Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Jul 1966, p. 16

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fee ay 8 89H OE ay Ae mE ee: 16 THE OSHAWA TIMRS, Friday, July, 22, 1966 'Its July For Hot Weather.. Want Ads For Hot Results' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday & ts 12. 8--Articles for Sole 13--Articles For Rent __|17--Female Help Wanted UV, sell and exchange used furnl- TYPIST for mal \ SCOAT'S SCRAP BOOK J. SCOTT [tats St inc wa] = KAMPING ie BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | °° 20° eee Ata ae " mers, |e eh esting mec hiss Cor] TOWNLINE RD, NORTH |e " ae aera MANUPReTuRIR S66 5 sewing| 1. mile north of King St, E,) color, brand new, white! RENT-A-TENT-PLAN 5 nr yeti ; we | eee Brelle -- $1.00 Accountants Building Trades == |Gardening and Supplies [Plumbing and Heating Uy 4 TWh TASFERI AWD WEYIILRY Waavinancuil ao Et $4. 00 Week ly, ui! Ww -- . y ARCTIC, WAS DISCOVERED BY as ¥ m, = 5.30 p.m, References rex a as Certified General = TYPES of repairs and remodelling, 4 Letot J. BDELLOT oF THE HUDSON'S BAY eicogres 9x7 wee $2.00 unt be mare yo) Telloble, 205W, Oshawa Shop- Complete and used materinis, Reasonable| / 1) | ot 1BBI, As A MEW PARAGE. Condit : 0 ! pe ee 53. ASPHALT. os Ache rates, estimetes- tres, F2E-tiPly te Foley, ES <OHPANY 1 1851, hi ee WAS SHABLITHED Se et i x7 Pie Pick 93.00 gia ; ; PRIEDLANDER AND €O., Sales and Service ryan c PLUMBING AND WEATING up. MA AS ATRADE Route IN 1987 WHEN ONE a 705-0404, 10 Weekly, inn in Analy 8 $ tne WANTHD, ay Since. Stree On Gardening Equipment [Eth ce™etnnat inate Soa | \\ coun ur non AE SAPT MAC ANOIMR | Sret" peg ange Vera ane abi Well $3,00 'ie Tar. DRIVEWAYS ering, 258 eiomoing, Hn South, be / COMPANY § SHIP FROM Awe wast in THE 00 Wee! HB ee vel aa Unhel iH} STRAIT doors. Telephone 25-824 iverg Hi Wal $3.00 | Finance, i7 simeoe Stree! North, ea olstery Service ~ | ' / : - BABY CRIB and mattress, Blond owk eekly, acm, Eichaadith } j 'a. with colored itt In goed condition, ge -- $3.50 Telephone 668-6733, orth, » Oshawe. 728-7371, NBO. Charter- erin BEADLE AND CO, Toro, | Boy ond ed Accountants, arinenatal Trade ain Parking lots, gas station, etc. ail Sint d Ki , Oshawa, 1 Order. now énd $$ $ Yardman Lawnmowers tatfo, "284809, 8. Hopkina, CAy A. B. We anaes eee Wheel H de Bite Beadle, CA; E. Luke CA, We will grade, stone and neel Horse garden tractors, A po Hf ; HOB CLANCY'S "Accounting service pave, Complete job for only for recovering, Slip." covers m | Hi : sories, sales, rentals and repairs . We Da 00 W kf ARN EXTRA MONEY 7236 0381 uta ape if Sales or and Service is WE WORT WHITE. FALSE WHISKERS WHEN GROUND ij repair a ail ma j fi if one Complete, beekteer: oly Rog cin Ha sq. ft, Five years RUN DLE 'der, wpa veneer 5 Charles AI : ri b od Mcculloch 100 io outpotrd ol o. aan' fined tne cn Chrismas card bis % . "eee me _ | chain saw o } JOREPH BUTHARN,Carined Aur TYE eae oF tanaiticise \\ How MAHY r buy, deduct the rental fee |For ire, 'beaviivily llvstrated "cate Licensed Trustees 17. Bond Street Teme silabl p ee . Garden Centre Ltd. yea man : 1s , PP ua OME POUND 6-5: eens | you paid from the purchase ape. mere on oreceval, ne ean fast. Telephone 723-4833. ee ee ; Free eatimates, Crovit terms anne gyi '] | LOAvKS oF i0INCH HEAVY DUTY Moff price of the tent of your 1253 King ot, Hamilton ont - ALBERT HOSMAR, Charlered Accoun- $2 per week, Please call us 1015 King St. E. re-bullt, furniture refinished, aU wn OF BUN ORO) UGANDA BRLAD Wi). R 460) 9 cuble foot Meclary rer nl chelne, . ee: , ¥ fant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa,| anytime for free estimates holstering, 267 Dean Avene, 7250311, AFRICA, WAS THE ONE BUSKK $50, Both In good condition, 668-4947 after Other comping and vacation- | TABLE housekeeper required ia Ontario, Telephone 723-1221, and advice, 725-6551 PLANGEST KING ON EARTH oF WHEAT MAKE, z in supplies roller Rentols jorel "heueow orks tee i : R Barristers ~ ibis & chau MAve rene ME fo FLOUR, F 00? (is eed Pickup, dalivery 9 '| still available for August, Write Box 37649, The Oshawa Times. sarees ver eet vd cu ervice, t) Prep f. JONES, LLB, a ae CENTENNIAL APPLIANCE WAS DENOUNCED EVERY PAY BY THE ' PA pd Hg 19 H ium " FRANK KING wor Mi ri 6 a a me vi y mm By ROYA), CURSER AND HAD HIS YALET je. ) I chien a a seve, netdones. 725-0351, Residential REPAIRS ped AS ROYAL EXEC SPatte; iad i 728-9942 son only" ot 6 Reece? Avenue. ANTHONY EOWARD LASKOWSKY, BA, i ~ cee ie Ny Py Rasa est BCL, Barrister and Sollcitor, 73 Centre Commercial : | AN DSC API NG Expert repairs to all makes r Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dishe |18---Male Help. Wanted Sires, Ontice hours: 9 a.m. $130 pum. Industrial - washers, dryers, ranges, : + Ol , noe «, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee ph of ep vs: MACDONALD, BA, LLB. Repairs ---- Alterations D ' 'i : "0.00 M ms, Pui ji ily and Solicitor and Notary Pub- Additions -- Remodelling Moke Y H @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ Well" Drilling, _ Digging 4 red, Appl Wear, Men's Formals, White lic, The Commercial Building, 206 King] 'poo oy Constructi joke Your Home in P.O. Box 1, Peterborough, '| Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, SUPERVISOR Wert, Oshawa, Ontario, Cilent parking 'or al! your Construction j A LCA N WELL | by ni . ity basin Simmonds. Buckhorn 657-0513 after 6100 725-4716 or 725-4717, Needs -- Your Centennial Project, {Ind In 30-inch tile, W, Ward, 204 C p.m. SARGEANT'S RENTALS KINGSTON PUBLIC Fp MANGAN, O67 Ballcior FURNITURE and APPLIANCES |Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 660-3009 hom TE : TRANSIT SYSTEM %6 CALL a {sPhcenlicmeaneticalis GAIN Money fo loan. Oftlce, 14a King Street 452 Simcoe S, -- Oshawa ha Or 3 1 » all reduced, Smooth: -| 436 Ritson Rd, S, 725-3338 ications will be ived Best, Oshawa, 724-623 JAMES ALLEN & SONS PHONE Telephone 723-0011 ar wth _ _ : ag cll hak gl ERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred rae. position of A eaevies HUMPHREYS, savenvn and WILLMAN, 725-6126 ; Kal cemennen trea oS sina Oshawa Tennis Club for bane! coy in Ake Tronsit Sy Barristers, Solicitors, 36¥e King Street}_._.___ Rent A Piano Removal of superfluous hair 8--Articles | for | Sale ture, 20 Church Street parties, weddings, Bar, kitchen, mn me. Tone stem, East, oahawar : B, Humenreys ee] QUALITY CARPENTRY | 263-8853 Marie Murduff will be in <a ; ng. 723-2140 morning until 5:00 pm. on Friday, 4 BIKETI SPRINGTIME) New, or rigger, os 725-4604) Whitby, SEE Oshawa, August 2, 3 and 4, R il mak le Contre, 04 Band C CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers,| August Sth, 1966, Uses Tueeieer 7258193, (NHA. and GENERAL REPAIRS | Phone Genosha Hotel on these S \ | F reel Bast, 7aseiacn ee' ™ PMI reducing machines, sick room supplies.| 'The duties of the Supervisor other first mortgage funds lable. | For all your home improve- SPRING CLEAN-UP HEINTZMAN days for appointment, FURNITURE -- three rooms, new qual- Ale Renter 1 "peatrice, 7 Lal will involve the supervision of R AND KELLY, Bar +] ment problems, call us first. @ Planting @ Sodding @ & Company Ltd. ELECTROLYSIS ity furniture, only $299 Inc., complete | SM: AIRS, card and be yet Veblen, cores bus operators, dispatching of I esldence Phones' J. M, Greer 725-8576 bf 2 ae i . wore : 79 Simcoe St,N., Oshawa | 46 Me de Pay On" She weekiy. Unbeatable Simcoe Street North, Call 723-2614 buses, preparing bookings and SG, THLSM Terence V. kelly, Ocy 8 vet je I Telephone Bd 8. 292) 723- |valvel Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 bus schedules, assisting in the S551) Thomas H, Jermyn, BA, LLB, 7%] Then have @ telk with our @ Marion and Kentucky Blue- ----| HOLIDAY oes 14--Business Opportunities | Transit Office and such other customers, grass @ Complete landscap- |ARc ond ACETYLE ding id cule 3--Sportsman's 'Column _ | BET" of World "Reference duties os may be assigned ine ing @ Fertilizers, ting, Reasonable rates, fy Bloor Gast, roveien a, medical encyclo i ATTENTION: f | 4 YOUR LOCAL crtmney cleaner. Chim. 723-9020 rhene Taxes! 1M FORD, & cyilfder, automatic, 300 SPECIAL also' sof World. Muinares Library, Phon , rom time to time, oe between, 9 ond 3 neys bullt, repaired, gas linings Installed, i SEWING MACHINES, T5~aii| custom sedan, Good running condition, 067265, HOTELS, DRIVE-INS Applicants should preferably ean expect to sw foofs repaired, Free estimates, 723-2997, HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING makes, work guaranteed very clean, ng rust, e#80 or offer, 723 50' 114" HEAVY - 7 . have Grade 12 education or fl In man cease change will be y BARGAINS ci ce By fora 'totelly, new car CARPENTRY -- New ang repaira, block) _ Bloor St, East _| ce phone 725-9286 aca tf od : i and RESTAURANTS equivalent, and 'the piace 10 look for the best obs | and cement work, Free estimate GUARANTEED REPAIRS to ail" Gi |4-- Motorcycles DUTY TOWER Ri, meaern 4 § Hove you seen or tasted the Application forms and further ts the "Help Wanted" column in pos og rn reece hers and ranges, Free estimates, Call sain 4 ect! J vs ed nether you're|SPa a ALROY was 9 es information may be obtained Timer casi fosting or 0 better iob, ci CIALIEING. carey and bat TOPE oF TENN, | SUZUKI STRUCTURE fobulous new f i Macs ly shy check "ito Wanted" new! NEW PLASTERINO and renin sheen] "ON" SPRCIOIISS ISS Dtie Service | MOTORCYCLES -- | -»- DOUBLE STACKED _ [avon is" per temnetny"giy'at| SUPER-FRIES Apply factory, mechanical repairs to equip- ' -- _--e a a Regier Mr' M. O'R, MeCo CLASSIFIED RATES ment. Call Pickering #46i17. seu Sprays for dandelions, clover, |sepric TANKS c cleaned, F Prompt service All models on i ad } P jot te a french fry that's made from ' ton iene : ls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Stree! NEW =~ USE (2 heads) | cial mix, No freezer or RD Al NEW PLASTERING and renirs, ,| ete, Call for free estimates. |f/,s) , © Seyere) ie : Kingston Public T. tem opal, 4 'nseton ot 24 words, $1.08 femedeling ma reaver Wrae Rabelais RO ae ONTARIO CYCLE | ALL CHANNEL ply storage problems, plus many 599 King Siron baat" Wood, 728-3420 or 728- 728- 9293 _ : Surveyors 140 King W. 728-1422 ANTENNA lZenenanWAT - other practical advantages, Kingston, Ontario, aes One aa,4 gscbs) [A FINISHING CARPENTER, docs, Kitch H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land| OPEN EVENINGS gzotpede . reas "ea 723-6267 now | Hone! words Sc, each. reallen" tear era irimaniten Selene SMITH' S TREE FARM Surveyors, 12 Bigin Street Bast. Phone|/i9§ HONDA 0 c.c., good running condi $70 00 Used form for an appointment for your Steinberg's Ltd. Charge -- 10 ver cent additional eharge| 723-1991, Joe Koazk, ____| @ Cedars for Hedges DONEVAN and FLWISCHMANN, Ontario tony red. Telephone 728-5917. jand appllanc () convenience, tno pald witnin @ days, R ALL YOUR home Improvements,| @ Cut flowers and plants Land furveyor, Commercial blue grinfc| MOTORCYCLE -- 1960 BSA, Many ex mo t 7A Nill Se eeeeermereerp=s-arr rr and guaranteed] @ Manure (cow, sheep or horse) [11 Ontarlo Street, 725-5692, - /|tras excellent condition, Telephone 728 LIMITED TIME ONLY |FULLER BRUSH : FRANCHISES Method of Counting --~ Less than 24 inship, Call 668-2179, 0735, P. etl asia |ham, 723-0444 oF 6 : words counts as 24 words; each word, --ewenereneeees'| @ Rough lumber (cut to suit) T cen i AVAILABLE ING, 2 cents toot V--Radio Repair: --Trailers mi ALi ina, gra, abeevinton rs Wi, ears Post ond poles Le a A cia In, OSHAWA. ond CLERK one word? 720-5143, iain ONTARIO COUNTY words, an my Call collect Newtonville 786-2283 RAMSDEN TAG ha LONG ~ "He é 'i pPiobda i TREE TO TRIM? Call Sim, Or Vil cut T CAMPING TRAILERS BUYING OR SELLING furniture or a IRTHS----DEATHS-- T V TOWERS | ie , % BIR ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete, Get them. down, Free estimates, 7255118 or eV. @ Rental Bookings Now ANTENNA LTD. or 1602005. -- sea -- for MINI PREP pore gl pag * . SOCIAL NOTICES your driveway paved b experts, 22 cents $2.25 per insertion with 25 cents addl- square foot. All Work gua 723-008), ' | Being . Token d h d if not id within 8 days.) OD -- Top Quall field and ery. BUILT IN OSHAWA" fs a lo-nut machines an pro- ope a haem aa ALL TPPRS BUILDING REPAIRS -- [225 "ul Q, ant ceitate eg 7 JACKSON TRAILER COR, BOND & DIVISION --[apors, one x Tex 28x see Luin] ducts. Call now for @ free | With some grocery experience, sas tor the te Slscat' masonry" Gord mays Wifey, | S225 or amen scp dlc SALES AND RENTALS one 1x 2, 10" x é','10", RHH, Call! demonstration in your erea, or our Ajax store, as ter ie el Se were a eal, ene: Oe MAY WMO Coa LINK BEREING, Nolet NY] = We ive you ¢ beter 1487 Simcoe St. N 728-5143 wat Dies ee For appointment Firat slots wages end com en reafter . y | imcoe in Waieas mee egerrenn! oarge (( Met pares ROOFING, het tar and sung a Free estimates, 7289770 oo tower for Less Money 728-0261 28-3748 eee, a a _call | 723. 6267 er er within 8 days, ! @ and small 7 . and H, RURTURY 365, Row ami os | -- ee es lt ah vp. Alcan Furniture a and Appliances, 452| - poo preg a ree 4 Apply in. person S. Simcoe South, 72% 0 ee ne fa words and Se. each rT qually Kentucky Blve, © solvery OSH AW A T V | RAMBLER TRAILERS oo ween | =| franchise --= (home ps ll out hot STOR MANAGER, Hollis} on any amount, Phone after 6, 668-4965, Usb AUTO PARTS, 6 ici} | charge If es ite rk, rine estimates, a ee enneeeeey SALE -- RENT | 4 "|food), Over 700 privately owned fran- Rare i unl ie tam sgvret "COMPLETE LANDSCAPING ei ' NOW! SIX fr, We over asa gases operating' cana "an, 'Ug 190 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax u, } " VENTS NORTE chimneys, all types of cement [ta Expert work, reasonable yang SUPPLY LTD. | Open Sundays.2 «4 P.M SERVICE BAYS $1.50, 725-2162, ween Str a I pera Pack AE oli or to $20 "ber 'inch' (olsplay)) $1.78. for the] WOrk. Sidewalks, slabs, stoops. Frank) Telephone 269-2994 or 728 BUDDY TRAILERS F 5 SINGLE BE pea, amall_aricia| training, provided, Cash Investment $3, first 20, words and' sc. each. thereatter| McCann, RR 3, 'Oshawa, 655-061, 3 TAUNTON RD. E. or Auto Service for sale, Telephone 728-0843 000,00, High profit return. 'Eastern sttice! = STORE first 20 words and 5c, GARDEN and lawn main ln J PORT HOPE e AEE, % Wigh avait rene RE MANAGER, ie Pt tien (Just East of Ritson) : DRAPES -- white Boucle, two pair, 160) aad BAYVIew Street, Toronto, phone 4¥l-/ > St. E.,, Osh AUCTION SALES _ [nd eunivating, Call asbarae 'ater 723-8131 723-8132 Lot_at_401 and 28 | WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL |inches by 95 Inches each, Insulated. tin. | $4 ing shawa ey eae Chev., Dodge, Ford, .Ply- |ing. Just six months old. $60, 7250455/LMARN professional meat cutting 24 PER INCH PER INSERTION. | REMODELLING, TRIM | wo uP' instruction hl will fe ag BEAN qinutty Menttee. Wa comma bis jer $390 oe 5 "Oey yan tvenine DEADLINES mates," Phone 725-706, BUY NOW : wheel alignment inspect and | RRERIGHRATOM, 13 co. f Th eed $e lcait now 'collect sseecet hor write about ELECTRICIANS a kne | for August ond September correct castor and camber, our home study courses, 1166 Bundi sein DAY PREVIOUS Dentistry HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME AND | Special Fall Rates align toe-in and toe-out to reve bani. ar oma Westy Toronto 3, Ontario, q ¥ carriage, blue and white, Required for servicing indus+ 723-6110, | HARDWARE, ford, ,eaulnment reason ng neue plu CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M. Dental | Primers Camping Equipment correct condition . . , 6,88 Cer AND POUND UBLICATION Surgeon, 172 King' Street East, Oshaws. IN SPARE TIME S AV MILLER @ Parts, extra if required |tapewenitio baby corrieas tors able rent, $4 8 stock. Apply Box| trial equipment, trouble BIRTHS AND DEATHS Walle ctnaalil dal Low monthly payments In- | 9 TUDOR ST., AJAX @ Torsion bor adjustment -- |pei coloring, very good condition! $90.) M871, oo a i secdhadhainrype me | extra Telephone 728-4549, rane (MPLEMENT business with). Of doing installations . mee eee Dressmakin _ SE books "_ i FAST SERVICE Hannan * BABY "GARGAINS. Carriages G9 rin ae us ane bee at Presse oven terations. Union pit v} 3 noe gg tions, Prepares you to achieve . 2 jay| Duliding $0 x 60 a x 48, Present own: TAMS and - "i : : SURVEY NO OBLIGATION |TRAILER HITCHES made and install strollers $7.88, mattresses $9.88, play CARDS OF WMANKS on ean ce ee Ontario Diploma by means 0 ed, also all types of welding cone, por- BRAKE SPECIAL pens $9.88, chrome high chair $10,88,/¢" Fein. Trenenes wrervelty per hour rn + inger 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS _ Mrs, Toms, Whitby, 668-2372, of Provincial examination. table equipment for rent, 72% most popular cars), First | Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street, |foo8*" Aint igen 7807900 oF MISTER T V iwaw is FOURTEEN: root Orbit trav.| Quality Royaline 7-- Wx i Paes 623-3393, W. Frank Real Estate, AINSWORTH CLASSIFIED DISPLAY For FREE Information--write, ey 4(-wheel: 1 sectional doors. S + to: | ' | trailer, Price $1295. Apply Subway] 4(-wheels ......, 4.08 sectional doors. MANUFACTURING SPACE, 10,000 Ange met tgag i gy Bl measure me cress, th , ete, Cus} American School, Dept. 8, T @) WE RS Trailer Park, Whitby, Toro" Dundas. East, e ONE CONTINENTAL double bed, 840.) square feel, In Oshawa's Industrial' park ELECTRIC CO. onanle. prices, 7abs3ii. Box 784, Oshawa, Ontario 18 1964 CITATION hovsetraiier, Sleeps] WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL {tke new. Phone 725-1095, See ia: Atame eerie Adee fetes, LIMITED CANCELLATIONS AND Inseentabl.tlsnote HGESTETNER 300," less Than one year|acre land, Ample parking, $41,000, terms. CORRECTIONS 378 KING ST. WEST six, excellent condition, Telephone 725 Including weights per wheel oid" Megara, Apply 5S Bruce Street, XS) or 623-3393, W, 131 Shey Rd. 9 am, DAY OF PUBLICATION ees and \d Supplies ae - : |B ean ------| each . 1.95 | Gna @XERCISH bicycle, one desk, sulk Oe TORONTO 16 Any advertisement cancelled before pub- Address 723+ 9525 6--Marine Equipment | SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, able for student, one Electrohome humid: FRUIT, VEGRTARLE, rai sane urea FRONT-END WORK AT fier, Call 725-528) after eam. Zlore With sp Hest Girics, i Bay Rises Call or Write Heation will. be charged on day's insert- usin he a ton as oo vilianlia -| 2 WEEKS VACATION ej COMPARABLE PRICES |RANGE, PUSHBUTTON panel automa: weer has ater , Miereate, warts, wut 7 Goan BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED Why not make it the whole | |tiey good condition, $85, 'Telephone éal-|Resi eters, 's68-8826 'or. 724:5187, | | summer? Forget that costly 4913, 751-4420 WALL WASHING a While every endaavor 'will be made, te No mess, no dF ippIND "Pigdern "machines TW. TOWE RS 2 weeks ond invest in lasting DOMINION VACUUM emalre, ail amakes, hoses, 15--Emplovment Wanted | advertisers as soon as possible, we ac- R we i eres A. BOAT from vour brushes, ete. ick-up, very, aca wey ar mg ee a - cept no Habiitty tn ages A Pigg Head KING BUG KILLERS Money | to Lean ARE BEST | Evinrude & Crestliner Dealer | TIRE STORE Plexerings BATVIEt CRN SifeMte or week. N aren, " OPERATORS fallure of delay in. torwerding "such. re- Atox ---------~-| » WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! | OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD. | <a \corraeeseaclaly Se ele i Meemenete JFERKAIORS piles, nowever caused whetner by negli: Rose Dust reasonable rate of interest to consolidate| | Harbor Rd. off Simcoe St. S. | : fridges $30, table and chair sets, $19.,| Rl gence or siterwion. Tha Times We) fet Garden Dust your bills or for any other worthwhile | 723-8186 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH dressers $10, cribs $10, stoves $19, Y vice for so for repiles uncalled for Diaainen purpose providing you are seen em- is HP EVINRUDE ein comuk TELEPHONE 725-6511 Poca! ou east Val re ee ro ae ae supervisor and = In- LOADERS loyed and h t, phon - : ond Street Bast, Valley Creek, 728-4401, D.D.T. Spray Sagtaas) "or Port Bory ses-7507. % TELEVISION Joverhauled, new battery, moulded ply: UILDING -- 13. by {8 8 tt, Suitable for /DAY CARE avallable for one er two REGULATIONS Corner Bond and Di |wood boat and boat trailer. living In, Must Ay need. $100, 193 Park children In private home with fenced In The Oshawa Times will not be responsibie| os oa sul Mortgage ae 728-514 3 ivision | Water skier or cruising 728-3297, NEW BABYLAND Road North, Sark Rak ier ee Se DOZERS alin ties erties Gardenall Cy maar args ae Bhan gina Mg Tenshene ym Ang lydia DEP ART ENT 9--M Market | Basket Teese ooh Apply ot! icine diet iae| -- Arterd Grip Kiler =| MAQRTGAGE | TELEVISION--RADIO. |aear, tet mows par M FREANronstingeicions, ae pana|!7--Female Help Wanted TRIPP Insertion in which error occurs, Tygon SE 24 HOUR SERVICE day or Sunday, Telephone 623-1798, FOR OSHAWA Large mare, Phone 9305090 Deliver on : The Oshawa Times reserves the right to Fungicide Spray LOANS \GFOOT MARINE plywood with steering RASPBERRIES -- Pick your own at RR WAITRESSES CONSTRUCTION LTD. i r . Mv e 9 <-- et | Wolken HOLMES --_ sree aiStnisivtasts ] 1966 WOYD strollers trom Nin cal wba 62 Rowe Ave Htent rr In the cases of Glaplay advertisements] onk Sprayers Moneys available for first heater fom eae 10--Farmers' Column OSHAWA The "Times 'wit not be held responsible] ond Sprayers <<<-| Full PANEL CRIBS $19.95. |; ; Charani R LICENSED tno ba nan ma ene sek] Dust Guns end second morigages. Open [x ALUMRUM, To ges yer] Goll PANEL CRIA, $19.95. |aRiCine. our -- nara "Enver 725-2741 error occupies. The puslishera endeavor Garden Hose and Tools eee Pella gies ioe is and fanke Best cash afters Call PROTOS. TRESSES $9.95. [dogs and puns, geese, ducks, 6682067, DI NING ROOM rectly, but assume no liability of adver- Lawn Soakers si 4 gages, Fi hy ve FOR PROMPT SERVICE | ARISTOCRAFT ski boat, 4 Johnson elec] py aYpENS OBAD AND CRiPP: sl farm stock pick. tisement if any inaccuracies in any form Melnor Sprinklers and agreements for sale pur CALL jtrle, trailer, many extras, Will do 48 : $10.95, [ed up promatly. will Fur Parry, A 3 TO ASSIST are contained therein. RX15 chased : jmiles per hour. Sacrifice, Telephone 725) ¢), HIGHCHA : Tyrone, Telephone Collect Hampton 4:| Experienced. Full Time IT'S EASY TO PLACE A Fertilizers M, F. SWARTZ Whitby-668-5679 2 aah siuotaal tated line a Seas AIR $7.95. | art, Leman 46-46 and Part Time. Pes 4 ee ee ee haa . s ; TIMES ACTION WANT AD cons Chlorides -- King St, East T. V. TOWERS lia WP ELOIN motor FG beam pi] CARRIAGES from $29.95. 11)__Pets and Livestock Por Gencintnenk call OUR PACKAGING t s y * war q Tr G Call Classified Direct eat Moss Oshawa, Ontario Rust Proof | weed Pag ge ce yeaah malin Youth bed --- mattresses, j [Wan "needs pros wie har tere 3 aie PP MECH ANIC 723-3492 OPEN ALL DAY 723-4697 COLOURED T. V.__ [Avenues osnawa." bunk beds, chests, walkers, -- (0t' Win or' without 'Bridle, and saddle. 623-3373 fee : , MONDAY -~ FRIDAY en rere eer Black & White -- 24-H \} "STARCRAFT" Grew. sa traveller boats. iCal 728-1097, Someone with packaging me- i ws SATURDAY.--12:30 FIRST and SECOND | "Service | |neaende 'arts sprue end oa BABYLAND pg : chinery experience on label- Ht rooklin, J 2 CLASSIFICATIONS MORTGAGES "Tee's Rosie reaves I TANSEAAY oRaesy RA 24 CHURCH STREET GERMAN Pointer short heir puppies, Flying lers, fillers etc, Excellent op- Wenen' - All Classes -- ped, 80 HP Mercury, tandem tral a realstered. Telephone 7O520%, oe ect Schercadt a COOPER-SMITH - City, Rural, "Vocation _- --| Phone 728 -- |__(Next door to Wilson's Furn.) | STANDARD BRED GELDING, nine-year. Whitby he ore oe 3-Spertsman's Column SUMMERLAND TV : SERVICE SAILBOAT -- 1%, Falcon class, Auxiliary eK Day uly broken, 28 or 'eater D t h . urcnman APPLY BOX M37203 4--Motorcycies 'i r * Ul i D it S ~~ trae 'con' SECURITIES LIMITED - DAY OR EVENING ----_|tty"beneon 'atthe Oshawa Marine er] Rojyag cat, OF BUSINESS -- Telephone FERS Aarin pmen in ' call 72 "gig - J--Swap firing ye 8 a ' Member Ontario Mortgage 728-5286 os Se RE SCR SERRE Hollywood. mufflers, floor [black and Kittens. 9 » rtentene etal &--Articles for. Sale 723-2312 723-1139 Brokers [\ePOOT DELUXE fMoregias runabeyt, 30 i : Motor Hotel <cdkarket Basket cau ' |HP Chrysler motor, Showroom condition,| shifts, chrome accessories, [PART QUARTER? ymonse » saddle and ; te--Farmer's "Column rd Sea 1909 112 Simcoe St. N.--725-3568 OSHAWA |91.250, Telephone 728-2675. ski equipment, jeeps and tow | dridle, Telephone 72 : = Wanted Experienced and Livestock res ; Tiga . iy oR er A reve ae aramari ome re| ELECTRONICS __|is.Prrwooe.e 20 fae tae) SO, [enauRNANN acm mag Pau] JUNIOR TYPIST FLAT POLISH 148 eles yl MAPLE LEAF merge Mortgages and ree eo <x :s --| phone 623-2794, Bowmanville, j Di $s assurance of good home, 848 Ritson Road FILE CLERK OPERATOR --Busines Nf letemlevnd wenked ae Murdoch Ves aoe COLOR T.V. BOAT, MOTOR and trailer, $90, Also] Speed and Custom 728-778) _ | Nerth For fe lant in Wi 1é--Agents Wanted risters** Pa | 1968 33 horsepower electric Johnson, new, WEREFORD BULL, Caimbrogle Lad General Insurance Office or a new plant in Windsor, FRIGIDAIRE | Tetrigeraior, | large. streerer, " 17--Female Help Wanted d : $550, Telephone 725-4675 " ' Purebred registered 2 years old, for Ontario, Top rate and bene- Ue--Mare Help, Wanted LANDSCAPING & I FinstT" on SECOND mortgages, sate Black and White lie SRREAE Walt TOwe Gaal" eel Tor Ghaaevace eee eee sale, Apply S. P. Hollingsworth, Ashburn hawe ' tits for the right man, Reply A tha agreements purchased and sold, Hennick CHESTERFIELD and 3406, > i f ue a Sones lee 'Wee and Hennick, Barristers, 21 King. Street All work guaranteed fishing. Telephone 720-1368, ____.| chairs. with fitfed plastic a pe <7 Ale SPANIEL comer aN ng Apply Box 37680 in confidence to Mr. K. Ar- Bonael Harte Eee aes GARDEN SERVICE East, 723-7202, SET RA. Television | |4@ HP ROYAL 'SCOTT electric IS foot] for $138. Also crib, $12. Telephone 448] GO°Ne ast ua Hormea Boe, Nee beet TIMES nold, 2i--Farms fer Sale FIRST 'AND SECOND mortgages avall- wided plywood boat. complete, ttt -- mance | nn i i Be Bog Ay shia sharanaae mate ge Telephone trallere goad eonaition, $695 °50 HP Jenne COMBINATION ADDING "machine "ang| POODLE PUPS ragistered toys, white, Eastside Stamping Co. 23~---Real Estate Wanted Street vy th, whi son electric start, perfect condition, 14 male and female, Deposit will hold. 0 Tecumseh R 7 24--Stores Offices and Storage bse todas 728- -} | 43 foot plywood boat, complete, fair con- ville Gaa0s, (tor garage), $50. Bowman| Saadiemare and man's western saddie| 'BOOKKEEPER | MIO WINGSOR ONT. : 2 . . ses for Rent For Sodding, Seeding, Top- 0° ' ---|dition, $350, Call after $,30, 725-0659, and bridle, Newcastle 97418, | partments for. Rent soil, Cedar Hedges, Patios ptometrist "Service Call Only $2.50 1962 JOHNSON. for NEW GDUCT aluminum Gragater Mant ---- | TYPIST. . ve ' 5 tos, ' " y horsepower, electric t Scheer and bend Plantings and Complete Land. |F- RICHARD BLACK, OD, \u6 Simese M or, 1964 fibergias Traveller boat] {Old with carbs. for a 283, "Best otter, 12--Articles Wanted | required 2 nd Bo . Street North, Suite 6 Oshawa, Telephone jwith convertible top and" curtains, 4,| elephone 728-7463 between 10S pm. SALESMAN te Ateneo fer Sele scaping Service 723-4191, FAST T.V. SERVICE Orde ave i, Port Perry. Telephone 988:|GIRL'S BICYCLE, 16 frame, six 19/0000 USED FURNITURE. what have) TELEPHONE ' siaiiaiac siataiai > you? Valley Creek, '4 8 West, | Compact Cars 'for Sale sca ni 35) : eight years old, new tires. Telephone 728- | Fy ce or Fi i rucks for Sale Painting and Decorating DOMINION 14° FIBRE GLASS boat traveller, ana| °"* Cae ae 668-5222 Salar tine ae A ly 33--Automobles Wanted - In BARON PAINTING and Decorating. TELEVISION 2% HP Evinrude motor, doth 194 model, | SINGER SEWING MACHINE, portable, SOGD USED Wrniture wanted, te. | Wioh-| : lary . App! 34--Automodile Repair - netudes trailer and trols, Tele-/ electric, | TT yp $50. rk aren | venings 35--Lost and Found i 2 {S39 ma senna ake 728-5154 9 ) prane "TOW Orono see TE eteonone rsiean. Seen SR ANS Trture, abet, 448-4504 | PROTESTANT lady a Terenas to] HARRY O. PERRY LTD. 4----Lega sas a.m, to i) - a | aes 37--Avetions [DEALING IN suavices? ee ol p Psa GET SP - ; eee BOAT 25 HP motor with new tuneup,| TYPEWRITER, electric, IBM. $885|/HOW TO GET IT: It you do hot find the mind one child in _ home. Pormenent 285 Bloor St. W Oshawa 3e--Coming Events br wetna bl og a SPOT CASH. WITH {ary W TOWERS, ge gg Wg new, tent pment, reasonable, /atandard $20, portable $35., adding ma/item you want in the Want Ada, place al SIMMS | Sapterener. Mund coo ENG eo i" c irs, work gvaran an cash, for all, also continental/ chine $35, cash register, adds tex "Wanted" ad and get It Dial 723-34P2/leve chiktren. rite. OX ace & a 39--Netices 723-3492 te place your ad, TIMES ACTION ADS Avenue, Telephone 725-0500. 'ped 725-8805. : lretely. 84. FOE igs VO r Oshawe Times Help Wanted ed now by dialing 729542.

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