12. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 3, 1966 Benen senna nome By DENNIS ORCHARD OTTAWA (CP)--A 1966 con- struction program $800,000,000 too high for Mitchell Sharp's liking ip forecast in a govern- ment survey released Tuesday, The survey shows Canadian businessmen revised their in- vestment intentions upwards by $500,000,000 after Finance Min- ister Sharp announced budget measures March 29 intended to lan £400 060 HOH fram their plans, Some of these programs can- not be met, the trade and com- merce department warns in its mid-year investment review, | Sectors of the economy al- jready working all-out will be |kept under pressure, with the jstrains showing in rising costs \for labor and investment money, Thus higher prices and higher activity will both be reflected in the indicated 17-per-cent in crease over 1965 in capital out- lays by private and government sectors, CITE PLANS Plans now total $15,024,000,- 000, compared with actual spending of $12,800,000,000 last year, Capital spending by business not including housing--is ex- pected to total $9,500,000,000, ac- cording to the figures which were compiled in May and June! GETS DEGREE A former Oshawa resi- dent, Dieter Kuntz, 26, son of Mr, and Mrs, E, Kuntz, has graduated from Andrew's University, Mich- igan, with a bachelor of arts. degree in business administration, A former pupil of Kingsway College, Oshawa, his family former- ly lived at RR 3, Oshawa Mr, Kuntz will be moving to Toronto in the fall to take a master's degree in hospital administration at the University of Toronto, U.S. Senate Spliis On Strike Onus U.S. Firm Hikes WASHINGTON (AP) -- A di- vided U.S, Senate today seeks a compromise course under which Congress and President WASHINGTON (AP) In- Johnson would share the politi-;;and Steel Co. of Chicago ¢al blame for any order to 35,-| boosted its prices for strip and 000 striking machinists to -re-| sheet metal by $2 to $3 a ton turn to their jobs on five) Tuesday and top U.S. govern grounded airlines ment officials immediately hud 'That's the crux of it,' said| dled to study the situation Senate Republican Leader Ever-| Gardner Ackley, chairman of} ett M. Dirksen, 'Who accepts! President Johnson's council of| the onus." economic advisers, summoned Organized labor strongly op-/other officials' for a strategy! poses any back-to-work order) Session shortly after Inland's and with congressional elections| announcement -- which appar: four months away, Johnson has/ently caught the administration made Clear that he doesn't want! by surprise the assignment of issuing such] Asked later about the meet an order without Congress shar-|ing, Ackley said the council is) ing some of the responsibility.) 'studying' the situation but did But before the Senate now is|not comment further, } a resolution which would require) Inland chairman Joseph L.! & presidential order if the walk-| Block announced the price in- out is to be ended for up to six) crease--described: by company months. The strike now is. in! officials as "moderate"--at the its 28th day end of the business day. It was| REJECT AGREEMENT not immediately clear whether During the six months, ef: other big stee! producers would farts would be made to reach a| follow Inland's lead settlement between the Interna-|,.1n Pittsburgh Tuesday night, ional Association of Machinists] ¢ °° Steel officials said they (AFL-CIO) and the five strike-|/had no comment. bound lines--Eastern, National,| Asked' if 'Inland would roll oe: Trans World andjback its price increase if other nited. An agreement worked|firms didn't follow sult, Block Out at the White House last! said "we will have to." Friday was rejected Sunday by| Sheet and strip metal account union members for roughly 30 per cent. of the Senator Jacob K, Javits (Rep,| industry's total output. If other Price Of announced, Pre - budget estimates heen $8,000,000,000, Mr. Sharp hoped to reduce the figure to about $8,700,000,000 by: Reducing capital cost al- lowances for 18 months on most kinds of buildings, ma- chinery and equipment, --Taxing at five per cent cor- poration profits over. $30,000 with a promise to refund the money in 18 months, --Holding out the. promise of a later reduction of sales tax on machinery to postpone some buying now, POST STORM SIGNALS The mid-year review again posted the storm signals for an economy bent on accomplishing more than its resources will al- low. had $800,000,000 Forecast On Construction Program i ; | after the budget restraints were! Business, housing and social spending together have. in- creased by a like 17 per cent in each of the last two years. The last two categories promise to be lower this year with mort- gage money tight and the fed- eral government holding down its programs. But in the private sector the mining industry, particularly in iron mine and petroleum devel- opment, has plans 43 per cent higher than its actual spending for 1965; manufacturers see outlays 30 per cent higher, no- tably in transportation. equip-|Plied to transactions between ment, paper products, foods and metals, In both mining and manufac- turing intentions are substan- tially higher than in January when the commerce depart- ment first asked about 1966 plans for its initial forecast. US. U.S. Proposes JOHN LENON STIRS FUROR New Guidelines WITH "CHRISTIANITY" QUIP. WASHINGTON (AP) -- The treasury department has proposed new guidelines which it says would erase some of the fax uncertainties surrounding transactions between a com- pany and its affiliates and en- courage U.S. firms to increase their exports The guidelines would spoil out how the internal. revenuy serv- ice would administer ofe SEC: tion of law permitting the gov- ernment to allocate the Tncomes of a parent company and its} subsidiaries to reflect the true income of-each party and pre Veit av € In recent years, has been most frequently ap n8 bese oT taKES U.S, firms and their foreign affiliates, But the guidelines would apply equally to domestic affiliated firms Government officials have frequently urged American firms to increase their exports as part of a program to end the this section BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) ---A magazine article quoting John Lennon of the Beatles as saying his group is more than has {g- nited a "ban the Beatles rec- ords" campaign by Birming- ham- radio station WAQY. Station Manager Tommy Charles said Tuesday the opular Taewe | Beatles were his No, 1 attrac- | tion before he read the article | We're | in Datebook. The article quotes Maureen Cleave of the London Evening Standard as quoting Lennon as saying: "Chriatianity will go. It will vanish and shrink, | needn't argue about that, I'm right arid I will be proved right. (the Beatles) more popular than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first rock 'n' roll or Christianity, Jesus was all right, but his disciples were thick and ordi- nary, It's them twisting it ruins it for me." Commenting on Lennon's statement, Charles said: 'We just felt it was so absurd and sacrilegious that something ought to he done to show them they cannot get away with this sort of thing." The Birmingham disc jockey said more than 99 per cent of the calls regarding this campaign support it. 'Almost unbelievably the teen-agers, almost as soon as they were sure it was true (the quotes), became really angry, some to the point of tears,' Charles said. 'All sorts of record and pook stores have called saying they are taking their Beatle rec- | ords and books off the market, WAQY is broadcasting spot announcements every hour telling the audience to turn in their Beatle records, pictures, magazines and souvenirs. to designated pickup spots. Report Denied By Smallwood « ST, JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)--Pre- mier Joseph Smallwood says a report from Paris that a French company is negotiating for a pulp and paper enterprise in Stephenville. Nfld. aren'ie 'fut. : terly untrue to the best of my|" WE ARE FUGNALIUUD knowledge," ed" "It has been calculated that in He was asked Monday about a/the years since 1,496 B.C. there report the French engineeringihave been not more than 230 firm Esna. is involvedin nego-lyears -of peace in the civilized tiations now under way. "I don't!world. believe a word of that report," Mr. Smallwood said. The report said Esna would be associated with one or two Brit- ish companies in the deal, un- der which they would supply en- gineering equipment for a pulp 'woh paper project in Newfound- TH has closed its door for a complete renovation. Watch For The 'Grand Opening $296,000 Suit For Damages Rejected In Montreal Court MONTREAL (CP)--A_ $256,;Canada Ltd,, Toronto, and 600 damage sult resulting from) Flick Reedy Corp., of Melrose a mishap during construction of| Park, Ill, were not responsible the Champlain Bridge in Mont-|for damages caused by the 15 real five years ago was rejected|foot fall of a concrete beam with costs Tuesday after a 43-| weighing 176 tons on July 16, day trial 1960, Mr, Justice Rene The plantiffs, McNamara ruled that Viexers-Sperry (Que.) Lid., the Key Construc- tion Inc,, and Deschamps and Belanger. Ltee., were awarded an. $8,319,000 contract in 1959 by) the National Harbors Board to | build the bridge, spanning the | St. Lawrence River The litigation narrowed to whether jacks were sufficient to support the load necessary for each Duranieau of Steel The compromise, described by Johnson as within his wage price guidelines, set off a stock market surge Tuesday the company speci fically raised its price on prime} grade hot rolled sheets and strips to $5.45 a hundred pounds from $5.30. Prime grade cold rolled strips were boosted 15) cents to §$6.67% a hundred pounds, Secondary grades were raised 10 cents Chrysler Plans Finance Firm TORONTO (CP) -- Chrysler Corp. announced Tuesday it is} establishing a sales finance sub- sidiary in Canada to help Chry- sler dealers and customers fi- nance car and truck purchases across Canada the industry The new company, Chrysler s "| Credit Canada Ltd., is a wholly steel produc lowned subsidiary of Chrysler ers, only Bethlehem reported in-| Credit Corp, of Detroit, Its au- creased profits for the first six; thorized capital is $4,000,000 months of 1966 Prior to the formation of the Since its. initial showdown) "@W company, purchasers _ of colt: tha: atbal" industiy' eaely Chrysler products had to deal this year, the Johnson adminis- with independent finance com- tration has not challenged any oriee General Motors' and subsequent steel price boosts, Ford already have their own fi- although it attacked increases nance companies in other metals NTS PAPERS Feb, 18, U.S. Steel increased J Reuters)--The new the price of boiler plate $4 a|/Canadian ambassador, Georges ton, an increase it said covered/Henri Blouin, Saturday pre- about one-tenth of one per cent|Sented letters accrediting him of all steel sales. The company|a& envoy to the Central African later adjusted its over - all|/Republic, Blouin also is accred- prices, a move that increases|ited in Cameroun, Gabon, The the total price of steel about/Congo Republic (Brazzaville) jand Chad, The boost comes amid lagging profits throughout Of the five major two-tenths of one per cent, N.Y.), originally a sponsor of|firms match Inland's increase, | the measure that left any final,|it would amount to the widest) Strike - ending responsibility to|industry boost. since 1963 Johnson, said little progress was| Earlier this year, Inland be- made Tuesday toward a com-|came involved in a major clash} promise. between the industry and! But Javits said he believes|the Johnson administration that if compromise efforts col-|Prompted by Bethlehem Steel lapse, there are enough votes in| Corp.'s New Year's Eve an:| the Senate to enact a version|Mouncement of a $5-a-ton in Johnson opposes crease for structured steel Javits said the effort to pro- Inland. went along with the} duce a version acceptable both| boost a few days later, but to Congress and Johnson could) after U.S, Steel -- under heavy involve a congressional back-to.| Administration pressure -- an- work order of perhaps 30 or|/nounced only a $2.74 increase, 40 days duration, followed by both Inland and Bethlehem COLOR b DE LUX COLOR BY DE LUNE CINEMASCOPE BAY. DOES PCLALiNG GO0-0671 + WHITEY O68-20ee machinery which would require| backed down. a presidential finding to keep the men on their jobs. deficit in the U.S. balance of payments The regulations are designed to give firms "reasonable assu-) rance"' that their taxes won't be increased as the result of} an internal revenue service au dit if they follow the guidelines on transactions with affiliates the department said FRANKIE RANDALL SHERRY JACKSON paseseeseeee 1 Om tH hes DD, : : EACH ee ; DIED UNDER FIRE LAS CRUCES, N.M. (AP) Sheriff Rudy Gonzales shot down a one-armed bandit with his submachine gun, County] commissioners ordered him to destroy a confiscated nickel slot machine, so Gonzales used it as a target for his machine gun practice, eter seceeses a part Ine, Perret HE CURSE OF ERANKENSTEIN| of the new Odeon A HEARTWARMING ADVENTURE + filed rith fun and music! Py THORS. FRI. SAT, OSHAWA AUGUST FAIR eo40e5¢e6°e e EXCITING NEW FEATURES THURSDAY FRIDAY |SATURDAY GATES OPEN Livestock Judging 4-H Clb puUDiNG and Exhibits ACTIVITY BAY SADDLE CLASSES Diiee Raeie (wagering privileges) THE Livestock Judging HORSE RACES (WAGERING) 6 PLM. TROTTING PONY RACES 8:30 P.M 6 PLM, OLD McDONALD'S FARM 3 DAYS MISS OSHAWA SQUARE FAIR c ONTEST : Modern Dancing CKLB RECORD HOP DANCING 2 Bands "Ritchie Knight and The Midnights" "Shawn Jackson and The Majestics" MIDWAY -- Adults 75¢ -- "hildren Under 12 25 Cars 50¢ 8:30 HIT AGAIN MOSCOW (AP) -- The bat- tered Central Asian city of Tashkent was hit Sunday by) more earthquakes, Tass, the of-! ficial Soviet news agency, re- ported five tremors shook the| city, the strongest registering 5 on the international 10-point scale. Tass said no damage was done by the latest tremors, | which brought the total regis tered in the cily to 618 since PR TONIGHT ase up...and down: '@ SUPERVISED PROGRAMME } CHECK ROOM | FACILITIES LADIES' LOUNGE BOOT RENTALS LIVE ORGAN music ADMISSION 75c Per Person OSHAWA civic AUDITORIUM QAYZKHADBAW BDMrerown a Molson Golden RN & \j eet ' LDEN ALE For the right taste in ale FROM MOLSONS INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786 CHIL one 0. ANYTIME REVUE" FEATURE TODAY AT. 1:30 ---"3:30--- 15:35 -- 7:40 -- 9:45 "FILM MAKING AT ITS MARVELOUS 'BEST! "WILD, WONDERFUL!" -N. Y, DAILY NEWS "STYLISH ZEST AND BOUNTIFUL WIT!" oS PEGK., svany-00NEN pon LOREN ARABESQUE TECHNICOLOR®/PANAVISION* a e © PLAZA meme WALTER READE-STERUNG owes" DR, WHO AND THE === 'Sy ALEKS Cosmo. FIRST OSHAWA SHOWING -- ALL COLOR Joseph E. Levine 1:30--3:30 5:25--7:35 9:25 AIR. CONDITIONED BOX oF OPENS con sHOw STARTS wis OSHAWA DRIVE-IN LOOK OUT for FUN! ACTION! ROMANCE! LI. ROBIN CRUSOE,U. ONE COMPLETE SHOW ONLY AT 9:00 REGULAR KID: PRICES FREE BOX OFFICE OPENS 8200 Pim. UNDER TWELY e OL. RD. i TE PEE DRIVE-IN 40) 942-1230