aes 20e--Summer Properties 26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Sale <6--Apa:iiients for Rent (26--Apartments for Rent |30--Automobiles for Sale 30--A is "hada For Sale or Rent = ~sliislnse deic ale utomobi 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, August 4, 1966 ae Bebetn fur, Sele (20--Roek Estote, for Fete | ez con ne ey | NOW AVAILABLE SHELDIAN WENTWORTH ROY ALE, 3 mie? ta Sar HIGH QUALITY V9, on eget I eg wate' fron MANSIONS CARL OLSEN | NH ACMORTCAGES tierbe"ot Sat" Grenfell Square 885 OXFORD STREET | MAANOR 70 tcot wood | | APARTMENTS J. 8B, Motor Sales LOW PRICES A limited number of core- Me ee oa aaa Whitby fully planned one and two me paired eco bedroom suites now available | Ouslity Cars at a reasonable ~--tinanzing available for immediate occupancy or | brite '66 CHRYSLER 300 reservation, : | 1964 Pontiac Parisienne, , 2-door hardtop, Lic. 341814, ! REALTOR spiro : ee Bid. "Flee. blacsiock "Fe THE ULTIMATE IN APART- |Within Walking Distance! 275 Wentworth St | 3 - 4- 5 bedrooms | 4789. . : mae ic gs on plete in every Woy 'ron sae, Five room vaigy ake yee MENT apa IN CEN South General Motors | Oshawa ? lan | wp lon wares id _ |motor included. Telephone 725-3737, IF YOU REQUIRE 0:2 beo- | ORANGE CRESCENT. | TW0-BEDROOM, cottage, Inside conven pseitigtord go: agghtrgihm Adelaide E. to Central Park N. (er wee Aeelt tor te wer View ~~ Two Buildings Swimming Pool who work in and arc' | FEATURING cylinder motor, automatic 'Sr see Gee ( 895 e ® : then left to ORANGE CRES, Beach, Scugog-on-isiand. @ Two bathroom in Oshowa. Within easy we The utmost in modern living transmission, power steering, | ¢4 e @ No damage deposit You will enjoy living in 4a: required 2 Wentworth Manor, con- veniently situated for these then here it is. Modern kit- at moderate rental rotes. i i " OPEN DAILY ' F ing distonce of stores ar, @ brakes and radio, Finished in | ; chen, rity Psa "-- 5 ~ 9 p m.. | SawcRerT. sd eran sue tom Immediate all 2 bedroom suites schools. OVERLOOKING GREEN PARK a gleaming Maroon with Selling at $3,695 -- siz rooms. Cup . veniences, Ve July ar Avoust 6i Free Parking RENT | Located on. Souths 'Side motching interior, Original 166 RAMBLER 770 } | 119 Nénauon Road 25,000 miles. Licence No. | 2 door hardtop. Lic. H87289, 99079. Regular $2,495 -- | reclining seats, automatic Available for viewing any- Special $2,295, | V-8, whitewalls, radio, ' time. Please coll 728-5282, 1963 Pontiac Parisienne, 4 steering. Full worn Retail 728-1582. 725-7981, door hardtop... . 283, V-8 |. Sues "By gun ereny ame ah RR IES GUNNER eee cma ds galore ond profession- ugust Se |, 668 : ay . ve H. MILLEN a csearigg gt age Possession Free Hydro INCLUDES: There is an extra room i ; basement with a separate 2 | ir lg ee roe, Coe @ FM Music & Inter cag boas Dis "tre 'apg fen | 728-1 78 |MOUSEKEEPING cottages, electric, in| FEATURES 1, 2 ond 3 bed- Com. Stove and refrigerator : eon, Breet. a _ 4 -16 tide facies, fahing, skiing and swim-| room suites, @ Model suite furnished by Porkin _.| motor, automatic _transmis- ell agers 3 cy ilagle a } ing. br gg write Maljoc Free. Hydro Wilson's Furniture Store Mig nie P 27--Rooms | for ; Rent sion. Power steering and ling at $2,795 o # r 4 'ew choice 2 and 3 bed- Soir brakes, radio, Th ze i , 1133 Corl Olsen Realtor, 20 RICE LA hree bedre Oshawo's largest suites @ Special leasing arrange- roorn suites still avalloble. ATTRACTIVELY. paceotional" condition F wha bys FORD CONVERTIBLE Ray Street. EXCELLENT rons "Se owimening. sma Pech Siovineial kitchens ments for last 15 tenonts. Bit ais FURNISHED ROOM Wait be ken icaaea Ri, ae LP Po rene 2 ACRES--2 bedrooms just : {ss tl Double sinks MODEL SUITE | OPEN ond Model Suite ivdiella Mine bao oa Nomee,. SF. | enema, ae a, 8 north of Seagrave this very ; corrA a re FOR re boat, yn 30 inch range, fully l= Open--Daily. si pe habe Meda es eRe st ec ee ee ee eee. | VALUE 'august 6. Te pone 0st. ngage dal ee oe $e dar maeaesd carats: $7,395 id paste nil tho REED Got eee ce a, eiiet lores Fests with 728-7942 Se | 82 PARK RD. N. sion. "Whitewall tires ond | 82 AUSTIN CAMBRIDGE r. e as! g ' Freezer 5 . only $8,500 with good terms. Here is your opportunity to 'tare sting te ttn Ren, Linen Drapes AFTER HOURS 723-8701 | 728- -8671 ae a sey tct seg Lic. 10206, automatic, radio, Coll George Twoites ot 723- buy a good ranch bungalow 157. or 668-6826, : | aes i 'a e erlor, | Like new! 1133 or 723- 2008 Carl Olsen ot a moderate price in one of NOLO in Halibarion "Highlands. Mod- Walk-in closets in bedrooms snicenteibechdalneinteiaasnins --- 1CLEAM, spel Sur waarmee ta noe No. H85096. Regular ; $695 Realtor 20 Ray Street. Oshawo's finest districts. This ern housekeeping cottages, good swim | Extra Two Piece both in oll PRINCESS | [Brewer od girl. Central al Ase -- sa08 on this price home with carport consists of |ming, fiebing with boa ym Pde 3 bedroom suites CAVALIER ecg onthly poyments | '60 CHEV. 2-DOOR : Ou! we i 1 | 3 nice bedrooms, living room |early, Phone or write Silver Birches Re-| All suites equipped with ANNE TWO furnished rooms, im 900d location 1962 Chevrolet Biscayne, 2 bog Lic. 180325, autome- A ' with fireplace, large modern 1, Minden, Ont., 526-R-21 Large balconies | stove, refrigerator, and TV antenna. For! door coach. 6 cylinder stond- ic, radio, good safe transpor- ttractive Home, kitchen, recreation room 30° | BAPTISTE CAKE -- wo. ms me So Scan Roark ond APARTMENTS VISCOUNT al opty 314 Arter]: St aren eee tation. onan | x» 13'. Professionally lonr- room cettages for rent, month of Sep- i 2 , s' on, in 9 A Ga Firepl scoped lot 53' x 139', Cali tember. Write for special rates, . Mitt Health Club |LARGE furnished rozm, new turniture.| tires and rodio. Excellent run- ys rage, place invti Crablidaiia ok behee haven Cottages, Box ¢". Bancroft Swimming Poot INDOOR | Suit clean ladies willing to shere, kit-| ina automobile. Licence No '60 JAGUAR CHURCHILL AVENUE | field-Aker Lid. ot 728-5205 CAREVRGRY COvIAGE, al E capitig Indoor Parking Available HEATED DIPLOMAT Gres orivilese soa oice 19 fe ital and Hates Rig raged sii Lic. 29645E, 2cdoor, hard- ? ci ee Outdoor guest parking YEAR WHITBY -- bedroom and kitchen for mee aie icine top, only 38,000 miles. Must pt age id | papi dete FOUR-BEDROOM HOME- 10. saa "ve ROUND One ond two bedroom apart light housekeeping, private entrance. One| 1960 Buick Le Sabre conver be seen fo Spherion, - -- 9edroom ap nt only, $1 ekly dros Hiei Sauda atte ter er? Here's your chance. Owner' realy|21--Forms for "Sale POOL meats" Stove; retrigaratar, sir oy ae so usin hiene: cae tible, V-8 motor, automatic, /095 E wants fo sell this spotlessly clean home. i RENTAL | drapes, broudloom corridors, 4 power steering, brakes, white MGA WITH HARDTOP recreation room. Attractive | Only $12,900. and easy terms, You could. | GOOD PRODUCTIVE FARM within driv ' patio at rear with landscap- n't rent this house for what your month-|ing distance from Oshawa; 150 acres of| BROADLOOMED SUN DECK intercom, FM. Immeciate oc large, furnisheo with refrigera wall tires and radio, Finished A car for the sport's minded | in a besutiful sea mist Green $350 ' ly payments would be. Sally Wallace,|excellent sendy loam. Brick house with h ee | 5 t t c cy 1 Free parking, $12. weekly. Art Cox, es ing. Priced to sell at $24- 715-6297, Jose O Oshowa's largest apartmen upancy e pal ' seph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377, |medern conveniences, nearly new barn , 13 Elgin Street East. Telephone ' s 900. Substantial down pay- sepn Bosco OF, with potato storage. Wonderful valve. at| INFORMATI N building offers the best feo Hagin i with ec gi Pada Fe ment required West END ~ two-bedroom treed lot. ido Terms and 5' per cent mort-| | tures. Sauna Steam Bath, 6' x Apt. 1] ] _ ence ° 04 eguiar j '55 CHEV % TON PICK-UP ; Private drive with garage, early posses-|gage. Owner very anxious. Full particu 18' Boleonies 20"x 18" com NICE, SINGLE ROOM ter clean, quiet; $1,495 Today only Lic. ¥31539. R 2 sion, Only $500, down. For more informa- |fors from Mr, John Sandy, 725-8010 or * PHONE IIa 5] 11 ; hel hein tpi " 340 Marland ani, General Moters worker preferred., $1195. Monthly payments econditioned Contact BILL MILLAR tion contact Joe 'Cravitord, 723-1021. | 728-5103. W. O. Martin Realtor Lination Living and Dining Breakias! and lunches packed if desired / y : motor and body 725-2557 or 725-1186 | Joseph Bosco Realtor, 7 f Rooms, 4 quick Elevators, 2 Parking fecilifies. Please apply at 6) a > $395 suf ug as w y THREE-B EDROOM, rich veneer femns.] '22--Lots | for Sale Picivele Anent Olde English Decor Lobbies 728-4283 Park Road South 60 Pontiac Lourentian, 4 Built-in steve and oven, wall to wall) 9 Bus stop at door ONE RED-SITTING room with refriger-| door hardtop. 6 cylinder mo Family Size bottle of Cok W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. | broadioom. Close to Shopping Centre and! f i ator. Vanity cabinet. with hot and cold) tor, automatic transmission FR " -- 67 K St. Eost buses, hone 723-950 Oshawa Realty Model's f oy REGENT ARMS water in. room. Also ene bedroom with! O04 wdin Finished in Hon EE with each $3.00 ing as: --------- | A | ode uite Furniture by GRENFELL STREET vanity cabinet and hot and cold water in eign blkepleely purchase of gos GENTRAL OSMAWA We "have one | CkIDDON AVENUE -- seven-room brick, 25 ACRES (Bond St.) Limited Cherney's Furniture World room. Gentleman only, Apply 460 King| corus. Maroon with Alaskon home left in this choice location with alt hid ~via rth eg private orive re | Broadloom by Angus-Graydon Immediate occupancy | & 2 West from 8 a.m. fo 11.30 &.m, or after White top. Ready to go on services in and paid for. A very hand- fwo. kitchens, hh gg hy MB) Te ig ees Sores ip bedroom apts. Starting ot °)™ your holidays. Licence No Hackne Motors Fates gearenet Vuln, S87 Mbe gent |Full asking 'rice only. $i54g0'Sibby's| Rolling land nicely wood- OPEN 2-9 P.M. DAILY $105 per month. Quiet build- SINGLE: Wurnlened bedroom, newly dec) 177168, Regular $1,095 -- y crated, 5 , Real Estate Ltd., 4 King Street West, ing, adult living Bre mick Pvt North GK. Parking Tele Special $895. Monthly pay storms and screens and ol! Nesting. | 7257876. |. ed, near highways 7 Gad: | N @) W 1221 SIMCOE ST. N: 723-6944 One ioc tN ici 8 1180 Simeee at ocated on a4 large home 12'T d 'is an excellent buys! $19,990, NHA mort. WHITBY ". - Beautiful "Tot 0 * . 920 Must , remenaous inves Between 6 - 9:30 p.m CLEAN, furnished, housekeeping room 1959 Buick 4 door hardtop, gage carries at $129 per month includ-jbe seen. Call John Kuipers, 723-6590.| : ule' c Ing taxes, For complete information call| Keith Peters Realty Limited ment potential at only ke F N 7 | N G 725-9934 (Adults Only) Feigonone T3908 Suit gentleman.| V.8, automatic, power steer 728-0031 q y me 4 - 725-2557, J. B. McMullan Real Estate. | cotiitey HOME with 34 3 ares, | $400 per care. Terms : LARGE, housekeeping room --for rent ing, brakes ond radio, Finish sade te ica a heaie WHA 6% PERCENT -- Four-bedrooms|room insu! brick home, 2 bathroom: Smort le for married couple. Phone 725 ed in ermine White with spot- a with 14 bath, completely finished rec| bedrooms, living room, dining room tbe 0 less Blue interior, Licence No | tio, st 7 . e | Business 451 | e@ room, walk-out basement to patio, storms|kitchen. 400 ft. frontage on main high Call 23 0353 'ppiy| 343634. Regular $895 5 A. M. e and screens, large car port, fully land-| way. Open to offers. 668-6201 ! d | People ROOMS FOR RENT, weekly rates sceped. Be sure to see this beautiful] Mulian Real Estat ANYTIME | Modern Apts. | Sing the. Prolees Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe Street North Save on this price $695 "Your RAMBLER Deoler" home In an ideal north end location, Full -- | WYN BR OK | of Osh i: BRIGHT, clean, single, furnished bed-| Monthly payments $30 | NICOLS M price $21,770 less $500 government bonus:|20q-- Summer Properti pEctgits ; j h tral. | otors Limited Call 725-3557, 8B. McMullan = Real perties -- Action Ads com, in private home. Very centre 1959 Chevrolet Bel-Air, 4 0 aiwe ie For Sale or Rent APARTMENTS tion $ i Suit gentleman. 102 Elgin St East. | door sedan, 283, V-8 isi in Highway No, 2 Lt E ae k a ar: e ency OWEYS 9 MoveRN TwWo-BEDROOM apartment, ONE LARGE Wurnished room tor aenile-| Senders ehh a Just West of Thickson Rd, COBOURG = Atiractive, older type 10 Acre Lots 97 COLBORNE STREET fridge, sfove, electrically heated, $118.| man, two big closets, close to north GM, oblate transmission On Whitby 668-3331 jome, central. Four rooms, V2 - monthly. Near south plant, Available im 'adio, re] nN exceptionall rooms, extra large living and dining 349 Marland Ave mediately. Children welcome. Telephone parking space, 5 Patricia street r ah if i ¢ pti y y si rooms. Owner will take mortgage for PIGEON near & 723-8950 SINGLE, private, furnished rooms. '97.| good condition icence 0. balence. 184 Church Street or call 372 Near Columbus Phone 7253+2227 - eekly. Gentlemen only. Close to south) J8749 Regulor $895 -- DOWN--$30 MO 5760, Cobour THREE-ROOM upper duplex, centraliv | Siant, Telephene 728-8363 | . suia? TiLeAGe 5 Si aie par can Coiner of Colborne Street located, unfurnished, parking facilities, Pome Teebnen ON a ak Monthly pay- 56 18) model -- 39.500, 614 per cen i i- - $80 thiy. Teleph 725-7279, y turnis! jousekeeping room. ont | ¥ mortgage. Nine 'rooms, main hichwav. PETERBORO Scenic acreage, beauti and Mary Street, Only 2 min : i AI stent! Working couple or two gentlemen.| Toro Chevolet Bel-A 2 vour choice ! Nestieton. Large lot, 20 miles from Osh- utes walk from Mary Street remier APARTMENT FOR RENT, in Bowman: Apply 194 King Street West | . vevrolet Bel-Air, BILL BENNETT awa. Telephone 725-6304 or 728-4401 ful view, iust off paved | ond King Street. ville. Telephone 623-3573 SUSE YO SHARW WAN She ariwepen| oor coach, economical, 6 SOWMANVILLE -- Large three - bed . hiah bl 321 Marland Ave |THREE-ROOM apartment, in private sons, completely furnished, private bed cylinder engine with standard MOTORS rocm brick bungalow, attached garage, otta e wit Lot ighway, reasonably pric- | ; jhouse, for one girl. Share bathroom, $60. | room, kitchen facilities, television, park-| transmission. and radio. Blue 484 Ki dining room, built-in stove-oven, freezer FEATURES: Phone 728-6722 | ave September 1. Telephone 725- ing, small workshop, Complete freedom. | with motching interior. Lie ing W, and fridge, Should be seen. Call Perry ed with terms available. sacs 728-991) after five | abit 723-0371 Real Est 8123 ( 1. Apartment controlled or 723-1401 |TWO-BEDROOM Apartment, heated, WHITBY -- Dundas asi. Basement| Ce No. H94329. Regular INCOME -- baie home, brick, seven 725 9592 entrance stove, refrigerator and drapes. Swimming! room, turnished optional, shared kitch-| $795 --~ Today only $695. |i CHEVROLET six-cylinder, standard rooms each side, four kitchens. Over 4 Electric: heating One and two bedroom. Now | Pool, $125. monthly, Available August 27. enette and bath, suit single girl, thirty-| Monthly payments $30. shift, receni Motor job and water pump. 728-9115, @, $550 cash. - Telephon 728-4260. Penn t Leni money maker. all Private balconies available. Broadloom corri- TTiver monthly, 668-3210 evenings 1960 CHEVROLET, four - door sedan : today. Perry Real Estate, 723-8123 CN oe soe Ges a re EN 4 Refri tip 'and -etovein dors. Stove. Refrigerator, |LOVELY FURNISHED apartment with ROOM for gentleman, Parking space, | cylinder, automatic, with radio. geden, 6 59 PONTIAC, two-door, Strato Chief, INCO: ME -- Whitby, $100 rent, and seven : igera @ D 5 FM. Controlled en- fully equipped kitchen, Private bath and cook facilities, private: entrance. Apply mechanical condition, no rust, 725-3744, | able bi r, radio, new paint job. Reason: rooms for the owner. Large lot. Parking a Large i ots each apartment rapes lots more for refined gentleman or busi-|119 Brock Street East se uy for cash. Telephone 728-2886. Two bathrooms, garage. Call today . Drapes in each apartment trance. Elevator. Intercom. (ness girl. Telephone 723-4491 for more ae 966 PARISIENNE hardtop, V8, power-| USED CAR PARTS, spindles i Perry Real Estate, 723-6123. 50 DOWN 2 miles from city, in attrac- P \ a Landis taell information |FURNISHED three - room" apariment/ed, vinyl top, extras, Trade considered. |traijers, al i jes to make ery state, Be Y, . Living room and bedroom Balconies an aundry facili- main floor, heat, lights, paved parking.|Call 723-1702 after 6. | East Be. So used tires. 50? Bloor Street FOUR ROOM frame home, full base | Nag area 479 treed (ie TV pre wired ties on each floor. Free Hydro. FURNISHED, two-room apartment, Brl- Ty antenna. Included. (NeRt OWN. 808 |e ara a a a + after 4, 723-2281. ment, oil heat, quiet street. College Ave 47M 'aved street, Close by public gi and hydro hospital. Telephone 725-3093 4 be CHEVROLET Bel Air , two-door, onthl 5 Living room and bedroom included. Suitable for two men, $20 " cylinder, automatic, low mileage, two-door, Perry Real Estate, 723-8123 $ y school, new high school ond emune agit 2 BEDROOM | weekiy." Telephone 7254732 ROOM FOR RENT, suitable for ene condition. Asking $2,200. Telepnone' 728-| O/8! 728-6082 after $ p.m gentleman. Close to four corners. Tele- DOWN, 'oom brick bungalow, bus lines. : | --Cor close to all schools and transportation, PAYMENTS START PRICED TO SELL . Inter com in each APARTMENT |RORNISHEO. BACHELOR Prehonerte | prone__723-0645 '99 DODGE fastback, immaculate condi- | 31 ompect mpact Cars | for Sale low monthly payment, ail services. im- apartment e Ho - -- ~ : with refrigerator and stove; bathroom USEKEEPING ROOM for clean|tion. Original radio. Very reasonable "yg see ees ve Stuns basi SEPTEMBER 1966 Phone 728 5579 Broadioom in halls Recreation room, dryer, re and lots of closet space. Private en-|gentieman. Good district, near hospital) Kingsway College, Boys' Dorm., Rear| SABYAN | art e se trigerator and stove. Available: trance. Five minutes to Oshawa Shop-|and bus stop. Nicely furnished, hot plate, | 308. | RES PARKLIKE D, cl 10. Hardwood and vinyl tile 9 cIVATE SA a IMMEDIATE < POSSESSION! | tz M RCRRE PARMSIRE LAND, coer ping Centre, Apply 460°King West, from! refrigerator. $10 weekly. Telephone 723: 1945--Gontiac, two. door hardiop, 6| MOTO ATE SALE, Brooklin -- 3 bedroom J j land and bush near Mampton; 10 won in apartment. September | & a.m. to 11.30 a.m. or after 6 p.m 0258 7 yt P, R SALES LTD ones brick home. Low downpay LOT 75' x 200' surveyed with dertul acres, clear land and bush, with! 1} 'Vanity in bathroom cylinder, automatic. Good condition. . Balance one NHA mortgage at family-size cottage. 3 bed wide trout stream, Frentage 469 feet Yy ie Telephone 723-0977 UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, central, LARGE housekeeping room, unturnished, $1,100 or best offer. Telephone Hampton) Volkswagen Sales and Service Telephone 655-3664 | ' Close to Oshawa. Ask for free illustrated| 12. Sliding patio doors Child welcome. New home, decorated, |Slove, refrigerator, shower. Telephone | 263-2353 New and 'Used Cor -- -- rooms, erected, $2,995. cash |faider, J, J. Van Herwerden, Realtor 13. Bachal 1 2 three-piece bath, stove, hydro, fridge.| 725-3756. 41 RAMBLER) A. condition' wiih new | ars IVE ROOM brick house, with three) or Budget Plan. $50. down. | Oshawa, 723-4471 Stinarcohah Ochi aman uct 8 oo Private entrance. Apply 467 Drew Street.|COMPLETELY FURNISHED hovsekeep-|tires, radio, standard transmission. Best 334 RITSON RD. S ways, many extras $22,300, 'apply 2 €4.| $47. monthly payments stort | LOT, 150 feet x 250 feel, on paved road pedro noe bolded Bivd. South." "apaly at address ONE- OR TWO - BEDROOM apartment)ing room with sink, refrigerator, and/offer accepted. Telephone 723-1272 3-346 d Avenue off Rossiand West after 2 September, 1966. Limited 'near school, Courtice area Telephone | 14,. Elevator service to ----- for rent. Apply 291 Marland Avenue, range, television outlet. Suitable for one "s ORG cavern Galas So0xL roy E THRE TO FOUR-BEDROOM brick) Number. Year round activities. 723-1657 euch floor |AVAILABLE AUGUST 3, tour room Apartment 104 or call 728-9094 edt hd 237 Athol East, Tele-| 5 Gillbned. 'Drive Oe WK at --_____Ypen Evenings ; ¥ K : +4 1, ate bath and entrance, on Se ae frig fete monthly plus $20 taxes, | Practical for retirement raleigh bea ORIOLE COURT -- x only,| ae ye to dog lney heme eae, Wikes aa koe Gia. TES AiG THREE SRORDON Se eet agenoa cr eT eee as sod car. Asking $2,695. Telephone 7a | ZOLTAN AND NICK' '#' by 148". $2500 down. 929 Centre| lots, services pai lor and insta! senera otors 'ont a i} love, ui a Street South, Whitby . Telephone 668-7338. | rea roads, open year round. | ayliging permits. available. immedistely dott | telephone 942-0166 " com, controlled entrances, elevator serv: north GM. Available immediately. APPIY i96)~DOpgE, fair condition, beal offer Your Authorized Datsun BN ae ydro, telephone, swimming, |we name our price you name your and office THREE-ROOM apartment in private| ice, Swimming pool, fenced-in playground 02 Agnes Street Telephone 725-980 | dF ANXIOUS VENDOR must sell three) excellent fishing,- water ski- |terms, 725947 anytime 16. Mail service to each th pein and. entrance, Ap./822 Glen Street or call 723-2347 - --v ecient and Fiat Deoler bedroom frame home in select north ; - ------ : ene. Separate: bain and. Si i 28--Room and Board "61 RAMBLER Classic, 4-door sedan. A) Specializing in Volkswagen east location. Willing to accept as little, M9, boating, hunting, etc. |LOT AT MYRTLE -- 75 x 320. Just off apartment, piy 204 Oshawa Boulevard North after 6) SUBLET -- Very spacious modern apart very low mileage, one owner car. $100 Bank dS as $2,000. down, Three bedrooms, newly) Winter Ski-tow nearby. EN- |main highway. Price $1,100. Call Perry |B.m. 725-2347, * ment, two bathrooms, swimming pool. |sinGLE ROOMS and board. Apply 25|down, $40 monthly. Nicols Motor Sales 1 Pair and: service decorated, Dolores Ross, 728-1964 or 72% JOY Summer, Fall, Winter, |Red! Estate, 722-8123 BE SURE OF AN APPOINTMENT |THREE-ROOM apariment, suitable tor Siuy4ae Gepost prepaid. Telephote 77%: | pivision Street | Just west cf Thicksons: Road on Highway 60 Simcoe South . : artin ealtor F . N, 2, 668-3 Sakasi neh Sealer Spring working couple or two girls, daundry Children welcome ROOM AND BOARD for young lady, cen-| N° 728-0051 $2600, MOVES YOU Info this, spacious] 23--Real Estate Wonted PHONE NOW Facifitiesy parking. TeleBhONe 725-7 Heated, cold tals laundry done, good meals, 'Tele-|MOTOR and body paris for 1958 Pontiac, ------ ee rancher with attac' Garage. Now is the! "--_ ie oH J hone 721 77 Teleph 1 time to enjoy the beautiful patio. Please @ MEET e@ | 723-8771 .or 723-2132 | THREE-ROOM apartment, retrigeratoriand het. water. provided. Preter couple; eres eo siephone 660-000) *% VOLVO & PEU ask for Elmer Fredin, 725-2753 or 728 be and stove, self-contained, bathroom, baby with one 'child, Apply Rainbow Restau-|\COLBORNE STREET EAST, $7: Room| 1963 RAMBLER sedan, $695. 6 cylinder, GOT 5103. W. ©. Martin Realtor Beside Toronto Dominion " | or one child welcomed. Available August|rant, 82 Simcoe North and board for gentlemen to share, cen-|standard transmission. Apply 605 Somer- * MERCEDES BENZ ee -- ----- | S {| t Only bill you pay is your tele- 1, 130 Annis. Telephone 728-4227. 8 a.m.- tral, lunched packed ville, 723-1386 after 6 p.m. GOOD HOME with extra duplex tot, in| Bank, only bank in Omemee. | eli-ective #8 on COMPLETELY FURNISHED apartment oe | General Repair and excellent area. You ml make money| Highway 7 on the Peterboro phone bill. All other costs | Moa, in. private home, including television, $10 AND 18, weekly. Private and semi-|1966 AMBASSADOR DPL, fully power | Auto-Electric § here if you ask now and 'call Walter | Hioh and absorbed by owner. TWO. OR THREE - ROOM apartment, hydro, separate entrance. Close to hos-|Private motel rooms. Board $15 (option-| equipped. Demonstrator, 5,000 miles fully ic Service Mittler, 728-7063 or 228-5103, W 0. Martin to Lindsay Highway each doy abstainers preferred. Apply 137 Pine |Pital. "No children. Available immediate: | 4!) 668-2067 new car warranty. Nicols Motor Sales Jake and Bill's Ga Realtor. this weekend ot | p.m. and phat Pi ly. Telep 728-5510 for app THREE or tour bedroom house for Aug.|JUSt west of Thickson Road on Highway | s rage Senne | Street, Whitby ~ ANYONE CAN MAKE MONEY with this, 3 9.m. No appointment nec Sell Your Home | - ai ---------| TWO.ROOM apartment, private bath, |2. References available. Rent up to $130,|NO._? 668-3331, : 449 Ritson Rd., South four-unit Income home, $5,000 down and| essary. MOMERN two-bedroom apartment in siove, and refrigerator. Newly decorated. | Within ten miles of Oshawa. Phone 655-'1960 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder, standard Oshawa 728-0921 priced right to show good return on in | thru | P : |fivecplex, Just, ott Wilson Mtinarator in-| Apply. 621 King Street East 4515, Lym twordeor. Private. Tele-| VoL KSWAQMN, 19507 IN Vor caad 2 ood vestment. Please ask for Marilyn Fitz-| OR resenting monthly, stov' and ROOM AND BOARD f i "Tele. | Phone : * ry 9 d condi. ich 1 728-558).| TWO-BEDROOM apartment, stove and N lor gentlemen. Tele- -| tion, $300, Te: gerald, 6645313 or 7285103, W. 0, Marlin | tla eR LA lh ld a; refrigerator ae Available immedi-|phone 723-5714 11965 FORD Fairlane, two - door ia Chane tlephone after 5 p.m., 668-5924 Can be seen Monday to Fri GRIFFIN FUR i ~ «twerbadroom apariment: ately, Close to Shopping Centre. Tele- accOMMODATIONS for elderly lady in|!0P: 28 V-8, three-speed, standard Alt resae i, reasona ~~ Phone TWO year old bungalow, minutes trom doy, day or evening by spec- I Reston" 723-4681 a phone 725-5315. nice, private home Separate | room and eee Pea 4 cat sireet Umasinets ---- fran Cal bose" Kolpese 2953590 %celin,__ '91 appointment only. Phone Real Estate Ltd ; MODERN one-bedroam aparimen', birch) 900d board. Telephone. 916s Kooy Sah See: wis, sana, ag HR ey Pe 2346 ol : NEWLY DECORATED three room apart oioards, colored bath, separate en-| GENTLEMAN, preferably teacher. Sday (LIENS PAID OFF. We trade up, "down. | APPIY 120 Bell Drive, Whitby. Telephone y Limited ment private bath, entrance, heavy ay trance, $95 monthly Apply | 290 Pacific.| week, private home, garage optional, Choose from over 60 cars. No down pay- | 668-6092, vA BEDROOM brick 32 Sfove, refrigerator, -adults,Available Aug. | +.) 225-0208 .or 72825: nerth--wa c ment. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375. ---- brick 'bunga 723- 8 ] --- 1. Apply 492 Front Street in--west---section_Telephone 723-1498 SUOEMOBILES Cacory harden Lic 32--Trucke | for ° Sele . " } TWO.BEDROOM "apartment in small ROOM AND BOARD for two gentiemen| 0, CONTESSA |SUB-LET, two - bedroor apartment, apariment building, centrally located, | eric Willing te share noone erier.| 11052, $50 down, $39 monthly. -- Nicols garage, two paved eck living room. with * '3 basement finished with extra lewimming pocl, inter-com system, hi-f M i | ble. Stove, refrigerator and| ; jotor Sales. Just west of Thicksons Rd. _ Call Bob Johnston 725-9365 five minutes trom GM. Damage aeposi Graves Included. AduIts only. Apply 77+ i leah ee seae further Informe:|on Highway No. 2, 668-3331. FOR SALE $3,000. DOWN. Now | you can buy fhis - paid, Telephone 728-3914. 9217. sd loa) Pi a "Figg 7 ae 3 lovely three-bedroom, split-level home in : COMFORTABLE bachelor apartment, re- = OOM AND BOARD for one or two girls,| Mehic Sanecuion cane: new tine, 1965 Massey-Fer i @ quiet exclusive north-west area for this HOMES AND Mf] SPACIOUS TWO-BEDROOM apafiment in wine to Share, Aiea clean hone, lone: smission, ; $, gusonin- frigerator, stove, bath, kitchen, bed-sit-| 4.00) eparate dining room, patio, and new exhaust system, one owner, 37,000} dustrial tractor, low down payment. Broadioom in jiving COTTAGES LTD REAL ESTATE LTD TING Poss, privaha eatrance,. $65 (riotih= soe Seperal dining room, pallor Andes packed. Phone 668-6159. miles, mechanically A-1. Reasonable.! transmission. with standord fon ream: Sesutinl lancsered tet con] COBOURG, ONT > citinglive, opatiment |ly. Telephone 723-8839, 6-8 p.m. or days,| Monthly, Couple with one child preterred,| ROOM AND BOARD In private home, 723-1617 ion, with grader and Hee reern. BeeUTIV! lendicaped let. Cait ; 46 King West 728-7576 if ' telephone General Motors extension 25555.) Cail Evelyn Cassel at Guide Realty Lim-|gentlemen preferred, Lunches packed. |j969 CHEVROLET Biscayne, two door,| 200 front-end loader, Only a imi: 1, bd e ial <j \é ve Eng y testcence Plenty of ited, 723-5261 Telephone 725-9843 cod mechanical condition. $200 cash.| 200 hours. Model MF202. i281, TWO large furnished rooms ap 8 Be ' 372-9494 cupboard space, Free hydro, parking. /¢ yg LET THREE-BEDROOM apari-- LARGE ROOM, good meals, lunches Telephone 725-1307 Like new. BARGAIN -- Fifteen hundred down Charlie Rankine 728-3682 FEATURING \suitable for two vs ite quiet gentlemen. Avail-| nent, Apply Sheldian Mansions, 885 Ox-|packed, parking, close to bus stop. Suit- 2 | bungalow with room in basement, "walk : toute i Tony Zakarow 725-4366 able immediately. Apply 708 Carnegie| freq ayruet Apt "S19, No damage, deposit, | able for quiet gentleman. Apply 708 Car ST a Ven tt: terthitecn: aemte| 196) Chave Adsion pickets A i hes "4 23 sas ?. dred. Keith Peters Realty Lid., 728-7328 ae ~-- ; A eee Prestige 1 and 2 bedroom eunne --R0GM~n F tment, [ONE-BEDROOM = apartment. All" facili secladl ahi __ best' offer. Telephone 728-5626. custom. cab, Good condition. BRICK RANCHER with attach : a nthony sIdloc 43 suites Electric Heatin . asement apartment, |ties Central Whitby, $70.00 monthly: Call ig PONTIAC. Parisienne, hardieor Gc : ae en oeirebie ce Vite es M NT Jerry Coady _----- 723-6356 Individual room heat od [ioily facnlaliae BFIVATe. OTT TR eae ee 29 'Wanted to Rent H89599 demonstrator, 14,600 miles, Bat.| 1958 G.M.C. 314-ton stoke, $19,900. This home is loaded with extras m" PRIVATE party will pay cash for § or trol. Pressurized corridors | ner - ~~» | SUBLET -- Three - bedroom modern| TWO OR THREE bedroom home in Osh-| ance of new car warranty. Nicols Motor V-8, 2-speed reor axle, 10- Neat as a pin. Call 728-9466, Oshawa COTTAC 5E 46 room bungalow, in Oshawa, no agents ; WHITBY -- Dundas East, two - room| anariment, very large, stove, refriger-|awa, reasonable rent, Telephone 723-6230. |Sales. Jus! west of Thicksons Road on! ton licence. Also in good con- Realty (Bond Street) Ltd Reply stating location and price to Box Free Hydro and parking large unfurnished apartment, Kibenane ator, children over 12. Available Septem-|wantEeD < two > bedr "Kome by Highway No, 2, 668-3337 diner B NORTH-EAST AREA -- Close to Row, p 38150 Oshawa Times Recreation room with kit- bed-sitting, fireplace. -- shared Bath. ber. Ist, as present occupant being trans-|ceotember 1. Young couple with | Child, | 1965 RAMBLER AMBASSADOR 990 con lend Reed. Thr igeon River, within | mile of nat Seventy monthly. 668-3210 evenings. ferred. Telephone 723-8224; if no answer | raed h ter! ra eebedreom brick bunas chen facilities Swimming Lil be AER. urgent. Telephone 728-1463. yore Black with red interior, white PHONE: 623 7633 low, with finished rec-room, drapes; the town of Omemee, com- (24--Stores Offices, Storage! Bi Saute bathe Mall 417 BYRON STREET NORTH, Whitby.| call 725-8876 WintéO -- Be Sac Tor ivevse '0P;. Fully equipped. Less than' 12.000 ; * throughout included. Carries for only! pletely insulated frome bun- pe e Five-room apartment with bath. Available] MODERN two. and three-bedrocm apart- N o Pan ae pet yl bd relies: 668-4005 between 9 and 12 noon. $104. P.1.7. Call 728-9466, Oshawa Realty! alow for the couple who wish 600 sq. i Su ae . tor ary livery to every suite. Closed UO - ag |ments, two washrooms. Available im-| sr fertont, 1m Laas 1986 CHEVROLET, 6 standard, mechani after 5 p.m, (Bond Street) Ltd re an "fish ' inl allsrn pas tdfieb deeds circuit T.V. controlled en- WHITBY -- Modern three-room heated| mediately. Close to South General : cally good. Apply at Lloyd's General HTM -- COUNTRY LIVING, twobea| °° wide te di RS Lien neg store downtown. Rent! -- trance for your protection apartment. Stove, fridge, TV antennae,|Motors. Telephone 725-0657 iaraleslad a ag apariment, "August Store, No. 2 Highway, Courtice. PRIVATE. '66 CHEVROLET Fleetside room bungalow with hot water heating, ment iving room, dining | !ree, sult taller, dress. maker, small hot water, parking and laundry facilities.) rwo.BEDROOM apartment, main floor.|..> ontleibbbele Sib op 8", Va-ton pick-up truck, three months located on Garrard Road North. Lot 7x! area, kitchen, bathroom and |peclalties in office. Apply Box 30476, | Large dining area in all. | monthly, 668-6543, beagle i room, parking space, quiet house pre. 1964 CHEVROLET Impala super sports| 914, ideal fon camper, many extras. Tele: large kitchen and living room, garage tible, 327 motor, 4 speed gear bi |The Oshawa T omer -- erred, hospital area, business lady. Write | Convertible, or, peed gei OX, 200, Call today, 720-9466, Oshawa Realty! 3 bedrooms are all lined and | we Times | kitchens, Convenient to | eymnisieo, arcom apariment, private|and yard, $90 monthly. Telephone 725-| cred. hospital area, bu: positraction, perfect shape. Phone 728- OFFICE SPACE with parking at Gan-| shopping ond churches. path and entrance. Immediate possession, | 2539 | 7341 before 6 p.m. after 6 call 728-2627. |"ss CHEV. Ya-ton } erties ~ _ sulated; have tile ceilings " 1 | po ; pebbvibladh . truck. "Custom cab. 5 MOG auely Gacteaiel Iouet Teen) insu A 95, non's Auto Body, 335 Bloor West. Avail Transportation at door couple only. Telephone 728-6108 FOUR - ROOM apartment, no children|3 A i 4 Radio, air condition heater, V-8, chrome i y ; : na i ' 0-- utomobiles_ for 'Sale s ; AMBASSADOR, 4-door sedan, Lic. » V8, for retireing couple, low taxes. Telephone ie tile and lino floors. Open able Sept. 1. was Landscaping architecturally LARGE ground floor apartment, one or|please, private entrance, immediate pos 14506, 327 V-8 automatic power steering, co bumper, 8 ft. box, Fleetside. _ SERRE SRE nee ront_and enclosed rear porch- \25--H tor Rent designed. Beautiful ceiling two bedrooms, available now, to reliable|session. Call 723-6600 anytime or apply beakec, An Meal teanlipr car. Mica] Sezees. BXECUTIVE HOME on Giencairn| es. Garage for storage, ete ouses tor Ken aig sora Shi 9 |tenants. $95 monthly. Telephone 668-5621. |112 Stevenson Road North MORE CASH Motor Sales. Just west of Thicksons Ré.|'8S CHEV. hallion, camper. Truck In Street. Seven-room bungalow with Holly Extras include fridge, stove, |WHITBY -- four-room bungalow, all con 5 pe NEAR CREDIT UNION Building -- 2|/APARTMENT TO SUB-LET. A one-bed on Highway No. 2, 668-333 good condition, Will sell ssparetely, Tele- Beet ee weperare Senne Footy |) hot and cold running weter | veniences, vacant now, $100. monthly. W.| jbedroom apartment, adults only, $110/room in new apartment building. Al |1957 BEL AIR Chevrolet, 4 door hard Phone 720-5296. atter 6B. ing room with fireplace, rec-room with ng , McAuley Realtor, 723-2512 or 668-6765. SORRY, NO CHILDR menthly, built-in stove and refrigerator,|facilities, refrigerator and stove in poid for Good Clean Cars, top, American model, 283 automatic.| 1958 cnevROLET pats ee truck. Al ines fa eutoion on waster duotherm oil space heater | two, BEDROOM bungalow, one child f CHILDREN |330_ Buena Vista cluded. Near Adelaide and Park Road.) Trade up or down. Liens poid [Also 1958 Ford Best private, T 942-4675, } , di _Buena Vista, conouane al : ' and many more features. This is truly a| With fon and 250 gal. oil welcome. Large yard and garage includ-| UNDER 14 NO DAMAGE DEPOSIT to pay when|!'S Monthly. Call 728-6686, DODD MOTOR SALES. [Stu ce 3 tee Alax. lovely home. Why not inspect this home; tank, T.V. and aerial, 12' |ed. Apply 646 Drew Street | you rent at Sheldian Mansions, 885 Ox-|THREE - ROOM basement apartment 1963 CHEVROLET station wagon, four|1988 GMC Vs-TON | Bick-up. good condition, tonight, just ask for Tony Zakarow for| fibreglass boat. Completel THREE-ROOM HOUSE | ford Street, near south General Motors.{with four-piece bath, stove and refriger 314 PARK RD. SOUTH door, radio, 6 cylinder standard. trans-| Best offer, Phone 728-2428. glos y on 212 Bloer an appointment. Sibby's Real Estate) furnished. H.D. hydro. Situot- | Street East. Apply 639 Drew Street for MODEL SUITE One and two - bedroom apartments,| ator. $80. Phone 668-3734 723-9421 mission. Priced for quick sale at $1,385. Lt King Street West, 728-7576 Yaro. Situet~ -- | setails, 723-9417 available tor immediate occupancy. Tele:| sas KiNG STREET EAST. Three rooms | Telephone 723-5063. 33--Automobiles Wanted poems edon a lovely grassed lot 90' amen phone 728-7942 1-9 p.m = aT EXCEPTIONALLY NICE bungalow. 128] ¥ Ores FARMMOUSE -- five rooms. inside OPEN DAILY at si | upstairs Refrigerator, stove, heated KELLY DISNEY 1961 PONTIAC, A-] . Must sell. | frontage by 250' di ul mY Nonquon Road; eight rooms (two in ge by leep. Illness | plumbing, about 35 miles north of town SMALL APARTMENT for rent, central| Adults. Available September $60 Telephone 725-7734. c basement), very clean, nicely shaded tot,| forces owner to sell Call Toronto 699-1883 evenings ' location. _ Available immediately, $65! monthly, Telephene 725-1709 USED CARS LTD. | i964 CHEVROLET, four door Biscayne, ARS WANTED front by 19) feet. J. J. Vv = ~ ill | monthly, Telephone 728-6246. . Herwerden Realtor, Oshewa, t2a.aa7n "| Only $9,000 with $4,000 | two - S#OROOM bungalow. Gerace Rental Information THREE LARGE ROOM --astoranea WHITBY , apartment, un) 100 DUNDAS ST. EAST -- |standard transmission. Bargain for cash} = Buying A New Car ? Palace " down and vendor will -hold [paved drive, large backyard. Telephone | THREE LAN ; ¥ vohirniat aed d, eet lust palate ; Plan WHITBY -- 668-5891 or trade down. Apply « adison Avenue Sell d to Ted'? 48,500, FULL PRICE. Five-room electric) COW" F ' 72-4797 after Sam 725-1481 [partment "with stove and refrigerator,|bathrcem. Excellent for widow. mi or telephone 725-1846 your used car ed", heated dwelling in really clean condi-| ortgage for balance on very - = heat and water supplied. Telephone 723-|aged or business couple. Large lawn, im Ca bought. and sold -- 'FP Talk "Cash" ¢ th Ni tion. Taxes $98. Owner will hold mort- good terms SMALL HOUSE, fully equipped in return 13568 : |mediate possession. 668-2900 ' be epe? 1965 FORD Galaxie, Lic. J2175. | Fully a asi o e jew gage. Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377 | for light caretaking duties, middle-aged | 140 NONQUON RD ' -- | --_ --_ Liens paid o | equipped etc. Just like new. Nicols Moter} Cor Dealer and 'Save'. : For further information, [ATTRACTIVE THREE-ROOM apariment,|LARGE, UNFURNISHED three-room Trode up or down | Sales. Just west of 'Thicksons Rd. en 668-331 TED CAMPIN MOTORS LARRY'S SPECIAL -- Spotiess, anda please call Doug Wraight, She weer Seay Yee salen ieaticicenianiiainictieena | Self-contained, stove, refrigerator, pri-|apartment, Al! conveniences, -- self-con Al H lit Highway No. 2, 668-331. real money maker, Brick home with two r 9 | ------ incest silat vate entrance, business or middle-aged|tained. Close to Oshawa Shopping Centre) - Ways Op Qualy iy METEOR, © cylinder, stand ---- 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 large. completely private apartments eterborough -office SIX-ROOM modern bungalow on quiet @ FOR RENT couple. Abstainers, please. Available now./and schools. Garage included, $95 Pais Bacant ond cole [ee See PE te IB oR ele lt SO Located in quiet north-east area within 742-4234 residential street, close to public and & $85 monthly. 725-2714 tmonthly. 725-954) | 8 g Shor best etter Lantern AUTO WRECKERS want * in se hools, . -- _ 3 : rr walking distence fo the General Motors perate schoels. nortwwest section _ bf Apts., Rooms, Room & Boord |THREE-ROOM apariment, private en-| THREE ROOM apartment, private en MORLEY STALKER ---_ se Wartwortt ol 1 Mga bald, r | Oshawa, $160. pe th. T hi 7 eee a mer monn Telenore 72] "Grice Hours: Tues. to Fri. ence alve. tna, reper near |rance nd bat avaliti naw, Betwen| MOTOR SALES. /ORILLS radar: 9 ety per ate wy BRITE Ware sien eden mith Motors. an : ¥ _ py R737. BEDROOM home, eight large) 10:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sot. [Apply 133 Mill Street nT We oe ae | 137 KING STREET W Wreckers, 723-5238. |for wrecking. Tires and parts for sale. tow BOwN PAYMENT Consioergo-- WWANT-ADS DON'T ro Available August' 8. Telephone! --'til 3. p.m {TWOOROOM furnished "spariment, slove:|unlurtlaNed apertments "Oltoons" Street | OSHAWA 41 PONTIAC, 4door sedan. Like new |!175_Nelson_ Street. Telephone 725-2142 seven rooms, modern, aluminum siding refri 0 | 3 N ie offer refused. Nicols|WANTEO -- © 's oadin aie rs pis ec igerator, television outlet, washing/Al!l conveniences, spacious yard, parking pve i No reasonab! 0 e! icols 'ars for wrecking. Ne ee tic tate toa | COST THEY PAY |f0 Suv PRoPeRTY check the rea) LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION « |inciiities, "private entrance, centrally lo-| Reasonable rent. ideal for couple. See 10 723-6322 -- 723-831) We. *Stice gust west of Thicksons Rd.|cheree for. towing. Yelephine Pesanee cated, $45. monthly. Telephone 725-7279. lappreciate. 725-8106. On the spot financing Highway No, 2, 668-3331. Robert Nichols, jestate marketplace, Classified Ads. i 55 Bruce St. 728-1070