others critically injured Friday night in a car-truck collision on a side road nine miles northeast of here. Dead are Roy Henry Matson, 47, of Tottenham, Ont., Mrs. Ethel Walton, 72, of Palgrave, Ont., Mrs. Diana Bradley, an expectant mother, also of Tot- tenham, and William Earl Bran- don, 68, driver of the truck, of Coldwater, Ont. In critical condition in hos- pital are Mrs, Doris Matson, wife of the driver of the car, and Mrs. Bradley's husband Murray. Wheat Sale Bid CHATHAM (CP) -- Executive members of the Ontario Wheat producer's Marketing Board met Thursday with a delegation of wheat buyers from Russia to discuss possible sale of Ontario soft wheat to that country, the board announced Friday. | It is the first direct negotia- tions between the board and Russian buyers. Samples of Ontario wheat are being sent to Moscow for study and further negotiations are ex- pected, the board said. The Jast sale of Ontario soft winter wheat to Russia was in August, 1963, when 1,800,000 bushels were sold. YLs Addressed GENEVA PARK, Ont. (CP)-- Foreign investment need pose no threat to economic indepen- dence if it is borne into Canada with "'enlightened self-interest," External Affairs Minister Mar- tin said today. He said Canada must be pros- perous to carry out such inter- national roles as peacekeeping and external aid. Prosperity de- | | Von Hassel said they specific-| ally agreed that NATO's defence| readiness must be maintained fully despite France's with-| drawal from the alliance's! military setup. He said this was the reason, for his offer to Canada to move) RCAF units now in France to} West Germany. The question now to be tackled was where and how to accom-| modate these units in the Bonn Republic. Walkout Rumored | SUDBURY (CP)--The United) | Steelworkers of America Friday) urged its Sudbury district mem-| |bers not to repeat the wildcat) walkout that paralyzed the In-| ternational Nickel Co. of Can-| ada mines for 23 days this sum- mer. The union statement came as Inco made final preparations | toward resuming full operations) Monday and as union and com-} pany negotiators continued bar-| gaining in Toronto. There were rumors that work-| ers were again preparing to walkout against union advice. | Homer Seguin, vice-president lof the union's Local 6500, said if the 16,000 members in the district stage a walkout, union} welfare benefits would be cui) off. | * . Warning Given OTTAWA (CP) -- Agriculture! Minister Greene said Friday night Canada's fibre will weakened if gains by labor "are to be based solely on greater and more effective use of power alone."' The country's greatest need is not "more and more for less and less" but rather national objectives, he told an opening day banquet at the Central Can- ada Exhibition. He-said he has found in recent travels that Canadians appear worried about the country's fu- ture, despite economic prosper- ity. Scholarship Won TORONTO (CP) -- John Wil- cox of Georgetown, Ont., Friday won the $25 elementary brass/ scholarship during the first day} of music competition at the) Canadian National Exhibition. The adjudicator, music! |teacher Martin Boundey of Lon-| do, .Ont., chose Wilcox for the prize in a separate competition after awarding him top mark| of 86 in the cornet contest for) 12 years of age and under. | as opposed to narrow, and pro- tectionist policies... ." Mr. Martin spoke to a conven- Second place winners in the} cornet, 12 and under class was| Robert Conti of Ancaster, Ont.) ambulance station to have a Six-|tion of the Ontario Young Lib-| with 85. LORD THOMPSON of Fleet pushes a button set- ting off a barrage of fire- works to open the 88th Publicity Fear Reprisals At Home SAIGON (AP) -- Many U.S. pilots flying missions over North Viet Nam are insisting that their names be: kept out of the newspapers. They, fear hostile telephone calls t6 relatives or reprisals if they are captured. | Military headquarters in Sai- gon abides by the pilot's wishes| in any news releases concern-| ing action over the north. | The most recent case was the| be| air force pilot who shot down a MiG-17 Thursday. His name} was withheld at his request. This policy dates back to the Korean conflict when many of the pilots fighting in MiG-Alley did so anonymously or under as- sumed names as far as news releases were concerned. in Korea the motives varied.| Many pilots did not want their} families to know they were in Press Peer Urges Ties With Common Market TORONTO (CP) -- Canada must try to form a-close trade relationship with the European Common Market preparing for the day when Britain joins, Lord Thomson of Fleet told 3,000 guests Shinta! opening of the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition Friday. The Canadian-born publisher also said the eventual diversion a a aucnuNg = wc arket In the near future buf the time is inevitably approach- ing." We List Anything ! We Sell Everything ! | For Assistance In Buying and Selling Dial 723-1168 Douglas J. M. Bullied REALTOR Premier Robarts told guests | that Lord Thomson had ac- quired his 115th-newspaper that! morning. | Asked which paper it was,| Lord Thomson later said: 'Oh, | I don't remember. As a matter | of fact T think if's 120 naners| we own now." | In his speech, Lord Thomson, 72, said: | "There is no possibility that Britain will be in the Common of surplus Canadian water sup- plies to the United States will cluded Premier Robarts Lord Thomson's Thomson, president of Thomson Newspapers Ltd. be an asset in future years. in- and a Guests on the platform son, Lord Thomson, honorary colo- nel of the Toronto Scottish Regi- ment, honor from the regiment and attended a luncheon prior to the opening ceremonies. inspected a guard of | John jnearby. Smithville drowned| | Thursday while swimming in} | Lake Eri right is Ontario Premier John Robarts. Canadian National Exhibi- tion in¢ Toronto Friday. Be- Boy Drowns In Lake Erie PORT COLBORNE, Ont. (CP) David DeJong, 7, of Now Is The Time To Order Your Winter Fuel n Premium Quality Save °FUEL OIL PHONE 668-3341 | DX FUEL OIL Serving Oshawa - Whitby - Ajax and District Big Sale on All NURSERY STOCK 29% -- 50% hind him is W, H. Evans, CNE president, and at the (CP Wirephoto) -Shy US. Pilots combat. Some simply opposed; Authorities in Saigon believe) publicity. Others did not want!/that many of the telephone calls! anything on record if they were! 4+ not the work of cranks but! taken prisoner. are usually an organized effort| MOTIVES SIMILAR _ |by Communists, fellow - travel- In Viet Nam the motives, in jers or others opposed to the! the order of their importance,| war in Viet Nam. are : Such calls have evoked bitter --Fear of telephone callers be-| sentiments from practically all] rating the airmen's families.|[ 5 pilots in Viet Nam, as well| --Fear of reprisals if they are' as; most servicemen here. | taken prisoner. --Dislike of publicity --Those who don't want their families to know they are in combat--such as pilots whose sab : : wives are expecting babies or OF Sey ey: | who have wives or relatives) The number of such flyers is who would be upset by this not known. However, it is a sig-| knowledge. nificant figure. The telephone calls and the war-prisoner aspects, however, are the overriding factors, i Hanoi's recent threats to try| downd pilots as war criminals was also a serious factor in the thinking of many pilots asking NELLIS' WEATHER FORECAST HOME IMPROVEMENTS 1 Little Change Foreseen issued at 5:30 a.m. Synopsis: Increasing cloud cover is expected over the| southwestern Great Lakes re-| gions Sunday. Temperatures) should be much the same as to- day's. Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Huron; Windsor, London: | Sunny with increasing cloudi- ness in the afternoon or eve-| foot snake wrapped around his/eraj Association. A partial text arm identified. It turned out to|or his speech was released to be a taipan, Australia's dead- the press in advance. , liest serpent. Reds Disunite seizure Protest | TORONTO (CP)--Murray J.| TOKYO (AP) -- The Japan \iaesier, counsel for a doctor| Communist party joined North|charged with performing an| on one in-| abortion, said in magistrate's| = POY Tom Stab ro ORed court Friday that his client is oa th iat Ane ii coe \being punished before trial be- jag), official organ of the JCP, | -ouse police have seized all his in a lengthy editorial, said "'in- medical equipment | dependence, equality and nonin-|" 4, Haesler said that without terference in -- affairs" |i. medical equipment Dr. Les- are necessary for the just de-lii. y Condor, 55. of Cooksville| velopment of international Com-|has been unable to continue his| munist movements, i medical practice ot ning. Not much change in tem-} hd perature. Winds light Jail For Spell Lake Ontario, Niagara, Ham-| BROCKVILLE (CP) -- Alanjilton, Toronto: Mostly sunny; MacDonald, 25, of Athens, Ont.,}and not much change in tem-| Friday asked for two years in|perature. Winds light. penitentiary on a car theft con-| ajgoma, Sault Ste. Marie,| viction, and magistrate John) Georgian Bay, Haliburton, Kil-| Deacon gave him 30 months. |jaloe, North Bay, Sudbury:| MacDonald had been sen-| Sunny with a few cloudy inter- tenced to six months in reform-|vals and not much change in atory when he asked for a jail/temperature. Winds light. term so he could learn a trade; White River, Timagami, Coch-| and "come out a better citi-|rane: Mostly sunny and no sci change in tempeature. Winds! Bus Lights Western James Bay: Variable cloudiness and continuing coo! Winds west 20 to 25. Ottawa: Sunny and cool with 25 Hurt | CLEVELAND, Tex. (AP)--At Jeast 25 persons were injured Friday night when a new sec- tion of a grandstand collapsed duringa stock car race at the Cleveland Speedway. No Vodka, Please MOSCOW (Reuters) -- Par- ents who smuggle vodka by par- cels to their soldier sons in hot-| water bottles were warned to- day they were undermining dis-| cipline in the Russian Army.; The army newspaper Red Star said this sometimes led to sol- diers committing civil crimes. Abductor Taken WINCHENDON, Mass. (AP) A gun-toting former mental pa-| tient was captured Friday with) the 13-year-old girl hostage he} took from her home Thursday at gunpoint. Steven H. Caouette, 18, and Marie Couture, both of Winchendon, were found near Fitzwilliam Depot, N.H. Police said Caouette surrendered with- out a fight Candy Sues HOUSTON, Tex. (AP)--Mrs. Candace Mossler, found not guilty with her nephew Melvin} Land Powers od murder charges Jast March, Friday filed an $83,- 000,000 libel suit against the Cur- tis Publishing Co., publisher of the Saturday Evening Post. The suit was filed against The Post for an article in its current Aug. 27 edition, The Trials of Candy and Mel. Mrs. Mossler was tried | Dr. Gondor is charged with] . | performing an abortion on a 19- Switch Ahead westerly 15 winds. year-old Barrie girl. | The hearing was adjourned to |Sept. 6 when the girl's boyfriend|man for the Ontario Depart- did not appear as a witness Fri-| day. IRELAND BANS SALE OF STONE DUBLIN (Reuters) -- Ire- land Thursday banned the sale of pieces of a ninth-cen- tury monastery to Americans at $5 a stone. ' The monastery is on tiny St. Patrick's Island, three miles out in the Irish Sea. It was bought recently for £20,000 pounds ($60,000) by English real estate agent Herbert Har- riet. \term in September. He planned to sell the stones TORONTO (CP)--A spokes- Forecast temperatures Low tonight High Sunday Windsor .......++- 52 78 St. Thomas ........ 52 76 48 76 4§ A() ment of Highways said Fridav'! that amber flashing lights on| the front of Ontario's 9,000 school buses will be changed to| London red before the start of the fall| Kitchener ; Mount Forest nite spokesman said that ef- hfe. "y0 |fective Sept. 1 cars approaching|22™ |stationary school cg tn the| Bi CREMATION 4 \front or rear will be required | Loronto \to stop while children get on or Peterborough joff or face fines of $50 for dhe | eee first offence, $100 for the sec-| jond and $200 for the third. PLANTING STICK | At present, only traffic to the} Forest tree seedlings, grow- |rear of the bus is required to|ing in plastic tubes, are plant- |stop while traffic approach'hg|ed on Crown lands in Ontario | the~bus is supposed to siow|with a_ spring-loaded device |down. that looks like a walking stick. } Bags I 3 3 ARAMA est fo Irish-Americans and hoped | to build an Northampton, the proceeds. The Irish government clared the monastery a na- tional monument and warned Harriet it would be illegal to in with orphanage England, alter, demolish or remove the ruins de- | POTTED ROSES Save time and buy potted roses. Start bet- ter, bloom freely, strong and healthier, all root pruned, easier to plant and they come in assorted varieties and colours. Buying or Selling! GUIDE REALTY LTD. @ LLOYD CORSON, President @ DICK YOUNG, Vice-Pres. @ LUCAS PEACOCK, Sec. Trees 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA PHONE 723-5281 in Miami, Fla., in the bludgeon- For All Your Gardening Needs See Rundle Garden Centre Lid. EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN 1015 KING E. 725-6553 and GENERAL REPAIRS @ Roofing @ Eavestroughing Killaloe @ Remodelling Muskoka North Bay ' "All Work Guaranteed" For Free Estimates Cali ,.. 728-2061 EATON 5s0sc in vces q Sault Ste. Marie ... Kapuskasing White River .. Moosonee ..+ss0++ Timmins .......... 38 TOWERS ANY HEIGHT TO 100 FT. ATTRACTIVE ADDITION ONLY TWO CLAMPS ON THE HOME EASILY MOVED "GFD" SPECIALLY DE- SIGNED FOR BEST COLOR TY. from 9" COMPLETELY INSTALLED Phone 728-9525 and let MISTER TOWERS Your Towers Specialist Give You Tops in Tower Reception Everything on Display ot 378 KING ST. WEST DISCOUNT NOW Oshawa Garden Service 1259 Simcoe St. N. Phone 723-1161 OPEN 9 A.M. 'til DARK | 728-6218 728-6218 ROSS E. MILLS 25 YEARS SELLING AND INSTALLING BROADLOOM, LINO: CORLON and TILE NEW ... NEW SEAMLESS EVER-GLOW NEVER WAX FLOORS Plastic Underlays To Level Concrete OSHAWA | | | | | 80 Simcoe N. 728-6218 WISE HOME OWNERS INSIST ON HYDRA-PREST SIDEWALK SLABS row... brooklin concrete products LTD. } "hydraulically pressed for maximum durability" © COMPLETE RAN ® SQUARE AND GE OF SIZES TRUE FOR EASY PLACING AND PROFESSIONAL RESULTS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY CHARCOAL YELLOW BROWN GREEN RED 655°3311 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY PHONE d0-ddl | | | | GET YOUR FREE BROCHURE ON PATIO DESIGNS TO-DAY! Install an automatic underground sprinkler system Act now to insure a better looking lawn this sum- mer... and save money! Moist O'Matic, Toro's new sprinkler system that works automatically while you sleep can now be installed in the average lawn. Completely underground sprinklers water your grass anytime you want ... any hour, any day, all completely automatic ! Covers any size area. Save labor, build a better lawn, add to the value of your home. Coverage dependent on yard shape. . ee L204 NEW POP-UP SPRIN- KLERS for smaller areas. Pop-up forwatere ing. pop-down auto- matically. | i SET IT, FORGET IT! Electric fe ol center St et NEW WAVE SPRIN- KLERS are: for larger areas; adjust to sprin- kle square or rectan- gular areas, Add-on design lets you install part of a system (or several systems) for any size yard. TORO ---- TORO. . famous for lawn mowers for over 50 years MOIST O'MATIC' LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM PATENTS APPLIED FOR | | Phone for free literature or home demonstration, ROBERT ECKEL BROOKLIN PH, 655-4411 | | | |