GARDEN GUIDE Plenty Of Time Now To Plan For Free Planting In Fall il : "39 : it Fuafz. B25 gege* areraa ree i : i i Hl : i i : Hf i f i beech, are effective when us , Moisture, and light will be available, and that competition with other nearby plants will not prohibit development. Allow adequate distance between the tree and any foundation so that striction will not occur. A min- imum of at least 25 feet is sug- gested for trees which will grow screening. |to 20 feet high or more. ik grow larger and make ex- etlient shade trees. Pyramidal spe site in the garden. thin, erect, columnar ) the Lombardy poplar and several species of There is time now to plan \properly for fall planting of new trees. Take notice of other trees growing in the neighbor- hood and how they affect the residence. A trip to a nursery will help in your selection. By fall you should have the right tree chosen for your home and you. Protection Against Poison Ivy ¥f poison ivy is a problem around your home or summer cottage, knowing the means of treatment and control are im- int, with the On- tario Department of Agricul- ture and Food offer suggestions for your protection. The plant can be recognized in summer by the dark ge usually growing as three leaf- Jets together on each leafstalk. The leaves are somewhat tooth- ed at the margins, and have many small hairs on the bot- tom surface. Small greyish- white berries develop during the summer, and remain on the jw a until after the leaves have fallen. The. waxy-looking berries resemble a miniature peeled orange. When physical contact is made with the plant, a toxic eil substance is released which causes the irritation. A skin itch followed by a blemish and small blisters will occur. Do not rub the skin. If possible, con- sult a physician. 4 wash the exposed area thor- and repeatedly with soap and water. One suggested means of relief is to dissolve a two-grain potassium perman- ganate tablet in one quart of the exposed areas, Also, cool baths with added epsom salts or starch will help. Chemical control is the best means of eliminating poison ivy from your property. Caution is advised, however, as weed kill- ers may also damage other plants. Ensure that the spray is applied only onto the weed, and that drift does not occur. Amitrol or Silvex are effective chemicals, applied at one ounce active material per three gal- lons of water. 2,4-D - 2,4,5-T mixture is also available. Apply at a rate of 2% ounces active material per 10 gallons of water. Repeated applications of these chemicals may be neces- sary before satisfactory contro! is achieved. Read and follow the manufacturer's . directions carefully when using any of these herbicides, TO FILM SHAKESPEARE STRATFORD, England (CP) rwise,|The Royal Shakespeare Com- pany plans to make color films of three of its productions. Paul Scofield, who has appeared at Stratford, Ont., will play the lead roles in Macbeth and King Lear. A third production will be water, and apply liberally to FIRST CHURCH -- 64 eh ot the Mee Suet chosen later. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE COLBORNE ST. EAST The First Church ef Christ Scientist Messechusetta. SUNDAY SERV a4 S O READ NER (Excepting Usten te: The Bible Speeks To SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M. ICE 11:00 A.M. U i aa Wed. Service (Inctudes testimonies) 8 P.M. ONTARIO AND BOND STS. ING ROOM---COR' Monday to Friday-----12 noon - 6 p.m. Holidevs) You CKLB 9 A.M, Every Sunday THE SALVATION ARMY 133 Simcoe Street South MAJOR and MRS. GORDON HOLMES SUNDAY Tues. 2:30 p.m.--Ledies' Home "A Welcome Awaits 7:00 P. "THE "NOW" OF SALVATION" 9:45 A.M. -- SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. -- "THE RICHES OF HIS GLORY" M. -- League Wed. 8:00 p.m.--Prayer Meeting You et the Army" FREE METHOD IST CHURCHES Pastor -- Rev. R.H. 9:45 A.M, -- LIBRAR Thursday 8 p.m. Conference ROSHLAND ROAD -- 1042 Rossiend Road W. est of Gerrard 10:00 A.M, -- SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M --"THE FAITHFULNESS OF OUR LORD" THE FRIENDLY COMMUNITY CHURCH . Jomes, 725-1280 Y TIME THE TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK 9x1b10 bos ng a a DESIGN No, 318 . ' MAIN FLOOR end BEDROOMS over GARAGE, 'oe 1260 Sq.Ft. PY» een DINING | KITCHEN i 11M om BEDROOM at 1DPx Th10 BEOROOM 110x126 BEDROOMS over MAIN FLOOR = 710. Sa. Ft. This unusual design is ac- tually a split level with Colonial styling. There is a full basement beneath the Living - Dining area, a Garage level, two additional bedrooms over the Garage and two over the Living-Din- ing area. All bedrooms are large for a house of this size. There is a full bathroom on both bedroom levels, plus a washroom convenient to the Garage. Construction is a comimnation of brick veneer, shingle and verticle boards. Asbestos cement shingles which have permanent built- in color could be used. for the upper floors. This would eliminate painting for all time, Incidentally, these shingles are relatively in- expensive fireproof and rotproof. House could be built on a 60-foot lot. Design is suitable for electric heating. Standard Blueprints for this Design No. 318 cost $20.00 for the first set and $5.00 for additional sets. Blueprints comply with the National Building Code of Canada, and The Building Editer, Oshews Times, Oshewe, Onterie. CD Enclosed please find $ of Plans entitled "HOME Mail requests 10c extro. peyeble to The Oshewe Times). '+ which' send me Book INING GUIDE". sese meke remittence 1,0° are obtainable by return mail. (Ontario residents must remit 5 per cent Sales Tax.) The new 1966 Design Book entitled '101 Selected Sub- urban and Country Homes designed for Canadians," price $1.00 tax free is now available at this newspaper office (or from the address below). This edition includes information on the cost of building in Canada, Financ- ing, Heating, Insulation, Con- 'notin atone iAH SLA A FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE REMOVING WALLPAPER QUESTION; What is the best way to remove plastic-coated wallpaper? ANSWER: In a word, pull. Work a sharp blade underneath 80 you can get a corner started. Then exert a steady pull, rather than a yank. BLACK COFFEE SPOTS QUESTION: I have white spots on a mahogany-finished table from hot black coffee. How can I get these out? ANSWER: Dampen a small felt pad with camphorated oil or turpentine and gently rub, following the grain of the wood as much as possible. If you find you're not getting any- where, add a very fine abra- sive, such as powdered rotten- stone or even cigar ash (provid- ed the old man hasn't given them up). For this job, pati- ence is required, not elbow grease. PAINT LINOLEUM? QUESTION: The linoleum in the kitchen is still in perfectly good condition, except that it appears worn in one or two areas. No cracks or open seams, Would it be possible to paint it? This would save me quite a lot of money as well as labor. ANSWER: You certainly can paint it. Only important require- ment is to remove every trace of wax or grease. Use prepar- ed wax remover, turpentine or benzine. If you use the last- named, be exceedingly careful of the fire hazard. Be sure to turn off any pilot lights. Use a top quality floor enamel. SKATES ROUGH ON PAINT TO QUESTION: Since our chil- dren have learned to skate, they use our sizeable basement GRACE LUTHERAN Lutheran Church -- Canade (Mo, Synod) PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 Rev. Philip Fless, Mintster Ronald A, Jensen, Vicar SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL ""MIDWEEK WORSHIP" WEDNESDAY 7:30 P.M. 11:00 A.M, MORNING WORSHIP Report by Mr. Jim Aldous ERIE STREET -- off Simcoe St. ( Junior Church up 7 P.M. FAMILY Minister -- Rev, C. M. Bright, 725-3872 10:00 A.M, -- FAMILY SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM, "WORKERS TOGETHER PASTOR WILL SPEA\ next efter Bloor St.) to 8 yrs. provided WITH GOD" K GOSPEL HOUR PASTOR WITH SPEAK Wed. 8:00 p.m. Prayer & Bible Study A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU FAITH floor as a rainy day rink. Is there any kind of paint which can stand up under roller skates? I've repainted twice, and I might just as well have saved the time, trouble and paint. ANSWER: I suggest that you wait until the kids graduate to other sports before thinking of another attempt. I know of no paint (with one possible excep- tion) which can repulse roller skates. The exception is enamel containing epoxy which will run a little over $20 a gallon. Ask your paint or hardware dealer if interested. My suggestion is theoretical, because my only close experience with this type finish has been on the floor of one of my rental cottages on St. Croix, Virgin Islands. Four coats of black were used, and the concrete still looks almost like a mirror, And this finish is now five years old. But then my tenants aren't members of the roller sk ating set. FUTURE PROPERTY VALUE QUESTION: How can I know for sure if proposed freeway and airport expansion will affect re- sale value of my property? ANSWER: Consult a realtor or chamber of commerce mem- ber who can quote from previ- ous experience. Or lease a crys- tal ball in good working order. FILM HISTORIC RACE The CBC has prepared a TV program on jockey Johnny Longden and George Royal; the horse on which he won his last race before retirement. structional Details, etc., plus many outstanding new Ranch, One and half storey, Split Level, Two-Storey Colon- ial, and Duplex Designs. Full details on how to order Blueprints are also included in this book. BOND MARKET TORONTO (CP) -- Prices were again generally lower in a quiet week on the Canadian bond market. Long - term Government of Canada bonds drifted % to % of a point lower with the 4%- per-cent September, 1972, issue closing at 91% bid and 91% asked. Long - term provincials were also down ¥% point with the On- taric Hydro 6-per-cent July, 1988, issue at 98% bid and 98% asked, The municipal market re- mained inactive during the week with prices lower and no issues of size reported. Thursday's bill tender was higher in yield with 91-day bills up .01 per cent to 5.07 and 182- day bills up .02 to 5.29 per cent, PRODUCE TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale to retail carton eggs average weighted prices quoted by the department of agriculture as of Friday: A large 67.3; A me- dium 59.8; A small 39, Eggs: Wholesale price to country stations fibre cases quoted by the Toronto Board of Trade irom wholesale egg deal- ers: Extra-large 63; large 61; medium 55-56; small 28-30; B 39; C 34, Butter prices: Agricultural stabilization board tenderable carlots: Buying 40 score 59; buying 39 score 58; selling 59. Reveals the startling signi- ficance behind world news! . . with PROPHECIES next 20 years! Monday - Saturday 9:05 - 9:35 P.M, "On Lacrosse Nights" The World Tomorrow will be heard et 8:30 p.m, nd Sundey 10:30 - 11:00 P.M, 1350 RADIO Change Talked In Tax Treaty OTTAWA (CP)--Canada will negotiate with the United States on a proposed amendment to their tax treaty, plugging a hole by which some American firms were avoiding payment of part of their taxes to the U.S. gov- ernment, Finance Minister Sharp an- nounced Friday the government here will negotiate at the re- quest of the United States on this point alone and negotiations on wider aspects of the tax treaty will not be undertaken until the Carter royal commis- sion on taxation has made its report later this year. The point at issue involves a 30-per-cent withholding tax the U.S. normally charges on in- vestment income paid to non- Lutheran Church (Eastern Canade Synod) The Rev. Henry Fischer Pastor -- 725-2755 MASONIC TEMPLE BLDG. ition | THE SERVICE | l | COME WORSHIP WITH US! HEAR The Back to the Bible Broadcast DAILY Mon. te Set. 9:30 - 10:00 a.m. 1350 RADIO At present, under the Canada- U.S. Income Tax convention, the rate of this U.S. tax is only 15 per cent on investment in- come paid to companies incor- porated in Canada. However, some companies in- corporated in Canada no longer have any operations or business in this country. They are being used, according to the U.S., only as a receiver of investment in- come from the U.S. to avoid the full rate of the U.S. with- holding tax. SASKATCHEWAN EXCELS Saskatchewan has Canada's largest area of occupied agri- culturai Jand, one-third of the country's total. CANADA MARKET REVIEW By LARRY DWORKIN Canadian Press Staff Writer Denison Mines, Canada's re- cent high - flying glamor stock, had its wings clipped this week following a sharp drop in the company's earnings. Although other issues fared better, they weren't strong enough to prevent major in- dexes on Canadian stock ex- changes from falling to their lowest levels in more than two years. At Toronto, Denison plunged 9 to 54, The stock, which has been as high as 68, started its plunge Wednesday on news of lower earnings for the first six months of 1966 of $4,568,000 com- 'pared with $6,034,000 last year. The industrial index, a meas- ure of key stock movements, dropped .94 to 156.05. It fell to 155.83 early Friday, its lowest level since June, 1964. Inco paced the declined, slid- ing 1% to 9144. Henry Wingate, Inco chairman, said recently he expects earnings in the second- half to be lower. Other Industrials that were down included Chrysler, off 1% to 39%, Bathurst Power and Paper 1% to 27% and Alcan % to 33. Salada Foods advanced 1 to Major Stock Indexes Fall To Two-Year Low it had acquired a substantial number of Salada shares for in- vestment purposes. STEELS DID WELL Other steel issues did well with Stelco and Dofasco each up THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, August 13, 1966 7 At Montreal, industrials were down 1.19 to 155.66, utilities 44 to 137,12, .37 to 114.16 and pa- pers 1.72 to 114.59. Volume was 6,760,652 shares compared with 6,508,236 last week. BUSINESS BRIEFS By THE CANADIAN PRESS SUSPEND SHARES Shares of International Ken- vilie Gold Mines Ltd. have been suspended from trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange. The exchange said trading in the stock was suspended because the company did not issue its annual report to shareholders. The last market price of the share was 16 cents. % to 23% and Algoma Steel % to 29%. The base - metal slid 5.12 to 92.32 mostly as a result of Deni- son's decline, However, Nor- anda dropped 1 to 52% after the company announced it lowered its overseas price of copper to £450 a long ton from £500. Western oils, paced by Home Oil, made the only major group gain. The company recently found a large pocket of natural gas in Yorkshire in north cen- tral England. Home B was up 1% to a high of 24% and Home A % to 22%. Jaye Explorations was the week's most active issue, climb- ing 6 to 37 cents on 1,642,501 shares. The stock reached a high of 47 cents but tumbled on news that three drill holes on the company's Vangorda prop- erty in the Yukon showed no economic mineralization. On index, western oils were up 1.09 to 105.79 while golds dropped 2.97 to 184.15 and the TSE 1.20 to 148.90. Volume was 12 and Slater Steel % to 14 after Slater announced Friday By JACK LEFLER NEW YORK (AP)--The John- son administration's price and wage guides came under intense scrutiny this week. The examination occurred in the wake of a steel price in- crease and rejected government proposal to settle the month- long machinists strike against five airlines. The guides call for prices to be stable when wage increases remain within the bounds of the national average trend of im- provement in productivity, or output per man ~ hour, which the president's council of eco- nomic advisers places at 3.2 per cent a year. The crumbling of anti - infla- tion barriers brought expres- sions of concern from adminis- tration officials, but they didn't seem to have any specific new solutions. DEFEATS 'STUNNING' Gardner Ackley, the presi- dent's chief economic adviser, said the price and wage policy "has recently suffered some stunning defeats." He described as even more disappointing the lack of recog- nition by labor and manage- ment that the U.S. must have a policy for over-all price sta- bility "if we are to maintain full employment and the full measure of wage and profit in- comes." Salada Foods' Shares Bought TORONTO (CP)--Slater Steel Industries Ltd. announced Fri- day it has purchased a '"'sub- stanial number" of Salada Foods Ltd. shares for invest- ment purposes. Grant Horsey, who will re- main chairman of Salada, said he is pleased Slater has taken a major position in the owner- ship of Salada as it ensures con- 'trol remains in Canadian hands. Slater produces hardware fused in electrical and commu- elling of appliances and plumb- ing ware and lighting products. In 1962 it acquired control of Canadian Foundation Co., a construction company, and in the same year took over Burl- ington Steel Co. Salada, Toronto-based com- Pany, manufacturers, processes and sells a wide variety of food products. It has 17 plants: Five are in Canada, six in the United States, two in the United King- dom, one in British Honduras and two in Jamaica. In the first six months of this year, Salada had net profits of $864,000 or 33 cents a share while Slater earned $1,355,999 or 54 cents. Loss Reported By Clairtone TORONTO (CP) -- Clairtone Sound Corp. Ltd. had a loss of $91,369 in the six months ended June 30 compared with a profit of $12,583 in the same period of last year. Sales fell to $3,490,201 from $3,842,514. In a interim report to share- holders, President Peter Munk said the company has been go- ing through a major realign- ment and is moving from a sin- gle product company - phono- graphs - into a multi - product manufacturer, television sets. Cost of start-up for the new products would be well in ex- cess of $1,000,000. He said the company expects to meet its sales forecast this year which should result in a significant improvement in sales | and earnings for the whole of 1966. nications industries, the enam-|!. including color 14,390,597 shares compared with 9,840,822 last week. Price, Wage Guides Checked In U.S. In Wake Of Steel Hike Administration officials tried to minimize the extent of the steel price defeat and hinted that a revamping of the wage guide may be under considera- tion. Treasury Secretary Henry Fowler commented that the price increase covers only "a very small fraction" of steel production, and Commerce Sec- retary John T. Connor said the boost was '"'within bounds" and justified by wage increases, low profits and the need to build more capacity to compete with imports. QUIT KICKING... about being c little short of spend- ing money -- there's no excuse when ali you have to do is gother up all your worthwhile articles around the house that you no very little ,you may get on the So, quit kicking and do somethi For The TIMES' call the Times clossified ads department. For someone in the Oshawa and District who wants those items but can't afford brand new ones, Call 723-3492 longer use and spot cash from ing about it... POWER PURE WHITE GRANULATED GERBERS on HEINZ STRAINED . Tea AB MARTINS APPLE A spp 2 T™™* MIRACLE: - WHI is . "a 4-4 . o2 % . Mi CARNATION EVAPORATED 6 oz TINS al