Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Aug 1966, p. 29

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, OUT i . FTER THE SAM SITES ARE CLOBBERED WITH ROCKETS AKD GINFIRE, . : -- CIES [ wegeiaes aeaee WA YOULL HAVE TOF i / \" sg OT Three ft MORE ATTACK PLANES ROAR IN ON TAM'S CAMP WITH BOMBS ? ¢ PS ay | AND PUSH, BOYS! WE'RE A AR! ' sma, STUCK! eae I sidiaiee By B. JAY BECKER we [ROR if THERE'S A SIGN~ <7 |(Top record-holder in Masters' MAYBE ITLL TELL) US HOW TO GET |Individual Championship Play) | OFF THIS HOG WALLOW! ! Mh « : Gs 3, Aim! / West dealer. ; a JAMAL AA BOMBS Fi APALM. SO) é ie 4 ; i i a * A : & ' Cree fe %; s opie Sal "eats ui t j F WO NAY . ' . : B45 ) gy Boies Be aw es CREATE AN INFERNO. [IRD RO "7 Samana saa, dads axe a -- : "ee os -- (4G erie ae ene @AKI1074 aes 4 ee : AKI 16 THIS TICKET GOOD FOR (T WAS PLANNING ON GOING Back] ee * ae nena THAN ENR TREE J ke dyuge Hat ie aA OU HAROTACK 4 21065 . 432 or ot! "AND YOU, PARRY. HAVE ¥ : eer 3 mi WAL Kare BAY Oy LARSEN OEEP ENOUGH SUPPLIES TO KEEP 4S-/7}/ BULLYBEEF AND @ 10986 " ees Kio iS F MOUNTIES PREPARE MEN AND DOGS FED ALL SEALS f OH, ITS | | @83 @52 INTER ?P GOING TO.BE A 742 &KQIE FOR WINTER» rf PLENTY OF HARDTACK AND \ LONG - LONG, + SOUTH PUT UP THE CANVAS AROUND THE HULL « *\ ZA BULLYBEEF, SKIPPER, BUT ) WINTER ° « @AJ9432 bap . 2 7LL ADD ARCTIC CHAR 4 THE SHIP, AS A WINDSCREEN . y, "i : We seo OS Ou @AT RIGHT, SKIPPER. 4 agi ert 8 The bidding: West North East South Pass 14 4¢ 4@ Pass 6@ : Opening lead--ten of hearts, This hand occurred in a team é r - % . 2 of four match. At the first 7 WHAT TIN 7 TINK ITS TIME FOR A AS table, North-South quickly got NUTTIN' KIN Or ER rg A gl VM pe IS PUNKS TO --UH-- aia y , |to six spades on the bidding ah eets ag ONE ON-- LOYAL TO CHICKEN: PENSION"HIM OFF LE YUE hoe SEE P MY ARMOR A KK HEAD aged Sy TELEGRAP? M7 * |shown, West, having a poten- P, WIT" AS YOUSE PLATE WASN'T PIER T NORMAL RANGE! |/ MR. ASHLEY, i SN) 4E7S LEARN WHAT tially fine trump holding Sa etait (7 Wik. GIVE MORE CTION TO OUR 14 TELEGRAPH Yi <i ag a : against the slam, decided not HIPS WITHOUT ADDING TO pom WASHINGTON | |i S Pee a SER Ne eee THEI WEIGHT! ce AT OncE/ A --/ ito sacrifice at seven hearts, but BUZ SAWYER DONALD DUCK @ Kicg Features Syndica ATICKET FOR JAY WALKING Yac., 1966. World righte reserved. "THE GIANTS | ex 1 CAME TO UP, ; AL TO C OUS) CHICKENSOUPERMAN ) "MANBAT, AND SOUPERI MAN eos OFFA TN. 7 WONDERBRAT" PUNKS ARE. TO : ME Jr led to play the hand well and : ' Oy * jlater had cause to regret his , / a S ») idecision when declarer proceed- make the slam. . m4 ] 'i | a > West led the ten of hearts. as > ;WA Had declarer ruffed the heart in dummy and then attempted to ldraw trumps, he would have }gone down one. But mindful of the bidding and the possibility that West jmight have all the missing ' ; . , jtrumps, declarer won the heart ; ? | sig a ire a sill , , lead with the ace and played a ye GO TALE YOUR BATH! me Nase f F é » i Tied NN 4 fe : | When West produced the five, erg TT -- VAs bY , Y pest! Vas : Re. diifin ale } ae /\ \declarer finessed the seven, and YES, MA'AM. S ] ill (] aA ] GARDAY. |e a : ig we 2 ng } jthe result of this safety play Bur iTS NOT eat j At ne IMOVER J = i ~ [f i AE, Con XG ~* vt ( y ¢ } Ny W ? 4 } ji i aan \ "THE LONE RANGER LI'L ABNER Pm! jwas that South lost only one ANYWHERE jtrump trick and, after ruffing NEAR 31x a heart in dummy, made the CLOCK, slam, Declarer 'reasoned that if the seven lost to the ten or queen he would then be able to draw trumps and thus assure the slam, }- It would not have helped | West to play the ten on the first |spade lead because South, in that case, would still have been ____jable to arrange for the loss of only a trump trick and nothing 'else. | ae An origina] club lead by West f ISN'T THAT TERRIBLE? THOS would have defeated the slam, SECRET AGENT X9 Channel ae acting " ¢ MUCH LES |difficult lead to find. Channel 9--Toronto a Se ' Jick V y' Shi | | " ' Channel ¢--Rochester vars SOTie aes Pde 8 a tl cl > | : | South's safety play paid ex- Channel 7--Butfalo 0:3 "i shige NOON | \ f Ee a i jceptionally good dividends be- Channel 6--Toronto o-- vorite Martian | 11a, Prudden <\ i ad SE \ (. jcause at the second table his Channel 4--Buffato . T Summertime | N A jj |teammates, sitting East - West, Channel 3--Barrie 9-8-7 ws lumen | : ee Sy) 55 elected to sacrifice at seven Channst 2--Buttalo ect | i 3-6--Lunch | ; \ N 5 : : "<\-] |hearts over six spades. They | Y \ 4 jwere doubled and went down aia | 4-Speaker of the House | = be -- 700 points Pe thus pro» : ¢ M. | fi \ 4 4 ridin ee aa) | tet, "ite iter ne Iicaegtie || : eo oe - 3 rote BACK THERE. SOMEBODY LEAVE THIS SHIP ? 6 Summer camp. ; a da = \ ; points which North-South could s SaKike Douglas 1i--The Vise 8-2---Swingin' Countr hy lhave scored for i i LAREDO... SAW SOMEONE! Le a hoe sc letter tore | Lt are" jaave. seed, it ea oe me PRE SOF \ J ' : : es ii ho ' | ----- , | The general policy followed jby East - West of not running | I WAS TALKING ; 3] |the risk of having a vulnerable wee 2 TO MOTHER' mutta slam scored against them &--Dialing For Dollars, ; J proved very worthwhile. sir] Talk | . ILLY GIR : ' jbut, on the bidding, this was a WEDNESDAY Late Show et. | LESIONS \) Os 2zem || | Burl Ives Tells THURSDAY 1:20 PLM. 8:00 A.M. &4--As The World Turns SS | \y YH i i \ i Of Al P a 4 00 2-8 nied s Make a Deal Le Cc i ' : )| ! ta. ast y 2:00 P.M. weet ' : CALGARY (CP)--A half-hour | film on:Alberta's past, present jand future, featuring balladeer | Burl Ives as narrator, is being Wares til oy R | ' ! onfl | / produced as a centennial proj- The Doctors -- a ect z jw ee ct. N A. # A aN ort Mike's nival. 7 ime fF U MILLIEAND IVs Ta : A ; M 2--Boio's Big Top Zoronuiion Sireet t - In addition to narrating the You'LL i ce ' | | Nee ene M. Linkletter's Party | a ieee : - film, Ives will sing a ballad of SURPRISE! ' 3:00 P.M, | Alberta' written by Calgary ral Ho composer Wally Grieve. Ives r | e pa 0 Tell i! 'Truth ; jand his 16-year-old son Alex Another World YOUR HEALTH i jhave the only talking parts in Take 30 4 * |the production. 4--News * | The film, financed by the pro- aya OenT BV | Removal Of Tonsils \ an 4 jvincial government, is the Edge of Night brainchild of producer William 7 sppeerTan Sh0W B d 0 ¢ d "s = |Marsden of Calgary. Much of \--Funny Company | : |the footage is being shot in Cal- 4:00 P.M. | ase n 00 ause ; \gary's Heritage Park, an area Re aids 9-1 Love Lucy sat = |devoted to historical displays Blue Lig 1e Match Gam o1 ' , ' $ 4&Beverly -Hillb 1Long : yee eget atag By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD ; *e Missionaries, the Northwest 54 Reb cece ; | | Mounted Police, fur trade: d -- se --Vacall : eh ; rs an 9:08 P.M Sweep 2--Merv Griffin | Pear Dr. Molner: Whaljbreathing, caused by such ef-|\ndians will be the stars of the 7~-Movie 7--Super | Or i -Ed Allen Time 4.30 P.M, oN a tao " hy largo . e ' "Aas ey 4 | if aided Acres 4--Andy of Mayberry 11--Atom Ant 'causes enlarged tonsils and why|largement, is valid reason for | first portion. of the film. Early RpMnrc his days of the oil and mining in- es MICKEY MOUSE si ellie 7 3S fer po j /LL SEE IF ICAI } VLL PLAY ITSAFE AND GO )) END A KIS TOGO. GET THE EGGS MYSELF / } TO THE MARKET : < ( : eo 4--Macation. Time 11:30 AM. | should they be removed? There removal. neers ipper Sam ¢ jis no infection. We should remember, how-|qustries and the contributions 6--Home Jit : Do enlarged tonsils cause in- ever, that tonsils tend to be-|\of yarious ethnic groups also sts fection later if left in?--Mrs. come smaller with age. At times) wij] be depicted in the 'Kistor- CROSSWORD iB. K they can be quite prominent at| jeg} portion Z ene The province's industries and scenic attractions will be ma- jor features of the segment |dealing with today. The segment on the future will view the Athabasca oil sands development and the opening up n Dyke Mov jabra You know how the mountain age two or three, remain large ACROSS 2,8 ; ~: climber ex plained why for several years and then sub- 1, Having a bishop's nher | MEMIEIAITY climbed the mountain -- "4 le, unless chronic -- infection de : t p 2 FOR ME...' | cause it was -there."' But the causes them to remain large same logic does not necessaril) Advent of the antibiotics has Af GRANDMA ed japply to tonsils, althoygh there been an ort factor. These CHAS. | ahh takes ie o Boaves Lagat 2 TE | EID IDly was a time when many tonsils drugs rapidly subdue acute in- oncakdl » Bor thee oe : aie SIL MMMISIAY ~|were removed '"'just because fections and diminish the fre-| of the northern part of the prov- ain Pee eel aie a p they were there." quency of recurrence. In this |jince ee NOT EXACTLY! SAID| C.WELL SETA Pity Fhe pi Bs me ' OF Fish ENIVIEMETIOIN | 'phere has been a good deal regard some tonsils are safely) Richard Tomkies of Calgary Al BOUT JUNIOR ? WHEN WE INVITE PLACE FoR HIM! @ ik soet. ountry 26. Lett RANTS jof revaluation of th attitude and proper I allow ed iD ae jwrote the film script, Ken Ju- ihe Y HIM TO EAT J 4. |} 42. Circu 8. Star 28. Reprove Xesterday's Answer {About 2,000,000 tonsillectomies today whereas a generation ag9/ benvill of Vancouver is director WITH US... ) na, 9, é 31, Chinese ; lare done each year in the they would have been so An-|and Osmond Borradaile of Vane for} ara. . 1c whit y . 39. Genus o: k |United States. The goal is to fected as to e removal/the |couver is photography. director. nF ' ltrv to make sure that the oper- only wise cour In addition to Ives and his koopint | ation is never performed with- pear Dr. Molner: Please give|S, about 50 persons will have jout good reason. the cause and cure of walking|Parts as extras in the film. There are good reasons for pneymonia Mrs. A. L. | Alberta government trade of- removal, of course, : fices around the world will help Tonsils are part of the lym- a tara for fnetimonia: which is distribute it for cinema and tele- |phatic righ hearer omar not severe enough to provent| sien SHOWINE, - Cc t nese gle Ke posi ce gr 28 p reiite the patient from being active. | P s ct a5, wit Be ) s; ' e ; Phe Jean themselves become chron- | Seago ae a SALLY 5 SALLIES lically infected ce RRS TIE tae eRe \ > ia ' attac if { «+S : 5 ' Acute, frequent attacks of ton- 1, iia EAE ereek: tears Bs \sillitis, or recurring ear infec- Antibi ickly. suppress V We'l EDIT SHAMLET* pe Fi . uT- Z : : eddir | | tions, are. ood reasons for re- 1. oterial infections. We Have RIGHT OuT OF BIFF'S \LT- . : : ; pi \ lINMTIVIT Ie AT CMI8 119 VIIVTV77, moving infected tonsils. Ine ing dr hich will suppress PRIVATE CAR PARKED > s \ Cs 35, French sf V, : OY), 2 \latter -- ear infections -- are ay, so treatment is' rest' ON A SIDING HERE IN y ' = pe : Wa: | river : 7- = . a | dangerous complication which : Sesion DEVON. THAT'S HOW i / Osan Secchaelss : mon ay cure WE'LL GUARANTEE t | pers 37 a é ; |drums, defective hearing OF). oie my 1. cold runs its THE AUTHENTIC AEN i Al} BAY Ng Sedah gi end te ee (1/4 ichronic mastoid disease : : : SMALL- TOWN Paynes / y 1 \4 fan "ge area | TA sz ee srience \ FE hod a, ; r a \ | | { 2 | In my experience many re vor! Z >\ . \ \ . | ' ts | 1 ; ene rath | | | é | curring ear infections have been leliminated by tonsillectomy and 46 I regard it as the most im- ./ 4 "7 j nM 5 [36 57 SAM AM / portant indication for sut : We RE, COMING TO | ¢ VE 6 p j cf hi Sponves 7 a | . = There is variation in the size THE "BUT" DEPARTMEN rar ieee s fis "Al , fe , : g of tonsils, They may be as smal Dear Dr. Molner: Will taking FIRST YOU- YOU'RE i READ F Z-* My, |. 2° ' z : eee eT ve vail racine chon nate FASHION EDITOR. J , t I 6 | as. beans or as arg é Va : E 41 OUND £ Ss | Walking pneumonia is merely Sedo Ite BN: Wekd tees mee Fame @ hes MUGGS AND SKEETER lcan lead to perforated ear r, though, n to go to bed until tion is thrown off. Walkin eumonia can become more seve especially if the patient doesn't get enough rest ry JULIET JONES a *| "Ts it as dull as you've heard? | : yj ' er | Inuts, even touching each other, |¢ ise | oru rleries? |) Well, the couple in it IS S sT--T i & ae FHS BER BN TAG ? |Adenois also: vary, and can --Mrs, C. D. E. | happily married . « ." Pe J + DOWN fg ty é interfere with breathing. Mouth-| No. ee 1. Cement

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