Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Aug 1966, p. 17

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30--Automobiles f for Sale ROLET Be a smarter automatic, American oy Apply " 9a7 Nassau | North ee eel oe ree, we 1 FORD, & cylinder standard, saa ans $15, Phone 728-9725 condition, Telephone 666-0677. eziinger ~qutomatic, 300} |35--Lost and er 6 Custom sedan, running condition, | | very clean, no rust, 9900 or offer, Tele Lady's glasses, phone 71-4621, ns" Po 1991 DURANT -- iiector's iiern, pest ofier, Apply Bad Boy Store or telephone Ti-absb and ask for Mr, Palmer, wits F four'door, standard irane- mission, Excellent mechanically. Financ ing availenie Easy terms, License J1729. Wellman Motors (1d. Te-795\, Wh CHEVROLET, fair condition, 'good 7 aaa vetween 5 and 7 p.m, MUST BELL 1965 Chevrolet super sport, ™ si ti. nerdtop. many matic, ne. pt we 'ox aust, we Dodge custom Roysi, Hop, A} condition, Licence mat ton bing a ismobile cope door hardtop, licence Ma057 1956. coat Mn |34--Automobile Repair ;38--Coming Events \38--Coming Events | FaawanansaON ~ opecl specialiats Trommis| Kone ore ov our ony, lac convertible, fully automatic, two car buretors, fice 55902, 1954 Chevrolet, tran portation, four-door, 516214, Marijan's Garage, 716-5) 01, ue OLDSMOBILE black Interior and pad top 6 automatic, power si en oe licence brakes, | Dianne cuties, 7 valle with | 5 eines aratop, "canon Bes! y Chay, ¢ S004 | i condition," goed. tires. Custom radio, 8 si i | Wa PORTE down, 44 Nieera" Meter Sales Lid nway 2 just west of Thickson's Road, 3934 | Ws) OLDEMOBILE, licence WH -80708, | four-door sedan, power steering, brakes,| $50 down, $57 per 'month, Nicol's Motor Sales Lid, Highway on just west of) Thickson's Road, 668-33 Wi? METEOR, licence | ' re "good con dition, $10 down, $15 @ month, Nicol's Motor Sales Lid, Highway 2, lust weet of Thickson's Road, 668-3331 vee "DEMONSTRATO six to choote | frem, full new rranty, Nicol's| Motor Sales Ltd., <ignwny 2, just weet) Thickson's Row 3331 con eriible, wie TOR Ai caning condilion: ~ Bosi offer, Apply Bad Boy Siore o penne 72-4658 and ask for Mr. Pal RACING MINI 1071 ce close aha | fl fo rece, '56 Chev., 4-door arate, | Trip ih TRI, ers Miner Alt ak for M Bd. 725-5342 31--Compact Cen for Sale SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. Volkswagen Sales and Service New ond Used Cors 334 RITSON RD, S 723-3461 Open Evenings + VOLVO & PEUGOT te MERCEDES BENZ Genera! Repoir and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd., South Oshawa 728-0921 ZOLTAN AND NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simeoe South 7 5] 196) VALIANT sedan, V-200 series. Auto matic, radio, good condition, $575, Tele phone 723-8426, 1960 VAUXMALL, 6 cylinder condition, Priva hone 655-3284 AUEFIN WHALY Sprite, body good, moter excellent, best offer, Telephone 725-9291, 4 CONVERTIOLE, Chevy ii. der aviomatic, like new condition offer, Telephone 723-569) Wee FRIUMPH TR Hi, red with two white tops, Very goed condition, Tele phone | 623-354) arter 4 pm. WE "VOLKSWAGEN" Deluxe, 44,000 miles, A:l condition, $658, Telephone Alax, 942-2147 evenings. SPORTS CAR triumpn TRI 1956, usually ood condition, paint, brakes, tires new engine very good, best offer, Telephone 728-4978, Perfect six-cylin Best 41 CORVAIR: automatic, good condition Must sell, Leaving the country. Price $850, Telephone 720-0517 194) AUSTIN: A-40 atatien we jon, black with red leather Interior, > miles Best die "Telephone conditien 32--Trucks for Sole FOR SALE 1965 Massey + Ferguson in dustrial tractor, -- stenadrd transmission, with grader and 200 front-end loader. Only 200 hours, Model MF202 Like new 1961 Chev. 24 kup, custom cab, Good condition 1958 GMC. 3\%-ton stoke, V-8, 2-speed rear axie, 70 ton Nieence Also in goed con- dition PHONE: 728-8496 '4 CHEVROLET halt ton, chrome dump er and grill, V-8, air conditioned heater, | radia, Sfogt box, Blue and white, 85 7003 _Port | Perry. 33--Autemobiler Wanted | CARS WANTED Buying A New Car ? Sell your used car to Talk "Cash" to the Car Dealer and 'Seve TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723. 4494 Res. 725-557 4 LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS wan ce OF cara fer wrecking Highest or 200 Wentworth East 7540 osnaWa a AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars Tires and parts for sale Ws Nelson $ Street, 725-2162 WANTED -- Care ter eck ree tor towing Telephone Batt Revert Nichels. SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars ea parts for sale. tren and metals &9 Bloor Street Fast, P25 a 34--Automebile epeir ~~ FRED STONE Brooklin Phone 655-3653 @ Motor Rebuilding @ Cylinder Reboring @ Pinfitting @ Resieeving @ Automatic Transmission @ Crankshelt ond Voive service i * SUNDAY * AUG, 14h "HOP,,;, PARK" THE SEAT SOUND FOR YOUNG CANADIAN Capitel Recording Artiste BARRY ALLEN Phos WES DAKUS end the REBELS ton. pi Ted" New Telephone man | WEDNESDAY, AUG. 31st, 37--Auctions On Gr ae Tamase "cai, with FRIDAY noticeably bent tall, in the veh Olive and a Reward, Tel TM \4ba oF 725-82: business. 1038 Simcoe | HOLY CROSS BINGO! ARS races mi ales, i, $10, Station brown trame Oshawa Shop- anire area, Finder please call FAIR & DANCE, MAIN STBEET ORONO WED., AUG. 17 @ Merry-Go-Round. @ Chair-O-Plane @ Bingo & Games of Chance At 7:45 P.M. | ST. GERTRUDE'S | AUDITORIUM 690 King St. East ot Farewell - FREE - ADMISSION Required for Installation of = FREE bed SINKS, COUNTERTOPS. | 0 Reg. Gomes--Total $300. | ond FAUCETS more SNOWBALL--$260 in 56 Nos SEALED TENDERS _ plainly } marked as to content, and Plus $10, eoch horizontal line addressed to the unde:signed, will be received up to 12:00 noon 36--Legel CENTRAL MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION TENDERS Draw for 21" Color 1.¥. | Admission 25c_ | | Rebekah Lodge No. 3 Town & Country | » | Supper August 17th Regulor Jackpot $200, in 55 Nos, $20 Con, 1966 | Shore The Wealth for installation of new sinks, Good Parking countertops ond faucets ot 14 locations in Ajax, Ontario, AND/OR 31 locations in Peterborough, Ontario Each tender must be occom- panied. by o security deposit of ten per cent of the amount of the tender, Such security OUR NEW 4:30 pm deposits shall indemnify the Corporation against loss in LOCATION ANN HOLTS, Courtice the event of withdrowal of Pus : Bedy o successful tenderer subse- | quent to acceptance of the bid by the Corporation. A certified cheque or negotiable Dominion of Canada bonds will be accepted os a secur- ity deposit. All cheques must be made poyable to the order of Central Mortgage and Housing Corporaton Packages of tender documents moy be obtained from 650 Lawrence Avenue West, Tor onto, or from our offices at the Oshawa Shopping Centre, King Street West, Oshawa, or 425 Water Street, Peterbor- ough, Ontario The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Extra Bus Service No Children Please - PLEASE NOTE: Wed,., 1966 ple Parking WOODVIEW children COMMUNITY CENTRE | BINGO MONDAY, AUG. 8th Admission ticket free chance on $250 Nos. 52 and 55 $50 CONSOLATION Nichol 12 and Under 75c Adults 1,50 BIRTHS HEWITT -- Dallas and Edith to announce the arrival of their David Allan Edward on- August 12 9466, weighing 6 pounds 4 ounces, at Osh awa Goneral Hospital, Thanks to Or, Mc appy gives you door prize KEITH To Bob and Eleanor (nee JACKPOT say), al the Toront General Hos pital o August 12, 1966, @ son for Donna Jackpot pays double in 52 MacK@NZIE Ernie and Marion (nee Hawley) are proud to announce the bir Nos. or less daug Aelodie Joy, on Fel qust %% | 6 $150 JACKPOT thend. te Bre Kiomerly $20 A HORIZONTAL LINE four or st $50 FULL CARD $200 in 52 Nos. or les S SPECIAL GAMES AT $30 $45 in 17 Nos. or less 20 GAMES AT $20 Regular gomes pay double in 17 Nos Property Management $100 Door Prize eo EXTRA BUSES eerie: TO CREDITORS | fom, BARN aoe In the Estate of STANLEY RB | N G @) BUKOWSKI, Moulder, de- ceased KINSMEN CENTRE TUESDAY, 7:45 All persons having claims Early Bird Game against the estete of STAN. | LEY BUKOWSKI, lote of the | | FREE ADMISSION | Jackpot 55 ond 53 City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Moulder, deceased, who died on or . Children under 16 not allowed Special 7:30 bus from 4 Cc neral and CENTRAL MORTGAGE and HOUSING CORPORATION 650 Lawrence Avenue West Toronto 19, Ontario. GRANLEY COMPANY Presents CARY GRANT SAMANTHA EGGAR JIMHUTTON ma SOL C, SIEGEL PRCDLICTION Attention Mr, H. F, Smith Section Head, or less PANAVISION® TECHNICOLOR® samen A COLUMBIA PICTURES RELEASE menue big "THE LITTLE clea TNE Queen |=: IBAY RIDGES me == ow & Ge oe - § en 665-2692------839-3621 CHILDREN UNDER 12. YRS VALEC0.0 wooeecee FREE BEATLES TICKETS ¢ ¢ John Donabi @, CKLB . ° e, Will Make The Big Free Draw, a SUNDAY, AUG. 14 _--_HieWay No, 2 TR obbies @ THE FAMILY DRIVE-INS about the 18th doy of May, 1966, ore hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of August, 1966, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed having regard only to claims of which she shall then have notice DATED at Oshawa, Ontario this 27th day of July, 1966 ANNIE BUKOWSKI Administratrix by her Solicitors MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD L. SWARTZ, 26% King Street East, Oshawa, Datars orners FREE @ e. a Dppo. Kmart 728-6756 p AUCTION SALE Estate of SARAH MAUCHAN 507 Dundes Street East, Whitby SATURDAY August 13, at 1:00 P.M Electric stove erator, electric heater dining brassware, oak table, end tables, portable typewriter, love seat, girl's bicycle, book ase, single beds, ook desk antiques, glasswore many more articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash MYLES KING AUCTIONEER 725-3039 electric refrig tireplace, oil! room = suite The Dynamic : SARA DELRAI AND THE TOGS From Sweet Swing to Rhythm ond Blues .. nes of the Big o Place Te Meet "Ror the Swinging Set" THE ROGUES Dencing 8:30 p.m. te 12 Admission $1.30 Cesuel Dress Entertainment Nightly ot 9 P.M. Motinee Seturday 4 P.M. to 6 P.M, . FULLY LICENSED ¢ KING ST OSHAWA SATURDAY | NIGHT DANCE OLD TIME end MODERN Dance to RUDY VELTRI AND HIS RED BARN NEW TORNADOS STAGE DOUAN Mr, Music Man BOB MERCER Madcap Melody and Mirth Entertainment Nichtly et & PM MATINEE SATURDAY 4 P.M. TO 6 P.M FULLY LICENSED -DUNDAS ST PO senor iy on * alla ) DEATHS IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM STREET | none eeey. Fred W jin day, gtr 13, 1966, Fred H. Huddleston Augu (287 Viole Street), | Aima Patterson, dear father of Mrs othy Conlin, awa; Intosh-Anderson Funeral Home, 15 Street East Monday, August Mount kaw Conelerr. Fe gong ar Bent Genes Hospital, , 1966, Carl Waddell (of 192 Keith St Whitby), Watson, (Howardine G), son, loved 'by five grandchildren in bie year. Chapel, chapel on Monday, August 15, 2.p.m, Ir fermant Si. John's Cemetery, Port Whit [Visitors Semmencing 2 om. Saturday LOWE ~~ In loving memory of our dear brother, Ross Robert, who passed away t 14, 1955 n our hearts he will always stay, Loved and remembered every day Always remembered and sadly missed by Mary, Gerd, Reg and Ruth Generai Hospital, satur beloved husband cf Dor both Osh Rest at M King Service in the Chapel on 15, at 2 p.m. Intermen and' Robert in his 60th year Lowe ir mem dear son and brother a Pe Ro vrs away Aueust 14 smile hand we canno | we have so many memories Of the one we ves so gone forever, fer a brief i\iness, at the on Thursday, Oshawa August beloved husband of Marion A dear father of Mrs. K, Lewis and Lynda of Clark and Brien of Whitby _vovingly. remembered by Mom, Dad, Frederi ao Sue, Jonn and Ruby, Bill and Birdie. «71th Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Whitby, For service in the! WILLIAMS r husband and father --- In loving memory of a Charles 1, Wit Minister the Reverend J, McKibben. sed beyond cur sight, Along the unseen way, | On the homeward journey Kindness beyond Price, within reach of oll GERROW day avé left # gap can fill yet | In hea ne | That no one ise You have gone and yet That you are nearer ¢ A ways remembered by wife Eliza, and seems FUNERAL CHAPEL 2" LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 orrangements and - - arrangements for or occasion OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE flora You are one of Thousands whe read The Times Wont Ads Daily. P © 1086 hy 201h Century-Fox Film Corp. : UMW M ANN HN o RM NA EGR GO MESA SNF ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FEATURE DAILY AT 2:15 - 4:30 ~ 6:45 - 9:0 THEY STUNNED THE WORLD WITH THEIR INGREDIBLE VICTORY! abu £3 re ENTERTAINMENT _ SHADOW' ARK DOUGLAS - SENTA BERGER COLOR by DELUXE - PANAVSION® "0!" UNITED ARTISTS Show Times -- 1:30 -- 4:00 -- 6:30 9:15. LCS 9:05 Air Conditioned For Comfort Now Playing > COLUMBIA, atin CARL FOREMAN PICTURES os ( Feature Times: WEEKDAYS 7:30 and 9:40 SATURDAY CONTINUOUS FROM 1 P.M. SUNDAY CONTINUOUS FROM 2 P.M. THE NEW - ODEON THEATRE 39 KING ST. E. PHONE 725-5833 araceceewccecece rg OORORRE HARSH REORTER ESE RO DERE Ee EEEEOESO ERSTE EEE S ERROR EES GHOUL-trades in AME her bed sheet for a BIKINI} INTERNATIONAL WygsralWvisihe, actA »PATHECOLOR = kane PANAVISION® CRORE RETR RRE ROR E ORES HEHEHE ROOD DEER TE TE REO E RR ER EERO EEO OES HALLELUJAH TRAIL BURT v LANCASTER © at ° wilt's where pretty RICAN. Seeecesesessseser THE FUNNIEST STORY TOLD HOW THE WEST WAS WON OR LOST? BOX OFFICE OPENS 8 P.M SHOW STARTS 95 THORNTON'S RD. South of Auditor PH. 723-4972 NOW PLAYING! -- SECOND SMASH WEEK cueeneesee 6, a WALT DISNEY pes oF TE ROBIN *) CRUSOE, oR y ay That OTHER Crusoe ay never had it so good! * WA AH heh AC Aes feet ei ihe ikke x CHNICOLOR® ONE SHOWING ONLY AT 9:00 P.m | (KIDS "2 FREE BOX OFfice OPENS @ 00 REGULAR PRICES TE PEE DRIVE-IN 942-1250 CARD OF THANKS.' A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park Office 723-2633 EDWARDS -- The family of the late Mrs Alice Edwards with to extend o heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our many relatives, friends and n for kindness and sympathy the loss of @ beloved wife ar Ge GET SPOT CASH WITH TIMES ACTION ADS IZZA Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 EPI'S ted Steelworkers, vel y™ Bibi for the rview Lodge and staff that were so kind to mother. We espe- Gordon for his The Chapel for their kind, ' THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, August 13, 1966 42; Local 1817, je, Ontario Steel Co, io «thank «= Major Salvation Army , the pallbearers, anagement of the service Joseph Edwards and family. 728-6555 after hours 725-7928 | é Sonny James | LICENSED UNDER Maver ovat BOARD ONTARIO DANCING 9 - 12 IN THE DINING ROOM Georgian Motor Hotel ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY IN THE "Vintage Room" Appearing This Week for Your Leisure Enjoyment Coming Monday BEL MONTE DUO COMEDY ACT TONITE ONLY Robin Roberts Trio NVID4O39 Gu NOINYOHL BUSINESSMAN'S SMORGASBORD 12 NOON TO 2 P.M, STEVENSONS RD SHOPPING CENTRE SUNDAY SMORGASBORD CHAMPLAIN AVE, | Georgian Motor Hotel , THORNTON RD. SOUTH AT CHAMPLAIN AVE. -- 723-4693 Great Country & Wesiein THE 8 Cle wil WITH HIS SOUTHERN GEN And Featuring KENNY ROBERTS King of the Yodelers NEIL MATHEWS pene His @ JUNE EIKARD ; Former Ceonadian Women' Fiddler Champion BUY YOUR Ontario County Boys" SONNY JAMES and TH -- COMING -- 'SUNDAY AUG. 8:00 P.M. OSHAW) AUDITORIUM BOX OFFICE BOLAHOOD'S SPORTHAVEN BISHOP'S SPORTING GOODS MARTY'S RECORD BAR TICKETS Adults. . Children . At Door 2.00 1.00 2.50 a J Southe Show W rn Gentlemen ; i beautiful floral offerings, and doctors,

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