Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Aug 1966, p. 14

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yaoi Fete VEG ES tee oa pe ee er ? 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, August 13, 1966 EARN . SCH HH WITH "FOR SALE" CLASSIFIED ADS | -- ae art e Cali tne Direct C! hd wes N her - Num 723 34 8 eumMnn is 92 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Satur , day 8 to 12. B U S| N ESS SE cz D SCOTT'S SCRAP tes By RJ.SC Ata for Sale 14--Business Opportunities|18--M, . -- vacuums, polishers. j ; 23 |. SCOTT |pairs' to ali_ makes. ms, polishers. Re-lFULLY EQUIP ale Help Wanted i ; esc 7 P ig [sek Lees, TS Phone | variety store fend rally More } z Meo a > a re FURNITURE -- Melotek, WA 1-4732 'all Mr. 4 y } f ity furniture, pt de gg dg qual. A Toronto. W A ' ee / a z F weetow Te tag er mplete| 1 5--Employment Wanted j ants Buildi rades > |values! Ba p Bie 30 Unbeatable| Hou: ; GORDON R. DAY, Certifi ing T Gardening and Supplies Simcoe $. ve Furnleneyt,, 44 is arcane by two exper' Experi i Accountant, Sula ¥, caries "Cmersil PR ecidential PP Sales and Service suo AUTO PARTE beth puintarsy private, ressenebie pee ienced , ng ire, 725-9953. NO tt motors. Wi feries, = i Ce TA Chayleied ACU C and ACETYL! WAFER FALLS le buy scrap radiators, $4 #| LAWNS CUT, Odd : JOSEPH GUTMANN, . . 1 NURSERY SOD _ }ti NE wetlding and cut- upstecam' | starters, WV, gens.,| hauling. 7 aise moving and| @ tant, "Licensed T Fc pg lg | Commercial rd to 100, 30c¢ sq. yd. de- ting. Reasonable rates. $09 Bloor East ' PAR OF THETIME AMD san 795-2162. 110i. Nelson Sireet banteries, SEFRMARR gesiree Sonproymant "Wx METAL jephone 724-4833. -- . ivered, 100-200, 28c sew ABY BARGAIN: 9, Perienced res employment, ex- nos CLANCY'S Account YET ron Industrial yd, salivered. po gal "ne makes, wor ova oneed tevales to aii aati ' etal A soy. rcibidanes S.. % oiny at Reena cutting meets. FINISHERS sig service, 178 Sim- irs ---- Alteration 26¢ : ce phone 725-3286 -- y ore ian Sey 8 NURSING AS: coe Str we itt Res, "#8 s sq. yd. delivered ice phone 725-3286. sn iison's. Furniture ASSISTANT Tanai Gon Greg Worth, Taree. Res, TN. Additions --. Remodelli '. GUARANTEE waetuntit e, 20 mee Set. ment In doctor's equires employ HOPKINS, BEADLE AND O., Cha For all ti NO. 1 FIELD SOD asay nad saaaek Pree ert : WE BUY, sell ond exchange used fumni-|_ ane min Ad PRAY ed Accoontents, Finenciel harter- your Construction 200 wie ae Free 'catimates, Cal fure or anything you h fi, eerie sO yo ante Ca Pate ahd scl 17--Female Help Wented | PAINTERS Picotto a JAMES ALLEN & SONS | Londscope Service. ptic Service TYPEWRITER, once --Thi-- WE) YALE, FRIRDUANOER AND, Cy, 725-6126 BETHANY LAN SEPTIC TAWES canes Pomel sei | speaae sing me| | PART-TIME @ TRIM Barentey "ss simeer "te" Mor| QUALITY CARPE NY' LANDSCAPING |Web bas" TN SsSAUB OC IRUK A common 2 penal Oshawa 72-737), NTRY 4 . LACE FOR AXY TAL BEDS, ali sizes, Mat- PTIONIST ALERT, HORMAR. Charweg Aecwun,| & GENERAL REPAIRS |avatty' kensveny_ ble. Srompt esienry Surveyors patigertoaey een frenes halt price. Finest auaity, Por] | REPAIRMEN aig Wines See w| For oll au ucky Blue. Pr estel | Sonny, ISLAXDS } 723-3889, y outlet. Headboards. n Evenings. and your home i " onan amount." Phone after 6. 646-4965." socy sng paride Barristers Fen et" |eRaa re TRY ct sw Fh Lind geet commerce be ri ' COMPLETE aT at ware Rawrena| Stray Mornings @ MOTOR own, Free estimates. 725-51) BARB enn eat LR ot ie SOO § STALE AND also set W encyclopedia, ? 8 or|H. 'orid N ' JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, 725-8576 ae Arle ed ag aah ste fea HARD BREAD cause | | 723-7265. atures "Library. Phone} Registered N MECHANICS Perrier and aoclal"uliding, 80. King Then have a talk with ou Ladin pictleianen, Tetkicntion one Tk 25-6081, gin Street East. Phone} wocy FAMOUS Comer mas AY comet, wane mernuns, | (Nee Saree matched aubu For day work -- mi ac ep Wests Oohewar Ontario. Cltent ing| customers. ¢ {ana maeet wets remeete in- -- SAGA SAS PAPO Geet NOt DISCOVERED BY jan rugs, # x 12,4" x7 quality) fice in Whi sonore ig 3 : } park ork, reas a lt Ve ; REVIOUSLY BEEK SEEM BY 4H ' furniture, Admiral ai in tby. o Start oe 725-4716 of 725-4717. __|ATLANTIC PAVING and con GAR ae oe -- Rise COMES WAS RECORDED IX 240 B paler 'y PP AS oe wae aa aniaerae R i | i REVS, BOYCHYN and HILLMAN,| 0", crivaway Paved b crete. Get|SARDEN AND LAWN -- mainten AMD 1910. 11 WILL WERT APPEAR iin OF THE ARCH 9434, ¥ eply stating age, marital mmediately Barristers, Solicl sq, ft Wy experts, 20 cents| Roto tilll jance 4NE END 6* SHE 1980 AGAIN TOWARD: SYSTEM DOES ------ , Marita So! Mors, 9 nie Street . All work 6 ing, landscap th of SHE 1960'S. s 5 ME REFRIGER stotus and East, Oshawe: eet | 723-0281, guaranteed 3 years,!ing and cultivating Call ey Pere figs OeNerk ARICK. dining ide dae stove, kitchen and ind telephone. Fringe benefits i ._ $._ Boychyn, dé, Ba, LLB Olt 1 ce: CARPENTRY -- CHAIN LINK FENG V ee a aa] lEtete sale' teicehene Janae ar 33 i its include: ey) oeaa, nia MHA' om Acme = Wow one repeles, Bleck | Deer ee net avimatie "Urn Soe lh 7617. cele eenhuhad Mikes 0 Box 39387 life insurance NHA and EW PARTON ee ee ete Free est $ prices. " er Ti j $s - oe acer fonds available. [ost rs ag TERING and repairs, stucco, SantneToN aanoai 3 AF oa Chr Per 5--Treil ers Feropnene tas a "eee mower. For sale, ee mental -- iD 4 eR a 4 ete forts ofc, 114 "cing, Sree Bat ay 4 nae. Gh Plate a ee eafimates, phone | 987-4784, eres N PLANT oo 3 _|b--A cles for Sale Wik GE leer, wih aed aauipranl NEED EXTRA MONEY? unemployment Ge. Tas-3068) Tere cov. Keli hor day, guaranteed -- Murray Holl ---- We alee. you 9: better TENT TRAILER ------|phona air brake, very men te $50 -- $100 and mo benefit plan, pension 'ence Kelly, Me Te . Guaranteed work. F ai | * tower for Li 4. r re can 5332; Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB ree nstruction ess Money NOW ! SIX easily be earned showi I r 2662, " 725 M ? showing lux- | Plan, medical _------ FOR ALL YOUR HOME imerovements OSHA CLEARANCE SERVICE BAYS 9--Market Basket pitied Christmas cards, gifts ay plan, hep Money to oan. Offic, an ke tired merkonenehip, teteatone 46-sé guaranteed | HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME WA t V THREE NEW & DIFFERENT | For Auto Service YER WA STIL HAVE fer picking your ae mec and -- . plan, prescription A awa, 2. neds inetd EB et enc late "gf 4 le ra y nce nee . FRED R. JONES, LLB, Barrister and NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco, IN SPARE TIME SUPPLY LTD MODELS ae * int canta Re) caren ner it] Our beautiful catalogue - plan, vacation plan, plus Solicitor, 86 Ki ¥! esti rec-rcoms, F if HEE! icki . one 4606 fo ustrates o' ; : a bade dh, eee irae, eet Suite 307,15 mates. A. C. Wood, 728-2420 or 728- a monthly payments in- Garae us ke E. 1 = WESTERN ~~ 14° 4' Chev reo een Periods "| full-color, poll on "m 10 paid holidays, premi- Oe: \ of Rit , , Ford, i ee , ROOFING CHIMNEYS, all types ot| tions. bras cae aad da 7 mye wide. Blue & Orange. Large mouth, Pontiac. We co i 10--Farmers' Column get plenty of orders, Write to- um pay for shift Sig coment. work. Sidewalks, slabs, stoops. Boras prec Aang A achieve 29:5131 - 723-6132 | °°" windows $495.00 heal cllonmenit inspect rrect | FRESH CUT BALED WAY, 5c. If pick. day for Christmas cards on | overti and 4 , Oshawa, 655-3061. ja by means | correct cas ed up in field, Will deliver ' be approval and f rtime work EXPERT PAVING. Free of Provincial ec SSNEIROSEVEDC A cane aN }ie LECKIE ect castor and camb charge. 72 iver for additional ree catalogue. . le estimate, In- examination. nine -- Ist. quolit li t er, ge. 728-5221. Monarch RESULTS Sunes sracas ne tl, tro-yesr : he Vink es -| Tait & Trailer: Green qualny oe and toe-out to |OEBAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock pi 217 Cen HES ~ TIMES Paving, 723-5841. sail pip Seas eg i aa TELEVISION--RADIO | $339.00 @ Parts ell en 6.88 [note Teeemee. Colter Hane Ferm, : : Apply to: ay YOUR LOCAL , Dept. 8, | ; Pon if required | 2721. Li ollect Hampton 263- Classified ve wan EAL. chimey yceaner. Thim:| Box 784, Oshawa, Ontario 24 HOUR SERVICE | 1 -- ALJON -- Zipper wind- @ Torsion bar adjustment ne OTHE ACTION ADS fous rendre. Free esimaits. ivamy.| Name ows, Brown & green $279.00 _ lariate commer ia LER A FINISHING CARPEN seteeerees Age... e OM iae Mn i WHILE YOUR Cate venue bar ena t| AGS HOLMES Huge Display of New & Used 8 seta iol CHILDR 723-3492 tn eabines,vantien, ar cabinets in| AdOrERE vee eeee sess Tents & Campin BRAKE SPECIAL (eat bucantaill epltared 18 mont EN SLEEP Sa BAe Kikernonnes | ces ane eee a aaa | ergserten amet | CANADA , hot tar and gravel, shingl lanitor Servi en railer Rentals Avail- uality Royaline. : 11--Pets i 5 nas st's_un- -- CLASSIFIED RATES repairs, large and small obs. tune es, eee rvice ig a able For August i 4 wheels ..., 14.88 |WANTED and Livestock pos unique. line of toys m, 72 . ING by mode : ; a i ' -- small dog, 1b jifts. No deliveries o Cash -- 1 Insertion of 24 words, $1.08; ALL TYPES LDING AEPAI Ste Wheuhs tie arinbine. TeleerOhe THL-TIER Whi | ) Series "ane tat dak Gee cane pollostiona. Ca r | ED adaitional words, "4ac., tachi. 3 1 |reafing, chimneys sevetraomin. he re jephone 728-7736. tby -- 668-5679 KAMPING | WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL mre ae Coll now bi: Heres: additions! words ac. Ps paed > $2.88; | 668-2774, y. Gord May, Whitby, y to Loon | UNLIMI ncluding weights per wh NTO MARE, five years old, v 723-3568 secutive insertions of 24 word: con- 1 wi | TED each wheel | quiet, excellent rider, children's Pac de PPA Ae Aha os c/o Hourly E ert 8, $5.04; LL LOAN you 1 Bathie, Port Perry, 985- pet. H. i y Employment jonal words 21¢, each. Carpentry rate of interest to consolidate HOT DIPPED TOWNLINE RD. Ni SHOCKS, . FOUR-YEAROLD --OMLDING,-- in T W Dept : Charge -- 10 c¥r cent adational charge Ai CARPENTRY, new and yeur bills, or for any other worthwhile GALVANIZED . NORTH Bicheno runresnt broken and quiet, inches Ethie the, AITRESSES re } paid wimin 8 di House renoy J and repairs. ;pl you are steadil | D Wi phone Orono 36-R2. RS Method of Counting aus thi Hetenaai Be se -ceuhid taal adeeb Fascist [ Port goes, cal, Tetepnone TV TOWERS ARE BEST 728-9942 | COMPARAMLE pRICaS. roooLe PUPPIES iso Ch die he gis Witeeer Fe Ss nak Wel WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! RAM or brown 'minietures, also 'Chitwenva| Please apply i ' t . Initia, figure, or sheretlation counts' ss entistry Mortgage ESS! BLER TRAILERS puppies. "All" puppies. registered at rea- Rey eee O aT Re sonable at rea- oy word) phone number counts two|CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN = SALE -- RENT | DOMINION sonable prices. Telephone 7289122 or TAMBLYN'S SODA BAR NTARIO Hpdagerd a Street East, Oshaw MO m R | O Open Sund i | BEAUTIFUL Patngc pm ------ | TRLO. | sippy tratcers | TIRE Lara SL eae Yl TAT PRESBES CANADA rede insertion with 25 cents addl- Dressmaking Corner Bond wig oY AI LERS | TORE cory RANCH aaa un WAITRESSES - oe "CITY OF ne erge if not paid within 8 days. DRESEMAKING -- Sulla, costes areasen, ind an ivision | HOPE | 17 H Kennels, Reg, Gern to | PARK ROA shepherds, males, 4 erman R alterations, sii coats, dresses, S | 728- | Lot at | D SOUTH hots, , 4 mos., 9 mes., trained, er int 28 were Specialty. 'Mrs, Toms, Whitby,' 6ob237. | 8-51.43 c + ee TELEPHONE 725-6511 eee Ashburn 485-4662 eve. 7a EQUIRED OSH each thereafter plus, 126. a 8. ClGardening and : Moneys available for first | eee ere isiettint SAIN and TENT vey ote ANB ima chica por bh nin Eg A I Sea! gua oe AWA i within @ days. ional charge if nof paid ig an Supplies = second mortgages. Open TV SERVICE | AILER RENTALS What hot "shelves Brssms settee, ees Telephone 728-1352, siaersliea Apply in person to Mecee bel ASSISTANT pee . rtgages. No bonus. First DAY OR EV for August and September erator, pop coolers, eleciric clock. 'Tels, COLLIE -- female nine months, tan anc GENOSHA Hi tal PRINTING CLERK j $225 for the frst 38 words This & That" motineues:. fecone. marigoges BING Special Fall Rates | Phone_729-1693. atk. "Vat | see st, Siac, corte broken, NO PH cbhyg thereatior with 2 sdaitionel charge lt Cal at pri soreness for sale pur- 728-5286 | Primus Camping Equipment [to S05 Telephone Various "sites trom 18" reasonable. elon 72 Sa 8 RELIABLE eat ee pete ae: Approxi- a shied od sd alcium Chlori | MILLER one 725-5249. SIAMESE RIT ms E WOMAN ely 0 if 6 iTTENS, mai yea lo care for per week to : COMING EVENTS Water A Sa M, F. SWARTZ OSHAWA 9 TUDOR ST., AJAX FOUR ROOMS of furniture, House will ite. "Telephone sane ene Week full timer three. weeks "per Sie] 380,00 per week. 3614 hour 7 $2.24 per inch (displa ; ing Salt 26% Ki ELECT 942- 3491 phone 723-8046, rniture is. sold. Tele-/WANTED -- good each month. No wee weeks part-time) week. Liberal fia) dr woh and sispiay)) $1.75, for. the Mix Canary Seed 64 King St. Eost RONICS bes puri oes pg iho i ctor ea Pl ML obey Ride tlae Vo Elba e : Ads). udgie S wa, Ontario |[------- | TRAILER HITCHES i SPT Bre ireppeggrd [aleticl nsad after . Tele-| EXPER ih Rte ile ie j eed : | also all types made and instaiied,|Peances.. Call Elmer, 1 48-6584 after 5 p.m. TENCED GIRL for coffee To } AUCTION 44 f of welding done, Portable | 0" 263-2695. , Mampton 262e¢a| GOLDEN LABRADOR Relriever, male, and variety store. A bar operate No. 450 A.B. Dic ? AUCTION SALES oo seeTion. Pind Bog Feeds 3-4697 TV: TOWERS. bee. pace ceed AeA ed 723-6840, |BIKETI? ei summer one year old, Teena ii male, Lote South or ply, 317, Simcoe Offeet Mathine: mor i . r Dog Feeds "FIRST pee COLORE a tion, fi ILER, excellent conai-| Repelrs on. cycle New, used, | DAC I ---- | Any erox Photocopier; _1.T.E.K ' DEADLINES Purity Dog M and SECOND DTV 720-0293. berths with hitch, T Street 1 East, makes. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond| reasonable. Telephone rd breed, |light housekeeping duties. Bs PI nd Gestetner eal OR BLA after 5 p.m. 613290, small remunerat epoard and i a etner WORD Al CK & W PETERS ration. Good home M yGim. DAY PREVIOUS per Horse Meat MORTGAGES 24-Hour se egy ew Me a Rie | tent iralier, Tike 4100.00 Sane ciate Mii 4 foot used 12----Articles Wanted oe heme ns P wi LOST AND FOUND aster Meat Stew -- All Classes -- 723-0065 or 668- HOME MADE nel lable like ew B00 enen" (tie Water tanks | GOOD USED FUR ada's tne ie "ach sow con] ei: @eparionce on' these LOST AND OF PUBLICATION pyiaeter Meat Loaf -- City, Rural, Vacatio _RAE' S RADIO re Sleeps 4-6, full es Yealier tor sale, |Doat. Best offer tach. International "sail |fime, 648-58) or 68 RNITURE. Call any.|wrapt, novation t_ Christmas" cards, ce aa 'and general know- ; , , ion -- 4512, one 728-|P.0. Box 1, Peterby fered, Apply|Miture, 215 Dupai East, W r-|For free, beautifully ilust je paper % BIRTHS AND DEATHS urina Cat Chow SUMM DEMARIS yen Bi ecMO RNY law Simmendy Sune eee teens. J 60 is East, Whitby, ------_--| logue, samples on ustrated cata-| on asset. Stocks 9 am, DAY OF Kit i ERLAND =n 4' HOUSE TRAILER, , p.m. orn 657-8513 after 6:00 OD USED FURNITURE. est service, approval and the fest. es 4 cp oath PUBLICATION pee Ly ie SECURITIES LIMITED COLOR T.V esp Mg ote ad nag Lod Fer pe gr a ee What shave tia. king St. Ey Heminen ont, | Full high School Education and ' M Vv. ink eater, stainiess steel | brush , all makes, fh Hou. CHEPING -- callable liven ci i CARDS OF TH P ember Onta OR BLA sink and taps. $600. Call |brushes, etc. Pick-up, 05€%,|SHOTOUN, deer rifle and antiqu EPING -- reliabl CARDS OY PRavious ore Malt Extract Dntario Mortgage Py ee AND WHITE . |%5-7997. ail Port Perry, con up, delivery, 942-0213 Felephone rte, rile and antique gun. dren V7, 12, and © Good nom wi gg Personnel Officer tden Suppli : | guaronteed - nents 1 | 4 pply Box 493 Col- City Hall CLASSIFIED DISPLAY pplies 112 Simcoe St. N.- \6--Mar ine ,E HONDA SALE -- 13 rebid pst 4 1 column <= 4 pm. day previous: 2, col OPEN ALL DAY aay ine ae 725-3568 _ T.R.1LO.. TELEVISION | 2 WEEKS 'Equipment 20S bikes 12h ber cant otal 9 and Articles For Rent Bany SITTER, saignabiy Garman Oshowa, Ontario or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous. agreements mortgages, safe VACAT } . ing West, 728-4242. ash Pape ' : pans » to care for two small chil- : ' CANCELLATION Monday --= Friday sha Veoeice Darrintoce niin, We 728- toa vied | Why not mak ION ? |GARDEN TRACTOR, four implemen ables, Chairs, Linens, Dish |woek Starting" bepinning. September: Steinberg's Ltd. fy eo iad AND Saturday-- 12:30 East, 723-7232. 3, 21 King Street|/-- es surnneee E e it ve whole | 8180 25 laying hens and 480" Arg ierants, U Cutlery,, Glasses, Coffee |tive In or We eee seni tt : eens : | ? Forget that costly | slephone 839-3983, rden hose rns, Punch Bowls, Bri Intervi . Telephone 728-6185 for 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION DAILY DELIVERY FIRST AND SECOND m SERVIC 2 weeks and in Moy Wear OW a eee oe Payee able. W. Schatz ortgages avail- E CALL ONLY ee vest in lasting CRAFTSMAN _ be ear Men's Formal i 'WOMAN T ERY feds wil"be charges on do's ner COOPER SMITH Street North, Whitby Bra lng 114 Brock | Fast TV. Se 2.50 Enhioe ie gag --, vour [fet oobre ul colin, a Be Fox Furs, Mink Stoles mite ing five- year-old by. Pay 'nd room and . Mm ----- a wee | v. rvice restliner Dealer 3405. vitar, 151 Brock & H ard, Phone 7, in Optomet serge | OSHAWA YACH ast, 728-| SARGEANT'S rist | THAVEN LTD RENTAL: WAITRESS, -- a E BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.0 CO S duane LL gcvmeyealy Paes: olome [negate CHAINSAWS anacees|_469 Riston Ra. $ sion arms = ie ae ae every endeavor will be st K, OD, 136 Si oe 818 "| also st » rentals and repai is Natta pis eee sereee oe haw i be, made to) : mai Suite 6 Oshawa, Senate] ELEVISION CRUISER, I6-4cct, 7 |tea siecle) Sind cree ad coeeard Na | CHAIRS, card and panquet t SITTER TOL Excellent F Pep gl Bo Rg Alar ppd ee 16 CELIN Pai | 728-5154 9 am. to 9 pm are' Seles WHR ads, hersenower elec: Fae ard Marinas Gas Kine Sree dane aisle runners. Cleve Fox arta aia eugene, faaks, RIVE 10 068 0 (6st eight ality aagh od for @ damage alleged to arise 0 i nat er| 723-2 2) Painting "and 'Dec pop! bem cauraccagc OA MaKe teehee Aue a a ls = tet Reker ron wee eee ernie : Shoal Point Road, Pickering Beach. MT with valve Oe dence' ebbdenideg saree rn aceene oka veh 312 7231139 la wana oarc d_Decorat ng | | 728-0776.. Wi_ finance : phone |TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- aig WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, RELIABLE GIRL to Ii : some grocery experience, seas Mewever Gane Ghettar. by teal SEEMS di rateaDl G MARGE Ca a | city loa' CABIN CRUI |structure, -all-chennel, ents Wicor rower |Feducing machines, sick room' WalKeN | Two ehlleren, an prepihcoMr Gal ome for our Ajax store Genco or otherwise. 'The Times. w ae and Paperin ne end Decorating, Tele TY Valvo Pinto, f SHR, 110" hersepawar| $50. Ossie TV. Supply Ciniied: Teas Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice. ea school age. T a presenaae Ore ene First class : RS Mn ar ieohie reaed tor 723-53 Ge eatinnater tro maiing| _ Television, Radio Service, Re- _|*ouinped, Yo, four-cylinder, | inboard-out-| Road East upply Limited, Taunton| ENTERTAINING? F msl RE Al atl Neees ond pein: he ons uncalled for COMPLETE pa aia TV T | Re- [Board motor. Perfect condition, _ fully 1 lust east of Ritson Road, "AINING? Fifly to one hondrea| WOMAN, in fish and" chip restaurant, pany benefits. = HANGING AN Behe inuasilad Antenne, [eculaped-sitens._four, walk-in tallet FIELD BARG i, __|people? Oshawa Tennis Club for Bred! part-time, 30:35 hours in cenentalt: REGULATIONS ot eink eonce Coty san Ee en FREES] motes, All Work Guorenteed, Fg I ia sae ruth 2 menace wieioan _ Pirie: weddings. Bar, 'itehe,| 2m Simeoe Narn "rated. "Seoh] STORE MANAGE The Osh EQUIP ; aranteed, |12 MP - pa a ee es with torr) _____| TACHI 2 Ri fore errors in navertzemen rectemniee Toro, L - iggy Plumbing and Heati Tan -- i ge -- pall ls og Mn Wilson's: Furniture, '20 cnureh i 14--Business Opportunities Lg ee nea oa 196 Nil Ba a se than in writing not for , Lawn and ating pitt: 7 days per jin fwe blevees A , electric guitar |CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS Jun tw sekeeping and care for VE. 9, AJGA Shan tre tasertion of ony. eavertisbrnent Yardman Li ae Oke GF a week. 300 Kitchener A Sa Oe FOR HOLIDAYS July 15 to fe crete Soe Sete Sm or ¥ 4 tar bavetd fhe price charts for arsine WOOe pawess ALL TYPES of repairs and rem lling, CITY TV TOV lcs eed Me eC insta eedemennonOONOn IC august 1S. Open Wednesday ey tie Ms : ae or to i Curae tin et can I Vibrad Garden Tractors [rata motinetes fone ge fcsiovah ad Bela TOWERS, antennas, also re Syatine Hisere aan ote Boats. | FAB is_peried. Bill Hamilton, Raglan." TEXACO oN UAL ¢ SbORTURITY "fe7 my = i The Oshawa Times reserv ALL PLUMBING @. 728-1191, J. Foley.| Avenue. Telephone 7250800. 511 Dean| weekends. Marina orl -freninos FN bl a es dl "Furniture sale, ever Herb fe beige iy 10 ete teas STORE MANAGER ; one classification pede P oy wR RUNDLE Pose telectione 128450, Hevoid th stank Well Drilling--t PE fa Mall ait phe scene ae a i ana Chesierteis CANADA LTD erties te warchen ane any ih King St. E Oshawa i jassification. lumbing, Heatin fark ri ng--Di i 1983 JOHNSON 25 ------ 5 piece dinet suites from . shawa and vicinit wey Jn a 5 2855'S) 19 and E ih iggir 25 horsepower, m te suites $34.88, . x, cinity. Write or phone Mr. ; in the ces ot air, aginrsemny| GARDEN CENTRE LTD. |R sage ee + (WECL [SI6SING Gy mecha . Horecanepuararias ais Teleone sans Pure, 30" Chreh tat) Service Station fecce: pave were | LARGE ENGINES w not be hel is le. W. W. 4 -- ee eh af 3 Decreases) 015 KING ST. E Rus, Upholstery Service |" SES. SEE fiuea, sour apogee gt een, en for lease in [raenavaiue innate, einer CONSTRUCTION hy Piece age he_publishers onasaver RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts aoe 2--Personal et acca Sar 4 BH elephone 942-4606) tresses, $29.) crib aroitrecsess top = mat- ance agen a apie ie multiple line insur- ORGA i rectly, Dut assume no tiabit matter cor- 725-6551 years. Workmansiip. quarenteed, ces teslas fcr DOAK Gok Sika OL : aeriente Apoiy' 6 icants_ must 'have ex- NIZATION t ti ity of adver- Free estimat iP guaranteed. 45 16' MAHOGANY - cots s, $16.88; rola fe. Apply Box 3950, Th atoemvant, 17 sey, accuracies In any form rebuilt \mates. Credit terme, Mattresses Removal of superfluous hai besa ich Bag METAL gleettie fully |ture, 0 Church heed Wilson's" Funk. ra pidly Times. e Oshawa ete IT'S EASY TO PLACE A cnasTaRPIELOS Avene 7a. ab Murdufl will be in [ix ail day Saturday. etter COTTAGE, SPECIALS -- tems § ie, expanding Ajax hovsekeeping and parttime beby siting. oueetatey information u shawa, A 18' CEDAR SIDA BARE table and chai " Small art-time baby sitting,| centre TIMES ACT) CENTENN reatvied. FF re-uphoistered and ugust 15, 16, and R STRIP CABIN dresser: air sets, $ all wage, Will i pate a Sie, ames a ate] heuehace, Gene eel oo HE Ot i zawya] Oey' ehne average e_[rme eS ee AS i r. Dalton Upholster We ese days for i 650. two tanks and batt ond Street East, Vall est, 25, and earn above average i Two a are ea Street, 723-7212. ring, 75 Charles appointment. offer, 723-3622 ery, ist, Valley Creek, 728-4401 i ge in GIRLS to make vendin eS 723-349 ~ is FI on GUARANTEED sea wring -4401.} come with new Texaco mer- a bls eH AR oa Bie 2 NDSC APIN G a & ELECTROLYS!S ae FIBREGLAS ' s0AT " with convert |1Vision. refrigerator, wringer washer, chandising programs. This five-day week. ip noon to, § p.m. @sllV:! Duties will consist of deli INDEX TO < 723-4641 Wraler Telephone s23-aee0, "Nee |Smeoe mn Ferture and Abolonces, St] ated ono main, trorough: ics th Wee ing prepared talks to. groups : __ | MOTORS, 3 HP, 1967 Evinrude, s VACUUM Tapalia alr hake Wore cated on a main thorough- ale H ats of visitors epniicting CLASSIFICATIONS Make Your Home APPLIANCE 4--Motorcycles_ 2.7 Johnson, $30. Telephone 7257052. | Pieming acePelrs all makes, hose] eee ee eee oe = telp Wanted | oroanized on wee IWomen's Calum Ns ae REPAIRS FTC cameos FIBEROLAS 13° fiving "lanier salitar io Service, "Mein Sirasts 4 gtlie or 783-9639 af- will be given to auieoeas ar heal i nnial Project. Saas Z BS.A @ TRIUMPH |Tab condition, RLM enrolls ok FREE! Furnace cleaned, adj -------- TEAC ervice tati with at least grade 12 forme! 4--Motorcycles PH Expert repairs to all mak ccessories Pirelh ' Guaranteed trouble-f , adjusted free. sian cag S | education and s--Trallers ONE of washers, d es goggles: jock i tires, Se ohianieadien miter he chase from Wester ree winter. It your pur" on 'axuari and some related é--Marine Equipment etc Ee SONI AB dbogs ets, gloves, Buco |7--Swap and B maces (.1')** se se ER xperience in guiding. 7--Swap and Barter le ALS elmets. Repairs and service arter a a BRUSH' (PRODUCTS, s . 7 outh . Saar iter 263-8853 ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE 6 | higeTRORCINE RROD |tametamae ears, SRY case eesti cert FOREM Opportunity | nsion"Rei ning age 10--F - otor " tubs, toilets, ry . AN abe is ply stati: taper an Colma pe ALCAN 728. 786 SHOP (ee Gai, Beteestice septic tanks, piace a fable' ext extend ' qualifications, exparienca ry i neat otors, ti Tel te t * Arles stag @ RERING CLEAN-UP | FURNITURE ond APPLIANCES ees | nd" Bark South, "7252008 Stener Wises EOURBURNER hess 6 pimes| Required by smalt generat | A modern station in the Osh ao usiness Opportunities i lanting @ Sod: | : Oshawa | MOTORCY : heavy duty _ electri nm firm, Must be v : 1$--Empioyment wanted @ To ding @ | __Telephone 723 CLE SALE. - --| four 1 condition; three steel beds; fully experienced in esti owo area requires an experi- lschernsle. Hemp Werte e Radic ° -- e | sk on shee scooters, trail bikes, | ean ee Dlai| ing and have good ieatrindes enced merchandiser to ao A | , } the 18--Male Help Wanted @ Marion ond Kentucky ° Rent A Pi Bostic stone NSU Jawa, Hon- | PONTOON BOAT, "SS Mere, _| Of sub-trades, generous sal- complete charge of i manufacturer of male or Female Help Wanted grass @ Complet - y Blue- iano | das Suzuki -.. $99. and up. | TO BUY OR SELL beat, '58 MG, 'S7 chavs rediliee, tee: ary with possibilities of profit t 2a eee hydraulic jacks. is Besummer Proper ing @ Kaciitears" landscap- | SEE HONDA SHOP jor Fare sae! gorea sea Reply for the right mon, ion looking for a good sisters tor Sale 723-9020 | HEINTZMAN 199 King West, 728-4242 FRESH FRUIT. |ACCORDION, 120 ba as ; ~ giving full particulars The Z--Real Estate Wanted HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING -- | & Company L Open Evenings | |Price $60. Phone 72-0870 NaN" PO ee M tuo Gr er = ae Bloor St. East 79 Simcoe St re \nOCAYT MARI CC rae mids | ane Be TOWERS SPECIAL--40 ff. structure Shee on BOX 39 solid background in the busi- = AN . A ing, ti + Complete with n " nel antenna, re, N ' baal 26--Apartments for Rent | H Tele hawa ng, lights, 796 miles; 1966 Mir tai vision, 728-5143, $50. TRIO Tele- ' TARIO ness and will quite likely b hen oe seen | SMITH'S TREE FARM espe sre au eee simeoe' North | V PLETE KITCHEN c . replies held in strict con- 'an assistant manager at se capable of setting up turret | . " : upboa: i ° z nutans or [ ey for Hedges wie Irrigated or old. itor evcle, | 10 Twin, Thvee EGETABLES "Svan sink, never used. 'Telephone eS . Deals sa uae ent. An excellent salary and -- and drill presses. Some 31--Cempact Cars, for' $ ut flowers and plant 19S BRIDGESTONI _ BABY ee i bonus arrai 2 i ag ofa tr tg Sele ° Manure racy Fs . os GRASS |$280. Telephone One, 'ea 3,500 ae READ AND USE THE tpt ge tat chair SACRIFICE sala a full < Wah aay 33--Automod nted 'ough | 45H sapere oe -- iS 1 34~Automobile Repair ms neg lumber (cut to suit) | ,, Visitors Wel [section oe excellent condition. ar BUY AND SELL -- Good used furnitur Service station and _livi | opportuni i Tee @ STEA 3---test end Pound s ond poles ALL GREEN" NU |pnone 729-3179 > ate On cash basis. Tele-) MA and appliances. One location we Se Highwa 35, 4 i Nae ov gi BY. WORK ir n : . DoAveioe {Call collect Newtonville 786-2283 SOD GROWERS lise BUCATI ae Boe A RKET Upalon keene 'South, 729-3271. Lindsay: Full price Or sas uture for the right man. HEIN WERNER 38--Coming Events |NEED A SERVICE? * | Tow tion, low mileage. Telephe ient condi ee ae condition. ill take property or mort- ro Loge in the: Went : ee wrelieeta| i os take oa 5.30 p.m. ee cee BASKET naa eran br oo san oe S999 Gs rage ages Reply in confidence stating of CANADA LTD ¥ Ww ALI | Hei r. Sold . | 725-9674 A Ads LING IN SERVICES? " Gihesttiea! [i Gave, Plano. T case, $225.00, Phone CLIFFORD age, background, morital AJAX, ONT. Wena. uner, Brougham, Ont ge SMITH status and earnings expected Phone 942-6100 sewine WOERINE STATE to Box 39500 Th oa | condition, re' , portable, excellent Toronto : | os Gaowa (oealiak ih Gnteaes Ge ea reverse sew, $45, 668-5320, , _ 699-4921 | Times. tjoarergyh bred engi hen dig customers et moderste. ox brings extra 723-3492 to place your coe Venere \

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