Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Aug 1966, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, August 16, 1966 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) inst AN EASB ELECTRONICS WARFARE PLANE JAMS THE SAM RADAR EQUIPMENT, 's WA even tore PEAT GIRL-' Ee \ - gm eas A TEN- POLIND SON- LOOKS JUST LIKE ME! THANKS AND CONGRATULATIONS / WELL, THAT SHOULD BEE TO GET STARTED ON! THANKS: CONGRATULATIONS! ii South dealer, North-South vulnerable, caterse Spedion! ton. 104. Weld riches reseed. DONALD DUCK [FOLLOWING COME THE ATTACK PLANES CLOBBERING THE SAM SITES, NORTH 3874 OKO52 oQI3 Qi4 FAST 4962 @AQ @ A842 410653 SOUTH OAKS @ 510863 oki wAKO The bidding: South West 19@ Pass 49 Opening Spades, Timing is a highly important element of good dummy play. WELL, BELIEVE ME, IM NOT GOING --RHenry Larsen If TIC JUST FoR FUN, i I THINK 1 Tve Been 7M BARBERING SO LONG GOES \. PLL BETI COULD CUT HAIR BUND-~ FOLDED WELL Vii) HERE |||! sa Ae We'LL HAVE To SIT OUT THE Taney LARsEN | : WINTER, AT WALKER BAY . P AT THAT'6 SOLID ICE AHEAD ies Tien Coane ' OiIPPEre » CA RAM" fates lig To aed HY © King Foateres Syndicate, Ine, 1666, 'Westd sight severved. * THE GIANTS < North East NO, FARRAR, OUR ISO POWER DIESEL 29 =«Pass ) BNGINE HASN'T NEARLY ENOUGH TO PUSH THROUGH THA' lead -- queen of 'M LOYAL TO a ORIGHTZ CHICKENSOUPERMAN !! --" MANBAT AND THEY'RE FIGHTIN' HIS BOY, CRIME. ON TV. NOW? ) WONDERBRAT!? Mk. ASHLEY, 7 GOEAT SCOTT! AMESY, YOUR WEN TOR BUT NOTHING CAN. Waen'? Pisncee! 7 pe A [| ows soak conilaee Si eae es WITHSTAND OUR oP | plays : act, he may be DEALT AVAL 4) |faced with the problem of when SHELLS / jto draw trumps, when to est- * jablish high card tricks or long suits, and similar. problems Some or all of these things may have to be done, but the order in which they take place can be of highly critical impor- tance, The timing of such plays often spells the difference be- vv 'tween the success or failure of sa [a contract South was in four hearts and 'got a spade lead. He won with the ace and immediately at- tacked trumps. He led the jack and finessed, losing to the queen Back came a spade and South won with the king. Eventually he lost four tricks a spade, two hearts and a diamond and went down one But he should have made the contract while the idea of clear+ ing trumps was good, doing so, put into effect prematurely, South should not have attacked hearts at once. By doung so, he virtualy pinned all his hopes on losing only one trump trick. The trump situation could wa- it South could afford to lose ----~' two heart tricks and still make the contract, provided he es- itablished the loss of a spade. '| He could have avoided the spade loser by leading the king of diamonds at trick two. If the defense took the ace, dum- my would immediately provide a parking place in diamonds on |which the spade loser could be discarded, If East refused the king of | diamonds, a continuation would establish dummy's third dia- mond as a trick. The jack of (7 AIN'T SENSIBLE, STAYIN' LOYALTOA LEADER THAT 2ON'T LEAD US JO WO JOBS NO MORE" THE LONE RANGER ty Hem trates "Ml teutsspecee Bells TLL FOLLOW THROUGH ON IT! \ A VERY GOOD SUGGESTION, MI@S TWINK! SXCBLLENT/ H& TURNS INTO ZE POAT BASIN, MAMSELLE / Y stor AS SOON AS THAT CABS FOLLOWING ME THIG MAY COME IN "THE BASIN HANDY / AFTERNOON | f or) SECRET AGENT X9 © Keg awh Spleen ine, Th 7 iy, +16 TELEVISION LOG 9:3 PLM, 1:30 A.M, 1--Peyton Place 11 Buccaneers 6-3--Gideon's Way 1--Ernie Lindell 4--Petticoat Junction 7--~Dating Game 10:00 P.M. 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 11--The Mery Griffin 2-6--Showdown Show 12:00 NOON 7--The Fugitive 'll--Bonnie Prudden | Heart Monitor 4--CBS eg? a ea Si seoeuy Summertime | Fully Explained | 6-3--News Magazine J~-Money Movie | 9--Spotlight 3-6Luncheon Date | 11:00 PLM. 4--News and Weather 11-9-B-7-6-4-3-2----News 12:15 P.M, 966, World tights reserved | \YOUR HEALTH Channei Channel Channel Channel Channel Channet Channel Channs! 2--Buttalo | Tee Ni--Hamiltoa 9%--Toronto 8--Rochester J---Butfalo 6--Toronto 4--Buttalo 3--Barrie Gling Posters Spada TUESDAY EVE. By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD 5:00 P.M. ii--Family Theatre Weather | Dear Dr. Molner: I have just|sense of infection, Germs don't er Bint var at N +0000 NO ONE ais eed osees IDIN' THERE EITHER, SS ZL WENT INTO THE CAPTAIN'S CAB THERE. L i 7--Highway Patrol | 8--Superman é--Summer Camp 3--Armchair Traveller | 2--Mike Douglas 3:30 P.M, Gillis 7--M-Squad é--Dave's Place 3--Wrestiing and Sports | 4 1:15 P.M 2--~Tonight Show 6--Viewpoint 11:20 PLM, 4--Late Show 6--Night Metro 11.25P.M, The Vise 1.0 P.M, 8--Tonight Show ~Speaker of the House 12:30 P.M, 9--News; Weather; Sports 1}--Noontime 8-2--Swingin' Country $-4--Search for Tomorrow 3--Noon-day Report 12:40 P.M, 9--Movie 12:4. PLM, jreturned home after 25 days in |the hospital because of a heart attack. Could you explain a machine they kept on me' for about four days? I think it is \called a heart monitor.--Mrs, B. H. S. A heart monitor is an instru- lcause it. clubs in such case, would serve Hence it is not "catching," as an entry to obtain the dis- and cannot be passed from one! card. }person to another. It does, how-, In most suit contracts dec- ever, run in families, indicating Jarer plays trumps at once, that there can be a hereditary| But where there are more ur tendency. gent things to be done, as in this hand, declarer delays trump 6:00 P.M, 7 7--Movie 6--Reach for the Top $-4--News, Sports with Chuck Healy 6:30 P.M, 4-9-3-2---News ; Weather; Sports &--Huntley-Brinkiey nN 6~Expo '67 7:00 P.M, 11--Mike Dougias 9--My Mother The Car 8--Men in Crisis 6--News; Weather; Srorts 4--Car 54, You? 3--Gilligan's Island 2--Huntley + Brinkley Report 7.20 P.M 7--News, Weather, Sports 7.30 P.M +4--Guiding Light Movie 1:00 PLM, 3--Movie 11:40 PLM, 9--1 Spy 6--Movie 12:00 A.M, 11--Untouchables 1:00 A.M, News, Weather, WEDNESDAY 8:00 A.M, extraction until the time is more delays trump extraction until the time is more propitious. First things come first. icone {ment essentially similar to an| Dear Dr, Molner: What can 8--Dialing Dollars |@lectrocardiograph except that)/I do about sunburn? I get a ain ae | instead of making a tracing on burn and dreadful sores on. my 6--Luncheon Date Fe strip of paper, the tracing ap-|face even though I wear a hat pears on a cathode ray screen--jand stay in the shade, Right! ~ For Sports Where Are © 196 a} Disney Prodwetione World Rights Reserved SALLY'S SALLIES 9--Fractured Phrases 8-2--Another World 7--General Hospital 6-4-3--To Tell The Truth 3.25PM. }-6----Bonnie Prudden 4--News 3:30 P.M, Funny Company 91's Your Move 2:8--You Don't Say 7--Superman Show 4---Meet The Millers 2~To | : mete let ne jthe same sort of screen that a now my face is so very sore.--| DEVELOP VEGETABLES 64--As The World Turns |TV set has, : Mrs. J. L. | WINNIPEG (CP)--More than ek A t Let's Make a Deal | The difference is that doctors! With a skin as sensitive to sun | half of the 40 varieties of vege- 4 Captain Kangaroo 2:00 PLM. and nurses can see instantly ifjas yours, even reflected ultra-! tables developed for Prairie 9--T.V. University 7~--Newlywed Game any change occurs in heart ac-j|violet light can cause at burn.) gardeners during the Jast 25 6:55 A.M : sane" tion, instead of having to look You doubtless must resign your-| years were products of re- 7. Dialing for Dollars 8-2--Days of Our Lives jat the paper tape self to staying, in the shade, but|search at the federal experi- Si ka 2:30 P.M. | More and more hospitals have |in addition a lotion, containing} mental farm at Morden, 55 Morning' bausicale rer in zenree jcoronary care units that are|materials which screen out| miles southwest of Winnipeg. 9--Romper Room 7~A Time For Ue |specifically designed for pa-'some of the ray should help,|- nei 8 ae greeny aR tients who have had myocardial There has also been work with 2--Bozo's Big Top 43:00 P.M. | inffractions (heart attacks), The'a drug which slightly encour- 9:30 A.M, units provide the closest possible|ages tanning in such skins. ? Musical Showcase #---Uncle Bobby Lattent the early phase of | However. it hs t tae 8 2--My. Mother The Cer. | a-cScile time attention in the early phase of However, it has not (as some | J--Combat 4--Love of Life the attack folks hoped) proved to be a | pid Navy years ee Not all coronary patients need quick, easy way to get a deep | WH eae 'are *h a special unit and tan without burning. It has t 3--Hogan's Heroes 10:00 A.M. | care In such a specia an an J ourning as to 8:00 P.M, Ed Allen Time not all need the monitor at- be used under a doctor's care. | | 11--Movie 6-2--Eye Guess rh tached, but it is extremly help- It might or might not work for} ful in nursing a patient through! you, but I suspect it would be! the first critical days of a se- worth your while to discuss this | %Gomer Pyle USMC 4--1 Love Lucy | &2--Please Don't Gat The 10:30 A.M, } Daisies 1)--Mark Saber S2eRed Skelton Hour 9--Summer Fun MICKEY MOUSE WHY DID YOU PUT UP THE | OPD-LOOKING LITTLE FENCE, GRANOMA ? "CAUSE ALL SIZES OF FENCE CLIMBERS PLAY } _., IN MY YARD, MR.OTIS / XN Cs \ ; sn Aa -- c it rit bbeihithy Iihulutiatieat Pr ae HAPPENED To TH! 1s 1S LOAF OF YOU FoR ? LI SKEETER! You MOW THE FRONT YARD... BUBBA! You . MOW THE BACK! s IN THAT CASE, TA GOING. 'TO PENALIZE You BOYS TWO YARDS FOR ROUGHING THE BALL! } £ 8:30 P.M, | _0-F-Troop | ®2--pi. Kildare 7---McHale's Navy 4--Hippodrome 9:00 PLM, ie 6-3--Dick Van Dyke %--F Troop §-2--Concentration 7--Donna Reed 4--The McCoys j--Time Out 11:00 A.M, 8.2--Chain Letter 11--Long John Sliver 9--Mr And Mrs. 4--Andy Griffiths |3--Ed Allen Time 7--Supermarket Sweep | CROSSWORD ACROSS 1, Datum 6, Jackdaws 9, Of the sun 10. Theater attendant 2. Additional 13. Full of substance . Metallic chemical element . Foot digit - Hawaiian bird DOWN . Soldier's shelter nging voice 3. King or queen . Characters istic Mannequins 5. Mother of Peer Gynt 7. Word of inquiry . American writer and 11, Cereal grains Footed vase . Wan 2, Seine 4--Edge of Night 4:00 P.M. 9--1 Love Lucy &--The Match Game 6-3--Vacation Time 4---Secret Storm 2--Merv Griffin 4:30 P.M 11--Secret Squirrel 9--Movie | 8---Woody Woodpecker 4--Movie Anthro- poids 5, Man's nick- name it 34. Fri Trimmings Yesterday's Answer 37. 40, 42. Endures Bestowed Astringent ;vere attack | As the- pationt-improves .the | monitor may be disconnected or |the patient moved out of the | special unit Similar monitoring is used after heart and lung surgery. | | | Dear Dr. Molner: Since gout 'comes from a kidney disorder-- |\the uric acid business--can. it | be transmitted from one person ito another?--Mrs. B. B. | It is true that the kidneys are involved in gout (kidney stones this ailment the but disease" is are frequent) not "kidney MOSCOW (AP) -- Changes in Changing Magnetic Field Ends Tiny Forms Of Life with a dermatologist. HN Dear Dr. Moiner: 1 had nat-| urally curly hair until the births | of my two children, Then it | straightened out completely, | What causes this? I've waited | two years, hoping that time and| ates my beautician would restore the est o Pat never repeats curl.--Mrs, W. M. "OB, DO, Teh DOT | Pregnancy (and anesthesia | 8°?» we cue 93 Jassociated with it) can cause/ . jhair loss or change in curl, but |- jthe reasons are not apparent, | Unfortunately I cannot say!| whether or not time and your beautician. will win out, Computer Speeds Braille Printing | VANCOUVER (CP)--A com- |puterized braille printer which /works 100 times faster than any jother could come to Canada, if jthere is sufficient demand. | Built by the Honeywell Co., lone of the machines has been {donated to the University of ' {Southern California. strength dropped to Zero and) Similar facilities may be set Journey Canadian painter . Thin and watery spouse S-shaped a the direction ofthe earth's mag-/then returned with an opposite], in Toronto and Vancouver, 35, 3. Slight color | netic field have indirectly| orientation. i jdepending on. the response, says MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES FOR SOPHISTICATED PEOPLE WHO HAPPEN TO LIVE IN SMALL TOWNS! COOL? «INSTEAD OF OX- EYED, FIXED- FOCUS (EXCUSE ME, HONEY) MODELS, WHO, WHEN THEY AREN'T LOOKING BORED, LOOK EMBALMED! UZ CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER! EVE, IT'S WHAT I'VE ALWAYS DREAMED Y OF... TAKING PICTURES F REAL PEOPLE DOING REAL THINGS! province; moldings . Hint abbr, Forearm bone /A\ {2 4 V, & LA Tidy . Percolates ft 28. Glossy rrate Whirlpool oxclama- tion Navigate Peach State: abbr. . Ingredient ina recipe . Kind of Pp ysis Arrive at Lurk Kind of musical comedy Lifting device 9, Ovule Places oa caused some tiny forms of life to disappear and others to take new forms, a U.S. scientist re- ported here The last such change occurred about 700,000 years ago and an- other one might be coming in about 2,000 years, said Dr Bruce C. Heezen of Columbia University's Lamont geological observatorys He spoke to reporters at the {second International Oceanogra- phic Congress, meeting at Mos- cow University, Scientists' long. have recog- nized that the direction of the }earth's magnetic field has re- versed itself many times in the earth's history. The process is not fully understood. Heezen said studies of ocean | bottom. samples showed that in the last 3,000,000 years a num ber of magnetic field reversals had occurred, Magnetic |David A. Jordan of the com- pany's Vancouver office. The machine's secret is in a STUDY ROCK PARTICLES This was determined from the| direction in which particles har-/ dened into sedimentary rock i an a moe The earth's magnetism . cre-| SS : spi ft ates an electrical field that en-| Talks have been going on with lcireles the earth in space, This the Canadian National Institute acts as a shield halting some|for the Blind: to assess the of the cosmic radiation con-|needs of blind Canadians for stantly bombarding the Hoe ene erobablitt oa woud from space n é rods y we w eX! secibas of zero magnetism|be prepared to donate the serv- [during a reversal, Heezen said,|ices of the computers to the there would not have been a|CNIB shield, The level of cosmic ra-|~ diation striking the earth would} ago, then suddenly developed a have increased perhaps two or| spine. He attributed this to mu- three times tation, or biological changes, in Heezen 'said the ocean bottom/the animal caused by cosmic samples showed _ striking} rays changes in the nature of small} "The result of the increased marine life at the same time as| cosmic radiation reaching the | zero magnetism jearth apparently was the com- Heezen said one single-celled|plete killing of some species and janimal had no'spine before the|the mutation of others,"' Heezen lmagnetic reversal 700,000 years'said,

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