Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Jul 1966, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 28, 1966 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE PC Leader Criticizes Spy Case Handling OTTAWA (CP) -- Opposition) Leader Diefenbaker said Wed-' = nesday the fact George Victor Spencer was guilty of miscon- duct as a civil servant does not absolve the government from blame for 'mishandling and in- eptness" in the celebrated spy case, Mr. Diefenbaker, in a state- ment by his office here, said if the government's handling of : Be a | tne case had not been inept) § there would have been no need) F | for the inquiry by Mr. Justice! Dalton C. Wells. Mr. Justice Wells in his re- port released Tuesday backed : the government's firing of | Spencer from his postal clerk's d job and said there was no doubt ' 4 | the man had worked for Soviet | espionage agents. Mr. Diefenbaker said a num-) : | ber of questions about the case) : remain OY pmb ' He said the government press | oKE 3 release of May 11, 1965, men- HON, JOHN DIEFENBAKER tioned another Canadian whose job was to compromise female | ' civil servants. "black power" has been badly "No more has been heard of misrepresented in the white this," he said. |press and does not seek Negro | supremacy, Meet Over Gib | swims Loch Ness Li AP)--British and ae Gear' will resume} INVERNESS, Scotland (Reut- their talks on the future of Gib-|ers)--An 18 - year - old English raltar in London about mid-| girl today became the first per- August, the foreign office said}son to swim Loch Ness, home Wednesday. The Spanish, laying | of Scotland's legendary mon- claim to Gibraltar, are expected|ster. The 22/4-mile long loch | to reject Britain's version|has defied many of Britain's) of a compromise arrangement, |long - distance men swimmers. | which would give Gibraltar the|The girl, Brenda Sheratt, com- appearance of a municipality| pleted her swim and walked out rather than a self-ruling colony itant leader of SNCC, said of the water unaided after more and grant Spain limited privi-! than 30 hours in the loch. leges on the Rock, | . D _ Moon Landing Car Sales own | WASHINGTON (AP) -- OTTAWA (CP)--Sales of new|Rocket scientist Wernher Von passenger cars and commercial|Braun was quoted here Wednes- vehicles in May numbered 76,-|day night as saying he thinks 205, a decline of 14 per centithe Soviet Union is close to) from May, 1965, the Dominion| sending live animals or men to swered 'no' to a question read- ing: De -you- think divorces should be easier to obtain?" Another four per cent had no opinion. Mr, Haidasz, releasing the re- sults of his poll Wednesday, said 2,158 questionnaires out of the 20,000 he sent out were re- turned, Policy Continues | OTTAWA (CP)--A policy of temporary one-year renewals of television station: licences will Weather Report Warm Trend Back Again TORONTO (CP)--Forecast is-! sued at 5:30 a.m.; | Synopsis:. Clearing skies with) seasonable temperatures are) forecast for all sections of the | province Friday as higher pres-| sure bullds over the Great, Lakes, | Lake St, Clair, Southern Lake, Huron, Lake Erie, Niagara, Lake Ontario, Windsor, London, Hamilton, Toronto: Mostly) sunny with seasonable temper- atures, Winds light, Northern Lake Huron, Geor-| gian Bay, Haliburton, Killaloe, | North Bay, Sudbury: Friday) mostly sunny with seasongble! temperatures, Winds light. | Timagami, Cochrane, West-| ern James Bay: Sunny and a little warmer, Winds light. | be continued by the government until legislation based on the) white paper on broadcasting Shas been passed by Parliament.) warmer, from the office) A statement of State Secretary Judy La-| Marsh said Wednesday this seems to be 'a reasonable jcourse of action," One-year ex- : jtensions were granted earlier to yd TV stations whose licences would have expired March 31 of this year, . Two Get Jail TORONTO (CP) -- Two Tor- onto youths were sentenced Wednesday to maximum formatory terms for assaulting a 68-year-old retired Anglfcan minister and robbing him of $6 and his car Walter Skau, 18, and Ross Tucker, 17, pleaded guilty to robbing Rev, Norman Taylor July 15 after beating him over the head with an ashtray and leaving him bound and gagged with neckties Magistrate S, Tupper Bigelow sentenced the youths to two years less a day definite plus two years less a day indeter- minate in reformatory, "IKINgStOn sssseeee White River, Algoma, Sault) Ste, Marie: Sunny and a little | Winds light. Mainly sunny with} temperatures. Winds: Ottawa: seasonal west 15. Low tonight, High Friday 5 80 homas.. London . |Kitchener ... ' Mount Forest...» Wingham .. Hamilton ... |St. Catharines,. |Toronto ...+++ | Peterborough eee 60 60 60 58 58 60 + 65 65 80 80 80 Trenton Killaloe sesseeseeeee 5D Muskoka North Bayssesseeses 5B Sudbury .. Eariton Sault Ste. Marie.... Kapuskasing .. White River.... MOOSON€e ...eeeeeee Timmins ....+ saeees Mutilated Body Argentina Visit OTTAWA (CP) Agricul- ture Minister Greene flew to Argentina Wednesday for | four - day visit that will in-| Found In Parcel LONDON (Reuters) -- thins mutilated nude body of a young Negro girl was found wrapped q|in a brown paper parcel in the driveway of a suburban London house early Wednesday. | Designed for Modern Living AR You think all new homes are built pretty much the same? Then you downspouts if you wish, Before you decide on just any home come out and take a look, All hou are built pretty much the same, All except Armstrong Homes with the Alcan Registered Exterior. How many houses will go years and years and not need painting? This one will. How many houses have exteriors that can't rot, warp, crack, peel or flake ? This one has, Bureau of Statistics reported Wednesday. Sales in the first five months of' 1966 were, how- ever, 2.3 per cent higher than in the same period last year, totalling 369,072 compared with 260,903, Retail value of the sales in May this year was $257,641,- 000, down 12.2 per cent from $204,183,000 a year ago, Cumu- lative sales for five months: this year were valued at $1,252,270,- the moon, clude talks with Lorenzo Rag-| Von Braun's predictions were) gio, Argentine agriculture sec-| The girl, still unidentified, carried in a story by the Wash-/retary, had her hands and feet tied be- ington Post-Los Angeles Times) Mr, Greene is expected to/hind her back and had ciga- news service, It was written by have discussions with other age|rette burns on her body, Po- Rudy Abramson of The Times.|riculture ministers attending/lice said the girl was between} "T am convinced," Von Braun|the international livestock, ag-|18 and 20, | was quoted as saying, 'the Rus-| ricultural and industrial ex-| Six London prostitues were sians are very close to being/hibition at Buenos Aires. found nude and murdered dur- able to do one of two things--| He will discuss with Mr, Rag-jing a 12-month reign of terror either go circumlunar (meaning|gio renewal of the international | which started in February, 1964, to send astronauts on a flight)wheat agreement with Argen-|The killer or killers never were} 000 compared with $1,184,103,- 000 last year. Fall Kills Man TORONTO (CP)--One man was killed and six others in-| jured Wednesday when a scaf- fold on a chimney collapsed at the Pilkington Glass plant in suburban Scarborough. Fred Clarke, 58, of Angus, died from multiple' head in- juries about five hours after the accident, around the moon) or land a dog/tina. found, the moon and bring him . ast : back," Seek Control MONTE CARLO (Reuters)-- The Monaco government an-| nounced Wednesday a new fi- nancial move which could wrest {control of the Monte Carlo play-) ground from Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis. For two years Onassis has been feuding with ~~" J OCNGHIC Mes ~ OW 9. iW iF DOWN, NO Prince| haven't seen this Armstrong Home with the Alcan Registered Exterior This is the kind of house you get when a builder with the solid reputa- tion of Armstrong teams up with one of Canada's largest companies, Alcan, An Armstrong Home has an Alcan Registered Exterior -- guaranteed by the Aluminum Company of. Canada, It features famous Alcan Siding with a baked-on enamel finish that won't rust, flake, warp or crack -- ever -- » may never need painting. Almost no maintenance required -- you just wash your home the way you wash your car, You can get first quality Alcan soffit 5c and fascia and aluminum gutters and --_ Subdivision: Forest Glen Heights. Location: Harmony Road North, Oshawa, approximately two blocks north of King Street, opposite the' new Collegiate, - HUOSON $19,400.00 $16,302.66 $ 3,007.34 Selling price, N.H.A. Mortgage. Down Payment. FEATURING THE Registered Exterior " WHY NOT HAVE A LOOK AT ONE! @ Three Convenient Locations @ jdes Bains de Mer at a cost of} HARWOOD AVE. South opposite Hospital -- AJAX ROLLING HILLS Estates GRANDVIEW AVE. South at Olive Ave. -- OSHAWA FOREST GLEN HEIGHTS HARMONY RD. NORTH -- 2 blocks North of King St. -- OSHAWA MODEL HOMES OPEN FOR INSPECTION by APPOINTMENT WASHINGTON (AP)--A_ con-/|46,428,000 francs (about $11,600,-; ference on "black power" will/000), be called by Negro leaders for the Labor Day weekend in Washington, it was announced " : Police said the men, employ-| Rainer over control of the gam- OW & 4 ees of the Custodis Canadian|bling and other facilities that! itil Bie RE Chimney Co,. Ltd., fell about 42 /have made Monte Carlo fa- Cc feet when the scaffold col-|mous. f lapsed The new government move K Dp . jwas to purchase 600,000 newly-| Wik@ | Discuss Power created shares in the Societe| ke UNTIL | CBC Appointment Wednesday by Representative' TORONTO (CP) -- The CB¢ Adam Clayton Powell (Dem.|Wednesday announced the ap-) N.Y.) and Stokely Carmichael, | pointment of Peter C. R, Camp-} chairman of the Student Non-|bell, 50, as general supervisor| violent Co-ordinating Commit-jof public affairs at the English) tee, said the meeting will de-|language network centre in Tor-! fine black power and specify its|onto. goals. Carmichael, the new, mil-| He succeeds Reeves Haggan Ke oe sa jwho resigned July 7 in CBC's) HERE AND THERE crisis over the controy ersial) program This Hour Has Seven |Days. Mr, Haggan said in hig HOSPITAL REPORT resignation statement he was The Bowmanville Memorial so try iggy what he} : jcalled the "sordid" actions the} Hospital reports that during the cg went through to dismiss week ending July 24 there were/Douglas Leiterman, executive! 58 admissions and 75 discharges.|producer of the program, There were eight major and 22)... Divorce Poll Held minor operations and 63 emer-! gency treatments. Seven babies| OTTAWA (CP) -- Wider were born in the hospital, |grounds for divorce are favored ie iby 74 per cent of residents in OPENING SET ,|Toronto's west end polled by The official opening of the|Liberal MP Stanley Haidasz gymnasium and club room|) Mr. Haidasz, member for Tor addition to Adelaide House will/onto Parkdale, said 22 per cent be held Tuesday, Sept. 20 at 3jof the persons who replied to a p.m. 'questionnaire he sent out an Or: woe | Tn! 4SY PAYMENTS When "easy" payments become impossible tone hooded exhaust fan in kitchen 13, Sidewalks installed from front to driveway and side to driveway, 2pper All Armstrong Homes In- clude These Features At No Extra Cost nless steel kitchen sink Gop 14 15 Fancy ceiling in living room and dining room. for bathroom aind colored fix- Oak floors throughout where Asbestos Vinyl tile is not THE installed Go back to 488s CITY OF OSHAWA ASSISTANT STOCKKEEPER one possible payment SALARY RANGE----$4,445.00 te $4,934.00 (40 hour week), - tary and storm ai » Under the supervision of the Stockkeaper. will he required te receive ¢ . y | and issue stores material, maintain stores records and price moteria wit an Associates Ornsuimers ges . All services included: paved road, san as sewers, individual water ections, curbs 12. Front and side yard sodded Alcan Aluminum Siding MANY OPTIONAL CUSTOM FEATURES ALSO AVAILABLE @ EXCLUSIVE AGENT ® RIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. OSHAWA OSHAWA AJAX 723-6461 723-8144 942-3310 16. Metal iron railing installed ol ore 3 steps or more front porch where there and doors natural built), stained imported mahogony (custom e Hable Jaundio. 4ubk 17, Copper toned built-in paper to P "1 k : Heated by Safe, Silent, Clean . Forced air gas heating Clay brick, aN All electric light fixtures, Built-in Kleenex dispenser 100-Amp. heavy-duty electric wiring installed Poured concrete basement (with lifetime guarantee), Divided basements with recreation facilities Mahogany trim Must have @t least twe years of high Built-in range and oven, experience. Aprily, IN WRITING ONLY, giving fu lence, age, marital status, ete, before school and one year of st Shoe boxes in every bedroom, =. consolidation loan >t education, August § 966, to exper- The Personnel Officer City Hall, Oshewe, Too often, those "easy" monthly payments can add up to a staggering figure. That's the time to see the Associates about a debt Consolidation loan, and go back to one low payment.a month. The Associates will lend you money to pay off bills, and then arrange one monthly payment carefully suited to your budger. Ask an Associates manager about a debt consolidation loan, and get a fresh start today. Ontario. CITY OF OSHAWA INTERMEDIATE DRAFTSMAN SALARY RANGE--$4,635.00 to $5,371.00 (3614 hour working week). The Public Works Department of the ty of Oshowe eo Intermediate Draftsman the direction of a D Superviso: Main sewers, ex ¢ to work Under atting de the preparat ction ements and simple ¢ bridges in { vs the caluculation of road and sewer grades, monhole and catchbasin elevation, simple curve data and intersection deto Applicants must be registered as a Technician with the Ontario Ass ciation of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists or have equivalent experience Comprehensive employee benefits are prov ulverts ASSOCIATES FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED T11 SIMCOE ST. NORTH PHONE 725-6531 jed Reply IN WRITING ONLY, giving full details of age, ma educotion, experience, etc, before August 3, 1944, to The Personnel Officer City Hell, Oshewe, tal status Onterio

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