FF PIES OR OS OR OD? 98 THE QSHAWA Times, -- 28, 1966 sy ee = TT " : OO Se | _ There 6HH, MARY ANN,' TM NOT A BURGLAR, mr) on , : \ 4 NOT A WAKE UP LUINCA DONALD! T'S ME~ é - 7 E A BLINGLER: . aoe era A GURSLAS /8 PUTTING 1] | A A Booe S| Kh $572, BRIDGE i 4 YOU. nny 'aug . a ? x a y 4 ; By 8. JAY BECKER (Top vacord-holder im Masters' Individual Championship Pley) j g North dealer. Norin-douin vuineravie, -- Tom Patterson THE SHAKESPEAREAN FESTIVAL BUT HARRIGON SHOWALTER FORGES AHEAD. IN /953, THE PREBIORNT OF THE STRATFORD pei tga Co ae BEGINS pep nh ope od FESTIVAL ALEC GUINNESS' HAS AGREED v FEB pin LED ORTS GRIMLY ! @KQ9742 Saxe Sases 'Ss, En Asoer 4 Opening lead--nine of hearts, WORLD, Gaon Sant y, NORMAN DRE! The method of play known as : a, enn 4 a crossruff often permits de --e _ , clarer to make deag tricks - more than the high cards he MCE GOING, BEN! IF THOSE Y MINUTES LATER +++ #9} |has would seem to indicate. 'BUFFALO TRACKS YOU SPOTTED LEAVING HERE 4 / DONT RETURN Vi pln flare le an unusual ensec uae are 7H ALBINO! South made a slam as a result of scoring eight trump tricks é > | with a holding of the Q-J-6-3 HIM ALWAYS BOY: COW _ INJUN ALWAYS SE! facing the A-8-5-2, | West led a heart, Declarer |took it with the ace and decided |that his best chance of making the hand was to play for a crossruff, Accordingly, after cashing the A-K-Q of diamonds, he ruffed a spade with the deuce and a heart with the three. Another spade ruff with the five was followed by a heart ruff with the six, Declarer then ruffed the third round of spades with the eight and another round of hearts with the jack. By this time, the situation was: North 9210 aa West Bast (mmaterial @K104 Bouth KQ a South now led the king of spades and ruffed it with the ace, forcing East to underruff, jand then played the queen of SHOPPING macaw hearts. There was no way for CENT. : East to prevent South from inte ig TELEVISION LOG HUBERT scoring the twelfth trick with the queen of trumps and the Channel 11--Hamilten 9:90 P.M, 11:30. A.M. NOW YOU'VE HURT pear vac was that South made Channel %---Toronto Meg bes Sing Ov! | Pi ite eer dg ; MOTHER'S FEELINGS, s , : Channel 6--Rochester 7--~Peyton Pleee | 7--Dating Game . i ANP SHES LOCKED There are two points of spe- Channel 7--Butfalo -- | +-3--Telescope | fr _Dick Van Dyke show | : _\ HERSELF IN HER cial interest in the play. First Channel Toronto 24--Mickie Finn's +-Erme Lindel ROOM AGAIN' : was declarer's decision to take So Channel 4--Butfato beh shaikoss | isecdhonnle Bedicon show : : ; : three diamond tricks at once, in GROCER Channel '9--Barrle p rtsia poland "ind Martin |, Toronto Summertime 6 /, line with the general principle Channet 2--Buttalo 7--The Avengers pokey ilies ' y ¥ in crossruff hands of cashing es \ecoae |3.¢--Lunehecn Date ALL I SAID ' side - winners before proceed- re ee a OL. fees and Maathet WAS, I THOUGHT : ZR ing with the crossruff. N--Family Theatre 6~--Shenandoah | 12:18 PLM, SHE HADGAINED KX] ZZ Second was declarer's decision &--Superman 11:00 P.M, | 4 naar ae bg House i A LITTLE to start the crossruff by trump- HURRICANES SOMETIMES FHigimey Faire | 1-9.9-7-6-45-2--News, eibien Via WEIGHT ing a spade in dummy before SHIP EVER GET EK BED iy RAISE THE TIDES TEN TO Pa Abdalla splash 9--News, Weather, trumping a heart in his hand, HERE, LAREDO? FIFTEEN FEET OVER NORMAL a---Mike Douglas ain | ga cetint eactiy ; This apparently unimportant de» T AN' THE WATER FLOODS INLAND. 5:30 FM. toTontght Show 6-4--Search For Tomorrow | i tail was actually vital to the Doble itis 11:30 PM, | S-Noonday: Report = | z : success of the hand. The timing 6--Country Style 6--News, Weather, Sports | sos ' ' had to be exactly right for the Hone Sts 11.38 P.M, Baca A ; LOOK, MOTHER! A crossruff to succeed, : 1--Twilignt Theatre V=The Vise 1:00 P.M : NICE GLASS OF ICED s-MetroGo-Round | 11:30 PLM, lis eecte eee |} TEA- HAVE A SIP! N rth P + Chute dene t- ey Show | -eiating for Dollars, 3 0 rogram 4:00 PLM, 3--Movie 1--Ben Casey revit? : @-6--Luncheon Date ? ' L ad ee a a | Meet The Millers x Has ong Run and Sports 9--Wackiest Ship lS yeaa 8--Huntley-Brinkliey | @--Gunemoke | News PRIDAY | &4~As Vie World Turns i i. ' , MONTREAL (CP) -- The 6~Comparisons 8:00 A.M, | 28--Let's Make a Deal {{4 if / CBC's longest-running program, 7:00 P.M, 4--Captain Kangaroo eases } has one of the smallest au- 1--Littlest : M, Ps 7-28 Ee : ue rents Haee ee bei ar 7~--Newlywed Game i diences. 8--Littiest_ Hobo Based ott a> olde oe The show is Northern Mes Ore SeeE srineacictetnancnsiilcii + padal Weather | 7-- Dialing for Dollars, $-2--Days of Our Lives 4 1 zs senger, a short-wave radio pro -- ne Features Syndicate x2 f s-Forett mangers GW Talk he eT Ss hel hes WD gram of news and messages té¢ -- --Green Acres 9:00 A.M, 'S : | é > ities i THIS |9 ALVIN 3--Huntley-Brinkiey !l--Morning Musicale #:2---The Doctors M and between COMMIURION Uh the | 7--A Time for Us | ) ; TM TAKING JN ur Mina ie rh a ea a | 6 --Coronation Street | Canadian north, A ; /| H News leather, | sai 8 ith Sports 4--You and Your Family | "~tinkletter's Party | Typical items on its daily te PAM 2~Bozo's Big Top ate BP og iu quarter-hour can be an urgent ; ee { | r ur rf " §-2-Darnel Boone | 9:0 ALM, e-h-cAnoner Werks YO HEALT e message: 'Come home, Moth- 7--Batman 9--Uncle Bobby 7--General Hospital | UR H er's sick!" or cheerful greetings 4--Love of Life 2.25, P.M. | 6--Square World | 8--~Smile Time 6-43--To Tell The Truth to the family and friends from | I)3--Let's Go to the | 2--Jaek LaLanne 4--The Munsters | . 4 1 igo ® . . : an Eskimo youngster studying | Races Brass "ieee e ication 0 Al "2 |in the big city, | 6:00 PLM, 11---Ed Allen Time 3:30 PLM, | 11~Mike Douglas | 8-2--Eye Guess \--Funny Company ' : . Northern Messenger was be- sical | 41 Love Lucy | 2 I's Your Move T. aa. : gun in 1932 at the suggestion of 7 a vite Asie pi 7 ee ~ ean baba es Aca a British ship's captain, to keep ( - Hawkeye | ! iu AAU prea l4tan Vanen : up his crew's spirits. Ti is main- oh are Medco Ce lig, ae | Site Your Move +2--Concentration \, A ts tained primarily to keep in alg Rags Reser -- : ": aredo. --Donna |9-- 1 love Lucy R touch with the' outside world 7--Double Life of Henry| 4--The McCoys Match Game 3 8 ouch: we eo GuCae ae A phyte | Time Out é&---Secret Storm By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, M.D. P those remote communities | 4--My Three Sons 11:00 AWM. 3-6--Vacation Time | ; , i ic BUTCH JUST BEAT GOSH, THAT'S NOTHING WELL, WE USED «AND THE WINNER GETS | 9:00 PLM, in Long John 'Silver | 2-Merv Griffin | Dear Dr. Molner: I have ajtaminated food or drink, or tc Rib no ps yond go Bird PLAYING CHECKERS /| |TO GET SO EXCITED ,| | GUMBROPS FOR TO SAT ALL OF 'EM / 11--Gilligan's Island 9--Mr. And. Mrs | 4.0 P.M. | Virus of the liver, or hepatitis.|from polluted water. Leaking] aircraft service and those whic LI'L ABNER THE LONE RANGER © Keng Feameens Syadeane, Yor ene, Ine, 1906, World sights rocerred, SECRET AGENT X9 © King Feateree Spee Tha eed | @ tee Fan Sees a We KEY MOUSE * " MI( $30 PM, | ¢-Summer Fon 2-8--You Don't Say CHECKERS... bat {ely lt SP ounain pull di Saar eer. {I am on a diet eliminating sewage lines, especially if seep-}cannot be reached during the +--Movie J-Ed Allen Time le--Yaol Bear greasy foods, but the doctor|age gets into the basement, can/spring thaw or the fall freeze- | @3----1 Dream of Jeannie '4 4Andy of Mayberry | 4--Movie said that medication would not|be a real risk. Ihave in mind|up. sister Mente > !he of much help. a dilapidated apartment house; The program is expanding, CROSSWORD | How long does hepatits last?/which had bathroom leaks. A/not contracting, as settlement |What foods should be gg dozen or so nen of -- in the Arctic increases. Its SD ee poe ' /nated? Is there a chance of}broke out in that one building. headquarters were moved to pros see feted 9 -- E jhaving the virus more than) jf you know or strongly sus-| Montreal from Winnipeg to en- tion of Fast noun j jonce? Will there be damage to) pect that you have been ex-/Courage eastern Canadians to pain . Hideous 20. Weep PIO. 7 jthe liver?--H. M. : posed, gamma globulin can be/use its facilities, . Delighted 3. Hint 22, Japa- : | Your doctor is perfectly right.| given and it is an effective pre-| Northern Messenger _ trans- Di | 9. Debate . Boundary nese | Viral hepatitis (liver infection) ventive, However, it must be| mits Mondays to Fridays at CHAS. ; | . Competi- thicket sash caused by virus) cannot be/given early after exposure. It/9.15 P.M. EDT on 15,190, 11,720 KUHN shin tor . Molar 23, Um- cured by medication; we do not) gives ittle continuing protec-| 95.60 and 31.17 metres. . Arranged tooth pires S have a type which will attack/tion, and does not act like a 'cipediasi systematic- . Covers 24. Mild such a virus, Discovery of} vaccine, It just boosts your re- -- _ ~-- ~ - 4 LT Ss = Oe ences $0 TONIGHT ILL )- Caw, --] NEITHER DOES GRANDP«! ally aneer: 26. Act Yesterday's Answer |@'ugs which would combat vi-jsistance to the disease at the SALLY'S SALLIES Ow | ul S ] SE ciehtenimemenmmmmaenmead D® = : : <I GwBe we Pap tairiy Oe nr io anes HAVE FRIED ShANA SO JUST LET HIM TELL ME 3. Silly surface wildly ruses the way antibiotics com-|time of exposure. TO CURE HIM.. Y Hi LIVER... y- ad LiKE 'OR LUNCH...! 4. Elfin . Miss 28.Guidonian 37. Living & atv LUNGH...AND THE FRIED LIVER... , deel 5. Origins Gardner note quarters bat baceria would be a vastly nT) T n WAS BROLED don't think the research people! sible at my age (34) to have y article namesakes name stringed . : & opre| si CHOSEN j wy Ovules 8. Norseman 33. Forebodings instrument jaren't avidly seeking such/dizzy spells and hot flashes? } : ERR i "Hankering 9. Matters 34, Canyon 39. Across | drugs! However, we don't have! haye them often. My doctor ",, | 17. Indefinite and 31. Man's 38. Hindu important step forward. And| pear Dr, Molner: Is it pos- . French 11. Man's 36. Shinto 42. Constella- any such now only tells me, "You're getting article nickname temple tion Viral hepatitis one of the self-| gld."--Miss J. .L. . Grampus 7 limited diseases. The body} . More 2 gradually overcomes the virus,), _ ani t infrequent Ya LAs + [just as it overcomes other virus| sat them. But TE 'i. 7. Insurgent ZY infections: Viral pneumonia,|With age as an exp! ' GZ % MUGGS AND SKEETER Yes, it's possible--since you) ewer N se is S- . Cunning flu, colds, but it takes time. AD] sib ogi ideas nd sgl at see \ ans attack may last a month or two, hg fat ie ang aenat trentinent nickname vith gradual recovery. Be, ; ; . Existence se doctor has already|' ease the symptoms is pos- aa) AFA WH - Alpha's scantial diet con.(Sible. I recommend a com- i t ' ces 2 ry GY given you the essential diet con- YOU WERE PROPOSING THAT'S RIGHT! ONLY YOU WERE partner Y } > . : i to MA G Y, Jus' \ T'S CORRECT. Re HARDY. Printer's sideration: Go easy on fats, CNeetnaie ether posstealiticn- "Just a min Mi re' : ec angele Al JUST \ T'S CORRECT. wi ee " oe : po sagt rm Y fried foods, greasy foods. This ty a ute, Madam, we're IEFORE YOL FFICE } } iF asure ' ,;anemia, faulty nutrition, inade-| CALLED YOU WERE . R ae TRUE LOVE. THERE'S 36. Beauty is to relieve the burden on the cuate: deat ah wtundilar : dls: in papi codon ceo ASSURING ME THAT THIS y SOMEBODY ELSE, shop ; Z liver which manufactues juices) ders | . TIME IT WOULD BE Ww H } treatment which are necessary for digest-| ee | ca ' y fats. . DIFFERENT. HAT Metallie ing se Dear Dr. Molner: T am 16 and | woud be the ideal person to ae ' + Biblical + |REPEAT ATTACKS } Plan to ag | as . su 7 io, (refer you to a suitable surgeon. prophet | Yes, there is the possibility of|™Y nose ply Pag args ha In turn, the surgeon can guide Poe's repeated attacks, because the hag ae : itd > Ww an tjyou as to whether, for any bird first 'one does not confer im-|8¢! @ good surge "ey aa dod reason, a particular time would . Amid munity, Since each attack will} moved here recently byl . be best for you. (Alternatively, Salute leave some residual damage to have a family doctor--J. J. your county medical society h meuttiat the liver, every effort should be) There is no critical age formakes a practice of referring caselis made to avoid further ones this. By the time you finish high}people to qualified doctors of . Facial The principal source of this|school you no doubt will havejall kinds, including plastic sur- sched type of hepatitis is from con-a family physician, and he | geons.) ty World rights reserved JULIET JONES