16> THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 1966 0 t+) : . 1 FELLER'S Save 20% to 50% in Our Big Pre-Season Sale RETAILERS 10 THRIFTY CANADIANS OPEN DAILY TO 6 P.M. ¥ THURSDAYS & FRIDAYS TO 9 P.M. 9) We eae & S268 UU O S588 Ue ace ne8 We a cess wr a e al "THE MILLION | ---SALE OF FUR- TRIMMED 4 RECENT GRADUATE | DOLLAR LOOK" , | Gordon R. Maclean, 1154 | ; , eee] Nt? naa WINTER COATS oughtin Blvd. and the late 1 Mr. MacLean has received _ his Bachelor of Arts from 2 9 . 8 8 2 High, High Fashion at Low, Low Prices! . Western University London. REG. 39.99. Mr. MacLean will teach at No DOWN PAYMENT fe VALUES TO E. A. Lovell public school "Just Say Charge St" "Monkey Law' PERSIANA ae : : 79.99 Repeal Sought | JACKETS | Institute and, North Simcoe, LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP)--/ . f } 4 A LUXURIOUS PERSIAN LAMB | } TE. )\MITATION LOOKS LIKE FUR! FEELS LIKE FUR! NEW Susan Epperson, an attractive) - young biology teacher, is lead-| ing the Arkansas Education As| MODERN MIRACULOUS MIR- sault on the state's 38-year-old | 3 ti ACURL, law banning the teaching of} % Black Only. Darwin's theory of _ evolution-! ¥ << ae Sizes 12 to 20. : one of the last three "monkey g "sg | iy. ee f laws" in the U.S. | Give her that wrap she's always me, , 2 ; 4 LUXURY FUR TRIMS include ; Mrs. Epperson, 24, a teacher ieee wanted by taking advantage of ! ' ; a" 3a fluffy black tox, black dyed i sree this outstanding i d muskrat, pastel mink, snow top . - ty central high ! 7 fox, blue fox, bleached racoon school, became the association's |f | ' | 2 me, : Pasab cer : champion this "year when she} OUTERWEAR EVENT AT ZELLER S | j = * filed a suit to declare the law STARTING , ' SUMPTOUS FABRICS wool e@e ' i (83 4, sae uhconstitutional: plush, wool and mohair, wool Murray Reed, a _chancery| "ip. : hh boucle, some tweeds gore a ay | THURSDAY, AUGUST 18th Sy pees phd NEW STYLING FEATURES: the law must go because it ; J y i P i double-breasted effects, shaped Sivisaer oe taleme tags oo a spn. remy ree cor a O. 3 fronts, interesting sleeve treat i ig ack ! that poses no hazard to . the F ments, novelty pocket ideas community, The state now is appealing to} ; ia! ; § ; the Arkansas Supreme Court. | 2 .¥ LEADING FALL COLORS of It was pledged to carry the | - : 5 4 Rae : 24 burgundy, jade, teal, taupe, fight to the U.S. Supreme Court { ; % - P * black. In sizes 8 to 20, 7 to if necessary. 4 4 " : F di ' ; 4 15.and 1614 to 24/2. SATIN AND CHAMOIS LIN- INGS, plus interlinings Outgoing Governor Orval Fau-| bus likes the law as a means| of keeping "way out" teachers ' a : i J 4 : , in line. Winthrop Rockefeller, PY d A 5 y 4 ] BE SMART -- BE FASHIONABLE -- Republican candidate for gov-| , ae 7 S 4 ' "CHARGE-IT"' érnor, sides with the associa- tion. % ey st i 2 . o Baptist ministers, te conven i ee. ' " 4 AT ZELLER'S! NO DOWN PAYMENT. tion resolutions, have affirmed | ; : on oe 2 | Ye 3 EASY CREDIT PLANS their faith in the Bible story of! ' ; : , oe ae pf di : creation. Presbyterians, no less| P faithful to the Bible story, nev- | ertheless called for an end to; the law. | Arkansas Attorney - General] Bennett argues that the Dar-/ winian theory of evolution is! inimical to the public welfare. "Will our children be '"'free" to choose their religion after their minds have been warped by the anti - religious propa-| ganda?" he asks. 'Or will they | be forever captives of the Dar- win theory, foisted upon them | in their youth?" | Griffith Honored NEW YORK (AP) -- Emile Griffith got a pat on the back a knock on the head by + Magazine Tuesday when the publication released its monthly ratings. Griffith was named the Fighter of the Month for July for retaining his world middle- weight championship by ut- pointing Joey Archer in a 15- round title bout. At the same time, Ring re- moved Griffith as the welter- ht titleholder based on the on of the New York State Reg. to 19.99 : = ms. whlch do not permit WHEE ... IT'S "SNOWING" your choice Pile-Lined Ski Jackets BOYS', GIRLS' MACHINE- champion to hold more than one 1 H WASHABLE JACKET ' at 2 > eatures sees © ee SAVINGS UP TO 1% PRICE! Plaid Yukon pile shell with quit Two Canadians were listed interlining. Cosy hood, FAUBUS FAVORS th in their i 3 5 ' ! AVE $5.22 on GIRLS' CAR 10! their divisions. George|| TERRIFIC BUYS... SIZES 2 TO 6X IN BOYS, GIRLS' SNOWSUITS ! MACHINE aye F Feeley y SAR 12.99 uvalo of Toronto dropped to eer one SUITS, 'Hooded ' Orlor "pi le jackets with nylon and cotton ponts . . and cosity pile-lined, Smort ' 10 among the heavyweights ron" pile jackets with cotton twill ski pants . . . nylon quilt jackets complete winter look! Red, green or Save 6.02 } le Blair Richardson of South with mitts, nylon ond cotton pants . . . 'Orion' print pile jackets, fur-trimmed blue, sizes 4 to 6x N.S. made 10th in the mid- hood, nylon and coton ski pants. Winter-goy colors, veight list In red. Sizes 4 to 6x 12.99 Nylon Shell Jackets with PILE-LINED Reg. 7 77 pile lining. s 1e heavyweight ratings: 5 " ' | Pies ny . jampion, or BOYS' SKI JACKETS 11.99 ANTRON jie ' 'Pre-Season Special ! cao. 2, Thad Spencer, Porc] SULT genus eon ft fo a FOR GIRLS } GIRLS' WINTER Ore. 3. Karl Mildenberger, for hill-side protection! y. 4. Doug Jones, New sewing Tee Reet curiae Block hs had "CANADIAN or royal; sizes 8 to 18. QUILTED "ANTRON" SHELL com- orks mry C : r ' PPh ¥ ) 5. He nry ooper Eng: | Lee ; F bines with cosy pile lining for ski- : land, 6. Zora Folley, Chandler, | Reg. 7.99 a MIST" copy pe aing. Sor he COAT PARADE Ariz. 7 mos. Li Amos Lincoln, Port-} knitted cuffs. Royal/copen; red/ land, Ore. 8. Cleveland Wil- 97 f : black. Sizes 7 to 14 liams, Houston, Tex. 9. Oscar ss Cee : Bonavena, Argentina. 10 & t y .. \ RAINCOATS Your Ger Va 7 | Reg. ' Chuvalo, Toronto | A ' Reg. 21.95 A A 6 97 Choice a SHUNS BOOZY LABEL CORDUROY JACKET fs fk as é 3 : "Charge-It" a No Down Payment -- 1,25 Weekly WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--When "ORLON" PILE LINING adds the ttc A Re int mth to thi y ce d x : : - : 4 re cit did not put up a street Siw sicdtaahae for boys Siiaiei t 4 ' é GIRLS' REVERSIBLE sign for Prado Place, William with rib-knit knit sic ey f ¥ 00 $ ora y y e McGuire erec and « let- i bier ; } : we M ire erected a hand - let-/ plied Sick ve ' ae, : ; : P| SKI JACKET 5 tered one of his own. Before 14, that, he said he had had to en-/| he : ee : . - : ' & ' i dure six months of telling his} Reg. 6.99 ~ iy eee : Se ets SNe (Not sketched) and Trimmed ! makes the big differ- friends how to reach his home| 9: a ~ by saying: 'Turn at the beer } Pg BS ence, for. wormth in A alenda of tne i wor sts. for the elegant ae 38 : 4 ay cavalcade « 1 nable ar varm < fe tore." The city has not ob- ; Balle' men's cotton ond nylon gaye $6.02! Now: it's Reg, ° pass jected to his sign, and his neigh- a . . i] oll weather coats! Dasha =" Antror f s co 16.99 "Young miss". Tweed ! shades, piles in the group, cosily trim- ing with Balmacaan col- pile a ski jac Te] : ' ae > r tyling details include shaped, fluffy racc 1 wt sty bore say it is better than noth "a lar, ragion sleeves, flop 4 suc med with pile of ing, ' a it f : Oshawa Shopping | Downtown ae ponatged Rag et can arichad Hood. Apa 97 : uble-breasted fronts, stitching and pocket details. Warm quilt satin ey mist, row closing. Royal/copen, red ; i : SHOWS BATTLE Centre Oshawa ask Sk 46 A eens linings. Glowing winter shades in sizes 7. to. 12 The 231-foot Bayeux Tapestry 723-2209 jac © 46 depicts the Norman conquest of -220 723-2294 , England in 1066.