DONFLD DUCK MICKEY MOUSE OUR CAR! WE MADE THE LAST PAYMENT?! IT'S OURS, FREE AND > c IT'S OURS, BUT iT DOESNT LOOK LIKE MUCH, OOES IT? LETS FACE !T, ' ITS A BEAT HEAP! siriboted by K. B King Featanee Syadicate, Inc, 1960, World rights fevered: I HOPE I'M NOT INTERRUPTING ANYTHING, BUT I WOULD. LIKE -TO. A GET HAIRCUT ANY FOOL KIN TELL WHO HIS WIFE 1S/7 AH KINI? 90 YOU HAVE ANY KIND OF RETIREMENT PROGRAM, DEARIE 7 BUT MR. NUBBIN 1S CONSIDERING IT / WARN'T NO NEED TO----BUT THIS. 1S AEMERGENCY"" IN FACT, He's' TESTING \T RIGHT NOW! 'YES'R, COMMANDER, THAT NURSE 1S QUITE A WOMAN, iF I WAS AN OFFICER, I'D SURE GO FOR HER, THEY'RE DOWN AT THE RICE PADDY GETTING WATER, LEAST THE INHA OE WILLIAM STEPHENSON "S AGENTS MAKE STUDY OF ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON THESE PEOPLE HA' 97 PER CENT THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 DELIGHTFUL ! THERES AN AGENT WATCHING MY APARTMENT! NATURALLY THEY'RE CONCENTRATING TE THE AT . OF BITANTS SUPPORT yon ie Toronto Telegras News Service FREE FRE WONDERING BE CHEERED , OR INCH TROOPS LAND, WHETHER THEY'LL SHOT ATS ROLLING IN THE @00D! He's KEEP HIM THERE, HELP Mie WATER! Pe SRNR ANE SCOUT THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 20, 1966 99 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER record-holder in Mesters' ee me - = inerviweur Cnompionsmp Pley) South dealer. North-South vulnerable. NOBTH $Q10873 @3 @AG5 &EQ104 EAST Pera $108 HAIN7TER SOUTH @A52 @Al098 @KQ84 83s 'The bidding: South West 1¢ Pass Pass Pass North East 1@ Dble. Redble 1NT 3h Poss | Opening lead--two of hearts, Here is an unusual hand Played in the Spingold some years ago. The: bidding was weird for a while, but South eventually wound up in the rea- sonable contract of three no- trump. West led a heart and South took the jack with the ace. De- ond _ cashed the ace of spades, East discarding a club and continued with a spade, taken in dummy with the seven, East discarding another club. A diamond to the king was y |followed by a third round of &t the alr ottgo terminal Torchy arrives for _ the assaviC on NATOS control center... YOU DON'T WANT TO SHAKE UP THE DELICATE ETRUMENTS IN Wow DO YOU KNOW THERES A GHOST ON THIS SHIP, HONDO.,..DID You SEE IT? $046. The Rapier tet Trine Sposa "4-20 THE SHIP 15 JUST AHEAD YONDER,, YOU WON'T SEE IT UNTIL YOU/RE RIGHT ON IT, LISTEN "TO 'THIS: * SCIENCE HOPES SOON TO OVERCOME : "THE PULL a, Channet 11--Hamilten Channel %--Toronto Channe) @--Rochester Channel 7--Butfalo Channel 6--Toronto Channel 4--Buffalo Channel 3~Barrie Channet 2--Buttalo screen gm anne WEDNESDAY 5:00 P.M. 1l--Movie 6--Superman 7---Cheyenne 6~--Summer Camp 3--Secret Squirrel 2--Mike Douglas 5:30 P.M. 3--Flipper 8~--Dobie Gillis 6--Mad Movies 00 P.M. 7--Twilight Theatre 6--World of Wooster 8-4--News, Sports, Weather 3--Profile 6:30 PLM. 4--News; Weather and Sports 3-2-9--News 86--Huntiey-Brinkley News 6--Music in Miniature 7:00 P.M, 1i--Mike Douglas 9--Batman 8--Go To The Races 6--News, Weather, Sports 4--The Honeymooners 8--Huntley-Brinkiey + Sports 7:30 P.M 9--Munsters 8-2--Virginian 7--Batman 6--Award Showcase 4--Lost in Space 7:45 P.M, 6--Courriers 8:00 P.M, 1--Special Movie 9--My Favorite Martian J--Patty Duke Show 63--Mickie Finn's 8:30 P.M. 9--Movie 7--Blue Light | 6-3--L'Indescret | 4--Dick Van Dyke 10: i | 2-8--1 Spy j!l--Merv Griffin Show | 4--John Gary | 3-6--Inside Quebec We P. lt | | | { 6 1 3 11 | | | | 7. | Girt Talk 3--Man from U.N.C,L.E, | a le 2 | | 4--I Love Lucy | 8-2--Concentration 7--Donna Reed | 4--The McCoys |3--Time Out | 6~Viewpoint TELEVISION LOG 9:30 P.M. 4--D! 3-E 10:30 P.M, 1B H * ry a 1-9-8-7-6-4-3-2---News Weather, Sports 11.15 P.M, + 4--Ni 2--Tonight Show 11:20 P.M. 4--Late Show --News, Weather and Sports § 11.25 P.M, 1--The Vise 11:30 PLM, 8--Tonight Show 7--Movie }--Nightcap | 11:40 P.M. 9--Run For Your Life 6--Charlle Had One Ti 12:00 A.M, 1--Wild Wild West 1.00 P.M. 1--News, Weather, Sports THURSDAY 8:00 A.M. 7--B 3-6-- 4--Captain Kangaroo 8.30 A.M. 9--T.V. University 8:55 A.M, --Dialing for Dollars -- 9:00 A.M. 9--Romper Room | 1--Morning Musicale | Adventurous Mission 4--Mike's Carnival 2--Bozo's Big Top 9:30 A.M, 9--P | TA 4--Love of Life 8--Smiletime ~Jack LaLanne } 9--Uncle Bobby 10:00 A.M. | 1--Ed Allen Time 8-2~Eye Guess | 4--L 9--F 7--Gi 10:30 A.M, 1--Hawkeye 9--Summer Fun | 2-8. 4--E 11:00 A.M. 9--Abracadabra 8-2--Showdown 7--Dating Game 9--Toronto Summertime 7--Money 4~Speaker of the House |11--Neon Time 9--News; 8-2--Swingin' Country 6-4---Search for Tomorrow 3--Noonday Report | 9--Movie 12: | 6-4--Gulding 8--Dialing For Dollars, Girl Talk 4--Meet The Millers 2--Topper &4--As The World Turns 2-6--Let's Make a Deal 3--Movie N1--Ed Allen Time 7--Newlywed Game 6--Cvisine 4--Password 8-2--Days of Our Lives | §-2----The |6--Coronation Street | 3-4-6--To Tell The Truth | 8-2---Another World |3-6--Take 30 | 4--News 7--Superman 9--I1's Your Move | 1--Funny Company HUBERT 11:30 A.M, WHY THE MATTRESS HUNG ' ick Van Dyke Show é . rnie Lindell 12:00 NOON onnie Prudden Jeopardy Mov! Luncheon joon News 12:15 P.M le Date 12:30 P.M. Weather; ports 12:40 P.M, A HAND, TLL GIVE ME SHOW YOU 45 P.M. Light 1:00 P.M. heatre en Casey Luncheon Date 1:30 P.M. 2:00 P.M, 2:30 P.M, 'eople in Conflict Doctors Time For Us Inkletter's Party 3:00 P.M. ractured Phrases eneral Hospital YOUR HEALTH No Diabetic From Eating 3.25 P.M, 3.30 P.M. You Don't Say dge of Night 4:00 P.M, Profits Sugar spades which West took with the king as East discarded still another club. At this point, West played the king and an- other heart, the position beings North 6210 e-- $5S106 K sedeuie $o75e 10 Aso South 91098 O284 $88 It would seem that South must now go down if East wins the six of hearts with the queen and plays another heart. The defense would apparently score a spade, three hearts and a club to defeat the contract one trick. However, this analysis is not quite accurate. West would be forced to discard a club on the fourth round of hearts and he could then be put into the lead on the fourth round of diamonds to compel a spade return into the Q-10. On this line of play South would wind up with nine tricks. East (Alfred Sheinwold, Los Angeles star) foresaw the dan- ger and overcame it by pere mitting declarer to win the six of hearts. This highly alert play eliminated the potential squeeze and endplay, and South wound up going down one, Drought Relief For Some Areas TORONTO (CP) -- Drought relief came to some areas in Ontario during the last two days. But the general picture across the province isn't en- couragng. The agriculture department reports that rain is needed : badly as the weather continues hot and dry. In some regions corn crops have stagnated for lack of moisture. In other are eas, milk productioni is falling » | rapidly. The weather office said here today no precipitation is exe pected throughout the province in the next five days, 4--Beverly Hillbillies |U--Albert J. Steed 3-6--Arts Festival S Mr. And Mrs. lout Love Lucy | 8--The Match Game 4--Secret Storm 3-6--Vacation Time 2--Merv Griffin By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, M.D. F | 8-2--Chain Letter 7--Movie 7--Supermarket Sweep 4--Green Acres 2--Ed Allen Time 2-8--NBC News Special 4--Andy of Mayberry has to follow his diet rules, so he won't get more sugar than the medicine and his body can GOLLY, YOU SURE HAVE GIVEN THE NEIGHBORHOOD BOYS A LOT OF HAIRCUTS TODAY, GRANDMA / it to useful purpose, After all, the reason why sugar accumulates is an inability Dear Dr. Molner: My brother, 150, has diabetes and has lost considerable weight. He takes i MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES Hars JUNIOR... SCRATCHING AT THE BACK DOOR FOR. SKEETER, WHATS THAT NOISE ?, SWELL, GO LET HIM IN BEFORE HE RUINS THE V...ONE THING YoU DON'T HAVE To SCRATCH FOR,..|S A LIVING ! JUNIOR! YOURE A WELL: CARED-FOR) DOG! NEXT TIME YOU WANT IN...BARK! pa :] YOUR FATHER ABOUT US... WHY, THAT L WANT TO MARRY YOU, JULIE. 1 THOUGHT HE MIGHT BE INTERESTED. TELL HIM WHAT ABOUT US? CROSSWORD DOWN 1. Moham- med's ACROSS . Weight: colloq, 5. Macaws . Prove false . Went well or badly . Culture medium . Barren . Japanese mile measure . Ponder . Period . Crib . Showed the way . Russian monk jou . Gui not 3. Solid . Tellurium: sym 7 . Rel: ships Flo . Territorial Small sofa . Mo exposed - Feats . Redact . Exuber- ance three pills a day but his sugar count is over 250 and the doctor says if it gets over 300 he could AIMIATS MIAL go into a coma. That worries 18. Cleo- patra's serpent 22. In- valid's food 23. Nega- rey donian e {SISIUIE} him but he still eats too much in the line of sweets. Should all sweets be eliminated, when ae) By A IMIAIN clultir t A E count down?--M. B. Yes, I think he should elimi- tive . Evening sun god ation- IMA nate sweets entirely. That, in fact, is best for anyone with diabetes. Some who have mild Y. 8 ig oe S. EJE BIR 28. Dried coconut 29. Flat caps - "Rule Britannia" composer $2, Oklahoma football player 33. Citadel at 31 re Yesterday's Answer cases can handle a little sweet stuff if they compensate other- wise in diet, but no diabetic profits by eating sugar. Your brother, with a sugar level above 250, is not a mild dia- betic. There are four ways of treat- ing diabetes. All aim at the same result. Diabetes means 35. Right-hand page 39. Follow 40. Viking explorer 44. Rubber tree 46, Syllable of scale . Plural ending 2 + s 7 {8 normal! amount of sugar, There- VY, . Good friend V/A iO Y fore treatment consists of allow- ing the body to get sufficient nu- " . Child . Columbiam: //)\3 trition while still seeing that no excess sugar is allowed to ac- sym. . Most Lh cumulate in the body and, in time, cause complications. clear . Poetic 19 These are the treatments: contraction . Wrath 1, Diet, such that the body absorbs sufficient nutrition . Low . Sham without accumulating ex- cess sugar. Diet alone . Exclama- tion works best for people who are too fat. They have been . Repair a chair once eating too much. They can cut down their food intake more Teutonic without being harmed. They character 5. Loft are, in fact, better. 2. Pills (DBI and similar . Track performer drugs) which help reduce ex- cessive sugar levels. Fish . Baker's 3. Insulin, which reduces the sugar level not. just by man eljminating it but by putting taking his pills, to get the sugar that the body cannot use up the} to use it up, and this inabil- ity results from lack of enough insulin to do the job. 4, Some combination of the above three ways. PROVIDE NUTRIENTS The diabetic, who can use up only a limited amount of sugar, still must eat enough foods which will provide other nutri- ents. Meat, bread, fruits and vegetables provide these, Yet all, whether in small degree or large, also include ingredients which will be converted into su- gar once they are digested. The diabetic must eat foods which in the end will give him what he needs for health yet at the same time not include more }Sugar than he can use up. Thus |sweet stuff--cake, cookies, con- fections--is what he has to avoid. Diet, therefore, is the basic part of treatment for every dia- betic. Pills, which get rid of some sugar, or insulin, which juses up (constructively) some |sugar, can be effective only when used along with suitable diet. The biggest problem in treating diabetes is convincing patients of this fundamental fact. When too much sugar accum- ulates in the system, the risk is coma. It does not necessarily occur at a level of 300, because other factors are involved be- sides. Your brother's doctor evi- j}dently has noted these other signs. He has warned your brother. Pills (or even insulin) do not mean that the patient can eat all he wants, or eat all handle, Dear Dr. Molner: Can you ree freeze bread, cakes, cookies, ete.? I know you shouldn't ree freeze meat and such.--Mrs. P, It is a safe general policy not to refreeze anything, but I see no reason why pastries cannot be refrozen, especially if they are properly wrapped, since baking sterilizes them, and de. stroys harmful germs if any were present, Note To J. R. L. And Friends: There is no general rule as to where weight first shows up as fat, or where you first lose it except this: When you reduce, the last place you gained fat is usually the first place you lose it. SALLY'S SALLIES "Don't worry, dear, by the time you get out of here,| Medicare will take care of the bill" the sweets he wants. He also