MISS JOYCE HOLLOWAY Hopes Someday To Uncover Oshawa's Hidden Past By JO ALDWINCKLE A romantic story of Oshawa ENGAGEMENT | Mr, and Mrs, Earl S$. Myers,). |Harmony road south, Oshawa, | wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Donna Jean, to Mr. Cecil David Clark, son of Mr. Earl W. Clark, Oshawa, and the late Mrs. Beatrice Clark. The marriage is to take place on Saturday, | September 10, 1966, at 4 o'clock) in First Baptist Church, Oshawa. -- FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Telephone 723-3474 for THE GaTAWA Times, Mr, and Mrs. Earl F. J. Mec- Master, Oshawa, wish to an- nouce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter, Donna- Rae, to William Robert Allan Imeson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Imeson, Oshawa. big peices ume land road east, is touring and 1966, at 3.00. p.m, 'in North. Visiting relatives in England, minster United Church, |Wales and France on a three- FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE jweek vacation, She 18 accom- Mr. and Mrs. James William |panying her grandfather, ! Hickey, Oshawa, wish to an-|Luke Hilderley of Bowmanville. nounce the forthcoming mar-| ; | riage of their second daughter, | oust returned from Ea Led Shirley Marie, to Mr, John Wal.| 2ngland where she stayed with) lace Buckler, 'only son of Mrs, (Her daughter, Judith, in Lon- Wallace Buckler, Thornhill, On-|d0n, pk yi oe bison tario, and the late Mr, Buckler,|08°k 8000 wishes trom oor The ceremony is to take place Oshawa residents, These in-| on saunter September 10, clude Mr. and Mrs. Raymond) | 1966, at 11.00 a.m. in St. Phil-| Martin of Barnwell, Somerset,| ip's Roman Catholic Church: (19 formerly resided on Mary Oshawa, street; Mr. and Mrs. MelIntyre) Hood, Edinburgh, and Mrs FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE |Margaret Clark of Market Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Blasko, (Overton, Rutland, mother of Oshawa, wish to announce the|Mrs. Mortimer Brown, Mr, and lforthcoming marriage of their|Mrs. Brown now reside in Scar- daughter, Helen Elizabeth, ofborough. By permission of the | Windsor, Ontario, to Mr. David|Central Office of Information, |Warren Mahony, son of Mrs,|Mrs. Drynan_ was allowed "on |Albert Mahony of Smiths Falls|location" in Exeter for the tele- jand the late Mr. Mahony. The} vision filming of This Week in leeremony is to take place on|Britain for which Miss Judith Saturday, September 10, 1966,/Drynan is the Canadian re jat 2,30 p.m. in St. Philip's |porter. poe Sener eae Miss Madeline Tooley, Simcoe | FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE |street south, was one of the ten | Mr, and Mrs Normazactors chosen by Robert Chris- Temple, Coppercliff, Ontario,|tie and Mr. George Merten to announce the forthcoming mar-|attend the Directors' Course at riage of their daughter, Mar-|McMaster University beginning \garet Amelia, to Mr. David|August 13, The course this year William Hardy, son of Mrs.|will be under.the leadership of John Oates of Oshawa and the|Mr. Clifford Williams from En late Mr. Charles Hardy, The|eland. who has been acquired ceremony is to take place on'by the Recreational Depart Saturday, August 27, 1966, at| nent of the Ontario Board of 4.00 p.m, in St, John's Anglican|"ducation to conduct this Church, Coppercliff course. Miss Carol Coombes, Ross-; | but the owner of the land With justiall the publicity about "finds,"' he said refused permission Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Mr. | \*Buena Vista', Simcoe stree Peginnings could be under the surface, Miss Joyce pologist and archeologist pas come to Oshawa as a soc) worker for the Children's Aid Society. * Miss Holloway ha siderable time on archeological "digging" and is particular! dnterested in the finds in Pick ering and the Indian skeleton bncovered near Ritson road * *T am quite sure that there must have been Indian settle. ments in Oshawa, she "The Indians preferred camp by running water, near a larger body of water and Osh Bwa Creek would offer itself as one of their choice locations, S "They might have built a Summer camp near the creek And the lake and then moved away to a more sheltered spot And better hunting ground 4he winter, An analysis of mal bones found on a + prove whether it was a #f winter encampment." DIGGING INTO HISTORY Miss Holloway ha digging in New York has uncovered Indian villages in and around ter and Ruffalo. The United States Ne 4ional Science Foundation Assistance to these of "digs." She was also d ort Erie when the digge «overed an uary pit, containing #ome five hundred individu "We should have been to work there to according Holloway, anthro who pent con said, | to} ani t@ can umme also been Sta and Rocke ve Oss 0 the skele for week | ed 'Cleanliness Co In Ba i : nN wie aii VVUTILLU LLY By ELEANOR ROSS Half the battle home free of insect household preventive measure these pesky tiers gerous to heal! ally difficult to they gain a foothold sense to try to entering in the Homemaking expert unanimous in Citing as the initial met! insects from takir in keepin and othe to employ pests ri re. dan h, and are Mini from keep { em irst place I leanlines od of ove keeping Since the tiny unin need nourishment spilled food, garbage cloth, and other tasty around--tasty to the that is, "Keep all foods in | closed containers, and these often with warm both inside and out, CHECK PACKAGES * When marketing, that packages of dry unbroken, and that Re carried into t rdboard cartons Make it the entire possible, When sc able surface tention to crev and in cupboards and othe places, between y floors, behind kitcher and washtubs, ter pipes and bat Pests pick the places, so 1 around sinks alor pipes, as around baseboards floor boards. Windo should fit rats or mi If pests do est bead, attack ed neve 8 morse! ! varmin no in he home a firm hat house ibbing was! k and ar 0 and dra wel officially as a scientific study of Man: Man in the past; primitive Man jin anthropology evolution and the relationship of man in Miss we had. for obtain and nights, so we worked around the clock. There must} ill be a treasury of informa- tion there, untouched." thought We we three somehow gold but he found appealed all could was time days \ graduate of the University of Buffalo, majoring in anthro- pology and specializing in archeology, Miss Holloway) started work on her doctor's degree at the University of} |Seattle, Washington and hopes! in time to complete the under- |taking, She described anthropology | the present and physical as the study off St. Philip's Roman Cath- olic Church will be the scene of the wedding of Miss Shirley M. Hickey and Mr, John Wallace Buckler, September 10, Miss Hickey is the second daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. William Hickey of Oshawa, She to his environment, | ADOPTED BY SENECAS Although born in Toronto, Holloway holds dual citi- neither of them Cana-} She became a naturalized (American citizen in' Toyko in 1954 and at another time was} ormally adopted by the Seneca| Indians. Her Indian name may graduated from St. be pronounced Yo-No-De-Nes meaning traveller or roamer and a member of the Polishing Cloths lary Jamieson family of the Easily Flammable Holloway eager to : | In Hot Weather ensh she is Sene M di into a Tribe is the history of Osh- It: might even be possible, | ald, to plot a '"family| How can a bunch of innocent: | of the prime families|looking rags be dangerous? | tled here They're nothing more than snips} from one of Aunt Sue's old dresses or Dad's old jeans. Well just get a bunch of greasy rags together in an airless closet on a hot summer day, and they may break out in spontaneous combination and fire. According to the Handbook of the National Fire Association, which is considered the ultimate authority on fires of all sorts, such combustion can be "at- tributed to the very rapid oxi- dation of the thin films of oil spread out ever the surface of the fibres. The rapidity and ex- tent of this oxidation are in- fluenced by a number of factors TAKE PRECAUTIONS such as the nature of the oil, Labels also state what special|the volume of the material, the precautions should be taken. in/ratio of the exposed surface to e~heed the warning! Follow|the mass, the degree of heat instructions to the letter,|insulation, the presence of so- AUSE licides can be poi-|called dries or certain metallic onous to people and to pets or\oxides such as iron rust, the : cause damage in the home. jinitial temperature and to some sure to remove food,jextent the moisture content." s and utensils before using} It's advisable that all oily rags, | spray insecticide in the/those that you 'use for waxing or other food-related |furniture, that Dad uses around| }the garage in his car-tinkering » will have more to say on}moments or when fussing around) insects and the pest|the power mower, be kept in r situation later. on \tin or glass containers. Another THE HOUSE OF FLAIRE COIFFEURS Otters Oshewe ond Vicinity Personal Services In . .- awa n 1e hat set es First Ache I Cals insecticides, 'These a variety of forms-- air or surface sprays; eams, or pastes: powders: and poisoned are different kinds Read labels ing to determine intended for and | | aids {s or cr pests b pes fic Manicure © Pedicure (Foot Core) Facials @ Make-up Consulting @ Eyebrow and eyelash Tinting BY Eyebrow Arching Jane Poulson For Your Personel Appointment Phone 723-6901 timate In Hair Styling end' Shaping) TO BE WED IN ST. PHILIP'S | Michael's Hospital School of Nursing, Toronto, last year and is a member of the nursing staff of Oshawa General Hospital Her fiance, son of Mrs. Wallace Buckler, Thornhill, Ontario, and the late Mr. Buckler, is assistant recreational supervisor for the Township of North York piece of advice is to keep them in as cool a place as possible The safest thing, naturally, is not to save old greasy rags to throw them away, but that's wasteful, and there'll come a day when you find yourself rag- less. A safe and economical al ie Oe JUWWEMMNEL SPECIAL FOR GIRLS! new love dresses for fall Distinctive new woven popular poor boy styles SIZES 4-6X% 4.00 A special fashion. first at all Fairweather stores machine washable. Plan now for back-to-school! Choose from A-lines, régular or high waists, and THE STARS SAY | By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Planetary restrictions of the nr few days lift on Thursday, | and you should have fairly | smooth going in all of your in- iterests, Push ahead toward worthwhile goals enthusiastic- : alty and, even if returns are not 1c immediate, or are small, you | a *"~ snould 11nd Ssaluslacuen im ine | gains you do achieve. AL & PERSONA FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday | your horoscope indicates that, | regardless of any financial) |gains you have been able to net | since the beginning of the year,| : it would be well to consolidate Mr. Glen Bannerman took now and start thinking--and! time from his official duties at planning--for the future, Your) Expo '67 in Montreal and with|Chart, as those of all Leoites, | Mrs. Bannerman spent does not promise much oppor: pet Dae tunity of adding to your mone- weekenga as ine guesis OF MIS.\tary assets before Jan. 3 1967, G. D. Conant at her home.)when you will enter an excel-| t lent 3-month cycle on this score, | to be followed by another which} will last from June 1 through | early September. Women's Department last south, Mrs. Bert Seabrook of King- ston, grandmother of the bride, In the above connection, how- was an honored guest. at the/eyer, it will be important' to Wotton Grills wedding. The remember two things: To bridegroom's grandmother, achieve the gains which can be Mrs. Carr of Brighton was un-\yours, it will be most impor- | able to attend due to illness. tant to plan your financial id of time. Stars in- September and Oc- tober will be ideal for mapping feasible programs. Too, it be imperative that you mo Mr. and Mrs. John Tiggelers gicate that Sr., of Venlo, Limburg, Hol- Jand Jeft on Monday from Mont- 4, real to sail home on the §5 yiy Rejndam. They have been vis manage conservatively for the ing their son, Lt. Colonel Leo balance of 1966. Avoid extrava- Tiggelers, Whitby, for the past cance and speculation and do two months. A farewell Party not make any long-term com- was held in the officers' mess\mitments ~-- pecially during last Saturday night. Major Wil- September November and De- liam Clark addressed the couple | pember, Be especially cautious and presented them with @!quring the first two weeks of plaque of the Ontario Regiment the Jatter month, Best periods crest, Officers of the regiment \foy occupational advancement: and their Jadies attended with phe next two weeks, the last several invited guests week in September, the last ae and Mis BE . two weeks of October (particu- a pat ea , svayq larly gratifying!), the latter President Johnson, his band, Patrick J. Nugent, bent, Central Park boulevard halt Of Deceniher e Babe I; ' ; ae hi id tt ; ; south, have returned from Flor- =p 9 . -- ber, next Febru-| daughter, Luci and her hus- wield the knife in a wed- ida where they visited many ' Bak om | centres of interest including Personal relationships' will] CALIFORNIA COFFEE CAKE)|mix as package directs. Turn Silver Springs. Mca ie tect ae In feted 3 fresh Bartlett pears into greased 9-inch square pan.|stable of thoroughbreds for 1e@ Ww 7¢ 14 4 mo ns, ay 9 i non foo denon Top with slices; spoon/Years under a licence in the 3rock with emphasis on social inter- § e g re-/ests between now and the end crumbly . mixture over pears. re ia ha = ~ I at 400 degyées 30 min- tour of this month, in Jate Septem- Bake ber, and throughout October, until topping is golden December, next January, Feb- and tester comes clean : A ""ruary, May and June, If care Smith and Vice-Grand Mrs ful to avoid friction in close orange muffin Makes 1 (9-inch) coffee cake. pears : ? presy as Dorothy Hold worth of O hawa cireles--especially during late _ Pare halve and | Rebekah Lodge No. 3 will wel: Qctober, the latter half of No-| Slice lengthwise ¥%s-inch| RECOGNIZE HORSEWOMAN| femon; LONDON (CP) | PRESIDENTIAL AID ding cake-cutting ceremony at the White House, --AP Wirephoto Albert Edwards, demon. juice datas street south, Whitby has turned from a sightseeing of Florida. Mr. y Cup" sug 4 cup 4 teaspoon 4 cup butter package (14 it flour ules cinnamon or 1 j 1 1 ol brown cake The Noble Grand:Mrs. Luella 1 out mix core into with flour and cin fo crum come the guests to the Town next February and/Slices; _ sprinkle Hopes and Country supper at Miss! tune, Best periods for travel; | juice. Mix sugar Ann Holt's home 'on Highway 2,' The jast two weeks in October,|"amon; cut in butter Courtice, next Wednesday, late December, January, April bly consistency. Prepare muffin Mr. and June--the latter month es-|_ : Slageren from Drachten, Hol-|Pecially star - blessed for all be magnetic of personalis, and after a 20-year legal battle land, who have been visiting Leoites extremely ambitious--a real go-| which ended in her favor in the their family, Mr. and Mrs A child born on this day will| getter 'High Court. She has trained a Robert van Slageren, in Whitby, made an excursion to Buf- falo, New York, last Saturday and Mr. van Slageren took his daughter-in-law for a flight by helicopter over Niagara Falls. A farewell party for the visi tors who are leaving for Hol land on Friday will be held to-| morrow evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray van Slageren, Ash street; Whitby vember, vind Florence Nagle, 70, has| d the previously all-male of race horse trainers licensed by the Jockey Club, coterie and Mrs. Jan van Wilson's ternalive is to reclaim your rags. Put them in a bucket of hot water, add a half pound of sal soda concentrated and soak over night. The sal soda grips jthe grime and grease; emulsi- ties it and not only makes them clean and soft as new but makes them thoroughly safe After drying they can be stored anywhere until the next using after which you. should give them another sal soda soak YOUR HOUSE NOW BEFORE YOU GO BACK TO WORK -- e BACK TO WORK SPECIALS -- THIS WEEK ONLY e wea LUCITE ot CITE ip 253 | 733 QTS. TRUTONE 3.30 EXTERIOR ACRYLIC §.39 ie 2 65 A. E. JOHNSON, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST 14% King St. East 723-2721 | sy on GALS. Reg. 10.95 SANABA Pherae yor can met mA ACRYLIC LATEX House Paint RIOR Woon AND MASON £249 womuys pan Weert CILUX TRUTONE WHITE ee EXTERIOR Paints GALS cotton plaid dresses, all » in assorted plaids, SIZES 7-12 5.00 PATTE'S 3.65 195 Years at-85 Simcoe St. N. Ph: 725-3529 Fashions since 1807 TRE