Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Jul 1966, p. 13

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She Oshawa Fines Two Girls Killed Separate Crashe Kendal Girl Dies Township Smash A 14-year-old girl was killed|Allan McKnight, 18 of Minden, Jast night in a car-truck colli-|was treated at hospital for sion at the intersection of bruises and released, Ricard's Rd., and Concession} Bowmanville OPP, who in- Three, Darlington Township. vestigated the accident, said) , Brenda Hoy, 14, daughter of Mr, doy was travelling west on 4 Mr. and Mrs. William Laverne|Concession Three in his 1964 ' Hoy, RR 1, Kendal, was a/model car and Mr. McKnight passenger in a car driven by,was_ travelling north on her father, Ricard's Rd. ? A Bowmanville. Memorial) Police said there are no sings| Hospital spokesman said today! or signals at the intersection. | Mr. Hoy, 40, was admitted to! Investigation by police is con-| hospital and is in serious but|tinuing. : : not critical condition. | Funeral service for Miss Hoy} Brenda's brother Larry, be held at 13, | will the Northcutt| also a passenger, was treated/and Smith Funeral Home, Bow- at hospital for lacerations and/manville at 2 p.m, Friday. released. Interment will be in Orono Driver of the truck, Larry|Cemetery. Fire Burns Underground, Threatens Township Area Still burning underground -- a|department of lands and _for- forest-fire that last week de-| ests check the area regularly. | stroyed the 100-acre, pine-tree|Today they are bringing truck | plantation of Kenneth Graham/loads of water to the area to }in Darlington Towship -- con-| dampen the ground, tinues to threaten the area, | The fire ee rege oy ve 3 ai ,|Graham's plantation was esti- "Tt's not over yet," said Mr. , os Graham. "We've been fighting} mated to have caused $10,000 |i for six davs now and it has|damage. Between 50,000 an broken out at least 15 times, |60,000 pine-trees were e- : stroyed, "We need rain, If we don't get'" whe trees were not insured. jit, the fire could spread for) «tigurance for forestry trees jmiles, The problem with 4M )i. quite high. It would take at underground fire, is that YOUllact 19 years of growing to never know when or where It)have the insurance pay. You ;will pop-up," he said. jhave to have a great deal of 'Tf it does get a chance 19) capital behind you before you |break loose in the main area,) oon afford insurance," said Mr. it woule Mog: sie ' 4 Graham, this happeneu aud) scheduled events ts catsad tee! aghele sieeve. INO RE-PLANTING forthe #0 French students. A | "We had a real close call) Mr. Graham said he has no} wiener roast and tours of | when two of us -- ped out- -- plans for replanting Awa § ing Ce reak and had to fig urious-| the area. ; : En rer pains rede lV © overcome the blaze. If one]. "] don't think I stg gs sinha , j lof us had gone for help -- that} plant again. I have 8,000 feet o Oe d "; dobtth : |would have been it. |film showing the area eal! cated ey et aoe | "Another time, we built ajthe trees were planted, when it oe : eg sab ni oye i trench around one outbreak and,| was almost desert, and the dif- Preah 9 Br Sadinte bea next morning it was ready sites atte Dat a chosen by. The Canadian | flare up again. Sunday, I found planted, _ The i oma Council of. Christians and /one that in another 20 minutes) "Now I think yeaa ee aews. on the basis "ef their | Would have been away. of the area hed : is = ne knowledge ips, 'h or | "About one -- foot under|are burnt bird nests el oe ms of the Fre ia 'Ms ground, there are pine needies|ground and the burn English language," sald Mr. jog" old dead tree t ssa These burn quite easily and) what a forest fire can do. ; when the fire gets going, it; "No trees -- no rain, Careless creates its own wind tunnel. An/ people just don't seem to real-| underground fire can travel at ajize the importance of a torest| fantastic rate of speed," sald) when they do not put out cigar-| Mr. Graham. ettes and camp-fires or just Fire pickets keep a continual) burn rubbish,"" said Mr. watch on the area and the! Graham. Police Warn Vacationers AT CITY HALL Temporary Building Eases Overcrowding A temporary self framing;cil, "the treasurer has a func- ed land on the proposed exten- prefabricated building will be/tion dealing with the financial] sion of Waterloo St. in the soutt-| purchased by the city at a cost/affairs of the city over andjeast part of the land bounded) of $14,000 to ease the over-j|above petty cash." by the future extension of Wil- ibou crowded situation at city hall.! aja. Cuifford Pilkey said the|son Rd. S, on the east, will) program was initiated about Delivery of the 1,120 square|treasurer should at all times|be sold to EMS Co. of Osha-| nine anid to foster cul- foot structure is expected in}be aware of the financial im-| &W@ tural 0g edge between On- six weeks. It will be located|plications of city matters. | tarlo and Quebec students on the present grassed section] aan a oe a, vend in the centre of the city s to grasr g arkisis hall) Greenhouse knowledge of their neighbor parking: Bree | province in regards to cul- This type of building, council! A new ture and geography," said was told this week, can be as-jhouse » will Jaycee Fred Upshaw, chair- sembled very quickly and tak-) Farewell St man of the Oshawa student en down for erection elsewhere} 789 exchange with very little work Council approved a. tender ; as 'CITY EXCHANGE STUDENTS |BRING FRENCH PALS HOME | A tour of Niagara Falls, a civic reception and dance, an over Oshawa Gael lacrosse Oshawa's 30 exchange stu- dents return home tomorrow after spending a two-week visit in Quebec. They will be accompanied by French stu- dents who will stay in Oshawa for two weeks. The cultural exchange Sponsored by the Jaycees and will cost about $900, The airplane ride and a Green game are | | city owned green-| While be constructed Bua at a cost of $44,-|0f his duties pensated This was council's feeling when it endorsed a city of Wel- Compensation who voluntarily ' on| Police officer in the execution injured a are assisting Citizens, should be com- in ric heating, partitions and light-|to erect the 6,480 square foot) !and. resolution urging the pro- ing : lgreenhouse at the parks de-| Yinclal government to create 8 | Ald Hayward Murdoch,| Partment headquarters, fund out "3 ne "gens i ; ae : zens may e co J alec chairman of the parks, proper-| The greenhouse is expected|"" : fund ] se r such ¢ the recreati »¢,| to be completed by October of] The need for such a fund, ty and recreation committee, I 7 Welland reaclution stated. wan or ew 0 S ays Oss the personnel and purchasing] almost immediately begs tps te: ait departments will be housed in| Sandow Construction of Pick-|Ci"¢umstances of the criminal. 5 ; the temporary building ering Village submitted the} The resolution asked that) Skilled workers are leaving; No date was set for a new He said however, lowest tender -- $41,960 -- for| compensation be similar in 4M-\the Ontario Malleable Iron Co, | hearing. partments told him they were heed job it peg ts = hag a ede oasis picket Hines to take new and} The adjournment was made 'lose . i pr| because c t -| Compensation : wi i mo cipsely Uneed With. other) Decenee 6 Ce See : permanent jobs, Keith Rossjwith the agreement of beth Assembled it included elect-|from Mel Ron construction} Strikers Leave Pickets . 4 i r . at] th sar, ( ructior I] start : arn Conny ts me Prororee (iar Wie 2P er. Cone ugnon ' due to the usually impecunious departments in city hall to be| lated in the tender No mention of a death bene- both de- Not To Assist Burgl Ald. Hayward Murdoch said/fit was contained in the resolu jthe Steelworkers International;}company and union lawyers, | ot 0 SIS urg ars representative said today. Two days' notice will have to| "We are looking thejbe given before the hearing! Objections situation now," Mr. Ross said.'can be "We do not know at the min-) Thursa: Algonquin St. a ute how many have gone We | and Dist some residents in the area want/do know, though, that it is 80- | cutive the street reopened ing on : George Fallow, 96 Orchard) 'Phe strike of 550 United Steel- View Blvd., speaking on behalf| workers entered its 35th day Oshawa Industrial) of residents in the immediate' today. : Commission resolutions were} vicinity of Algonquin St., told No talks have taken place approved by council, The res-/the council why he wanted | petween union and company olutions called for the sale and} street open since the beginning of June, purchasing of land by the city "Women use the street when : \ 1.75 acre parcel of land|they go shopping and children| INJUNCTION | located on Wentworth St. (Ghost! use it when they go to school,") An application for an injune-|matter and I am sure there|of milk bottles is an open invi-j house will be' checked at regu-| Road) will be purchased from!He said tion limiting the number of will be recommendations". tation to a touring burglar. lar intervals, the department of highways at} Council recently decided to|pickets at the plant was ad- This morning all was quiet] Stop delivery of mail, milk} A neighbor, suggests a cost of $1,800 an acre close Algonquin and give the) journed at Osgoode Hall, Tues-|at the Front St. plant of On-|and newspapers, advises Police|should also be informed. City owned industrial jand| street land to abutting property| day, 'tario Malleable Iron, Chief Walter Johnston. "Tt is all very well to cancel Where possible he comprising some 3.74 acres/owners free evens " milk and mail deliveries," said! attend those meetings ijlying between Drake St. and If these people get the land, Chief Johnston, 'But there are| Council also approved that|/Farewell Ave. ajoinirig Coulter/they'll sell it and a house will) the handbills too.' the treasurer receive copies of} Manufacturing Co. Ltd, land on| be built on it," Mr Fallow} "In a couple of weeks, these} all correspondence in a ee will be sold to thelsaid } can mount up. If a neighbor! ion with the parkway firm | "This will deprive residents} | could remove them as they! New Machi ew Machine Ordered DONALD'S SUGGESTION ee ee domme! And two - ty-own-jin the area of a short - cul Land Sale P olicy Defeated farive it would help, For Destroying Dogs The street at present is an! Aig, Richard Donald's at: knowledge of the appraised) 'That's what we are elected/given a key to the house so he oe with a number Of/tempt to introduce a rigid|price until all the tenders have|for," he added, could check it over daily to jcars parked there each 4a Y,! policy for the sale of city-) been opened | 'The' King St. situation (the see if anything was wrong. ren heard : ss ask.|OWned land met defeat at city' 'The property officer or com-| recent sale of land to the King BURN LIGRT gist gh uentti gee council this week ssione Ald. Donald told)Street United Church) we aa : ie 5 jed. by Ald. Margaret Shaw, the ; missioner, Ale nala = 0 handled a little differently but . Chief Johnston also suggests lore hard View resident replied However, his attempt brought council, could obtain more than hanc si +i a haters "anes that a light be left burning in 'There are from 75 to 100 | Form results as two alderman, oo appraisal if he felt it was i 1" Ade Pilkey aid P jthe vacated house. people using street formerly opposed to a firm | nece ssary The average price pithy Ald. y s ' Psa Tok ot hous 'hie. ee policy, agreed with his thinking! of the appraisals would be con-| TROUBLE ' ; switches these he stroyed in future by a day and espe : : ; Ald. Shaw told council for|iM&. Switches the electrothanator as the recorded vote of 10 to! sidered minimum price Paced ts ft had heuk olin said. "If a light could be seen| Council motion to rescind coun three indicated for the land ints trouble selling land this during the night hours it would request previous decision to close) They were Ald Ald. Clifford Pilkey told coun- way and she was happy Ald,/help to dissuade an intending parks the street was defeated. It re-|teesiey and Ald ei] on the surface the proposed! Dy ia Rae Shik up with this) thief." commissioner. cieved a simple majority but Sonald: advécated tt , | policy looked like a good thing. | olicy, There machine a two « thirds majority is need- Ee cea aid which va'): "I agree, 99.9 percent of the! MWhn ara we. to who| Points. department it;ed before any prior decision|# city-owne A ia dors ors " time city-owned property should). po yld buy cits owned| Raise the Shades and blinds The department has been pro-|s of council can be rescinded. ws sold re " eure re be sold by public tender, but property?" she asked council,|t@ allow maximum : light to hibited from Council, however, decided ublicly and prior to any: offerwe should also use. alittle Ald. Donald said as soon as/@nter the home. A thief works since an another vote to -refer the least vata, Common sense when selling) council gets itself into a posi-| better behind a shield. ee Rumene "nacht svsten onquin St. question to the traf- ; should) and." he - said tion of deciding what is a large). "It is better," 'said Chief The inspector maintained the Ald, Cephas said at| fic committee. for further study es ' former system did not destroy|the price we are paying for} noe. ~ sia ro i the animals fast enough {this equipment we could afford Ald. Hayward Murdoch told}to send the dogs over to Eng-! council according to Mr. Ken-! land." nedy the new vill not! The do the supplied to t used in England "But if we went to court over! factured, separated Who will inhabit the new building will be worked out with the city hall departments, council decided Ald. Norman Down warned council the temporary structure would be 'a cheap looking building." He said metal good Believe it or not there are, Also, he adds, ensure that| still people who, when going on/the house is properly secured. | | vacation, forget to cancel news-|All doors and windows should| . " paper, mail and milk deliver-|be locked up tight and this ins rict Labor Council exe-|ieg. jcludes basement and second} will discuss the strike.) "Tyly and August, 'the city|/storey windows. On the agenda will be the|police department reminds city| ne ue injunction issue, |Fesidents, are the vacation| NOTIFY POLICE "The labor movement is laun-| months. | Residents leaving on vacation ching an all out attack on in-| They are also the months/$hould notify. the police de- junctions," said Mr. Ross. "We! when thieves pay special atten-/Partment, = are goint to take part in the/tion to empty housesi "This way," said Chief John-| jston, "'we can put the home on! action A pile of newspapers on the } \ "We will be discussing the|front door mat, or a collection) our house surveillance list. The| all his committee was in agree-| tion ment with the tender chosen, | Gas from the sewage treat- ment plant will be used to heat the new greenhouse This wili reduce operating Land Deals Three into resumed, y night the Osh hay nignt the Oshawa is cl 1 burt) costs | } | he had building never that seen a looked any Finances The city treasurer will be notified of all meetings which are held with Ontario govern- ment regarding financial arran- gements in connection with Centennial Parkway police, ! | } will also acres of sore have each " days, n schools the Hx ally de-) the vew $850 be Human Society added Ald Thome said approved there was some justification. in Kennedy, | purchasing. the machine recreation | because danger} the} someone injured control using the in Oshawa matter the : " whe would wir he 4 as the are open A cil's ristine S Gordon At- J Margaret and pure dog a4 f new property t there could old apparatus Yes and you j our throat shaving,' said Ald dogs}Norman Down, commentir by alinjury possibilities the was a get a) hase are two remaining for the say can " | inj! Al. being accepted at jindependent appraisal destroying nvestigation on of old Society } } f pe eee page 'A small portion of land) parcel of land and which is a --. that fgg price of the land but rather as|Which would not be any good] small parcel of land it's getting Soar PP at ret ion variation the minimum price. unless it was used by adjacent! into trouble, hecacedbhent ARdehe ork ' eave" | property owners doesn't need to} Ald. Thomas said the cost of|Tather than when they leave. be sold by tender," said Ald.! obtaining appraisals of city- hotel room where Frank Des- Also that other Pilkey owned land should be attached jarlais, 42, of Windsor and Hay/than the property commissioner He said should be) to the sale price of the property; England has imported River, N.W.T., was slain Julyjor property officer, when andtable to make this type of de-|and this would cut down the/from the Channel Island of iif he is hired, shall havel cision, appraisal costs. Jersey since 1771. Gay LOOK FOR MAN TORONTO (CP)--Police are seeking a man seen leaving the NEW OFFICER | TRADE HAS HISTORY machine . job thar be a T manu electrothanator 10 person quicker one b) is a e 1 42 eouncil before where it 17, 'ows | thing 23-Day Fight For Life Ends For L A 28-day fight to save the life of a young Lindsay girl ended in failure yesterday. Seventeen - year - old Lynda Louise Lake died at Toronto G el Hospital from rias- sive internal injuries received when an ambulance taking her from a motorcycle crash col-| lided with a car. Her death brings the Oshawa fatality to! to six for the year.) For over three weeks sur- geons fought a constant batt'e! to try and save, the young firl's | life. Death came finally, on Tues-! day morning. | Her injuries were received o the night of June 27. MOTORCYCLE Miss Lake was a passenger | on a motorcycle driven by 23- year-old Roy Henry, of Alma St., Oshawa. On the Third Concession in Darlington Township the chine left the road smashed through a fence, According to Bowmanville police who investigated the accident, neither Miss Lake or Roy Henry were seriously hurt in the crash. The Bowmanville Town Am- bulance was soon on the scene, Within a mile of the Oshawa General Hospital whehe the were being taken for treat- ment, the Bowmanville ambul- and ma-|. indsay Girl crash at the intersection of Bond St, B. and Wilson Rd, N. The ambulance, driven by Beverley Harris, 24, of RR 6, Bowmanville, was in collision with a car driven by David E, Logan, 27, of 551 Lansdowne Dr, Miss Lake suffered multiple fractures to her legs and ribs, and severe internal injuries in the crash, Roy Henry was also serious- ly injured. He is still in Tor- onto General Hospital, Miss Lake was hurled out of the ambulance in the collision, The Lindsay girl was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Lester Lake. She is survived by a brother Johm. : City Man Injured In Two-Car Crash Donald Bebee, 134 Bloor St: E., Oshawa, was admitted to the Oshawa General Hospital, Tuesday night following a two- car accident at the intersection of Rossland and Thickson Rds, A spokesman for the Whitby detachment of the OPP said this morning a charge of fail- ing to yield has been laid against Paul Buchanan, Gra- burn Ave., Oshawa, Mr. Bebee suffered internal injuries in the accident and ig reported to be in 'fair' condié ance was involved in a serious | A 15-store shopping centre at the corner of Thickson Rd., and Highway 2 in Whitby Township has received the approval of the Ontario Municipa] Board. In a written judgment handed down today the OMB approved an application by Whitby Town- ship Council for the rezoning of 19.91 acres of land at the cor- ner from residential and green belt to commaeecial, The re-zoning application was heard at the beginning of July at stumps.| branches -- it's just terrible} the Whitby Township municipal] the OMB office. | The shopping centre plans in- clude 15 stores with an enclosed mall. Among the stores will be! Wilco and Steinberg premises. tion, Shopping Centre Rezoning Okayed Tn its findings the OMB noted |that the development and the jowner could be responsible for jPart of the cost of getting piped jwater to the site from either jthe Town of Whitby or Oshawa, If this failed, the OMB noted, jenough water could be provided by drilled wells for fire hydrants as well as domestic consump: tion All water facilities would have to be approved by the. Ontario Water Resources Commission, said, The Board also noted that the widening of Highway 2 at the junction would allow for speedy jmovement of traffic into and jout of the Shopping Centre. Oshawa Man In Viet Phan Rang -- 180 miles north of Saigon -- is a long way home for one Oshawa man, Nam Bart Collins, 107 Milrose St., } is working at Phan Rang for a united States construction company which is building an air field. A veteran of the Dunkirk ey- acuation and the only Canadian to attend the reunion there two years ago, Mr. Collins left Osh- awa for Viet Nam one month ago. : One hundred and fifth Am- ericans are working at the air base while the rest are Koreans Collins has a group of Filipinos working for him, "Letters are coming slower now that the airlines strike is on but Bart is coming home on Aug. 20 for our daughter's birthday."' said Mrs. Collins. "He will be here only a few days." EXPERIENCES In his letters home, Mr, Col- lins tells of his experiences: "We are building a perman-| ent air base here that will take about five years to complete. I can see now that the Amer- icans have no intention of lea-| ving this country, They're here to stay. They wouldn't be do- ing all of this work if they intended to get out. "We havn't been allowed in town for the past three days. There is an 'alert on. The ma- rines are trying to find some Viet Cong that are holed-up there. "They brought the night shift back to camp, last night, be- cause the Viet Cong were all around the base. You never know where they are one might be working right beside you and you would never know it. 10 EXAGGERATION When I watched television at home and saw this 'sort of I used to think that it was exaggerated but now that 'I am right in it, I can see, {Filipinos and vietnamese. Mr. | BART COLLINS ++» Builds Air Field that there is no exaggeration, "IT have heard of jobs being done in Thailand, right next to Viet Nam, and I'm going to find out about them, It would be a litte better there than it is here, I've only got another 17 months and two weeks left here, (my God) but I'm begine ning to like it. All of the Ame ericans that [ have met so far are pretty friendly. Mrs, Collins tells of other things mentioned in past letters: "Marines are on guard al! of the time and the airforce goes out every night on bombing missions and machine gunning. The Viet Cong are everywhere," said Mrs. Collins 'It a stinking place my husband wrote, Gargage is pil- ed up on sidewalks -- nobody collects it "I would like Nang with my husband, when he but we will have to wait and see what happens," Said Mrs. Collins, is to go to Da goes

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