Pag a eee ay St Oe er THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, July, 22, 1966 17 |20--Real Estate for Sale | FARRCIRE CARD, is Yo scree. with rout sifeam, Ask for |20---Real Estate for Sole GORDON '20----Real Estate for Sale " JOHN F. |20--Real Estate for S Sale PIGEON near PETERBORO |20---Real Estate for Sale | 18--Mole Help Wented Sales & Service |20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Reel Estate for Sele 'SCHOFIELD-AKER '20--Reat Estate for for Sal Position Challenging position for mon (car preferred) 18 to 25, Solary, expenses, commis sion and bonuses. Complete training program, usudl company benefits. Call be- tween 2 and 4 om. and 7 to 9 p.m. Friday Mr, Davis. AUTOMOTIVE PAINTER WANTED APPLY GANNON'S AUTO BODY 335 Bloor Street West "TOOL MAKERS © AND WELDERS Call 668-4981 OR AFTER HOURS Call 668-5222 PRODUCTION CABINETTE ASSEMBLERS Reguired Steady Employment H. G. DESIGNS LTD Station Rd Pickering 942-3790 HELP WANTED -- Plumper, Experience necessary, Apply Gould Heating, New castie, of call 987-4223 LEAD, BASS ana organ for Oshawal Rhyinm end Biues group, Experienced Car desired, Call 623-3893 after 6 p.m. MACHINE OPERATOR wanted, Tele phone 666-5841 or after 6 p.m., call 725 0912, SALARIBO SALES POSITION open for} two men. Must be resident of Oshawa, Whitby, of Bowmanville and district three years or more, Age 75 to 48, mar ried, Opporfunity for lifetime career large financial organization. We offer pen sion, group tife insurance, medical « hospital insurance, Must have own auto mobile, Send full detalis to Box 3705 Oshawa Times, LICENSED MECHANIC required, Apply Canadien Tire, 31) Brock Street North, Whitby, Ont, EXPERIENCED waiter wanted. Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe $1 WORKING MEN WANTED -- Travel! with pay. Steady work, no skill or @x perience required. Salary, living quar ters, meals, transportation all provided.) Must be in good health, sober and tree tp travel, Apply in person only to --Mr.| Hudson, SelisGray Circus, Whitby, Fri-| day July 22 FARM carpenters, $2.60 per -hour up. Telephone 942-2622 from 7:30 a.m 4 p.m. and ask for Mr, F, Pike YOUNG MAN for Apply N and 1} mailing Division ef} foca! printing plant to fearn imprinting Yd addressing skills. Grade 1) mini flum, Night shift work, Must be con sclentious and industrious, benefits. Ap ply in person to General Printers Marketing and Malling Services Lid., 5. Simcoe St, & All; DB. A. Mouiden. MOTORCYCLE MECHANIC -- Full time.| Must have experience, Telephone 773-8711) WANTED -- An experienced cleaner for dry cleaning plant in the Oshawa area Mutt be able to manage plant and be; willing to Invest In the business, Our env ployees know of this ad. Reply in writing,| stating qualifications to Gox 37492, Osh awa Times MAN REQUIRED for janitor work, full| time job. 4 p.m, unfil 12 p.m. Apply Mr. | Campbell, Genosha Hotel WANTED ~ first took, experiens part-time grill cook, good on sieaks, good working conditions. Top salary, Call The Chet at 723 785) | between 4ands daity BUTCHER, full or paritime, also butch or's assistant, full time, Brock Farms, 513 Brock Street North, Whitby, 668-625) MIDDLE-AGED married man for dens and lawns, near Greenwood 'ur nished heated apartment, suitable for two. Phone 649-2024 | 19--Male and Female Help Wanted POWER SUPERMARKET Requires an EXPERIENCED FULL-TIME MALE Produce Clerk and Part time Cashiers Good starting plea- conditions salaries ont working Apoly MR, BAKER $64 King St. E. Oshawa 728-148] TRAVEL CONSULTANT Required in Oshawa persons with experience need apply Write Box 37661 Oshawa Times 20--Real Estate for Sale BEFORE YOU BUY SEE.,. Only FULL PRICE wy TO ONE N.H MORTGAGE Our » owr trained the 5 you Browse in ¢ no ob! gction ---- mo soles pressure te to samfort MODELS AT BUILT ON ADELAIDE CENTRAL AVE. E PARK BLVD @ BACKED and SOLD DIRECT -- SARICK HOME 3-820] GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-528) Ideal For The Large Family 1, @ This nearly new 4 bed-| room horne has the added ad- vontage of a 2 bedroom opart- ment with large living room, in) the basement. As on aid to) gracious living there is a wine cellar under the garage. Situated) on o well landscoped lot within! walking distance of schools ond! shopping moke this on ideal) family home with added income | $1000 Down Payment | | Be sure to see these packed elegant | New designs and cellent Priced Trades considered 1}, @ If you are tired of pay- ing rent, this" neor" bungalow with full basement moy be vel onswer, Large kitchen and| hedged yard. Coll now for full| porticulors, the osking price is only $10,000 Variety Store il. @ Doing an excellent busi ness with two bedroom brick bungalow in good 'docation in eost end. Good proposition for couple. Phone now, youn Preferred Area IV. @ We have just listed a three bedroom brick bungalow in the North West area of the City. It hos an L-shaped liv ing room with built in Chino Cabinet in the dining area. The grounds are beoutifully land scoped, and this home is equip ped with storms and screens. We are sure you will like Call us to-night 2,000 Down VY. @ and owners will hold one mortgage for the balance for this 2 storey income home in| the North West area, This home is situated on a large lot and is presently occupied by two fom ilies, Immediate possession avail able. Call for further particulars Tobacco Farm Vi. @ 234 acres of farmland of which 68 acres has tobocce tights, Drilled well, three barns implement shed, eight tobacco kilns and driving shed, All equip ment included Priced to sell Don't linger, coll now for an appointment to inspect | | this one $4000 Down Payment Vil. @ Are you looking for a ranch style brick bungalow in a) good residential area in Whitby?) If so, this three bedroom home| with attached garage is well) worth inspection Completely) finished recreation room bar and many other attractive! fectures, Hurry and call now, | Here It Is At Last Vill. @ A 3 bedroom brick bungalow on a lovely lot. This immaculete home has a nice big} living room and a completely! finished recreation room with bar! and built-in speokers and re cord changer, Best of all it's @ bargain ot $15,500. and a low down payment takes it.| Be first to call on this terrific buy with al! its fine feotures now Hideaway Retreat IX. @ Just west of Pontypool with} Compact three room cottage on| | one acre of land. Well, picnic table, nicely grounds and stream, Immediote possession. Priced to sell $17,900 Full Price X, @ for this beautiful large tive | room bungalow with hollywood) | kitchen, spacious living room and three master sized bedrooms. | This one yeor old home hos just been completely decorated and ready for immediate occupancy. | To inspect, . call .now Home With One Acre Of Land X!, @ Suitable for V.L.A. Lo cated on Rossland Road East. Three bedrooms, al! aluminum! doors and windows with new alu siding. Call today to in Just $300 Down Payment @ Will buy this spacious bedroom serni-detached home located in Ajax Large kitchen and living room plus finished recreation room provides plenty of room for a growing family. This home car ries for a low monthly sum of $110 incliding the taxes, Call How for on appointment will be pleased to through this home at your con venience Immediate Sale Wanted XH, @ This four bedroom back split level home is taste fully decorated and attract andscoped. Realistically for immediate sole n the South East area on Wake field Drive. At $21,900 this tremendous value, Look ogree minur spect XII three brick Wwe show you Located t ove and you OPEN 2-6 p.m, this weekend PARADE OF HOMES MODEL AT 623 ATHOL ST. EAST new volue family homes floor plans. Ex values and financing within ond reach | poyment your low down Coll 723-528) lars Open pn Afte Bob Cooper talo Bortok Steve Englert Jean Peacock ack Groham El. Ann Thomosor Roy Flintoff Leon Monitius Evelyn Casse Leonard Bisse Judi O'Donne George Nymeyer Lieyd Corson Luces Peacock Dick Young full for porticu daily from 9 om hours call 728 728 123 725. 728 72 728-2 725.37 725-2 725- 723-2 723- 723.7183 is | GUIDE REALTY LTD Reoltors wooded | | LTD. 723-2265 Over A Quarter Century Of Service OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. TO 9 PLM. INCOME HOME -- BOWMANVILLE This fine older two storey duplex has living room, din- ing room, kitchen, 2 bed- rooms and bath on the north side and the same number of rooms and ore bedroom on the south side. Equipped with two new gas furnaces. Locat- ed in the town's north west area. Call now and arrange to inspect. , ROSSLYN HEIGHTS Aliractive two siorey home in| Cape Cod design with attach- ed garage, only & years old, Nicely decorated and broad- loomed, separate dining room ond @ 23 ff. 'living room. Listed $24,900 OUTSIDE THE CITY We hove just listed a real nice home only minutes from Oshawa in the East End. This home has mony oftractive features and is situated on a large lot 106' x 160' all nice- Iv landscaped, Listed at $20,- 900 ond only 6 years old. It miaht be just what you ore lookina for, call vs to-night SOUTH EAST $11,900 -- good older brick bungalow, only four rooms but just right for a retired couple Garage and o lovely gorden, Hot water oil heot- FOR RENT 1 and 2 Bedroom Apartments Prestige Living at a price you can afford Call for particulars GIBB ST. Stucco Bungalow with two bedrooms, this is a well kept older home with a good size aarden, Full price $14,000 NORTH WEST SPLIT LEVEL Seven room home, 4 yrs. old located on o beautifully land scaped lot 132' x 63', This home features built in stove ond oven, brogdioom in liv- ing room and hallways. Fin ished Rec Room and a patio, 4 pc, and 2 pc, baths, Coll us now for on appointment to inspect IVERNESS DRIVE Almost new 3 bedroom split home with attached garage Very lovely home in North West location. Listed at $22- 900 SIMCOE ST. NORTH This beautiful bungalow is situated on an extra large lot which makes it ideal for o swimming pool or large gar- den. Home is beautifully fin- ished inside and out and would be perfect for o lorge family as basement is com- pletely finished with extre kitchen, Have a look to-night - you won't be disappoint- ed OPEN HOUSE TODAY IN BEAU VALLEY Afternoon 1:30 till 4:30 Evening 6:30 till 9:00 For full particulars call 723-2265 Maible Boudreou Ed Drumm Mike Belmonte Irwin Cruikshenks Bill Johnston Allan Thompson Irene Bro Mel Dale Marg Hall Win. Yasmanicki Reg Heard 725-0201 Bill McFeeter 725-1726 Member of the Oshawo ond District Real Estate Board WE LIST EXCLUSIVE AND M.L.S MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360 King St. West Free, easy, safe parking 728-2233 725-9245 725-8300 728-5205 728-1066 728-2870 725-3867 623-5638 723-1358 728-2349 wn \A/ RANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED Street West BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 Member Oshawa & District Rea! Estate Boord $15,500 Port Hone, 3 new homes cellent volue. Easy terms 5,000 Taunton Rood East homes by Ochonski tion. Eesy terms 200 $5,800 Ex 3 new Construc Lots 75 x room summer cottage lake frontage x. 366', 2 Oshawa. $2,000 down $2,000 West Bowmanville Act Beoct Fully furnished cottage t on this one 'ast CALL 623-3393 After 9:00 P.M 623-5055 623-3077 723-7843 723-5787 728-0196 723.7900 Ken Hockin Pat Yeo Clare McCullough Joe Barnoski Andy Keys Rod Kruger Howard Forde Brooklin seorge Beaton Port Perry 655-3853 985-2987 osporne DEWITH! REALTOR TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 48 SIMCOE ST.-5, Opposite Oshawa Post Office DIAL 728-5157 218 DUNDAS ST, E. WHITBY 2 Doors East of Post Office DIAL 668-8826 INCOME AND HOME NEAR G.M Home with 2 apartments and rental income from parking bet, Owner-retiring to-Englond wishes quick sale on this: 8 room, 2 storey home near downtown G.M:; Some extras include; stove, rotor T.V. oer- jal, etc. You can live here ond let apartments and pork- ing income poy the bills. Not much to do here with clean decoration to greet you, Ask- nig $24,400. with reason- oble down payment CLOSE TO HENRY ST. HIGH WHITBY Like o quiet street with nice yord neor schools. If so why not let us show you this 3 bedroom brick home with partially finished recreation room, all clean decoration ond a fine 6% mortgage, monthly payments only $109 includes taxes COCHRANE ST. WHITBY EXECUTIVE 4 bedroom brick with 2% boths, 2 cor attached garage, stone fireploce, family size kitchen, Situated on wide 133' frontage lot with surprisingly low taxes. Dod hos a den here too, All for $27,000 3 BEDROOM BRICK IN WHITBY -- $15,700 Close to good schools in. po pulor South west orea of Town Clean decoration, double paved driveway. In terest on mortgage only 6% Recreation room and fourth bedroom in basement. Inspect and moke vour offer before it is too late ADELAIDE AVE. OSHAWA $12,900 2 storey brick with double qarage, new furnace and new roof,, Neat landscaping and lower taxes. An economical family home worth investi gating, 90 don't leave it too long. Call us tonight OPEN HOUSE Corner of Oriole and Apple Grove Oshowa from 1 P.M to 9 P.M. daily. Drop by this week-end and see these 3 ond 4 bedroom homes, Drive east on No, 2 Highway to Keewo- tin, turn south to Apple Grove and wotch for our signs CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST RALPH SCHOFIELD SUPERVISOR REAL ESTATE DEPT. $2,500 DOWN This lovely 3 bedroom bun golow is a real bargain. The owner has been transferred and must sell at once. All reasonable offers will be con sidered. Near Public, Separ ote ond High Schools. Call ot once for appointment on this exceptional opportunity SOUTH OSHAWA Modern back split bunga 3 bedrooms, spacious kitchen and dining area Large micely finished rec room opens to a well land scaped back yard, Atteched ani Near schools quired FULLY SERVICED LOT NORTH WEST OSHAWA 66' x 10} full price $7 200 very suitoble for executive home in a lovely quiet area open Spacious area surrounding PRESTON RD, NORTH Most attractive parcel of 10 acres with 525' on Preston Rd. North (about 820° deep Asking $8,000. Make ofter SCENIC TEN ACRES Pond and hardwood bush --- superb building site for Coun try home. School bus pest door, Located just 8/2 miles from Oshawa in Raglan crea Plan now to enjoy privacy and spacious outdoor living 10 acre parcels $5,000, $2,- 500 down THE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE OF CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST WILL HELP YOU TO SELL OR BUY LIST WITH CENTRAL TRUST PHONE 723-5221 AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL Tom Houston 668-4416 Chories Choptor 723-7996 Ralph Schofield _728 3376 112 Patricia 4 bed, 2 storey 725-9478 GET SPOT CASH WITH TIMES ACTION ADS low separate and public Reasonable offers re residential HYMAN WANT ADS ed prospects every day Real Estate Limited BOWMANVILLE 14 Frank Street 623-3950 MEDALLION HOME Brand new, brick ranch style bungelow with attached double garage. Weill built with the best of moteriol, Under ground wiring, Mahogany « ds, doors and trim. Many, mony extras. Only $5,- 000 n. NEAT AS A PIN 5..roomed_ almost. new. brick bungalow on nice wooded fot. Oil heated, 4 pc. bathroom. Aluminum storms and screens. Priced to sell LOW DOWN PAYMENT Fora 5 roomed 2 storey home in Janetville, Full price $3,- 000 CHOICE LOCATION 5 roomed almost new brick bungalow with finished rec, room, Extra plumbing in base- ment. Balance in convenient N.H.A. mortgage. Very onxi- ous to sell CLOSE TO PARK 6 roomed clean home with all new plumbing Ultra modern kitchen. T.V. tower Nice shade trees. Price re- duced to $13,250. Very anxi- ous to sell SPLIT LEVEL, OSHAWA New very modern with stone fireplace in basement. Finish ed rec. room. Extra washroom, Only $2,416.75 down BOWMANVILLE, MAIN STREET 8 roomed brick home with all modern conveniences. Double gorage. Extra 600 sq. ft. stor- age space, Only $10,900, Terms 2 ACRES, EAST OF OSHAWA roomed almost new brick home. All modern con- veniences Double garage Close to school offers considered, 4 UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING In Port Hope. Oil heated with bathrooms in each apt, All rented Asking $15,000 Terms BOWMANVILLE 8 roomed partial new brick home, with 2 kitchens, 2 bathrooms, Close to school, stores, hospital etc, Oil heat ed, Very anxious to sell 4 BEDROOMS 8 roomed home with all mod ern conveniences. Hardwood and tile floors. Neat and clean, Asking only $12,900. Terms We List Exclusive and MLS With 6 All REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King Street West 728-6286 PAYS FOR ITSELF Close to downtown--7. room 2 storey brick home con accommodate roomers and boarders or suit a large fam ily broadloom in living and dining rooms alum storms and screens rotor controlled TV antenna modern kitchen, Hurry and call now this home must be sold JUST PICTURE Yourself in this lovely 6 room brick back split com- plete with large finished rec room --~ wall to wall natural stone fireplace and bar plus o 4th bedroom for guests oii finished at lower level----built in stove and oven ---- Colonial style kitchen and vanity in bath --- mony more desir- able extras that must be seen Call now for your personal inspection appointment ANXIETY CALLS for a quick sale on this nice 3 bedroom brick home with schools and playground park adjacent fenced and land scaped lot _ dluminum storms ond screens and mony extras. Buy for price and build your own rec. room to suit yourself. $14,700. ask- ing price. Now! bring us an otter BUY A LOT Build a home on this lovely treed north end location 60' x 125' of pricetss location nght now BARBER BUSINESS Very busy downtown Oshawa with parking facilities for customers, Can prove top turnover for 1-3 steady workers, Call for full porticulars OPEN 9:00 A.M. 9:00 P.M Call shop now OSHAWA REALTY Investment Properties Resales -- New Homes Free Valuations 728-9466 OSHAWA REALTY (Bond St.) LTD. 25 Bond West reach thousanas or Take advantage terest | of the vast audience By telephon ne 733 3492 Cottage with Lot | ¢9 ONE 92,775 ¢ 50 DOWN wwyy $47 Monthly PAYMENTS START SEPTEMBER 1966 IMMEDIATE = POSSESSION! LOT 75' x 200' surveyed with tamily-size cottage, 3 bed- rooms, erected. $2,995 cosh or Budget Plon, $50. down, $47 monthly, payments start September, 1966. Limited number; Year-round activities: Practical for retirement, Good roads, Open yeor round, Hydro, telephone, swimming, excellert fishing, woter ski- ing, booting, hunting, etc. Winter Ski-tow nearby, --N- JOY Summer, Fall, Winter Spring @ MEET @ Beside Toronto Dominion Bank, only bank in Omemee Highway 7 on the Peterboro to Lindsay Highway each day this week-end ot | p.m. and 3 p.m. No appointment nec essary OR -- Can be seen Monday to Fri day, day or evening, by spec ial appointment only, Phone PITTS HOMES AND COTTAGES LTD COBOURG, ONT. 372-9494 CARL OLSEN REALTOR 20 Ray Street 723-1133 WALK TO SCHOOLS Grade through to high. This charm ing split level minutes from Donevan Collegiate features four bedrooms or three and a den. 2-piece bathroom and 4-piece modern kitchen, Liv- ing room and dining room at- tached garage. Landscaped beautifully Situoted on Floral Drive in Oshowo's select oreo. Call George Twoite, 723-1133, evenings 723-2008 394 DIVISION STREET, Own- er leaving the country ond must dispose of this 5 room brick bungatow featuring 2 lovely bedrooms, beautifully decorated living room, com- poct kitchen and cosy dining room. This home hos another finished room in the base- ment with on extra 2-piece bathroom which brings in ex- tra income Private drive, garage and well landscaped Reasonable down payment and owner will hold the mort- gage with reasonable monthly payments. Call George Twaites ot 723-1133, even- ings, 723-2008 $15,900. FULL PRICE FOR THIS three bedroom home on Shakespeore Avenue. Only minutes from McEwen Senior Public School ond Colpus Public School. Owner leaving city and must sell this tine home, Call Ernie Holmes for appointment to see. 723- 1133, of 725-0387,. Carl Olsen Realtor, 20 Ray Street H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD Open Daily From 9AM, to9 PM $900 DOWN Brand new | ! 3 bedroom twin homes. Near Oshawa Shop ping Centre. Beautifully de- corated. Completely sodded front & Rear, Huge kitchens Vanity bathrooms. Call 728 1656 TRADE Your present home on this 3 bedroom bungalow at Harmony and Olive Oil heat, Immediate possession. Or a low down pay- ment will handle. We also have new homes where we will ac cept your old home as port of the purchase price, Call 728 1656 $90 MONTHLY 2 bedroom bungalow. Needs decoration. Asking $13,500. Call 728-1656 AFTER OPM Bill Hubbell 728-3475 ack Shephard 725-6113 Doug Trivett 723-7390 Dick Pocok 623-7465 Charlie R 668-6389 ckson TWO LEFT FOUR BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS, WALK - OUT BASEMENT, SCHOOLS, BUSES, SHOP- PING, NORTH END N.H.A. 64% %, $500 WINTER BONUS, J. B. McMullan REAL ESTATE BROKER 725-3557 Cost- They Pay | Want-Ads Don't KEI |PETERS REALTY LIMITED 728-7328 103 KING ST, EAST REALTOR TWO ACRES ---- Approxima- mately two acres vacant land, This is a V shaped property and hos roads on all three sides. Asking $2,800. 15 ROOMS --- 2 storey home with 10 bedrooms, now rent- ing at $20 per week each plus owners living quarters. Lecated-on-Brock-Strest-close to downtown, Asking $8;000 down, Lot size 63 x 132. VILLAGE PROPERTY ~ Cleon spotless and modern brick home with spacious liv- ing and dining room, large modern kitchen, 2 bathrooms, hot water oil heating, nicely londscaped lot with trees, JUST LISTED --- 40 acres of excellent land with some trees ideoj for subdivision, zoned for 1200 sq, ft. homes, walking distance to new high school and public . school Close to bus services ATTENTION SPECULATORS Store Warehouse large family home, good cor- ner lot on 2 paved roads close to Oshawa. Asking $25,500 TRY $700 DOWN -- West end location, 5 rooms PRESTIGE HOMES FOR THE @ Executive @ Professional @ Businessman r Just One Look will convince you these are the best values in Oshawa in luxury homes, located on Walnut Court, Harmony Vil- lage FEATURES @ 4 floor plans @ 2,100 2,500 ft. @ deep ravine lots with stream @ 400 square ft family room with fireplace @ separate dining room with balcony @ built in dishwasher @ wall to wall broadioom in living room @ dining room, halls and bedrooms @ inter com system throughout house and 2 car garage plus all the standard 'features on todays modern homes @ Down pay- ments $5,500 @ Your pres- ent home new or old could be accepted as a down pay- ment K. R. BELL 723-654) SIBBY'S REAL ESTATE LIMITED 728-7576 EXECUTIVE TYPE BUNGALOW Large prestige 7 room brick home with Rec. room and bar, living room with fire- place, 17 x 12 den and chil- dren's playroom plus walk-out bosement.. Lot well landscaped and all secluded with a high hedge. Home has a carport and breezeway. This was a Model home 7 years ago, dis- ployed by a prominent build- er. Owner very anxious to sell. Call now for appointment to inspect SWITZER DRIVE Spacious 5 room brick bung- alow with two finished rooms in the basement, large land ped ict Family room on main floor just off the din ing room. This home in very nice condition and must be sold now. Full price only $20,900. with $5,000. down Balance one open mortgage To inspect these fine homes, call Anthony Siblock at 728- 7576 List on M.L.S. through S/B- BY'S your friendly agents CITY TAXES ? PRICES ? TOO HIGH ? Come See Armstrong Homes in beautiful Southwood Park AJAX Priced from $17,600 Soid exclusively through GRIFFIN Real Estate Limited 942-3310 ' Realtor LLOYD Metcalt # corTatTe try A REAL ESTATE-4TE; 40 King St. E. SECLUDED LOT If you are in the market for a smoll 3 bedroom home on quiet well landscaped fot away from the noise. CALL NOW! Asking only $13,500 ROOMY HOUSE or APTS. Your choice! Three duplexes and one nine room, roomy house completely equipped. Starting ot $14,900. BARBER and BEAUTY Six room home with oftached shop and duplex, Good west end location TWO BEDROOM BRICK Immaculote bungalow in east end, also 3 bedroom 1% with gorage. Both listed at only $13,400. OPEN EVENINGS TILL. NINE Dial 728-4678 725-9365 728-5836 725-8585 Bob Johnston Jack Osborne John O'Driscall Jack Hogan 728-1554 Joe Maga 725-9191 MEMBER O.D.R.E.B We List Exclusive ond MLS BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED DOWNSVIEW SPLIT LEVEL 1 year old, 7 room split level with otteoched goroge, Fea- tures built in stove and oven, loads of closet space ond cupboards, good size living room, separate dining room, 3 bedrooms, 4 piece ond 2 piece bath, large fami- ly room, full basement. Choice location. To inspect just call Roy Yeo at 725-2217. WHITBY SPECIAL Clean 3 bedroom, modern 5 room brick bungalow, asking $13,900. Vendor says take offers, Carries complete $97. month, Quick possession. Call Jack Appleby ot 723-3398. 101 Simcoe Street North Member O.D.R.E.B. TRADE 1 new. seim-detached, Osh- owoa 2. new country homes on 35 highway 3 new brick bungalows, Port Hone 1 new, 11. suite eportment building, Port Hope, FOR any suitable form property city or Call baat 7 aa -7843 W. FRANK Ret ate a. | TRADE ! | TRADE ! | TRADE ! We speciolize in trading your present home. Toke the fuss and worry out of buying a new home. ).B. McMullan REALTOR 725-3557 -- 668-6201 free siustrated eal Reattor, ve er TE Tae Herm: home, a ROOM b 'price, $13,500, Pevneme $117, cipal, interest, and taxes to NHA Mortgage. Centrally. locate' ai Mar- rer Lee, Griffin Rest Limited, im 1 schools, m. throughout, $15,900; 6 per cent NHA, i Fehephone ering 942-6558. eee the East Gut Ce fy fhru_ traffic). need OU ri Full price bi tries hig bd ms i @ bring Mage cari $125 r cent Bonus avail- ie Bl and fo ay 7 6% Ni Fae 1656, H. the down |fatiien Real Estate Lid. . 20c--Summer | Properties COUNTRY HOME with Indoor conveni ences, $1,500 down. Fourteen miles remy Oshawa. Telephone 263-8853. |coLumeus immaculate seven Separate entrance, hardwood floors, fi place, sunporch jlandscaped back garden, Bill Ratecli | 655-4457 Keith Peters Realty Ltd. OPEN HOUSE -- 703 Tennyson, | fou bedroom. split-level with den, firepla double oorere beautiful view. Come and 7 to 9 p.m. Don Inspect, 2 to 4 p.m.; Stradeski, Realtor, 723-465). FIVE-ROOM house for sale, "newly de rated. Ideal for economical living, $12,000. Telephone 728-0929. NHA winter bonus, if you 'quality, Call 723-0575, overlooking attractively room {house and 2 offices with washroom and re- itfe ur- ce, CO. FIVE-ROOM FRAME bungalow, %4 a vere| of land. Very clean. Storms and screens, }Modern conveniences, Stove and fridge.} | Suitable for VLA. Only $15,300, terms ar- ranged. Call D. Gower, 728-1005 cr 6 3393. W, Frank Real Estate Limited. 123- } ITHIS LARGE RAVINE lof will provide! scenic beauty and country living, Mus!| be seen. Only $5,000 and terms 'can be| arranged, Call D. Gower, 728-1005 or 623-| 3293, W. Frank Real Estate Limited WELL LOCATED S83-acre farm. good home with all conveniences ings able. Scenic view of Lake Ontario. property is well valved at $31,500 wi terms to be arranged. Call DO. Gower, 7: 1005 or 623-3393, Limited, THREE-BEDROOM, Built-in steve and oven, broadioom, Close to Shopping Centre ai buses, Telephone 773-9503. Bul LOVELY FIVE-ROOM brick ~ bungalow, Close to school and Gen. north Oshawa eral Motors, on big lot with extra lar: ag Very reasonable, easy terms. C Arthur Weinberger Real Estate, 725-8851. ranch| FIVE-YEAR-OLD, three-bedroom | bungalow, with attached carage, large lot in Courtice, near schools, ed recreation room with fireplace, $23,000. 723-6337. $3,500 FULL asking price for. the 7-room frame dwelling on rustic 80° x 170° lot, decorating will 35-minute drive from structually sound, but help. Guaranteed 4 corners. Call George Mari brook 932-2943 or W. O. Martin, Realtor, 728-$103 $1,900 FULL price for frame dwelling {lake in Oshawa, Unrepeatable valve. Call Marilyn Fitzgerald 668-5313 Martin Realtor 726- "5103. GOOD opportunity to acquire ably priced acreage in city, four acres. Your offer's invited. Plea call Mr. John Sandy 725-8010, or W. Martin Realtor, 728- $103. or W: TWO YEAR OLD 3 bedroom brick bun- close to public and high schools. owner anxious to go farming. Your personal in John galow Beautifully landscaped. Present spection gladly arranged by Mr Sandy, 725-8010 or W. O. Martin Realt 728-5103 COUNTRY LIVING at cal, within commuting distance Oshawa. This modernized 1% home is ol! heated and features moder ted hollywood kitchen, 3 bedrooms « acré lot, goes right down to Asking $10,500 with terms. Please Walter Mittler 728-5108 its most econorr W, Frank Real Estate on com:/ pletely decorated, with Hollywood kitch- en and mahogany trim throughout, finish- reason- just under Very | LAK® scucoe id-| beach, in perfect condition, all land work- This ith 28- nd ge all 0. se 0. or from storey n and river. 778-7083 or W. 0. Martin ' _For Sale or Rent OPEN HOUSE This weekend ot Emerald isle located on Buckhorn Lake, only 60 miles from Oshawa, Emerold Isle is an ideal re+ tirement home location, This week we ore featuring a ranch plank cottage complete ex- terior finish, bedroom closet doors, 3 pc. bath, drilled well, 100 omp = service, kitchen cupboards, patio doors, porch, 3 bedréoms. Size 24 x 36', Total price $8,373.00 with the best of cottage terms. For further detoils call H. McGRATH or K. FAIRBAIRN Bowes and Cocks LIMITED Peterborough office 742-4234 or Direct Toronto Line 4-7471 DIRECTIONS: from Bridge- north Ontario cross Chemong Lake couseway and follow signs to Emerald Isle. "RETIREMENT COTTAGE" Pigeon River, within 1 mile of the town of Omemee, com- pletely insulated frame bun- galow for the couple who wish to enjoy ¢ "fishing retire- ment', Living room, dining area, kitchen, bathroom end 3 bedrooms are all lined and insulated; have tile ceilings, with tile and line floors, Open front and enclosed rear porch- es. Garage for storage, ete, Extras include fridge, stove, hot and cold running water, duotherm oil spece heater with fan end 250 gal, oil tank, T.V. and aerial, 12° fibreglass boat, Completely furnished, H.D, hydro, Situat- ed on @ lovely grassed lot 90' frontage by 250' deep, Iliness forces owner to sell. Only $9,000 with $4,000 nm and vendor will hold mortgage for balance on very good terms. information, For -- further I u] p stoned ca pre Wreight, 742-4234 screened porch, fully furnished, T FOR $ SALE -- or rent, | ine = room cot. age, pores: Pleasant Point, Stu ------------___--. | Cait brick veneer eon b wail to wall) BANCROFT -- | cottages for rent. veniences. Vacancy July 30 - | Augest 20 - September 3. G. age, large lot on peautitor Eels __.|2 hours from Oshawa. Excellent road all at|the way. Priced to sell at $5,800. $2,000 down, Frank Real Estate. CAESAREA -- Cottage, 4 rooms, ?-plece bath, insulated, furnished, with 4 cabins, large tot, Realtor ry Call Marvin Nesbitt, Nestie ton, 986-489. |GOLDEN | CF "three - tage, fishing, August. phone 725 a7 4. from $3,700 located only thirty minutes from Oshawa in high quality development. Lakeshore lots also available. FOR DETAILS CALL 723-0353 FURNISHED COTTAGE Located at Lakeview on Lake Scugog. Grounds and cottage in excellent condition. Boat , gual included. Asking Call 'CLARE McCULLOUGH At 623-3393 or 723-7843 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED Cottage for sale, private rooms, three-piece bath, patio, wemiereae:) Wasaed five all conveniences, decorated and Lake. elgrove Co. -_Ltd., 723-9810. - cottages with boats, 9 '00d fishing, modern i. be fear Roseneath, one hour's drive. lakefront + housekeeping rivate and with con- ta 4; Hood, 668 noneoRA =" Morrison Le Lake. 5 + room Cottage for rent, inside conveniences, el- ectric heating, sai safe beach, private. $85 miles from hriv & Available August-- .| September, ss LAKESIDE aaa Crow Lake near Marmora, indoor conveniences, ideal for Nites Avaliable soe 'auc phone 7 JUST IN TIME for "elders = 3 bed- 668-678: Tele- 25-5768 after 6 cottay eniences, Extra Lake, only 2, Call Ken Hockin 623-3393, W. boat dock, . HH. Kelth, bedroom modern. inside conveniences, col Gord Safe beach, $55 weekly during reduced rates September. Tele- PER MONTH The cost of this ad, daily for one yeor. Teo. smoll = be noticed? ou're reading; we NDI