z4 vm OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, August 17, 1966 EARN SCHOOL CASH WITH "FOR SALE" CLASSIFIED ADS Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Accountants Building Trades GO} R. DAY, Ce pee Suite 205W, ping Centre, 725-9953. SS JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Accoun- tant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street East. Telephone 723-4833. BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. Complete bookkeeping service, 178 Sim- coe Street North, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charter- ed Accountants, Finencial Tra Bulld- ing, 167 King ed East, Oshe tarlo, 725-3809; T. Hopkins, CA; Bes CA; E. per ies: CA. YAU ERIEDLANDE AND CO., Char-|, tered Accountants. ensed Trustees in Bankruptcy, 52'2 simncas Street North, Oshawa 728-7371. ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered Account ant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshi Ontario, Telephone 723-1221. Barristers AMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, Barr r and Solicitor and Notary Pub- Commercis! Building, 286 King/ Oshawe, Ontario. Client parking 725-4716 or 725-4717. BOYCHYN and HILLMAN, So re. 36% King Street Raey? oe Residential Commercial Industrial Repairs -- Alterations Additions --- Remodelling For all your Construction Needs -- : CALL JAMES ALLEN & SONS » 725-6126 tif General Oshawa Shop & GENERAL REPAIRS For all your home 'mprove ment problems, call us first 725-8576 Then have a customers. ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete. G your driveway paved by experts, 20 ce sg, ft Ail work gueranteed 3 $ 723-028). CARPENTRY id cement talk with 'our T West, available. Barristers, A and) NEW PLASTERING and repa S $ vareeee funds ay . and factery, mechani: OREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soll tent. Call Pickering 94 14 King Street East. Disl| EAVESTROUGHING "Resi idence Phones: J. M 'Greer,| di y. Guaranteed work. 68; Terence V. Kelly, ac, 728-| mas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB, 72 Free estime | FoR at YOUR HOME improvement general constructior nd wall jeter. | workmancht p, telephone 6é8- qua at ing Str East, Oshawa, FRED R. JONES, LLB, Solicitor, 86 King Street 723-8137. Residence 725-0851, For RESULTS TIMES Classitied ACTION ADS 723-3492 CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS orks, bint: ie, Galanin: 1 masonry \¥ UR LOCAL jneys built, repa' jroots repaired. nsertio of 24 words 2ic. each. rar cent additi n 8 days. onal charge ¥ : \Carpentry 24|A-1__CARPENTE ord,| ns or vat counts two REMODELLING, trim Dentistry CAREFOOT, urges Ki |For app! ntment of|/BIALEK, OR. E. P., Dent 112 Simcoe Street North, | ape! ntment, 728 42 or Re ents add. 1 8 days. DR. JOHN M., Dente ing_Street East, Oshawa 728- lor the ts eafter . additional ci within 8 days. CARD OF THAN $2.25 for the first. hereafter wi not paid w COMING EVENTS se $2.24 per inch (display); $1.75 for the first 20 words and Sc. each thereafter|® (Werd Ads) swe. For 28-844) Dressmaking al dren's wear. a ra' Mrs. Ven Den Berghe, iy Currie Ave- nue. 728-1823. Gardening end Supplies "This. & That' Calcium Chloride | Water Softening Salt Mix Canary Seed Budgie Seed Purina Dog Feeds Master Dog Feeds Purity Dog Meal Master Horse Meat ATIONS AND Master Meat Stew 'oF : Master Meat Loaf DAY OF res ane ICATION Purina Cat Chow Kitty Litter Rabbit Pellets Britannia Malt Extract Garden Supplies OPEN AL AUCTION SAL $2.%4 PER INCH PER INSERTION. DEADLINES WORD ADS 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS AND FOUND LOST PUBLICATION 9 am. DAY OF BIRTHS AND DEAT 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBL ICATION ~ 4 p.m. day previous; 2 col lerger -- 10 a.m, day previcus. CO. 6 CELINA 723-2312 723-1139 COMPLETE SALES AND SERVICE ON GARDENING EQUIPMENT Toro, Lawn Boy and Yardman Lawnmower Horse Garden Tractors RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE LTD 1015 KING ST. € 725-6551 'CENTENNIAL LANDSCAPING : Make Your Your Centennial + PHONE armen IT'S BASY TO PLACE A nee TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 sii ----$--$__--____--_----} INDEX TO SAI ORTON | mome roject LANDSCA Bloor St. East QUALITY CARPENTRY ranteed ~ Surgeon, |C _jau ality | Roto tilling, ling and cuit | CHAIN | LINK "FENCING, hu DARLINGTON "GARDEN SERVICE e © 987-A754 E Mortgage 'Septic Service |Gerdening and Supplies _ AUGUST CLEARANCE LAWN BOY POWER MOWERS 19" Deluxe Reg. 95.00 , Prompt service Joa Chestnut Street Surveyors H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, « Ontario Lan Land Surveyors, 112 Elgin Street East, Phone 725-6881 DONEVAN and Fi tario Land Survey: prints. 11 Ontario TV--Radio Re; Repairs T.V. TOWERS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" SCHMANN, Commercial reet, N, On- ive 75.00 Sale 19° Deluxe with Reg. 109.50 catcher 85.00 gras Sole 21" Deluxe Reg. 102.00 anya RraROWN PREACHED A AT OUR OWN PLANT We wer 21" Deluxe with Reg. 116.50 you a better Less Money OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD TAUNTON RD, E East of Ritson 723-8131 - 723-8132 give for 2) Autor ust 2 year Guarantee CONVENIENT TERM AVAILABLE TELEVISION----RADIO 24 HOUR SERVICE HOLMES ELECTRONICS vice Call - 668-5679 PART OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD. ft Simeoe er Prempt Whitby Harbor Rd. ¢ Call 723-8186 HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV Teer 2S ARE BES H ef t R. |. 0. TELEVISION ner Bond and Divi 728-5143 TV ren ee 728 5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS TV. TOWERS OS COLORED TV OR K & WHITE Pei ur e 65 or 668-5 830 RADIO & nv. ~ 300 NURSERY 0 M? : agi TREE TO TRIM RAE'S . LANDSCAPING res |FOR "COMPLETE maintenance LACK AND WHITE guarcnteed T.R.| O TELEVISION 728-5143 COLOR T.V yR BLAC AND LAWN Nar dscap ng, pé GARDEN free setimnatée.t ergree ods, patios, ten service DOMINION TELEVISION TIME 728-5 |Instruction HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME IN SPARE 54 9 a.m. to 9 p.m CITY TY TOWERS enue, 'Telepho Rug, Upholstery RE-UPHOLSTERY vb MORTGAGE varus: LOANS eens Sales and Service APPLIANCE REPAIRS ) PARTS AVAIL 723-4697 . ALCAN FIRST \ snd APPLIA MORTGAGE - athe 001) and SECON ne / Rent A Piano HEINTZMAN & Company Ltd FIRST AND SECOND Irrigated $00 GREEN' NURS 50D GROWERS oy FIRST AND SECOND Bl UI GRAS' Street North Optometrist "ALL F. RICHARD BLACK, OD 96 Plumbing and ee ARC and ACETYLENE ALL nrens of t R le re Phone 723-228 SEWING MACHINES anteed 3286, GUARANTEED REPAIR and re ann 5 to a HEATING: <u ome sf Harold H. Stark ALL PLUMBING AND plies. Telephone: 725-352 td, P H to all Free estimates. NBer Ce Well inn saticts | no WELL DIGGING r Pere 2563 6 TO BUY PROPERTY check the rei @ marketpiace, Classified Ads treet West, Whitby SERMON oF NEARLY | €9,000 WORDS } LASTING 12 HOURS | AMD JOM? WASHINGTON, Dc, } SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT Soaps | a Oo (iota AME MAM" O- WAR "BAD ISASEA Fors. 4rd CANNOT SWIM BECAUSE OF W115 SMALL LEGS AND UNWEBBED FEET. a EMOY gS LELCKES . here tere a 84h. Wad gin srenes |6--Marine Equipment |\8--Articles for Sale 11--Pets and Livestock BOATS GALORE Mony of last yeor's models Several .1965 cutooard mo- tors COME VISIT CANADA'S -ARGEST INDOOR SHO' WROO LOADS OF BOATS ON DISPLAY @ 1000 ---- 20" windshields suitable for convertible tops. Reg. to $90.00 each. Clear- ing at $29.95 each @ Litfejacker: Buy one Get One FREE aluminum CAR TOP $159.00 @ 12 BOATS MARINE PAINT 50% |2--Personal Removel of st Marie Murduff v Oshawa, August 31, Phone Geno these day 29 for a ELECTROLYS!5 723-4641 |4--Motorcyc les DUCATI 6--Marine Equipment 10 Hotel MARINE EQUIPMENT @ TRIUMPH helr 114 STEVENSON RL AB's 728-7780 MOTORCYCLE SALE DUCATI MARK CLEARANCE ! ! EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTORS 3 HP. rec. $ DUTH Motorcycle SHOP ef ROYAL opie vot Tw am Street 1966 DUCATI 25 tlon,. Phone 728-3179 5--Trailers Kamping Unlimited| Townline Rd and t eee 9942 CABIN and TENT TRAILER RENTALS for A RAMBLER TRAILERS SAL RENT Open Sundays 2 BUDDY TRAIL PORT HOPE vt trailer part COOK'S >imcoe Open ES agit Hill edgledd and equipn TRAILEF W966 TENT TRAILER, foam wheel, sleet ve $ Telephone HOME-MADE CABIN ideal tor hu bunk ng ce $125. or offer Te Full pr 4512 HOME-MADE Reasonable TENT tral Nill sett a pped. Telephone MOBILE HOME bedrooms and b $7,800. Phonn 72 Classified ACTION ADS tor RESULTS Telephone 123-3492 for all other departments 723-3474 Open Monday Fr 8:00 am. to 5:00 Saturday 8:00 am.,-to 12:00 North -4 P.M 25-6496 850 1100 ed COMBINATIONS Crestliner tang steering, shield, upholstered seat light battery 40 H.P. Evinrude 700 Ib. E 14" Mu wind rur tibreglas with ng and bo elec stort trake Aluminum with flet vinyl cc 14' Lar windst EVinrude Lark with gener V For immediate delivery ERS $1486.00 With 700 Ib. Explorer Trail er $1646.00 15 Demor seat win i, steerir ng control batte and box and 100 H.P. Evinrud up to 48 MPH. nent MANY OTHER BIG BARGAINS CONVENIENT TERMS mattresses ed 'three after 4 Now at The OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD. off Simcoe St. § Bowmanville Rd 723-8186 Harb 2 WEEKS VACATION? Why not make it the whole > Forget that costly weeks and invest in lasting tun... A BOAT from your Evinrude & Crestliner Dealer OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD. Harbor Rd. off Simcoe St. S$ 23 8186 -- WILSON WELDING | and MARINE Winter boat and age, Lindsay LINDSAY 324-5212 12 HP ELGIN motor, 17 60" beam ply- r mower, electric guitar motor stor Apply 476 Cromwell! iday 5m Storage p 364) HP Scott, windshield, many $775, er 15-FT, MASON, 40 jStart, two tanks wheel, 'speedometer, and Tee-Nee trailer electr access Bie p.m. best offer. BOAT, MOTOR & --|ANTIQUE GUNS ALLWEATHER MARINE after 4 9.m FIBERGLAS 174 CHRYSLER OUTBOARD 14-FT. MOULDED pl le Tee- DEALING IN SERVICES? RY nev ess? D 12-FOOT VIKING E d d after 728-97 |7--Swep ~ Barter : pipe a ¢ jgarden tractor: $--Articles for Sale NOW! SIX SERVICE BAYS Service For Auto e NMENT dge, Ford ntiac. We correct gnment. inspect and castor and camber, toe-in and toe-out dition Ply extra if required bar adjustment & BRAKE SPECIAL Most popular F Quality Royaline 4 wheel cars. WHEE Inch each SHOCKS. FRONT-END WORK AT COMPARABLE PRICES DOMINION TIRE STORE ROAD SOUTH pila Hampton tal deleted ald cedar sk . Ol] space he: 00 Ol) heated hot w like mew 50,00 each, Best offer will Peterborough, Buckhorn 657: VACUUM all make hos {br ushes, etc. *Pick-up, delivery, ng Vacuum Service, Main ckering McCULLOCH CHAIN | SAWS ore: sales, rentals rapa co ck McCulloch 100 to 1 outboard fl special blend chain saw oil Rental end Marines 25 Kins Street YBust,| DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock 728-5565 |TV TOWERS "SPECIAL - a0 foot tow: |structure, all-channel, antenna TV Supply Limited, lust east of Ritson R ERFIELD BARGAINS Taunt clearan 4 NEW, USED -- vacuums pairs to all makes Jack Lees, 728-6956 FURNITURE - | mot for. se Telephone 723 $5. Portable $35., adding m END OF SEASON CLEARANCE itor, illside| three tape: SPECIAL BUYING OR SELLING turniture or ap-| C ail 2am 942.021 Street, cac.| Also stable nstalled, | harvest about August Re-jphone Orono 36-R2. Phone tique sonable, FABULOUS August Furniture sale, ev stick of furniture must go. Chestertiels sultes from $99, bedroom suites from) 7o; $99. 5 piece dinette sultes $34.88. Many many more -- tremendous savings, Wii- son's Furniture, 20 Church St. MATTRESS BARGAINS. All t types of tresses, all redui Smooth-top mi tresses, $29.; crib mattresses, $9.88; m: tresses iad vig beds, $16.88; roll-awe' cots comp! $19.88. Wilson's Furni- ture, 20 Cnieh Street. COTTAGE SPECIALS beds $16, fridges $30., table and chair sets, $19., dressers $10. cribs $10., stoves $194 jwashers $15. 16 Bond Street West, 25 |Bond Street East, Valley Creek, 728-4401, eryITWO WHITE emali miniature peodies, coe twe months old. Telephene 62% io SMOOTH Dachshund p puppies fer sale. Telephone 725-0719. FOUR-YEAR ead eld well train- ed. Telephone 721 "° a SADDLE esse oar for si Gentie with children. Also 5 pon and pony saddle. Telephone 728-89: ie 12--Articles aia GOOD USED FURNITURE. Call any- time, 668-5481 or 668-6526, MacNeil' Fure niture, 215 Dundas East, Whitby. MI |VACUUM repairs, all makes, hoses, brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213. Fieming Vacuum Service, Main Street, GOOD USED FURNITURE. What have fe Sy Creek. 6 Bond Street West, | Ph Pickering. | FREED Furnace cleaned, adjusted free. | Guaranteed trouble-free winter if wr pur' boy from. Western oll I Co. 7: 72. 25-121 ULLER BRUSH PRODUCTS, ; outh |Bumam, 773-0444 or 668-6583. |PONTOON BOAT, '55 Merc., fibreglas | boat, '38 MG, '57 Chev., rototilier, trac- plumbing gall pumps, piping, } c. Telephone 723-708! TV TOWERS wacne ft. structure, jail channel antenna, $50. TRIO Tele- | vision,. 728-5143. BUY AND SELL and appliances. O Furniture, 444 REFRIGERATOR, stove, wa chine and television Telephone 72- D9 after 6 p.m CAR "RECORD PLAYER", in Good used furniture location only. Pretty coe South, 723-327) "ew con- 728-5947 WANTED Used treadie. Reasonable. from 5.30 to 7 p.m. 13--Articles For Rent Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch. Bowls, Bridal Wear Men"s Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Riston Rd. S, 725-3338 CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church al sie runners. Cleve Fox Reni 4g Simcoe Street North. Cali 723-2614. WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, reducin, sewing machine, Telephone 668-6028 dition. Asking $75. Telephone "small equipme: very reasonable. Tele- ; "With float, sir brakes, 1one 728-344. CONTINENTAL BEDS Sreuias Fal Woles 5889 condition, BABY CARRIAGE, ef dition. Telephone Ti 161 SPACE SAVER, tables, chest of d' ' Ae Best offer for pot ck 5 after 6 p.m COMPLETE SET Encyci at set med r ? Natures Library. 0465 ot orld DOUBLE COTINENTAL e condition, $35. Te: ephene WEPDINe GOWN, 9-10. Please ca ONE BABY'S CRIB and stroller, condition, Please ca TYPEWRITERS, ad rs, f Ham! iton P| 17s CU. FT. PREEZER, like new, ; $150. eh '¥ 120 Bell Drive, Whitby Ay Classified al 723-3492| $ | WEDDING DRESS, full length with train 10 - 12, white, _low neckline, long, d sleeves. 'TAPE RECORDER, "Sea Breeze," 728-990 Chesterfield suites, '|FuRNiTURE jand kitchen $ p.m. Owner transferred, WE BUY, sell and exchenge @ used furni- ture or anything you have. Trading Post Store, South, 1671. 6 D USED wringer washers, televis! efrigerator, etc. re and Appliances, 452 -0011. [PICK "Your Own. "Tomatoes, sket; corn, 25¢ dozen; Spanis' each. Bring own containers. pick beets, 50c équart basket, cukes, Oc é-quart b it; green peppers, 5 rt carrots, 25¢ 6-quart ba: Eynians, ¥2 mile east of arage, Courtice, go north } To « or more. Teleanene Behl "VEGE - tomatoes, id cooking onions, cabbages, beans. iam Sack, Thorn- farm south of side. |FRESH VEGETABLES Tomatoss, leorn, beets and potatoes available. Wal- ter Huron Farm, '4-mile west of Oshawa, ton 401 North Service Road. FEED FOR SALE: Canning factory en silage delivered, sweet com PHONE NEWCASTLE 987-4727 or inquire Stokely Van Camp Whitby As k k for or *Mac"* Frew, al FRESH cur | s ALED WAY, 25c. If led up in field. WIll deliver for additfonel .|charge. 728-5221. BULL -- Holstein, registered, 18 months lold, Newtonville 786-2267 after 7 p.m, PASTURE FOR FOUR ponies avaliable for winter, Telephone 725-3811 FENCES -- farm and residential, Bob |Maxwell, Greenwood, 942-1 3. up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, : Tyran. Telephone Collect Hampton 263- er| 2721, Licence 4-C-66. 22 ACRES of standing oats. Very good crop, has been sprayed. Will be ready to Make offer. 106. 'on pe Hemrtey 263-21 150: © or fide PINTO MARE, five years old, very very. | Quiet, excellent rider, chiidren's pet. y| Bathie, Port Perry, | 985-2926, ' FOUR-YEAR-OLD GELDING, saddie- | broken and quiet, includes saddle, Tele BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready tor train ngs talking strain, Apply Mrs, T. }Broad, 114 Elgin East. *| cozy-3 RANCH Kennels, herds, males, 4 mos., stud servs, Ashburn 6: GOLDEN LABRADOR | Retriever, one year old. Telephone 263-2138. male, +|DACHSHUND -- small standard breed,| *| reasonable Telephone 623-3430. BEAUTIFUL short Telephone AUSTRALIAN KELPiE | Puppy, | ome year, ;}male, medium build, black and tan,} -| short hair, Chiidren's apr Quiet, intelli-| vaired "po pointers, 1 rea-| register, adds tax sepa- |gent and gentle, 723- "Viking," used ty double bed. - Tel REFRIGERATOR, months, cheste. ied, phone 723-7036 |WHITE, | DAPPLED ee pony AY stailion.| va} [Eleven and one-half hands, Broken to © |ride, nglish eg easy to handle. asking $150. 468 Apply 84 Taunton Road "with and microphone, $65. 20 gal. isa ee ' pose cam- ; bedroom other miscellaneous items, like new. Telephone 623-5966 after The City 44 Simcoe Street $34.50 and nt ENTERTAINING? Fi peop! e? DELIVERY CONTRACT to deliver Furniture and carpets will be mmedictely. The vice hired will re- closed in ven ver in Oshowe ng area, for one of Oshawe's largest furniture ond appliances outlets. Deliv. ries cre made on. 5 days of week and could be run unction with other non- ' cting services. Good re- muneretion os opportunities to someone prepcred to offer top service. Apply giving meme ond phone number te Box 40287. TEXACO CANADA LTD. | Sennen Station for lease in rapidly expanding Ajax "| Operate your own business and earn above average in- come with new Texaco mer- chandising programs, . This modern two bay station is lo- cated on a main thofough- fare in Ajax. Phone Toronte 461-0471 or 783-9639 af- ter 6 SACRIFICE Service station and living querters on Highwoy 35, Lindsay. Full price $18;900,' Will take property or mort- gage as trade. CLIFFORD SMITH REAL ESTATE Toronto, 699-4921 iy 000 SCOTCH } Pi Christmas trees. | Will 1 on ues or by contract with purchaser to cut and deliver when re __| quired. Whi thy. "Ges sit after 4 p.m, "S116 --Eeaplepenent Wanted LAWNS CUT, Odd jobs; also moving and havil Ing. Cail 728-2882 or 723-6030, NURSING ASSISTANT requires em }ment in doctor's or dentist's oe Grade 113 education, ._ Telephone DAY CARE available by ar home. Five days per week, Telephone Whitby 668-2949, LADY willing to care for » child in her own home. Five days weekly. Telephene Whitby 668-6077. DAY CARE given in my home. Street North area. Telephone YOUNG MOTHER with schoo! ge a wants housekeeping position. {i 0 ;less home with one or two children. |Close to schools and city. Write Box | 40206, Oshawa Times. WILL BOARD two children, Ligh vere Gee hike Family atmosphere with old erences availabie, Steaet near Albert Phone ain ade 17--Female Help | Wanted BOOKKEEPER TYPIST tor girl Friday-type position, Must be bondable and able to meet the public. Write stating age, previous exper- ience and phone number to, BOX 40010 _OSHAWA TIMES MOTHERS WHILE YOUR CHILDREN SLEEP Earn $$ per hour, demonstrat- ing Par-Tee Toy Chest's un- usual and unique line of toys and gifts. No deliveries or collections. Car necessary. Call now Mrs. Hartwig 723-3568 WAITRESSES REQUIRED 7 a.m. -- 4 p.m. and 4 p.m. -- 17 p.m Apply in person to Mr. Campbell, GENOSHA HOTEL NO PHONE CALLS DISHWASHER required PART-TIME Must speak English Apply MR. CAMPBELL GENOSHA HOTEL NO PHONE GALLS court Actin aiy SRC IE wt ROL