WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Town Council Backs Animai Shelter Scheme WHITRY (Staff) .-- Whithy Town Council was asked Mon- day night to spearhead a cam: pe rd for a $50,000 animal shelter to cater for the bulk of! southern Ontario County, | The request came from Thomas Hughes, general man- ager of the Ontario Humane Society His proposal was to build the shelter to cover as many muni-| operate in financing the shelter, After discussing the subject town council] agreed to get the scheme on the move. A motion was passed asking that letters be sent to the clerks jwould run at around $6,000 a Hughes, would require $21,000) 5 a year to operate, Of this figure $14,000 would have to come in grants from the participating municipalities, Revenue from the shelier year, The Ontario Humane So- clety would make an annual grant to the running of the shelter. The shelter, he added, would not assume dog control sery- ices, This would have to be left A to the respective municipall- ties, The shelier would be respon- sible for animal welfare prob- lems, run a cheap and efficient WHITBY -- AJAX euthanasia service and run child education courses in ani- mal care If built, Mr. Huges went on, it would be an extremely mod: ern building centrally located fo serve the area it was cover: ing. of Pickering Village, Pickering Township, Whitby Township, East Whithy and Oshawa, There was some doubt as to whether. Oshawa would co- operate in the co-operative ani: mal shelter, Such a Mr, Whitby Girls Win Game In a senior ladies' softball;Judy Spencer, struck out two, ame in Whitby Saturday the! walked two and gave up.13 hits, | local girls edged the visiting' At bat the Whitby hurler con: Port Hope Knights 5-4, tributed two singles Knights) Shirley Kane, the Knights' Player Gilda Croft clouted out) piteher, allowed seven hits and a double and two singles, Doris) Mathews had two singles and al six walks and struck out eight walk and Sandra Berry banged batters. The Whitby pitcher,/out three singles. WHITBY PERSONALS Mrs, Peter Wolters and herjhome from a lengthy visit with daughter, Debbie, are on a relatives and friends in Saskat- three-week trip to Holland chewan. They also attended where they will visit her par-\the wedding of a niece while ents, Mr, and Mrs, C, Vancann|there, Enroute they visited and also Mr. Wolter's parents, | friends in Thessalon, Sault Ste, Mr, and Mrs. W. Wolters, They Marie and Fort William left from Dorval Airport, Mont real Mr. and Mrs shelter, said Built in 1911 the Altona Sehool in the hamlet of the same name at Pickering Township's Ninth Conces- sion was closed at the end Miss Dianne Goldring, 915 : Henry St., assisied by co-host: Stanley Broni-lesses Mrs, Charles Grills and shewski and family, Craig,/Miss Barbara Dawson, enter Theresa and Thomas ar ltained at a miscellaneous bridal spending a four-week vacation! shower in honor of Miss Judy motoring to the east coast 'Thomas who will be married They will spend some time in) Aug. 6 to Lioyd Dawson in All New Brunswick, Prince Edward | saints' | R iver hahaa Island and Nova Scotia, games were enjoyed and host- plese Ala Bell fd of rocks Belated birthday wishes to @s8e8 served a delicious salad' yy and Mrs, Norman Kim, son of Mr, and Mrs, Arn- Plate. nor, 520 West Point Cres old Ritz, who was three years a Fred and Jim Arnold have old Monday. returned from a motor trip to Best wishes to Mr, and Mrs.|California, They greatly enjoy- R. G. Sherman, 111 Athol St., ed visiting Disney Land, spent who are celebrating their 15th some time in Hollywood and wedding anniversary July 28 returned via Western Canada, PICKERING A four-year fell about Cariadian she the hours afier feet from Na O'Con Rose injuries Pickering Township Happy birthday to Donald = Mr, and Mrs, Harry Arnold, Sullivan, 305 Fairview Dr., who| 408 Centre St, S., flew to Shoal is celebrating his birthday to-|Lake, Manitoba, where they day. attended the funeral -of Mr. Arnold's mother, the late Mrs Mr, and Mrs, Hubert Verriet,/, ¢ Avanla, their daughter, Meme and son, Bill, = ot! oy tpt Dean, son of Mr. and Mrs, COBOURG = on ™ roa ney lt! yo Anthony Doleweerd, celebrated crops of raspberries and low relatives in Holland and will pig ¢irst birthday last Thursday, yields of canning peas, toma spend some time touring Rome. pinner guests for the occasion toes and grain crops are fac: »mbers of Whitby Women's Were his grandparents, Mr, andjing farmers in Northumber. samen invited vane 97 at|Mrs. Vernon Moore, Miss Shel- land and Prince Edward Coun: a pot luck luncheon as. the [ey Moore and John Dolweerd, "es because of the drought J Jay , sis of Mrs. Donna Martin j West Northumberland was ed cae, cottage, Venturer Advisor Ben LaHaye sprinkled with about one-quarter and Jim McDonnell, Queen of an-inch of rain last Thurs: Best wishes to Mr, and Mrs, ¢,, t Vent , shin ay. The Brighton area receiv- Ray Stubbings on the occasion ny urer, participated in only intermittent showers of their 14th wedding anniver- 'Ne Lindsay + Lakefield Ontario|and Prinee Edward County sary celebrated today. Centennial canoe race, This is hardest hit area, bathed in a qualification for the Trans--more than an inch of rainfall N ' en LaHaye, ' si oat nt a oe ge Ne ire Canada canoe race for 1967 A 800d rain storn, accompan ' ' jifrom Rocky Mountain H ied by hail, hit the Wooler area ond, Joseph, Debbie and Lori |/T0" ' untain House, mond, ph, Or"! Alberta, to Montreal. 0 while other fields within 20 are spending a camping vacay \/Derta, to Montreal, On Aug, | : j ' 1 they will take part in canoe miles were left dry tion at Arnprior, | Th lepart { agricul regatta and races at Curve @ department of agricult Mr. and Mrs, L,.G, Stevens, Lake, ure at Brighton reports that Whitby, and Mrs. John Mitruk Oshawa, recently returned Virtually no precipitation since Jan, 1 is little over half the amount for the same period last year From January to mid-July 19 inches of precipitation fell in 1965, So far this year 10 inches We some Ties Grants Approved Oreao Team gg ge Ae OTTAWA = Federal grants), PORT HOPE--In EOBA ban: specialist with the department totalling $111,795 to the Cottage|'@™ basevall Orono and Wel-|at Brighton, said the rain didn't Hospital in Uxbridge, nt,,|°°M*® played to a twovall tie indo much good generally have been approved, it was an:|@ 84me_ played Saturday in} farly planted grains are nounced, Monday Nationa Orn. . escore was deters) ebay! narmal_in height and ex Health and Welfare Minister ™Ne@ by a reversion to the/pected yield. Grain planted la: Allan J. MacKachen standing a: the end of seven full ter did not receive the benefit The grants will assist con innings of play. of the moisture, Stalks are struction of two additions to the Je jen of the eighth wel short and heads are light. heepital. as wall as a renova-|° had »* runners cross the nee le: gn al to be carried out Plate. The Orono half was not . eves i ike és on the existing building completed because of. darkness, i agarty said the grain Then Ria a balan 'wuiil The Orono batters had scored | and hay crops are reversed from Nang " Hes an addi. (Wo Puns during the inning, Two last year, The first cutting of by a ag an gh iy hod, batters were out at the moment / MAY Was one of the best in re- tional 22 active treatment beds the officials called tt ine cent years, In 1965, hay was and eight chronic care beds < aes 58 Stee. d 1 i They will also provide space Stn Taylor pitched seven and yield si emai i for a delivery room, an emer: ® half nang a me Nghe "Corn plants, approaching the te F re}} RamMe and struck o a By? gency treatment area, as well ae tive a sloses tees tasseling stage, are suffering as dispensary, laundry, and cen- West ink aver the pitching because of the drought, he said tral supply room chore, pitched to two batters The most crucial time for corn The renovations and retired the side, at bat West'(* after tasseling when the ears tions to the hit a triple are filling out will include : "If we get an average am operating room and providing ; Gary Smith was on the mound unt of rain from now 0, the more space for kitchen and '0! three innings in the Wel: corm will be all right. If we laboratory facilities, The addi..come cause, The two Orono) -- tion of an admission chest X.|Tuns were scored' off Smith. Hospital Aid allera existing building enlarging the and 13 with two sisters daughter of | med against BOARD CLOSES ALTONA PUBLIC SCHOOL of the school year in June The Area 1 School Board plans eventually to do away with all its one + room schools ta reconstruct the Rosebank Child Dies From Fall Injuries said the girl was playing on a old girl died Monday about four concrete ledge under the tracks|morning the bridge was patrol jled last year by CNR police but ithe officers were removed this jtional Railways bridge over the\and hit rocks piled against the! year aged 12 and 14, She slipped off the ledge jtrestle, then bounced and slam other rocks. five feet lower The girls had gone to a park bank, died in Scarboro Generalion the east side of the Rouge, were Hospital, as the result of head! River earlier and wandered jover to the bridge which is six Police miles west of Pickering Lack Of Rain Harming Northumberland Crops don't it will certainly reduce the yield," he said Vegetable crops are the main concern of farmers supplying local canneries, Garden peas in Prince Edward County have been a disappointment The specialist said that only half-ton yields were being har: vested in the same fields that, last year produced one, tow and even three tons per acre Raspberries in Prince Ed ward have failed to produce en ough fruit, Officials say there is practically no yield Tomatoes are approaching a critical time as the small fruit Start to fill out and ripen. The need is the same as for other crops more rain TOBACCO PICTURE Tobaceo producers the lakeshre area are fighting the drought with irrigation Their battle is not so much with the parched earth but with the withering heat through One tobacco farmer told The figure: 'in rough the Between the a field. and raced the of hour, (year-old tress, Mrs, lady ran a hounded bayine, and before the dog scampered a rabbit, houses, back to 8 Wirelied the contyite dog back, head fence the easiest thing in the world drooping snd | ashamed, E struggle over a wire fence hare feet and nightie, to the valage store our heroine|.. was asked | he| was running along the road in, her nightgown, r) Bags this; Wh i Was Opened ai inis eariy ware of her pet's heart con tion, Daisy's devoted owner Little Escapes Residents In Village Of Brougham BROUGHAM - AT 6 am, ann dow lant waale ere Were bare feet and night: along village im, Refore the scantily « attired Highway 7 of Broug:|i trio, It isn't i highway When Daisy spotted Ruth Hay. her tracks, There was no time eee eee See Forgetting her own ailin heart, she thats herd of cattle task over. They to its mistress, knew that at all costs, lest she drop in must be stopped old school system township's rural century in the area Will Neutralize Rinse Water Acid | TORONTO (Special) Ontario Water mission has approved the in- stallation of ties for acid rinse waste serve the Nicholson File Co, of Canada Lid, at Port Hope. be neutralized and solids settled | in an existing discharge to Gage's Creek and Lake Ontarie \Iation is 87,500 -- The asources Com- treatment facill- to Aeid in the rinse water is to lagoon before Estimated cost of the instal- ~Oshawa Times Photo 4 police spokesman said this At a recent meeting of Pick ering Township Council it was OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS Available At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. £., Qshowe 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each 5x 7 -- 1,25 each 20% Discount an Orders sued the unt n the distance she see decided they were not ng to have the interloper in ir field, so chased it back "Oh, well," she sighed as she " uess nO one saw me," Later hat day when she went y several why she) Which all goes to a rabbit and encaped trom her," vilage is. 8 sive' slese | where nothing unobserved can) pans." OE I aa at ee TAE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, July 26, 1966 jan 'overshadowing U.S. influ. jence,"' at a National Press Judy Scor Y 7 lee" 'ene he said AU uneneon, & said: US. Influence "Imagine a_nation that knows more about the American elec- CANBERRA, Australia (Reut- toral system than it does of its ar ennenens should returnjown and that follows events in 0 pectors" and apart from U.8. influence, Judy| LaMarsh, Canada's secretary of owned by Americans, We do not state, said Monday, } the 'spirit of the pros-|America more closely than it row a8 a nation does those of its own country, "Our companies are largely |believe that any company in the Miss LaMarsh, touring Aus-| country should act as other than tralia to pramote Canada's cen-|@ 00d Canadian company. tennial celebrations next year, | sald Canada remains proud of of companies where this does its "differentness" despite appear to be the case," "But we have a large number RENTALS | FREEMANS TORMALS FOR MEN At uss EEVE MEN'S SHOP 129 Brock St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-209) sea msec ----s AAAs BIG MONEY COMES FROM SAVING little money 4% VICTORIA and ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS CONTRACTS AND THE LAW lt has always surprised me how ather wise sensible people, who wouldn't cross @ busy street blindfolded, or sign a blank check in @ business deal, won't hesitate to endorse an uncomplete eantract when they're buying o cor Fortunately, in mast cases where this eccurs due te a shortage of time oF some other couse in the sales transaction, no harm resulta becouse the dealer is an honest and reputable businessman, But it In @ bod practice. The buyer should know exactly what he is buying, on whet terms, and in writing which he should understand , Sak he signs, Out-of-town buyers wha THOUGHT they were buying en suchy and-such finance terms, or specific optional equipment, ere the usual victims of mispresentation of this sort, In most cases they didn't receive a completed contrect until weeks after they had token delivery of their car and their first finance payment was due, b Ade: Aaeboen bh p 4 ly lose soles by honestly stating the monthly terms, only fo have an unserupuleus competitor verbally underbid them with figures that bear no rese nee te these leter filled in on the contract, p If you buy your car from Northside Chrysler-Dodge we want you te fully understand all of the terms of your sales agree. ment, It is just plain, good sense for you to know exeetly whet, and in whot terms, your hard-eerned money is buying, A ae GREY TRUST WHITBY of 3 or Mere Pietures stated that children in the area playing "chicken" with fast moving trains, The railway was asked to look into the situ. ation | Examiner that the molsture from the night before was off the tohaeco plants by 7 a.m Ry 10 a.m, temperatures were too high to water the fields. | If the plants are sprayed with| water in the extreme heat they are literally cooked in. the steam Fruit growers in the Bright: on - Trenton area say the ap: ple crop should be about aver- age. Early spring moisture is heing used up by the trees now while plants with surface roots are drying out j WANT FILMS MONTREAL (CP) A two man Soviet film delegation is in Montreal to discuss arrange ments for distribution of Cana- dian films in Russia, They wil! view the latest National Film Board productions and work out plans for acquiring rights to dis tribute these to theatres and television stations in the U.S.S.R BROCK WHITRY THE WHODUNIT Now Playing Show Each Evening Startina 7:30 60 seconds for you to guess the killer! One Complete SEVEN ARTS PRODUCTIONS Presents AWA 0 Y BEGINS 9:15 Recommended as Adult Enterteinment NDIANS Also 2nd Feature Attraction -- In Color Jules Verne's Adventure Story .., "FROM THE EARTH TO THE MOON" Starring -- George Sanders, Joseph Cotton,, Begins 7:30 ray service will also be pro. Smith struck out one batter and vided for, as well as improve. Walked one. James Eyden ments to patients' rooms did the pitching chore for the The construction and renova. dalance of the game and struck| tion programs are scheduled u! eight batters for completion by September At bat Welcome's Larry 1966 Martin had two free passes Due to the death of MR. H. H. GOODE the office at 601 Brock St. N. Whitby & Elevator at Myrtle Station WILL BE CLOSED ON WED., JULY 27th H. H. GOODE & SON LTD. Cc "Available for immediate delivery in : the following capacities" 460 GALLONS 525 GALLONS 600 GALLONS 700 GALLONS 1000 GALLONS IN SINGLE OR DOUBLE CHAMBER brooklin concrete = products iro. PHONE 2. 6653311 Seana NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER DODGE Would you really like to put some money away and let it grow for a year... and a second year.» Buy our new Growth Savings Certificates You receive $10.00 tor six years, That's a one-third increase in your money! Available in denominations of $10.00 upwards= they're cashable at @ special Nfe insure Also ask about our for every $7.50 you invest any time and carry nce redemption featura. income Savings Certificates} anda sixth year? CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE ae Taga siti