20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, August 4, 1966 EARN SCHOOL CASH WITH "FOR SALE" CLASSIFIED AD§ Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12, 6--Articles for Sale 11--Pets and Livestock ,18--Male Help Wanted 900 LBS, OF FOOD only $10.75 weekly,| REGISTERED APPALOOSA horses. One SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J, SCOTT |including treezer. Don't diiay, aN now] nreeyearold stalin, two mares hi MAJOR AUTOMOTIVE : Brock Farms, Whitby, 666- 5966 atier 5 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Sg ee gore ne Hed condition, $70, Telephone Whitby 668- gl heir, Telephone 623- IMMEDIATE OPENINGS A 10PNO'CK é . hd CALS" -- beds $16, 12--~Articles Wanted FOR CALENDAR 3 ibs $10, s USED FURNITURE, what have ARTIST USES na, > in 108 et GOOD USED FURNITURE. Wha have MERGELF AS Bond Street East, Volley Crock, 720-401, | YU? Valley Creek '6 Bond' street west, NEW AUTOMOTIVE Accountants Building Trades Gardening and Supplies Sales and Service HER OWN J die ee GORDON R. DAY, Certified Generai| ' : ODI IANICE a gh nd ig hh end 13--Articles For Rent FRAME PLANT ite 209W, Oshawa 'shor-| residential ENTENNIAL APPLIANCE aon Se sedis. a SO rai C q USEO AUTO PARTS, batteries, tires,| Tobles, Chairs, Linens, Dish- icensed REPAIRS motors, We buy scrap radiators, $4; gens.,| es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee GENERAL Hori, Telephone Teas, Industrial ; ie starters, av, %0 ci" 12V 0c; batieries:| Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal as CO | ANDSC APING Expert repairs to all mokes Sl ROALD tdbal Wear, Men's Formals, White BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. Repairs --~ Alterations of washers, dryers, ranges, BARGAINS. Carriages 929.95,| Foy furs; Mink Soles, etc, s $7.04, "mattresses 99:58, pip FOREMAN Complete bookkeeping service, 178 Sim Additions -- Remodelling See Street Werth, Tr net er! For all your Construction © ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ i Furniture, 20" Church street. | SARGEANT'S RENTALS WORKING, DLE AND €O., Charier- { » Financial Tri de 'Bul Needs ---~ Make Your Home A LC A N J fe WEST ae Se a a| A RCEANTIS RENTALS = a JOSEPH OUTMANN, Chariered Accoun. Commercial rustee, 17 $ tre, Ne tor ki orem A a Oshawa, On- CALL (P4 ture or anything you have, The City es ad chi"t EAMES ALLEN & SONS Your Centennial Project. | FURNITURE ond APPLIANCES , Trading, Pest, Store, 444 Simcoe street| CHAIRS, card and oanguet tabi, churn! PRESS SHOP South, 723-1 le Cleve Fox pentane 42 F _ ce een 452 Simcoe S. --- Oshawa ; ANDER AND €O,, Char- ; -- ; Simcoe 'Street North. Call' 723-261 : sora 'necountents Licenses, Trustees in) 725-6126 PHONE Telephone 723-0011 y a bh hed Uso -- = vacuums. i Polishers. Re. Se ee ee Responsible for complete opere jortn, ¥ nan QUALITY "CARPENTRY -- ag ea wits "it i, ewe cace people? Oshawa Tennis Club" for Py A aed ets maga Snewe © . ? 53 Rent A Piano Lip NIA AK Ms ) BUY AND SELL -- Good used turnllure|quels, parties, weddings, Baer, @ High School Education or ALBERT, WOSMAR, Chariered Account & GENERAL REPAIRS - PLUG 15 pole Pi ' and appliances. One location only, Pretty! parking. 723-2140 mornings. Equivalent, ant, , \ D KE OF THE LR DOGS, i imcoe 7 a Ontario. Telephone 723-122. For all your home improve- : SEE oe IMPROVE A / ! RULER GROWN Padua aah a | WUE , hospital beds, waikers,| © Minimum 5 years super. ment problems, call us first. . ET BANG HEINTZMAN ORKAMENTS PUP'S APPLTIVE m, 720-044 +6583, pecans, wrcepee oan. fen arene pinses Bode Practical press Barristers 725-857 NO. 1 NURSERY SOD WORM BY THE - & Company Ltd. HATIVES OF - CONVICTED DRUNKARDS OF THE 17 Tow AL~--40-f1, structure, | ~ "A JAMES MACDONALD, BA, tLe, 5 5 6 Up to 100, 30c sq. yd. de- 79 Mseadl Na CLYIRAL -- CEXAURY EXGLAND, WERE COMPELEO ait enannel antenna, $50, TRIO Television, 14 Business Opportunities @ Thorough Knowledge of lator and Solicitor, and Notery Pubs bige have a talk with our livered, 100-200, 28¢ sq Telephone gt, ae ATRICAs YES. WEAR THE DRUNKARDS CLOAK, ABARRER | steed Senna to West, Oshawa, Ontario, Client parking customers. __| yd. delivered. 200 yd. and up aii = fe seas ity furniture, only $299, Ine complete : a avaliable, 725-4716 or 725-4717. CARPENTRY -- New ana 26¢ sq. yd, delivered AKC 'Meus Tae weliding 'ahd cut- bedroom, "Wile oie Kee ance MONEY MAKER e oe inne and sors, and cement work Fre estima s . Pay only $3 weekly. 'Unbeatable FRED R. JONES, LLB, Barrister and) NO. 1 FIELD SOD Ph 728) valbeal Bisee' Hosner eucaiuhinen at a ite 7,\N PLASTERING and repairs, stucco, Te sce! at King Stage wile 907| ang tactery, mechanical repairs to equi| 200 yd. and up 20c sq. yd sewing MACHINES, repairs to all Simcoe §. . , - ment. Call Pickering 942-6117, delivered ice phone 7289266 For home sery 4--Motorcycles |8--Articles for Sale FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted tree Car wash and gas bar ANTHONY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, BA! ATC ARTIC PAVING and je, Get , ICAT eres Guaranteed trouble-free winter if your pur' RVISOR BCL, Barrister and Solicitor, 73, Contré| our driveway paved sand, concrete. ctl] We maintoin a complete |Giapantaan REPAIN To ail wringer DUCATI chase from Western Oll Co, 725-1212 Brock Street, Whitby Street, Office hours: 9 8 m, 4 PM! square foot. All Work guaranteed, 723-0; ] uh é patie "| Landscape Service washers and ranges. Free estimates, Call] @ BS.A, @ TRIUMPH TAKE YOUR 6 i Evening das LU TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS |BETHANY LANDSCAPING |726-1742 or 723-0011 Accessories, Pirelli _ tires, b ater Pickup, delivery, 42 Full price only $62,000 TOOL REPAIR and Service, Main Street, A Rel th io tate wari ate aves HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILLMAN,| roofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, fire- Phone 623-7594 les, jackets, gloves, Buco Fiem| tug oe peat hat ag!" id re, aay wey, Sed Mey, Win: ~ --|Septic Service Balmer 'Ranairs Gnd service CHOICE os i ede ey sell leslie y Gahawes BB, Murmohrey, ,OCilea. | SMITH'S TREE FARM _ |S8°TIC TANKS conned Prompt varvice| 114 STEVENSON RO. SOUTH COMPLETE SET ci Worlc Roterence (ites : DEVELOPMENT Pastirty" Residence: 725-4604; Whitby, |ROOFING, hot tar and gravel, shingles, f on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street B' le SHOP Encyclopedia, set medical encyclopedia, Bolonce 1 Mort 666-2761) 728-4326; 725-5193. NHA and|fepelrs, large and small lobs, L. and H Cedars for Hedges Whitby, 68-2563, AB's Motorcycle also. set World Natures Library, Phone goge : other first mortgage funds available, Roofing and Construction, 725-6937, Cut flowers and plants 5 ~ . 728-7780 UNIT NO, 1 723-7265. By Shake MR KING Responsible for all phases of KELLY, Barristers, Solici.| EAVESTROUGHING -- Murray Holll- Manure (cow, sheep or horse) | >UFveyo --_---- -- TYPEW ¢ IBM, $55.) tool repair, tryout and de- standard $2 le $35., adding ma- velopment and supervision of GREER AND KELLY, Bo av re jai} day. Guaranteed work, Free estimates. = -- a ' for: "gg Bl ls Ms J ee 725-9404, ' po oe cle apni eg SB COMAPacet eit ane MOTORCYCLE SALE Split Side of Beef chine $35., Cah reoianer, adds tax sepa- Toronto 485-6133 tool and die mekers Ti, Veoree cows tv, Oe T|FOR ALL YOUR HOME Improvements, ae eee Tl Ontario Street, 725-562 Used scooters, trail bikes, Approx, 125 Ibs, at 53¢ Ib. | rately, $40, 723-4434 aA @ Mechanical technologist or $332) Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, general construction ond * eae c ) Newtonville H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land) ridge stone NSU Jawa, Hon- Your cost. . . $66.00 |reatty EXCELLENT condition, ches-|----------- sclivatork JOINPH PF. MANGAN, G6, Solicitor. NEW PLASTERING and repairs; stucco,| ~ ALROY s maaan "2 Elgin Street East, Phone) das Suzuki $99, and up. CONSISTS OF terfield and chairs. refrigerator, stove,|] 5. Employment Wanted Ps wc sneptigh us , and repairs, stucco, J washer, kitchen sulte, rgain priced. pee ears practic Maoay fe vonn:, Sole ark Oe Wireet sidewalks, remodalling, recrrcoms, Free L S list Tv- ------ HONDA SHOP Ya Front % Coll My ving Ce weekend. | AGGRESSIVE YOUNG MAN 'seeks lead. tool and de fahootieand 'ast, Oshawa, : 1, 720-3420 or 728- hae : : " pak ; r am. pacremnoniee: "Radio Repairs | 199 King West, 728-4242 Ya Hind Yo 39" LEOARD.dlecre_ loveseat uss an Seni" Contaeia region re| With, Reavy deep drow, three years old; 14 cu. ff. West-| quested, Box 38760, Oshawa Times, lanking an 'orming dies. Building Trades ROOFING CHIMNEYS, sli types of f Open Evenings timer, : 9 ement work, Sidewalks, slabs, stoops Sprays for dandelions, clover, om -- BONUS BUY with this unit: |inghouse refrigerator with large freezer LAWNS CUT, callers. bhd Vetus Gaon @ Ability to direct activities LOCAL cnimney cleaner, Chim-|¢ : : | on ae vimairee, rif tinings instalied,| Frank McCann, RR 3, Oshawa, 655-3061 etc. Call for free estimates. 8 HONDA, excellent Eznaition, Must| 5 |b. Butter at 49c Ib. |unit. Telephone 723-1408, Sh Also "Coil 'aviator Teese ne OF teal roots repaired. Free estimates, 723-2997, i Ay Aebbd sid} "ree estimate, in- 728- 9293 | phone 793 3179 after 6.30 o.m VACUUM Vader hp all Ba kes, nee ay 726-2682, Thorough, Aggressive, Crea- Swe Tiny wat Se daes lich im ear guaran a 4 " i, ¥ SANS D TERING an ber eabines i rec: fee, leven yeers in: business. Terrano Ss "BUILT IN OSHAWA' if YAMAHA, Twin 100. Bost offer, Tele- Rising Vecusm dorvices" Math Breet With, 06 DAY care. Tor two, children, id and Effective Leadership, on cabinets, 4 Paving, 723-5841 roma hag cutti Choice AT OUR OWN PLANT phone 668-5451 or 668-4840. Pickering. , y ccessful applicants will rete, re ee . 3 quality Renter Bive, prompr, delivery 195 SOLEX power assisted bicycle, per- UNIT NO. 2 GOLF CLUBS, and ce Carl, $45. Telephone Festubert Avenue, Oshawa, have excellent opportunities Dentistry -- on any amount, Phone after 6, 668-4965 We give you o better fect condition, Must sel, $85. Phone 72+] one 4, 6 peer 128. : h egpusrd DESIRES 'to ba y it chi Gi em for Senior Management posi ae 467, 4 0 : years, in r own ore. y ah CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., Dental TREE To TRIM? Call Slim, or Ill cut tower for Less M _ -- savwe OR SELLING | furniture or ap. or 8p-| Bruce Street -7582, tion CLASSIFIED RATES Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa.|them down. Free estimates. 7255118: or s Money 1968 TRIUMPH $00. 5,000 miles. "Tele | Approx 125 Ibs. ot 'e ei pllances, Coll Bime PY Ph ad Relchlalichndlanth donde s ae rapidly expanding WORD ADS For appointment, 728-5171. 728-0610 prone 94 Your cost 363-2095, 17--Female Help Wanted Cash -- 1 Insertion of 24 words, $1.08; bE WUE a es cea Cee . z "7 Timer WN . Ld ds, 4'ac, ¢ach) 3 con |FOR COMPLETE LANDSCAPING ~ "and siakalln Consists of: Prime Rib, Short SPRIN 1 New, usea FUTURE ceetc insertions et id words, 0180) Dressmakina _.|garden maintenance, residential and. in- -V, |5--Trailers Rib. Blade, Shoulder, Pot {Repairs all makes. Cycle Centre, 264 Bond! NEED EXTRA MONEY? REQUIREMENTS additional words (2c. exch 6 Con-|DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses,|dustrial. Expert work, reasonable rates G eld , Street Bost, 725-6344, --Foremen --= Assembly Des secutive insertions of 24 words, $5.04 alterations, slip = ne so 4] Telephone 263-2934 or 728-6082 SUPPLY LTD. RAMBLER TRAILERS ne Brisket, Stew, Ground CONTINENTAL BEDS, all sizes. | Finest ay i. $100 on more can partment, additional words 2\c. each, specie ity. Mrs, Toms, vr Se RVR CONTR ee quality posturpedic. Factory outlet. easily be earned showing lux- --Forem om P; ehh GARDEN AND LAWN maintenance ALE --- RENT # . ig I 'emen ress Depart TAUNTON RD. E, s Headboards half price. 729-3809. urious Christmas cards, gifts ment. . iting, ) i - se oan Mh edbannts ht ey Sr cae sant, nadiranal charge Gardening and "Supplies Ing end. cuttivaning. Galt Fad de al (Just East of Ritson) Open Sundays 2.-.4 P.M BONUS BUY with this unit: MATTRESS BARGAINS, All tYp¢5 of mal:| Ong toys to friends and neigh: --Foremen--Maintenance Beitr nltehln ine H re " 'educed. imootn-fop mat- a CHAIN LINK FENCING, highest! qvaity|7 23-0131 723-8132] BUDDY TRAILERS | !0 |b. Loin Pork tresses, $29.1 crib mattresses, $9.88; mat.| bours, No experience needed. | --Tool Engineer and Dee ting -- Less than 24 ; Mote' clues bi words) wach, Word, \ / pe ang seer Low prices. | PORT HOPE wehean at 79c |b. tresses, for bu $16.88) rollaway| Our beautiful catalogue il- signers. ee estimates. 4 lustrates over 300 items in Production Welders, Initial, figure or abbreviation counts as ¥ | fi i a 7 number counts two DARLINGTON GARDEN SERVICE tree BUY NOW SATU Lot at 401 ond 28 Wee ke CET amit Allicoler, aka tt tae oe we ag Bg 4754, Evergreens AND CABIN and TENT | UNIT NO. ry cupboards, metal overhead garage door| get plenty of orders, Write to- Send resume to J. B. Me- BIRTHS--DEATHS-- " g TRAILER RENTALS x 7, 725-9450, day for Christmas cards on Loughlin, Industrial Relations SOCIAL NOTICES KING BUG KILLERS ponte ES TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- afoot tower! approval and free catalogue. $2.5, re enero, with, 25, cents pe pide Instruction SAVE for August and September SIDE of Beef SITUA, BIKGHORRAL Dntonne Wrainliad. anda Card Co, Dept 22, Manager. ba ; Special Fall. Rates Approx, 250 Ibs at Sle tb, |850. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton eee irat 35. words and sot ge HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME FAST SERVICE Primers Camping Equipment Your cost . . $127.50 Pat ooo om 2 oe fat 217 Cannon, Hamilton. HAYES STEEL each thereafter plus 2c. per line of Diazinon IN SPARE TIME SURVEY NO OBLIGATION ' "eee ee CONSISTS OF: Feral "iowa Te ee se on, over ea MOTHERS verse: 25c, additional charge if not paid D.D.T. Spray , 1 Front % ch mi toed ale 0 nocr EE within @ days. ' 942-3491 ¢ 4 CHESTERFIELD BARGAINS ciearance PRODUCTS LTD _ Li thi ments iIn- 1 f flocr models, 2 pc. sult ith t CARD OF THANKS eng eal eg sai ame pire Gale on instruc- MISTER LY, Tan TRAILER, "Deluxe." Phone 623- 1 Hind %4 Cushions from 8136. 'Modern 4 seater sets WHILE YOUR ' a dette : from $158, 3. pc, sectionals from $1 CHILDREN SLEEP $2.25 for the first 35 bested and 5c. each P h ras hereafter with 25c, additional charge it Gardenall tions. Prepares you to achieve -----|_ BONUS BUY with this unit: | Wilson's Furniture, 2 Street, 2 fot 'paid. within. 8" days. Ant and Grub Killer Ontario Diploma by means TRAILER WITCHES made and installed! 10 Ib. Margarine 19c Ib. |cvoseo FOR OL Tair ie} E2rN,$3 per hour, demonstrat THOROLD, ONTARIO Slug Bait of Provincial examination, also all types of welding done. Portable ' 9 * TAugust 15. Open Wednesday only dur| ing Par-Tee Toy Chest's un- Senne al Jay)) $1.75 for the Cygon 2E 378 KING ST. WEST -- |savipment for rent, Telephone 723-6840, Ser ing this pericd. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. usual and unique line of toys $2.24 per "a For FREE intormation--write, 723 9525 18' TRAILER for rent, sleeps five. Stove, FABULOUS August Furniture sale, every| ond gifts. Deliveries or collec- HERE'S YOUR KEY TO A BIG first 20 words and Sc. each thereafter Fungicide Spray A (Word Ads) Weed Killers American Schaol, Dept. 8, refrigerator, cupboards, supply own UNIT NO. 4 stick of furniture must go. chesterted tions. Cor necessary. INCOME -- MAIL TODAY ' hitch. Apply 116 Park Road South, 728- sultes from $99, bedroom suites AUCTION SALES Tank Sprayers Box 784, Oshawa, Ontario 8755, $99, Splece dinette suites $34.88, Many Call now Mrs, Hartwig THE ww. a RAWLEIGH pousiapaiaus Pee tacgiaus Rend Sprayers " HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED [TENT TRAILER "Canadian" aluminum] HIND 14 of Beef ---- |many mere -- tremendous savings, Wil- aoe ~. DEADLINES Dust Guns covered body, mattresses, spare wheel,, Approx. 125 Ibs. at 59c |b. : ieee Dept. eee ie HY, ia aa Garden Hose and Tools Address... ; TV TOWERS 8225, Phone 655-3009 Your cost. . . $73.75 |MUsT SSCL --- Ginen cmpiitie. re $35 WEEKLY 4005 Richelieu, 5 p.m. DAY PREWOUS Lawn Soakers UNEASE ttie ARE BEST 6--Mari ine Equipment _ Consists of: Rump, Sirloin Tip, -- | 723-2134. Reliable Lad Montreal, P.Q. Melnor Sprinklers Janit 5 ---- - Round Steak, Sirloin Steak, |PETERBORO cedar skiffs 14 foot used y Gentlemen: | am_ interested Lost AND FOUND RKI5 tor Service : z WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! 94 WEEKS VACATION YN? Wing, T-Bone, Porterhouse | 100.00 each. Ol! space heaters, good shape For housekeeping position, in the world famous Rawleigh am. DAY OF PUBLICATION ese a Fart ligers WALL WASHING 'oy modern machines, T R | O Why not' make it the whole Steak, Stew, Ground Beef. ee inte eee he pS gay room, Must Line on a ( ) part-time bosis BIRTHS AND DEATH Calcium Chlorides No mess, no dripping. Telephone 728-7736 camer? ROK () fulletime ba ( )P $ tt get that costly ; p . @ basis lease am, DAY OF PUBLICATION Peat Moss 2 weeks and invest in lasting BONUS BUY with this unit: 0, 1, Peterborough, telephone éf 725-7704 send me FREE Cook Book and IN_MEMORIAMS and Money | to Loon TELEVISION fun... A BOAT from vour 10 Ib. bacon at 79c |b. -- ee en ee catalog with full details, CARDS OF THANKS OPEN ALL DAY 1 WILL LOAN" Cc Bond and Divisi \ ; m. DAY PREVIOUS * : you up to $5,000 at e orner Bond an ivision Evinrude & Crestliner Uealer ste ae WO PHICH chesierlieid, cir LAW OFFICE pagent ge emi ye Bog iil eral 728-5143 OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD. ------ Ta cele, tart ee aa a REQUIRES . MAME... sss sess easbiee CLASSIFIED DISPLAY RAO REC iy purpose providing you are steadily em- Harbor Rd. off Simcoe St. S. | Suppliers to Home Freezers, South anytime, Cine x SECRETARY ADDRESS 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous; 2 col ELIVERY ployed and have good credit. Telephone TELEVISION--RADIO 723-8186 100% Govt. Greded end full FURNITURE -- chesterfield sulle, din- Pee eeeerceseseve umns of larger -- 10 a.m, dey previous 723-4631 or Port Perry _15- 7537 popes Tus ? oo "3 "4 Y : ing room; bedroom, television stereo Pl | N' pea cnceat 24 HOUR SERVICE log hl gg Bae AE GUARANTEED, NO MONEY combination; wringer washer; other mis- ease reply stating age, ex- TY ikea, PROV. cchees CANCELLATIONS AND COOPER-SMITH | |Mortgage er. Fully equipped, lots of -accessories,|; DOWN, NO PAYMENTS TILL |cellaneous items. Telephone --455-3633.| perience, martial status and praata HOLMES in As} condition, Phone 723-5846, OCTOER. Call our office to- {Owner being transferred, === =5§ =» |_--s salary expected, To 9 a.m, DAY OF PUBLICATION NG DRYER, 'bought in De- BOX 38488 h 1 hide aa co 1" INBOARD cabin cruiser, three years| day SMALL VIKt fay, va eee rend on dave weeet | 16 Celina § MORTGAGE old, 75 HP. motor, 6 volt 'lighting, dry cember, Asking $85, Telephone 728-4375. THE OSHAWA TIMES ton. eling ot beat, Bargain $1,700, Walker, 942-345 FURNACE -- gas operated with new HOUSEKEEPER, to ar share | 723-2312 723-1139 | ELECTRONICS BOAT, motor and trailer ~Zeraigty KLEER-PAK motor on blower also humidifier thermo-| couple, Apply 100 Mary Street between BOX NUMBER RENTAL 61,00 A | , est, 1909 x | LOANS equipped. Telephone 728-0934 after 6 p.m. pclae pe $5 yelephone M567 |S 5.30 and 7.30 p.m. Applicant must have mini- While every endeavor will be made to 2 | - . a y | FOR BROMPT SERVICE 19 FT, SAILBOAT, in good condition. FOODS ITD HANDSOME Enaiiah pedigree. carriage, WOMAN ate baby. t, in my own home.| Mum of grade 12 education | | bao. | | | nurnibers 4¢--the Sharia sr haa ee de We Le No ra tor i Calt..2282285 : DDS Sais teenl Bibi eels. bemsiner Telephone 723-4714) with 2 years previous experi« cept no llabiilty in respect of loss or MAPL ioneys availiable for rst BOAT AND TRAILER, 16' Lapstrack tiv. a withe mattresses; bathinet and seat, |°" DEERE Fi erice, preferably in Gutormo- damage alleged to arise through either and second mortgages. Open | Whitb ~668- 5679 - Home made trailer, Both in fair condi- 723-9655, EARN EXTRA "MONEY Show Can! tive field, Excellent compan failure or delay in forwarding such re- mortgages. No bonus. First ae ton. $150. Telephone 728-1244 PORT "Gar vadion "Blaupunkt," [20's finest line of Christmas cards, many plies, however caused whether by negli | bol, aaa era er 725-8863 EM at Bed a eal 'ona wave wraps, novelties, etc. Over 300 items. paid, benefits and solary. a SaaS chs eee eILANUS( RPING &| Oa cecian owes TV SERVICE tele, Covertiole top, Good condition, with Bs" ave etarder* vecach' ni Fer rane Beauly Hivetratea cate ae In 20 days. The ts : DAY OR EVENING GE EC ta Eel OSHAWA Bee Oi ee eee Seo bay "Centre est, service, Jeandron Greeting Card, Co. CANADIAN i | babi 8-FOOT HYDRO PLANE speed boat, . 7 babi Whitby, 668-2338, Ltd,, 1253 King St. &., Hamilton, Ont. REGULATIONS GARDEN SERVICE M. F. SWARTZ 728-5286 Mark 20 motor. Telephone 723-5663 after {1s TECO FOUR-ROTO spader for a0, |ADDRESSING, typing reproduction work AUTOMOTIVE TRIM 'The Oshawa Times will not be responsible : NOW! SIX Used two seasons. For small garden, digs| [asl reasonable accurate, Al ¥ 274 Mackenzie Avenue, Ajax 26% King St. East for errors in advertisements submitted 12 HP ELGIN motor, 12' 60" beam ply- 7 Hi otherwise than in writing not for more Oshawa, Ontario OSHAWA woed boat, power mower, electric guitar SERVICE BAYS Motor, Recall start, sis Polace "sireet,| conto mail address available, 942-4 ctor. " : ' anh than one insertion of any advertisemen For Sodding, Seeding, Top- | and two bicycles. Apply 476 Cromwell Services, 68 Yonge St. s nor beyond the price charge for @ single) coi) Cogar" icdaas Paina les 723-4697 ELECTRONICS Avenue, Oshawa. For fits Service pnd Ea | EXPERIENCED WAITRESS needed. Ap: | xe ) ' IR ' | | Insertion in which error occurs. -- a BBR eR aren) RET Ie BRAND NEW 1966 Palmer woods and LARGE 4-seat wooden boat with motor ply Colonial taurant, 10 Bond West, Irons, 30 percent off, Call 668-6136 after 5. ott there Bl iat FIRST and SECOND T. V. TOWERS and trailer, $1,000, Phone 623-2006. | WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL | Tot: %) Percen! oll, Son ee --------- |LOCAL FLORIST Tequires experienced YOUNG MEN MORTGAGES Rust Proof MCCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS and acces-|' Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- |Q_WMaerket Basket designer and part-time help, Write Box | sories, sales, rentals and repairs. We) mouth, Pontiac. We correct a ---~-wwwwmeeneseameee | 38723, The. Oshawa Times. Our staff | | alg COLORED TV also stock McCulloch 100 to 1 cutboard oil wheel alignment inspect and RASPBERRIES ~~ Pick your own. RR 2,/knows of this ad. In the cases of display advertisements All Classes - " ant special blend chain saw oll, United 9! Pr Whitby, Call 668-3845, ence ' : The Times will not be held responsibie| or Black & White-----24-Hour -- [Rental and Marine, $55 King Street East,| correct castor and camber, -- --.| HOUSEKEEPING -- reliable live-in chit) Ambitious and willing to for more space than that which the actua renee s ~ City, Rural, Vacation Service 728-5565 align toe-in and toe-out to PICK YOUR OWN large Willamett rasp-|dren 17, 12 and 4 Good home $25 Fol learn, Outstanding opportun- error occupies. The publishers endeavor 723 si - berries at Chomko's farm. No. children| week, references. Apply Box 493 ity for full ti ith to reproduce all advertising matter cor-| Cicaiite } SUMMERLAND 23-0065 or 668-5830 |*STARCRAFT" ew Traveller boats.| correct condition . . . 6.88 under 14. Bring containers, Telephone| borne, 14 full time career witt rectly, but. assume no liability of adver-| SECURITIES LIMITED Rae's Radio a TY Evinrude motors, Open evenings and @ Parts, extra if required 668-4606 for r picking days, WAITRESSES for day or night shift, extraordinary income possi- tisement if any inaccuracies in any form Sales and Service stele ; = ++. | Weekends. Marine Storage and Suppl) @ Torsion bar odjustment + Apply in person to Rainbow Restaurant,| bilities and no lay-offs. $120, are contained therein. K Member Ontario Mortgage COLOR TV sett ltl Rorear el a extra 10--Farmers' Columa 163 Brock Street North, Whitby. '| weekly to start, after com- cn et Ne ine On Gardening Equipment abit ° 80 HORSEPOWER MERCURY moicr aN Ti Ter pleting preliminary training Ties AETION WANT AD or Sod bout very aged condition, $1800 BRAKE SP Barnoski, s2aq00o" We Frank Real Estate| 18--Male Help Wanted if you meet Gur minimum Fes Toro, Lawn Boy ond | _112 Simcoe St, N.--725-3568 Black and Whit le KE SPECIAL Call Clecsitiod Direct , y onc . ack a ite 14 FOOT plywood boat and boat tralier| most: populor cars). First |tacustin tlel BALED HAY, 25c. if pick ' quirements, Neat appearance 723.3492 Voniman Lewnmowas jpusr ANo SECOND Wane ae All work guaranteed Rest offer. Telephone s6hse72 Friday and] Quotin, Romar 3). $8 ve In, fleld. Will deliver for additional Steinberg s Ltd ond cor essential. For per- » reements purchased and sold. k Pe) Sati tas Se Se ER SE EE r i - Wheel Horse garden tractors. |and Hennick. Barristers, 21 King Sten Be act 1.0. Television mlnibaat d _ -- A(-wheels .. 14.88 [SELLING OUT -- several "Charolais" sonal sl Aa Fam. - 9 East, 723-7232. 14° FIBREGLASS BOAT also repairs P.m. only call Telephone done. Luck's Boat Works, 309 Beech St., e cattle and calves, white and tan police Mee 7 INDEX TO RUN DLE [FIRST AND SECOND D mortgages avail| 728- 5143 Whitby, 668-4821, nights 668-2653 WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL {9993 and eere: 668-2067, r. Ange, 723-8175 Jable. W. Schatzmann Realt 4 DEAD AW' arm stock pick CLASSIFICATIONS ealtor, Brock | ad HORSEPOWER Evinrude _cutboard see geile ions per Bos <4 led Up promatly. gwill Fur Farm, CLERK LICENSED |Street North, Whitby 668-3398 | motor, excellent condition, Telephone} eac 95 aR a illinois . Tyrone. Telephone Collect Hampton 243: Women's Column Garden. Centre Ltd. lOptometrist Service Call Only 2.50 [7281351 : : SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, 221, Licence 4C-66, MECHANIC Siar comin 1015 Kino St. & FAST T.V. SERVI E OuLUXE Shepard Cruiser 26, excellent FRONT-END WORK AT REQUIRED 4--Motorcycies g F. RICHARD BLACK, Ob, \36 Simcoe c eee: ae ee eee COMPARABLE PRICES _-------------|_ Excellent opportunity for a s Street North, § 2 Mari telephone 725-8342 ' pactihcllt APPLY AT pellod Equipment 125 6551 il Ae r wite 6 Oshawa. Telephone DOMINION aUxicienY" pastas aa ARI weal. rune isla By 'YED puppies. Three bright mature young man, CANADIAN TIRE 7--Swap and Barter Migtescarpcac everrsesmeemeneeet - ie 1" 2', Keel 730 lead, sleeps areal Marae i i Articles for Sale j SPRING © CLEAN. UP [Painting and Decorating TELEVISION two, ft 0.200. well inpeil 33 DOMINION DACHSHUND puppy, male, 10 weeks ia or aceite 31) BROCK ST.N. 9--Marke! Basket | @ Plontin 0859 after five old, medium brown, 54 Thomas Street. 9 @ Sodding @ |N-BARON PAINTING Telephone 728-1352. First class wages and com- WHITBY, ONTARIO 10--Farmer's Column and Decorating, 728-5154 9 9 -- mncrwenaionnens a @ Top Soil @ Seed na PB am to ? p.m. N--Pets and Livestock F eeding @ and Papering. Estimates tree. Phone |-------- Bia LSA Z AoE es ee nu . 12--Articles Wanted @ Evergreens @ Grading @ | 723-5376 |CITY TV TOWERS, antennas, also re. 7--Swap and Borter Moe agp haan rege [0 hac gs oo Mba pany 'benefits, Experienced 13--Articles for Rent uf @ Marion ond Kentucky Blue- [PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING |Pal's. All work guaranteed, $11 Dean| CABINETS with sinm or vanity basin $39, | cooly Ti Weeker Drive in Waton fs 14--Business Opportunities a ey : expertly done. Free estimates. Telephone| Avenue. Telephone 725-0500. Laundry tubs, bath tubs, toilets, pres 17 PARK ROAD SOUT! ne ply be Accounts Payable Clerk 1S--Employment wanted gross @ Complete landscap- | {irasn0 ~ -----------| sure systems, flushomatics, septic. tanks, UTH PUREBRED shor! hair German STORE MANAGER, Las gy ing @ Fertilizers __|Well Drilling--Diggirg pipe and fittings. boats motors, trailers, TELEPHONE 725-6511 Pointers, @ weeks old, for sale. Telepnone/1O0 Lionwood Ave. S., Ajax} Must be quick and accurate eee Tee. ene 723. 9020. |Plumbing and Heating |WHLL DIGGING by ~machne "apeciaia-|end 'Park South *ranv0et. corner Hillside COMPLETE PA SYSTEM, amplifiers,| 2257107. iii ina ret with figures. 19--Maie or Female Help Wanted HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING JALL TYPES of repairs and jing in 30-inch tile, W, Ward, 204 Che . : - OTE >. aly microphones. Telephone 72)/POODLE PUPPIES, white Toya, black r to : 20--Real Estate For Sale Bloor St. East Fe and uany NDRIrS and remodellina.| siveqt West, Whitby," 6aased or tee 8--Articles for Sel be een ae see cues . Write Box 38528 20a---Summer Properties tn ml rates, Gatimates tree, Fietis) bra i hy LeBeau tiawisecttnte Minted | sae icles for aie [DINING ROOM SUITE, nine pieces,|puppics. All puppies registered at ree- 21--Farms for Sale Eresily intienied } : 2 rolty.19__Bersonal -- - ----------| antique, refinished. Should be seen to be|Sonable prices. Telephone 728-9122 or STORE MANAGER, OSHAWA TIMES B-Lots tor Steg ALL PLUMBING "AND HEATING sup K . Uni ted Jappreciated, Telephone 728-6396, th King St. E., Oshawa 1 pl leph 725-352) -- . . ay S 0 D i3,, Plumbing, Healing' and' Engineering, amping ntimite |TLOYO DELUXE stroller, with canopy.|BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready" for ' | - Plantings and Complete Land- The Oshawa Times reserves the right | scaping Service classity advertising according to proper classification, 24~Stores Offices and Storage Lid., Plumbing, Heating and Engineering,| Removal of superfluous hoir |Good condition. Apply sea h canopy. training, talking strain, Apply Mrs, T LICENSED 25--Houses for Rent , 5 255 ' e , G bes GRASS 85 'Simcoe Street South Matie Murduft will be in SALES---RENTALS---STORAGE Court, Telephone 725-6899. Broad, 114 Bion Rev | 2° Experienced Real Estate MECHANIC 26--Apariments for Rent noni -- P m . 2 egress ' 27--Rooms for Rent C Rug, Upholstery Service Oshawa, August 2, 3 and 4 |MeCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS and acces COZY J. RANCH Kennels, reg. German Salesmen, familior with ail sitors 78--Room and Board | 1 A j Phone Genosho Hotel th Be WNLINE RD NORTH | i tal 1 shepherds, males, 4 mos., 9 mos., trained, 2--Wonted Yo Rent LL "GREEN" "NU RSERY |ciestersiecos veupnoisiered" andre days for appointment. _ | Aisa stock "MeCutloeh 100'to 1 eutbonrd on|sNets_slud_servs, Ashburn 488-4682, eve.| phases of real estate ~-- cap- REQUIRED per roe gy Ag ogy BD SOD GROWERS styled, Free estimate. See our material ' Everything for the Camper |2n4, special biend chain saw oll, United| REGISTERED black Poodie puppies for) able and desirous of high sa Trocks for Sele TOWNLINE N. 1 > WN. of ePID ae Hie og one icurere Bg te ELECTROLYS!S ¥ 9g Pel | Rental and Marine, $3 King Street East,| sale. cea gh Bg Adelaide Avenue West.) earnings. Cintact -- Good working conditions, 5% 33--Automobies Wanted Taunton-village OSHAWA . r m9 a phoistering, aries i ie 728 S365. " oe NEURONE es Telephone 1146. Ae . 34--Automobile Repair 725.9674 cytes nh BR ae asabe 723-464] TENT TRAILERS, TENTS | SReSses, SKIRTS and e brown suede| RIDING HORSES end wealern saddies tor LLOYD METCALF day week. Apply 925 Simcoe 35--Lost and Found ve RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts AND OTHER ITEMS PRICED | coat. Sizes 8-10 in Misses, All In A-1 con-|sale. Also one po. y Including saddle, Te- REAL ESTATE LTD St. N. 725-2552. . ts Establish |ANYONE INTEREST -~ WANT ADs reach thousands or interest years. Workmanship" guaranteed. [Whiley er. Osheae te emcee anceenl TO CLEAR dition, Reason for selling--moving. Tele-|lenhone 728-8916 ed prospects every day. Take advantage |Free estimates. Credit terms. 'Mattresses | weekdays, leaving at 7.15 a.m.? Ple phone 723-3737. QUALITY DACHSHUND "Tor sal 40 King St. E "GET SPOT CASH. 'WITH of the vast aud ence by telephoning 723 |re built, furniture refinished. Oshawa Up-| >hone 668: 45468 pi Bes ~~ "EOR SALE. Ailmos! new condi ta AD 9B gen m H ; pm. for turine PIANO FOR ©. Almost nv -|male and female, registered, telephone 728-467 _---- ake Inolstering, 287 Dean Avenve, 725-0311, information, : "| 728-9942 tion, Seleshone Whitby een. 7 728-5089, sag a wiles TIMES ACTION ADS 2