Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Aug 1966, p. 13

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ee "GARDEN GUIDE August is the best time to divide and transplant garden Iris. When planting is delayed until fall, insufficient root 'grawth is made before winter with danger of being neavea by frost action. Breaking up of the large clumps of rizomes (underground stema) should be done every three or four years to assure healthy vigorous growth or when the plants be- come crowded. Carefully dig up the plants and separate the clumps into individual pieces. Discard the older, weakened central por- tions and replant only the young, vigorous outer portions. a well Use a sharp knife to limit the damage to the rhizomes. Divi- sion is the only method of|contend with when and well-drained soil. Diseases are more likely to occur if located in poorly drained or shady locations. Roots of trees and shrubs will rob them of nutrients: Although iris are not heavy feeders they perform better in prepared and fertile soil. The ground should be dug and at the same time a dress- ing of complete fertilizer, pre- ferably 'one relatively high in minerals such as 5-20-20 ap- THE TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK "g MEN cht The covered porch with pro- tected entrance gives this plied at the rate of two pounds per 100 square feet. This same fertilizer at application rate is recommended for existing clumps not to be divided. Leaf spot and bacterial soft rot are the major diseases to growing house a "western'" appear- ance. Front. entry is con- venient to all parts of the house. With a paved area in front of the living room, there would be ample space to park a car. Design is basic- ally Frame but has brick Stocks By GORDON GRANT Canadian Press Staff Writer The relentless stock market decline, now in its sixth month, accelerated this week in Canada as prices of key issues were driven sharply lower. The Toronto Stock Exchange industrial index, which shows investor sentiment, hit its high point of 175.60 in January, but since the second week: of Feb- ruary has been in a steep de- cline. It closed the week at 150.06, close to its lowest points jsince April, 1964. As Decline Continues THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, August 20, 1966 13" Hit New Low | 20 met TORONTO (CP)--Prices were again generally lower in a quiet week on the Canadian bond market. The Government of Canada bond market featured a new is- 'sue of $500,000,000 consisting of we atuvitiae + peace: 1, Loronio-pouminiun was Gi jtnres maturiti 2% to 57, Royal 1% to 68%, Im-|414-per-cent Oct. \for action on Canadian ex- 98.60 to yield 5.60 per cent; $250,000,000 534-per-cent Oct. 1, | perial Commerce 2 to 58 and | changes. |Nova Scotia 1% to 66. Nova Sco- The Dow Jones industrial|tia traded as high as 77 %ear-|1969, at 995% to yield 5.88 per average, which measures thejlier in the year and Imperial | cent; $75,000,000 5% - per - cent Big Board's health, closed Fri-|Commerce 70%, Sept. 1, 1992, at 97% to yield day at 804.62, its lowest level! Bell Telephone was off 1% to|5-94 per cent. jsince June 8, 1964. : |4834, down from its 1966 high| Current representative quotes | Other explanations included|of 61, Alcan Aluminium was|on the Government of Canada juncertainty about the interna- down 2 at 31, off from its high|long-term market show the 4%%- tional situation and general eco- of 46%. Moore Corp., the|per-cent Oct. 1, 1967, issue at nomic conditions, including tight world's largest business form|$98.25 bid and $98.35 asked. | money. maker, fell 44% to 76% and IBM,| Long - term provincials were In Toronto, banks have been|feq jargely by the Moore forms ; ; \battered with four of the five| sapeed 9 'to 361. ving about % of a point with ership from the New York stock) jmarket which sets the pattern propagating iris to obtain neW,|iris. Spray with Bordeux, fer- Ontario Hydro -6-per-cent identical plants. |bam or zineb before and after In planting, the rhizome or flowering. Bacterial soft rot is small clump of rhizomes should|the most destructive disease. be set just below the surface|The leaf base and rhizomes are of the ground so that it can bejattached and reduced to soft, completely covered. The spac-jrotten mass. All rotting parts of ing of clumps will vary with the|the rhizomes should be destroy- location and space available, but|ed. Cut affected parts back into in the flower border a distance|sound tissue, leave exposed to of two feet apart is recommend-|the sun for two days. Do not ed. plant back into the same soil. . Iris borders can cause consid- LOCATION AND SOIL : The tall, bearded iris of our vies eg ed The me gardens are dry-land plants|°2crPuars Naich in earls ; 5 vation |SPring and crawl up the iris and coats 8 Sunny location eaves and bore between the lleaf surfaces. Then they eat |\their way down the leaves to the rhizome and eat out the |centre. In August they enter the} soil to pupate. Cut out and de-| stroy any affected rhizomes.| |About the first of May, an| application of 5 per cent DDT} dust or water solution of 50 per cent DDT wetable powder) will serve as a preventative | measure. BEDROOM 4-4 x 10-8 Party hom may, con- HARMONY ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH 226 Harmony Rd. 5S. Pastor Wm. J. D. Lewis The Building Editor, Oshawe Times, Oshawe, Ontarie. C1 Enclosed please tind $1.00 tor which send me Book of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE". Mail requests 10¢ extra. (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawe Times). 10:00 A.M. BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M, "POWER TO LIVE BY HOME : Address .. WORKSHOP pores les cs au -- ~ DESK PATTERN FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE Starts Monday at 9:00 am. for all 4 to 12 yrs. You will be Welcome be: The Rev, Henry Fischer Pastor -- 725-2755 MASONIC TEMPLE BLDG. 100030. THE SERVICE COME WORSHIP WITH US! ZION CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 409 ADELAIDE AVE. EAST PASTOR: REV. D. N. HABERMEHL, B.A., M.Th. 10:00 A.M.-MORNING WORSHIP NURSERY. CARE PROVIDED 7:00 P.M. EVENING SERVICE Radic Ministry Chr. Ref. Church: each Sunday ot 9:15 &M. (Back Te God Hour), every other Sunday at 1] A.M. CKLB (churches in the area) ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH BAGOT AND CENTRE STS. The Reverend Canon F:,.G. Ongley, M.A.--Rector The Reverend R. G. Brooks $.Th.---Assistant veneer to the window sills, | The most popular explanation |listed on the Toronto Stock Ex- In papers, Great Lakes lost| July, 1988, issue at 97% bid and However, house could be for the decline is lack of lead-ichange touching 1966 lows. 2 at 24%, wathiret dipped 2 9734 asked, % built in all Frame or all to 25%, MacMillan, Bloedel 1° & Brick Veneer if so desired. s . to 25, Consolidated 1% to 36 and OFFER NFLD. ISSUE Complete instructions are as In ton | t one |B.C, Forests % to 21. | The municipal market was supplied with the blueprints. | | Autos were weak with Ford of/ More, active this week with a Ata oie oaiie fr! [canada off 6 to 16, General Mo-|NewtoundlandShy-per-cent 2% electric heating. Instructions Forces Up Interest Rates ngs -- 9 ge "*to year non-callable sinking fund are included. t ms debentures offered to yield 7.15 Standard Blueprints for this ss = ALSO TOOK LOSSES per cent. pes. ar tv for BY JACK LERLER wa, that sara of the AGieGe ues ag |The eof SIO Wi e firs . an 0. | if fe ' 3 . c 4 B ' ssey-Fer: | i < - additional sets. Blueprints |Squeeze on money tightened this}said the boost "threatens 4 fac ae Foads'" Bacco" Tat' tues eae was eoenees tn i lati | k without raising any great|push up the cost again for every if e he , f comply with the National |wee ng any 8 ue Y' Algoma Steel and Dofasco. the market. ry Building Code of Canada, and |outery from Washington. borrower. Base metals sagged as Inco,, The corporate market are obtainable by return mail. | There were three develop- Banks said their intention in fae Teter coiditkae tA Ge Le : ' ; the largest nickel producer inj|tinued to drift lower. (Ontario residents must remit |ments which made money more voicing the rate was to restrain|the world, lost 4% to 8714 and| : 5 per cent sales tax.) The |costly and difficult to borrow: | norrowing and thereby help the| Falconbridge dipped 5% to 8914 28s new SotoieEn Saat new 1966 Design Book en- | --Major banks increased the| e.onomy, Norand: ns a "9h 'a-jcent Oct. 1, 1967, Canada issue | titled '101 Selected Suburban | Prime interest rate to six per caia the increase ing at a ince ly to 50'was quoted at 98.25 bid and | and Country Homes designed | cent from 6% per cent. gi ade ha Te ee 98.35 asked. | for Canadians" price $1.00 | --Some banks boosted the the prime rate and brokers) Speculative activity was light.| Thursday's bill tend P loans added to investors' wor- , ursday's bill tender was tax free is now available at | interest on brokers' loans to| oe" a it the stock mark However, one bright spot was' slightly higher in yield with 91- this Newspaper Office (or | 6% per cent from six per tes and hurt the stock market, Quebec Mattagami which| day bi pap ce .( hict k to its lowest level in|; day bills up .02 to 5.09 per cent from the address below). This | cent. veatly two years [emped 26 to 85 cents on turn-jand 83-day bills up 1 per edition includes information | ~The. federal reserve board |"€@t'y two years. _ jover of more than 1,340,000 cent to 5.30. | on the Cost of Building in| raised the reserve require-| The federal reserve board's| shares. | Canada, Financing, Heating, | ments behind certificates of) action on reserve requirements | On Index, gold were down Insulation, Constructional De- | deposit to six per cent from followed a raise to five per cent)4.59 to 181.81, base metals 1.47 PRODUCE | tails, etc., plus many out- | five per cent. from four per cent in June. to 90.43, western oils 4.18 to 0 standing new Ranch, One and | The raise in the prime rate' The move affects time depos-/101.92 and the TSE index 5.61, 'ORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale half Storey, Split Level, Two |will chiefly affect businesses|its, other than regular savings|to 143.37. to retail carton eggs average Storey Colonial, and Duplex |needing money to expand andjaccount deposits, in excess of} Estimated volume 'for the weighted prices quoted by the Designs. Full details on how |modernize their plants. But) $5,000,000 at each member bank.|week--precise volume couldn't] aeniculture te rng as of to order Blueprints are also |eventually; as has been the case! Reserves are the portion of|be determined because the ex-|. 102%: A large 67.4; A medium included in this Book. in past increases, the effect/deposits banks must set aside|change's computer broke down|°!:>» A small 40.9. o Books From: Homo- jwill seep down to the apa in cash at their district federal|Friday--was 13,353,000 shares sn al gage to aor , " hiss eatin _....| graf Company of Canada, 40 jers, particularly buyers ofjreserve bank. These reserves\compared with 14,390,597 last/country stations fibre cases | QUEST ON vee clei sean olan Sua tase Jarvis Street, Toronto 1, On- jhouses and automobiles. \thus aren't available for lending | week. quoted by the Toronto Board of driveway recently while out on! it done by a plumber--although| tario. VOICES OPPOSITION by the banks. | In Montreal, industrials were | Trade from wholesale egg deal- Sunday afternoon drive, which|ddink it yourself will save you). == inc lata cea The board described the ac-|down 6.34 to 149.32, utilities 3.76/¢Ts: Extra-large 57-59; large 56- Sl iteea a y Sie The only voice raised in tion as designed "to exert alto 113.36, banks 2.27 to 11.89/57; miedium 54-55; small 32; B I liked very much. The surface) probably from $15 to $20. Washington against the increase fae | Hel i e139: C 34 seemed to be pebbled with 0 rass mw aSTABLON seas\ | tampering influence on bank is-|and papers 4.45 to 110.14. | 99; . stones of various colors. Where| DOOR SEAL STICKY suance of time certificates of| Industrial volume was 825,318! Butter prices: Agricultural | CORT i UESTION: The rubber seal deposit, and to apply some ad-/shares, up from 688,562 last|stabilization board tenderable |could I obtain instructions for; Q . | ; n | ---- ' | putting this kind of topping on around the refrigerator door has ditional restraint upon the ex-|week. Mine trading totalled 4,-|carlots: BUYING %? SCOR (oe arivewaa? -- Ss LAKES JAUNT | 5y THe canapian press 'pansion of bank credit to busi-|654,052, down from last week's|carlots: Buyi ng 40 score 59; P ED "|| "ANSWER: 'Inquire at yo | eeceme quite sticky. I haven't British Columbia Packers ness and other borrowers." -- '6,062,090. \buying 39 score 58; selling 59. : Ae mate Anais out | tried anything to unstick it, for AW on) U Nahar | Ltd., class A 37% cents; class local branch of the Portland OTTAWA (CP)--Northern Af : 2 ; A desk for homework is a| Cement Association. Or write to|fear of damaging the rubber. fairs Minister Laing leaves to-|B 50 cents, Sept. 15, record Sept. Lutheran Church | occa encouragement. to any Headquarters, 33 West Grand| ANSWER: If the rubber itself day for an eight-day 8,000-mile ee oe (Eastern Canada Synod) boy or girl. Mother and Dad Ave., Chicago. The association] isn't deteriorating, you should| 'our of the Arctic with a coterie 3 8 --e ; |has. many useful booklets onibe able to clean it off with of the country's top business | | would like a desk like this one| various concrete projects, all] mild soap suds or _ detergent. and scusonile Heaters, | arenoiaers too. Pattern 402 makes every|of them free for the asking. Why| Replacing the entire seal will) "ne iip_ | iroug oth the) step of the simple construc-|not go up and ask the home's|probably be necessary if this| Eastern and Waren Arctic will| Show No Panic tion clear for the home crafts-}owner the ae name? | attempt to clean isn't success-/concentate ve in gr _ . The de hair is made|Seems like the simplest ap-jful. As a fair-to-middling stop-/€Conomic development o} e| lwith pation sl, the lamp |Proach! | gap. you could run a strip of| North. Included are parts of the| y So Eppes ig Mg cn with Pattern 204; the initial| ; lplastic electrician's tape over|@esolate Arctic islands, the}, . fleas Relaedlat book ends with 401 Patterns | SPOTTY BASEMENT FLOOR | 1h6 seal and observe results. If) home of little more than Oh iter ig Sg ete au oo peg eae §| QUESTION: There have al-|j70 "Oo on hig ciabaey nt nine Shaan oronto, New York and Mont- are 50 cents' each or your , aU tiaen 'white 'spots' Gn any the motor doesn't run with gig see _ bow do f|real stock exchanges, a random choice of any three for $1.75. that edinor 1 thoaent 4 | more frequency than before,, John J, Deutsch, chairman o |survey of Ontario brokerage of- Address orders to Home| asement Moor. ug "| this will indicate the seal is still the Economic Council of Can-|'. 00 tiigay showed no evidence : aa |painted they would disappear.| oiocing efficiently. ada, and a dozen part-time s Fi ys Workshop Editor, Oshawa) : | Closing e ; of panic sellin Times: Odhawa: Datatid No such luck. The spots reap- : members of the council make|% Panic seuing. s, Oshawa, Ontario. --_| neared through the paint. What) SMOKING STAINS PROBLEM |up the main part of the travel-|, H. W. Kellington, manager of is the trouble? QUESTION: There are heavy|ling group. the Guelph office of Bongard, AUTO CAME LATE ANSWER: The concrete was|cigarette smokers in our fam-' Others to go are Louis Ras-|Leslie and Co. Ltd., said: Automobiles have been legal! not given the usual etching with) ily.-This results in windows con-|minsky, governor of the Bank| There's no panic selling. A lot ya general use in Bermuda only| an acid solution, so the free|stantly filmed, painted walls.!o¢ Canada, O.M. Solandt, chair-|f People are just wondering if since 1946. _|lime in the concrete keeps work-| woodwork, floors, curtains and/man of the Science Council of this is the day to buy or if they | ing to the surface. It's unfor-|drapes turn to dirty brown|Canada, A. H Zimmerman, | Should wait for another day. |tunate that you painted, because|color. Of course, no amount Of chairman of the Defence Re-| David Bryson of J. H. Crang |this lime-neutralizing treatment|dry cleaning or washing will|search Board, S. S. Reisman, |2"d Co. Ltd., Toronto, said sell- |only works on bare concrete. I} bring back the original color.:I| deputy minister of industry, and|!"8 had been under way since} really don't know of any way/have a small exhaust fan over|Claude Isbister, deputy minister| May and had not increased as to shortcut removing the paint) the stove and a double Puritron) of mines. the pace of the decline quick- so the etching treatment can be} going full blast, but these do| feonomic council members eed this week. see = | given. If any of our friends can| little good. Have you a solu-'qrawn from private industry) 4 broker at one of Toronto's |help us out, I'd be most grate-/ tion? who intend to go include Robert| !argest investment houses said: ful to hear about it! ANSWER: One answer jumps M. Fowler, president of the Ca-| ey like ig 1962 pice ee ' up immediately, but it wold nadian Pulp and Paper Associ-|{"e Kennedy assassination Bea eee ' j|not be welcomed either by the ation and Mazwell W. Macken-| Panic, when people were lining ' QUES the 'citchad A vet it] Smokers of the tobacco com-/zie, chairman of Chemcell Ltd.| UP to sell knocks loudly. Thie. has been|Panies. Only other suggestion is' While many of the party have) ~~ | setting sora lathly, RAL ean to increase the number and| visited Arctic points in the past, | ONTARIO LEADS lt do about it? 2a power of the fans, ventilate| purpose of the trip is to give! Since the first Canadian cen- 3 Th ee early and often, even if this in-/a first-hand look at the high) sus in 1871, Ontario has led all By ity idea ne eee ee gies ~~ of the fam- Arctic, inside the Arctic Circle.| other provinces in population. lage ine faucet may easily| healed cater eaileh -- -- - result if you don't have it re-)- WAVY FLOOR : moved and a new washer put) QUESTION: I would like to lin. Undoubtedly the seat (where put asphalt tiles on my base- the washer rests) is badly chew-| ment floor. But the concrete is K | # K| N ie eee ed up and Should be smoothed | not level. It seems quite wavy too. Kits for this repair are) with high and low spots. Is ---- there any way I can make it level? The ANSWER: Get a floor-level- ling compound from your hard- Back to the Bible Broadcast | ware store, lumber yard or dealer in masonry supplies Made expressly for °this pur- DAILY Men, to Sat. 9:30 - 10:00 a.m. SUNDAY, AUGUST 21st 9:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 A.M--MORNING PRAYER 7:00 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER pose. HOME WORKSHOP Nursery Facilities available ot the 11:00 a.m, Service THURSDAY, AUGUST 25 -- HOLY COMMUNION. -- 10 A.M ~ FREE METHODIST CHURCHES ROSSLAND ROAD -- 1042 Rossland Road W. East of Gerrard 725-1280 Old Fort Henry One of the most specta- cular sights to be wit- nessed in Ontario this summer is the red-coated Fort Henry Guard per- forming its 19th century foot and arms _ drill. Composed of Canadian university stu- dents, the Guard dazzles visitors to Old Fort Henry with its remarkable display, which has won fame both at home and abroad. Every Wednesday evening, through July and August, the Guard enacts its impressive "Retreat" ceremony. Old Fort Henry has been Kingston's most famous landmark since 1812. Restored in | 1938, it retains all the paraphernalia of a 19th century fortress, including field artillery in the parade square and muzzle- loading cannon atop the ramparts over- looking Lake Ontario. Fort Henry, open daily from May 14 through September 18, is located at the junction of highways 2 and 15, Kingston, Ontario. 170 miles of parks Along Ontario's shores stretches one of the most beautiful playground areas in North America. The 14 St. Lawrence Parks cater to almost every summer recrea- tion -- swimming at supervised sandy beaches, boating, fishing, picnicking, horseback riding and golf (at the new 18- hole Upper Canada golf course in Crysler Farm Battlefield Park). Parks are divided for day and overnight use. Facilities in- clude firewood, boat launching ramps, barbecues, electricity, fresh water and modern conveniences. While you're in the area, don't miss a visit to Upper Canada Village, seven miles east of Morrisburg on Highway 2. For further information, write the Public Relations Officer, The St. Lawrence Parks Commission, P.O. Box 340, Morrisburg, Ontario. THE ST. LAWRENCE PARKS COMMISSION MORRISBURG, ONTARIO Hon. John P. Robarts, Q.C., LL.D., Prime Minister of Ontario 1350 RADIO about being a little short of spend- ing money there's no excuse when all you have to do is gather up all your worthwhile articles around the house that you no longer use and call the Times classified ads department. For very little ,you may get on the spot cash from someone in the Oshawa and District who wants those items but can't afford brand new ones. So, quit kicking and do something about it... Call 723-3492 For The 'TIMES' acti CLASSIFIE Pastor -- Rev. R.H. James, 9:45 A.M. -- LIBRARY TIME 10:00 A.M. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. -- "THE SECURITY OF OUR LORD" Wed., 8 p.m r.) PATTERN 427 It's easy to use this reel | Just hang it on the side of the garage, slip the hose end in, whirl the clown, and the hose is drained and out of the way. Pattern. 427, which gives actual-size guides and shows jconstruction steps, is 50 cents. \It also is one of four full-size jpatterns in Packet No, 71-- |Novelties to Make the Neigh- bors Smile --all for' $1.75 Address orders to Home |Workshop Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario Prayer and Praise SUNDAY, AUG. 28 -- The Lighthduse Quintet from Toronto, Will Sing THE FRIENDLY COMMUNITY CHURCH Tomorrow?! Reveals the startling signi- ficance behind world news! . with PROPHECIES next 20 years! ERIE STREET Minister ----- Rev, C. M. Bright, 725-3872 -- off Simcoe St, (next after Bloor -St.) Monday - Saturday 9:05 - 9:35 P.M On Lacrosse Nights" The World Tomorrow will be heard at 8:30 p.m. Junior Church up to 8 yrs. provided 10:00 A.M: --- FAMILY SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM "WHAT WE OWE OUR PASTOR" JOHN. SIGSWORTH and Sunday 10:30 - 11:00 P.M. BIG MOUTHFUL ** Aequeosalinocalcalinoceta- ceoaluminosocupreovitriolic" , --an 18th century description of Bristol spa waters--is probably the longest word ever coined in English. \ 7:00 P. M. -- JOHN SIGSWORTH Wed. 8.00 p.m. Prayer & Bible Study A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU 1350 RADIO

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