Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Aug 1966, p. 21

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'The OSHAWA TIMES Wed., August 3, 1966 BRIDGE bkehurt 6, JAY BECKER (Top in Masters' individeo! ST Eoccee A sith Bootes South dealer, Both sides vulnerable, -- | LL YOUR A WELL T WAS | | wcrc COMING UP TO GET A PIPE WRENCH NA HRY, AND... J IN SHORT 1 Gor ) i j THE roe i OLD MRS, SMITHS CELLAR FLOODED AGAIN, AND... GO AHEAD, YANKEES! } : HOOT! B ; OH, DONALD 1 DIDN'T KNOW THE PLUMBING BUSINESS WAS SO DANGEROUS - WHAT HAPPENED? Weald cighte tenerved. Tai Reacis ron LAPEL AND WITH DRAWS A SMALL HYPODERMIC NEEDLE------ JABS IT INTO HER 1 ae CAPTOR'S THIGH, ~-- Yom Prarterses THAT YEAR PLANNING CONSULTANT [Ow MANUARY 26, /957 GOVERNOR = TOM PATTERGBON GIVES PERMANENCE | |GENERAL VINCENT MASSEY LAYS TO THE THE CORNERSTONE OF THE NEW THEATRE « 77> Lo gre LO and sind Ww BUT CAN WE RAIGE ani MONEY FOR THE THEATRE AND HAVE IT FINISHED BEFORE THE DEADLINE ? BUZ SAWYER DONALD DUCK Lal SS -- Z "ne , ; fas Oe es bc BHELD l ge eT e's, 1% AS A SHIELD, AS | ' Diane 4 oe : "I You LooK ( Nice, T00, . "Y DEAR MAYBE HE SHOULD GOTO THE PARTY WITH THE POT ROAST -- BOv, THAT'S THE MOST be GORGEOUS-LOOKING POT ROAGT I'VE EVER SEEN / ZN 1996 THE STRATFORD FESTIVAL STARS CANADIAN CHRIS LON ae PLUMMER, SHAKESPEAREAN FESTIVAL « sane es ee eras 2 Mic 1ON" BUILDING WILL pr ACE THE THEATRE TENT . THs BECOMES THE FIRST NON - EUROPEAN PRODUCTION TO BVER PLAY THE EDINBURGH FESTIVAL. »« ~~ Cours TRESPASSING ON-» PONT ARGUE WITH Hid / SHOOT/ QUITE A DESIGN. IT SHOULO REVOLUTIONIZE THEATRICAL \ ARCHITECTURE, IN CANADA AND THE WORLD 1! Opening lead =~ king of diae monds, The problem of entries is critical in many deals, and dee clarer must frequently exercise maximum care to maintain communication between his own |hand and dummy, Take this case where. South lis in five clubs, He wins the diamond lead with the ace and jplays the king of clubs, West ltakes the club with the ace, /cashes the queen of diamonds, |and continues with the jack, South is of course careful to jruff with the eight of trumps, not the four, because his only jcertain entry to dummy lies in lolubs, He then cashes the queen lof clubs and crosses to dummy by playing the four to the six, CHARITY, INDEED/' 1'M SORRY, OLD CHAP-- CHICKENSOUPERMAN!! WE CONTRIBUTE ONLY TO WE'VE SENT (WES HIM MR, RIDE FOR 7HOE., MN ROCK. Hee] THE LONE ---- YOUR FATHER WILL PROBABLY WHAT GPBCK DID TO POPS HOUSE SLIPPER, a4 VASE tanos/3 HOPE NOT! 00 YOU MAKE YOU GIVE THAT PUPPY NICE AND ae y CLEAN AND [f@ RA wie! NO ONG WILL BE THE WISER, UNTIL _ Tih LONG GONE / at x4 Meanwhile, entrance ' CLEAR TOGOIN, SiR, BUT I THINK YOU'LL. FIND EVERYTHING the main shows his Now that South is in dummy he must be extremely careful to make, the contract, He must esses in both spades and hearts 1é rear. walt guard WIth 4 $hot oF nerve 4S ou \ AWAY. / credent 1m in the course of his visit to dummy, Obviously, he eannot take the heart finesse first; because he would wind up in the wrong hand 'eyen if the finesse suce ceeded, He. therefore takes the spade, finesse first, But in doing:so he must be sure to lead the queen of spades from dummy, 'not. the nine or ten, If Kast makes the best de+ fensive play of ducking the queen, South plays his jack on jit, South then continues with |the ten, playing low if East plays low, and is then in a posi» tion to abandon the suit and take a heart finesse, which succeeds, Note that if East covers the queen or ten of spades when they are led, South is able to return to dummy with a spade and then attempt the heart fins esse. In effect, even though South has only one entry to dummy, he is able to arrange his play so that he can, if necese sary, lead three times from dummy, SUPPOSE 50 15 (Soe Oy egy orc, Mae SECRET AGENT X9 [THis BUILDING |HAS MORE STORIES ITHAN ANY OTHER IN"TOWN, HENRY ! TELEVISION LOG 10:00 P.M. 28-1 Sp l=Merv Griffin Show 4--John Gary 7--Butialo 10:30 P.M 6--Toronto | My Favorite Martian 4--Buttalo eae Inside. Guede Channel 3--Barrie |11-9:B-7-6-4-3-2--News Channe: 2--Buttaio | Weather, Sports enema an em Channei Channel Channei Channel Channel Channel 1i--Hamilton 9--Toronto $--Rochester 8-2---Showdown | 7~Dating Game 4---Dick Van Dyke Show Ernie Lindell 12:00 NOON Bonnie Prudder 7 Summertime 6-2- deopardy JomMoney Moyle 3-6---Luncheon Date 11.15 P.M, 4--Noon News 6--Viewpoint 12:15 WHDNERDAY |] 2--Tonight Show 5:00 PLM, 11:20 P.M, 11----Movie | 4--Late Show 7--Cheyenne | o--News, Weather and é--Summer Camp Sports 3~Secret Squirrel 2--Mike Douglas 5:30 PLM, }--Flipper 8--Dobie Gillls 6--Mad Movies 4.00 P.M 7--Twilight Theatre 4--World of Wooster 8-4 1 ; 4--Speaker of the 12:30 P.M, |1--Noon Time | 9-News: Weather; House Noonday Report matter | |e = S| |sauy's sauurs | $-4--Gy ding Light | 1:00 P.M, \--Thestre "Darwin may elena, but then I never met your father's family." Guard, 49, In Hospital nT ane ig West ¥eshahCotey mewn: weatnan, | St uneheg Bae | Sports 2--Topper PORTAGE DU FORT, Que, (CP) -- A. security guard re mained in critical condition in an Ottawa hospital vente from W &~Tonight Show 7--Movie --Movie 11:40 PLM, | 9-Run For Your Life sual Had One & THAT GUY SAILS BY ONCE MORE, ILL THROW LA WRENCH AT HIM I News, Weather 3--Profile 6:30 PLM, 4--New Weather 6--Superman and Sports 3-2-9---News 8--Huntley-Brinkley News 6--Music Sports, n Miniature 7:00 P.M, Mike Douglas 9--Batman 8--Littlest Hobo 6--News, Weather, jorts 7--Newiywed Game 7--Dialing for 6--Culsine Girl Talk 9:00 A.M ie Romper Room ~Morning Mu: Dollars 4 J word | 8-2--Days of Our Lives | 2:30 P.M nflict "NOW _! oy if W Ne | 4--The Honeymooners | 9--People in Ce EVERYBODY'S 5) es 4--Man from U. N.C.L.E, $-2--The Doctors ey y 2--Hunth * e ' arnival | IA Time For Us my 966 is Productions World Rights Reserved ale (aur L CAN'T =) Ca ig | AWAY « -- oA 4) 4--Coronation Street 4--Linkletter's Party 3:00 P.M, onPractured Photkes 7---General Most 7--News Weather Sports 7:30 PLM, 1--Film Short 9%~Munsters 8-2---Virginian 7--Batma 6--Award Showc 4--Lost in § 4--Love of Life 8--Smiletime | Jack LaLanne 9---Uncle Bobby Aes Ves 4-6--To Tell e 10:00 A.M. 8-2--Another World Ed Allen Time 3.25 P.M 8-2--Eye Guess -6--Take 30 4~! Love Luc 4--News 10:20 A.M, abe rf Fun centration ' YOUR HEALTH ae Sedatives Can Help But Other Ways Too By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD 4--Gage of Night )---$uper Show 9--=It's Your A Funny Compan 4:00 P.M, 1:00 AM, 9--1 Love Lucy 4--Beverly Hillbillies 1--Long John Silver &--The M 3-6--Bob Hope 3 ® Mr. And Mra once et, Ai 9:00 P.M, 8-2--Chain Letter | %-6----Vacation Time Ja-Supermarke! Sweéo 2---Merv Griffin I--Ed Allen Time 4.20 PLM, 4--Andy of Mayberry ) Ant Uda AM, Buccanee Abracadabra n ey Morte %~Pro Football t Patty Dv Sh @ McCoys 1--Time Out MICKEY MOUSE 7--Blue Light [IN CAGE I GETA YEN TOLOOK FOR FOUR-LEAF CLOVERG '4 WHAT DO YOU NEED > EM J FOR ON A PICNIC P THURSDAY 1:30 P.M, | 8:00 A.M, World Turns 4--Captain Kangaroo Make a Deal | 8.30 A.M 9--T.V, University 6:55 A.M Dear Dr, Molner: I have suf-}sedative usually helps, but is/are -- here inday |fered from nervousness and] doesn't act instantly, Depending|When he investigated a pump. stage fright for many years,/upon what your doctor provides | house explosion and fire, land had to give up a promising] for your use, take it long Hospital officials said Carmen singing career because I shookjenough in advance so it ~has McCallum, 49; had burns to 73 so, and it is a handicap in my| time to relax you a bit, He can|per cent of his body, present lecture work estimate -@ suitable interval. | scocattam, employed by the I have consulted doctors and} Another trick is to focus Your! Chenaux Dam Hydro Electria Lofty fisychiatrists and the only thing) attention on ane person in the} {Power Commission, heard the mouns I was told was to 'do the things) audience, Talk (or perform) @S!h) 341 cuaday and ran to the Pore tain aa if I feared to do, and the fear though addressing that one per- liane de Fort water works pump > ffee- id leave me son. But, of course, for e -- - : th ' tiveness, shift periodically from] {house from his home nearby, a Is 1 Indian one person to another, A speech} He emerged from the building : itive or tranquilizer Movie 4--Green Acres } 28Bob Hope 9:30 P.M, 63--Intertel nm 4--Dick Van Dyke AOROSS 1, Antos 5. Leg armor Oriental 25 9, Custom r 10, Sw 5. 2.8 3 t 7 Throng Cold Swiss 3. Free 24. Herd of 4. Astral whales r dl nut ital ' decree Amer, Antiquated Foot-like CHAS. seda- é- 3 KUHN: you tried | ' Strongest that par . Marshy meadow 7. Stitch . Thyroid, for one . Monetary unit 3. King of the Amalekites 27. Close; poet Not 29. Indi WHILE. IM TRYING To DRY + HIM, HE BREAKS AWAY, RUNS OUTSIDE AND ROLLS. IN YOUR FLOWER BED! LET YOU Give "HIA ! GIVING THAT CRAZY ANOTHER BATH! DOG JUNIOR A BATH? 4 ry ever MUGGS AND SKEETER Rage 3. Mountain ert Y OH... LEAVING SO SOON, MR. TEAGUE ? (sn'T THAT MR, TEAGUE CAR? procedure. This is the only hon- est answer I can give you: Let your doctor do it a new fad, Ann. It's on for years. With do-it-vourself. meth- so often infection re- ful yours li's not Note to Mrs, M. B.; There's probably no harm in the vari- ous pills you are taking in addi- ition to your birth control pills, but a safe rule is to check with your doctor. (Certainly, it's all oing the every ol JULIET JONES which, is pai danger- some sk sult some-' ous to Alps wind group | chink iy es oe we or a song) is the same whether {with his clothing on fire and his Rose fruit 28,Roads fj Ree) [une mignt. he an nem to One Person hears it, or sa thou- Hees Garry, 28, turned a garden Not old 30, Old ' ee ry |some but they only seem (0) 1.4 Romomber that! hose on him, 16. Organ of French 'Yesterday's Answer =| make me more nervous. hie Eee ea yan hate tices! He was taken to a Renfrew : a @ <1 hearing coin ge ecies | Discourages told that ultimately you have to|hospital across the Ottawa Mirror ae Oeiee $Y, Chilla and | 'There are several tricks that! io, to do what you now fear, |River and later transferred by Fact 33. Brightest pi fever might. help you (and have and in the repeated doing of it,)ambulance to Ottawa, 40 miles Flatfish cd sg Ppp |helped others) but most of you will lose the fear. I hope| southeast, . Single ebrew 39, Attemp g ay . our 3 . Hoe eiektare 41. Obtain jthem have to be in your OWN)ih. foregoing suggestions will] Firemen Terry Dunn, 30, Tom 'vil War 35. Sibe 43. Part of | mind help you get started. |Fletcher, 33, Jack Farrell, 37, » Civil W A 99. Siberian "to be" | Mild sedatives or. tranquil-| ' ' and Keith Tompson, $3, were commander river bash lizers can help, provided you do} But don't expect the tension} and . n 38, 77, not expect too much of them.|!0 disappear completely, No:| treated for gen Bn phd : Sg . body achieves that. It's/poisoning and release rom Ve | They can't do the whole thing Rape sped Sen ar foetus to re-| hospital Monday, " I don't recommend strong ones,! My .. A tee ape Chlorine used to purify water wanse the be self-|duce the tension, € p i ar, bexause - (ey would . 7 ' s'each time you try, until you/began leaking from two cylin- idefeating. You don't want to be) © 3 P . : {in a semi-stupor, What you want reach a tolerable level ders after the blast and was dé 3 HR pit pt eae vy not fully controlled until early pass Remember that even sea: Dear Dr. Molner: As you) Monday ight of . : nl 36. Color soned performers after years) know, there is a new fad among] | At the height of the fire resi- | : : s > : * 1 sles =a > ae " eT: 2" s ) He RY! Ni 37; Behave on' the e still admit twinges gitls of having their ears de nts were warned by a sound L Alpha and asi a of tension before they go on|Pierced. I would like ta do it/truck to stay. indoors to avoid ot Kc (~ 3 . stage. It's a natural human re-| but how should I go about it so\the swirling fumes, { 'OF a AMOUR A) faction. Don't expect to be to-! tht n't get infected? Should : Erne eserss ' 44,To continue, FF Chae ; tally relaxed. You won't be- nave my doctor pierce them, nipat, S ae Vd land shouldn't be r some other experienced per- ; ba VMI iy iy SOMETHING TO GIVE son?--Ann But you should. tell firmly that when you app before a roup or an au lience there's a. reason. You have 1, talent or informa tion to present. You have expensive. The 'only j thing give! Why. be afraid or|safe method I know is to have j shed because people want to doctor do it, because he/right to take a milk "chaser" lear you? <nows to prevent risk of) with aspirin, In fact, it's a good ( On special occas mild infection, For hitn it is a simple/ idea.) your I ions a M

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