LI'L ABNER 'MICKEY - MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES Wey | V Ulf YEH, BUT TLL NEEO THE THREE BUCKS ANY WAY, DAD WHEN I RUN OUT OF WITTY CONVERSATION, Hy wagniricent P SOS 9 STUDIOS WHERE BUILDING ITS SEEDIEST OCCUPANT ISTHE MYSTIC,SWAMI RIVA, oer WAS DIRECTIONS TO LEVITTOWN/? PEOPLE. DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT LEVITATION IS ANY MORE.£7 WELL, To BE REAL HONEST... Inc. 1966. World rights resceved. 'Syd @King DID YOU HEAR ME, GUYS? THAT WAS MY LAST MISSION! I'M STILL ALIVE!...QAB CHICO! tel ul BUZ SAWY:i.2 THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 TONTO, RIDE TO TOWW/ Skile IF THE TELEGRAPH ABOUT A REPAIRMAN 7------~ f MEANWHILE, AS Hi TRAIN STARTS EAST, WALTER ASHLEY MUSES» A BRIEFCASE CHAINED TO MY WRYST AND NOW /M LOCKING MY 'COMPARTMENT THE INSIOE | THOBE NAVY FOLKS BELIEVE IN. 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, August 20, 1966 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) North dealer. Both sides vulnerable. N 1 Opening lead -- three of spades. Let's say you have the East hand and your partner leads a spade against four hearts. De- clarer plays low from dummy and you win the spade with the king. What should you play next? The fact is that the proper return is the three of clubs, but very few players could bring themselves to make such an extraordinary play. A club re- turn seems positively suicidal, but it is nevertheless the right play to make. Note that if you return a club, declarer must go down, while if you make any other return, South makes the contract. You find the club return by eliminating the other possible returns. What you do is count declarer's likely winners from looking at dummy's hand and your own, and by reviewing the bidding that took place. This tells you that if you sit by and adopt a purely passive attitude, South is bound to make ten tricks -- consisting of two spades, five hearts, two diamonds and a club. To beat the contract you must attack, and your only real hope is to manufacture a club trick before the A-K of diamonds are forced out of your hand. True, HEAR THAT? THATS THE HA'NT Bones eee) ITS COM BuT 30 SOFT 30 AN? THE SHIPS ING 'FROM AND LOW..... FAD. 100 | ITS THE ANCIENT SONG THAT ACCOMPANIED THE TURNING OF THE GLASS ON OLD SPANISH SHIPS, this line of attack requires your TELEVISION LOG Channe! 11--Hamiltes Channel %--Toronto Channe} &--Rochester Channel 7--Buftale Channel 6--Toronte Channel 4--Butfalo Channel 3--Barrie Channs! 3--Buttaie cece steer a SATURDAY EVE, 5.00 P.M, 11-Flipper 7--ABC's Wide World of Sport 4--Movie 3-6--Canadian PGA 5.30 P.M, VW--Johnny Quest 6:00 P.M. 1l--Sports Special 9--Voyage 4--News, Weather, Sports 6:30 P.M, 7--Ozzie and Harriet 4--News 7:08 P.M, i--Polka Party &--News " 9--Jackie Gleason 7--Movie 4--Round Tabie 6--12 for Summer 2--Have Gun Will Travel 3--Beverly Hillbillies 7:30 P.M. 1--Dance Party 8-2--Flipper 6--Danger Man 4--Continental Showcase 3--Musical Showcase 8:00 P.M, $--Academy Pertormance 7--Conversation @2--! Dream of Jeannie | BLets Sing Ovt 4:30 P.M. 8-2--Get Smart 7--Lawrence Welk 6--Beverly Hillbillies 4--Secret Agent 3--Great Movies 9:00 PLM. 2--M 6--Movie 6--Movie 2:00 PLM N--Great Music 4--Face Is Familiar 7--Pro Football 10:00 P.M. jovie 9--Hollywood Palace WELL, I JUST FOUND OUT LITTLE LEROY ISN/T READY YET " TO START FEEDING HIMSELF." Uf] [Spoes CHEW ON BONES | | AND THAT KEEPS THEI 'TEETH POLISHED AND MAKE SENSE TO YOu, JULIE? { A BONE INSTEAD OF «NO! YOU CANNOT CHEW ON BRUSHING ! HE'S A REAL ODD ONE, AS FAR AS I CAN RECALL. WELL, THEY'VE GOT MONEY -- ANO_L'VE HEARD Eec\, OF THIS EMIL NS b 7/ EVE? I Like. SMART. A REAL SHREWDIE, THAT ONE! 10:30 P.M, 1l--Movie 3-12 for Summer 11:00 P.M, 3-6-9-2-4-8---News, Weather, Sports 11.15 PLM. 8--News 2--Movie 11:20 P.M. 8--Movie 4--Feasture Showcase 3--Movie 1140 PA %--Movie 11:48 P.M, &Movie 12:48 A.M, 7--Movie SUNDAY 7:00 A.M. W--En France 7:3 A.M. Wi--Camera On Canada 7--Herald of Truth 8:00 A.M. 11--Oral Roberts 6--SHHH! Children 7--Christopher Program 4--Word of Life 2--Agricuiture U.S.A, 8.30 A.M. Wi--Sacred Heart 7--Beany and Cecil 4--Comedy Capers Felix The Cat 0:45 A.M, N--Living World @--Clutch Cargo 9:30 A.M. Nieitalian Journal J=Pater Potamus 4--Uncle Jerry's Club 2--The Answer 10:00 A.M. Ni--Caraselio $--Faith For To-Day 7--Rocketship 7 4--Lamp Unto My Feet | Church invireties 10.15 AM. 2--Church Service 10:30 A.M. 9--Report @--This ts The Life 2-This is The Lite 4--Look Up and Live 100 A.M, l--Bible Stories 9--Meta 8&--Christopher Program 7--Bullwinkle Show 4--Camera Three 6--Recital 2--insight | 4--Movie 1:38 A.M, ii--Discussion 9--Pierre Berton 8--Social Security tn Action 7--Discovery '66 6--Du Cote de Quebec 4--Pattern For Living 2--Faith For To-Day 12:00 NOON 1i--Dialogue 9--Italian Album 8--Adventures in Para- dise 7--Battle Line 6--Music Hall 4--News, Weather 3--Hymn Book 2--Sum and Substance 12:18 P.M, 4--Congress { 12:38 P.M, 111--Spectrum | 7--Navy Film | 4--Face The Nation | 3--Heraid of Truth 2--Movie 1:00 PM. 11--Continental Miniature 9--Spectrum 8--Meet the Press 7--ABC Scope 6--Mr. Magoo 4--Amateur Hour 3--News | 1:38 PLM. ll--This Space Age 9--Face to Face 8--Movie 7--!ssues and Answers 6--Tennessee Tuxedo 4--Cameo Theatre | 3-Spectrum 2:00 P.M. Ni--Dance Party 9--Sports Special 7--First Name Only 3-6--British Empire Games 2:30 PLM. &--Battie Line 7--Movie 4--Sports Spectacular 3:00 P.M, 2--Doctors at Work 3:30 P.M. &--Civic Rights Dis- cussion 2--Movie 4:00 PMA. 9--Movie 7--Challenge 6-3--Time for Adventure 4~Powerboat Regatta 4:0 P.M, N--Tiny Talent Tine 7--CNE 5.00 P.M. 1--Movie 4--Film Feature 7--Donna Reed Show' 2-8--Viet Nam Review 63--Country Calendar 5,0 P.M. 9--Milton the Monster 7--Movie 6--20-20 3--Movie 4--A is for 2-6--Sportsman's Holiday 6:00 PLM. 9--Walt Disney Presents | 8--Frank McGee Report 6--Perry Mason 4--Twentieth Century 2--Buffalo Jamboree 6:30 PLM. li--Lost in Space 4--Hazel 8-2--Encore 7:00 P.M. 9--Vacation Playhouse 7--Voyage To The Bottom of the Sea | 6-3--Cine Club 4--Lassie 7:0 PM. 1i--Movie | 9--Avengers | &2--Disney's World of Color 6-3--Hazei | 4--My Favorite mmertion 8:0 2M, 7--Preview Tonight | 64-3--Ed Sullivan Show 4:90 P.M. 9--Peyton Place §-2--Branded 9:00 PLM, | 7--Movie S | 8-6-3-2--Bonanza | 4--Perry Mason 10:00 P.M. 11---The Saint | 9--Sports Hot Seat 8-2--Wackiest Ship | 4--Candid Camera 6-3--Compass 10:30 P.M. 9--Talent Showcase 4--What's My Line 3-6--Take 30 11:00 PLM. 2, 3, 6, 4, 8, 11, 9--News, Weather, Sports | 1.15 PLM, 1 11~Open Ming | 7--Movie ] 2--Johnny Carson 11:20 PLM, 11:25 P.Me Movie 11:38 PLM. §--Johnny Carson 6--Spread of the Eagle 11:40 PLM. 9--Virginien 1.45 P.M, 7--Movie 12:18 A.M. 1--Joe Carlo MONDAY 4.08 A.M, 6~--Captain Kangaroe 6.20 AM, 9--T.V. University 8:55 A.M. J--Dialing For Dollars, Girl Talk 9.00 A.M, li--Morning Musicale %--Romper Room 8--Quest for Adventure 4--Mike's Carnival 2--Bozo's Big Top 9.3% AM, 9--Uncle Bobby 8--~Smile Time 4--Love Of Life 2--Jack Lalanne 10.00 A.M, \i--Ed Allen Time 8-2--Eye Guess 4-1 Love Lucy | 10.38 A.M, 1i--Mark Sabre 9--Summer Fun 8-2--Concentration 7--Denna Reed 4--The McCoys 3--Time Out 11.00 A.M. li--Long John Silver Mr. and Mrs. 8-2--Chain Letter 7--Supermarket Sweep 3--Ed Allen Time 4--Andy Griffith 14:38 A.M, 1\--Buccaneers 9--Abracadabra 7--Dating Game 8-2 CROSSWORD 4, Calm 5. Lever 6. Not taut 7. Cicada 8. Smeli 9. Monster 10. Enclosures 18. Calif. fort 19. Vegetable of many uses 20, Exclamae tion 21. Girl's nickname 22, Golf term 24, Tattered cloth ACROSS 4 Seize 6. One-masted vessel 11. Wanderer 12. Cabin 13. Abrading material 14, Fruit of the oak Part of "to be" Heals Cozy corners Abaft Scene of Trojan War 27, Hint 15. 16. 20. 23. 2. Une lock: poet. 26. Your, [EI MDI EM Mi rustic [D/E/AILIEID MMPI! INS} style PERCE 29, African (eyams ta] ante- [O}L [OMMSINIAl ee, Bee 82.Stove aCeiisMTiAIS Yesterday's Answer Be @B200 on Ltt IRIAIS) 41, Russian river 42. Simple 43. Macaws 45. Uncooked 36. Egg holders 37. Seize 38. Anger 39. Ait 28, Excavate 2 > & {9 jlo Y Y 30. Mimic 31. Pay YY attention 33, Ancient Y, catapult $5. Abolish V7, 37, Dirt 40, Cougar 44, Grates 45. More 9 Y UY 23 me 1. infrequent 46. Metal tag Wy partner to have the ten of clubs and declarer to have three clubs, but that is the best chance you have under the circumstances. Of course, it is possible for your partner to have a double- ton diamond, in which case leading the A-K and another diamond would defeat the con- tract, but this distribution is very unlikely to exist. You have a better chance of find- ing South with three clubs than four diamonds, Besides, how can you expect to ever get your name in the papers by making such a pro- saic return as the king of dia- monds at trick two, when the sensational return of the three of clubs is bound to hit the headlines if {t turns out to be the only way to beat the cone tract? MANTLE HURT DETROIT (AP) -- Mickey Mantle will be sidelined for at least four days with a pulled left hamstring muscle, New York Yankees announced Tuesday. The slugging outfielder re-in- jured his leg while running out 47, South American a gr in Monday night's game against Detroit Tigers. fish 48. Malt WU -, beverages 49, Division LA 41 SALLY'S SALLIES of Great Britain DOWN 1, Flourished 2. "Eternal City" 3. Affirm 4--Dick Van Dyke 3--Ernie Lindell 12.00 NOON 1--Bonnie Prudden 9--Toronto Summertime 8-2--Jeopardy 7--Money Movie 3-6--Luncheon Date 4--News and Weather 12.18 P.M. 4--Speaker of the House 1l--Noon Time 12.3% P.M. 3-9--News, Weather, Sports 8-2--Swingin' Country 6=Search for Tomorrow 12.46 P.M, 9--Movie 12:48 P.M. 64--Guiding Light 1.06 P.M, 11--Theatre bag kt For Dollars Girt Talk 7--Ben Casey 3-6--Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers 2--Merv Griffin 1.30 P.M. 8--Let's Make A Deal &4--As The World Turns 3--Movie 2.00 P.M. $-2--Days of Our Lives 7--Newlywed Game 6--Culsine 4--Password 2.30 P.M. 9--People in Conflict $-2--The Doctors 7--A Time For Us 6--Coronation Street 4--Linkletter's Party 3.00 P.M. 9--Fractured Phrases 8-2--Another World 7--General Hospital 643--To Tell The Truth 3.25 P.M. 3-6--Bonnle Prudden 4--News 3% PLM. 1i--Funny Company 9--It's Your Move 8-2--You Don't Say 7--Super Club 4--Edge of Night 4:00 P.M, Ii Love Lucy &--Match Game 4--Secret Storm . 3-6--Sunshine Semester 2--Mike Douglas 4:30 PLM. | 1--Alvin 9--Movie 8--Huckleberry Hound 4--Movie YOUR HEALTH People who have had to be x-rayed numerous times. still write to me asking whether so much radiation is harmful. My answer is that radiation without a good reason should always be avoided, but that for diagnostic x-rays it is so brief that there should be no cause for alarm. Faster emulsions on the x-ray film now permit shorter expo- sures, and in the last decade another factor, has also been at work: The "image amplifier' or "image intensifier." This summer the original one of these was donated to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. A professor, Dr. W. Edward Chamberlain, started a crusade for such a device in a lecture in 1941. With a "light ampli- fier," x-rays would show more; when a fluoroscope was being used, doctors would not have to remain in the dark for a half hour in advance to adjust their eyes to see the very faint im- ages. The first image amplifier was announced in 1948 by a West- inghouse research team headed by Dr. John W. Coltman, and was first used medically in 1950. INTENSIFIED IMAGE Diagnostic X - Brief, No Alarm By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Rays velous step forward, but today some units increase the bright- ness by several thousand times. Much smaller amounts of radi- ation are needed for each pic- ture, and in many large hospi- tals motion pictures taken by X-ray are made when it is nec- essary to watch the movement of an organ rather than just taking a "still" picture. This is of vast importance in diagnosis of heart defects, studies of breathing, and other matters. Dr. Chamberlain predicted that when such a device came along it would be '"'second in, importance only to the discov- ery of x - rays themselves," which was not a bad forecast, yet it has now crept into daily use with so little fanfare that many people, it seems, aren't aware of its existence. Medically it not only reduces radiation and makes far better pictures, but is permitting us to find out some things about the human body that have been im- possible to ascertain before. It also is of tremendous use in astronomy and other endeav- ors in which images are very faint, but that's aside from the point, so far as medicine is concerned. Dear Dr. Molner: If children nine years old get about 10 hours sleep, is that enough?-- It intensified the image 250 to 500 times which was a mar- Cc. L. B. it's adequate for that age, SUPER TIP-TOP the saw chain with new top plate for super strength and performance CUTS MORE COSTS LESS" ust SABRE ACCESSORIES, TOO! "For exam 12.50 sapeee retail list [ive of pind Stee for Homelite XL ries 16°. Same price applies for either teguiar or safety chain. SABRE THE SAW CHAIN PEOPLE STAN"S Sharpening and Rentals 223 King St. W. 723-3224