Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Aug 1966, p. 8

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8 THE OSHAWA 'TIMES, Tuesday, August 16, 1966 DOWN THE MIDDLE Fred Wallenstein, an 80- y after plowing into car, driving the driver's Id olive i Fle this expressway guardrail eat into the trunk, leaving a te ore ee The guardrail traveled Wallenstein on the floor. man, was nursing only a cut through the length of the The Highway Patrol report- London Police Deaths | Cause Public Disquiet By JOSEPH MacSWEEN gambling in Britain in 1965 was LONDON (CP) -- Britons, calculated at £1,250,000,000 ($3,- aghast at the murder of three 790,000,000) by Rev. Gordon cat burg of murdering a. man "who hed on the London syndi- we London policemen, have re-| Moody, general secretary of the The man's stories of an inter- opened the old controversies Churches' Council on Gambling. national murder and protection over whether policemen should The council asked Parliament syndicate being operated from carry arms and whether cop- to check the spread London--of hired killers carry- There is- no indication, of jng out reprisal shootings in course, that Friday's triple mur- London--sounded like a Chicago der had anything to do with gangster film story of the 1920s. gambling but detectives see a death penalty connection between the wth s of murder was er o > aw | to Mura ¢ oe gambling; a. ne ie od b British Parliament ty was Ager pe in aa, and vear and demands for a return the growth of violent crime. » hangman were heard in blaze of anger and sympathy killers should be hanged. The debate indicates a dis- quiet going even beyond these questions into the reasons for a galloping crime rate that now tops 1,000,000 serious offences annually, a fivefold increase in less than 20 years. Authorities cite zooming gam- INCLUDE SLAYINGS a E ; bling figures as background to| These have included at least Over the shooting of the three the increase in crime, particu- three gun slayings, beatings policemen Friday larly clashes between under- mystery fires and bomb attacks.) 'It would be quite wrong for world gangs as they fight over Home Secretary Roy Jenkins me to take a m policy de the spoils of protection rackets. ordered two Scotland Yard de- ©!S!0n hadow of one London is frequently termed|tectives to South Africa after horrible was the gambling capital of Europe. former Londoner Johnnie Brad- ° to the uproar. The total spent on all forms of' bury was convicted in Johannes- ation pro- all abolished for last ajor ra review iy figures so far Air Force Action Follows :::*sish isin." $000 Million Plane Crash WASHINGTON (AP) DON'T CARRY Britain is not alone in facing an upswing in crime but, sources it does face partic- ARMS --The!information director for the air Say U.S. Air Force disc losed Mon-|force flight test centre at Ed: ular difficulties arising from its day it is taking disciplinary ac-|...4, Air Force Base Calif,, history. Care has been taken in tion against four officials in- volved in the approval of a com- mercial picture-taking mission the last 150 years to prevent the British becoming an in- strument of tyranny--hence they and John §. McCollom, director of research vehicles in the air police bythe s.r fore stems, command 2 ever adopted the Wradiion a § plane which erashed in Hace: Ol carrying arms, sO common in California June 8. ase, Unio North America Air Force Secretary Harold COLLIDED WITH PLANE Police chiefs now have the Brown said if the letter and, The XB-70, originally built as Power to equip men on danger- spirit of existing instructions a prototype for a new strategic 9US assignments with arms-- had been followed, the picture- bomber but now a chief re- there is no national police force taking phase of the flight would search tool for developing a su- in Britain--but there some not have been authorized by top personic transport, cra shed tion for policemen to be air force officials here, near Edwards Air F orcg'B ase 1 as a matter of course He said that, as a result of after a collision with ah F-104 ; men in Leicester the investigation into the crash, Chase plane. re Britain's only regularly Col. Albert W. Cate has been' The planes came to , armed 'Policemen _ Their chief relieved as deputy ystems while in a flight formation ble t ark the tests in the XB I m and which, among other thin was gg country to have assigned to other duties. designed to make pictures re- @¢¢!ded that some of his officers Written reprimands, Brown quested by General El ( ee :; in' avail. said, have be will be given Manufacturer of their engines vende gerd E 5 i tr their car This to Col. test force The photos of the formation would not have helped j CG V 1 not h » helpe ry > t. Smith, were being made from a ead 4 ad directo: Uf > n policemen ni . 1 0 emen Sia cri spuaoune al jet, contracted by General Elec a tric, which flew a few hundred say. the sect feet to the left of the XB-70 Britain that 1 The accident killed Joseph S ha" ident Walker, holder of the we altitude and speed record was piloting the F-104, and Maj d tt 1 getting away with who out of every 10 cases Face Hatred Carl S. Cross, co-pilot of the ; come before juries have NEW YORK (AP)--A survey XB-70 been endir in acquittal, Lord published \ lay shows white ~~ Pes Parker lord chief justice prejudice t the Negro has MEASURE FOR MEASURE says t each four found in not substantiz lessened in the AMPORT, England (CP)--Po- nocent, three may in fact be last three years in the United lice Constable Doug I n, guilty State 36, was praised by S Dp. ere read belief The survey was conducted by council after meting out instant mz have been Newsweek magazine which justice to a gang of teen-ager or f tened into ac sent polling te s -- including he spotted destroying the bus quittals ecent years. The 113 Negrointerviewers-- shelter in t Ham ire overnment now has started a throughout the U.S. to question lage. He rounded up the bovs, move to let jurie bring in 1,059 Negroes and 1,088 whites gave them hammers and na verdicts if at least 10 of the from varying | zrounds and stood over them for two 12 jurors agree, rather than be- Some sur ults ours while they repaired the ing bound to unanimity as now --About er ¢ of the shelter in the ca whites t to having a _ Negro fa next door. (It 4 was 51 per cent in 1963. It is A a N popes clap eg ee hnnounce New now.) --About $8 per cent of the whites would be against their teen-age children dating Ne- groes. --About 16 per.cent of whites in general and 42 per cent of southern whites object to sit- ting next to a Negro in a res- + 91 Healing Substance... Shrinks Piles, Checks Itch Exclusive healing substance proven to shrink hemorrhoids... and repair damaged tissue, A renowned. research institute tauran 1 per cent and 56 ; many per cent, respectively, to us- found a unique healing su Thi vith @ fae the sale sradm 18 with the ability to shrink hen hew hea Bio-D aid 44 per cent to sifting be- Thids painlessly. It relieves i which ¢ ly helps heal in aw side a 'Negro or 2 'bu 9g (ns and discomfort in minute ' ce in tes veciath of she and 54 per cent to trying on Signed up healing of the injured, t D oiered in sore clothing a Negro inflamed tissues tory form called --About 63 pc ent of whites .One: hemorrhoidal case histor Preparati H. gaan believe all 6 dem ,. after another reported "very strik- j to actually shrink tions are bad. (It was er '28 improvement." Pain was ng hemorrho aa Seah H cent three yez igo Promptly and gently relieved . . , | a nd makes el minat --About 50 per cent of whites actual reduction or retraction ¢ Dp ; ae witnent a hahinon' Neors ave looser (Shrinking) took place ' ' Py i sce morals than white Among these case histories were of hemorr ' --Two of every three Negroes # Variety of hemorrhoidal condi- Just ask your druggist for-Pre- questioned (1 out of f ions. Relief even occurred in cases Dp on H Suppo or Pre- in the sou th . Of long standing, and most im- par nH Oinemen fast uation h n public 2°Ftant of all, results were so pecia ) u accommodations. B fo horough that this improvement Ss on Of majority, housing remains a "5 ™aintained over a period of re oo ae ees sore point. i t OTTAWA (CP) -- The immi- gration department's five-week open period during which visi- tors to Canada who wish to re- main as immigrants were al- lowed to apply for resident status ended Monday at mid- night with far fewer applica- tions by back-door immigrants tian expected. A spokesman for the depart- ment said Monday that latest figures available--up to Aug. 8 --showed 4,078 persons had ap-| plied under the plan which was | introduced in the Commons by Immigration Minister Marchand July 8. Final figures are ex- pected today or Wednesday. This was in contrast to the loose estimate by the depart- ment that 10,000 to 20,000 per- sons who had entered the coun- try as visitors with the hidden intention of remaining for good were eligible to apply. The plan to allow visitors to apply for resident status re- -jsulted from the application by more than 21,000 visitors for resident status in the 15-month period preceding Mr. Mar- chand's announcement, the spokesman said. Irregular immigrants who do not meet three conditions face deportation but the department sas indicated it expects the number of deportations result- ing from the special policy to Wallenstein must before _hit- ed that have dozed off, ting the rail. be small. --AP Wirephoto | co RULES SET Visitors - turned-immigrants: | --Must not be within prohibi- ted classes listed in the Immi- gration Act such as criminals security risks and persons of immoral character. Apology Given After Race Slur. LAGOS (AP)--A U.S Peace| --Must not have entered Can- Corps teacher has apologized to ada_ by fraudulent means Nigerians who accused him of/~~ ae insulting the African race, the Hungary Holds Peace Corps director in Nigeria Eight Canadians said Monday. OTTAWA (CP)--Acting Prime The newspaper West African Pilot had reported that Nigerian Minister Martin said Monday eight Canadians are in jail or staff members at the Easiern under detention in Hungary. region teacher training colleg at Bori accused Robert S. D vis, 23, of insulting Africans by asking students to summarize 2 sai a statement some two -passages--one quoting a aan Scie a Hungarian South Carolina court decision! '. pease : that the 4 ord Negro was syn- origin have visited Ce Tiel onyinous with the word slave the last 18 months. During at é d the "other that Atrice titime 19 had been arrested an¢ pte a petace a ans 41 have since been released he : ; > ffairs depart- The Pilot said the incident erp rsa or gn tl hanibk disrupted classes and brought a| ment declin give = ee a - of the eight persons still de- halt to exams at the school, 20 aiid miles south of Port Harcourt. |' : p aid Peace Corps Director John Mr. Martin's statement sal , ' or or re uione is serving a sentence after McConnell said here that Davis} charges' of: cur- 1 iconviction on had apologized for what was|°O?Y! and criminal , F ake at rency smuggling termed a misunderstanding lnesligence in a fatal motor ac- "He did not feel he did any-|ciqent: three are in custody thing wrong." Davis thought, McConnell] charges, onc for trying to assist added, that the passages would!a Hungarian citizen to leave il- "stimulate the students' inter-|Jegally and one for making se- est'? and meant no racial slur.|ditious statements; four are The passage about Negroes|prevented from leaving Buda- was taken from a book Crisis in} pest while serious traffic acci- Black and White by Charles E.!dents are investigated. Silberman, published in 1964, Canada does not have a resi- |The Pilot said. It identified the|aent mission in Budapest but, other passage as being from the|yy Martin said, officials of the book Lost Cities of Africa bY/6mbassy in Prague visit Hun- Basil Davidson. gary regularly ay " ~~!" Canadian officials had investi- VEGETABLES gated each of the 19 arrests ex- \s many as three crops ofjcept for the one concerning se- garden vegetables are harv- dition, which occurred Aug. 10. ested annually on the semi-trop-|A report on this incident was ical islands of Bermuda. awaited. here. WANTED Energetic, Enthusiastic YOUNGSTERS Age 10 to 14 GROW MANY who want to earn extra money as Times Carriers tntering High School this Fail? Help purchase back to school clothing and books. Sturdy are the shoulder e news- paper boy for on then the re- sponsibilty of bridging the gap be- | tween newspaper and the reader. The newspaper they deliver represents the combined labour of thousands of peo- ple both here and abroad, plus pro- duction costs that run into the. thous- of dollars, It is therefore a job that cannot be taken lightly, the suc- ands ce or failure of the route depends er on a keen sense of detail fe ng interest in business, Both st prerequisites in today's world of busine But few people have such ar d instinct and the carrier's jc iffords an excellent opportunity for a young. boy or girl to learn these I '. ! ee i py Address sss eseeeese nsec cress esate eee esaeerees I Fo OR eta e ewe ics CI SO oes Cees saa es ' Sphere ; a ee a MAKE YOUR APPLICATION NOW! ! Mail or Bring Your Application to the "Times" Circulation | Department in Oshawo or Whitby. ! awaiting trial, one on smuggling} Marchand Fails To Net All Illegal Immigrants other than by posing as visi-| tors. | --Must fit into one of four cat-| egories: they would be ac- ceptable if they applied nor- mally abroad; they married a Canadian on or before July 8; they have established a successful business or been steadily employed for eight months; or they have had 10 years of schooling. The deadline originally was set for July 25 but Mr. Mar- chand extended it to Monday when response to the plan was | lighter than expected. The de- partment inserted advertise- ments. in foreign newspapers' Ontario Air Charter Urged TORONTO (CP) -- The Air |Transport Board was told Mon- hoping to spread the word to day that it is time Ontario had all persons involved. a bghecrmanad - based interna- ._, tional charter air carrier. Of the 4,078 who had applied A statement prepared by up 'to last Monday, 2,340 came stanley J. Randall, economics from Ontario and 1,137 fromjand development minister, was Quebec. Only 30 were from the! read to the board in support of Atlantic provinces while the|an application by VoyageAir Prairie provinces contributed|Ltd. of Toronto for an interna- 248 and the Pacific Coast area|tional charter licence. 323. The statement said air char- The largest ethnic group ofjters are developing into a $25,- applicants was Greek, with 923|000.000 annual market, of which visitors from the country apply-|Ontario contributes more than ing. The West Indies contrib-jhalf. uted 719, followed by Italy with| "Ontario believes it is reason- 454, Portugal with 378, Eastern/able to have an Ontario com- Europe with 269. and Germany/|pany operating in this field," it with 103. 'said. The board hearfng on Voyage- Air's application opened Mon- day and will continue today. VoyageAir is seeking to oper- ate international air charter flights using Britannia turbo- prop aircraft from Toronto In- ternational Airport. Three Canadian non - sched- uled carriers have intervened in the application--Nordair Ltd. od Montreal, which flies Super Constellations, Pacific Western Airlines of Vancouver, which uses DC-7's, and Wardair Can- ada Ltd. of Edmonton, which flies a Boeing '727. VoyageAir said Monday that of 379 air charters that left On- tario during the first seven months of this year, only 14 were flown by Canadian non- scheduled carriers. PAPERS VARY There are more than. 12,000 kinds of paper today. Aceount that | | | | works Friday night? Wanta Savings | Look into National! Most of our offices are open Friday nights--and Saturdays too. And even during the week, you'll find our business hours are set to suit our customers' convenience. As a matter of fact, you can even make deposits by mail. We pay the postage, and acknowledge your deposit by return mail. You'll enjoy free chequing privileges, too. And your account will earn 4% interest, on the minimum half-yearly balance. But that's not all! Besides Savings Accounts, National Trust offers two other modern savings plans: High-interest-earning Guaranteed Investment Certificates which can be bought for periods of 1 to 5 years, and Natrusco, National's thriving Mutual Fund that lets you share in our country's bustling economy. All are backed by the Company's ex one billion dollars supervision. Save perience in managing more than under their administration or with safety ... look into National. oss. 32 Simcoe St. S., Oshawe and 15 offices in Greater Toronte National Trust SINCE 1898

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