Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Jul 1966, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, July 18, 1966 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE PM Rules Out Success For Journey To Hanoi LETHBRIDGE, Alia. (CP)-- Prime Minister Pearson indi- cated Monday the Canadian government does not plan to send diplomat Chester Ronning to Hanoi to intercede on behalf of American prisoners of war there. Responding to a suggestion from Opposition Leader Diefen- baker, Mr. Pearson, said there seemed._to-be -little---possibility--5 "of positive results of any kind coming from another visit to Hanoi," Mr. Ronning already 'has made two visits to Hanoi in search of a solution to the Viet Nam conflict, Mr, Pearson said in a state- ment the government would not hesitate to ask Mr. Ronning to go again "if the situation seemed to warrant another ef- fort our part to help bring about an end to the fighting in Viet Nam, or to prevent such atroci-; ties as the murder of prisoners | constitule an explosive situation of war," lare still there and now the In- dians have tasted concerted ac- H Sad tion." Bomb Link Denied, Mr. Kelly was fired from his MAGOG, Que. (CP) -- Pierre | position following his participa- Vadboncoeur, chief union nego-|tion in a demonstration protest- tiator for more than 2,000 strik-\ing alleged indignities, inequal- ing employees at the Dominion|ties and injustices suffered by Textile Co, plant here, Monday|Indians in the Kenora area. coniet union vs for) Z ombings at the homes of two el Bh Crash Kills Three "Blowing things up and ter-| BALA, Ont. (CP) -- Provin- rorizing people would not only|cial police said three men were killed early today in a car ac- cident on Highway 103,-approx- fail to accomplish anything, but actively harm the cause for, which the union is fighting," he|imately 10 miles south of Mac- said in a prepared statement. 'Tier, which is about 10 miles A Molotov cocktail was hurled northwest of here -- Sunday against the home Further details or identities of Geoff Bonhomme, personne! of the men were not available manager of the plant. immediately, An hour later, a dynamite; Bala is about 30 miles north blast rocked the home of Clar-| of Orillia. ence Styan, a company fore- 2 man, It shattered several win- dows and damaged the front Captain Charged NEW YORK (AP)--The U.S, Coast Guard has lodged a neg- gallery, No injuries were reported in ligence charge against Capt Donald Baker, the docking pi- either explosion. ; lot on the British tanker Alva Parley Unlikely Cape when she was involved in NEW DELHI (CP) -- Prime ja collision that Jed to 33 deaths Minister Gandhi of India said!jast June 16 today it would be difficult to, Baker, 45, of Massapequa convene a Geneva. conference) Park, N.Y., was summoned to on the Viet Nam war while the|appear at a hearing today, United States continues to bomb! The charge, lodged Monday, North Viet Nam. is not criminal negligence. But "T certainly think it would Baker would face possible loss make it much easier" to get of his licence if found guilty, negotiations started if the Americans halted the bombing, she told a news conference. Mrs, Gandhi, however, indi- cated she plans no attempt to persuade the U.S. to halt the raids, HON, L, B. PEARSON the Alva Cape, loaded with minutes before she rammed by the U.S. tanker Texaco Massachusetts, which had no cargo, in the Kill Van Kull, a narrow strait between was Indian Speaks Out |New Jersey and Staten Island. | i Two tugboats were alongside CALGARY (CP) -- The e@le-'as the tankers collided, The ments of an "explosive situa: | naphtha spewing from a hole in tion" still remain in Kenora,/the Alva Cape exploded and Ont,, and the next incident may|turned the Kill into a sea of not be only a demonstration flame march, Fred Kelly, former chil- r dren's aid department officer in Kenora, said Monday. No Cancer Seen Mr. Kelly, an Indian, told the CONSTANTINE, Mich. (AP) annual conference of the Na-|Doctors say there is no evi: tional Indian Council Kenora|dence of cancer left in Larry has reverted to its "apathetic : Rink, a 2l-year-old bone cancer and complacent indifference . . »|/patient. who exchanged tumors and few citizens realize that the) with other diseased patients in! next incident may not only be! hopes of a cure. a march, for the elements that 'I'm going to make it now esa a in an even if it comes back--I just HERE AND THERE know it," Rink said Monday on learning the results of tests His physician, Dr. Ray HOSPITAL REPORT Houghton, said officials of Ros Three hundred and twenty-one Well Park Memorial Institute in patients were admitted and 340 Buffalo reported the absence of discharged by the Oshawa Gen- 80Y Signs of cancer in a letter eral Hospital during the week '0 him, ending July 16, Fifty-four babies were born in the institution, 1967 Damp Squib Fighty-four major, 113 minor| HIGHWATE ' and 105 eye, ear, nose and IGHWATER, Que. (CP)- throat operations were perform:; ed. Three hundred and thirteen ifeatmenis and examinations were given and 52 casts were applied. The physiotherapy de- partment gave 689 treatments and made 348 visits. The occu: Gill University's Space search tistitute, Monday |blamed political meddling and indifference for a major delay in MeGill's space efforts He said failure of the federal government to continue finan thers 'par > ee sae coaee department cial support and provide polit : ical backing for McGill's space MEETING POSTPONED program has caused delay of Due to the pressure of farm UP '0 two years work the July session of the council for the United Counties of Durham and Northumberland | has been postponed, Warden| Flex MacMillan said the sex-| sion would be held during the! third week in August | ORONO DEFEATED Welcome defeated Orono 7 to 3 in a bantam baseball game at Welcome. Doug. Taylor, the Orono pitcher, allowed six hits, seven walks and struck out nine in the seven innings he worked. Mike Carman, who followed him allowed two hits and struck out two : WIN SAILING RACE A sail boat manned by. Dr. Jack Langmaid and Al Vezina Oshawa, won the third annuai| Norland Public Library spon- sored race at Shadow Lake dur- ing the weekend LETTERS PATENT The current tssue of The Ontario Gazette carries the in- formation that letters patent of incorporation have been grant- ed to two Oshawa companies, They are Aur-Mar Develop-} ments Limited and Retty Haydl Interior Decorator Limited BANK DEBITS Debits to individual bank accounts in Oshawa, as re- ported by the Canadian Rank- The of S ~ONFIDEN CONVENIE COMFORT 1, CONFIDENCE receiving the bes paid more often 2. CONVENIENCE - daily and-all day 3. COMFORT people pany 4. SAVE WITH... eo 23 ers' Association from June} 1945, to June 1948, are June | 1965 -- $527.1 May 1946 | $386.4, and June 1066 -- 5406.6, oe oe ae oe ese J} annually under a three-year | Judge Criticized ") pride is Cathleen Heffernan, 23 Baker took over as pilot of} highly - flammable naphtha, 75) Dr. Gerald Bull, director of Mc-| Re-| CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST dealing. with with @ community Trust Com- Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation 19 Simcoe St N, dehewe, 723-8221 Ww. Bowmenville, 623-2527 Dr, Bull said McGill's High| Altitude Research Project could have fired a satellite into orbit in 1967 -- Canada's centennial year---but the government has served notice it is withdrawing its support of the project effec- tive June 30, 1967, Canada and the U.S. each con- tributed $1,200,000 to the project Tagreement; WASHINGTON (AP) -- Rep- resentative George W, Andrews} (Dem, Ala.) is calling for a U.S.) congressional investigation of} the character of Justice William 0, Douglas of the supreme court Douglas, 67, was married for the fourth time Friday, His Several members commented caustically in the House of Rep:| resentatives Monday, Representative Paul Findley | (Rep, til.) told the House; "Jus- lice Douglas's. personal life points up a weakness in our ju- dicial system, There should be a way to remove a justice from the-bench without a trial for crimes and misdemeanors." Representative Thomas G, Abernethy (Dem. Miss.) said Douglas would 'do himself and the country a great favor if he would retire and devote himself to what he has most talent for," Shaw Seminar Ends NIAGARA - ON - THE- A LAKE, Ont, (CP)--A four-day, OTTAWA (6 P)--The federal seminar on Irish playwright cabinet has banned cobaltous POLICE Police artist Otis Rathel compares 'a photograph of Richard Speck and his sketch of the slayer of eight student nurses, Rathel George Bernard Shaw con-/Salts as a beer additive, four cludes tonight when delegates | attend the premiere perform {unanimously and voluntarily ance of Misalliance at the Shaw) Stopped using them and a month after the United States imposed from 4 Similar ban Canadian brewers stopped using the salts last March after 18 among heavy the Quebec Festival About. 60 delegates | across Canada and the United States have attended the semi- nar, being held for the second|# Series of death year beer drinkers in Delegates saw the concluding "lly area. performance of Man and Super: A series of deaths in Omaha, man, the first play of the festi- Nebraska, resu Ited In the val season, and heard lectures United States ban June 13 and on Shaw and his works, M Tonight's premiere will be a black-tie affair attended by a capacity audience, The final show of this year's festival, The Apple Cart, opens Aug. 9 cabinet im- order-in- The Canadian posed its ban in an council July 14, ARTIST EXPLAINS TECHNIQUE WEATHER FORECAST Mines Minister Has Lake Cruise By ROBERT MacKENZIE | KINGSTON (CP) -- Research\and technical surveys depart-| linto water pollution of the Great| n+ sor-a-take-Ontario Survey ee ene Brae Lakes ia multi-million-dollar | project but implementation of effective remedial -- measures could cost billions of dollars, Mines Minister Jean-Luc Pepin said Monday, "The problem is so compli- cated we don't even know yet where to start," he said in an interview aboard the Brandal, a 133-ton converted fishing Civil Warfare been by has murder sketched the slayer after talking two hours with stu- dent nurse, Corazon Amurao, whd hid under a bed while her friends were slain, Speck charged with Chicago police AP Wirephoto Federal Cabinet Bans Cobaltous Beer Salts rch is being con-| way in Central Java, Sukarno's} Industry spokesmen said that) tinuing resea the federal food and drug al. ducted. rectorate was advised that the} The object of the salts was months after Canadian brewers| brewers had stopped using the|to keep the foam of a freshly-|man, cobaltous salts and was given| poured glass of beer intact over assurance weeks ago that no|a longer period, further use would be made of) The United States ban re- them {sulted from reports of 16 to 18 The directorate originally aus|deaths among heavy drinkers in| president's chief powers has ap- thorized theiy use at the indus-|the Omaha area, All showed ltry's request in September,/heart tissue damage, 1964, on the basis of an appli-} The deaths of 18 beer drink- cation which included safetyjers in the Quebec City area testing reports from the Mellon) were attributed to cardiomyop- Institute in Wisconsin, athy, a deterioration of the Industry and government heart muscles, A special com- mittee established by the pro . re is nothing 4 spokesmen said there is n¢ ®/ vincial government sald it had to prove that the salts resulted) not determined the cause of in illnesses or deaths. But con-| cardiomyopathy In Montreal, the Quebec Brewers' Institute stressed the absence of any proof that co- baltous salts were to blame, Danger Spurned KIMBERLEY, B.C, (CP) -- The danger of typhoid notwith- standing, the people of this city apparently don't want to have their water supply chlorinated 'Two cases and a suspected cage of typhoid have been dis-! Cool Spell > here in the last few TORONTO. (CP) -- Official Dr, J. M. Hopper, East Koot- forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m,: enay medical health officer, has waren Feneone ote Ser" © stoner southward across the ' oh '/ Great Lakes and thunderstorms fon oe oo as boil: are occurring in the warm air Stticials Resa) Monday peers ---- by ¥ a. . ~* "| Ontario, Strong winds are bring that among people here there| On a large supply of the cool is a Sign of vated ay air southward out of Hudson om Se cig lay yee fay oi Shy and Wale sreuld reauls on & 8 » 8 ors per ell of cool tempera- }editor indicate the people want eet ed sd : their water pure, not mixed Regional forecasts valid until with chlorine, midnight Wednesday: Synopsis; Cool air is moving Lake St, Clair, Lake Erie, ; Steal Key Lake Ontario, Niagara, Wind- CHICAGO (AP)--A 16th cen sor, Hamilton, Toronto; Sunny tury book and a key to the with a few cloudy periods and house of Christopher Columbus|eooler this afternoon and Wed- in the Madeira Islands have] nesday Winds. north 20. this been stolen from the Chicago afternoon Historical Society, Society direc-) Lake Huron, Haliburton tor Clement Silvestor said Mon-| Georgian Bay, Algoma, London day the book, Cosmographiae| North Bay, Sudbury, Killaloe Introductio, written in 1507 by! sault Ste. Marie, Variable . | , Martin Waldseemueller, and! cioudiness and cooler today worth between $20,000 and $25,*| day mainly sunny. and contin 000, suggests that the name] ying cool, Winds north 20 today America be given to the West-' becoming light tonight ern Hemisphere Utiawa region; Cioudy wiih showers and thundershowers be Tours Poland ing. ih coming sunny with cloudy : ' 3 ' periods this afternoon. Wednes- NW ARSAW (Reuters) ~~ Mayor) day mainly sunny turning age Albee "6 eae And| cooler, Winds light except gusty iis wife arrived in Warsaw by} ; ' "lin thundershowers be: train from Prague Monday for a} : be six-day visit at the invitation of Wedne coming north 15 to 20 by noon i ' : sday sunny with a few pplivagh stheSieng Polish capital cloudy periods and cool, Winds es northeast 15 to 20 'Timagami, White River, west ern James Bay, Cochrane Some Thundershowers Ahead With Collapsible Cars New Ford Model DETROIT (AP)--Arjay Mil- ler, Ford Motor Co,, president, said Monday the firm will mar- ket some cars with collapsible, Cloudy with a few sunny periods and cool today, Wednes- btn tan gem oe energy absorbing front ends in St. Thomas . 55 g | 1808 iLondon .. ae 5 Miller said the front end, 'de- lKitchener ...+. eee 5 signed to reduce the shock to |}Mount Forest vss... 52 4 passengers in a crash, will be |Wingham ... , &2 3 engineered to collapse at a con- trolled rate The Ford president said in an interview that the design will be offered on the whole line of Ford cars by 1971, The feature . §5 . 35 ++ 55 . 50 . $2 Hamilton ,... St, Catharines, Toronto Peterborough Kingston ,.. Se Trenton .. . 32 5 jis being introduced across a Killaloe .. 48 ; three-year period in order to cut Muskoka 48 }- costs 4 Ford spokesman said ao oo Ao a 9 2 3 9 3 2 I North Bay.ssseeeses 45 Sudbury 45 0 further details of the feature Earlton .. 42 70 would not be released for a Sault Ste. Marie.... 50 70 ~~ time and there was no immedi Kapuskasing ....+5 . 40 70 ~\ate estimate of costs Continental French Buffet 4 IGHLY' RECOMMENDED Che KRih Room Will Be Closed Sundays For The Summer Served Daily 11:30 - 2 p.m, -- 5S to 8 p.m. GENOSHA HOTEL JAKARTA (AP) -- Fighting has erupted in central Java between supporters and oppon- ents of President Sukarno of In- donesia, The normally-placid city of Jogjakarta has had repeated street brawls, a traveller from the city reports, An army spokesman said at least one person was killed and five injured during fighting two weeks ago in Central Java, | The governor of Central |Java, Brig.-Gen. Mundadi, said in Semarang that the Central Java provinces are "envéloped by an atmosphere of tension," Fear of civil partisans and opponents of Su- karno now is openly expressed by Indonesians in Jakarta, The capital also is seething with un- rest, but there has been no vio- lence yet, The trouble involves the PNI, |the strong Indonesian National- \ist party; Moslem politico-relig- ious groups and student fronts. Factions seeking to remove Sukarno's powers completely are reported making little head- chief source of support, The has Lt, - Gen, Suharto, been moving slowly so as not to incite the pro-Sukarno frees | ba jin Central Java, But the con- jgressional action to remove the }parently begun to tip the bal- ance toward violence. 'MANY NEVER - SUSPECT CAUSE OF BACKACHES Ma Sluggis! It's a pity to put up with this common backache because you just don't know e cause, and the medication that may help you, You see, if kidneys become sluggish, urinary irritation and bladder discomfort may follow. The result can be an annoying, nag- wing backache. This is when Dodd's Kidney Pills ean help bring relief, | Dodd's atimulate kidney action, help re- | Heve the irvit condition that causes the backache. Take Dodd's and see if you don't feel better, reat better. Used successfully by millions for over 70 years, New large size saves money, Be Simply Kidney Action 4 C's ~@ aving CE! NCE! ! ry knowing that you are t rate of interest -- ~ longer saving hours Saturday friendly ing St | OO be "Say X77) mail often during the business "office mail ? speed letters on their way- O0.@=2 phone book Yellow Pages C n see your tele war between | country's army strong: ples from the bottom of the iake~ for bacterialogioal studies, checking water temperatures at various levels and measuring the amount of sunlight radiation lfalling on the lake. | While some data they are trawler chartered by the mines . stheting ® pew, savch of itt ous studies by U.S, scientists Mr, Pepin, department otti-|*"4 _-- ot nee SM clals and a press party got peasena , first-hand Jook at the research | passsesso this summer. equipment and techniques used | aboard the vessel during a short cruise Monday, \ Studies this summer are re- stricted to Lake Ontario. But the department, working in co- operation with the Ontario Wa- ter Resources Commission, the federal health department, the Great Lakes Institute of the University of- Toronto and te U.S, department of the interior, hopes to have two vessels char- fered next year: Eighteen scientists aboard the | Good Names Te Remember When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker -- President Bill MeFeeters -- Vice Pres. SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD, 723-2265 'Brandal are taking core sam-' hy PMS Enough Holiday ash? If that's your worry--no problem! | Just see Trans Canada Credit and GO. It's been a rough year. You've earned that vacation, It's important for you and your family to get away and have a little fun, Don't let a temporary shortage of cash spoil your plans. Just drop into your nearest Trans Canada Credit office and arrange a "Vacation Loan", Get $500, $700, even $800 or more, You'll never miss the sniall monthly repayment, Don't waste a minute's funtime. Head for Trans Canada Credit NOW, There's an office near you. Loans for all Special Occasions CORPORATION LIMITED canning's limited annual Sale Starts on Wednesday 9 A.M. @ SAVINGS UP TO 50% @ DISCONTINUED LINES "John Forsyth', "Bluestone" "Luigi" SHORT SLEEVE AND LONG SLEEVE SPORTSHIRT 20% OFF @ SPECIAL GROUP NAME BRAND JAC SHIRT 1 PRICE @ BILTMORE STRAW HATS '4 OFF @ CABANA SETS BY CATALINA Vs OFF @ SHORTIE PYJAMAS SPECIAL $3.18 @ ALL TERYLENE SUITS 20% OFF AND MOHAIR AND WOOL SUMMER @ LIGHTWEIGHT SPORT COATS In Linen and Doeron end eotton by 'Country Squire" Reg, $45.00. 14 OFF @ "TACOMA" DRESS SHIRTS, WHITE, MAIZE AND BLUE, SHORT SLEEVE, REG, $5.50. 20% OFF @ ALL WINDBREAKERS NYLON AND MADRAS, SHELLS, TERRY CLOTH BEACH JACKETS 20% OFF : @ MADE TO MEASURE SUITS RECOGNIZED NAME BRAND 20% OFF SHOP CANNING'S IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT canning's limited Oshewa's Shop For Men 20 KING ST. EAST 723-1512 TRANS CANADA CREDIT ge

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