2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, August 13, 1966 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Shrieks Of Beatle Fans Drown Out Censure CHICAGO (AP)--Beatle fans shrieked through two ear-split- ting concerts Friday, drowning out any idea of censure for the English quartet. ' "We luv you more than ever," read one sign hanging from the balcony of the International Am- phitheatre where more than 26,- 000 fans watched The Beatles)" during the two sell-out perform- ances. 4 It was the quartet's first stop on a North American tour and its first appearance since the publication of John Lennon's remarks that The Beatles "are| © more popular than Jesus" and) ; that "Christianity will go." "Say what you think, John," tead another sign, in obvious disapproval of the boycotts anc bonfires stirred up by publica- tion of the remarks in a teen magazine. In Birmingham, Ala., the in- stigator of the Beatles ban, Tommy Charles, station WA-| GY's co-manager, called off the campaign because of Lennon's apology Thursday night. Gunman Slain NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) -- Police Friday identified Joseph Davis, 51, as the gunman who went beserk in a gun-manufac- turing plant cafeteria, shooting four persons, three of them women. Davis was shot dead by police officers who descend- ed upon the cafeteria armed with rifles and tear gas. Leiterman To U.S. TORONTO (CP) -- Douglas Leiterman, CBC television pro- ducer and central figure in the controversy over This Hour Has Seven Days, is moving to New York to work in American tele- vision, he says. ; In a statement issued by his office Friday, Mr. Leiterman said he will leave Canada Sept. 1. He expects to sign a contract next week, after receiving "'in- teresting offers." Mr. Leiterman was executive producer of the Seven Days pro- gram when the CBC dropped the contracts of its hosts, Pat- rick Watson and Laurier La- Pierre. In the controversy that developed, he refused to accept conditions attached to the re- newal of his own job as execu- tive director. Mr, Leiterman said he had been offered a special services contract to produce films for the CBC, but felt it would not be desirable to accept "under the present circumstances." Bus Strike Over BUFFALO (AP) -- Striking bus drivers and mechanics voted Friday to end their strike against the Niagara Frontier Transit System which server TAMKONS 4 ae JOSEPH DAVIS e « » Slain After Rampage Desks To Go? gested removal of teachers' bility in the classroom. Dr. Raymond Barsch of the University of Wisconsin said too all day and control the class- room activities with their voice. He said pupils should learn not to associate knowledge with a restricted environment such as the blackboard, the teacher's desk or their own desks. Per- ceptually handicapped children make progress when they real- ize knowledge can come from all sides, he added. Dr. Barsch has been the prin- cipal speaker at a five-day sem- inar on learning disorders which ended Friday at Ryerson Poly- technical Institute. Most per- sons attending the seminar were teachers. Elegy In Boston BOSTON (AP)--The_ contro- versial painting in the lobby of the new federal building is not a picture of the assassination of president John F. Kennedy, the artist Robert Motherwell, said Friday. "It is not a picture of his death scene," Motherwell said. "It is an elegy which is an ex- pression of grief for someone dead, like a requiem mass. The $25,000 painting -- 180 square feet in size--roused com- ment among people who be- i \atre Aug. 22 is only 17; (A|Miss Dee, 24, charged extreme | TORONTO (CP)--An Amer- ican psychologist Friday sug- desks to allow the teacher mo- many teachers sit at their desk Young Thespians JACKSON'S POINT, Ont. (CP)--The playwright, director and leading aetor in a play opening at the Red Barn = stage manager is 18; his set designer 18 and the oldest of his cast of five is 20. Gerald §. Horgan of Toronto first presented his' three - act play, Two Can Play at This Game, in Holy Redeemer Church. The response encour- aged him and a group of six friends to rent the Red Barn. The students who form the cast hold summer jobs and are "chipping in" to meet expenses. Divorce Asked LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Ac- tress Sandra Dee filed suit in Superior Court Friday for. di- vorce from singer Bobby Darin. | jeruelty and gricvous mental su - \fering and asked for custod of \their son, Dodd, 5. The couple Wy jmarried Dec. 1, 1960, and sep- arated last May 1. More Resist CHICAGO (AP) -- Bacteria can pass on resistance to anti- biotics to other species of bac-' teria, as well as each other, two, Chicago researchers reported Friday. Dr. Shérwin A. Kabins and Dr. Sidney Cohen, of Chi- cago's Michael Reese Hospital, published their report in the August issue of the New Eng- land Journal of Medicine, Liz Breaks Toe ROME (AP)--Elizabeth Tay- lor wore a foot cast here Fri- day after suffering a fracture of the big toe. The actress fell while attending the Taormina U.S. officer, left, interro- gates man picked up by U.S. Navy boat patrolling South China Sea 40 miles south- east of Saigon recently. He was arrested during one of hundreds of routine checks of small boats in attempt to CONG SUSPECT AT SEA check flow of supplies to the Viet Cong. The sus- pect's papers said he was born in 1942 and had no rec- ord of military service. De- spite his pleas he was turn- ed over to South Vietnam- ese authorities. --AP Wirephoto HE TOOK DARE WEATHER FORECAST Inflation Issue -- LOST WALLET VANCOUVER (CP) -- Luigi Losacco told police # sad tale. He said that, dared by three women, he took an early-morning swim at a Stanley Park beach. When he came out of the water the women were gone. So was his wallet, contain- ing $300 and a $500 cheque. 13 Aircraft Lost In Week From AP-Reuters SAIGON (CP) -- Two U.S. planes were shot down by ground fire over North Viet Nam Friday, the U.S. military command announced today. The losses raised to 13 the number 'of U.S, planes downed this jweek, the highest weekly toll of 'the war. A It also boosted to 334 the total number of U.S. aircraft reported lost over North Viet Nam since the air war over the north be- gan two years ago. TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m. H Snopsis: A warming trend| will begin Sunda but moist air now flooding northward along the Mississippi Valley will) likel cause showers to move into Great Lakes regions. Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Niagara, Western Lake Ontario, Southern Geor- gian Bay, Windsor, London, Tor- onto, Hamilton: Cloudy with scattered showers and thunder- showers, but warmer. Winds southeast 10 to 15. Haliburton, Killaloe, Eastern Lake Ontario, Northern Geor- gian Bay, North Bay, Sudbury: Variable cloudiness with show- ers developing in the afternoon. Winds light. Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie, Timagami, Cochrane, Southern White River: Variable cloudi- ness and warmer with a few showers. Winds southerly 10 to 15. Warming Trend Sunday, Rain Showers Likely Northern White River: Cloudv ing. and warmer with scattered North Viet Nam had said that|showers and _thundershowers. six U.S. aircraft were shot down | Winds south 15. and "several air pirates cap-| western James Bay: Cloudy q| tured. |with. showers in western sec- Pn! Pkg gd vg Tae tions and variable cloudiness week was 11 during the week of elsewhere. Winds light. July 17-23. Earlier, it was announced that a US. Air Force flight tangled with two MiG 17s Friday. Both MiGs and one U.S. craft were | |damaged in the four-minute air battle. It was the first time since July 24 that U.S. planes had encountered Communist air- craft. LITTLE CONTACT In the ground war, little con- tact with the enemy was re- ported, The Viet Cong's clandestine "Liberation R: dio" said in a broadcast Frid. 'ight that the village in which re than 100 civilians were kille' r wounded by U.S. jets last T.. day was The crews were listed as miss- FIGURES ALMOST LIED BATHURST, N.B. (CP) When Hong Kong war veteran Leo Pitre cashed a govern- ment cheque covering retro- active war pension payments, both he and the cashier thought the numerals on the cheque indicated $317.40 -- the amount of cash she gave him. After he was gone, the cashier ook a d look. A teleph call brought the grateful Pitre $3,117.40. Mister Film Festival in Sicily last} | weekend. | Symphony Tour | MONTREAL (CP)--The Mont- {real Symphony Orchestra has |been selected by the depart- |ment of external affairs to |make a European cultural am- bassador tour this fall, it was announced Friday. The Oct. 18- 31 tour will include Paris, Ly- ons, Bordeaux, Marseilles, Brus- sels. Geneva and Basle. The MSO performed in Moscow, Leningrad and Kiev in 1962 at the invitation of the USSR min- istry of culture. U.S. Bid Vetoed By Cambodia PHNOM PENH, Cambodia) (Reuters)--Prince Norodom Si- | hanouk, Cambodian chief of| state, said todav he does not NEW YORK (AP) -- The fu- ture of the New York Herald Tribune may be decided Mon- day. Matt Meyer, president of the World Journal Tribune, unable to publish its three newspapers for 110 days because of disputes with unions over merger details, said Friday night: "J. think we will be decided as to where we are going by' the first of next week." The New York Times says that it has learned authorita- tively the owners of the com- pany decided earlier this week not to resume publication of The Tribune. An announcement has Seen prepared and awaits only word from the U.S. Justice De- Future Of Herald Tribune May Be Decided Monday the 10th, the pressmen, is hol ing up publication. vice president of the Newspap poration, said: ine its entire position. Certain opportunity to be hea T per." NO CHANGE SEEN William J. Kennedy, preside' negotiation position in the eve The Tribune is eliminated. Kennedy's union is seeking Thomas J. Murphy, executive Guild of New York (AFL-CIO), whict: had struck the new cor- "If The Herald Tribune folds, the guild will have to re-exam- we would expect to be given an the ce Department on the ef- ects of the closing of the pa- of the pressmen's local, said he saw no change in the union's not under Viet Cong co. 'Tol, as claimed by the U.S., bu: was controlled by the South t- namese. The radio called on the people of the Mekong Delta area south- west of Saigon where the village is located, and elsewhere in South Viet Nam, to launch dem- onstrations 'demanding to know why the United States govern- ment bombed and killed civil- jians." | The radio, monitored in Sai-| gon, also said U.S. planes killed | many civilians travelling in pas-| senger vessels during repeated | strafing and bombing of river | traffic in the delta. RS TOWE d- er TOWERS ANY HEIGHT TO 100 FT. ATTRACTIVE ADDITION ONLY TWO CLAMPS ON THE HOME EASILY MOVED "GFD" SPECIALLY DE- eu FOR BEST COLOR ly BRITONS BEATEN TORONTO (CP) -- A team from the Toronto and District Cricket Council defeated the touring English public school- boy cricket team Friday by 102 runs in a match at Upper Can- ada College. The defeat brought the schoolboys' record to one nt nt Held Most Serious PRINCE ALBERT, Sask. (CP)--Opposition Leader Dief- enbaker said Friday 'inflation is the most serious issue facing a -- and blamed Prime Minister Pearson for causing in- Ottawa: Clear and warmer |flation to "spiral up and oe with light winds. The government has extended ..Western New York: Sunny|its expenditures instead of re- todey and fair tontcht. Wied. 45 lducing them he caid in an in. day in the mid 70s. Low tonight |terview. from 50 to 55. Forecast Temperatures Lew tonight High Sunday 10 Yeors Experience in ANTENNAS & TOWERS Master Systems For Apts. ete. HOME DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS St. Catharines Toronto ...... Peterborough Kingston .....+00+ Workmanshiy Guerenteed - Estimates et no Obligation ROTORS {Auiometic & Menwel) TRIO Television |] 171 BOND E, 728-5143 SUADUTY ciccceccee OO Earlton ....scseseee 45 Sault Ste. Marie ... 50 Kapuskasing ....+. 45 White River ... 55 Moosonee ..+. Timmins ...+0+0005 45 ATTENTION FARMERS ! WHY PAY MORE? S AVE ON... PREMIUM QUALITY Gasoline - Diese! and Motor Oils Farm Tanks Available Out of Oshawa, Whitby and District CALL COLLECT DX 0 iL back on the run for the rest of| 190,000 passengers daily in Buf- falo and its suburbs. Approximately 1,150 drivers, mechanics and clerks struck the company Aug. 1 after they re- jected a three-year contract en- dorsed by union leaders. Talks End LONDON (Reuters) -- South sented the murder of the U.S.) con's special president. cs envoy, painting brought mixed reaction) ro ie et tos, | ee ee Many admitted they had not| been able to figure out exactly what it represented. The painting shows heavy black shapes which some view- jnext month. lieved the abstract work repre-|wish to meet President John- Averell ;. |Harriman, because of last Among office workers, the| week's bombing of a Cambodian Harriman was due to come here for talks with Sihanouk Cambodia says that the vil- lage of Thlok Trach was strafed July 31 by American aircraft vartment, The Times says. The Washington Post says in a New York dispatch that seri- ous consideration is being given to folding The Tribune. Both |The Post and The Times say the paper has lost many of its top reporters and editors since the merger. was announced. COMPANY FORMED The company was formed Vietnamese De puty Premier|ers believed to be Kennedy's anr that a number of villagers win and two losses. NELLIS' HOME IMPROVEMENTS ond GENERAL REPAIRS 6%4-hour shift Saturday nights. The company wants the same eight-hour shift in effect and The New York Daily News and The New York Times. The company broke off talks with the pressmen Aug. 4 after the union rejected Mayor John V. Lindsay's proposal for fact finding. Federal mediators have scheduled resumption of talks g" COMPLETELY INSTALLED Phone 723-9525 and let Nguyen Huu Co ended talks Fri- profile and the car in which he Se Chak aan ba March 21 by a merger of The) vith the pressmen Tuesday. day with British government ministers to whom he outlined | Vietnamese developments. He then left here for a three-day private visit-in West Germany. was riding when he was shot. Herald Tribune and two evening @ Roofing Cambodia later said that a papers: The World Telegram and Sun and The Journal-Ameri- can. The new company has The new federal building is to be dedicated Sept. 9 as the) John. Fitzgerald Kennedy Fed- eral Building." party of dinlomats taken to the area Aug. 2 to inspect the dam- age had to take cover when U.S. planes attacked the village a ADVICE TO SUMMER BACHELORS Europe Wages Costly War Against Foot-Mouth Plague | Motor Vehicle LONDON (CP)--Britain and other European countries are waging a war costing millions against the mysterious plague of hoof-and-mouth disease strik- ing cattle and sheep. The oldest herd of pedigreed Ayrshires in England--that of Eshott, founded 700 years ago-- is threatened by the epidemic. Mass slaughtering has resulte¢ but some countries are trying other approaches to check the spread of the disease. Hoo'-and-mouth disease is an acute, contagious infection, marked by fever, which attacks primarily cloven - hooved ani- mals, Here roundup: Soviet Union--First reported in 1965, the disease spread to most parts of European Rus- sia. By unofficial estimates as many as a third of 87.090,000 So- viet cattle were affected by last spring. There have been no official figures on losses. West Germany--No national figures are available but loss estimates run into millions of dollars. In Bavaria, one of the states hardest hit, the epidemic breke out in December, 1965. and since then 12,000 cattle and 9,000 pigs have been slaugh- tered. In march this year a blanket inoculation program is a nation-by-nation reached agreement with nine newspaper unions but failure tc work out a new contract with second time. A U.S. spokesman in Saigon \said Friday the village in ques- {ton was in South Viet Nam and not Cambodia. You con still enjoy Home Style Cooking when the family is away. Dine at the HOTEL LANCASTER 27_KING ST. W. fell off to 28,592 units from 53,- 504-in July last-year while out- put of commercial vehicles rose @ Eavestroughing @ Remodelling "All Work Guaranteed" For Free Estimates Coll... 728-2061 MISTER TOWERS Your Towers Specielist Give You Tops in Tower Reception Everything on Display et 378 KING ST. WEST past and is particularly diffi- cult to control, ; | Denmark--An outbreak this} spring hit 1,000 cattle and 2,00¢| Production Lags to 19,466 units from 9,077. Now Is The Time Te Order i Your Winter Fuel es C GAL. OTTAW A(CP)--P: pigs. All were slaughtered, at al motor sahieles Sates 4 ae loss of approximately $500,000.| cent in July to 48,058 units from i H Italy--The disease is taken as|the July, "1965, total of 62,581 ave On Soe Quality practically. a way of life by|units, the Dominin Bureau of | 4 FUEL OIL Italians, Slaughtering is virt-|Statistics reported Friday. | ually unheard of. Inoculation is} It was the first decline of the PHONE 668-3341 lyear and output for the. first DX FUEL OIL the most widely - used te sore attack but little is done to quar-|seven months of 1966 rose eight Serving Oshawa - Whitby - Ajax and District antine stock to prevent move-jper cent to 584,615 units from ment. Agricultural experts say|544,473 in the same period of | millions of dollars are lost an-/1965, : | nually. Passenger car output in July Big Sale on All NURSERY STOCK 25% -- 50% DISCOUNT NOW Belgium--Strict inspection of imports of cattle is en'orced. Outbreaks have been checked but about 320 cases were re- ported from September, 1965, until April, 1966. Hungary--Officially declared free of the disease now, follow- ing an outbreak in August, 1964, to midsummer, 1965, which cost several million dollars. Spain -- No outbreaks since the end of 1965, when an. esti- mated 800.000 animals were af- fected and economic losses ran into millions. France -- Officials say the country is free of" hoo'-and- mouth disease. Any animal even suspected of being infected is promptly killed. WISE HOME OWNERS INSIST ON HYDRA-PREST SIDEWALK SLABS From... : Za pet products 70.) A "hydraulically pressed for . maximum durability" py © COMPLETE RANGE OF SIZES @ SQUARE AND TRUE FOR EASY, was started. . German control technique is to slaughter whenever disease} is detected. A 'cordon sani-| taire'" is set up around the! area, all cattle in it are inocu-! lated and barred from shipment | outside the area. No transport of -cattle into. or through the] area is permitted. Agricultural | officials say the current virus PLACING AND PROFESSIONAL RESULTS Buying or Selling! GUIDE REALTY LTD. @ LLOYD CORSON, President @ DICK YOUNG, Vice-Pres. @ LUCAS PEACOCK, Sec. Treas 16 SIMCOE ST. $., OSHAWA PHONE 723-5281 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY phone 655°3311 appears more active than in the, 1259 Simcoe St. N. OPEN 9 A.M. 'til DARK Oshawa Garden Service Phone 723-1161 POTTED ROSES Save time and buy potted roses. Start bet- ter, bloom freely, strong and healthier, all root pruned, easier to in assorted varieties and colours. For All Your Gardening Needs See Rundle Garden Centre Lid. EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN 1015 KING E. plant and they come 725-655; 668-3341 728-6218 728-6218 ROSS E. MILLS 25 YEARS SELLING AND INSTALLING BROADLOOM, LINO, CORLON and TILE NEW ... NEW SEAMLESS EVER-GLOW NEVER WAX FLOORS Plastic Underlays To Level Concrete OSHAWA 728-6218 80 Simcoe N. Install an automatic underground sprinkler system Act now to insure a better looking lawn this sum- mer... ond save money! Mcist O'Matic, Tero's new sprinkler system that werks autematicclly sg yeu sleep can now be installed in the average lawn. Completely underground sprinklers woter your grass anytime you went... ony hour, any day, all completely automatic! Ccvers any size area. Scve labor, build a better lawn, add to the value of your home. Coverage dependent on yard shape. SET IT, FORGET IT! NEW WAVE SPRIN- Electric control center KLERS are for larger turns sprinklers on and areas; adjust to sprin- off automatically, kle square or rectan- gular areas. KLERS for smaller areas. Pop-up forwatere ing, pop-down aute- matically, Add-on design lets you install part of a system (or several systems) for any size yard. TORO peal TORO. . famous for lawn mowers for over 50 years MOIST O'MATIC' LAWN SPRINKLER, SYSTEM PATENTS APPLIED FOR Phone for free literature or home demenstration, ROBERT ECKEL BROOKLIN PH. 655-4411