HEARING SCHEDULED No Incidents At Malleable TORONTO (CF) -- A application for an injune- tion to limit the number of She Oshawa Times City Will Study © Whitby Merger Consultants will be hired by;progressing very. rapidly andthe proposed amalgamation and 'the City of Oshawa io report\nis council is hoping the town; the corridor of land; ' on the possible effects amalga-|and township will be one by| Ald. Christine Thomas told mation of Whitby and Whitby|Jan 1, 1967. council the city should have Township will have on the city.| Some years ago Whitby was|stepped in sometime before City council last night author-| considering annexing a piece of|now, ized the public works committee|the township for the town, the! "'It's unfair if another munl- to investigate and recommend | deputy reeve said, cipality takes the Iniative for consultants to council, "We decided it would be un-jus to step in now," the alder- men went to work tiis morning. The company issued this pre- pared statement this morning: "In seeking the assistance of the Supreme Court of Ontario, the company wished to re-estab- lish the right of its employees and customers to have access this morning by Mr. Jus- (to its plant. The sworn state- tice McDermott. ments filed by union officials deny any obstruction last week. A decision was expected to|Thosé who were present can be reached this afternoon in the| judge that testimony for them- Ontario Malleable tron injuné-| selves, ; tion hearing, it was learned at) "While the company and its noon. '. |working employees cannot ac- Ontario Malleable tron is| cept the union's version of what applying to the Ontariojhas occurred during the past Supreme court for an injunc-| week, we welcome the union's tion to limit the number ofjapparent realization that -there picketers outside its. strike-jis no right to obstruct and The application was heard in Ontario Supreme court bound Front St. plant. Seven members of Local 1500, United Steelworkers of Amer- ica were served with writs Fri- day notifying them of the com- pany's intention. The union is being represent- ed by steelworkers' lawyer. Lorne Ingle. For the second day running there were no incidents at the plant as office staff and fore- accept their protest that they do not intend to threaten vio- lence or deny access. "Now that the attention of the court has been brought to this matter, it is our hope that no further outbreaks will occur, It's up to them. If the union and the pickets don't restrict access to and from our plant, there's no Zs AMALGAMATION DRAWS WHITBY COUNCILLORS TO CITY HALL + «+» Councillors Edwards, O'Connell, Deputy-Reeve Brooks The consultants will provide information to permit the city to assess its position and sup- port its interest before the On-|decided we would amalgamate tario Municipal Board in the event of an application for|good," he added, amalgamation by the two neigh- surmise" Council Repeats Vote, Dry Spell Could Be Grim boring municipalities, | George Brooks, deputy reeve| of Whitby, and Hugh O'Connell| and Thomas Edwards, two of | the town's councillors, attended | last night's meeting to learn of | council's decision, "We knew the matter was coming up," the deputy reeve said, "and we decided we would fair to take the cream (the township's prime industrial land located in the corridor) so we the and take bad with the Not all of city council favor- ed the decision to investigate Court Case Adjourned © man. sald, She told council at one time the city told the township it wouldn't consider amalgama- mation, Mayor Lyman Gifford asked council if it didn't think our interests should be protected by conducting a survey, Ald, Thomas said, "I don't think Oshawa needs protection, "And 1 don't think the city should spend a lot of money to conduct 4 survey that our own city engineers can conduct," she told council, Mayor Gifford said he had Says Agriculture Official Approves Parkway Plan Rain, rain, come this way--|sentative. Most of the potato} me : farmers need you right away. |CTOPS are in the north of coun-, Two decisive votes were re-, ° 1 am convinced that the traf-/from the. start for the matter Thi the consensus of an|'¥: he said, and if rain is forth-|corded last night favoring con-/fic problems of the city require|to be dealt with at a council-in- ssdeerine with LO. Dalrymple coming in a week or 10 days) Sieue of the $19,294,000 Cen-| ejiet both now and over the|Commiltee meeting. afc *|they won't suffer too badly." |tennial Parkway. : bon 2 saa agriculture representative for : ch dean 4 oe . jentire planning period which| HARD TO ARGUE He said the leaves are start-| Council in a recorded vote of| The vase wavwlinsd te was is nol ALD. THOMAS + + « Questions Cost Wiping Rag Supply; Won By City Firm "It's about time the depart- spent some captained by placed in a limited area at a they'll spend it elsewhere," he time there's bound to} sadeq be some congestion. Several members of citizens' jcommittees opposing the park- Chesebrough Urges Review «i 221i ssit Se connie mang lve ore because he was opposed meeting but did not speak to Public Housing Rent Scales cuT your OE ama ae Rr, op COUNCIL ORDERS | 2M Industrial Workers Mrs. E. A, Middlemass, man- jager of the Oshawa Housing J s CNIB Wise 0 ] Club | iKoehring - Waterous Ltd, plant! " 2 JAP? TA Cf 2 | Ten Oshawa industrial work-) Wise Owl pins for saving thelrlwas acquitted Monday of al| BOOST O/ Frojyect "Oshawa Housing Authority) Authority, says the highest scale jrenters are burdened with ajin Oshawa for government sub- wel-/ rent scale too high for ther lized house 37 lers have been made members| Sight : |charge of biden alg assault} lof the Wise Owl Club of Can-| William Todd of Duplate Can- against a striker, ; : ee : et nae - Canadian|ada Ltd. is one of 54 workers} R. W. Anderson, comptroller; Oshawa's centennial project We still have a lot of work | ! jada ha ge nt by '¢ go in Ontario who saved his sight|at the company, was acquitted|/campaign jumped by $7,404 last/to do," said campaign director Storm Sewer Job | should be the maximum. feet so they can enter the com-| National Institute of the 'la second time when the complainant, Arnold] week. Robert Wilson, "At the minute | "Some of the renters are not mercial market as they become! specific control of a per: "They have saved their sight} The Wise Owl Club of the!Thiedemann, and three other} Total money raised for the/we are running at about $7,000 Detours Traffic |employed for 52 weeks of the| prosperous enough but this is} son's life. He referred to a jby wearing safety glasses |CNIB has been in operation for/Crown witnesses, all strikers,;|\Ciyic Auditorium recreation|a week," year but the rent remains beg Tre impossible," said Mrs.| clause that says grass must |.aiq David D. Hatton, field sec-| five years and during that timejadmitted the incident could/addition now rests at $918,727. | Last night the campaign Ritson Rd. N. traffic between|same," said Mr, Chesebrough.| Middlemass | be cut once a month bee |, poly }1,670 industrial workers havejhave been an accident. Of last week's total, $3,240) board got a call from the Osh- Bond and Richmond will be re-| Rentals begin at $37.50 and} She said once families are) tween May Isand Oct. 30 retary for the CNIB saved their lives by weaving] Thiedemann, a_ steward of|came in donations. The remain-|awa Get-Together Club. routed Wednesday starting at! go upward in the Oshawa Hous-| able to afford commercial "You're getting down Bohdan Gdula and Frank/safety glasses, About 587 com-|striking Local 1105 of the Inter-/ing) $3,164 came in payroll de-| Next week they will be do- 7 a.m. along Bond, Kenneth and/ing Authority's present scales,|rents, they face a new problem) pretty far when you tell a |Cypta of Houdaille Industries;|panies from coast-to-coast holdj/national Association of Machin-|ductions, nating a cheque for $1,500 to William. If rental reductions are ap-|-- Non-acceptance of children} guy when to cut his grass. |Melvin Forsyth, Jamed grode, John Meagher and Ivanjof Canada Mel-|charters in the Wise Owl Clubjists and Aerospace Workers; Preliminary plans are now)the fund, Storm sewers are being in-| proved, Eric Whaley, deputy|by landlords There's a certain part of (CLC), Testified he was struck|being made for a September; Campaign finance chairman stalled in the area and city traf-|managing director of the On-| Mrs. Middlemass said the| life that is human, that you |Michell of Duplate Canada} A Whitby man, W/ Lamacraft|}by Anderson's car while picket-|sod-turning ceremony, No firm|Terence V. Kelly, on holiday in fic department officials say|tario Housing Corp, says all|Housing Authority has to keep| have to accept as inescap- |Ltd.; Charles Slack, Sidney/of Dunlop of Canada Ltd. andjing. date has yet been fixed. England watching World Soccer they hope the inconvenience|tenants will benefit but the|some of their tenants because| | able," Goodall and Cameron Meill of/two students of Anderson High} 'The 220-member local went on | Ontario Steel Products Co. Ltd.,|school have also been madejstrike June 14 to back demands t Since a campaign office was|Cup matches, is being kept in will not last for more than one| biggest reductions will be at the|they haven't the heart to turn| | opened eight weeks ago $54,568/touch with the fund's movement day. 'upper income levels. these families out on the street.| 'received their certificates and|members of the club. for a new contract, NOT DEVELOPED TO POTENTIAL... | ne "COULD BE REGION'S CENTRE Planners Preparing Downtown Redevelopment Guide office, retail, residential, indus- trial, public or institutional and vacant, assessment per front foot; municipal services -- wa- ter, sewer, gas and Bell Tele- phone; and existing street sys- of building (by lot) -- type tem, of construction and yard ap. REVITALIZE AREA pearance; population; aumber Any proposals arising from of dwelling units; land area; the survey are intended to re- land costs -- assessed and ac> vitalize the downtown and cre- tual; buildings that can be de- ate an area for shopping and molished; and occupancy tow doing business that will per- ant ratio, mit ease of pedestrian and ve- Where area' cequire detailed hicular movement in. pleasant studies specific recommendat- and comfortable surroundings, ions regarding land use, build- he said ing type, density (residential Material for the survey of or business), redevelopment in- individual blocks will be pre- centives and other pertaining sections within the total area. requirements will be proposed, sented in detail for several said Mr. Wandless. . --~| certain . president of Association, told president of ALD, MURDOCH going on." Oshawa, was adjourned untii|{indings at a special meeting Reeve Everett Quantrill and inal negligence causing the "It struck us just like a club| arraigned i h : bas 4 | ee ; stad |with," he said gned, police photographs!oa) plaque to honor, Gordon dry spell has not reached H, Lynn Fair, agriculture| And by another recorded yote|® period of two weeks (defeated H g ri Mini "| "Al I suggesting Q8 | dnc " | a ; Crops in the northern section|/4"4, Scotland and Wales. an agreement with the Minister ea ee the alter, (ocn, said | |reeve said. Apparently had| Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. | than the southern area, he NO DATE SET parkway. extending from the|way be projected over the| "put bo tie 'overall' oloture Mr. Brooks said events arelunable to raise the $5,000 bail./ D. Conant, wife of the late He said rain hasn't fall in George Piodomani, who died |ford, Ald. John Brady, Ald. and the money that will be Mayor Lyman Gifted: will address the gathering. early this spring will fare bet- " ' f ' ce parkway decision was needed "I plan on being here all "There are still a great deal | Alex Shestowsky and Ald, Clif-jed, population was projected ; ; is all/ Archaeological and Historic |week for a month's tour of/be on hand for the redistribu-|hand to commemorate the oc- fleck and I discussed this) A bylaw will be introduced) 1 ee eee "We will be spending about a OTTAWA (Special-- An Osh-| there as is possible," said Dr. |the Highway Improvement Act. idid subsidize part of the park- yay Sweden, Finland, Russia, Po- it was announced here by in-| eq hy George Hudgson. hours at a council-in-committee | $32,000 had been spent as initial) ™Oney !" Oshawa During his tour he will be tak-! Andrew Thompson will _ be|Allan Beer. 1966 to May 15, 1967 almost instantaneous." |voted in favor of the express-|tion put by Ald, Thomas con- ario," he sald. jcouple will return to England) Russell C, Honey, Durham|last provincial election. The Ree I , 1967. ; " ' ' ae | 'eis, If they don't spend it here Mr. and Mrs. Walker plan to/ for Waltona Park, is scheduled|will also be represented at the . « « Report Thorough Iron Curtain countries last year! free ice cream and pop are on/|Ontario Riding Liberal Associae 7 " A preliminary hearing into| : just come -over and see what's the case against apungess or Whlthy inde be yo ng yte, 24, 137 Rosehill Bivd,, {MEETING lat f July 25 in Oshawa court Mon-|'#*e?. He said Mayor Lyman. Gif- 4 to give the crown time to ford had met with Whitby's|6cy : |Mayor Desmond Newman and yg ted y ene with crim- Frost Speaker jother members of the amaiga-|q | leath of two people in a two- : Durham County. tae Ys Pall od tho cate coos ; 'cially |goes past 1980," he said / |mation committee earlier in the| At 5 ; "rops ee decided - officially! sr feed chseboae ep ce a | car crash June 20 at Park Rd, After making a crop improve-|in® the district, but this croplts ceastruct the parkway in the| Ald. Donald said, however, |counel concerning. tie. Met: jday to discuss the proposed|n and Bond St. W. eremony ment tour of the county yester-|too should improve with a good location recommended in the|that he was astonished that his|W@Y were quite snorough,, we amalgamation, At the hearing Whyte was " , ss tee '|prepared and difficult to argue The unveiling of an historl- day, Mr, Dalrymple said the| rainfall. |Damas-Smith report, motion to table the project fo1 that at this late late date Osh representative for Ontario Coun- ; the council-in-committee|_, The cost of the parkway con |awa should cast an eye on the Saluaier bok @Rin: te ous D, COMB, Ie les, Meweer catastrophe proportions yet, but/ty 'is in the British Isles with ale with the. same count | meeting) for further information| S'7Uction will stay within boun- j f jcorridor (the area of Whitby] ecution witnesses failed to pie mayor of Oshawa and Jath if it continues another week or| Junior Farmer exchange group| council a the Public was not approved daries as far as the financial | ¥ 4 4 | Township that separates Osh-lyy in court, the crown asked pms er. Fi Alessi Meg so "it could be pretty grim." |that is touring England, Ire-| ORS Commitee lo neg picture is concerned, Ald. Mur- jawa and Whitby)," the deputy|for an adjournment. ake Dlace at Lakeview Fare, of Highways for the acquisition| that we have before us the alter- «phe location of the express: & oe "-- . Bho Sere witnesses The plaque -- sponsored by of Durham are generally better) of land required for the con-jnatives the Damas-Smith re- yay will have a detrimental "ites 4 PE Dost! bh Spent some} subpoenaed to appear on a dif-\the Oshawa and District Hise |struction, maintenance and| port says in fact exist and thatiiwfinence on some land within Bh s cnaaen tetebamied eager fl --_ wr mg tl torical Society, will be un+ gerne aintallin ons joperation of the section of the|the estimated cost of the park- the city," the alderman said, "y AP Beg pet © iS currently in custody! veiled by past-president, Mrs. 5 | 9 ln att FOR INQUEST |Macdonald-Cartier Freeway sag por building period," he we are not tearing the city Mr. Conant, | |Colborne St Said, japart if we go ahead with the Ss 38 Mayor Lyman A. Gifford and DRY MONTH An inquest into the death of | Those favoring the two deci-| The 1966 figure accu-/expressway," he added | 1 Ing ans our former premier 9 Paes 34 ight-year-old Toronto boy, |Sions were: Mayor Lyman Gif-|rate, Ald, Donald told council, 1,1. met eslie M, Frost, P.C,, QC, the south area for about a) 4" eight y; | RUSH REASON month and second cutting hay| of » broken neck at the Pick- |Cephas Gay, Ald, Gordon Atter- : nid se : ' s : Albert V. Walker, MPP, Osh» i ait os siouiital othe novth.| acinus sutmuiae aa ce ley, Ald, Cecil Bint; Ald, Hay- spent will be in fact over $40/iterated a statement he made n an Ww en usSla awa; Farquhar Oliver MPP, $ g * Pp ine | ward Murdoch, Ald, Alice Rear-| million. at the council-in-committee L] L Grey South and M, §. Rogers Farmers who planted barley| 12, has been postponed in- I ee prey i 'e project-| meeting that the "rush" in the representing the Ontari definitely, j}don, Ald. Richard Donald, Ald.| Traffic volumes were projec Albert V. Walker, MPP for epresenting e ntario ter than the tardy ones, said . ae hp arte' ni nae i ' " fe the Durham agriculture repre-| of things to be settled before |ford Pilkey and total Pare go Pike dd -epeonll cdg py Sct agp oe Oshawa riding, leaves next/summer," he said. "I want to|Sites Board, will also be on i t " sing were: ristine|Jected, he added, ere was|.* ; ' : ' | " pron Dr oe My yl ag sre Beg tly Barge ten no effort to project the costs. LB corel locate its proposed a oe the Iron Curtain tion of the district." casion, "Crown Attorney Bruce Af- | and Ald. Norman Down. REPORT COSTS ~ale Mr, and Mrs, Walker will fl Os a A y , ; y ; : Ald, Christine Thomas asked|cil two aldermen had mention- to London, England, on July 29, Th G t f gre A = a in . Pouagenerad the: cha pee council what the bill for. the|ed that the money for the ex- ompson ues onor P Fei Conducts as (or tie parkway as a controec|Damas-Smith report amounted|Pressway would come out of week touring in and around é much of his business from |access road under section 92 of to at the present time our pockets even if the province London," Mr, Walker said. e e e awa firm, Myers Products| Patterson "How much have we spent "Then we will be leaving for Rt Durham Liberal Picnic (Oshawa) Ltd, has been) yt was first believed that | LIVELY DEBATE so far?" she asked. W an 18-day tour of Denmark, awarded a contract by the de-| the boy had drowned in th Although both questions were) The reply from the public : P Davteeat of detince production| poe ay on so fee ge Poiana say yt inckelwerki Coonimiites. wan ti) ment of highways land and East Germany, | Ontario Liberal Leader|Northern Grits, dustry minister C. M. Drury. | An autopsy , vg bs i other expenditures; 12@ Province spends mil ing in cities such as Moscow,| guest of honor at the fifth an-| Mr, Wade is president of the ! y held on June |meeting a week ago Monday, costs and ¢ ex} ) aetedigt cick Ligne a nO i The contract valued at $12,300! 15, by Dr. Patterson, revealed |they again brought lively de-jhad not exceeded the figures Paginber oo vs ~ _---- re a ers a oma gad bo Durham County Liberal/Durham County Liberal Asso i t y ied fr te last night. approved by council did Seetin Mon basher aaen oertgenm |East Berlin and Stalingrad, | Association picnic in Newcastle|ciation and Mr. Beer was an is for the supply of wiping rags| that the boy had died from (bate last nig Pr y ita than any other city in Ont- After their European tour the! Saturday aft during the period August 15,| # broken neck. "Death was | Ald. Richard Donald, who In answer to another ques- i : gather area me Unsuncenstal ceaditete i iis " : ' ° Whether the parkway is con- to stay with Mrs, Walker's|Mp. said the picnic bec for . | The pool is situat way, told council the only rea-| cerning raffic congest ise ;: line & yore Picnic became an/formers are out for revenge, It is one of 175 unclassified Nentiaes Park Secent json he was doing so was i vig gi aeaae oe oe a Pilkey told brother, Morley Jeffrey (for-/ annual event when he was elect-|said Mr, Honey, having tasted defence ¢ontracts totalling $9,-| Rd., Pickering. | lcause he -had no alternative sol-|there would be some relief but council, our taxes won't be merly of Oshawa), who lives/eq to parliament five years|defeat for the last three years, dig awarded by the depart-| jution to the city's traffic prob-|when 4.000 to 5,000 cars are) ore: in Manchester, ago. The picnic, which is slated) Oshawa and Ontario Riding ment. | be home in Oshawa on Aug. 81./to get und , : ; 4 jto get under way at 1:30 p.m, |picnic. STARR PLANS |Mr, Thompson is expected at} William Selby, Michael Starr, MP for On-|4 p.m, Oshawa Liberal tario riding, made a tour of the) - Races, games, pony rides and|Ronald Sproule, with a government tour. = itap for the children, Highlight|tion and Mrs. G. N. Varnum, This year he will be staying|of the afternoon will be a ball|president of the Women's Lib- game between Harry Wade'sjeral Association of Oshawa and Southern Reformers and the|Ontario Riding, plan to attend, Strikers Admit | Accident Possible| Donations Roll In. Rent scales for public hous-|Central Mortgage and Housing ing should be revised because!Corporation in Ottawa. | rent peaks are reached too soon} and rents are too high. HW, G, Chesebrouch, city Hz ; " fare administrator, was com-|it comes upon them too rapidly,"/and that relatively few menting on the proposed rent|said Mr. Chesebrough. jrenters would be affected: by al cuts being discussed by the On-| He said a wage earner who/|25 percent standard : tario Housing Corporation and! makes $380, must put 30 percent) "The purpose of the low rent| jof it on rent, when 25 percent) houses is to set people on their! TORONTO (CP)--Despite objections from some coun- cillors, suburban Etobicoke council passed bylaws Mon- day night that tells resi- dents, among other things, how often they must cut their grass Councillor John Allen said the council was getting into BRANTFORD (CP)--An is per cent) Oshawa| sections within the total area, Required survey material: existing land (by lot) -- for each floor in commercial; age of building (by lot); condition needed in condition of building (by block); total assessment (by block); assessment per square foot (av- erage per block); existing parks and schools, population (density ige distribution); employ. (water history of ure parks and schools along with other public: buildings. Industrial and commercial uses will be kept in mind for expansion on existing 'sites or relocating beyond the study area The survey sound necessilating a plan offering guidance to pri- vate enterprise and to the ci- tizens of Oshawa, he said THREE GROUPS To properly planning gorize the 2roups the and the Macdonald + Cartier thereby Freeway Most of the original ction of the city laid out on the old grid street pattern is included in this area Physical deterioration ing from.age of buildings, un- judicious mixing of land and other factors inherent in older sections of any city have created economic and_ social problems, said Mr. Wandless in a report to planning board So far this problem has not reached a critical stage in Osh awa, he said But all available ev dicates that the time is not too far off when a large scale problem could exist. The area Redevelopment is Oshawa The downtown area -- the nucleus of the city -- is not developed to it's potential, With the implimentation of redevelop- ment Oshawa can become the centre of a great urban region says G. A. Wandless, city plan- ning director is experiencing a transition age which is expected to last sev- eral years Mr. Wandless said the prob- lem now facing the board is to prepare a plan. which will it through this transition the period, and produce sound, re- sidential and commercial re- development Contained within the study area are all the functions which In are required for the life of any survey city alized These include commerce, in-« block dustry, housing, civic admini- The stration, utilities and institut- land ional erty) Many buildings iiousing industrial essentials are becoming func al and tionally and structurally un- building the area will cate into three the assess board study total business .district and individual blocks The planning director said a the total area category, plan showing future land material will be gener- to become part of the official and illustrated by city plan will be prepared from the survey existing building use (by build- TAX YIELDS ing) residential, commerci- An attempt will also be made al, industrial, institutional or predict future tax yields public and vacant; building age which should be in excess of (by buildng), condition of build the present yield. Provisions ing (by building); floor area will be recommended for fut- ratio of buildings (by block), existing ment sewer) growth street pattern plan brief result- guide services material for the downtown category will be in greater detail and where ap- plicable illustrated by individ- ual buildings, said Mr. Wand- less Required material includes: uses area and a To get a better grasp of the situation the planning board is undertaking a study to develop a plan which will be equally beneficial to the city and to all persons living within or owning property within the study area he said This area is bounded by Park Rd., Adelaide Ave., Ritson Rd., use material will include use (by individual prop- resedential, commercial, to public or institution- recreational; age of (average by block); idence in these