WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Women's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office. Early record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as possible afier the ceremony. names of out-of-town guests social editor either before or the day after the wedding. De Long Last Saturday in St. Gregory the Great Roman _ Catholic Church, Marie Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor, was united in marriage to Peter David DeLong, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. DeLong, all of Osh- awa, The Reverend J. M. Markle officiated, assisted by boys, Gregory Duquette and Thomas O'Donnell. The soloist was Mr. A. P. McCue, Odessa, accompanied by Mr. John Dris-| coll, Oshawa. : The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a formal sheath gown of lagoda silk. The petite empire bodice was fash- ioned with a scoop neckline and altar} publication of this wedding Se oe ee YOu are asncu w suum me attending the wedding to the - Taylor of the valley holding her houf- lfant shoulder-length veil and | she carried a bouquet of yellow | roses, stephanotis and ivy. | Mrs, Marion MacNeil was the [maior of honor and Miss | Jean O'Donnell and Miss Mary |Ellen DeLong, sister of the bridegroom were the brides- maids. Mr. Robert O'Donnell, Osh- |awa, was the best man and those ushering were Mr. Jack Fisher, Toronto, and Mr. How- ard MacDougal, Oshawa. The reception was held in the Credit Union Building, King street west. As the couple left for a honey- moon in Florida, the bride was wearing a light blue suit, white MR. AND MRS. P. DAVID DeLONG bes MR. AND MRS. R. M. LEIGH --Kenlin Studio, Lindsay ISOCIAL & PERSONAL | Telephone 723-3474 for Mr. and Mrs. J, Earl Mann| |have returned to their home lon Golf street, following a five- | 'week vacation spent in Eng- | land and Scotland. | Prior to her marriage to Mr. {Lloyd J. Hircock, the former {Miss Dorothy MacDonald was jhonored at a shower given: by | fellow teachers at McLaughlin | |Collegiate, held at the home of | iMrs. William Blight, Juniper crescent. Travel accessories were presented to the bride-to- A presentation was made at a dinner party at the Can- jadiana Motor Hotel and a bar- \becue for friends of the en- jgaged pair was held at the |home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Feld- {berg, Lawson road. Miscellan-| jeous showers were given by Mrs. Douglas Hircock, Taylor avenue, assisted by Mrs. Fred Cockerton; by Miss Dorothy Cook, Orillia, and by neighbors on McKenzie street, Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. John Yorston and Miss Beverley Yorston of Bowmanville and Mr. Glen Newell of Bowmanville and Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Women's Department Out-of-town guests expected at the Thorne-MacDonald wed- ding tomorrow are Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Newby, Montreal PO; Mr and Mrs Arthur | Thorne; St. Catharines; Mr. and Mrs, Fred Thorne, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Thorne, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Thorne, all of Scarborough; Mr. and Mrs, George Thorne, Miss Judith Ann Price, Miss Dorothy Dee- bank, the Reverend and Mrs. Frank Meyer, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ferrow, the Reverend and Mrs. George Ewald, Mr, and Mrs. James MacDonald, Peterborough; Mrs. John Burr, Newbury; Miss Wanda _ Dickey, North York; Mr. and Mrs. Colin Kotchapaw, Ajax; Mr. and Mrs, Brenton Keyes, Ganano- que; Mr. David Cregmile, Mrs. Robert Cregmile, Miss Denelda Van Camp and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Byers, all of Cardinal; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Byers, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deebank, Cornwall, Ontario, Ontario, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hall of Ogdensburg, New York. they will attend the wedding of their son, Mr. Thaemas Arthur, Tushingham, to Miss Maureetr Frances O'Neill, in the Imma- culate Conception Church. Accompanying Mr. and Mrs. Tushingham will be their \daughter, Miss Judith Tush ham and their son, Stephe Mrs. James Reid, Mr. Rona Reid, and Mr. Gordon Reid, all of Pickering. " - Mrs, Margaret Barton, Graye ling, Michigan, was in Osha' recently to attend the weddi: of her granddaughter, Mis Sharon Bernice Barton, to Mr, Robert James Seebeck, Picker- ing, in Harmony United Church, Many guests from out of town will be attending the Dowe< Sawyer wedding tomorrow in Harmony United Church, as folr, lows: Mrs. Sinclair James and Mr. and Mrs. John Gleeson, alk of Burk's Falls: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Childerhose and Mr. amfMrs, Herbert Childerhose, Jr., all of Oakville; Mr. and Mrs, Edward Kedge, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Lackie Monk and Miss Lorraine Monk, Windsor: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sawyer, Bare bara and Frankie, Orono; Mf, and Mrs. Meril Wilsen, Bows manville; Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly, Cobourg; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. MacGuir and Mr. and demi-bell _ sleeves. Appliques| feather hat and black patent formed a design on the front of|accessories and a corsage of the slim skirt, which was en-| yellow roses. On their return, hanced by a full-length train.;Mr. and Mrs. DeLong will make Her headdress was a cluster of|their home at 400 Grenfell frosted crepe roses and lilies! street. Leigh - Hiscocks In a double-ring ceremony in|headdress centered with pearls) Fenelon Falls United Church,|and rhinestones held a four-| « AIT q | tier, scalloped veil of pure silk! Judith Dorene Hiscocks became) ite, scattered with the same the bride of Ronald Maxwell! jewels, She carried red Sweet- Leigh, both of Oshawa. The/heart roses: and white carna- bride is the daughter of Mr. | tions. and Mrs. Douglas Hetherington' Mrs. Richard Ewart of Ajax| of Fenelon Falls and the bride-| was the matron of honor and} groom is the son of Mr. and) the bridesmaids were Miss Jud-| Mrs. Norman Leigh of Oro Sta-| jth Gray and Miss Sandra Mor- tion. ; rison, both of Oshawa. Miss| ' The Reverend Mr. Fisher per-| Shelly Crawford, Oro Station; | | Church. formed the ceremony. Mrs. D.| was the flower girl. | "e 4 Miss Crossman was presented Skitch sang accompanied by! 4. parry Leigh, Oro Station,| ae hae 6 |with many gifts at a neigh- Mrs. B. Robson. * acted as best man and usher-| s ' @ | borhood miscellaneous shower Given in marriage by Mr ing were Mr. Robert Argue and| |held at the home of Mrs. Hetherington, the bride wore a Mr Alfred R Kemp Doth ar |William , DeLong. Mrs. Cyril floor-length gown of silk organ- Oshawa : : | $ $ | Norris, Mrs. Wayne Norris and za over silk, the A-line skirt eghihagae - 1% i, : -\Mrs. Lloyd Harding assisted embroidered with lace ap-|, Following a | reception | in| ae . ; , |the hostess in serving refresh-| pliques and pearls to comple-| the lower hall of the church, | a i 1 nenta ment the fitted bodice of Alen-|the couple left to motor through/ Lasshisleieaies co aa con lace with elbow .- length|northern Ontario. For travel- | The bride's aunt, eng 7 sah sleeves, and scoop neckline|ling, the bride donned a_pink 1| Wood, entertained at a kite Me trimmed with pearls. The di-|dress with white and pink ac- | shower for Miss Crossman. f vided, chapel train of organza| cessories. set of pots aan soeat yas Bie over silk was edged with the} Mr. and Mrs. Leigh = re- ee seeght semaliee : ow 2 'Suzanne! same lace. A wedding band'siding at 119 Nonquon road. | sf ie ite : *| Blatch and Mrs. Roy Morphy | : ey parr, awa: Mr. a Th: whose: fortnannling' memmuine a hadi ag ast vee ge and her aunts, Mrs. William| Honoring her marriage to-|Alex Bruce, Fergus; Mr. and| Miss Ruby Ella Wilkins deg hed Hircock MacDonald { ail <Wageaa| Cindy Thursby presented the Ogden and Mrs. Allan Wood.| morrow to the Reverend Philip|Mrs. Donald Crossman, Linda|nounced this week, has recent. ms | Wee. | future Oshawa Generals' All-Star ved er ae a - ' |Port Perry; Mrs. wa 'ol- ee gs Bobby nae? Parryliard, Bowmanville; Mr. and Sound, will be in Oshawa to-| yrs. Cyril Spence, and Mr. and morrow to attend the Vail-| Mrs. Samuel Burns, all of Whit- Crossman wedding in North-|by; and Mr. and Mrs. Gordott minster Uniteé Church. Other| Hurst, Brooklin. guests from Northern Ontario are: Mr. and Mrs. David) Buchmann, Kirkland Lake; | Mr. Dennis Conlin, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fowler, Mr. James Grant, Mr. Peter Grant, | Miss Susan Grant, Mr. John Haines, Mrs. Elwood Kidd, Miss Eleanor Kidd, Miss Judy Kidd, Mr. James Michael, Mrs. Fred Shepherdson, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Shepherdson and Steven, all of New Liskeard; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Vail, Melville, Eric and Teddy, Schumacher; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Vail, Jr., and Martha Lee, Kapuskasing, Whitby, motored to Boston, Massachusetts, to spend a few days with relations and have now arrived home. CMON THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, August 19, 1966 ]] Mr. Ralph Burton, Simcoe street south, has returned after conipleting a California tour by motor coach, visiting Grand Canyon, Phoenix, San Diego land Tijuana, Mexico, He made a stop-over in Hollywood and San Francisco and was the guest of skating stars, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jackson. Mr. Bur- Miss Helen Higgins, whose marriage takes place tomorrow to Mr. Allan Charles Terwille- gar in St. Gregory the Great Roman Catholic Church, has been honored at several show- A personal shower wags given by Miss Mary Powers and Miss Marge Wawrykow of Peterborough. A dinner party was arranged at the Oshawa Golf and Country Club by Miss Marsha Marks where. a presen- tation was made by a group of friends. A bathroom shower wes held at the home of Mrs, Michael Gray, Whitby attended | by co-workers of the 'bride-elect at General Motors South Office, A presentation was made by co-workers of the future bride in the Material Handling De- partment of: General Motors, Following the rehearsal tonight, the parents of the bride-to-be, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Higgins, will entertain the bridal party at their home on Grierson 'Connie Crossman Feted | At Prenuptial Showers | ton returned by way of Reno Many showers and presenta-| A decorated wheel-barrow| ~- , F It , ; : Nevada, and Salt Lake City, jtions have been held for Miss/held many gifts for the bride-| tap y ic ; \encema ior . : Connie Crossman prior to Her int abe personal and mis- marriage to Mr. Terry Vail ; : which is to take place tomor- cellaneous shower given by Mrs. | row in Northminster United Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor, ' A Glengrove street, spent their George Kerry and her daugh- holidays at Lake George and ters, Georgia and Patricia. |Lake Placid, New York, and Mr. Terry Vail was presented/have now returned home. with a cannister set from the) gy and Mrs. Cyril Flaun- Engineering Department of|white and children, Oxford, Toronto guests at the Vail General Motors prior to his|street, have been. visiting rela-/ Crossman wedding will include marriage to Miss Crossman.|tives in Nova Scotia. Th , Miss Beatrice Colborne, Miss Last Saturday, Mrs. Rae|spent two weeks with his| Carleen Colborne, Miss Cathe- Crossman held a trousseau tea|mother and brother, Mrs, Har-|Tine Dunn, Mr. John Stephen, in honor of her daughter at\vey Flaunwhite and Mr.|/Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Vail, their home on Bibbons street.|Stephen Flaunwhite at Nahone|Cindy and Judy; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Kenneth Vail, Mrs. Rae|Bay and his sister, Mrs. Fred| Malcolm Vail, Mr. and Mrs. Crossman and the bride-elect| Armitage, Mr. Armitage and|Melyille Vail, Mr. and Mrs. received the guests. Pouring|family, Boutiliers Point, and Arthur White and Mr. Paul pee tea were Miss Crossman's|Mrs. Flaunwhite's sister, Mrs,|2ammit. From other Ontario)' ' i great - aunts, Mrs. William|Scott Joudrey and Mr. Joudrey.| Centres will be Miss Suzanne) Mr, David Edward Jubb, : shige east dal : Niles Thorne, Miss Donna Ruth| and Laura; Mr. Donald Cross- 7 i ; é decorated| Mrs. George Kerry, Mrs. Mel-| Nile: Wr ciap ciSleebat lie ths ' ly returned from spending four future bride "tilled with gifts.| ville Montgomery, | Mrs. Eric MacDonsld was. the 'guest ot 9 mag Jt Sh at Serres, veers 0: ae? ee . a ani Branton and Mrs. Vern Powell se aneous - ower given by a ive Scarborough; Mr. and|Marine Corps. His bride-to-be rs. Wi iam Ogden # ve assisted in the kitchen. Serving|the Women's Missionary Circle | Mrs: Michael Dubeau, Mrs. E.|was a member of the graduat- jof the bride, vajeeben te rela-| vefreshments were Miss Cathy |! Simcoe Street Pentecostal | McCuaig, Midland; Mr. andjing class of '66 of the Oshawa jtives at a ge pp unn, Miss Marian Sharp, Miss|Church. Mrs. George Lawrence|Mrs. Jack Falls, Mr. and Mrs.|General Hospital School of |shower. Mrs. Jack Ogden an Gail Crossman, Miss Patriciaj}and Mrs. John March ar-|Ormond Falls, Rocklyn; Mrs.| Nursing. po etyggeecy gaara Jr. "S"| Kerry, Miss Joanne Cox, and|Tanged the partY which was|John Falls, Mrs. Wilbert Hop-|--- siste SS. H . | : < th ilisher. jheld in the recreation room of|kins, Milton; .Mr. and «Mrs. Golden Congratulations Offered! A bathroom and linen shower ane ere jthe parsonage. The Soueel krone Foss, Mrs. Harry Foss, w Willsher. Montgomery, Miss Georgia| Pentecostal and Sk Aku assisted by her Miss § 0 tendi th est book were eous shower arranged by Mrs. |and Mrs. Ronald Wilson ending the gu : Miss Heather|Mrs. Robert Johnston, St.| , ja personal shower for former|jert Rhodes, Windsor; Mis s/ for the bride-to-be. Miss Cross-/ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mont- : ely by Miss Shirley Clark ling the wedding rehearsal. the bridal party at dinner to-|Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson, | son, Richard, of Montreal are}ham, Oshawa, formerly of| they| marriage takes place tomorrow|Woodview. Park -- Clubhouse, s given by Mrs. Kenneth| Attendants in the rooms dis-| | friends iclassmates at Oshawa General|Marion Sharp, Don Mills; Mr. | inight following the wedding re-|Burketon and Mr. and Mrs. Tea, Showers, Dinner Party |visiting her mother, Mrs. E.| Whitby, are leaving tomorrow ever lin Harmony United Church to|where the bride-elect was pre- In the Church of the Guardianjand a crown of sculptured} ; a : | Angels, Orillia, -Lloyd John|flowers and tear-drop pearls Hircock, of Oshawa, \held her shoulder-length, bouf- z : took 45 | fant veil of tulle. Red roses and his bride Dorothy Mary Mac-|white carnations comprised her| Donald, daughter of Mr. and/ bouquet. Mrs. Archie MacDonald of} The bridal attendants were Orillia. The bridegroom is the|Brenda St. Germaine, Midland; son of Mr. and Mrs. George'Marlene Bulas, Toronto, and| Albert Hircock, of Oshawa. Dorothy Cook, Orillia. | To Mr. And Mrs. Michael Szoldra The Reverend Father T. Cain) Janet MacDonald, the bride's Mr. and Mrs. Michael Szoldra, Yaremko, Ontario Minister of officiated and Mr. George sister, was the flower girl. Travis played the wedding) The best man was Mr. Gerald ' v it Bloor street east, were honored|Citizenship and Immigration. by family and friends at a ban-| Out-of-town guests were pres-| music. Prusinski, Oshawa, and usher- Given in marriage by herjing were Ronald MacDonald, : ; :./ent from Toronto, Ajax and ance in St. George's|°" Mas quet and dance in Long Branch and the assembly father, the bride wore a formal|Orillia, and Robert Hircock, gown of Chantilly lace, styled| Oshawa. pee 5 9 z was held at|Ukrainian Catholic Hall Albert! presented Mr. and Mrs. Szodra istreet, on Saturday evening,|with a sum of money, with a fitted bodice and tiers} A _ reception of lace in the skirt. From a V\Owaissa Lodge, Orillia. in the back flowed a train,) Later the couple left on an ex-'celebrating their golden wed-| Mrs. Szoldra wore a_ two- bordered with matching laceltended tour of Europe. ding anniversary. piece dress of white and blue 3 5 Raper au nirasa GE See ae oEN The party was arranged by/|figured silk and a corsage of their. daughters: Mrs. John/pink carnations. Osmok (Nellie), Mrs. Alex Stal-- Both born in the Ukraine, mach (Anne) and Mrs. Am-jthe couple met in Toronto and brose Shestowsky (Pauline)|were married in St. Gregory and sons: Messrs. Peter, Paul|the Great Roman. Catholic and William Szoldra, Seated at|¢ hurch, Oshawa, where the head table with the guests|have made their home of honor were their eldest son|since. The wedding MARRIED FIFTY YEARS 3 Save 15% Buy during Fairweather's Preview '67 Coat Event and save 15% on any girls' coat priced ol Claim 'No Discrimination' Yet Few Women Get Top Jobs By MARILYN ARGUE OTTAWA (CP)--Women from g . i |People's Association of Calvary|Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Foss, Many former eed ray gifts were Mrs. Robert) Church, Peter-|Miss Marilyn Foss, Niagara were present. The| Mont rial rs weorb™ borough, former charge of the| Falls; Mr. : : hostess was : ois ga i eaig Gardiner |bridegroom, held a miscellan-|Foss, Etobicoke; Miss Shirley mother, Mrs. Harold Wilson|and Miss Marilyn Schultz. At-| yardiner, Greenwood; Mr, and % : ' {Ralph Rutledge. Mrs. Aaron Fernandez en-| Miss Cathy Wood and Miss)p01) Rosehill boulevard, hosted}Catharines; Mr. and Mrs. Rob-| tertained at a supper shower) Patti Carey. man was 'presented with many|gomery are entertaining the/ Hospital and Mrs. Frank Reid,|William Trimble, Orillia; Mr.| gifts. The hostess was assisted) bridal party this evening follow-/Harris avenue, is entertaining|and Mrs. Gerald Vail, Rexdale; | ee hearsal. Hilliard Wilson, Uxbridge. Mrs. John Sparling and her) Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Tushing-} Honor Miss Lynda Sawyer |A. Lovell, at Bonniebrae Point.!for Astoria, New York, where Miss Lynda Sawyer, whose|gathered af a shower held at| with the ILO in Geneva since developing countries are getting the short end of the educational aid stick, says Mrs. Elizabeth Johnstone, an American Inter- national Labor Organization. Speaking at a seminar spon-| sored by the women's bureau} 1938. EXPERTS SCARCE There is "an element of sheer discrimination against women" in the attitude of governments which name candidates for in- and daughter The Reverend Stephen Figol said grace and: prayed for con- tinued blessings Mr. on the pair Alex Shestowsky acted as master of ceremonies and trib- utes were paid by the Honcr the corner of Simcoe south and Bloor streets, a site later occu- pied by Smith Transport and th now vacant ase teen assisted Mrs. Szoldra is the former derhose Stella Teklia ; receplion| Mr Stanley W. Dowe, has been!sented with a vacuum cleaner, was held at the Brook House 0n/honored at a tea, showers andja gift of money, a dinner The prospective and many party bridegroom's|Mrs. Walter B. Dowe, Mrs. Mrs. Walter B. Dowe,|Robert Germond and Mrs. Cur- by Mrs. Joseph Chil-|tis Russell. entertained at a trous- items of linen. Hostesses were} Mrs. Roy Sawyer entertained| 20.00 upwards, CHARGE IT NOW. PAY IN NOVEMBER, t prev s é Yasinska of seau tea in her future daugh- at a dinner party at Sawmac Zboriw. She came to Canada, |'s honor Farms, Orono, for members of to Toronto, with an uncle when| The brid lect' ani jthe couple's immediate fam- she was 14 and two years later) ~7* ride... elect - Bok ' |ilies, where the couple was pre- became: the bride of Michael mother, Mrs. Jack Sawyer and| sented with a serving tray. szoldra of Husiatyn who had|Mrs. Ohilderhose poured tea. "A personal shower was given also recently emigrated to Can-| The matron of honor, Mrs. Vic: | hy the matron of honor, Mrs. ada. Beside their six children|!. Siblock and the brides-|Victor Siblock, assisted by the they have nine grandchildren|Maids, Miss Ann Harging and/pridesmaids. and one great grandson. {Miss Barbara Gray, gio Following the rehearsal to- Mr. Szoldra retired three and) Osawa, and Miss Colleen yicht, the wedding party will a half years ago from Fittings Kelly, Cobourg, served. . be entertained at the home of Ltd. after 41 years' service and| Mrs. Kerry Willoughby, Glen-|he future bridegroom's _ par- bot have always interested|Ciarn avenue, opened her home|o4i, Mr. and Mrs. Walter B themselves in all the affairs of|f0r a miscellaneous shower at-lnowe Simcoe. street north. the Ukrainian community. rate able Michael Starr MP; Mrs John Osmok, Mr. Peter Szoldra Mr. Ronald Osmok,~a son, and Mr. Joseph Michalow- sky, a friend of long-standing. Telegrams were read from) Prime Minister Lester B. Pear- the Honorable John Dief- Honorable John Minister of Walker John ternational training programs, she said. But there also is a} lack of women experts suitable! for further training. The ILO, and the UN through its status of women commis- sion, are considering ways to|S°"; encourage long-term programs enbaker; the for the advancement of women.|P. Robarts, Prime i ee ae 'Ontario; Mr. Albert H. G. Christie of the external MLA and the Honorable aid office said he felt it would \V4 be "regressive" to set up schol- \ of the federal labor department, she said it-was "obvious that governments don't: give high| priority to technical co-opera- tion projects specifically di- rected toward the advancement and training of women." Scholarships and fellowships given by international bodies like the United Nations and the ILO do not discriminate against women in principle, 'but in practice, very, very few awards come the way of women." Mrs. Johnstone, 52, has been 1 grand- LETE. WITH FRAME, LENSES AND CASE [sms @ @ @ @ ASI TE. 2! __._;of the bride-to-be. ng Joseph BARTLETT BONANZA | SHAPES & ® & , prhose assisted t host- bi f | SOCIAL NOTICE ragga assiste e hos California's peak Bartlett | AND COLORS eS a & I arships specifically designated for women. Awards should be made according to qualifica-' tions. His office administers a pro- gram for candidates nominated by their governments. There was no discrimination and about 10 per cent of students were women, he said. Mrs. Dorothy Patterson of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada said she has "a strong feeling women simply don't apply for awards that are available." FEW OPPORTUNITIES Dr. Grace Maynard of the ex- ternal aid office said Canadian women have few opportunities | to receive graduate scholarships | because research money is con-| centrated in areas like the pure Sciences Dr. Helen tended by friends and relatives) --_ Special Plum Cake Elegant Dessert Fresh Ontario plums are de- lightful when eaten "right out of the hand." But if you are looking for a more elegant way of serving this refreshing fruit, follow this interesting recipe for the perfect plum cake. PLUM CAKE 15 purple plums, cooked whole 1 cup sifted flour 14% teaspoons double-acting baking powder tablespoons sugar teaspoon salt cup butter egg, well beaten 4 cup milk 4 cup grapenuts cereal \Y% teaspoon cinnamon Wash, halve, and pit plums To the sifted flour add baking ans : 2 powder, 3 tablespoons of the| Pecause administrators in those sugar, and salt, Sift again: Cut|fields do not realize the new in the butter, Stir in cereal| 'mensions in research by doc- gradually. Combine egg and toral nursing students milk. Add to flour mixture,, The representative of the Ca- mixing enough to just. dampen|Madian Labor Congress, A. L. flour. Pour. into greased 8" x | Hepworth said there was a 8x2?" pan, spreading dough|'Pretty sketc hy program" evenly. Arrange plums on top | available for women in the Ca- of dough, with cut side down. |nadian labor movement Mix remaining sugar and the|» This was partly because the cinndmon. and sprinkle over|women were reluctant to come} plums. Bake in moderate oven|forward, and "there is often. a (375 degrees F.) for 30 to 35\feeling in the union which minutes. Serve warm with/doesn't encourage them," he cream, said, | About 60 of the future bride-| pear crop is one of the best in FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE |egroom's relatives and friends! years. | T0 CHOOSE FROM Mr. and Mrs. John Mclvot, | soeeemmcemeoee | ois Whitby, wish to announce the | forthcoming marriage of their | "arr t WIFE PRESERVER Use pipe cleaners, rather than rubberbands or paper - covered wire twist - ties, to close plas- lic freezer bags. It's they're re-usable. daughter, Marnie Gale, to Mr. Derek William Betty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry, C. Betty, Port Credit. The ceremony will take} place in St. Andrew's Presby-| terian Church, Whitby, on Sat- urday, September 10, 1966, at 3:30 p.m easicz, Choose from fashionable winter coats for girls, 4-12. Borgs! Hooded Royal Pile Coats! Suedines, corduroys, wool tweeds with pile linings! From 20.00 to 35.00 SAVE 15% Faluvcithor Fashions since 1807 SEE KING AND SAVE DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS THAN NATIONAL BRANDS e@ FOR MEN @ FOR WOMEN @ FOR CHILDREN @ BUY DIRECT FROM THE LABORATORY AND SAVE @ FIRST QUALITY LENSES ...~ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED @ BPOYFN FRAMES REPAIPED OR REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT aie y Low Rental Rates by the Month or Year Expert Meat processing and Custom Cutting THE HOUSE OF FLAIRE COIFFEURS Offers Oshawa and Vicinity Personal Services In. . « 6 q] 1 y 1 l Mussallem of the Canadian Nurses Association said grants in the social sci- ences are not given to nurses, Save on Wholesale Meat ather annual coa Buy in Quantity and @ Manicures @ Pedicures (Foot Care) Save @ Facials @ Make-up Consulting Complet ker Servi @ Eyebrow Arching abibed Locker Service WA FUR AND _ LOCKER STORAGE 81 William St. West PHONE 723-3012 } @ Eyebrow and eyelash Tinting By Jane Poulson For Your Personal Appointment Phone 723-6901 (Ult OPTICIANS -- OVER 3.000.000 SATISFIED JSTOMERS 17 Bond St. HOURS: East 2nd Floor airwe 9 am. to 5 p.m Daily Closed Wed. All Day mate. in Hair Styling and Shaping) Phone 728-1261 14 ONTARIO ST. 22 Stores in Ontario f Branches in Many Principal Cities of Canada and U.S --Founded 1904