fo CANDY ANO PERFUME! (OF COLIRSE; BILLY BOY- AMI IME. FORGIVEN? ) ( RIGHT IN! A PENNY FOR YOUR THOLIGHTS, SWEE T/ 1M THINKING FIVE BUCKS' WORTH WOULD HAVE SWUNG IT! eS ee ee =F YOU SHOULO BE NOT MARRIEO TO A 2 CENTIPECE fi You'Re LL BE MY OLD SELF AGAIN, ONCE | GET INTO MY OLD ICKENSOUPE! BLE TROU WITH YOU, $i%...YOU'RE }{ MISS TWINK! WHAT NOT ORGANIZED / YOU'RE RIGHT, SHOULD I pO? I HAVE A LITTLE PAMPHLET ENTITLED HOw TO GET ORGANIZED! YOU MAY HAVE IT/ (st 90 HAPPENS COULDN'T YOU FIX THINGS UP WITH TRICK PHOTOGRAPHY? Distetiouted by King Fenton» IT'S SOMBTHING 'YOUR AUNT MINNIE ~ KNITTED KNOW WHATS MAKING ME % UNGASY/ IT WISH L. REPO WOULD COME BACK, L FE LA A BOWLING BALL. CARRYING BAG. THE LONE RANGER SHE USUALLY DOES © Hine Fommten Spat, Sen, 1086. Wad ds onooad BUT SHE MIGLAID IT THIS MORNING / og >/ = nee ss : e : #56 oh FIGHTING OVER -- al HARDY TEAGUE WOULDN'T CHANGE. HE'D SWEAR ETERNAL DEVOTION TO ME -- UNTIL THE PHONE RANG -- AND HIS REAL WIFE, SOFTRESS POO, I DON'T THINK ANY ' WOMAN COULD COMPETE WITH THAT, EVE. I KNOW I COULDN'T, I'M SUPPOSED TO RUN MY BusiNESS! BUT TO CLAIM THAT / BUSINESS ISMY < WHOLE LIFE... GET THE PHONE, ELLIOTT... . a -- Tom Patterson THE NEW SHAK TAKES BHAPE THROUGH THE SPRING OF /957 BUILDERS IN STRATFORD, ONT, RACE AGAINST TIME AS 'SPEAREAN THEATRE WE'RE TRYING TO KEEP THE FEELING OF THE THEATRE TENT, RETAINING THE FORMER STAGE. ITLL. BE THE ONLY THEATRE OF ITS KIND NIN THE WORLD « _ v --72-Wm | L\) tae i PENG FEATURING HAMLET; WINNING CR/TICB' ACCLAIM FRANCES HYLAND 19 THE FINEST OPHELIA OF HER GENERATION f ULY | THE NEW THEATRE HRN TOPE PLUMMER. CANADIAN ACTOR, WHO A SURPRISE VISITOR . MR. PLUMMER » THERE'S A GENTLEMA\ YOU == I THIN AN, TO oe. d YOULL FIND THE New COMPUTER, IN HERS, CORRIGAN. We LEFT IT SECRET AGENT X9 _ TELEVISION Channel 11--Hamilton Channel 9--Toronto Channel 6--Rochester Channel 7--Buffalo Channel é~Toronto Channel 4--Buffato Channel 3--Barrie Channet 2~--Buttalo "semen sre THURSDAY EVE, 5:00 P.M, li--Family Theatre 6~Superman 7--Highway Patrol 6--Summer Camp 2-Atom Ant 2---Mike Douglas 5:30 PLM, 6--Dobie Gillis 7--Jalopy Races 6--Country Style 3~-Edgar Wallace 4:00 PLM, 7--Twilight Theatre 6-~Metro-Go- Round 48--News, Sports with Chuck Healy 2-3-9--News, Weather and 6--Huntley-Brinkley News 6--Comparisons 7:00 P.M, 1}--Littlest Hobo 9--Movie 8--Littiest Hobo 6--News, Weather Sports 4--Forest Rangers 3--Green Acres 3--Huntiey- Brinkley 7.20 P.M, 7--News, Weather, Sports 7: PLM, $.2--Darmel Boone 7--Batman 6--Square World 4~The Munsters i}3--Let's Go to Races 4:00 P.M, 11--Mike Douglas 1--Gideet 6-3--Seaway 4-Gililgan's Island $:% P.M, I's Your Move 82 Laredo fas Phyte 4--My Three Sons 9:00 P.M. } W--Gilligan's Island 9--Branded 7--Bewltched 4--Movie &3--! Dream of Jeannie ACROSS 1, Wrath » G . Ship's 2. personnel 3 Girl's name P--Let's 3---Dange 119-876 Weather, | 1 | CRATED FOR THE STAPF 70 OPEN IN THE Sing Ow | 1--Peyten Piece +-3-- Telescope 2-4---Mickie Finn's 10:00 P.M, i--The Mery Griffin Shew!})Bonnie Prudden Show 2-9-8---Rowan and Martin|>..Toronto Summertime 7--The Avengers 6--Hogan's Heroes r Man 10.0 PLM, 6--Shenandoah 11:00 PLM, 44-2---NOWS, Sports 1:18 PLM, | 6--Viawpoint |2--Tonight Show |6---News, | 11,25 P.M, |The Vise | 1 |8--Tonight Show vie | JomMo 3--Movie 1:20 P.M, \3 Weather, Sports | } 1:98 PLM, | 1:4 PLM, | | 9~--Wackiest Ship | 6--Bunsmorke | | } 8:00 A.M, 4--Captain Kangaroo | 9--T.V, a» AM, | University | FRIDAY A.M. | | 8:55 A, 7--Dialing for Dollars, Girl | Talk | 9:00 A.M, | }1}--Morn ng Musicale | Romper Room j$--Big P 2--Boz0's Icture Big Top 9:30 A.M, | | 9--Uncle Bobby §--Smile | 4--Love Time of Lite 2--Jack Lalanne 10:00 A.M, })-Ed Allen Time 8-2--Eye Guess | +i Love Lucy | 10:0 AM, | | Ve-Mark | 1:30 AM, $2 /E WE BON'T, WEIL\' ROT IN JAIL FOR TRESPASSING! } ' # a a THEY RE STREAKING FOR COVER, PONT LET EM REACH Tf REACH THOSE ROCKS/ COME ON, | a SUVER/ THE "COMPLITER" HAS UNCRATED ITSELF CRACKED THE SAPE,AND SLIPPED OUT THE WINDOW WITH THE PLANS / 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, August 4, 1966 BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Individue! Chempionship Play) North dealer. * East,West vulnerable. NORTH 3 564 KQmé Ki0878 WAST $Q38764 @K105 9253 9987 998053 Opening lead -- seven of spades. There are relatively few hands in the ordinary course of events where a eontract of five 'clubs or five diamonds turns jout to be superior to a contract jof three notrump. The nine- \trick game, in most cases, is easier to make than the eleven- itrick game, ' However, such hands do arise and the trick is to recognize them when théy appear. This |deal occurred in a tournament and most of the North-South |pairs stubbed their toes when they played the hand in three notrump (going down two) in- stead of five or six clubs (mak- ing twelve tricks). The bidding shown occurred at several tables. South was chiefly at fault for reaching the wrong contract. It is true that his three notrump bid might have worked .out well if North had held the A-K of clubs as part of his values; but still |South should not have staked lhis rebid over three clubs on |this one specific possibility. | Three spades would have been a better bid. It would have kept the gateway open to three notrump and, at the same time, would have allowed North to express a preference for clubs jif that was what his hand indi- cated, LOG 1) Buccaneers 9-- Abracadabra 8-2----Showaown 7--Dating Game 4--Dick Van Dyke Show |}--Erme Lindell 12:00 NOON $-2--Jeopardy T--Money Movie 1-6--Lunchecn Date 4--News and Weather; Sports 12:18 PLM. | 4--Speaker of "the House 12:30 PLM, H--Noon Time 9---News, Weather, Sports 8-2--Swingin' Country 6-4--Search For Tomorrow 3---Noonday Report 12.40 PLM, | 9--Movie 12:45 P.M, 4---Guiding Light 100 PLM, 1--Theatre vialing For Dollars, Girl Talk 1--Ben Casey 36--Luncheon Date | 4--Meet The Millers 2--Topper | 1:30 P.M, | &4--As The World Turne | 28--Let's Make a Deal 3--Movie 2:00 P.M, 7--Newlywed Game 6--Cuisine 4--Password 8-2--Days of Our Lives 30 P.M. 2 9--People in Conflict The Doctors 7--A Time for Us 6--Coronation Street 4--You and Your Family | 4--Linkletier's Party 3:00 P.M, 9---Fractured Phrases 8-2--Another World 7---General Hospital 6-4-3--To Tell The Truth 3.25 P.M, | 3-6--Bonnie Prudden 4--News 3:30 PLM. Co \--Funny mpany |. 9--It's Your Move Saber 9--Summer Fun }8-2--Concentration 7--Donna Reed 3 3--Time. Double "Cife OF Henry) 4--Tne McCoys ry Out 4 11:00 ALM. 11--Long | 9--Mr | 8-2 Ang Chai John Silver 2 Mrs | n Letter i) 7~--Supermarket Sweep = |9 3--Ed Allen Time 4--Andy o DOWN Tangle Stand up Disease of sheep Digraph 5. Seorch 6. Holding . Roman poet 3. Light sarcasm , God of pleasure? Egypt. . Subtle emanation . Compass point 7. Large, heavy hammer back 7. Assam silkworm 8. Kind of wool 9, Crowds . Stairway posts 3. Fat 5. Exchange premium . Common weed { Mayberry 20. Posses- sive pro- noun 23, British islands in the West Indies , Ex. punging 25. Trouble B. Crew . Taste . South American pack animal . Kind of duck 7--Superman 4--Edge of Night 2-8--You Don't Say 4,00 P.M, =~t-tove-tucy Match Game Secret Storm 3-6--Vacation Time --Mery Griffin 4.0 PLM, 1--Supercar Movie Yesterday's Answei 33, Act 36, Eng. queen 39. Greek island 40, Splicing tool 42, Tantalum: sym, 9. Method of V7 7 18 learning 21. River islet 2, Combat 23. Game of Yi chance Aves Y 27. Dry 28, Sunburn 9, Robust 30, Fished Like 35. Disembark 37, Recline . Excavating, as ore Lose color, as cloth . Negative ion 2. Estimated the duration of Departed Jewish month HUBERT PARN! THis 4 | SHOPPING | | [> TOok LONGER | bee THAN I THOUGHT I HOPE HUBERT ISN'T IN MY CLEAN KITCHEN = THESE FEW UTENSILS You WERE ABLE TO MAKE YOUR HEALTH | Digestion Faulty | With Milk Sugar | | By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD you can tolerate without dis- tress. You will soon know. Keep in mind, though, that Dear Mr. Molmer: I am told {that I cannot properly digest jlactose (milk sugar). and must! . \therefore avoid milk and mk ee rege = grees products, |point. You may be able to tol- | Does this mean I must avoid/erate a moderate amount of jice cream, whipped cream, cot-|gravy made with milk, or a tage or cream cheese, and|modicum of certain kinds of }butter?--J. L. ;processed cheeses, yet not be This a deficiency disorder|able to eat both of them the (not an allergy) which has) Same day. {been described recently. A de-| fect in enzyme production re-| Dear Dr. Molner: Is there }sults in a lack of the enzyme Such a thing as nervous kid- lactose which digests milk su-/neys? I have to urinate quite frequently. There is a_ history of diabetes in my family, but also have emotional prob- older persons lems. I have had ae and jnausea, flatulence, bloating, So Peebles pig on paenedy re dominal cramps and diarrhea), lett my nerves run away jwhich occur after drinking) i+, ie ae is thik eolne hing milk 'that should be checked into? | The symptoms appear to be)_ nrg J, §, related to the amount of milk ahi . : consumed,. Many patients with; _ If you head to me with such lthis problem tolerate a glass or/Symptoms, I wouldn't spend a Meee foul ™ "|minute discussing your nerves pose ME OUb DRQUHIe: juntil I first had run a blood \s to milk products, the only! sugar test to see whether dia- sound answer is to do a bit Of/petes is developing. A family testing. Even though you May} history of diabetes plus frequent find that you can tolerate little} yyination is a combination too jor perhaps no milk, moderate} suggestive of that disease to be jamounts of some of the other} ionored products may not bother you. | "It your blood suga) is normal, This is particilarly true of}yoy 'can look for some other jcheese, 'since the amount of} cause. But then, if you find out | milk sugar it contains can vary'for sure that you don't have | considerably diabetes, maybe your nerves | Whipped cream and_ butter/will calm down. | consist -primarily of the fatty) The answer: Have your sugar} }parts of milk rather than the! tested, milk sugar constituents and for }that reason may be tolerated }more readily Py 1 The cause is not known, but to appear in some! Symptoms are! it tends Warning to Mrs. R. §.: Pink eye is usually highly infectious, Rather than trying to avoid) Untreated, it can do serious At one table, the bidding fol- lowed this peculiar course: South West 1m Pam 2@ Pass 3@ Pass Pass .Dble Redble West led a spade, fully ex- pecting his partner to ruff, Since the bidding apparently marked North with four spades and South with three. Much te his chagrin, it turned out thag dummy could ruff spades in- |Stead of East, and South wound up making five clubs redoubled with an overtrick for a score of 950 points, Six clubs, undisturbed, would have come to only 920 points! SALLY'S SALLIES "T have to leave I have a dental n . appointment." 10 To Serve War Tribunal 'To "Try" LBJ | NEW YORK (AP) -- The |names of 10 people who will serve on Lord Bertrand Rus- sell's "war crimes tribunal" to "try" President. Johnson and other American leaders for their Viet Nam policies were announced Tuesday at a news conference. They include French writers Jean Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir, and Peter Weiss, the German exile who wrote the play Marat-Sade. Lord Russell, 94, announced last June he would set up the tribunal this November in Paris, because France presents fewer visa problems for Viet- namese "witnesses." Russell's announcement was praised by the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese. The names of the panel were announced by Dave Dellinger and Rev, A. J. Must, pacifist leader and chairman of Liber ation magazine, They said tha "defendants," besides President Johnson, will be State Secretary Dean Rusk and Defence Secre- tary Robert McNamara. Russell Stetler, Russell's rep- resentative, said Russell hopes the tribunal's findings will "ap- peal to the conscience of the decent people of the world" and believes it has "'potential ability to stop the war." type remains the same through- out life. And yes, liver is high in iron, but is not necessarily a cure or preventive for ane- mia. Some anemic people only all milk products, -1 suggest/harm. Consult your doctor' as jtaking them in small amounts| quickly as possible i I until you discover how much Note to A, F, J.: Yes, blood need iron. Others require Vita- min B12. It depends on the type of anemia,